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About The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 1, 1900)
y J u E r 71 r 7 S Iiii ALL EM BDLLER Attention Is Now Fixed on Ladysmith Operations CAPTURES AN IMPORTANT POINT Dislodge Tlnnn Prom Victor1 Hill bnt - niir Victory Kobarti j I ivuidnc Into Tree u Tramport London March 1 Uoueral Bullcri distinct success hill brings tho in storming Pietori rosouo of Ladysuiith near but tho war ofllco intimated that tin ininietliato anuouncomont of relief need not bo expootod Tho going to and fro at midnight of oflloiuls and messengers suggested that important news had boon received If this wore tho cuso Lord Lansdowno dooided to sleep upon it boforo taking tho publio into his couildonco Gunnrtil Bullers succoss camo aftor hard fighting on Friday nnd it was im provised and its execution begun dur ing the armistice of Sunday In pro posing tho arniistico tho British com mander stipulated that both sides should bo free to move but that neither should do any shooting Ho was therefore within his privileges in immediately beginning to transfer his troops General Bullers tidings come weighted with his long list of casualties His losses in tho four attempts to get Gen eral Whito out aggregate 4000 IuilvMiiltli In Dire Strait Ladysmith is iu desperato straits Charles Williams tho military expert hays ho learns on very high authority presumably that of General Whitos fi last gasp This is not so r iams on nccouut visions oraniniuniti is yet exhausted d Wolseloy that iHs K nftMtt almost at its said Mr Will lack of pro- oither of which icauso of tho poisonous waters of thoKlip river and the evil effects of tho heat on tho terrain in which tho garrison must reside Even those who havo escaped fever and dysentery are in a state of low vitality They can still man trenches and would probably hold their own against a last desperato assault but they can initiate nothing General Bnller now knows that as units the regiments will bo of no nso to him for months According to a dispatch from Capo Town dated Fob 27 Lord Kitchener is at Arundel the Boers aro retiring to Norvulspont aud all is quiet at Storm berg Lord Honoris Noxt Move Thero is no authoritative indication yet of what Lord Roberts will do noxt It seems likely that a branch railway will be built across the veldt to loosen tho difficulties of transport Colonel Giouard who built tho Soudan railway is with Lord Roberts Tho strain on tho Western railway is seen from tho fact that tho population of Kimberloy two weeks after tho relief continues on reduced rations Lord Roberts troops have thus far been only partially fed It is quito clear to technical heads that those who talk of an immediate and rapid advanco far into tho Preo State do not realize the transport conditions The Boers it appears have built a rail way from Harrismith to Kroomstadt to facilitate the movement of their troops between Natal and the Free State Maf eking was holding out Feb 16 At that timo the Boers were showing unusual activity and firing inflammable shells The Boers who hold positions south of the Orange river have been weakened Rensberg was oooupied by tho British after a slight skirmish and without se rious opposition Neither the town nor the railway has been injured TirltUh Casualty LUt Tho rapidly growing casualty lists ere being classified as quickly as possi ble They show that up to yesterday tho total number of casualties was 12 834 of which 2910 were oddod during tho last fortnight Ten of tho 11 Scotch regiments lost about 2050 and eight of the Irish regiments 2000 Then como tho Gloucester and Northnmborlands while of the colonials tho Royal Can udiaus lost 121 and tho Victoria mounted contingent 20 Tho casualties aro classi fied thus Killed 1903 wounded 088 missing 3178 disease 830 Winston Churchill iu a dispatch dated Colonso Fob 27 says Tho condition of tho wounded who were untouted on the hillsides Suuday was so painful that General Duller sent a flag of truce to tho onemy and it was arranged that throughout Suuday military movomonts should continue ou both sides but thero should bo no shooting This truce ter minated at dusk The Boors thou re sumed a furious musketry attack on the British left Tho attack was repulsed Fighting continues vigorously