The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, January 18, 1900, Page 6, Image 8

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    1 1 i i
1 1
13 Sohoslog of Columbus wns i oily
visitor ovor hIkIiI
Jno O GrifTon of WnUnlloltl tivrrloil
in town last nlRlit
Mr nml Mm Tj 0 Ulry worn clly
-visitors from Tildon
13 M Norton liimlo n IniHliioBH trip to
Oninlm tlilH liiornltiK
Miss A tin KUmwootl of Stanton wmi r
city visitor lnht it
J It Mnndy of Windsido Is InUInK in
Norfolk attractions today
Miss Kiln Gurus of Hattlo Crook was a
visitor in Norfolk yiwtordny
13 M Owon lnft this afloruoon on a
buslnoss t rip to 1j0iui Iowa
AV 11 Johnson wont to Madison this
inorniiiK In look iiftur uubIiiohh Interests
SIk Snivland of Madison look in tho
oponinir of I ho iiudiloriiiui last ovonliiK
Mr and Mrs 1 II Allinson woluoniod
a son to tholr honiu on North Ninth
strcot last nif ht
H II Huwyor of Iawnoo Oily is nuo
of tho Hroinon who camo in oarly totako
in thowholo convonlion
SnporintotiduntGrnui and wifo canii
ovor from Madison last uvuiiing to
attond tho auditorium oponiiiK
Goo II MoOormiok luft today to visit
his old homo In LnPorto Intl which
ho has not soon for moro than SIO yonrs
Homo Millor and wifo and Miss Mills
of Omaha wore in tho city ovor night
and attoudod tho oponiug of tho
KditorI H Hultr of tho AnzolKor
wont to Columbus this morning to
attond tho annual mooting of tho Sons
of Hermann
Miss Maud Willintns of Columbus
itod today at tho homo of hur aunt Mrs
O G Dolon while on hor way toBtuart
totoaoh school
Goo Hroohlor candidato in tho last
election ou tho domooratio tiokot for
county troasuror was a spootator at tho
opening last ovoning
Tho lato John Farley was a niombor
of tho United Brotherhood of Amoriou
iuatond of tho Woodmou of tho World
as stated last ovoning
Mrs J H Kyuor who has boon
visiting Mrs II 15 Owon for tho past
iow days loft this morning for hor
homo at dulesburg this state
Mr and Mrs Goo D Buttorllold of
Creighton woro guests nt tho homo of
W II Ilutterllold last night and at
toudants at the auditorium opening
W II Hamilton and J 13 Weeks of
INorth Platto tho formorouo of tho past
presidents of tho N S V F A arrived
in tho city last ovoning to attend tho
Mrs Bon Whito aud daughtor and
cousin Tom Whito camo np from
Omaha to visit at tho homo of Mr and
Mrs Burt Mtipos and attond tho oporn
houso opouing
F J Baknlo doputy sovorign com
maudor of tho Woodmnn of tho World
who has boon at work for his order horo
-during tho past two weeks loft thiB
morning for Omaha
A J Danlovy cashier of tho Tildon
Stato bank aud W A Witzigman
cashier of tho Meadow Grovo Stato bank
were guests of G A Lnikart at tho
auditorium opening last night
Olmrles Callisou of Oakland Iowa is
visiting at tho homo of Geo Dudloy sr
Mr Callisou was ti member of Company
Ii Fifty llrst Iowa regiment nud with
it served in tho Philippines until mus
tered out
Tho annual sossiou of tho Sous of
Hermann convenes in Columbus today
und nearly a coach load of dolegatos nud
spectators from Norfolk nud surround-
Ch Ski rem
We have three children Before the
birth of the last one my wife used four bot
tles of MOTHERS FRIEND If you had the
pictures of our children you could sec al
a glance that the last one
is healthiest prettiest and
finest looking of them all
My wife thinks Mothers
Friend is the ereatest
and grandest
remedy In the
world for expect
ant mothers
Written by a Ken
tucky Attorney at
prevents ulne tenths of the
suffering incident to child
birth The comlne mothers
disposition and temper remain unruffled
tnrougnout tne ordeal because this relax
ing penetrating liniment relieves the
isual distress A good natured mother
isjjrettysurctohave agood natured child
This patient Is kept in a strong healthy
condition which the child also inherits
Mothers Friend takes a wife through the
