M is X P t J M i f n Economical Shoes nro novor chonp shoos Shoes like Piugroo Smiths mons womens ami ohlldrous and Drow Solby Shoo Oos liulios shoos aro truly ocououiical because they Will Outwear two pairs of choap shoos and aro not high priced at that If you havo never triod thorn 1 wo would advise you to do so Davenport Bros NORFOLK NEBR SIMPSONS CORNER Ollioo 1 Irmly h Coal Ofllco Firo insurance Farm and City Loans and Ileal Estate Come and see ino J E SIMPSON i I DO YOU KNOW that all childron who attend I school should have their Eyes tosted onco a year According to the latest information gained by the examinations of school chil dren it has been proven that 20 per cent have some eye defects which should be corrected with the proper glasses Why let chil dren suffer with poor eye sight when science has provided a rem edy G F W MARQUARDT OPTICIAN NORFOLK NEBRASKA THE Automatic Wringer Is guaranteed by us for Five Years from date of purchase If any part breaks or wears out during that time for family use we will replace same Free of Charge Automatic Wringer Co Waupun Wis 1 lysMWfpjii Is warranted to fit perfeotly the smallest article or one which opens the rolls an inch without changing tho wheel screw unduly straining tho spring or getting out of sear and is pronounced by all those that have used it to bo tho Best Wringer on the Market TWELVE REASONS WHY 10 11 12 It has au Automatio Adjustment It canuot run out of Genr while in use Saves Fifty per cent in Labor Needs but One Adjustment for Light or Heavy Work Four times tho Capacity of ordina ry Wringers Has Gear Chain which lessens Friction Will wring one inch of material on either side of rolls to nothing on the other lias a Metal Slush Board which will neither crack nor rust Only one half the woar on Rolls for the reason that it remains in Gear Will wring one inch of Material Chain Gear does away with Side Frictiou Has Guaranteed Solid Rubber Rolls vulcanized ou Shaft FOR SALE BY ALBERTDECNER Hardware and Stoves NORFOLK - - NEBRASKA THURSDAY TIDINGS Ernest Schulz who underwent an operation Tuesday is getting along nicely Norfolk lodge No 10 I O O F I will moot in regular session tonight at tholr hall Visiting brothers aro invited Tho banks havo boon clossod all day and tho poatofllco tho greator part of tho day in obsorvanco of Washingtons birthday Thoro will be a spocial mooting of Mosaic lodgo 6T1 AF and A M tonight for tho purposo of work By ordor of tho mast or Tho infant child of Mr and Mrs Win HaaBO diod last night and will bo buried Saturday from St Paul Luthorn ohurch The Sovoroign Visitor tho ofllcial organ of tho Woodmen of tho World published in Omaha contains a very oxcollont write up of tho public installa tion by tho local lodgo horo on tho 8th of January Tho article in quostlou ocoupiod uoarly a full column of tho paper Win Homlobou returned last night from a busiuoss visit to Omaha Tho Hotel Reporter of tho 10th in comment ing on his chicken busiuoss says that it is now roportod that Mr Homlobou might locate in Omaha and make his shipements from thoro Mr Homlobou doos not alllrm tho report Tho Huobuor Sottlo company will bo at tho Auditorium for throe nights be ginning Monday February Uli in a sories of scenic productions Tho prices made by this company aro thoso for which many people havo boon contend ing and tho house will probably bo filled each night The prices aro 10 20 25 and ISO cents The News is informed that contracts for growing boots for the sugar factory are coming in fairly well March is usually tho month when most of tho contracts aro mado and thcro is no reason now to beliovo that thoro will bo a less acreage of beets grown than thoro was last year and tho probabilities aro that it will bo larger Win Voight died yesterday at tho homo of his daughter Mrs H Itadouz in Edgowater Park He was 72 years of ago aud the cause of his death was dropsy The funeral will probably bo conducted from St Paul Lutheran church tomorrow afternoon and tho remaius interred in tho cemetery west of that church and under its auspices John Daniels the son of Mr and Mrs Carl Daniels who live near