The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, February 15, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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His Terrible Cough
l cw things nte so ilcprcssliif nml
wenkctiitiK ns it roiistnnt cotifli
lfew lliitiKS - n ttiscoiinijjhifr as n
cough tluit will not yield to treat
ment It iMi nks in on tin- niellis
icst It interferes alike with busi
ness and with pleusuie AIhivc all
the iKTslstiMit cough constantly sug
gests the thought of that diead dis
ease consumption with its lingering
agony Dr lieiccs tiolden Medi
cal Discovery cities coughs when all
other medicines fail Idealise it is
more than a cough medicine The
1 In II II Kllllhlnlll tt MiCJIIt
Whntdo tlio Children Ilrlnk
Dont givo thorn ton or colloo Hnvo
you tried tho now food drink culled
Grnin O It is delicious and nourishing
and takos tho pliico of colloo Tho nioro
Jrain O you give tho children tho moro
health you distributo through thoir sys
tniB Graiu 0 ifi inndo of puro grains
nuil when proporly propnrod tnstos liko
tho choico grades of cortoo but costs
nbout ii ns much All grocors soil it
lfi coats and 25 emits
stood inmtii orr
K IJ Mundiiy n lawyer of Henrietta
Tex onco foolod n grave digger Ho
Bays My brothor was very low with
malarial fovor nnd juuudicq I per
minded him to tryElootrlo Bittors mid
ho was soon niuoh hotter but continued
thoir uso until ho was wholly eured I
am sure Klootric Bitters savod hiH lifo
This remedy oxpols mnlnrin kills
germs and purifies tho blood aids
digostion regulates liver kidney
troubles female complaints gives por
foct hoolth Only COo at Kiosau Drug
Co drug store
A Night orTerrorJ
Awful anxioty was felt for tho
widow of tho bravo General Buruhiun
of Machias Mo when tho doctors said
biio would die before morning writes
Mrs S H Lincoln who attended her
that fearful night but sho bnggod lor
Dr Kings Now Discovory which had
moro than oncn saved her lifo and
cured her of consumption Af tor taking
she slopt nil night Furtnor uso ontirely
cured hor This marvellous medicine
is guaranteed to euro all throat chest
nnd lung diseasos Only f0c and 100
Trial bottels freo at Kiesau Drug Co
drug store
Thou has strange notions for one so
young a substitute to think that thou
art tho same as Rocky Mountain Tea
inado by tho Madison Modiuiuo Co U5
cents Ask your drnjrgist
eara the
Ilont Tobacco Sjill on J Muckc Your I ire Aimy
To quit tobacco easily and forever be map
oetlc lull of life uervo and vigor talio Ko To
liac tie wouder vorlcr that makes weal mm
ST nfj Il dnt ii I
t I J
l 1
cry makes new and pure mood heals the lacerated tissues
nml gives the Ixxly the needed strength to throw oil lis
case It cities the cotigli iy curing the cause of Hie eoiigli
People have suffered with htoncliiul affections for years
with obstinate stubborn cough and growing weakness
They have tried doclots and medicines in vain At last they
have been induced to try Dr Pierces Golden Medical Dis
covery with the general result experienced by all who put
this wonderful medicine to the test - help at once and a
speedy cute
lir coughs bronchial affections weak lungs spitting of
blood and other diseases of the organs of respiration
ttflili1nn Mnllenl Discoverv is tirarltcnllv a siu eific ft
liO fi
- - -- - - - -
ii B
tllllllllll 1 1 I 4 I
uiwayrt uiiji n milium iiiwiif Lilies
It alcohol neither
There is
no opium cocaine nor other
1 t
iiiiruoui in ine wiMovcry
Do not allow any dealer to impose on you by
selling von u substitute for Dr Tierces medi
cines The only motive for substitution is an
excessive piofitfor the dealer Von pay that
rxtra pivjit if you accept a substitute
I hud ii terrible cough something over a year
ngo and could find nothing to stop it or even to ilo
me n pin tide of Kd writes Mr J M Purr of
Ciiiiietnu Screven Co in I chanced to see nn
mlvettiMiiient of yours nml foitliwitli bought u
bottle of your iuvnltmblc Golden Medical Discov
