The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, January 25, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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B v w n j wyjnu irurjui r ii
ATinn oati
But iu niiotlurnioinunt bhowns buck
licr oyoH diluted and hur wholo person
breathing out a torriblo purpose
Do not look at 1110 do not notieo
mc hIio cried but in a voieo ho hoarso
no ono but Mr C5ryeo could fully un
derstand her I am for no oiioh eyes
but Gods Pray tliat bo may bavo mer
cy upon ma Then na nho saw ur all
instinctively fall back sho controlled
bersclf and pointing toward Mother
lauos cottage said moro distinctly
Aa for thobo nion lot tlioin dig Lot
them dig the whole day long Secrecy
ia for ua a Hccrccy so absolute- that not
oven tho birda of tho air must seo that
our thoughts range boyond tho -10 rods
surrounding Mother Janoa cottaga
Sho turned and would bavo tied away
for tho second time but Mr Gryco stop
ped her You bavo bet yourolf a task
boyond your strength Can you perforin
I can perform it tho said if Lo
reen does not talk and I am allowed to
weep my tears alone
But I had never icon Mr Gryco
so agitated no not when bo left Olivo
Randolphs bedside after an hour of
vain pleading Hut to wait all day Is
it necc wiry for you to wait all day
It is necessary Sho spoko liko an
automaton Tonight at twilight when
the sun is s otting at tho great tree just
beforo tho road turns Not a minuto
sooner not an hour later I will bo
calmer then And waiting now for
nothing not for a word from Loreen or
a detaining touch from Mr Gryce sho
How away for tho second time This
time Loreen followed her
Well that is tho hardest thing I
ever had to do baid Mr Gryco wip
ing his forehead and speaking in a tone
of real grief and anxiety Do you
think her delicato frame can stand it
Will sho survivo this day and carry
through whatever it is bho has sot her
belf to accomplish
Sho has no organic disease said I
but sho loved that young man very
much and tho day will bo a terrible
one to her
Mr Gryco sighed
I wish I had not been obliged to ro
Bort to such meansr said be but
women liko that only work under ex
citement and sho does know tho secret
of this affair
Do you mean I demanded almost
aghast that you bavo deceived her
with a falso telegram that that blip of
paper you hold
Read it ho cried holding it out
toward me
I did read it Alas thcro was no de
ception in it It was bona fido and read
Very much as ho had said it did
However I began
But ho had pocketed tho telegram
and was several btops away beforo I had
got any further
I am going to start theso men up
said ho Yon will breatho no word to
Miss Knollys of my sympathy nor let
your own intcrcstblack in tho investi
gations which aro going on under our
And with a quick sharp brrw ho
mado his way to tho gato whither I
followed him in timo to seo him sot
hia foot upon a patch of rosemary
You will begin at this place ho
cried and work east and gentlemen
bomothing tells mo that wo will bo suc
With almost a simultaneous sound a
dozon spades and picks struck tho
ground Tho digging up of Mother Jauos
garden had begun in earnest
I staid about that gato most of tho
day If I moved away I imagined that
Mr Gryco was uneufey mid wanted mo
back under bis oyo So as Lucotta was
iuvisiblo and Loreen in a strained and
auxious mood I followed tho cxamplo
of many of tho other villagers who had
ventured into tho lano for tho first timo
in mouths and now stood watching ev
ery bhovolful of earth that was thrown
out disappointing as tho task bad
como as hour after hour passed without