Hoskius died last night of diphtheria after an illness of but a few days aged 10 years and 10 montns Tho funeral will be hold tomorrow afternoon and will bo conducted by Rev Grueber the Luther an minister of Hoskins Interment will tako place in the cemetery near that village Oscar Uhle today put into service a very elegant new delivery wagon of acknowledged strength and ease and a magnificent piano finish One quality of the vehicle is of first importance and that is it was mado in Norfolk by a Norfolk mechanic Chas Lierman and is equal if not superior in all qualities to the manufactured wagons so com mouly used Tho entire work from the canvas top to the wheels is of home manufacture and it is a standing recom mend of Mr Liermans ability as a wagon maker C F W Marquardt has a display window in his jewelry store today very appropriate to tho occasion In it is a tree not perhaps tho identical one chopped down by the father of his country but it iniglit havo beon a lineal descendant had not tho famous tree been mutilated in its early youth A fit companion is an ancient hatchet bearing all the marks of sufficient age to entitle it to the claim of Georges own but this claim is not made for it by Mr Marquardt An anoieut sword is air other attraction and altogether tho win dow is ouo worthy of notice Washingtons birthday is not gener ally being observed in Norfolk today the only exercises of a public naturo being those hold in several of tho school rooms this morning These were finished at an early hour and tho schools were dismissed for tho balance of tho day Tho feature of tonight will be the dance in the Marquardt hall by the local lodge Woodmen of tho World For this extensive arrangements have beon made and numerous invitations have been sent out Many out of town guests are expected and a pleasant evening is anticipated Wanted An apprentice to learn dressmakiug Miss Mattie McNish Suiders catsups at Boxs Norfolk society will be pretty well represented at the Auditorium Friday evening February 213 in tho lively in teresting theatrical skit entitled Tho Husking Bee This will bo inter spersed with specialties including a cake walk by fifteen leadiug society people in full evening costume a Hoy Rube dauce twentieth century belles in costumes befitting the times and others of equally amusing character The affair gives promise of being the social event of tho season Bulk oysters at Glissmans Choice turkeys at Market the Palace Meat Farm land and city property for sale by G R Seller Farm aud city loans Ins Dublasd Tbust Co RAILWAY HEARINGS Intor Stnto CominWMon llnrn I lie UIHtiniiil Btftto CoimnlMlon Mnrrti O Tho following lottor wim rooolved by Ohiw H Johnsou yostorday Iutorstato Commorco Commission ofllco of tho soorotary Washington Fob ill Mr Chas 11 Johnson Nor folk Nob Dear Sir Tho commission is advisod by Mr T L Mat hows U S marshal that ho is uiutblo to provide a room for tho mooting of tho commission in Norfolk Neb on tho 211th of Febru ary at tho hearing sot for that dato will you thorotoro look alter tno mat ter and make arrangomonts for some suitablo room in which tho hearing can bo had Tho commission will boar any roasonnblo rxponso connected therewith A court room u court is not in session would bo preforablo Ploaso wiro mo In reply Very respectfully Emv a Mosrciicv Soorotary It is roally too bad that Marshal Mathows was unable to provide a room in this city for tho mooting of tho inter state commission What Norfolk pcopla aro speculating ovor is when ho over attompted to mako arrangomonts for a suitablo room in which to hold tho mooting Mr Johnson finds no din culty in providing all tho room nocossary and ho has so tolographed tho secrotnry of tho intorstato commission Stnto Himrtl HunrliiK on Murcli 0 Lincoln Nob Kobruary II Mr 0 II Johnson Norfolk Nob DoarSir Wo havo fixed tho time for a final hear ing in tho case of tho Norfolk Business Mous association vs tho Chicago St Paul Minneapolis and Omaha railway company for March 0 1 100 Wo would much profor that tho hoaring bo hold at our rooms in tho state capitol but if it will not bo convenient for