The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, January 25, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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Boars the
Signature o
JitV J r
p fV
A Night ofTorror
Awful anxiety was felt for tho
widow of tho bravo Qonoral Uurnham
ofMachlas Mo when tho doctors said
sho would dio boforo morning writes
Mrs S II Lincoln who attonded her
that fearful night but bIio bnggod lor
Dr Kings Now Discovery whioh had
more than once saved her life and
cured lior of consumption After taking
sho Blopt all night Furthor uso ontiroly
curod hor This uiaijvollous medicino
is guarautoed to euro all throat ohost
and lung diseasos Only fiOc aud 100
Trial bottols freo nt Kiosau Drug Co
drug store
er the s 1 tie Kind Ycj Have Alas Boujht
More Iopular Tlinn liver
Since 1890 tho Hot Springs of South
Dakota have been recognized as tho ro
sort for western people
All things uro favorable for those seek
ing rest health or pleasure This season
iluds tho resort well patronized by people
fromNebraska Iowa Illinois Miuuesota
Wisconsin aud eastern South Dakota
and everyone woll satisfied with tho
Wonderful Waters
Delightful Climato
Modern Hotels
Taried attractions for sight Beers
The Northwestern Lino is tho pioneer
to this resort
Tho Northwestern Liue runs Wagner
Palace sleepers to Hot Springs South
The Northwestern Lino makes low
Tound trip rates to thU resort
Ask your nearest railroad agent for
the date of tho next pxenrsion via the
Fremont Elkhorn Missouri Valley
R R Northwestern Lino
J H Gabtk J R Buchanan
Ds Moines Omaha
A Wondcrlal
Worn lor women
lias been ennied on in Huffnlo N Y
for more limn lliirly years This work
lins giown mi greatly within recent
years tliat theic is hardly a town or n
village which does not contain sonic
woman who owes health and happiness
as woman wife or mother to Dr U V
Iieiee and that wonder working incdi
Hue for womans diseases Dr Tierces
l uvoiilc Ilcscttption
The tnvnlltls Hold find Surgical Institute
of lliifliilo N Y of which Dr Pierce
is chief consulting physician could not
accommodate a thousandth nurt of the
women who ate treated ami cured hy
Dr licice and his slaiT of nearly a scene
umuAuc UFnirAI AhVlSFR of specialists lortimatelv it is not
necessity for many women to come to
Uuffalo for treatment The wide experience of Dr licice in the cure of dis
eases peculim to women has enabled him to provide in his Iavoiite Proserin
tiou a remedy which ill ninety eight cases in every hundred has perfectly
mid peiumiiently cuied the special diseases for which it is preset ihed
Women ate invited to consult Dr Pierce hy letter absolutely without
chut in or fee and receive the benefit of the advice of u specialist in the
delicate and dangerous diseases of women This advice has been declared
piiceless hy Ihousmds of women who have teceived it All letters are
held as httictfy ptivate and sacredly confidential and prompt auswets are
mailed in perfectly plain envelopes without any printing upon them
There is no alcohol in Favorite Ptescription neither does it contain
opium cocaine or other narcotics often found in medicines for women
Four Doctors Failed
Ior icvra vrnr I n ni confined In bed mnsl or Hit- lime mitrs Mrs M 1 Dnvls nf
lliiunkct Kumcll Co Va I liml lour doelom mill tliev Mild I could mil be i utnl I linil
uU vnillim am female vrenLncvi mi I could tint stand lull n slioit lime liml
vetmtlon pain In mimII of mv luck My stomach nnd liowds also lens and feet would
twi 11 nnd tVcrtliillB I nte liurt inc Was mi ihott or liteitli 1 ollea lould not tie down ill
iilKlit had soienesminil tcndcrtieis ovci mieiiml indium tuilpitiillnii of Ileal t nnd constant