crisis quickly and almost painlessly It
assists in her rapid recovery and wards
off the dangers that so often follow de
Sold by drugcUU lor 1 a bottle
Send for our free illustrated bsok written
expressly for expectant mothers
ing towns loft ovor tho Union Paolflo
for that placo today Mossors Kylo and
nrummuml aro dolegatos from Norfolk
lodgo 1 1 Koc nlgfltoln is ouo of the
trustees of tho order
KH Kaslov last ovoning recolvod his
commission as special doputy sovereign
commander of tho stato for tho Wood
man of tho World His duties will In
clude soliciting members and organizing
lodges throughout tho stato
Mr and Mrs 0 W llnuisoh outer
tained tho box parly of young people
after tho theater last night at their
handsome homo on IMfth street in
honor of tholr son IM and bride who
wore hero from Tildon to attend the
opening of tho auditorium Tho houso
was beaut Ifnlly decorated with choice
cut Ilowers and tho event was ono of
tho most enjoyable small parties ovor
given in tho city Klaborato refresh
nionls were served
Tho second animal show of tho Hattlo
Crook Valley Poultry and Pot stock as
sociation commenced at Battle Creek
Tuesday of last week and olosod Thurs
day ovoning A good showing of fancy
birds was made there being S I pons on
exhibition including chickens ducks
lurkeyHgeoso and pigeons Tho exhibi
tion was given in tho opera houso and
Jacob Gabloman of Jreon Garden was
tho judge Ouo of tho exhibits that at
tracted much attention was a
old hen Tho Republican says sho in
quite pcort of hor ago and is in tho
habit of laying eggs every now aud
Owon Ilros havo soeured a grading
contract on tho B Us M railroad near
Sidney covering eight miles of tho now
lino being built north nud south from
Alliance Tholr outfit will commence
tho work in about throo weeks During
tho past two seasons thoy havo had
soino heavy contracts on tho Union
Pncillo and F 15 M V ami wherr
thoy quit work a month ngo thoy ex
pected to rest this wlntor but in
those republican times no ono has an
opportunity to rest This condition is
in murkud contrast with what it wiib a
few years ago when tho grading outfit
of Owon Bros stood idle for sovonil
Tho Norfolk flro dopartmont gavo an
unplanned and unannounced oxhibition
ran this afternoon about 1 oclook tho
nianouver being induced by a vigorous
iro alarm duet of boll and sen lion
whistlo The troublo was nt tho Nor
folk steam laundry where a gasolino
tank in tho basomont in some way dis
pensed soino of tho iullanuuablo fluid
which caught lire Tho laundry is well
equipped with flro fighting facilities and
prompt work by tho force employed got
control of tho llamos before much
damngo was done aud tho dopartmont
promptly squelched nil signs of flro soon
after its arrival Moro smoko than
llamos resulted Tho damngo was
Wlmt We it
Is intonded to nourish aud sustain ns
but it must bo digested aud assimilated
beloro it can do this In other words
tho nourishment contained in food must
bo soparated by tho digostivo organs
from tho waste mntorinl and must bo
carried by tlio blood to nil parts of tho
body Wo beliovo tho reason for tho
groat benefit which so many people
dorivo from tho Hoods Sarsaparilla lies
in tho fnct that thiB medicine gives good
digestion and makes puro rioh blood
It restores tho functions of tlioeo orgaus
which convert food ihto nourishment
that gives strength to norves aud
muscles It also cures dyspepsia scrof
ula salt rheum boils sores pimples
and eruptions catarrh rheumatism and
all diseases that havo their origin in
impure blood
llUtnry ol Turin Kxponltlou
Among tho international events thnt
will mark tho closo of tho nineteenth
contury tho Paris exposition will bo tho
Hero will bo displayed tho greatest
works of art science and hkill produced
sinco time began Campbells Illustrated
Journal in its comeoutivo issues iB mak