Wo shall see who can stand buckotiug best tho Briton or the Boer BULLER REPORTS SUCCESS Trie Another Crnulnff of thti Tugela and Capture an Important Point London March 1 Tho war office has received the following dispatch from General Bullew HiiANDWANi Feb 2EFindiug that the passage of Laugewaohs spruit was commanded by strong intrenoumons I reconnoitared for another passage oftiie Tugela One was found for mo below the cataract by Colonel Sandbach Royal Engineers on Feb 25 We commoijbod making an approach thereto and ou Feb 20 finding that I could mako the pussage practicable I crossed tho guus and baggago back to tho south side of the Tugela took up tho pontoon bridgo on Monday night aud rolaid it on the new site which is just below tho pros tut marked cataract Wk I W V tN Trf 1 tf N f tflttr During all this timo tho troops had been scattered orouohing under hastily ooiiHtruutcd small stouu shelters and ox posed to a galling shell and rifle flro aud throughout thoy maintained the most excellent spirits Tuesday General Barton with two battalions of tho Sixth brigade and tho Dublin Fusiloors crept about a mils aud a half down tho banks of tho river and ascended an almost porpondlo ular cliff of about BOO foot assaulted and carried tho top of Piotors hill This hill to a certain extent turned tho ouomys loft aud tho Fourth brigado mi tksr Colonel Noroott and the Movent h brigado Oolonol Kitch tid ing the whole under command of General Wan on assailed tho onoinys position which was magnificently car ried by tho South Luicashlro reglmont about sunset Wo took about 10 pris oners and scattereil tho enemy in all di rections Thero scorns to bo Htill a con sidorahlo body of lliom leftouand undor Bulwaua mountain Our losses I hope aro not large They certainly aro much loss than thoy would have been were it not for tho admirable manner iu which tho artillery was servod BOERS LEAVE PAARDEBERG MoveuitMitN of Crouo nnd III Solillon IJ M I or Knillli Kurort London March 1 Tho war oftlco has received the following dispatch from Lord Roberts Paakdkiiiku Feb 28 Oronjo with his family loft hero yesterday in charge of Major General Prcttyman and undor tho escort of tho City Imperial nPNTUAL OUONTE teors and mounted infantry Later in tho day the remaining prisoners went in charge of the Earl of J and es corted by tho Gloucester UiVtl 100 Im perial volunteers Tho women and children are being sent to their homes I understand that great diftjatirif was felt by tho Boera at Cron jos ref uil to accept my offer of safe conduct to tho women nnd children and medical caro for the wouuded 170 of whom aro now in our hospital Many of them are iu a terrible plight for want of caro at an earlier stage I inspected tho Boers laager yesterday and was much struck by tho ingenuity and energy with which the position was made almost impreg nablo to assault General Cronje it appears had stead ily refused to believe it possible that tho British would mako a long march away from a railway and therefore ho totally misconceived tho objeot of the strategio movement of Lord Roberts imagiuing that it was merely a change of direction in order to attack Magersfontcin by way of Jacobsdal Prliouer at Modder Illvar Cape Town Feb 20 Thero are now COO prisoners at Modder River most of whom surrendered Friday and Satur day They aro kept under guard be tween wiro fencos ArolibUliou Uuiiiiessy I Sinking Dubuquk March 1 Archbishop Hon nessy is sinking rapidly He was un conscious all the afternoon and tho at tendants expect his death duriug the night TELEGRAMS TERSELY TOLD Aloxander Woorn United States con sul at Kiel has received his oxquatour William S Wolls a former South Dakota capitalist died at Huntsvillo Ala Wednesday Edwin A Potter was Wednesday selected to succeed tho lato General John MoNulta as receiver of tho Na tional Bank of Illinois The Ohio sonato unanimously passed tho Roberts bill creating a state board for tho examination of stationary engi neers nnd it is now a law Wednesday was a day of suicide murder and fatal uccidont at Pittsburg Five dead one dying and another al most asphyxiated is tho record Tho Morgan line steamer Whitney which left Koy West Fob 24 for Ha vana had a thrilling experience She broke her shaft and was completely at the mercy of a heavy sea