liendiiehe I would cl lilliul mid linve liliitlut Iiul ilnik iIhk mound my ejes
sillTeied ftom painful period eonld not lie on mv Irll side I would have nnnili spells
Mia at omul my heart everv moinliiK mv hums hint men eieiil itiul I would spit up
lilood nt limes tnemoiy was pom heiulttj was had hands nml Iret i etc colli all the time
nod I hld rlillls nnd lURht sweats Allet the doctois said I could not he cuied I wiote to
Dr Pierce fin uilvicc and he unit me a xeiv eilcoiitinlliK leltel advising me to take Ills
1avorile Iteseilpllon and Ills Colden Medical Discovery and Pleasant Pellets I Rol
two tiolllcs and used these nnd felt much lulter Six hollies mote cured me I can work all
Invalid not reel tiled 1 sleep all tilf llt mid can eat ntivlhiiiK I want I can walk any
wlieie I please 1 feci heller than 1 evei did 1 urn sotrv 1 did not take llr Iletces medicines
when I Inst began to have poor heallh I could have saved what I paid to hunihuus
Jlv Itieiids say lliit I do not lotik like the same woman When I comineiiced Ir Iletces
medicines I only wcitjlud one liuudied pounds nuw I inikh one Imndicil nnd roily
Tint Iosh or Hold Is lieiit
Tho loss of health is more Hoiilth
ih lost by neglecting to keep tho blood
pure but it is regained by purifying en
riching und vitalizing tho blood with
tho groat hoalth roHtoror Hoods Siirsn
pnrilln Thousands who thought henlth
liml been permanently lost luivo boon
mudo perfectly woll by taking this great
niodicliio Your exporlonco miiy bo tho
Hoods Pills tiro gontlo yot always
Worldlier Night unit Day
Tho busiest uuil mightiest littlo thing
that ovor was mudo is Dr KiugH Now
Lifo pills Thoso pills ohniigo weuknoss
iutostrougth listlossnoss into onorgy
bruin fug into nioiitiil power Theyre
woudorful in building up tho hoalth
Only 25o por box Sold by Kiesiut Drug
Co drug store
To Cure oiiitttpiitlon trorovor
Tnlio Casein ots Ctitidv Cathartic 10o oriO
If C O C lull to cure urinulsts refund money
Stood Death Oil
E H Mundiiy ii lawyer of Henrietta
Tox ouco foolod u gravo digger Ho
says My brother was very low with
malarial fovor nnd jaundice I per
suaded him to try Kloctric Hitters nnd
ho was soon muoh bottor but coutiuued
their uso until ho was wholly cured I
nuiHiiro Eleotrio Bittors suvod his lifo
This romedy expels malaria kills dis
ease gorms nnd purities tho blood aids
digestion regulates liver kidnoy
troubles fouialo complaiutP gives por
foot hoalth Only 50c at Kiosau Drug
Co drug store
For Infanta and Children
The Kind You Have Always Bought
What lotlto Children Drink
Dont give them tea or cofVeo Have
you tried tho now food drink called
Cirain O It is delicious and nourishing
and takes tho plaeo of colloo Tho more
Cirain 0 you give tho childron tho more
health you distribute through their sys
tems irain O is made of puro grains
and when properly prepared tastes like
tho choice grades of oolVeu but costs
about as much All grocors soil it
15 conts and 25 cents
Kducnto Your llovroU Willi Cuscnrets
Cnmly Cathartic euro constipation foroicr
0c Sc II C C O full ilruKKlslH relund money
Iloat Tobacco Spit nml Musho Your Ufa Aunr
To quit tobacco easily and forover bo mas
nolle lull of lite iiorvo and vltor taleo No-To-Hue
tho wonder worker that unities wcnlc men
stroiii All lrtiKtlstsSOi orl Ctiruiuanin
teed lloolilct and sample tree Address
Pctllng itcniedy Co ClilcnuQ or New York
V rrlKlitriit llliinilur
Will ofton causoa horriblo burn scald
out or bruiso liucklons Arnica salve
will kill tho pain and promptly heal it
Cures fovor sores ulcers boils corns all
skin eruptions Best pilo euro on barth
