The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, January 18, 1900, Page 5, Image 7

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Mrs V 13 Stanm is oiMho siok list
W M White of Ttknmah was iu town
Hurt Mnpcs had business in Battlo
Creole yostetday
Dr O V Crooks of Fremont was in
town yesterday
O Ij Walter of Brockton was n city
visitor yestorday
lid ltoynolds of Wayno was n city
visitor yestorday
O 0 Anderson was a city visitor yes
torday from West Point
Mr and Mrs I lenry Rouso of Meadow
Grovo woro in tho city ovor night
E D Ourrin nnd Osborno Patterson
woro city visitors yosterday from Albion
Ed Copper nnd A O Cnplin in
tho city last evening from Warnorvillo
Frank Johnson camo in last evening
from Coloridgo to visit Norfolk relatives
Sonator Allon has introduced a bill
poosioning Alfred Bigolow of this city
Mr and Mrs W M HobortBon woro
passongors this morning for Lindsay to
look aftor laud interests
Mr ami Mrs Jefforoy Wcstorvelt of
Meadow Grovo are visiting at tho homo
of Mr and Mrs I G Wostorvolt
Gone Wheeler who has been living on
a farm west of tho oity will next year
livo on and niunugo tho Benjamin ranch
in Piorco county
Tho Early Hour club held ono of its
enjoyable dancing parties at Mast hall
lust evening music for which was fur
nished by tho Italian orchestra
Tho Chiuo Valley Champion says that
E C Hamilton is to bo supcriutondent
of tho Chiuo factory this year whilo J
McCoy Williams is to go to Oxuard
A Columbus family is named Noon
It must bo always dinner time nt thoir
house or if they only eat whenever
Noon comes they must bo kept protty
busy at that employment
II P Harding of Hebron deputy
grand chief of honor of tho Degree of
Honor arrived in tho city this morning
and will bo present to take part in tho
installation of oflicors of Protection
lodge No 101 this evening
F C Hobard representiug tho West
ern Electrical company of Omaha is in
tho city contracting for tho lighting of
tho new auditorium Tho electrical
effect promises to be qnito a feature of
tho building
The brick work on the Catholic church
whioh was suspended because of fear of
the stormy weather which never came
has beon resumed and it is not likely
that thero will bo another suspension
until it is comploted
Tho residonco on South Ninth street
owned by Fred Longerberg which has
been occupied by Scth Kethlcdge and
family has beon rented by Conductor
Young who will occupy it as soon as
vacated by Mr Kethledge
Chas S Beebe who has been con
nected with tho publication of the
Wayne Herald for the past 12 or lfi
years has sorverod his connection with
that publication and will assume the
duties of deputy county clerk to which
he has been appointed
At tho meeting of territorial pioneers
at Lincoln Wednesday General Thayor
recited his experience with tho Pawnee
Indians in 18o9 and told tho manner in
which he had surprised a camp of tho
savages in that year where tho depot
now stands at Battlo Creek
Five men were arrested by Sheriff
Cherry of Wayne couuty Friday night for
hauling through the country carcasses
of animals that died from iufectous dis
eases Ono man was released and tho
rest fined One paid his fino and the
other three are boarding it out in tho
county jail
Madison Chronicle Aug Pertcrson
a lad who lives a few miles Bouth of
town has learned that it dosent pay to
fool with lire arms Last Friday ho
took a revolver to school and while play
ing with it discharged a cartridge tho
bullet taking with it a section of his
thumb Wo did not learn whether tho
gun was loaded or not
Tho sociablo given last ovening by tho
Young Mens Christian Loague at thoir
rooms in tho Mast block was attended
by a largo number of members and
friends of tho organization Coffee and
sandwiches wero served members of
the Womans club assisting in the work
A number of donations for furnishing
tho rooms woro received
An oflicor of sohool district No 18
was in tho city this morning and was
congratulating himself that that district
had paid off Us bonded indebtedness and
didnt owe a cent to unyono Tho dis
tiict was bonded in tho sum of -100 to
build a school houso when Fritz was
county treasurer and got away with
county funds and school money
Some years ago Mr Walker White
sido played Richard III in a small town
in the west His impersonation of tho
crooked backed tyrant was received
with much favor Tho woekly paper
commenting upon his performance said
that the people woro greatly pleased
with Whitesides actiug of Riohard
tho Third but it seemed a pity that