The Gorman battleship Sachsoon is reported to havo stranded near Kiel lighthoriEe during a fog In an attempt to lighten tho vessel by removing somo of her guns one of thorn was lost George Young Johnson ono of tho most noted printers in the country died Rt Lexington Ky Wednesday in his B4th year He was at ono timo foreman of tho Now Yoik Tribune undor Horaco Greeley Major General John R Brooke who has been iu Washington since his recent detachment from duty as governor gen eral of Cuba has beon slated for tho command of tho military department of tho east with headquarters at Now York city i John Mitchell president of the United Mine Workers has issued a call ad dressed to all uuiou men of tho country requesting them to observe Saturday March ill as a holiday It is tho anni versary of tho foundiug of the eight hour workday among miners in Chi cago lu 1883 tr vl i 4n u tHi fb m ri i ri mi w ti b ra rj 4 uu Y S 1 ft Vd ti M 16 X fcL iV -- iw JUL 7J VOTR 0NP0RT0 RICO House Passes Amended Bill by Eleven Majority SIX REPUBLICANS AGAINST IT Four OniiMxirat Votn for tlm Mr inure Hlnk Mniiilinr Itoundnd Op by Ililty Wlilii lrt Kirllemant Throughout III Ilniil Slruceta Washington March I The battle royal ovor tho Porto Rienn tariff bill ended in tho house yesterday in a swoop ing victory for tho Republicans Tho bill as amended at tho eonfereuco of Republicans ou Monday night so as to reduco tho tariff from 25 to lfi per cent of tho American tariff aud limiting its lifo to two years wan passed by a vote of 172 yeas to 101 nays Six Republic ans Crunipaokor Intl Fletcher Minn Hcatwolo Minn Littlelleld Mo lioriiner Ills and McCall Mass voted with tho opposition against tho bill aud four Democrats Davoy and Meyer La Oovries Cal aud Sibley Pa voted with tho Hepnb licans tor thuMrill In addition War ner Rep Ills was paired against the bill with Boutollo Rep Mo for it Two other Republicans Umo la and Faris Intl were absent aud unpaired Thoy worn understood to bn against tho bill Four Democrats who were op posed to the bill Fleming Ga Small N C Smith Ky and Stalling Ala were absont and unpaired Herculean efforts had been made to get out tho full vote and this led to somo remarkable incidents Six men were brought from beds of sickness two of them from hospitals Brownlow TVnn was brought in a carriage accompanied by his wifo and physician He sat bundled up near tho entrance until his vote was given and then withdrew It was felt that tho strain would be severe upon him but when Tawney tho Republican whip urged that the bill might bo lost by this ono vote Brownlow said I would ruthor loo my lifo than see this bill de feated Tawney and three assistants were out in carriages until midnight accounting for every vote and Under wood tho Democrat iu whip was simi larly exerting every moans to get out his vote Three Democrats wore brought from sick bads Tho first test was on a substitute of fered by McCall on behalf of the oppo sition It was tho original Piyno bill for free trade with Porto Rico and was defeated KiO to 171 Only five Repub licans voted for the substitute Fletcher Rep Minn who subsequently voted to recommit and against the bill voted against tho subt tituto A motion to re commit it which followed shared a similar fate being lost 150 to 172 Thero was great excitement through out tho rolls which were followed with eager interest by thousands of specta tors who packed tho galleries to suffo cation The Republicans indulged iu a demonstration of with jubilation when the final result was announced ALDRICH STIRS UP ALLEN Nebrnaka Senator Reent Slighting Itef nrenco to Jlrynri Washington March 1 Notwith standing tho agreement made by the senate to voto ou tho Hawaiian gov ernment bill at yesterdays session tho final vote ou the measure was postponed until 4 oclock today Practically no progress was made on tho bill although it wus under consideration nearly four hours Aldrich chairman of tho finance com mittee mado an explanation of tho work of the conferees on tho financial measure Tho amendment to permit banks to issue one third of their circu lating notes iu denominations of tlvo dollars ho said was agreed to becauso bauks in remote parts of the conntry ueeded a good deal of currency in small bills in order to nocommodnto customers Allen