eiy llefore I luul taken hair u bottle f was
entirely well
Or Plarcoa Common Sanma Modlcnl Ad
vlnor containing 1UOB largo pngaa la mont
FREE on rocnlftt of atnntpa to pay axponmm
of mailing ONLY Sand 31 ona ccnt atampm
for tho papor -bound hook or HI atampm
for otrong cloth binding- Addroaa Dr ft V
Plorco Buffalo N Y
The Kind tou Have Always Bought
Ednrnte Your llowula With Cuacnret
Candy Cnthnrtlc euro constipation forever
lOc2c It C C C full druggists rf und money
nennty la Illood Deep
Clean blood means a clenn skin No
beauty without it Casenrcts Candy Cathar
tic clean your blood and keep it clean by
etirring up the lazy liver and driving all im
purities from the body Uegjn to day to
banish pimples boils blotches blackheads
and that sickly bilious complexion by taking
Cascarets beauty for ten cents All drug
gists satisfaction guaranteed 10c 25c 50c
A Frightful lllunder
Will often cause n horrible burn scald
cat or bruise Buckleus Aruicn salve
will kill tho pain and promptly heal it
Cares fovor soros ulcers boils corns nil
fkiu eruptions Best pile euro on earth
Only 25cts a box Cure guaranteed
Sold by Kiesau Drug Co drug storo
Nlclit and Hay
The busiest nud mightiest little thing
that ever was made is Dr Kings New
Life pills These pills chnugo weaknoss
into strength listlessness into energy
brain fag into mental power Theyre
wonderful in building up tho health
Only 25o per bo t Sold by Kiesau Drug
Co drug store
Por Infants and Children
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears he
Signature o
Try Iniln O Try firuln OI
Ask your grooor to show you a pack
ago of Graiu O tho now food drink
that takes tho plnco of coffee Tho
children mny drink it without injury ns
well as tho adult All who try it like
it Grain 0 has that rioh seal brown of
Mocha or lava but it is mado from
puro grains and tho most delicato
stomaoh receives it without distress 4
tho prico of coffee 1T cents and lift
couts por packago Try it Ask for
Grain O
How Are Your Htdnrya t
tr Hobl Himrniiiis fills cure nil klitncjr Ills Sain
plofruo Ailil aiorlluK Hciia ljrCoLtiicaKOor N Y
Thin Ik Your Opportunity
On receipt of ten cents cash or stamps
a gonoroiiH tamplu will bo mniled of the
most popular Catarrh and Hay Fever Curt
Elys Crenm Halm sufficient to demon
fctrato tho great merits of tho remedy
00 Warren St Now York City
Hov John Jleid Jr of Great Falls Mont
rbcommcuded Elys Cream talm to mo 1
can ompliasiD his statement It is a posi
tivo cure for catarrh if used as directed
Itev Franoit V Ioolo Pastor Central lros
Church Helena Mont
Elys Cream Halm in tho acknowledged
euro for cafarrh nud contains no mercury
nor any injurious dni Price fiO cents
Theres no bonuty in nil tho land
That can with hor faco compare
Her lips are red hor oyesnro bright
Shu tnkos Rocky Mountain Ten at night
Ask your druggist
To Cure Coiiitlputtuii IrorovT
Talio Cusnirets Camlv Uatlmrtlc lOo orSSo
If C C U fnll to cure driiKKists reJunU inonuy
Restores vim vigor mental und
physical powor fills your body with
warm tingling lifo Thats what Rocky
Mountain Tea does 15 cents Ask
your druggist
Men can bo cured privately and posi
tively at homo of all weakness and dis
oaso Write lor new freo book
Dr J N Hathaway
ii Commercial Block
Sioux City la
Mora romiliirTlitui liver
Siuco 18i0 tho Hot Springs of South
Dakota have been neoini 4d as thn m
sort for western people
All tuings are favorable for thoso Book
ing rest health or pleasure This season
finds tho resort well patronized by peoplo
from Nobraska Iowa Illinois Miunesota
Wisconsin and eastern South Dakota
and ovoryouo woll satisfied with tho
Wonderful Waters
Delightful Climate
Modem Hotels
Varied attractions for sight seers
Tho Northwestern Lino is tho pioneer
to this resort
Tho Northwestern Lino runs Wagner
Palace sleepers to Hot Springs South
Tho Northwestern Lino makes low
round trip rates to this resort
Ask your nearest railroad agent for
tho dato of tho next excursion via tho