such a promising actor Bhoald bo a crip
The scenery for the now opera houso
arrived this morning and under the di
rection of a gentlemau representing the
company is being placed in position to
day Tho Boats aro also bolng plucod
whilo tho carpontors and painters aro
rapidly finishing tho work on tho inter
ior and by Monday ovening tho building
will bo in a stnto of coinplotoncss most
satisfactory to tho management and to
tho pooplo who will attend tho opening
Columbus Journal John Boss n
farmor twolvo miles west in Loup town
ship killed ono of his largo fat ducks
for Thanksgiving dinner In tho craw
woro found particles of what looked
liko gold but tho incident was forgotten
for a timo For Now Years two ducks
woro killed and in ono of tho craws was
found u pieco of gold pronounced so to
bo by a jowlcr and valued at about
200 It is thought that perhaps thero
is gold in tho creel that runs through
his place
An old gentleman namod Frit Naug
berg from Stanton county was taken up
by Officer Knno in an intoxicated condi
tion last ovening and lodged in tho oity
jail Ho wjis in a condition that ho
know very littlo and cared less Shortly
aftor his confinement his daughter camo
nud desired his roleaso which was givou
Aftor somo difficulty ho was convinced
that ho would be hotter off at homo than
in tho city lodging house nud ho was
accordingly loadod into tho wagon and
drivon away
Tho annual mooting of tho MadiBon
County Fnrmors Mutual Insurance
company was held at Battlo Creek yes
torday and tho following officers elected
Geo Conlpy prosidout A J Brink
vice prosidout aud C E Mufiloy secre
tary Tho company now has 172000
worth of insurnuco in forco nnd tho
assoasmont for 18 was but two mills
on tho dollar Tho total assossmont for
tho soven yoars aud a half of tho com
panys oxistonco has boon but 3 mills
Tho Owen Wudo loss west of Norfolk
was adjusted by tho payinout of i5140
For somo days iv number of tho goutlo
men of the city headed by I G Wes
torvelt havo been working on a plan to
form a club for tho purposo of social en
tertainment and amusomout aud bo
favorably has tho project beon received
that 87 signatures havo beon secured
from thoso who aro ready to join such
an organization Tho plan contemplates
reutiug a club room whero meetings of
the association will bo held and which
will bo kept open to tho members nt nil
times For the purposo of completiug
tho organization a meeting will bo held
at tho G A R hall tomorrow evening
at 7 I50 which should bo attended by as
mauy of those who havo signed tho
agreement as can make it convenient to
do so
Obituui j
Mrs August Melcher who died Jan
uary at her homo six miles east of
Norfolk and was buried ou Monday
January 8 had beon sick for ten weeks
with gall stones
Sho was born in Germany and was
ono year old when her parents came
over to this country and settled in Wis
consin Sho lived thero with her parouts
for 12 years aud thou with them re
moved to Norfolk
She was married 2S years ago to Au
gust Melcher and leaves seven children
three daughters and four sons of whom
two aro married Mrs V Hill aud Mrs
E Brummuud Tho remaining single
daughter is Clara 14 years old Tho
boys are Lee Walter Arthur and Ernest
the latter being the youngest 12 years
of age
Mrs Melchors parents wero Mr and
Mrs Carl Wichmau Her mother died
Aug 17 1877 and her father November
2 189 She has two 6istere surviving
hor ono living in Osmond and tho othor
in Wisconsin Sho also has three living
brothers four having died before eho did
Sho was 10 years 9 months aud 2
days old at tho time of her death
It was a largo funeral that was held
at St Paul Lutheran church in her re
membrance tho services being conducted
by Rev Hoelel Friends contributed
many lovely flowers in her remem
Mrs L Hartman took caro of Mrs
Melcher four weeks preceding her
Curd of TliiittltH
Wo wish to extend our heartfelt
thanks to the many friends aud neigh
bors who so kindly assisted us in tho
caro and last sad rights during the
sickneBs and death of our beloved wife
and mother
Auo Melchek and Giiildken
Wanted Honost man or woman to
travel for largo houso salary 05
monthly and expenses with increase
position permaneut encloso self-addressed
stamped onvelopo Manaqkh
3J0 Caxtou bldg Chicago
Wanted Several bright and houost
persons toroprosont us as managers iu
this and close couutios Salary 900 a
year and expenses Straight bona fide
no more no less salary Position per
manent Our references any bank in
any town It is mainly office work con