interrupted that thero was no such demand from his section of tho country and the amendment was sim ply in lino with the committees policy to cater to the desires of tho banks A lively political colloquy occurred botween the two senators during which Aldrich said that as Allen had just re turned from a Populist convention and a conoreuco with his candidate for the presidency ho was presumably speak ing with authority He also intimated that Bryan might havo changed his views on the money question since tho last report This arousod tho Nebraska sonator who denied that he had beon in confer ence with Bryan and said the sneers of Aldrich directed at a man who was in every respect his equal wero unwar ranted and uncalled for Iu response to a question from Wol cott Allon said I do not want to baudy words with tho senator for tho boueflt of the galleries Thero havo been somo boodling Republicans iu our party referring to Wolcotts roferonco road Populists but like St Patrick did with tho snakes we swept them out at our recent confer ence O110 of tho features of tho session was tho speooh of McLnurin S O ou the Philippino quostiou Ho is the first Democrat in tho senato to declare him self for expansion Lleiitnuiit VU li Commit Suicide Wabihvuton March 1 General Oti has reported to the war department that Second Lioutonunt Johu R Waugh Thirty ninth infantry shot himself through tho heart while temporarily tie ranged from extreme ucrvousuoss on the 27th iust at Manila Lieutenant Waugh was born iu Nebraska in 187G WEEKLY NORFOLK NEBRASKA THURSDAY MARCH 1 1H00 PRINTER AND BINDER SAFE W Inn Homo tlut a Not Favor tho Hill to AliolUti Iho OltlroK Dks MoiNUs March I Yesterday tho Iowa hnuRfl put itself on rooord against tho abolition of tho oflloos of tho statu printer and bl 1 ler Tho voto on tho bill to nboli h them reached lato Wednesday afternoon after two sessions of tint warmest ilinousHion whioh 1ms yet developed over any pond ing measure Mood Ift to 48 No mo tion was filed to reconsider It now j maim to bt seen what tho upper body will do with a similar lnenniiru pending boforo it but it is not presumed that even should such a measure pass tho upper body it could now get through the house Tho report of the special committee appointed to investigate tho rates paid tho state printer and binder was made shortly boforo tho bill was taken up lu tho house It gave bid 011 worlt from 10 of he state dopirtmoutu by different prominent printing establishments showing very little difference between their prices and those of the stale printer and binder Tho house passed without a dissent ing vote the niMilutions calling 011 tho governor secretary of slate auditor and treasurer to explain their conneo tion with insurance and building aud loan companies I Itrv Ilr tirrcii Muy I corn lottn CrDAit Rapius la March 1 Rev Dr Green rector of Graco church and a prominent eamlidato for bishop of the Episcopal tlioeese of Iowa two years ngo has just returned homo from Den- ver While there members of the Cen tral Presbyterian ohuroh tho largest and wealthiest in the city which is iU present without a pastor suggested t hive Dr Green be called to the pastorate I The suggestion mot with instant favor and the call may be extended It is belinved that if the call camo iu the regular way Dr Green might be per suaded to return to his first love tho Presbyterian ohuroh and accept the call IiiImii1i Vnli to Huy Wntorwni It Dimuvint March 1 At a special elec tion by a vote of t lUl for to fil against it was decided to accept tho water companys proposition to sell its i plunt to the city for loOOO For the Mirst time 111 tno lnutory 01 1110 city women voted Thoy east 275 votos fur tho proposition to HI against II Illtll iplohion ill 11 Iki iii MoltHtt Watkuioo la March 1 A terrible explosion at tho farmhouse of Gustuvus Horn wrecked I ho house and injured his two young children so badly that they will dio The explosion is supposed to have resulted from a keg of gunpowder stored in tho garret ItohliiHoii To lies Now roaltlou Sioux City March I Judge G S Robinson received his commission as a member of the Iowa state board of con trol whioh now makes him an active aud full fledged member of this body HEARING TO BEPOSTPONED Nnbranku Htutr Hoard I to Grant the ltilll