any discovery
Along toward noon I had a diversion
if tho rest had not Mr Trohm camo
riding up in his buggy and somewhat
lator in tho day Deacon Spear camo
boldly upon tho field though nono too
near our gato ut which Saracen sat
growling Tho talk I bad with Mr
Trohm was of a delicate nature not bear
ing repetition but tho fow curt words
I exchanged with Deacon Spear may
ainubo tho reader or at least satisfy sonio
of my good friends that I am not so
given over to vanity as to bo misled by
every passing compliment a man may
pay mo
Ho was as I was saying drawn up
on tho opposito bido of tho road but
when bo saw mo bo mado a very low
bow and sidled a step forward Tina
mado mo draw mysolf up a bit though
I had no idea what was coining Ho
seemed to tuko that for an invitation
for pointing toward Saracen ho asked
if tho dog was quiet and wbon I in a
suporior way answered that bo was as
quiet as a lamb bo edged up to whero I
was standing and sheepishly bold out
bis baud
I bavo been thinking bo drawled
that it was only neighborly for mo to
call upon you Miss Butterworth But
this businoss which has occupied tho
lano theso last fow days has put us all
into such a mood of unpleasantness that
thorn was no ufo of irvinp vniilirv
on any ono
Ilia hair waa mi sleek his oyea so
small and so twinkling that 1 began to
bavo respect for Williams opinion of
him but I baid nothing possibly be
cause I only half heard what ho bad
just said himself
Im no ladys man theso were tho
noxt worda I heard but then I
judge youre not in for flattory and nil
that kind of thing yourbolf So now
1vo got tho chance Ill just say tho
thing Ive got on my tonguo to say
Miss Butterworth Im oil and I havo
been a widower two years Im not lit
ted for a solitary life and I am lilted
for a comfortable life with an affection
ate wife to keep my hearth swept clean
and my own alleotions iu good working
order Will you bo that wife I havo a
neat cottage
Yes said I in Lost Mans lano
Oh bo exclaimed you do not
liko this place Well wo could go olso
whero I am not bet against tho city
Nor against tho comfortable littlo
incomo somebody baa told you I
bObsed cried I 1 seo your disinterest
edness but I hhould bo sorry to protlt
by it Why man I never spoko to you
beforo in my life and do you think
Oh said he I beo you aro not
above iluttery and thoso things Well
madam I know a tremendous lino wom
an when I beo her without talking away
a dozen evenings on politics religion
and what not I dont need to know any
more about you than I can take in with
my two eyes but if you would liko a
littlo moro acquaintance with me why
I can wait a couple of weeks till wovo
rubbed tho edges a littlo oil of our
strangeness when
When you think I will bo so charm
ed with Deacon Spear that I will bo
ready to settlo down with him iu Lost
Mails lane or if that will not do carry
him oil to Gramorcy park wbcro ho
will bo tho idmiration of all New York
and Brooklyn to boot Why man if I
was bo eabily satisfied as that I would
not bo in a position today for you to
honor mo with this proposal I am not
easy to buit so I adviho you to turn
your attention to somo ono much moro
anxious to bo married than I am but
not beforo this mystery is bottled in
Lost Mans lane If you were an honest
man you would ask no ono to share
your fortunes whilo any cloud rests
upon your honor
My honor 1 Madam bo careful I
admiio you but
No offense said I For a stran
ger I havo perhaps indulged in a littlo
freedom I only mean that any ono who
lives in this lano must feel that tho