ducted at home References Enclosed
self- addressed stamped envelope Tub
Dominion Company Dept 3 Chicago
of Best Varlctlec at Hard Timet Price Small
fruit iu largo eupiily Millioub of Htrawlierry
plants very thrifty ami well rooted Outllie
ukst near homo and rniyo froiglit or oxjirei
Bend for price list to
North Bend Nurseries
North Bead f dgc County Neh
Goo H Ohristoph is under tho
11 F Barnlmrt of Piorco was in town
L Blny was in Norfolk yostorday from
O R Ellor of Loin Pino was in town
again yestoiday
Miss Annio Parkor has returned from
a visit to Omaha
Mrs S Roppcrt of Piorco was in tho
tho oity yesterday
W D Johnson was n city visitor yes
terday from Madison
loo Hughes of Hattlo Crock was in tho
Sugar Oity yestorday
Cashier 1 13 Uuruham wusu city vis
itor from Tiltlon yesterday
A son was born last evening to Mr
and Mrs Ed Penning
Missos Ruth and Grace Matron woro
passongors for Omaha today
Mm Bonj Ashor is visiting hor par
ents In Mills couuty Iowa
Mrs Dr Tannor of Hattlo Crook is in
tlto city doing somo tradiug
Mr and Mrs David Whltla of Battlo
Crook woro city visitors today
Mrs 11 McHrido has rotumed from
hor trip to Dob Moines Iowa
Walter Bailey is now telegraph nics
Bongor lor tho Westorn Union
Mrs R B Weller and childron havo
returned from a isit to Omaha
Banker S Iv Warrick was in Nor
folk yobtorday from Battlo Creek
Mr and Mrs J R Dow of Meadow
Grovo wero city visitors yosterday
L R Prichaid of Moadow Grovo was
transacting business in tho city yestor
Mis Willis McBrido and ohildronnnd
Mrs Stevenson of Madison wero visitois
iu Norfolk yesterday
Mrs Wm McQuown uicco of Mohoh
Kidder was up from Columbus to at
tend tho funeral of Mrs Kidder
Tho Pleasant Hour club of South Nor
folic enjoyed a very ploasant dancing
party at Railway hall Thuisday night
Mrs Welch and two daughters of
Boone Iowa havo airived in tho city to
attend tho wedding of Miss Muo Bates
E D Hall has spent a few days at
homo working in the interests of tho
Omaha World Herald which ho ropio
Mr and Mrs A C Walter of Wake
field and Miss Bertha Dunsing of Crete
111 aro in tho city visiting relatives and
Miss Dugan who has been visiting
her sisters Mis Fred Koorber aud Mrs
O A Harshmau returned to her homo
iu Wisuer yostcrdny
Tho soda fountain that was used iu
the Palace of Sweets by S W True last
summer has beou removed and shipped
back to tho original owners
Mr and Mrs E B Konyou entor
taiiied u number of intimate friends at
their homo on South Tonth street last
ovening at an enjoyable dinner party
Lowis and Dawn Glass visited Miss
Nettio Lowo today whilo on their way
homo from Battlo Creek to Winsido
Tho former wont homo on tho noon
train whilo tho latter will visit until
Tho Misses Stevens Kethledge and
Templiu very enjoyably entertained a
party of young peoplo at tho Stevens
homo on South Tenth stroot last oven
ing The timo was most happily passed
M O Haou as administrator for tho
Jane La Fargo estato yesterday after
noon ro sold tho lots which had pre
viously been sold at a liko salo W II
Rish bought two lots D F Sidler ono
nnd L C Bnrgelt ono
This has been nnothor of thoso justly
famous winter days which fairly rival
Italy and other southern climes for
mildness Many farmers took advant
age of tho balmy atmosphere to come to
town to attend to their woeks shopping
Twelve years ago yosterday occurred
tbo great blizzard that will never bo for
gotten whilo mind remains to thoso who
passed thiough it Tho weathor yoster
day was in great contrast to that which
provailed 12 years ago and was in no
way a reminder of tho event
Stanton Picket II 13 Austin was
down from Norfolk lost Saturday Ho
has boon engaged with tho sugar factory
during tho campaign just closed nnd has
now been engaged to teach tho school in
district No 0 Pleasant Run settlement
Mr Austin was clerk of Brown county
whon the writer editod a paper in tho
samo couuty
Newman Grove Herald At thoir
meeting last Saturday tho members of
tbo G A R decided to uso thoir best
efforts to niako a success of tho next
county rouuiou which is to bo held in
Nowmau Grove July 1 1900 It is
hoped all hands will take hold of tho
matter and make a celebration that will
bo tho best ovor held in Madison county
Tho representatives of tho Walter
Baker compauy reported that they sold
moro of their cocoa during their btay in
Norfolk than they had in any other
town in tho state They havo beon
pretty well over tho stato aud visited
mauy of tho larger cities thoir stay iu
each place having beon of tho samo
length as in Norfolk They consider