ing an authentic illustrated history of
thiB great event similar to that it made
of tho great Worlds Fair showing the
buildings grounds exhibits nrt and
architecture that will astonish and
command tho admiration of tho world
As an hihtorieal work of art it will bo
iuvaluuble Thosu iutendiug to visit
Paris and tho exposition can become fa
miliar with it before that time while
thoso who cannot attend by perusing
its pages can visit tho exposition at their
owu fireside
J M Covekt Agont
Norfolk Nub
To Cur Tolil In tiui Iluy
Toko Laxative Biomo Quinine Tablets
All druggists refund tho money if it fail
to cure 13 W Grovos siguaturo on
every box 2c
Wantko Quiet respectable homo
like place to room and board in private
family by traveling man aud wifo Fob
urary 1st Best of roforecos Address
lock box 807 City with terms
Pneumonia Cured
Mrs A J Lawrence of Heaver Pa
eays Brazilian Halm brought me out
of a severe attack of pneumonia in
splendid shape It is a wouderful rem
edy for coughs nud lung troubles AUo
for outward use for burns cold sores
and chapped hands and face it cures
like magc It is iuvaluuble in the
0 8 Hayes wont to Tildon thin morn
ing on business
Miss Donhnuson was n passonger for
Omaha yostorday
W O Tollvor is in tho city from
Laurel taking in tho nights
Mrs Hurt Mapes accompanied Mrs
Bon Whito to Omaha yesterday
W A Danlols and daughter of Battle
Greek woro In the city yesterday
Miss Maud Smith of IJluo Springs is
visiting at tho homo of hor siBtcr Mrs
W J Gow
K 1 1 Tonkins has returned to his homo
In Columbus after a pleasant visit with
his brother hero
Tho Browning club hold a pleasant
meet lug at tho homo of Mr nml Mrs A
J norland last ovoning
Miss Vorna Seoloy of Madison was In
tho oily yostorday Sho was on hor
way to Council Bluffs Iowa
W II Johnson was taken suddenly
ill at tho store this morning and had to
bo assistod homo in a hack Ills mnny
friends hopo IiIb Illness may bo of very
short duration
Tho missionary socioty of tho M K
church gavo another of their popular 10
cont teas at tho homo of Mr and Mrs
0 F Shaw on South Twelfth street
last ovoning The social was well at
tended and heartily enjoyed
Tho Industrial storo which has boon
conducted by tho Ladies sooioty of tho
Congregational church for soiuo timo
past in tho Widamnn building on East
Main stroot is being moved to nmko
room for tho now meat mnrkot booh to
bo opened The goods will temporarily
bo stored in tho rooms ovor thp Durlnud
miuinory until another location can bo
Tho following frionds of tho contract
inglparties nrrived ou tho noon train to
day to attend tho Brown Bates wedding
winch is to tauo place this ovoning nt 8
oclock at tho homo of tho brides par
onts Mr and Mrs K W Batos Miss
Kdgocomb Miss McLaughlin Miss
Ohnpmnn Miss Campbell Mr aud Mrs
J B Brown aud son Mr and Mrs A
B Hosbrook aud Mrs Foster all of
Missouri Valley Iowa and Miss Bouco
of Omaha
Ghrw II Johnson of this city is givon
considerably moro than two columns of
spneointhis mornings World Horald
in which to recite tho grievances of
Norfolk in regard to froight rates and
mso roviow the proceedings of tho No
braska Stato Board of Transportation in
tho mattor Tho article is very much in
clotnil and his views in regard to tho
matter aro comprehensively statod It
may bo considered as a severe arraign
ment of tho board
Tho third annual oxhibition of tho
Elkhoru Valloy Poultry aud Pet Stock
association will be held in Madison next
week begiuuiug Tuesday nud continu
ing until and during Friday A large
uumbor of birds havo already boon
entered for tho show and it is oxpocted
that it will bo tho most successful
yothold by tho association Norfolk
fanciers contomplato mnkiug a largo
number of exhibits and it is to bo hoped
wint as many as can will go down and
soo tho show L P Harris of Palmyra