roaili nil KxtnnMlou of Timo Lincoln March 1 Today is tho date fixed by tho state board of transporta tion to hear arguments by the railroads why tho order should not be enforced commanding them to lower their rates on cattlo 10 per cent and on hogs 5 pur cent Various members of the board havo expressed thonibolves as willing to post pone further consideration of the sub ject until tho temporary restraining or der has been decided by Judge Munger and tho time for hearing tho objections of the roads will probably bo extended uutil after March 8 the day set for hear ing in tho federal court Miller Muiilrd In Machinery Youk Neb March 1 John Rafter aged 71 years employed as head miller iu Crabbs roller mills near McOool wns working around the shafting when his clothing became entangled in the shafting rod He was wound around and around striking floor ceiling and machinery Only by reason of his clothes tearing loose did he escape in htunt death He received such injuries that littlo hopes aro entertained for his recovery His left side was torn open exposing his lungs Ntrxleht hoiii Major Lincoln March 1 Tho voto cast for a successor to William Hayward of Ne braska City as junior major of tho Sec ond regiment was canvassed yesterday resulting in tho election of KJ Straight now commanding officer of company F of this city r lunenr NeliiMiUiiu Dead- G kih no Neb March 1 Judgo Will iam J Richardson died quito suddenly yesterday evening Judge Richardson was one of the original settlers in this county and has hold numerous respon sible oftlceB OH Ktf nmnr lltirn at Sea San Fkancisxo March 1 Tho Mer chants exchange has received word that the well known ship St John bound from Now York for Yokohuma with a cargo of coal oil was burned at sea off the coast of Java near Bauju Wiugi yesterday Captain I II Fales and his crew escaped to tho shoro with their personal effects Itlntlni In llrlfuit Bkifast March 1 A rumor that Ladysmith had been relioved led to street demonstrations in Belfast yester day which precipitated conflicts botween the Orangemen aud Nationalists Thero was considerable ttone throwing and many persons wero injured and somo property damaged 1HA1N ROISIll KILLED Lon Curry Shot Down by Of ficers Near Kansas City WAS MAKING A DA811 TO I180APE Dend Mnn One nf tho Hnnd Which Held lip the Union l ixllTo Truln at Wllroi Vy Intt litim Another of the Iiiiik Iliucht lit Cripple CireU Kansas UiiY March 1 While malt ing a dash to escape Ixmnie logiiu known also as Ion Curry one of tho six moil who on Juno V Inst robbed a Union Pacific train of 11000 in cash near Rook reek Wy was shot ami killed by detectives who had tracked him from Cripple Creek Colo Ijogiiit was visiting tho homo of his aunt ami cousin Mrs Hob Lee aud Miss Lizie Lee and had been thero it week This makes the fifth member or the gang who has been made to bilo the dust Yesterday Logan was located at the leo home and three local detectives and three Pinkerlons surrounded the house ami called ou him to surrender Instead Logan darted out of a rear door pistol in hand As ho reached tho gate and turned to lire a volley from tin de tectives caused him to waver Ho ran lfiO yards across tho road and into a cornfield before he Ml When the de tectives reached him lie was breathing his last a bullet wound through his head and his revolver still clutched in his hand Logan was placed in it wagon anil brought to tho morgue iu Kansas City Thoro wero six men in the Rock Creek robbery Louuio ljogan his two broth ers Harvey nnd Mob Mob Lee their cousin anil two others They madu their escape to tho Big Horn country in Wyoming after killing Sheriff Ilazen one of a posse pursuing them AliMiil it inotil li otrn Huh lnminil llurvnv Logan were killed in that country after a fierce tight and two of the others are said to have since been killed Mob I Ki gali is slill at largo Howards of i00 were ollVred lor each of the robbers linn Hotrn Vimllur Tinln Itohhnr DrNvrit March I- A special to tho I I 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 from Cripple Crook says that Mob Curry alias Mob Lee allowed to be ono of the men who robliL d the Union Paeillo mail train at Wilcox Wyo in June iHilll was arrested here last night by a sherilfs posso Tho ar rest was llin result of information re