shadow which envelops it rests also a
littlo upon him When that is lifted
each ono will feel hinisolf a man again
From indications yonder that day may
not bo iar away Mother Jano is a liko
ly sourco for such a mystery Sho knows
just littlo enough to havo no proper
idea of tho value of a human life
Madam said Deacon
havo not that much interest in what is
going on over there Hero ho snapped
his lingers If men havo beon killed
in this lano which I do not believe
sho nover laid no band in it What I
think is that its all a coincidence
Each and every person who has disap
peared has disappeared naturally No
ono has been killed That is my thoorji
madam and you will find it correct
On thiB point I bavo expended much
I was irato I waa also dumfonnded
at his audacity Did ho think I was tho
woman to swallow that But I shut
my lips tight lest I shonld say some
thing and ho not finding that agreeable
being no conversationalist himself drew
off after awhilo with pomo pompous ex
pression of hoping to Seo mo ngain af tor
his honor was cleared up in my very
particular eyes
It was tho second proposal I had re
ceived that day but tho first well I
did not accept that oithcr though my
declination waa a littlo kinder than tho
ono I thought best to inflict upon Deacon
A day of unparalloled anxiety broken
by such episodes as theso
fi oolock tho diggers began to go
Nothing had been found and tho
oxcitemeutof search which had animat
ed them early in tho day bad given
placo to a dull resentment mainly di
rected toward tho Knollya if ono could
judge of thoso mens feelings by tho
heavy scowls and significant gosturoa
with which they passed its broken
down gatoway
By 0 tho last man bad filed by leav
ing Mr Gryco frco for tho work which
lay beforo him
I bad retired long beforo this to my
room whoro I awaited tho hour sot by
Lucotta with a foverish impationco
quito now to mo As nono of us could
eat tho supper tablo had not been laid
and though I bad no means of knowing
what was iu btoro for us tho somber si
lenco and oppression under which tho
wholo house lay boomed a portent that
waa by no meana encouraging
Suddenly I heard a knock at my door
Rising hastily I opened it Loreen
btood beforo mo with parted lipa tuid
terror in all her looks
Como sho cried Como and seo
what I havo found in Lucottaa room
As sho was already half way down
tho hall I hastened to follow brr and in
n fow moments found niypoir on tho
threshold of tho room I know to bo Ln
Sho mado mo proinlso cried IO
reen baiting to look back at mo that
1 would let her go alono and that I
would not enter tho highway fill an
hour after bho had left But after this
how can we stay in this houso1 And
dragging tun to a table sho showed mo
lying on its top a folded paper and two
letters The folded paper waa Lueetfaa
willand the letters were directed sever
ally to Lot eon and to myself with tho
injunction on them that they were not
to bo read till hho had been gono six
Serious I murmured Hut Mr
Gryco ia with her
No ono ia with her Mr Oryco may
bo near but sho has undertaken her
task alone Miss Butterworth I havo
nover broken a promise bofoioin all my
life but 1 am going to break his
Como lot ua lly to her Sho baa her
lovers memory but I bavo nothing in
all tho world but her
I immediately turned and wo hasten
ed down tho htairs but at tho foot Lo
reen gave mo a look and said
My promise waa not to enter ho
highway Would you bo afraid to fol
low ino by another road hoorot road
all overgrown with thistles and black
berry bushes which havo not been trim
med up for years
I thought of my thin shoes my neat