Btato judge of poultry is to judge tho
morits of tho various exhibits
Dan Murphy who for tho past 18
years has boon engineer on tho 0 St
P M fc O road with a run on tho
branch between hero and Sioux City
has boon transferred to tho main lino
and will run between Sioux City and
Omaha Mr aud Mrs Murphy do not
at proheut contompluto removing their
homo from Norfolk but will bonrd at
Sioux City Tho length of Mr Murphys
servico for tho company is a hotter ro
commoud than anything Tin Nkws
might say for him It might bo added
however that Mr Murphy and his esti
innblo family havo a largo circle of
friends whe will bo sorry to hnvo them
leavo Norfolk oven temporarily
Tho Sioux City Journal of this morn
ing says A B Beall manager of
Graud opera houso left yosterday for
Norfolk Nob to direct tho opening of
tho handsomo now opera houso recently
completed at that point Under his
tomporury mnnngemout Walker White
sido makes a jump of over 000 milos from
Willmar Minn via St Paul to bo pres
ent at the first porformanco in the uowop
era houso Tho engagement was for two
nights and included both Hamlet
and The Red Cockudo Mr Boal is
now interested in tho Manknto and Sioux
Falls opora houses as well as tho new
ouo at Norfolk j aud if ho continues to
add theaters to his string as is expected
ho soou will havo an enviable oircuit
J W Gibson departed yesterday for
Kansas City Mo whoro he will nttoud
au oxhibit of tho Kansas City Fauoiera
ntsociution Moro than 11000 birds havo
heen eutered for the show which will bo
held in convention hall put up at a
cost of a quartor million dollars aud
with a seating capacity of 18000 people
Tho association was compelled to put
up a guarantoo of 1000 in order to so
euro this hall Tho show opened today
aud will continue until Monday Mr
Gibson and W J Gow havo entered some
of their fine fowls at this show the ex
hibit of tho former being buff
dottesaud that of tho the latter whito
wyaudottes which wero shipped Mon
day It is hoped that they may win
some of the prizes offered
Nnllro to llrltlgn Contractus
Notlco is horoby givon that scaled bids
will bo recolvod nt tho county clerks
fllco nt
Madison Madison county No
raska until Vi oclock nt noon ntniuliinl
timo Jununry HI 15100 for tho erection
and completion and furnishing of ma
terial and labor for all pllo and iron
bridges to bo built during tho year 1100
according to tho following specifications
to wit
1 All woodon bridges to rest on
thrco piles at each bout to bo driven ton
solid foundation and bent to bo of
length required by county board piles
to bo of whito oak or whito cedar not
less than ten Inch top nil piling to bo
sound proportionate and free from
wintlshako and objectionable knots
All caps to bo of two JJxl inch
whito cult to caoh sot of three piles to
bo bolted on two sides of piling with
inch bolls and washers to each pile and
nuts on end piling to bo on inside All
piles to havo u tenon of 1 inch for
oips to rest upon
l All piling to bo sway braced with
Jlxll white oak or 11x8 whito plno nml to
bo securely bolted to end of cap and nt
each intersection with piling with jj
inch bolts and inch washers Ends
of joists and caps to bo covered with
tho same material ns llooring and to bo
oven with top of floor
I All joists to bo of northorn whito
pinollxia sized at each end oulsido
joists to bo bolted to cap at each end
with inch bolt and 5f inch wnshors
All bridges to havo nlno lines of joists
well lapped on caps All joists to bo well
ontlgeil with SxU whito nine well nnitiil
with Hi pouiiy wire nails
5 All flooring to bo 1x12 northorn
whito plno and to bo spiked to joists
with ponny steel nails at ouch inter
section of joists
tl Bailing to bo iPi feet high nbovo
floor posts northern plno all bolted
to outsido stringers with two K inch
holts and washors except end posts
which shall bo bolted to piling lapping
