The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, January 25, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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Arthur Cnrrick who has boon em
ployed iu ono of tho now stifrar factories
in Michigan during tho past campaign
hns roturncd to Norfolk
Tho suinll fhga nnd hunting nscd for
decorations along Midn street woro iuito
generally romovfid List night many of
tho visiting firemen npproprliting thorn
as sonvonirs of thoir visit to Norfolk
Tho Farmers institute which moots
in Orrs h ill on January SO and 27
promises to he nn unusually interesting
session fraught with prollt to tho man
who tills tho soil This opportunity to
loaru ho v others aro doing should not
ho niised by any up-to-date farmer in
this community
lit Roy Arthur L Willhms bishop
coadjutor of tho Episcopal church of Ne
biaska has been honored by having tho
degree of doctor of taered theology con
ferred upon him by tho trustees of tho
Western Theological seminary of Chi
cago This is 0110 of tho llrst two de
grees conferred by thoiuhtitution
Spencer lJatterfleld who had his hip
broken during a foot bill game just be
fore Thaukf giving was permitted to bit
up yesterday for tho lrst timo iuco tho
accident Sovoti weeks is a long time
for n boy to Ho iu bed but Sponcor has
tho spunk and undured his conlluonient
patiently aud smilingly It is hoped
that ho may soon bo able to bo out
Georgo W Welsh of Boone lown
who with his wifo and two daughter
was visiting at tho homo of 1 W Bates
paid this ollieo a pleasant call last even
ing Mr Welsh is an old soldier u
member of tho G A H and now holds
tho position of aid do camp on tho stall
of tho commander in chief of Iowa
Besides all this ho is a very genial
gentleman who scatters suushiuo whei
evor ho goos
Fremont Trlbimo A Norfolk man
writes at great length and much detail
to the World Herald complaining of un
just discrimination in freight rates prac
ticed by railroads on his beloved town
Ho compares for tho most put Nor
folks disadvantages with Fremorts ad
Vantages aud makes out u cii o in Fre
monts favor of which few Fremonters
seom to bo awaro
Dr J W Jennings formerly of this
city now presiding elder of tho Omaha
disirict of tho M E church is editor
and publisher of tho Omaha District
Reporter issued this mouth as a Now
Years greeting to the preachers mem
bers nud frieuds of tho chivcli of that
district Tho publication was 2000
copies and was for froo distribution It
is not intended as a regular feature
Tho publication besides directories of
oflicials contains interesting statistics
and news items
Madison Chi ouiclo About forty
couples from this city wont up to Nor
folk Tuesday evening to witness tho per
formance of tho Walker Whitesides
company and thoie seems to bo a grea
diversity of opinion as to the merits o
tio performers Some remarking that
it was tho best thoy ever sawandothors
that thoy had seen bettor while ono or
two remarked that it was N G All
are very profuse in their praiso of Nor
folks new opera house though and say
that it is one that any city might bo
proud of
Tho caso against Walter P Bynum
came up in district court at Stanton
yesterday on a demurrer to tho infor
mation After full argument tho
court sustained tho demurrer and dis
charged the defendant Tho case against
Lizzie Bynum was continued until tho
fall term of court and sho was released
on000 bond Tho caso was prosecuted
by tho county attorney and W W
Young whilo Barnes c Tyler of this
city and John A Ehrhardt of Stanton
appeared for tho defense It begins to
look as though there is ery little if
anything in theso charges but that they
have been worked up by a so called
detective for personal gain The nlleged
detectivo has already departed for other
fields and pooj lo at Stanton aro begin
ing to understand tho trne situation of
S S Montgomery was in tho city
yesterday enrouto to Omaha from Chad
Miss Helen Claik of Stanton is in the