Fremont Klkhorn it Missouri Valley
R R Northwestern Lino
J H Gaiiik J R Buchanan
Des Moines Omaha
lr vt lfo lmd plmplci on hr face but
sha baa boon taklntr CASOAHKTS and tbey
huvo all dtsappearod I hud been troubled
with constipation for soino tlmo but after tak
ing tbo first Cascaret I buvo had no trouble
nitb this ailment Wo cannot speak too high
ly of Cascarets Fheu Wahtuam
B703 Qoriaantonn Ave Phlladeliihla Pa
traok masm Rioisrtmo
Pleasant Palatable Potent Taste Oood no
Good Neter Sicken Weaken or tirluv 10c 5c WJc
Mmi Wnnld to llll Vnnitnnr en Iloanl
if onlrol
Dks Moinkh Fob 1C Six men havo
boon offered the chairmanship of the
stato board of control by Governor
Hliuw Sinco RcmxIs confirmation was
torned down by tho stniuto tho nomina
tion has been drjlined by Major O K
Stanton or Uriittirvlllo Colonel W H
Giilbertson of Carroll 15 S Ellsworth
of Iowa Kails ex Senator II L Water
iiitm and Captain J G Hutchison of Ot
tuiiiwnanil Captain M Head of Toffcr
Hon The governor stated that ho had
several other men in mind for tho plnco
but will probably not tender it to any
one for n day or two No ono has any
very duilnito idea ns to who will bo the
final appointed though tho friends of
Major 15 A Consignuy of Avoca still
claim that ho mny get it
Yesterday both housos of tho legisla
ture adjourned and ropalred in a body
to tho board of control rooms in tho
basement of tho capitol building
whoro thoy waited upon ox Governor
Ijftrraboo and told him goodby boforo ho
retires from public lifo in Iowa and
goes abroad
For Second Tlmu Tmnieriiiico Pooplo Are
Attend anil Dei Jlcdnen i Dry Town
Dkh Moinks Feb 15 Every saloon
in Des Moines closed its doors a second
time yesterday nnd tho indications nro
thoy will be compelled to kcop thorn
closed tho balanco of tho year Tho
temperance peoplo in connection with
tho anti saloon leaguo of tho stato held
a meeting yesterday nnd ordered tho of
ficers of tho association to notify tho sa
loon men no moro tiinu would bo given
nnd that thoy must closo thoir doors at
once or subject themselves to injunction
proceedings When tho attornoys for
tho saloons were uorved with notices
they immediately sought their clients
nnd advised them to ccaso operating
Tho attorneys for tho temperance peo
ple wero at onco urged to defer stops
of prosecution as tho saloons would ac
cede to tho demands At a meeting of
tho lie tail Liquor Dealers association
stops wero taken for tho circulation of a
now petition of consent
Ultimatum to Mlno Operator
Dks Moinks Pob 15 The Iowa
Miuo Workers association issued an
ultimatum to the operators association
calling on it to send roprcsoutativos to
a joint conference today to fix a scalo
for tho year beginning April 1 and
threatening that if tho operators de
dlino to moot at this timo tho mine
workers will not como to n later confer
ence Tho operators say thoy will not
meet till thoy are ready after tho Illi
nois conferenco Indications aro thore
will bo no agreement this spring The
miners adopted resolutions for and
against various bills pending in tho leg
islature relating to their occupation
Hull Telephone AtiHorlilni Klvnl Iltici
Ottumwa la Fob 15 A cigantic
movement has been organized and is
being fostored by tho Bell Tolophono
company of Iowa to gradually absorb all
of tho independent systems in tho stato
Authentic information was received
hero to the effect that tho mauagomont
of the Boll company had boon engaged
for nearly a year past in buying inter
ests in tho various lines of which thoro
arc over J00 and that thoy intend to
absorb all city and toll lines Tho man
agers of a number of these lines aro at
work forming an alliance by which thoy
expect to be able to light tho Bell sys
lttirclnri Act Uelllmrntoly
OrDAii Raihiw la Feb 15 Burg
lars gained tin entrance to tho store of
John H Taft Co last night and
going to tho silk counter carried tho en
tire stock up stairs assorted it placing
tho best nnd finest goods in grips or a
truuk and mado their escapo without