silk dress but only to forget them tho
next moment
I will go anywhere said I But
where whero baa Lucotta gone Is it
to Deacon Spears If ho
But Loreen was already too far in ad
vance of mo to answer Sho was young
sho waa litho and waa down as far aa
tho kitchen beforo I had passed tho
llower irlor But when wo had sped
clear of tho house I found that my prog
ress bade fair to bo as rapid as hers
for her agitation was a hindrauco to her
whilo excitement always brings out my
powers and heightens both my wits and
my judgment
Our way lay past tho stables from
which I expected every minute to beo
two or three dogs jump But William
who bail been dibcreetly sent out of the
way early in tho afternoon by tho two
sisters had taken Saracen with him
and possibly tho rest so our passing by
disturbed nothing not oven ourselves
Tho next moment wo were in a Held of
prickers thiough which wo both strug
gled till wo camo into a sort of swamp
This was bad going but wo lloundurcd
through it edging continually as I
could not but seo toward a distant fenco
boyond which rose tho bymmotrical
lines of an orchard
Loreen I cried Loreen thoso
aro Mr Trohms grounds Must wo pass
through them
Its tho shortest way sho bhouted
back for among tho hummocks of tho
swamp sho had got tho start of mo
And unpleasant as I felt this intrusion
to be I hastened on overtaking hur
onco moro just s wo reached a tiny
gatoway so covered with vines that
thcro was no need for Loreen to say
I do not boliovo this has been open
ed for years but it must bo opened
now And throwing her young strength
against it sho burst it through with
all its vines and bidding mo pass hho
stepped herself over tho trailing
branches and mado without a word for
tho winding path wo now saw clearly
defined on tho edgo of tho orchard bo
foio us
Oh exclaimed Loreen stopping
ono moment to catch her breath I do
not know what I fear or to whit our
steps will bring us I only know that I
must hunt for Lucotta till I find her
If thoro is danger whero hho is I must
sharo it You can rest hero or como far
ther on But what is this
It was a man Ho had started sud
denly from somo ono of tho shadows
near tho hedgerow
1 Silenco ho whispered putting his
finger on his lips If you are looking
for Miss Knollys ho added seoing us
both paubo aghast sho ia on tho lawn
boyond talking to Mr Trohm If you
como hero you can seo hor Sho is in
no kind of danger but if sho woro Mr
Gryco is in tho first row of trees to tho
back thoro and a call from mo
That mado mo remember my whistlo
It waa still round my neck but my
hand which had instinctively gono to
it fell again iu extraordinary emotion
aa I took in tho situation ho bad hinted
at and realized that it was on Mr
Trolims grounds wo stood and that it
waa toward Mr Trohm himself Loreena
looks of uuniistakablo fear and dread
were turned
Loreen I whispered it is not
hero you look for a solution of that
awful mystery
Miss Butterworth sho answered
it is hero you should look for it
Hero 1 Nover havo I folt such
emotion and nover havo I so nearly suc
cumbed to it What do you mean I
prayed Tell me toll mo quickly what
you mean
I menu hho gasped that that ia
tho man who has pursued ua with his
hatred driving my father and my moth
er into their graves Obadiah Trohm is
tho rich man of whom wo spoko to
you not Deacon Spear or any ono elso
in this unhappy lano And breaking
from mo sho slid away nearer tho ill
assorted couple in ono of whom from
that moment I baw no longer tho cour
teous kindly country gentleman but a
monster of vengeful propensities if not