city visiting her friend Misa Winnie
Mrs Remy of Ainsworth is in tho
city visitiug her daughter Miss Luella
whilo enrouto to her homo fioin David
Miss Duel who holds tho position of
stenographer in C W Lamonts ofllco
Ins gone to hor homo in Meadow Grove
on a vacation
W A Homlebenieturuedlaet evening
from a trip up tho Elkhoin with his
poultry car Ho s ates that ho wouldnt
have missed attending tho flromens as
sociation meeting for a JO hill but his
business required his attention anl he
couldnt attond
Miss Lottio Sidler mot plen witly
euteitainid a largo number of her
friends last evening as hor homo on
South Eighth street Tho evening vwis
devoted to games and other amusement
whilo splendid refreshments vcro
Mo dames Morr sou and Humphuy
very onjoyaMy eutortninul tho mom
bers of Tri lity ohuroh choir at hi
home of tho founor ou M iLouu in u
Ustovoulng Tho timo was well occu
pied with games and other amusements
whilo choico refreshments wero berved
during tho evening r
Tho executivo committeo of tho fho
department met at dromons hall last
evening for tho purpose of squaring
accounts ntil seeing how they stand
All bills have not yet been paid and it
is not known how much will ho loft but
there will probably bo a handsomo
balance In tho treasury
Mrs J S Burnett of South Norfolk
ontcrtained about 20 invited guests at
her homo Inst evtnlng from S to 112
Tho leading amusement was progtessivo
high the which wns ory much
enjoyed Tho refreshments sorvod
wero very lino and of luigo vaiioty in
cluding all tho delicacies of tho season
Tho hostess piovod a most buceebful
Tho following namod teachers have
gono to Madison to attond tho meeting
of tho M ullson County Teachers associa
tion in session today Misses Edna and
Julia StalVord Mamio and Ruth Matiau
Wood Pheasant Howig AUhory Wil
liams Guy bait Tolor Bryan McNeil
Nielson Anna and Imiri Law Nolllo
Williams M Uhor Kiyo It Edith
Mm iov Mil Mathowson and Watbon
M is D C OConnor and IB B imcs
The switch hoard at tho telephono c
chango which was u cently tempoianly
enlarged is again about full and will bo
full whon telephones now ordeied aio
placed Manager Sprechor so notitlcd
keadqnarleiH and in reply they hiiid that
1 10 largo switchboard for this oillco is
bomg constructed and would bo ready to
be placed in a shoit timo It is there
fore thought that within a few weeks at
most tho airagoments to piovido for all
needs for sonio time in tho future will
bo at hand
At its mooting last ovonlng Norfolk
lodge No 7 A O U W mado arrange
ments for a social entertainment to bo
given on next Saturday evening tho
27th to which all members of tho order
and their families aro invited It is
proposed to have a literal y and musical
program a storeopticon exhibition and
rofreshmonts A committeo on ar
rangements was named and consists of
tho following persons O A Harsh
man W It Hoffman C G Dolen
Wm Bland T E Moolick John
Quick and M L Ogden A committee
on program consisting of W R Hoff
man G C Gow and 0 S Hayes was
The club which I G Westcivelt has
had in hand did not orgauio last Satur
day evening became but fow who had
signified their willingness to join at
tended tho meeting called for tho pur
pose and an adjournment was taken un
til Moud iy evening tho 22nd when it
is hoped that enough prospective meni
beis will attend to completo tho organi
zation The ngreomont has been signed
by 91 persons who wish to join and it
should be a successful veuture Its pur
pose is for social entertainment instruc
tion aud amusement and it is likely that
rooms will bo routed and maintained
for tho convenience of the club and its
At the regular conclave of Damascus
commaudery No 20 K T held last
evening it was decided to givo a social
entertainment on Friday night Feb
ruary 2 ground hog day and ono of
the members was heard to remark that
it would be a ground hog case if thoy
didnt havo a good time The following
committees wero appointed Invitntion
J S McClary G W Box W B Fry
mire Music F W Juueman S G