two foot on each corner pile cap of rail
ing to bo 2xl with 2x0 on insido under
cap hub rail 2x0 aud guard rail lxli all
whito pino and to bo well snikod with
0 penny wiro nnils
7 All railing to bo painted with two
hoavy coats of Venotiau red aud boiled
linseed oil All iron work on steel
bridges to bo painted with two heavy
coats of graphite paint
8 All bridges to bo on U feet road
way and bid must stato prico por lineal
Proposals will also bo received for
steel and combination bridges 14 feet
roadway supportod by concrete piers
with i inch steol caso 50 to -12 inches
diamoter Bid must stato sizo of pier
and prico por liucal foot nud if built ou
piling to stato length and kind of piling
and prico por lineal foot for piling
All biddors aro required to accompany
their bids with plans nud specifications
of their work nnd a certified check of
10000 to bo forfeited if contractor fails
to make contract or fllo an accoptablo
bond withiu 1C days from dato of let
Tho board of county commissioners
resorvo tho right to award soparato con
tracts for pile bridues combination
bridges and steel bridges also tho
right to reject any or all bids
Tho party awarded the contract will
bo required ro give a good aud sufficient
bond conditioned for tho faithful por
formanco of tho contract with at least
ono surety resident of Madison county
Nebraska said bond to bo approved by
tho county board
Dated this 21st day of December 18
E G Heilman
County Clerk
Wanted Honest man or woman to
travel for large house salary 05
monthly and expenses with increase
position permanent oncloso
stamped envelope Manacier
330 Caxton bldg Chicago
I Babies and children need I
j proper food rarely ever medi 1
I cine If they do not thrive
l on their food something is 1
I wrong They need a little
j help to get their digestive j
f machinery working properly
L s
will generally correct this I
difficulty I
j If you will put from one- j
f fourth to half a tcaspoonful y
I in babys bottle three or four i
I limes a day you will soon see I
J a marked improvement For
j larger children from half to
a icuapuumui unuiumij iu
soc ami i oo all druggists
OT 1 UOWNI ChemUts New Y k
r I
age dissolved in their milk
j if you so desire will very j
I soon show its great nourish-
ing power If the mothers
i milk fnPA nnr nnurUh th I
I haby
she needs the
sion it will show an ctrcct
j at once ootn upon mother
I end child
For the horse as for his master
Ivory finds abundant scope
Galls and scratches heal much faster
When well cleansed with Ivory Soap
Where tis used the work is lighter
Sleek and smooth the horses coats
Harness softer carriage brighter
And a final charm it floats
copymoHT moo or the rnocttR omdle co Cincinnati
until a out imlktml lu u villi l nil urn r xlll arnil juu IliU M
liirnuim rutum ha oikiin ir rrrictt v o n uhjrn toniin
linn 1 on run cxiiiiilnc It iityimr m nrcat Irclslit ilcpul und If
3 nu flml It cincllj iih riiiriMiitt 1 II itrilcl nlno jou etrr
nd rr lrttr thin nrmnn ailirrthrd lij olhrra at mprf moor pa the freight
aurnt OUR PRICE S3550 Irat lhetlOOdrpiiil or 1 lfO and
ft hLlrt7IV JiJS PARLOR CEM Lone of the miit 111IIAllIK
AMI MmilHTIUM li InirumpniH nrr luailr From tho Illustration
sli n which HciCTiueil direct fioma tihotoKrapli you can form
Bomoliloapr luhenutlfiil aiioaraiicp jlmlo froitiKolld miuru r
nuil mlk ormilnut n tllrcil prluraled Irj allp lull nanel liojf
Lfiullful marquetry drihtu pliieli and man other hanJvirae drroratluna
and ornauirnM miVlne It the H1V HTJ VT HTYW Till IAKMtl
UVM In afrit IiIkIi 12 Inches JnniSI Inches widoanil ncluhi 350
iuu mis iiiiiunini wuLittu ii snip i na ioiiowhi mipann lTlndpal
Dulrlana Helodla Olcle Crunnna llaafnopler TrrMe Coupler
Dlaiiann rorte and tui llumannt 2 Delate IViuntrr ITnnn 3l
1 ilrnnd lrn Hnrll 4 hel r Ireliratral Toned Itrkonator Pipe