bomething worso and still moro diabol
Oomol hho beckoned happily too
absorbod iu hor own emotions to notico
initio Lfctua get nearer If Mr Trohm
is tho wicked man wo fear thoro is no
telling what tho means aro which ho
Ubes to get rid of his victims There
waa nothing to bo found in his house
but who knows but that tho dangor may
bo around her now It waa evidently to
daro it Bho camo to offer horself as a
martyr that wo might know
Hushl I whispered controlling my
own fears roused agaiust my will by
this display of terror iu this usually
nlir f ft
- fl---- fj
menace her thoro not where liny wo
stand unless bo ia n common assassin
and carries a pistol
No pistol murmured ho man who
bad crept again near us Pistols make
a noise Ho will not use a pistol
Good God I whispered Youaro
not anticipating also hat it la iu tho
heart of his man to kill Lueetta
Six strong men bavo disappeared
hereabout said tho fellow never
moving hia eye from tho couple before
us Why not one weak gltl
With a cry Loreen started forward
Run sho whispered Itun
But as tills won loft her lips a slight
movement took place in tho belt of trees
whero wo had been told Mr Iryeo lay
in hiding and wo could see him issue
for a moment into sight with bis linger
liko that of hia man laid warniugly on
hia lips Loreen trembled and drew
back seeing which the man beside ua
pointed to tho hedge anil whispered
There is just room between that and
he fence for a person o pasa sideways
If you and Ida lady want to get nearer
to Miss Knollys you might ako bat
road But Mr Gryco will expect you
to bo very quiet Tho young lady ov
pressly said beforo she camo into this
place that she could do nothing if for
any reason Mr Trohm should suspect
that thev were not alono
Wo will bo quiet I assured him
anxious to bido my face which 1 folt
witch at every mention of Mr Trolims
name behind tho hereon ho thus ollered
for our Uho Loreen was already behind
tho hedge
To lioluiilliiiiml Nnxl WmiU
The Variety store ia selling out with
all goods marked with plain figures at
cut prices to closo out quick
A Nnv York Attiiirllnti
Edwin F Mayo who with his com
pany recently playod an engagement at
Fremont in a letter to Manager Irvin
of the hove baa this to say about an at
traction that will bo presented in the
Auditorium on the ltli of February
You have with you 1 havo learned
on February 10th Mr Otis Skinner
ThoFionion people should feel Mattered
as his gentleman is ono of tho best
aotors on tho Amoriean stage none
hotter His company ia composed of
ladies and gent lemon whose standing as
Thespians iu New York and all lie
largo cities can not bo questioned Miss
Conihtock who accompanios Mr Otis
is direct from Mr Frohmans theatre
Lot mo say onco again that wit Mich
companies as Otis Skinners thorn
need bo no fear on tho part of tho pub
lic Thoy will got as good a company
and play as is seen in Now York
History ol 1urlH I0itoslt Inn
Among the international events that
will mark tho closo of tho nineteenth
century tho Paris exposition will bo tho
Hero will bo displnyed tho greatest
works of art scienco and bkill produced
sinco timo began Caiiipbolls Illustrated
Joarnal in its consecutive issnesis mak
ing an authentic illustrated history of
this great evont similar to that it mado
of tho great Worlds Fair showing the
buildings grounds exhibits art and
architecture that will astonish and
command tho ndmiration of tho world
As an historical work of art it will bo
invaluable Those intending to visit
Paris and tho exposition can become fa
miliar with it beforo that timo whilo