leaving a siuglo cltto to thoir identity
Nearly all tho goods had just been re
ceived mid it is estimated that tho silks
and satins taken wero worth fully
1000 It was evidently tho work of
Company lMerln Untitim
Cudau Rapids la Feb 15 At tho
23d annual mooting of tho American
Poland China company hero yesterday
officers for tho onsuiug year were elected
as follows President Jacob Grossman
Lanark Ills secretary W M McFad
den West Liberty la treasuror Allen
Coeroft Independence la Reports
showed tho affairs of tho company wero
in excellent shape
Osmoud O Howo Rritish vice cousul
at Pensaeola Fla died Wednesday
aged 38
Hunk White onco a well known negro
minstrel died at Windsor Vt Wednes
day nged 18
The price of coal in Pittsburg and
vicinity will bo advanced from 25 to 50
per cent dating from April 1
The Minnesota supromo court Wed
nesday declared the stato inheritance
tax law to bu unconstitutional
At tho annual meeting of the Amer
ican Cereal company at Akron Wednes
day the old olllcers were ro olocted
Tho leading brass manufacturers of
tho country aro in session at Pittsburg
for tho purpoo of forming a combine
Wednesdays bossion of tho L A W
at Philadelphia was nhuot t entirely le
voted to a dibiiission on good roids
KcMilutinus demanding an upon door
with Porto Rico wero adopted uiiaui
inousiy by the Now Kiiglaud Shoo and
Leather a oeiation
Trinity Methodist 15piseopil church
on Indiana avenue Chicago was dp
htroyed by lire Wednesday night Tho
los will exceed 100000
The post hospital at Fort Ki ogh Mou
one ot tlui largest and beat buildings on
tho reservation was almost totally de
stroyed by tiro WediiCfday it was
built in 1S78 at a cot ot j1 V00
At a nitctiiiL of the Ontril P issrminir
J aboeiation Wednesday it was decided
I to grant a cent a mile rate tor tho vet-
Year of fUnfly nml Experiments
Wrre Nrcrnanry to Irmlnee II
People whu handle tho ynrdstlck
have but little Idea of the years of
Httidy and experiments that wero nec
essary to securo the Btnndnnl yard
measure observed an official of tho
coast survey
Bird a famous scientist mado the
first standard ynrtl In 1700 but the
15ugllsh government did not legnllc It
until 1821 Ten years afterward
when the house of parliament In Lon
don was destroyed by fire tho stand
a rd yard was lost nud Kugland was
again without a standard yard of
length Sheepshanks next made a
standard incnsure which tho Kngllsh
Rovcrnmeiit adopted and so that It
could not be again destroyed by
lire four nuthorled copies were mndo
of It Ono of these was deposited In
the royal mint another In the Royal
society another In tho observatory at
Greenwich nnd tho fourth was Im
bedded in the wnlls of the now hottso
of parliament
The standard yard measures which
nre owned by the government are cop
ies of the original one of which Is
owned by tho coast survey The Unit
ed States naval observatory hns ono
also The delicacy of Its construction
may bo gathered by tho fact Unit a
change of temperature of one-hundredth
of a degree of Fahrenheit has
been found to produce a sensible effect
on the length of the bar
Tho copies of the standard aro
made of bronze for the reason that
bronze Is less affected by temperature
than nuy distinct or single metal
The cost of the construction of tho
original standard yard measure In
volved the labors of Bird and his as
sistants for nearly six years Shoeps
bauks was 11 years In producing tho
accurate copies which ho made from
Birds origiunl measurements Wash
ington Star
Cnod Kxport Demand the Mntn Wliout
Factor Corn Maintain Strength
CltlCAOO Foil 14 A revived export do
mnnd was tho main factor in a modernt ly
uetivo wheat mnrkot today May closing
Jic over yestordny Corn olosod islSKo up
and oats unchanged Provisions closed un
clmnRod to Jp7jC lower Closing pricos
WiiBAT May CSc July 6J5 G9JaC
CoiiN Mny 34fic July HSfcJc
OATS May 23ic July ZQiQZlJio
Poiik May 1087H July 1000
Kins May 507 July 8U0
LAitn May 003 July tOVi