Only 25cts a box Curo guaranteed
Sold by Kiesau Drug Co drug storo
llcnuty In lilood Deep
Clean blood means a clean skin No
beauty without it Cascaiets Candy Cathar
tic clean your blood and keep itclean by
btirrini up the lazy liver and driving all
unities from the body llegin to day to
Imuisli pimples boils blotches biacHlteaua
nnd that sieicly bilious complexion by taking
Cnscnrets beauty for ten cents All drug
gists satisfaction guaranteed 10c 25c 00c
Thin Is Your Opportunity
On receipt of ten cents cash or stamps
a generous sample will bo mailed of the
most popular Catarrh and Hay Fever Curt
Elys Cream liahn sufficient to demon
btrato tho groat merits of tho remedy
CC Warren bt New York City
Hov John Iteid Jr of Orcat Falls Mout
recommended Flys Cream liulm to me I
can oinplmsizi his statement Itisaposi
tivo curo for cntanli if used as directed
Rev Fnuicis V ioolo Pastor CoutrallrcB
Church Helena Mont
Flys Cream Balm is tho acknowledged
curo for catarrh and contains no mercury
uor any injurious dni2 Frioo 50 cents
Men can bo cured privately aud posi
tively at homo of all weakness and dis
ease Write for now freo book
Dr J N Hathaway
22 Commercial Blook
Sioux City la
IIuw Are Your Kidney f
Dr Ilobbs Bimrnuus Pills cure nil kidney Ilia Pam
plo freo Add Hlorllim ltcuicilyCoLhlcuKU or N Y
Bean the A N Kind You Hav8 Always Boucht
llrrstt with you whether you continue tbrv
nerTtkiiiuiffiuuaiiMiiaDii nn iii
reuiuTos iuu tueire iuriuurtu 1
outncrvouilltrt tiicNnica
iuv juiiul b iitu uiuuu ir
iiorrs lOifc IUHII
nifckrt jou M
Pleasant Ialatablo lotent Taste Good Do
Good Never Sicken Weaken or Uri lbc ijc iUc
Burlier d rvnpia klctfO tlulrttl kf Yorl Ill
Mfl Tfl BAP Sold and guaranteed br all drug
liUlUDAb Kitis iu UVUKIotauu llatitl
lA0n lEl
rll l3 1 1 IVRtJ
uuuur A 1 u VF
run iv am m m amr
vm v Vi I J
K - i 9 iVf I
y I tVwIll
Km H W jLj
000 hoxei
rviui IWiWU
ai3curtii Uut
r own drucifli t who
vouch forunTakO ft With
TfUliiatleiitMneralttentlv Onn
tioiil UKually curum 3 boxes ttiO
arantend to pure or we refund rnoner
eicrtlnf Krutdylo talc9 Hoolrcttt aw Ivrlt
Sour Stomach
Aflrr I Trai Induced to try CA8CA
IlETS I ulll nuverto nllbout tlietu la ttio liuuso
My llrer was In a Terr bad eliapo and 107 bead
Bcbod and I bad stomach trouble Non since tak
ing Catcareu I feel Uno Mr lfo bat also used
tbom with beneficial result for sour stomach
Joa UuruLiNQ lvl Convresa Bt Bt Louis Mo
Ofllrnr nf Nittlnnnl limril Ask n lrrr
A pproprliitlon by onirrrsa
iNMANAtOMH Inn 2fi Tho Inter
Hlnto National Guard association closed
its two days session after having chosen
Washington an tho placo of tho noxt
innotiiiK and electing tho following
President Ooneral J N Reeoo of
Illinois vice president Ooneral 1 II
Harry of Nebraska secrotnry and treas
urer Colonel O K Hloyor of ChicuKO
loneral W H Hond of Minnesota was
elected a member of the executive com
Tho committee of adjutant Ronernls
aud olllcors of high rank appointed to
consider proposed legislative measures
reject ed all hills proposed and substi
tuted a resolution calling on oongross to
increase the national guard appropria
tion from 100000 to 2000000
ltiiilnejin Portion or Wiiril mid Iufuj elt
Colo Hticpl liy Klnliiu
llonorit Colo Jan i5 A large
part of the town of Ward 11 mining
camp in tho mountains lfi miles from
this city was destroyed by a flro whioh
started in tho McOlancoy hotel at 1 a
m A high wind was blowing and tho
tiro spread rapidly among frame build
ings hut did not roach thu mills and
mines which are just outside tho town
A tiro broke out also in tho town of
Lafayette about 1J miles from this city
and spread rapidly before a high wind