thoso who cannot attend by perusing
its pages can visit tho exposition at their
own fireside
J M Covkkt Agent
Norfolk Nob
YVlnit Wo Kat
Is intended to nourish and sustain us
but it must bo digostcd nnd assimilated
beforo it can do this In other words
tho nourishment contained iu food must
bo soparatod by tho digestive organs
from tho waste material and must bo
carried by tho blood to all parts of tho
body Wo boliovo the reason for tho
groat bonofit which so many people
dorivo from tho Hoods Sarsaparilla lies
iu tho fact that this medicino gives good
digestion nnd makes pure rich blood
It restores tho functions of those organs
which couvort food ihto nourishment
that gives strength to nerves aud
muscles It also cures dyspepsia scrof
ula salt rheum boils sores pimples
and eruptions catarrh rheumatism nnd
all diseases that havo their origin in
impure blood
Housokeopors can buy tho most goods
for tho leiiBt money now at Tho Variety
store closing out salo Seo tho cut
prices displayed in tho show windows
and on tho counters
Iitttiir 11st
List of lotterH roinuiniiiK uncalled for
at tho postollico January 20 lilOO
Sraurico Brown S J CreoR Mrs O
A Kvans Kosa Harden Mr and Mrs
G Huntington Mont Van Shnick
Mary Wright
If not called for in 10 days will bo
rsont to tho dead letter oilico
Parties calling for any of tho abovo
please buy advertised
P V SiUECinnt P M
To Cunt lu rliie In Two Dnytt
Take Laxativo Brouio Quinine Tablets
All druggists refund tho money if it fails
to cure K W Groves siguaturo on
overy box 25c
of licit Varlelle at Hard Time Prices Kinall
rulv in litrmi euinily Milllonu of Htrowborry
Iiluuto vnry thrifty anil voll rooted Oottlie
11KHT near iinmo nud ttavo frolnlit or oxiireim
8oud for itrico lint to
Norlh Bend Nurseries
f Jnrih Mf1 flJr ClifvNVb
spread rapidly and it was soon doinniisl ruled
beyond doubt Hint a cure had at last been
found for deadly Cancer Kvidonco has accu
mulated which is incontrovoitiblo of which
tho following is a specimen
Cancer ia hereditary iu our family my father u
aister and an aunt having died from litis ilieiulfui
diBease My feelings may bo imagined when the hor
rible disease mado its anpoaraiieo on my side It wan
a malignant Cancer eating iiiwiudly in such a way aa
to cause groat alarm Tho disease scorned hcynnd the
akill of the doctors for their tiontmeiit did no nooil
wliatover ho Cancer glowing woihc all be while
NinueroiiH remedies weie used for II but the Cancer
irrew steadilv wmse until it too moil thnl I was doomed
- rti ii -
litr nf lnthn ftinuiiu iu alluil
nil nL untl wo will Mini thin
CLOI H CAPE lujnu liy Firru
11 Miljt ct ii rxnmlnutluii
You cm tttmniiiu unit to It on
ut situr man t txirtft or
il 1
VgL ygfr jj
ONLY 275
t Klli
ONEY Iuwili
mtnl In n slato
ourfiKitiitu iiriiiti Mm
IKi niiil ir rnuiiil c riVril
alUfrlbr rirlly rr
rrntrq 01 Ibrnul
untlrrriil alu tuu
rfrr iiur liraruof
puy tho eiiriii
uifLiit our 1111 lul
oirt r irli 275
anil rlrr rkrir
KiprtH uliurKita
Will MUTOktl u to
r0 fntn rur ffti h
IOixi ijilles THIS
WINTER inaitn
from un titr ri ud
br17 ll wimiI bltrkorlilu
t fiiulnt llurllon lint-
TCP cloth S7 lnrh 11 lonir ery lull nwtitp ll liicliiiiier
capo 1 lint full I pprrrap aodlrnr tururollir lititutl
fully trliiimiil with klck liltlc rl fun npner can
trliiiintii with tltnti row anil collar with tworowitof
flu uoblr krtlili cloth button ornament TI1I1 r I
Bar Ullor mill tltrtiudmat mill i quul til ca r that Kllat
inttro than iluullu Ihit itririi l ill fur frr I lnV I llvr
Heart Uotbuek A to art Uomuf alj rtllattle Ullor