Cash quotations No 2 red whoat OOJOTOiJo
No asprliiB whoat OTiSCSKo No J corn M
BSJio No B oats BJc
Chicago Live Stock
CnicACo Fob 10000
host grades strong others dull to 10c lower
choice fi d westerns in good supply at easier
prices good to choice 5O0tfl0O poor to
medium J40J475 mixed stockers3S5380
selected feeders lO0485 good to choico
cowh 300440 heifers 32o475 cannors
JJ J0283 bulls 2G0 0441 calves 50U760
fed Texas beeves 40iXS500 Hogs Receipts
30000 weak 6ft7u lower top 500 fnir
clearance mixed and butchers 47V407s
good to choico heavy 190 1500 rough heavy
47o485 light tUOQtMH bulk of sales
J4855495 Sheop Receipts 17000 strong and
active Iambs weak J015c lower native
wothers 4Suc575 lambs 523710 western
wethers J485f505 wwtorti lambs t000710
Kaiiaim City Live Stock
Kansas City Fob 14 Cattle Receipts
665U improved demand for all classes nt nd
vanco of frsOlOu heavy native steers 1475
5W lightweights J155500 stockers and
fpdera J3U5tc85J5 butchers cows and heif
ers 31O50U canners f0350 fed west
erns JllXXglUJ western feeders J3K460
Texuns i4C Hogs Receipts 11700
quality of offerings poor slow 6ft510c lower
heavy 1708480 mixed J105475 light
4W548J pigs 400i445 Bheep Roceipts
4500 parly was steady lambs sold shade
lower at closo lambs 050S700 yearlings
J5l05WJ muttons 450o60 stockers and
feeders tiUXiM culls 1300 850
South Oiuuhu Live Stock
South Omaha Fob 14 Cattlo Receipts
2iM steady native beef steers 14 00g
5 03 wostbrn steers J380J1CO Texas steers
J3G04B5 cows and heifers 2y94S5
canners Uljsi 00 stockers and fenders J800
1 00 calves 40O4725 bulls stags etc 1260
i4A Hogs Rocuipts 8500 fi to 10c lower
heavy 472ft480 mlxnl 47247 light
fltHliC0475 plgi 100cjl50 bulk of sales
H7 H47V aheep Receipts 10000 strong
lambs lower yearlings 625575 western
muttons JIW 550 stock sheep JlOOtjUOO
lambs J55Oji7O0
And tho Weak are Itcstored to lull VIkoi
and Strength lit the llundu oftlie ireat
est Iluuler nf Modern Times
- Hnvo ynunny puln ornclioor wciUncw d
ArO TOU Does oiir lilood hhnvrttiutttromuliiHim
Sick Purities Aro ou nervous Do you lick
-v on iid tntli ltv it ml ill ntil lti A
- miu ww is miiiMHiiiinl ni
iitu eiiMiy iireur iiure nu
loi tuiuliltinn Istliireuuy
timiutiiral ilrnln upon tin
sji tcm IfPieryniguniier
fiirmlni Its proix r func
linn liitlthirWoriU
Aro You it IVrliTtlj
Aelhe VlKor
oils lleulthy Itupii
Mini or Woman V
If nut xmtlumllnntde
livonu ild hctiiro jDiiuon
suit a elast onu ti
w liom tint tiiiiiinu lioJy 1 ini
open luxik unci Mlu iiinlri
Hilidseerilannif weak
nei H nml iIImmh luul tr
for a cure is u khuiiIh u
the udaun of u colmnn of llKtiris
FormfraijPirfnit J MW lOf
Till Leading IJAIHAWA Iiaslieenllirlsilini
Gnnclallst flxCliilii tof tliWcnuntr IllKprac
opociuiist ifiiiHl rnfireiirs lirterlliui
Unit if all ollinr rprcinlii tcoiilliliiiil lll Cn sof il
Mirlsnf iIi wimhI ronitltiniis Inuii liciii tho limit el o
lliu uiidUUl priifiliiii luul tlui eoplu genci ally 111
fuiiult iri prciiti into etei tuun uml etcr Juiuil I
rhOKiullllrlcil olllilillliiiliiiicrdfdli canuliiiviMiil
Ins rki In nrilcrlliit mlglit IhmiiuiIduIkiIi
Ii tliua Imliii tiiliiguf his uiinilerfiilr Mem flriitt
uiiiil Wrecks nf liiiiiiiinil linr enuiii to Imii to
rnimiltiitloil nnd mtUliim ulioii few liioiitli lutei
liHD Klurned In Mill in nmtt Moimif litaUliliiuH
Iuii thilr Diinks
All UisonSQS Dr llalliuuii tieaN nil ilneii
Cured llitw peeiillur to meii anJ tli i
ivruhtr to i u en UK will a
Ciilirrli KlioumiitlMii Klilnej oiii lutnl IV71 ins
uml all loruiftiil Iniiilnn hi d chrome uImjkIiim
Dr lliilliami puccifs tii
VnpiCOCOlO iintl tniillui M of urk occM un
Siriotut n MrlctiitiMMllii ul tlieulil nf kn I
r cim n i
lallont I IriMlPil lytliU uittlinl ul Ills onn linn
ultlinuti iinor lifKiif tiinu frniii Ihw
IumUUi 1 lliiionlitrcntnieiit nliu li rules lilt out at
fiparatiii Dr llntliunjt calls tlio I arllculttl MP 1
tlnn nf mrwrs friii VarlcnrHe ut d hlrlrture 1
urTi l jnil Slof lilsnew Isiek which Hill I