Lafayette is the principal coal mining
camp in northern Colorado
Nearly all the business buildings in
both Ward aud Lafnyotto were burned
Tho loss at Ward is estimated at STiiOOO
and at Lafayette i100000 About fiO
families in Lafnyotto uro homoless and
there is 110 place in town to alVord them
Further lm etl iiitlon U On
Omaha Ian 25 Winners who bo
liovo tlioy have been wronged by tho
promoters ol tho Grain Growers Mutual
I fail association an insuranco concern
whioh recently went into tho hands of
a receiver aro persistent in their en
deavor to have tho affairs of tho associa
tion thoroughly looked into Applica
tion is to bo mudo for an order of court
permitting attorneys for tho plaintiff
members to make a close oxiuniiiatiou
of tho books for tho purposo of ascer
taining tho exact status of thu situa
Xfwiitmpm 1iiIiIIhIikih iIiiiiiiihI
Di xvkii Ian 25 Tho Colorado Ed
itorial association just adjourned has
stirred all western nowspaper publish
ers to action by adopting resolutions
demanding of congress that it repeal
tho tariff 011 wood pulp and all mate
rials entering into tho manufacture of
white print paper Tho resolutions
adopted aro broad and far reaching It
pledges tho association to opposo for
ro oloction any member or senator in
congress who does not favor tho imme
diate repeal of the duties mentioned
Ilrjaii 1ntH In n lltixy Day
Nrw Yokk Jan 25 William Ton
nings Uryuu mudo a journey into Con
necticut yesterday addressing meetings
at Stamford and Now Haven and hur
ried back to New York that ho might
keep his engagement to address a public
meeting in Jersey City Today ho will
go to llarrisburg where ho will moot
tho Democratic leaders of Pennsyl
Will licet nt Lincoln
Washixotox Jan 25 Ohairmnn
Butler of tho executive committee of
tho Peoples party will within a few
days issue a call for tho national com
mittee of that party to meet in Lincoln
Nob some time noxt month to decido
upon a placo for tho meeting of tho na
tional convention and to arraugo tho
bahis of representation for tho same
Lincoln was selected as tho result of a
referendum submitted to tho members
of tho executive committee
Murderer ietn Lite Sentence
Pout Scott Jan 25 Amos Phillips I
tho murderer whoso accomplices were-
lynched hero Saturday nigit and who
was himself saved from tho mob only
by tho determined eiforts of tho sheriff
has been sentenced to bo hanged which
in Kansas means lifo imprisonment In
order to proven t further mob violence ho
will bo taken to tho Leavenworth jail
and kept until tho quarantine is raised
at tho penitentiary
YmiiiKiFi fcMi lames Wuda
Kansas City Mo Jan 25 Jesso
E Tallies son of Jesso James was mar
ried to Stella Frances McGowan
daughter of A M McGowan a railroad
man Former Governor Crittenden
and Frank James the undo of tho
groom wero present Mr and Mrs
Janes will spend their honeymoon at
tho residence of Mrs Samuols mother
of Jesso Tunics near Liberty Mo
Slate Ialr lliillillii Solil
Omaha Jan jr Tho buildings on
tho north SO acres of the grounds owned
hy tho Onmhsi Fair and Spaed associa
tion wero Koldnt lmbliouuetion Wednes
Want lti Iriiiiiit Ilecllona
Dks Moinks Jim 2 County nuditors
and tho county troasurers of Iowa held
state conventions hero Tho auditors
decided to recommend biennial instead
of annual elections a bill for that pur
poso now being beforo tho legislaturo
1 i - - ft
county officers lxi olected for tcrma of
four ronrs instead of for two years
Home Dlmpptilntiiif nt Pelt by tho Ilulla
tonrsn Irnlns a Slimln Ionrr
CitlOAno Inn 24 Kumorn Hint tho Imlxmlo
plftKiw hud hrokiin out In ArKfntlno predic
tions of n rotil wnvcij rntifllctliiK reports of