ceived from Doilson Mo where Lewis Curry another of tho robbers was kiled SNOWSTORM STOPS TRAFFIC Train on UoiiiIn Out of Chicago Doluytid anil St rent Cur Hloladil CiiKAdo March I Local traffic was blocked in parts of tho city by the snow storm The weatherbureau announced that the snowfall was tho greatest since the winter of 1808 averaging nearly seven inches in tho middle western states Tho greatest snowfall uocording to the weather map is in Illinois Mis souri Kansas southern Michigan north ern Indiana southeastern Iowa and southeastern Wisconsin Railroads running through these states reported trains from half an hour to fivo hours late Scarcely a trado or industry in the city escaped without feeling somo effect of tho blizzard Outside of tho street car service it was tho stock yards railway sorvice whioh had tho greatest diffi culty Tho snow piled deep in that vicinity nnd although two engines were attached to many of the incoming trains several were stalled It was impossible in many instances to switch cars to tho switches which go to tho packing houses and this doluyed shippers At one timo lfiO cars of live stock woro stalled be tween Madison street aud the stock yards This delay in tho delivery of cattle had its effect on tho market Fatal Tent meat Klru New Yohk March L A flerco fire broko out nt midnight in a tenement at 1091 Third avenuo Tho police and firemen mado many thrilling rescues and after tho fury of tho flames had been spent the bodies of three children wero found in tho ruins They are thought to bo tho children of Edward Friedman who lived ou tho top floor Fried mans wifo is missing and sho in thought to bo burned to death Slgnrls used by ships at sea dnte from 1005 They were Invented by the Duke of York afterward James II TELEGRAPHIC BRIEFS Two hundred and fifty Roman priutor struck against typesetting machines Rome declaros uneasiness ovor the DAbruzzes polar expedition is unreason able Tho kaisers play was hissed on its first production at Berlin so ho left tho theater Tho largo wholesale grocery firm of John A Andrews Co of Bostou has assigned Dr T W Graydou of Cincinnati diod Wednesday from the offects of an operation for appendicitis Lord Rosobery Wednesday resigned the prenideuoy of tho Scottish Liberal association a po tt ho had held for 20 years Tho historical society of Wisconsin is making a search for the spot iu Cali fornia where William S Hamilton sou of Alexander Hamilton lies bunud Secretary Root Wednesday annouueed his intention of making a flying trip to Cuba Ho wishes to mako a per sonal examination of present conditions both political uud industrial in the Island EWS BVHNUH At TYlKJl J IHhiim M M tfUt AtUrnoys t lnr Norfolk Nebraska JR J S PAUKEU DKNTIHT At Ilptrn Kvory Motnlny Musi Block - - Norfolk Nob UlL II T HOLD ION llijsloliin nml Surgeon Ollli K CHIi niiH National Until Iliillitliin Tnloplinm 111 Hntnl 11 1 ltim nml Itiwlilniirii M11I11 anil intlt tll Tiiliiiiliniiiiti Norfolk j 1 COLK Ntsl raskii DKNTIHT OMrnOTnrdltlrMin Nntl Haiir Hnlli iir dub lilook north of OouHrPMAtlnuiil olitnrli Norfolk JVSS MAlY BII10LL10Y NebrtsVfk Fashionable Dressmaker Up itnlrn In Cotton nlnok tTnr llmitni itorr Kirtt olaai work uiiiirHntmxl Norfolk - - Nelirna J j jWliktb A- JiA 10 AilomovH at I aw llooin III II nml U fktnll HU rt Norfolk Wet ti i IltlertinTH 0 ml Etuliuluxtrg Hnrilnni Itt Norfolk a Norfolk - NibrM VV M KOUWIiTSUN Attorney at Law il oiiin I and 2 Mnht ftrwui VV on Bun k Norfolk NIKN YtIJ WANT SHAVE or BATH W 0 lulls Berber Slr p MAIN rT Til I III 10011 HAT Or Ktl UlII ci Filiating SIC3IB FI Uhe Pupi Into Wind Mills Ai all rop work in thU liitf TtV V M RISH W HUB B HntinfM tion OnnrnnttiKil Hirst doorminth of Dull Ni nttlm Mrs H H Hull WlltUIVI Pdnl Tretmiiil A aiatorirg Bid Mtnjoo Will Kindly call t your liomna and do am f thl work Ordnrt lakon for flnu hair hnHiling Im foot mutch miarantiwd ItBildiinrn on Ktrat ntraot Junction Ordnn may be IMl at tha Jnnotion Dm Htorn Toleohone Ir M C WALKER DKAIKK IN FLOUR FEED Oil and Gasoline KLRIMIONE NO 33 CSRSEILER Sate and Boarding Barn Horses Bought and Sold o Commission llraafch Avenue tnd Tnlrd St PHONE 44 KARO BROS Everybody wants the bst of iiouts Wo make a special 4ffovt to please our trade Our Shop Ih the Noalest lulhedltr w r