lit Ida 1 Bel of 8 J Iure Sneel Jlrlodla Kredi IhMorti
tharmlnaJj llnlllant Celeile Heed 1 Httnfjt ItlehJIclluw Smooth
111 anon llren I iNrt or lleatlnc hurt Helodioua Principal
Herd THE PARLOR GEM uctloti conslstsof tho
Celrltrated Newell Itreda which uro only uicdlll tholltrh
fstcrudclnstltimclltstlltlcil ultll Hammond Couphrs aud
oi Human alv hrst lioliro felts lritliura etc odious
or llio beat ruhbcrclotli 3 plv ljellns stock nnd llnest
Icnthcr Involved THE PARLOR CEM IsfurnMied
w ltd a 10XU hoveled pinto I rench mirror nickel plated
ledil frillies nnd oery modern lmproeinont Me
furnlh fn e a linndome organ utool and the best organ Inatruc
tlon hook iiuhlUhid
litu t a wrtttun hlmtltiK ii mrKuatantee by the
tcrniHnnd cnnilltmns of u inch lraiiy nu t lIvih nut
rt inlr It frrc of eharcf Try it nno montli and we will
rtf nnil - B
i iiiii jmii ntwin j ii juuuiu lULlllTrMjy paiisiltd OUO U tPviil
nf f lin iiimemiii tulll ln it11 -- i ft iiliiin Eal aTIMfl
WHn - fWIU lily SJjljUl flLJIIlpI M lie TNK1 711
mm dci iauii itv ic rermi ipiti r if n J5B
UI iuuruu q Dloi1cU
iliull with us ask ournelhljurubiiut us w rito
the publisher ol this paper or Metropolitan p
iiiiriiui i nut hi ni iiauK Ol UIllcafTo IMlLiE
or Herman KiehaiiKO Hank Now Yorki or any Pifcl
r uimuu or oxpi uss eompanv in ultlcago lie iTci
bate a rapltal of oirr SiOOhju0 occupy entlrt --
una uf tlii larerst hurlncss lilocks In thlcairo V ji -
nud employ ioiriy sooo pcuplo In our own
tlulldlllL Wl FlhL OIU INS AT no l
M mmm
mg sMml
11 IMIS 1 1600 and dpi alo ev r thinir lu mv leal initrumcnti at lowest wholesale nrlcen Writi fnr rn oLi i
ic 5trmet cletuo Addre8 Sear ltbkX t SrS toMaJhlJrVlUble EXr
b K
- wwrx a wvr ruuon uespiaines ana wayman Sta CHJCAGO III
sira v swsm3n m ivjct
TI3JH7I1 ar irilWI jV ZklFll
i aossap kkiki w v
1 1 mW4iimi iWmmm
i il - im i Hi i itni t JiJ s a
WOUR 3850 yCi
I IojUTi MT ML iiiffl
and vo will
Bend you our
by iiclcht O I 1
to is wnn
Hiibjvct to exumliiatluu
EXAMINE IT ty0rnea1rtfrcirh
UVIlll Ultl lllllllll
ptrlcctly Hutleluetorj cAuelly us rcpreaciiud
An Extra Fino High CradoSaddlo
and the equal of Faildles aold every whoio nt from
inoo i iiooo nilD DDIPC Coo en
iny iiierrciKiitfti ent UUII I IIIUI UOivIUi
eiM tho dlOUtlunoall or tt7rl miri fiiihV
This Saddle Is mado on a 1 554 or
16 inch Gonulno Ladosma or
Noloon Heavy Stool Fork
OAitnFDLiY 8imctii kamiiihk coviuii
Till I bound or roll cantlc steel leather covered stlrruns
or Vlncli oabow brass bound as ileulixd Hill tend bound
raotle uoleas olhernUe ordered
trpp is Minp PXTna RTPnwn
Silrts30 lnchlonir
OxttH hnnw vi oi
lined 3 Inch w Ide luce stirrup leathers liJnch tie straps
nii uiik mar hiuu m iiiLti iu uuciu on ousiue ncavv
cotton twisted Mexican S Inch front cinch heavy cotton
belting Hank elneh counectlng Btrap Loop scat teat ana
Jockey all ono piece
as lllustiatcd elitht ol rmddio ubout lt
packod for shipment 46 pounds HIEIUI1T 18 OMV
CATALOGUE showing a lull line ol Cowboy and Rancher
Outfits at the lowest prices ever quoted Address
iarn iturwHct m vu rr luvroufuif rrUBDItKalL0r
ii fete llliillP4 -
h rrJf z
v y3 ir
r frr rsI r z
A blindness ccmes to me now and th Mi I have it
now It ij queer I can see your eyes but not your nose
I cant read because some of the letters are blurred dark
spots cover them it is very uncomfortable
I know all about it its DYSPEPSIA Take one
of these it will cure you in ten minutes
What is it j
A Riparr Tabule
A call of bad health that RIPAN 8 will not lienetlt Tliey banlih pain and nrnlnnnlif
V Ouo iclves rt llrf loto the word llllAKa ou he packugo and acctbt iio VuEstltute Sfli
10 forScent or tvil packrlafor 4ceiil mar Iwhudat any drutt uro T n ample and thoS
and tmlmiiin l m uiulled to any addrws for 3 tauia Jorwarded to lot lUpauibhmieal one co Si
10 bpruco Bt i w j
t r