tlinlnrlH market nml Liverpool entiles pom
blued todny In formlnu n fairly netlvn hut Ir
regular wheat inirkvt Mtiy cIohIiir n nlmdo
under yestnrdny Corn ehwril n nhnde ntul
mts WiMo diiirt ssod nnd provtslotiH lilt by n
wenk Iiok iniirket nnd the lienvltiesi of trnitn
7Jtol0o lower for Mny lnrd to 17JiJ0o down
for May pork Closlne prlees
WnrAT Mnv lHit07o ttilv ircWTJfJa
CoitN lnn Illjo Jtny inWKIKu
OATs iim laji My itywaur
llMltK Jmi JI040 tllliU10C5
Illlii Jnn 15 IV Jtny IS7J
IiAiii Tnn JV77 Mny 5JJ
CiihIi iUotntlons No rl wheat 0So
No II HprliiK whrnt llfftCOoi No 2 corn
Dtoj No JontM VtiiHtZla
Kninin City I he Stock
Kansas Oitv Jnn 21 tattlo IteeMpts
8200- iood KPiiernl ileiiuitid for nil Krniles nt
inieluuiKed lirleen heavy untivu Htmrs JI8Vr4
6 7S IlKlitwtilKlils lWJi25 stocknrs mid
feeders Jlf0tS2fl IjutelinrH cows nnd heifers
jiXVlM pnnners J2HWCI00J fed westerns
f lliX4ti westei n fpeders X7lXt4 00 Tcxnns
Hoks KcceititH 1UKJ opened
nhoutstendy weakened nnd nlosed nhout fc
lower heuvy t4WiiJ4llij inl xcd J4MHij4 tVj
llKht 4HVIM plki 10004420
221K Kood deiiintid killing IiiiiiIh 10n
lilKhur IiiiiiIh f rHVfiUUti muttons tl10i52J
Htockursund feeders U25VIO culls J IJJ
Clileniii IUii Slock
CltKlAUO lull 21 Cnttle Ueeolpts llrOI
bust urndes full- dmniind nt steady prices
lower t rndes hlnw kimmI toehoiee JfiVaflW
poor to inediniu t4Unl400i mixed stitchers
ylyYMlM selw tisl leeders tJU rrj jtKJ t ood
loehoieeeoWK fl40tlWlj heifers i2047i
piumers JlDi12S0i hulls nfArtll0 enlves
lfitlH77S fed Texas beeves 40UflH0 Hobs
Kcci lptM illUOl iiVini eie lower closlip
dull mixed and hutehers t44Vii47fi booiI to
piloted heavy tlftOTil1 rottKli heavy JIW
0100 Unlit tlIOia4tl liulk or sales IoVi8
107f Hlniep Keeelpts 11000 steady lOo
hlKluir untivu wethers JlfrKijVOO lainhs JjuW
ffl060 western wethers 440480 wusfurn
lambs jr7iis0
Soiltli Dinuliii llve Stock
South Omaha Jan CI Cattle rtnoolpts
2200 steady nativn beef steers fl20t5ni
n estern steers 4O04S5 Texas steers JJI70
41I0j eows and liplfurs j20J42i eanneiH
J20O3i0O stookors and feeders T3004ti0
cntves G0rt700 bulls stiiKS etc J275Q9
400 IIokb Hepelpts 7500 shadu to 5c lower
henvy4D2j4aii mixed 452465 ll jlit
44V0457J5 pics J100460 bulk of snus
Hlieop Becclptsl400iHtronircr
nnttvu muttons 4 10 480 western muttons
U2ofitlUo stock Bheep f38034W lambs 475
Iu re In n Flut
You dont care for a big house and
lots of servants do you V ho asked
Not at nil she replied promptly
Dont you think that love In a tint
would be delightful he persisted
Yes sho answered Love in a
Hat but not life with one
Ho postponed his proposal Chicago
Times IIerald
HiiknIiiii Kf ruvnunnco
The wealthy Itnssiaus nre said to bo
extremely profitable to hotel nnd shop
keepers in the lands in which they are
traveling A Swiss authority Insists
that 200 liUKsiana will spend more in a
month than 1000 English men nnd
women for the saino period of time
When a boy goes to hunt anything
ho always begins by making every
body In the room get up to see if they
are sitting on the lost article Wash
ington Democrat
Modern books however rapidly they
may deteriorate from other causes are
protected from bookworms by the
rheiulcaW used in paper making
Dr Hathaway
Treats feil Diseases
His Method Invariably Cures All
Catarrhal Jtronchial Lun Stom
ach Jiiver Kidney und Other Com
plaints as Well us All Diseases
and Weaknesses of Women
day Tho sale was for tho benefit of latairhal DNeases
tho bondholders Suveril hundred per
eons attended thoiiuotiou and tho build
ings brought satisfactory prices Tho
uggreguto results of the sale amount to
Ileclilu In 11 eel Next In Oiiuilui