you to como a part of tho board can go to Norfolk on that dato Lot us hoar from you by ro turn mail as to whothor you will como horo or tho board shall go thoro That thoro may bo no misunderstand ing you can read soction 17 of tho statuto which provides whero a tenta tive order is made that a notice of tho samo shall bo servod ou tho company aud they are required to show cause on or before a certain uato ami u tnoy show cause then a dato shall bo sot for hearing Yours very truly State Boahd ok Tuansioutation By Secrtary J W Kdgorton Secretary Fuller of tho Business Mous association in reply to the abovo communication has written that it is not practicable to go to Liucolu aud urges that tho hearing be hold hero Box can suit you on coffeo If Your Wutrli Stops EaJ THE NORFOLK NEWS THURSDAY FEBRUARY 22 1900 Go to Fritz Hoohne iu Koonigsteius drug store Ho is tho bost and choapost watchmaker and jeweler in town All work warranted You will miss it if you dont seo tho Husking Bee It will bring back to memory days of lottg ago Frosh halibut at Glissmans Photographs one cent at Miohaols gallery Two hours of fun at the Auditorium Friday oveniug Tiie News od aepartment is com plete in every particular PERSONAL Mrs Irvin Goreoke is quito sick G J Hahn of Stuart is in the city Ed Reynolds was In town yesterday from Wayne M Lyous of Emmett had business in Norfolk today H J Kelley of Tilden is a visitor in the city today B G Jones of Plaiuviow was a visitor in Norfolk yesterday H G Corell was a city visitor yester day from Plaluview S W Williamson of Naligh was a city visitor yesterday 0 E Buruham of Tilden is a business visitor in the city today Arthur Pilger is up from Madison to day greeting Norfolk friends Dr F Verges is just recovering from a two weeks siege of the grip T F Memmiugor Is in the city from Madison greeting old friends Julius Haase is down from Battle Creek visiting relatives aud friends Mrs Geo Eborly aud Mrs J E Eberly of Stanton were city visitors yes terday John Beck is at Fremont whoro he has accepted a position with tho railroad company Mrs J M Cherry of Wayne is visit ing at the homes of Messrs W J and 0 C Cow Misses E A Coleman and Isa Maclaren of Humphrey were city visi tors yesterday Mr Maloney of Sioux City has ac cepted a position as shoemaker in the shoe store of Davenport Bros Mrs Dan Metcalf aud child aro still very sick and for the past two days Mr Metcalf has been giving them his entire attention F H Livingston manager of tho Woodward Stock company No 2 is in tho city to visit his sou who makes his home with his graudmother Mrs Hitchcock Telephone No 112 will ring up Dr F Verges residence aud office Bulk oysters So cents Meat Market at the Palace Ilenty of Coal at Jackaou Tha people of Jackson are excited all because au expert who examined tho Riley McBrlde coal mine reported that tho coal near Jackson was equal to any Iowa coal Riley it MuBrido havo steadfastly rofusod to let anyone down tho shaft but tho exports gavo thorn tho Blip and succoodod in getting down whoro ho found a vein of coal throo foot aud eight inches thick and much harder than Iowa coal Ho also meas ured the depth of the shaft and found it to bo 711 feet Tho export triod to socuro au option on tho initio but Messrs Rlloy and Mollrido remarked hut their fortune was in tho mine aud money could not buy it A coro drill will bo put iu aud a sam ple of tho coal taken up and sont to tho officials at Lincoln for examination and If as required by law thoy will socuro tho 1000 bounty which tho stato pays for such discoveries HTho mino of II C Goodfollow which is a couple of miles from tho shaft of Riloy iVr Mcllrido is a softer coal and is farther under tho surface Mrs Good follow says that thoy had a hundred ohaucos to lease their farm but rofnso thorn all Pninps aro kopt at work keeping the shaft clour from water and with tho oponing of spring no ouo need bo sur prised to hco several hundred men at work iu the mines aud also soo the old town of Jackson which for years past has Iweu at a standstill becomn a thriv ing mining burg South Sioux City Argus Stamp photos one cent