cvv n tn t freo on npiillcitinn
ivrrvrifolMliii Ij Dr HnHiami
Spoulully l iMciallr trateil iicrun1 v 10 U
Tii iiaUireiilliiiKltrlilHKiiiernliicrtiv 11
1 1 Luiiii MuiervlMoiiandMllieiwdli undh
lilm are prcimreil from Hie pnntnnd ltilriis It
IiIkohii lulsirutones under Ids ixTMinal nerMilit
and till from nwlnl preM riiilloiis of IiIhoh n
Dr HuthaRny iiudi no rliiirgi for consul
UOW tallnu or udvlce eltlier ut his nllico nr Ii
Fees all ami henuca u is taken the one low
fiecovers ullcortuf oitdlclues uud profei1
rr o
BKkwr fmm
i n t
Tho Kind You Havo Always Bought and which has occn
iu uso for over 30 years has borne tho signature of
0 and has been made under his
sonal supervision sinco its infancy
WaV3j Allow no ono to deceivo you in thi
All Counterfeits Imitations and Substitutes aro but 13
pcriments that trillo with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children Experience aguinst Experiment-
Castorin is a substltuto for Castor Oil Paregoric Drops
and Soothing Syrups It is Harmless and Pleasant It
contains neither Opium Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance Its ago Is its guarantee It destroys Worm
and allays Fcvcrlshncss It cures Diarrhoea and AVlml
Colic It relieves Teething Troubles cures Constipation
nnd Flatulency It assimilates tho Food regulates tho
Stomach and Bowels giving healthy and natural sleep
Tho Childrens Panacea Tho Mothers Friend
Scars the Signature of
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years
m mm m mm
W3EinNrjEinir8 Ei xxzXiS
The grcit remedy for nervous prostration and all diseases of the generative
organs of olthcr sox such ns Nervous Prostration Failing or Lost Manhood
Impotency Nightly Emissions Youthful Errors Mental Worry eicessivo use
or Tobacco or Opium which lead to Consumption and Insanity With every
6 order wo guarantee to euro or refund tho money Sold at 81 OO oer box
C boxes for 500 Hit JTIOTTS CIIKITUCAMi CO Cleveland Ohl
Womans -
Crowning Virtue
BnLTON Mo July 27
For years I suffered terrible pains every
month and my doctor told me I could not
be cured except by an operation I felt I
could not submit to that and was so des-
pondent I had given up all hopes of a cure -
My husband insisted on my trying Wine of yvA
Pail nnr n In n V flnl I IM 4 fl Zm
Last month I did not have a pain and did
all my work which I had not done in seven
Modesty is the crowning virtue of American women It is the trait
that all mankind admires A modest woman is the most pleasing of all
created things Because of this becoming virtue thousands of women
prefer to suffer untold miseries rather than confide their troubles to a
physician and to even think of submitting to aii examination is revolt
ing They cant get their own consent to an operation Wine of Cardui
permits sensitive women to retain their modesty With it they can cure
female troubles in the quiet of their own rooms If special treatment
is required they can write to the Advisory Department of the Chatta
nooga Medicine Co and their letters will be promptly answered by
Voradvlcflln mAP rennlrlncr mortal
rtlrectloiiB ali1re irtvInK symptoms
U4U Adlor Up1 Tbf IUTTlMOUi
i LimiianooKii Tenn
women trained in the cure of
womanly weaknesses and irregu
larities There should be no hesita
tion Delayed treatment means a
chronic condition The longer
postponed the harder to cure
Ijlini Halm nnd an IlLTISTRATED BOOK oil lhront unrt lnn niaonuu
WhmiQfinrlu moA nvnllml hnmcnlvnu nfmlp irnnprmiti nfTrtr tinvA irlttnn r unailiHuii
on lung and throat diseases plainly about their case nnd fallowing their advice now A
wnJnn In AKnUnil lnil1 Vnlnln It u nnavnl nn nn I lnl 111 tll fU
Dr Kays Lung Balm
Cu a ranteed to euro every Cough Cold noarsenessdnQuenza La Grippe Whooping
Cough Croup Catarrh and all affections of the lungs and thrnit Sato for nil uges und
uuva iiui tiiuKuu ur uiauKruu nuu iuuiajiiiuiu suiu uy urugKiom ut iuu uuu muiieu n
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