Dean S W Hayes Reception G T
Sprecher A H Vielo J O Aid Re
freshments J S McClary G W Box
Gtiy Halverstoin It is proposed to have
a hull and banquet whito those who do
not duuee will bo entertained otherwise
A fine time is anticipated
Mr and Mrs A J Durlaud euter
tjined a fow friends at whist Saturday
W H Spauldiug special messenger
from Washington D 0 is iu tho city
distributing public documents
Geo Stalcop today moved a largo
safo from tho McClary building to the
general office of tho Piano Mauufactur
i g company
There will bo a meeting of Elkhoru
encampment No 2 I O O F at Odd
Follows hall this evening All mom
bars aro urged to bo present
Tho next regular meeting of Norfolk
camp No VU M W A will be held
Wednesday evening January 24 at tho
usual placo All Neighbors aro re
quested to atteud
In tho Fair storo local published Sat
urday the word five was used in placo
of two The local should luvo read
two pounds of oatmeal for u nicklo
instead offivo pounds
Cards aro out announcing tho marri
ago of Miss Hattio Semruler and Paul
luuo which will take place on Wodnes
day January il at 1 oMockintho
aftoinoon at Chribt Lutheran ohurJi
W G M Allen of Boiso City Idaho
was in the city Satuiday with a carload
of horsoa consisting of 40 head He
rtleinsed of tho shipment to F L Cul
er who expects to sell tho animals to
his Norfolk oiiitoineis
A straugo dog entered Speucar ifcOvol
mnns shco storo Saturday and iu try
ing to make his exit got into the disi lay
window whom ho mixed things up
pretty generally Tho actual damage
dono by him was slight
A iollv crowd of Heights people
invaded tho homo of Mr nnd Mrs P
Stafford Friday ovonlng bringing with
them all tho requisites to niakea happy
time That they woro succoRBful in
thoir efforts goes without saying
A big revival Ih in progiess at tho
Battle Creek Baptist church Tho ser
vices aro under tho charge of Uov G L
Halo evangelist assisted by J M Hunt
singer both of Kansas City Mo Thii ty
sixconveits hno been made in two
weeks 2S of whom woro baptized yes
Ernest Llndoman j p is agitating
tho question of establishing a woi It
house In Norfolk wheio all bums
drunks and tho like can bo
mado to at least oim their board while
hiving out a fine Ho claims tho
propsition has tho sanction of tho city
Rov J B Van Fleet forineily pastor
of tho Episcopal chutcli of Norfolk Is In
tho city packing up his household good
prepaiatory to lomovlng thoin to Wav
orly Iowa where ho is now located
IIo will letiirn to that placo tonight
Ho holds tho position of general mission
ary in that part of lowu
P J Fuotdor Ins pnrchasul Un
building owned by P O llirhch wist of
the Romo Miller building and will
remodel it and mako it a first class
tailor shop whero ho will conduct a
nicichant tailoring business Mr
Fueslor has woiked hero for nine years
and has a imputation for doing only
Hist class woik Ho will start iu about
a wook Now goods will bo hero in
tvo or three weeks
Arthur tho eldest son of Mr and Mrs
Philip Fuoslor was the victim of a
severe and piinful accident Saturday
afternoon which almost caused him the
loss of his tonguo if not his life His
mother had the cellar door opon and in
playing about the house ho fell striking
his chin on tho odgo of tho door His
touugo was btikingout and when ho fell
his teeth closed on it biting it almost in
two Ho suffered a considerable loss of
blood before surgical assistance arrived
It took two doctors to fi up the injured
member and thoy woro required to take
five stichos to closo up tho wound Tho
lads speech will not bo impaired as ho
was ahlo to talk this morning
A platform for the display of machin
ery has been built at the lear of the
Piano office
Bernard Whitwer ono ol Tildens
leading citizens was in Norfolk today
Plumbers nro making connection with
tho Widamau building where the new
meat market will bo located
General Secretary W W Hughes of
tho Y M C L loturned last evening
from his visit to Sioux City
Geo Dentlor aud Miss Lizzo Ogden of