Cut till ail out ami kciiiI to u and
wit will Mini ou tula llll II mill
ACME I 1LtllUltH RdlMj
Ir Uhl I 1 rtihjit t to oaml
nut Ion oucauuiaiiiiiut It at jour
fruuhttltixitnuillf found rftitl
Milfactorjeaitclly a rcprcM nttnl
ami eiiual to aculi s that retail at
lit i Ur rllnid atrritt our tprclal
rirr s3f ir m iiuv t
s075 ami frellit cliiirKca The
iiititiliitr vtiWlit I l Ilia am tin
frelKht w 111 entire JV for each Hit
mutuant r uaraatni ir uritier
I UK it UK rur
farra tore or
warraou U It
KuaiatlltHHl 101
tcarauti will
Ulll ulrl fjlO II Iv t
Ilnt lH alll welrll0 llm ia hltaa llraMMIai IvUr
tialmt 11II elht furnialicd
rutform la Ilii3 Im lif rc tlni on ailjuwuie ilillj
tMiarliii ha IHiilon atccl pltota morv ciinine
a untlu and ilirublo fcalc matl muunttsl tut four
lanriwhiHliti llicj ate nlrcl talntod and oniamcntcil
and iHautlfully iliiUlml throuitliout Kery farmer
wllUatv tnke tltccot In our Mmiin In wcluhliiB the
Kraln hi Ht lla uud IM a OltlHH AT UMl Uforv tht
tiletilaianced Cataloirue of a alea fre for tlieak
lutr Addroit Sears Roebuck Co Inc Chicago III
IsVara Uotbutk A to are llmrvuiklji rtllaUr Itlllttr
ti cutter htockolld iiaorl I
luwl Mircwul and pluirviil
Results Fatally In Nine
Cases Out of Ten A
Cure Found at Last
Tint fiJirful linvtqn oflon firaf npponra
aw n moro scrnlcli u niinpln or lump in
ln liiunt too Hiimll o nMnict imy
iiolirK unlit iu tunny nines tho loudly
diseme is Hilly developed
iiuiii run mil I io ruied ly it HiirgiVnl
oneniliou beeiiUHo lie diseiino ih u virulent
poison in the btood Hnilntiii tliroiilioiil Hie Hvulom nnd nllliotili
the noro or ulcer known us tlie Cineer mny ho nil nwny ho
poison reiniiins in tho blood nnd promptly breaks out afresh with
renewed violence
Tho wonderful success of S S S iu curing obstinate dnnp nealed
blood diseases which wore considered incurable induced a few tlo
HnairingsulVerers to try il for Cancer after exhausting tho Hkill of
the physicians without a euro Much to their delight H S S proved
oipial to tho disease and promptly elVecled a euro Tho glad news
4 As W
wits h m i nor
to follow the others of tin family for I know how deadly Cancer ia especially
when inherited 1 waa advised to try Swifts Specific H S N which fiom the
list day forced out the poison 1 continued its use until I hail tulioii eighteen
bottles when I was cuicil Hound ami well ami bavo had no HvmptoniHof the
dieadfiil allliclion hough miinv years havo elapsed H S S Is tho only euro
for Cancer Mas S M Iooi Winston N C
Our book on Cancer containing oilier testimonials and valuablo
information will bo sent free to any address by tho Swift Specific
Company Atlanta leorgia
il Yi mi i xiiinliii iiniiiiiriiiiuiiilii lulit ill l nml If rwgsa 1 FkJT III
11 trrll nUtAfliiriiimiPtlv wliim mini tuiiiill rliliiritlirrarlllbllIiIM U VS- I -
iwib 11111111 mi imhtiihi imiiti mi fyj JA if meJg AfcrysyTPVraw1 -
HiMir i in snccini uncr itico i1MtM
itir flKtil trn1 iur
nml IiiIkIiI InutriK Mn linn i i i I D iiiiinliiiiiiltliiirrililil will
Mnif 1iitM ii Ini li rfiniiiiiiH GIVE IT THRU MONTHS TRIAL I
ill iuii Ii tin ninl ii will iiiiini 5 nr fr ii any ii m nro not
mtlnlliil Mi II iIIIIVm Ml innki m nt I itriliKr Nrnlnit nf tH Ml
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Bll il U ilireN In 1 1 Ill vmilt t niljiiKliilili 11iirlntlii liultill It iitilnn llli rillni lliii il lot
3 f HtXvYjn lttt I niljiittliliii im tin r ml ItiiiiritinlKliiitil iitnlii imii iiiiintlliltiir
5 3 t4 VSW1 ft KWl W7 J I tttt III tin hil I IHIIII I Inrlrl l riinirl 1 r1 lrullfitllf