Lincoln Tun as Tho Nebraska
Press association concluded its annual
meeting yesterday ufternoon with u
business session at tho statu house D
II Cronin of tho IVontier ONeill was
elected president nnd Secretary Mcrwin
was rotained as secrotary and treasurer
It wns also decided to hold the nest an
imal meeting in Omaha
In Dr Ilntlmways most
eteiiso iiiiictlcc cov
eilag a peilod of moru
ciiUiMl iinm to Heat all
manner of jllMacs of
iiitii ami women and
aloiiK the whole line of
liiinmii iiiliiieats ho has
lice 11 uniformly
r Ilnthaways mo
thnil of treatment gets
directly at tho seat of
Purifies Uonlile piirllies the blood
aiS up the whole system and
tu n
inouioon utrmas tiu Hilbons which
produco tho dUeaseil conditions
Yearly ho nvtnre to
All Ulsoasos perfect
Klltll loulmls f Multrs
Treated fnim Catarrh Itroachltls As
tlmiii Hay Iuver limg Complaints Stomach
Liver iiinl Kidney IHsea o Tiles Tumors Can
cers ILvciim and all lanimer of hKln allectlons
Clseasosof lhithiway abo treats with
Krst sPless osl
women mmiy distressing weaknesses and
diseases by which m many women aroallllcted
EloctHcnl Ihitlavaysonicesnre fitted
nppuanccs other appliances In the use of
which as well as tho microscope ho lias world
wtdu fuiiiii ns mi iiert All of the medicines
used by Dr Hathaway nro compounded In bis
own liboiatorles nmler bU personal direction
and KMM lal remedies aro prepated for eaclilu
dividual casoaiTordlm to lis reipilrements
Etxn Tilnatlnn - atbaway has prepared a
flresofselfoxainlna lor blanks
uins applylngtolhodllterent diseases
wuica no t cmiiiireo mi apiHIcatlon No I for
iii - v iur vtoinen o for SKln Diseases
rnnii Iluiiiiiiiwii iiiiiucsiiiiuiuirKU
consultation flr 0OM iiltjitl it either his
i rcc
illlciMir bv mall
Tr Ilatliiuiir Vo
n il itliicK hliiux Jlljlowii
Ask your
for a generous
Elys Cream Balm
contains no cocaine
mercury nor any oilier
injurious dri
Jt ia quickly Absorbed
ilvci Itellcf at once
nnl 1 yaoa
JESinM 1
ii i iTTT jjmEuJTjt n u inn L - B
Arcf3clabIcrrcparalionror As
similating Uicrootl nndHcgula
liiig llicSlomadis antlDcwcls of
ncssandRcstConlnins ncillicr
OpiuinMorpUirir nor IincfaL
JlWfXMl Sftd
JiorAtllt Smlu
Jim mint
Jli QnionaltSaa
hiainyrttji Harm
Ancrfccrlfcmcdy forConslina
lion Sour SlomachDiarrhoca
Worms Convulsions
and Loss OF SLEEK
Yac Simile Signature of
exact copy CF NYSAPPEB
vu- -
wi imv0iNP
For Infanta and OhDdron
The Kint Yon Have
Always tWghi
Bears the
jff sw
ff Kind
Always Bought
w wwigBtroaaroHMfc
Tho great remedy tor nervous prostration and all diseases of tho generative
organs of ollhcr sox such as Nervous Prostration Falling or Lost Manhood
Impotcncy Nightly Emissions Youthful Errors Mental Worryoxccssivo use
of Touacco or Onium which lead to Consumntlon and Insanitv With cvri v
95 order we guarantee to curo or refund tho money Sold at SI OO por box
O boxes for 500 Bit MOTTS CIIUTIIGAIj CO Clovcluud Ohio
znnbfM a 1 im hiss
Womans -
Crowning Virtue
BcLTOf Mo July 27
For years I suffered terrible pains every
month and ny doctor told me I could not
be cured except by an operation I felt I
could not Bubmlt to thnt nnd was so des
pondent I had given up all hopes of u cure
My husband insisted on my tryinir Mino of
Cardui nnd at last thank God I did try It
M tuvMivMi J altUA JM U391U11 vUklOliJUklUUi
was eutiiely cured
tc Tc r t r r T r r r rr r r rr irrccc r cir r r r ryir rlry r r Ub
TTTiiMniiiiitiiiMTiniMinjiiiiiirTiiiiiTTiiriTrir TrrrTTTTiiTr
5w aai x i viBin
Last month I did not hivo a pain and did
all ray work which I had not done in seven
Wl 1 w3
n Mr
Modesty is the crowning virtue of American women It is the trait