Council Bluffs Iowa aro visiting at tho
homo of Mr and Mrs Fred Sidlor
Tho eighth annual convention of tho
National Butter Makers association
will bo held in Lincoln February 20 to 2t
Herman Pribbeuow who holds a posi
tion as pharmacist in tho drug store of
M E Shutz at Beatrice is homo for a
short vacation
E B Ovolman has gono on i trip to
Omaha aud intermediate points He
will visit his mother at St Too Mo
before returning
Miss Emma Mattern of Creighton and
Dick and Oriu La Fargo of Bloom field
aro visiting at tho homes of W II ltish
and Geo La Fargo
Paderowski tho celebrated Polirh
pianist is to entertain u Lincoln
Women suffer
ing from female
troubles and
weakness and
from irregular
or painful men
ses ought not
to lose hope if
doctors cannot
help them Phy
sicians are so
busy with other
diseases that
they do not un
derstand fully
the peculiar ail
ments and the
delicate organism of woman What
the sufferer ought to do is to give
a fair trial to
which is the true cure provided
by Nature for all female troubles It
is the formula of a physician of the
highest standing who devoted his
whole life to the study of the dis
tinct ailments peculiar to our moth
ers vives and daughters It is made
of soothing healing strengthening
horbs and vegetables which have
bem provided by n kindly Nattiro to
cmo irregularity in the menses Leu
corrhcea Falling of the Womb Nerv
ousness Headache and Backache
In fairness to herself and to Brad
fields Pcmalc Regulator every
btirtLring woman ought to givo it a
trial A largo i bottle will do a
wonderful amount of good Sold by
Send tit a nicely Illustrated free UcW on tits utJt
Th BradfleM Regulator Co Atlanta 6a
oiieo at tho now Auditoihim iu that
city February 1st
General T 11 Stanton brother in law
of Mrs Mary L Stanton of this city Is
ory sick at his homo in Omaha and
physicians aio of tho opinion that ho
will not llo many dayn
At tho meeting of tho boaid of direct
ors of the Young Mens Christian
Loigue hold iu their rooms last night
12 new applications for membership
were leceived and favorably considered
John O Llcy fonneily of IiIh city is
now at tho head of tho John Lay
Inipoil conipiuy of New Otloans
Louisiana Tho company handle
Mexican Atec agae hair restmer
tooth puudci pain lilltr nud liniment
lit has remembered a Norfolk fiiend
with oiiculiusdiMMiptho of the wonder
lul remedies
Elkhoin encampment No 271 O O
K heltl an enjoyable meeting hiM even
ing initiated a candidate ami luutioi
pntod in a supper Tho lellowiug aio
tho ollle ms for the ensuing toi m H II
Patteison C P Maitiu Kituo S W
0 C Ball II P Holt Major I W
Md Walker sciibo O F W Mar
quiu dt troiiMiioi S It MoFailaud 1
S I C BargoltO S O 1 Johnson
E 1 Schoiregio mid J II Herman
Senatoi Allen and Congi sman Rob
inson luuo Intiodueed bills in both
brandies of congiess appioprintiiig 57i
000 tor a public building in Noifolu
The people of this city and of nil Madi
son comity will watch the couiro ot
these bills with deep interest and wi h
for them hiiecetsful consideration The
go eminent has the site and the coteni
pl ited building is a thing long desiied
The city olllcials aio about to make a
special ellort to collect tho dog tax duo
for tho fiscal year ending May 1st next
Thoy propose that the owner shall pay
tho ta at onco or his dogship will Into
tho dust It is uudci stood that tho tax
has been paid on about 120 dogs and
they do not consider it a fair deal to col
lect from ono and not all That theio
aro more than 120 dogs iu town is acon
eliiHivo fact to anjone having eyes to
see and eais to hear them
Tho weather is a fruitful topic for
ennersation and comment then days
January has thus far diveloped veiy
little zeio weather and the pieailing
quality is moi o like spring oi fall than
nud winter Merchants leport tiado
vorj satisfactory tho mild tempi ratuio
being an inducement lor fnrnuis and
people of suiioniiding towns to dnvo to
tho city nnd make their purchases
Thoy state that tho shopping paitukes