each at Michaels gallorv Main street Cholco voalattho PalacoMoat Market Wo mako loans on real estato at lowost rates Klkhorn Building and Savings association T 10 OmoiiNic Sec Agonts wanted for tho bost typewriter on tho market tho Pittsburg Vihiblo writing in sight at all times exclusive territory given Addross IHndloy Hard ware company Pittsburg Pa WIIITIiIh lt II Ih Myln Editorial paragraphs in courso of pre paration by Rev OhaB M Sheldon Behold it came to pass that Corbott and Jofirios did oven meet in tho ring yostorday And lo Jofirios girded up his loins and encompassed Corbett round about and smote him with groat potoncy And Corbott liftod up his voice and criod Why sluggost thou me And behold Jeffries growoxcoodiugly wroth aud smoto his antagonist ou tho hip aud thigh that it might bo fulfillod which was spoken of by tho prophet Yea tho boilor makor shall givo tho pompadour somo dizzy pokes And it came to pass that tho conturian rang tho boll aud tho sluggers returned to their coruers and wore refreshed with locusts and wild honey And behold thoro was much uproar In tho galleries caused by tho scribes Pharisees and hypocrites who had put up their shekels on Jeffries Aud it was ovon so Atchison Globe Houses for Bale T E Odiorke White fish lako trout aud catfish at tho Palaco Meat Market Wo havo a quantity of egg sizo hard coal which we wish to move at onco If you can use any of this size coal phouo No 12 Edwards Bradford Lumber compauy Diessed ducks and chickens at the Palace Meat Market DrFrank Salter Diseases of children Sturgeon is tho piano man n e u HARDY always keeps in stock all the best grades of 0 HARD AND SOFT Coal in all sizes All coal screonod and delivered promptly Satisfaction guar A anteed Yards east of U P depot TELEPHONE NO 35 Uptown 0fflce4th St L DO YOU SMOKE If so try the Palace Cigar Stores LoailiiiK 5 cunl Clears Capadura Saborosa Broadlcaf If jou wnnt n hotter citfur wo luivo tho Iwjst 10 cuntero iu the city J L DANIEL Proprietor I osteopathyin Norfolk I I E SCOBEE D 0 I 1 Graduate of American School of - Osteopathy X J U now loratml in Norfolk nt rcsiilonco i of Mrs McIlritlaSHS OtliSt F M THOMAS D 0 craduatn of tlio snnio school locnttxl nt Wayne Nnlr oxcopt Tiiosclu ami J day will bo at Wiusido i i i t No Knife No Drugs g Consultation ami Examination Iroo Office hours 9 to la a m 1 to 4 p nt I HAVE Several Farms for Rent or for Sale on Crop Payments AT 6 PER CENT INTEREST I also want to buy a good farm or sonic good land MONEY TO LOAN on Good Farms A J DURLAND FEBRUARY 2 1000 JUST CAME IN Fine Line of 25c New Golf Caps 29c 35c 49c l INKkTPPQ Mil I IMPDV i WWVVWVWWWVWWWWWVVWWWWVWWWWWVWWWW C W BRAASCH DEALER IN I CJCscJLj 111 A lSriD I Exclusive agent lor tho Celebrated Sweetwater Rock Spring Coal tho nest in tiie inarKei Scranton Hard Coal In all hIzcb TELEPHONE 1 BABIES CRY FOR WHEATLING AND BREAD MADE FROM BON TON FLOUR Have You Tried Them SUGAR CITY CEREAL MILLS Norfolk I N A BAIN BOLT Prosideut ALKXANDKK HKAK Vie Prosldoi W H HUCHOLZ Qulilnr K VVZUTZ Assistant Casuiar National Bank OLDEST ESTABLISHED BANKING BUSINESS IN NORTHEAST NEBRASKA Capital 10000000 Surplus 2000000 Does a General Banking Business Buys and Sella Exchange Interest Paid on Time Deposits Drafts and Money Orders Sold on any Point In Europft A General Steamship and Foreign Passage Business Transacted DIRHOTOHB A BEAU F P HANLON iF J HALK W IIBUCHOLZ Wit ZDTZ NA BAINBOLT JOHN B HAYS K VEBQKH B 8 COTTON NORFOLK STEAM LAUNDRY CRAVEN HcCOY Proprietors FirstClass Work Guaranteed Prompt delivery Work called for and returned Your patronage solicited Telephone 83 -CO Norfolk Nebr - -A All Kinds of Hard and Soft Coal Thoroughly Bright and Clean at SALTERS COAL YARDS All Coal Screened Choice Smithing Coal Your Patronage Respectfully Solicited PHONE 54 Q A LDIKABT Pbuident CHAS S BBIOQB Vice Pbkssdkkt W H JOHNSON Cisniii W BBBAASUU Abst The Citizens National Bank Capital 50000 Surplus 5000 Bay and tell exchange ou tuis country and all parts of Europe Farm Loans Directors Oabl Ahucs W II Jounson Cius S Bbidog 0 W Bbiabcu 0 8WANK U A LCIKIBT T F MSMMINOKB L SESSIONS