that all mankind admires A modest woman is the most pleasing of all
created things Because of this becoming virtue thousands of women
prefer to suffer untold miseries rather than confide their troubles to a
physician and to even think of submitting to an examination is revolt
ing They cant get their own consent to an operation Wine of Cardui
permits sensitive women to retain their modesty With it they can cure
female troubles in the quiet of their own rooms If special treatment
is required they can write to the Advisory Department of the Chatta
nooga Medicine Co and their letters will be promptly answered by
women trained in the cure of
For ad vice In cssea requiring epeclnl
directions aililrens dvliikiiyiiiiitonifi
HEDlcitEio Cliattnnoogu Tenn
womanly weaknesses and irregu
larities There should be no hesita
tion Delayed treatment means a
chronic condition The longer
postponed the harder to cure
lattgyi lIl
MTi iiroin h HEAD
lloald and lrolecU tbo Memhrane Ucstorcs the
i euscB of Tato and hmcll 1ull Biu 6je Trial
ble 10c at Drn irlal or l y mall
UT V T T l r ---- -- 1
Had Csitaui li 3 Yours
Josiah llaeou conductor on the P V
H U R snvs I had suffered with
larrh for 3G years and regarded my
case as hopeless One day I saw the
testimonial of Ceo II Hearn in a Braz
ilian Halm circular Ilearu was the
I engineer on my irain ami 1 Knew ins
lca t as desperate I talked with Hearn
Niib for Kidneys ami ins cure gave me hope I began
the use of the ISalm at once There was
not much change for the first two mouths
1 1
11 1 J VI
Bean the s Tha Kind You Have Always Bought
m Kti 31
fhoto jrnpted p5 Era W W 0
iromure n rv U7 V
mtfxjir a
the P dX
Ta C L Fn Will
Made a
MU T-ft- -- -
a f fJt
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3c3EJES3XrOJ3 IL3333E333
produces tho abovo results ln30 clays It ectl
powerfully and quickly Cures when all oltiere fall
Young men will rogain tbolr loct tnanboodandold
men will recovor their youthful vigor by ueing
ItEVIVO It quickly and euroly restores Nervous
nesa Lost Vitality Iinnotency Nightly EraUBionB
Lost Power Failing Memory Wasting Diseases and
nil effects of self abusa or excels and indlecrctlon
which unflta ono for study business or marriage II
notonly cures by startinn at tho unit of dlseasebul
la a great nerve tonlo and blood builder bring
ing back the pink rIow to palo checks and re
storing the flro of youth It wards off Insanits
and Consumption Insist on having It E VIVO no
other It can bo carried in vest pocket Hy mall
10O perparkace or six for 8500 with a poal
tlvo written Knaranleo to euro or refund
tho money Circular Jre Addrees
Royal Medicine Co3SlPcAoo0lu
Fo ale In Norfolk by Geo B Chrlstn
Rev D Horjon Pastor M E Church Wnuneta Neb writes Aftep
ycaraof constipation und stomach disorder Dr Kays ltonovutoi has removed HS
tno constipation unu mauo my Biomuou nnnosi now i coma not hour a watch fr
tick with it closo to my right ear und but u very short distanco from my loft fe
ono I can now hear ono quito a diBtanco from my right car and a Ion W
instance irom my leit one ana mo mies ucavy oetween ny eyes to my
Dr Kays Renovator
ioy is gone Dr Kays Catarrh Curodid it It is tho best thing I ovor tried
we glvo FREE ADVICE and bond freo Dr Kays Homo Treatment on IHustrated b ok
u vri iiu a ivuuuiui ino uuu fiwui u w nuiiuiui ijw uuiuiru uuru vj cia
Aid i ait ivujr invuitui uut ouiitiuii n 1
of 114 raies ireallni all alluionts common to tho human family Wrlto us all nbout vmir rn
If druk Kibta do not have our remedies dont taltu any substttutca they say aro just a cood
for they have No Equal They ran bo had prepaid by return mail by enclosing price to