of tho nature of fall trade w inter goods
being not in largo demand Weathoi
stories from vai ions paits ol tho state
nro current many of them undoubtedly
true It is known heio that largo Hies
and tho red or box older bugs aio as
peart as though it weie eaily spring
From other parts of tho state come
reports that farinors aro sowing wheat
that tiecs aro budding and grasshoppers
are hatching Tho latter is a thing to
bo desired as tho birds aro quite likely
to bo frost bitten and laid out before
hpring actually arrives Tho cold stor
age and ico men aro considerably
worriod about their crops of ico
But spring is not yet here nnd while
wo on joy tho present glorious weather
there is every prospect that there will
bo sufficient cold weather to furnish all
tho ico uecotsary
Mrs A D Colo is quite sick at her
homo in this city
John Brown was a city visitor yestu
day from Hnrtingtoii
Ira Thomas of Oakland was in tins
motropolis yesterday
Emil Lueck and wifo of Stanton wero
city visitors yesterday
FJ Halo was down from Battlo
Creek again yesterday
Geo Johnson was a visitor yesterday
in Norfolk from Neligh
E A Lindborg of Wuyiio was a vis
itor in Norfolk yesterday
Pat Stanton of Tilden was a visitor in
this metropolis yesterday
C H Leo of Silver Creek had busiuehb
in tho Sugar City yosterduy
B T Ward of Orchard stopped over
today between trains enrouto to Madi
Frank Davenport went to Wayne this
morning on business aud will return
C S Hayes wont to Battlo Creek to
day ou buhiiiLss Fiom thoro ho will
go on west
It is reported that Mrs James McDon
ald is vtO lw nd that her death is
expected almost hourly
John Muslermnn went to Plainview
VOftterday on his wheol where ho ex
pects to remain two or tlneo weoks
Commissioner J J Hughes of Battlo
Creek was in tho city yesterday on his
way to Madison to atteud tho board
meeting today
Davo O wen departed today for Den
ver Colorado Sjnings an 1 other pointo
in Colorado and Wyoming whoio tho
firm hnsgradiug contracts
Mis A O Huen gave a pleasant
suipribo party on her hunbaud Monday
oveiung which was attondod by u lugo
number of friouds of tho family Tho
ovoinng was spent ary onjoyably
Seth Kothledgo has his stock of dry
goods and notions about all packed and
nmdy for shipment Ilooxpoelstouune
to Ooloridgo tomoiiow II M Davies
will accompany him and clerk iu the
stoic at that place
Tho annual show of tho Elkhoin Val
ley Poultry and Pet Stock iiHsuciut on is
now being held at Madison ami a largo
number of entries have already been
made About 10 coops hao been suit
down by Noifolk faucieiHaiid otheisaie
to follow
A window iu tho gioceiy of Ed
Meyeison East Norfolk incline was
biokeu this moiiiiug by a chicken which
had escape I from a coup ami mistook
the window as an easy egiess to flee
loin Thopaitioular pane which she
shuck was dissohed into a thousand
p u tides
The wind picked up one of the short
iion signs of the Star clothing stoio
this noon and started It down tho sheet
al a lively lute Tuo sign is icpu scuta
live ol a until with a giip and it mado a
Iomteal appeaiauce as it lolled and
skm tied along the stutt A iitimhct of
Imjs gaochiiso aud s ion had the sign
Ravenna Novvh JiIiii Miehio has a
sou Geoige who Is veiy haul lo get out
of bed mornings When called the boy
has a liiibil ofnnsAoiing yessii and
going to sleep again On one occasion
last wiek John calhtl tho bin got the
usual yes Mr and then quietly slid
upstniiH tinned down the covers and
gave him a goo I livelv Hpunking
ll happened that ou that night I lie
hind ghl had been given the boj s
tooin When the tumult was over John
sat down behind tho bain and diaftcd
an apology to the lined giil
Davo Covert who in coinpiny with
Olias ICretzei went toOiegon last wet If
vvntes fiom Poitliuul that he is enjoy
ing himself very thoroughly lie snjs
tho weather there is very like early May
in tliiscoiiiitiy Net week they expect
to go on a hunting trip about 200 miles
out of Portland Thoy stopped at