S iilrlillrliinniil GUARANTEED Hi llttlilt l riiiiiilnir tiiiililiirnllrniMl nrrl
jo J3 fl t7V7YVJr nilrlik ttiirMir tnilr I rj liii nllrliint til I rtjrnllirl llllil inir KrCMI In
H iil JivVSSCVjM Htriicllon Hook Ivllf liiKt It iw iiiivmu mi mil Itriml i iIIIk i itlitln rimy
Ji J2KiiJfV3 tl tltl nf Imity til A l linrllliliiirlliiiiriilfrlrintllll rtiy turn lilim
H mS 0 ll IT PMQT1 VOII NnTIIINR lnffHiiili ltilirllil iiimIiIih llllt iil l II Willi
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H0m nml Dim IT rtwvlnrril Unit yiw m fnti In Hun ut jmii Inula airrnl tin 81fino
Wl III III M UN VOI II I T tit mir I Inn1 m It III ll Hint lltrtntliH vm n vtl ttln nut rntlttlktl Ollllllt III HIT
DONT DTJliAY Snirn Koitliiiik Hi tin llinmiulilt n IIiiMi 1 illlnr t
Address SEARS ROEBUCK CO Inc Chicago III
m K W K K W A
LfXlfiy iT
arc the lonr limc users of
Smith Premiers The more
hard work turned out the
more apparent is Smith
Premier durability Repair
bills reduced to a minimum
Smith Premier capacity for
good work all the time is
Catalogue Prce
Ask for it
Smith Premier
Typewriter Co
FA I Tlini itiis Mnnilny moiilix Htt II M orU lor Onitril -UV fiirnMi nil
MiuliMtN Willi iilntvs 111 wttK fin liniitil Vuii c tti titti iiil litis ftt liif tin initiiV
rtti iinl m ii nistwltiii siiiil Hi ZU iiiiutct uikI aililifHMH nf youi ihhiiI III iiMiil In
bilsiiifss iMtUittitiii mill t Lt our l ollfirn ii kl v i II yi r fitt Out i f inlt tr fn i 10
any mil- Atlitrtss IIOII It II llll us Iiitnliit Ni I
uti uui
Mtasoneil all Joint carefully
mtcdLluwl IAIMI 1 In oet
liosalblu manner tliurouirlily ruliowl out with pumice
send our nniUR
cut Oil ail out aoil ea4 Iu
ua and wo wlllMTidynii
CUTTtR liy lielKln C
O I tulijrrt Io riMla
llan Yotl call fiamlnr
tv It ut our freight depot
V Av aullffouuilfulioa
fr Xj fullrrjou ran kujrl
1 alirre at SO IKIt Ik NT
niMIK miMV Itnd ono of tho handoml l lront aad
moultllli rullrr you rvernuw pty tho freiirht ukent
Uiita llto III mntwllh order oit 75uiii1 frclirhl
OKAIl mado from ulectwl wcouil irniwth hickory
Ironed throuirhout with krtl ray Iror lllritl UI
liro hardrard alfi l thou ikjiu matio ut im air
inu ni itl v iwil iifutlv htrlirfd uud ornuinenttd
UrilOISThHFJl In llnot atyle full utrliur remtivable
cinhlniia lieuyilurk Knen ily iloth hllArTS well
trtmuiilandlnltlieil Wilitlit about 1J51I
lull a llmllrd nun brr caa ba old al SI073 IMIIT
DIUV A UAV WrltoforFreCutterCatulitue U1S
lotilui SEARS ROEBUCK CO Inc Chicago
bran Itotkuck Atlu are Ihoroujhlj rrllabla Kdltor
AittuiMit 33UU a ratari k
IltOOK MWklVIOhll turB J
lt juur ktUbl od wtlibl kill nuiaWrttr
nit uRdrrrvattadiM uit uMdrr rialaiiit
wtwlll wmljituthUcout byuiruMi
IOIl kubjrfl lu ttuUUia Kx
amine Mid lit it ortnl jourueartut
txprt olVcn and If found riirtlf
ft rrprrtralrd nd llr not w0arful
value vu rrr vr beard of aJ
riual Iu any cval Jw ttm Luj for
50 m tin iipiijtiaLnt OIK
fekULOILt rilUL S275 aud
1HIh31At KlNTOhll Is latest 1XM
etle tay IttlnKi tuatle from trar
watrrrHf taa color yraulor laiUrri
llOlh I1IJ1 lenKill uuuuit urr9ivi
rairer velvet collar fane plaid llnlutr
wattrprootHweo euma nuiiautr tor
loih Halo or Otrrrot and faralrrd
UKUlksT liLI K rirr offrrrd by ua or
any other houi e lor Irrotlola tiaatalM
or Mttra MackipiotineM up iu tiwv
andadoto Utaaurebultaml 0er
cttataat fmmlAOO totlOOO wrlta for
nnpiik m ruirarn
Stan Uotbuck a Co aro UoroufUj n01bU WlMak
VW Jtlr Al
Cltanata and Uaatlflea tha hair
lrouiolea a luitulaut grovth
Never Fails to llestoro Qraj
Hair to Ua Youthful Color
Curt acalp diwaxa as hair lallmz
frcaDdluiat DtufjrUU