Denver on their way out and met Mr
and Mrs Win Martin and Mr and Mis
Svvitheii Reynolds tonneilyot this city
Ho states that woik is plenty out on tho
coast and looks like it would bo plenty
for 25 years to conio They are expected
home about tho Ihst of Muuh
Tilden Citizen1 Maihn Welch sr
spoilt a couple ol days last week m Noi
folk Muting ins son John 1 Welch
who is coachman at the int ano le ylum
Tito elder Welch speaks in veiy high
t Tins of Rnpeiinteiident Kipei SI w
aid llees Siii ivisiis Mr and Mis Me-
Phcrson and other ollicois While ie
coiving tlio tieihuiiit aceonlcd a wtl
come guest lie was shown all through
the institution and was much interested
in the pei feet method and system which
prevail When living in England he
hud fnqnent oppoitunitics for visiting
similar institutions theio and states that
no comparison can bo made between the
treatment of pitieuts and tho poisnuucl
of the officials in tho two countries To
quote him litcially I used to think the
English asylums grand institutions but
theyre not a patolnn to the ono at Nor
Sugar Planters Journal Many
women on tho farm do not know tho
meaning of rest it is to huiry hurry
hurry irom morning to night and even
in their sleep they jump and start
prov ing that their nerves aro as much
ou tho alert in nl umber us during tho
labors of tho day So many women
nso early and go through a round of
duties by 1 i oclock that would stagger
a mull if ho wero called upon to perform
them after which instead of resting
foi a little while thoy will rush to then
work baskets and commonco a task of
sowing that is as great in proportion as
tho labors of tho early morning hours
Lot every woman take even fivomiuutes
for rest and sho will find it of the great
est benollt to hor Lives aro prolonged
this way and ninny aro shortened by
tho mad rush women think it necessary
to keep up
Tho subscribers to tho plan to organ
ize a social club met last evening at tho
office of Powers Ac Hays and took the
first stop toward perfecting tho organi
zatioii Ira G Wostervelt tho prime
mover was chosen as chairman nnd G
A Luikait as secretary until a perma
nent organization should bo effected
On motion W M Robertson M D
Tyler and Isaac Powers wero appointed
ns n committee to draft constitution and
by laws Messrs Westervelt and Wid
iimun wero mado a committeo to arrango
for tho next meeting of tho olub Tho
motion provailed that wheu tho meet
ing adjourned it should ho to meet
again at G a R hull ou Thursday
ovoning at s oclock whon tho reports
of committees will bo received and or
ganization comphud All who sigiied
tho membership list woro icquestcd to
ho present at this nioetiinr
VI ill ii i villi
Homer Tannehill is sick with lung
After a months sickues Frank Sim
son is getting bottor
A V MeGinius loit a cow lust week
from tho corn stalk disease
Charlie Tannehill is at homo again
Ho traveled the past season with Buffalo
Bills Wild Webt show
Rav Wm Miohelfelder nud wifo left
for Denver Colo Thursday after a
mouths visit with Mrs M A Cuplin
Tub News 300 aopartnieut is com
ploto in every particular
Iiildin Irnni Mrn iiry II IIIiIih Iluto
Himilliy NIrIiI
Eleven head of oattlo were stolen from
Mrs Cany E Jlbhs who lives llvo
miles southwest of the city soniellino
lining Sunday night and no trace of
them has jot been tliscovcied
The nelghbots aro active in endeavor
ing to locate the animals aud the person
or persons who look them
Sheriff Loicv was notified of tho
transaction today ami it Isoxptcled that
ho will shortly he on tho trail It In
baldly possible that iinjniin can Hteal
and dispose of eleven head iff cnltlo
Without getting caught up
Tho folks thought for nniio honin that
the cattle wero in the slulhf 01 about
the phuo Hoinevvheio and it was not
until late vesteihi that they an ived at
the conclusion that the cattle woio
Mis ll1 lis h a widow woman and al
though Inning homcHtciitlod and lived
on ho siime pint 11 since au emly day Ih
by 110 means wialthy and can ill nlloid
I lie bus
It is eetlulnly hoped that tho piop
eitynuiv ho iceoveied and tho I hit I 01
Ihievett caphueil
I lul III ll VV 1 nl I ml I Ill imil I nil ml l hum ll ll
Tim lacilillca of the Louisville A
Nashville inihotd lei htiuilling tourist
mid tiavi leiH destined tin all points In
Kloinln Cuba Inito lino Yuhnl
Aineiica 01 for Nassau incunstiipie scd
Double diiiv lines of sh oping cars aio
tun fiom Ciuiiunah I nil isv 1 lie Chicago
and St Iouis thiminh Jacksonville to
inlenor FI01 ida point and to M 1 mil
Tatnpn and New Oileuns the pints ot
embaikahon lor the eotiutiies men
tioiud Por foldeiH etc w nto no II
Homer I I A SI Ejiiis Mo
W vnikd II mest man or woman ot
tiuvol lor huge house Hilary Hit
monthly and expenms with increase
position pcimanciit enclose hi If ail
diesHed stamped envelope MVNVdiic
i0 Cixton bldg Chicago
It 11111 ulil In Oim llii
Take Laxative BiomotjuiniuoTahlets
All druggists n fund the moniy if it fail
to cure E W Gioves signatuio on
every box Sfic
Wash n Ijniet npectable home
like place to loom and lioanl 111 pnvntn
family by tiaveliug man and v it Fob
unity 1st Best ol refeiences Addnss
halt box 7 City with t run
Dr Humphreys
Specifics cure by acting directly upon
tho hsciiHc without 0 uiting disoidur in
any oth r purl of tin system
mi urn h titicpa
I Iimth Coiim iUIimih lnllninmntlonx ii
2 VVoriiiN Wiirin J Worm Colli Hi
A IVi tlilim CryliiuWiiki fuliieni 2i
I llliirrlirii orClilliln n or Adults 2Z
7 nucha ColilB IlrcilH liltlH 2H
H V iiriiliflu TooOintlio Fnci nclio 2H
it llrmlui hi- Hit k IlunliiUii Vi rtluo 2Zt
1 O IH Hlllalll IllillKI lltlllllWl tllCSlDtllllCllJI
1 I oni iI or Inlnfiil IVrloiN 2i
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Dr IliiMiphrcj h Manual of all DImiisch ut your
DruiMlKtH or MmIIi d I rn
Sold liy ilriiKKlxtKor m nt on nil liil of prleu
IIiiuililirnyH Mul Co Cor William i John SU
Mr art Hi hi Ihr rr Ihnt Tri aiti nude tf D
lll mitY 1 IMI IK ll hh Ifftf fillt liifrt D B
Hi nrJ ihttrvMl lv nthfrts nml WE 7 t5
wm Hit r y idwihIi n ir t nnrU ru or nui ihS ftw
Vork Hvttrtlblr lUmlf liu jlluMiattd nhnvi i ut this
rul nui kimI Kflldtdii wch P It H M lAl I MM F rumrd
Mit to your lfrllil Wlt An huv limit HU hav lcei
rupturiMl win ititr nipt i ih ihim ui ctato
nuiitr iitUxH an unil tH Imlj in n Him i1 tho
rupture my wlttju n iIuk it- n rKht or It tt U1e
mid h will Mitmt itlitrtr t ju with tht iiixlor
tHii1litr Ifll I ml i rrfrfl Al nml mjuI lo lruir 0ml
rtUllal lirr Iimi our r1 jouiti TctUfli it nnd WO
will return your money
rtrnr iiicludliik Hit r JltMiii Utx lrun tfr nr
Ibtlrurr kluintt rn tm mI wllftiwriOl fur vZtf J
Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable
Almost everybody who reads the news
papers is sure to know of the wonderful
tyl T r i
f V I
I V ztr
t v uu
cures made by Dr
Kilmers Swamp Root
8 I tne Creat kidney liver
IU tf3 li ad bladder remedy
r 1 1 is me rrreai
cal triumph of the nine
teenth century dis
covered nfter years of
scientific research by
Dr Kilmer tha emi
nent kidney and blad
der specialist and Is
wonderfully successful in promptly curing
lame back kidney bladder uric acid trou
bles and Brights Disease which Is the worst
form of kidney trouble
Dr Kilmers Swamp Root Is not rec
ommended for every thing but if you have kid
ney livei or bladder trouble it will be found
just the remedy yon need 1 1 has been tested
In so many ways in hospital work in private
practice among the helpless too poor to pur
chase relief and has pioved so successful in
every case that a special arrangement has
been made by which all readers of this paper
who have not already tried it may have a
sample bottle sent free by mail also a book
telling more about Swamp Root and how to
find out if you havo kidney or bladder trouble
When writing mention leading this generous
offer in this paper nd
send your addiess to riJfaKffiirR
Dr Kilmer Co
haminu N Y rt
v I r i i -
repiUr fifty cent and iionioorswamp noot
dollars are sold by all good druggists