that this speaks highly of Norfolk
peoples appreciation of good things and
also indicates that hotels considerable
icady cash in circulation Thoy are
naturally well pleased with tho ticnt
niont thoy rocoivod at tho hands of Nor
folk peoplo
Tho nowly oloctod olfieeis of Protec
tion lodgo No 101 Degree of Honor A
O U W woro Installed Into their 10
Hpoctlvo offices last ovening at thoir te
gular mooting II P Hauling deputy
grand chief of honor of Hebron was
ptosont aud conducted tho installation
ceremonies in a very satisfactory man
ner After the olllcers hud been Instal
led moniboiH of tho lodge lopulred to
Eborhutts testuurunt wheio tliey weio
served with oysters
no sundaypapersti
I Im CluiliK onlnm on ltullii Admin
Sumliiy Itciiillii III Noirolli
Tho ohangos of timo on tho rulhoadH
tomotrow Horiously ufioct tho railroad
facilities of this city Under tho new
arrangement no mail tiitius will urrho
during tho day ou S mday except tho
ono from tho west over tho Elkhoin
This plan pre outs locolvlng either tho
Omaha or Sioux City Sunday papers
until about H oclock in tho ovening an
nrmugemunt which is aheady creating
a decidedly vigorous protest fiom tho
pooplo of Norfolk who say that If they
cannot gel Omaha or Sioux City pupois
before night they may as woll take
Chicago papers which will utrivo tin
the samo train
Tho C St P M O roatl is affected
by tho now tunc card as follows Tho
morning train for Sioux City loaves at
10 instoad of 70i tho afternoon
train loaves at 1 oclock instead of 1 2
tho morning train from Sioux Oity ar
rives at 10 instead of 10 It tho after
noon t rain arrives at 7 I0 iustoid of II 00
On Sunday thero will b no mottling
train cither way The F 13 M V
evening passengor will utrivo at 7 20 in
stead of 7 00 and tho Vordigro accom
modation will urrho ut 720 instead pf
7 10 No changes havo been announced
on tho Union Pacific
Tho postofllco changes arc as follows
Tho pouch mail for the U P froight
will close at h I p in tho mail for No
5 on tho Elkhorn west closes at O lo
p m mail for tho MArO afternoon
tiain closes at 12 On Sunday in
stead of Bonding thieo pouches on tho
M O as heietoforo only ono will bo
sent but it will carry mail made up in
p tckuges for Sioux City to tho Illinois
Central R P O and to tho Siou City
and Omaha R P O
To Ciirn Iu Irlppi In Two 1iih
TakoLaxutivo Brotuo Quinino Tablets
All druggists rof und tho money if it fails
to euro 13 W Grovos signaturo on
ovory box 21c
Mrx Mohoh Klililor
A Lavinta Gilbert was born in On
oudnga county N Y July 8 istl
Family removed to Wood county Ohio
about five years later Sho coininoncod
teaching at oighteon years of ago and
taught for a number of years hi Michi
gan and Ohio
Sho was married March 10 1800 to
Moses L Kidder of Van Buron county
Boforo hor marringo she was u mem
ber of tho M 13 church but afterward
sho joined tho Congregational chinch of
which her husband was n member
In tho fall of 1870 thoy moved to Nor
folk Nobr in or near which placo thoy
havo sinco resided
Mrs Kidder has beon a memborot tho
First Congregatioual church of Norfolk
sinco her residonco horo
Their four childron James W Mary
E now Mrs H B Swott Gracia P
and Bessie L Kiddor still remain here
Besido thcBO Bho leaves two brothers and
two sisters Warren Morris and Miss
Bessio Gilbert ntToquin Michigan and
Mrs G O Learning at 131 Dorado
Curd of ThiuikH
Wo dosire to express our sincere thanks
to tho friends who woro so kind to our
wifo aud mothor iu her long illness and
to the physicians who woro untiring in
their efforts to relievo hor suffering
Wo nlso wish to thank thorn for thoir
kindness to us in our borcavement for
tho beautiful flowers sent nnd tho pas
tors and choir for thoir services
Mit M L Kiddkk and Family
Inttor List
List of lotters romtiiuing uncalled for
at tho postofllco January lfi 1900
F P Andrews A W Balderson
Mary Bnuisch Mrs Dr Chapin Matilda
Cupliu Lottie Cunningham Tom Davis
J W Dixon K Flnmgan Chas HGil
more Eruest Klyphabery J Habegger
John Kroy Egyptian Romedy Co 2
Ghr Peok Alice Scott Mrs J Schmidt
J F Wagner Gucssy Wright
If not called for in 10 days will bo
sout to the dead lottor office
Parties calling for auy of tho above
pleaso say advertised
P F SiitECiirit P M
Klnrlilii Wft IhiIIoh Hint Central America
Tho facilities of tho Louisville ic
Noshvillo railroad for handling tourists
and travelers destined for all points iu
Florida Cuba Poito Rico Control
America or for Nassau aro unsurpassed
Double daily lines of sleeping curs oro
run from Cincinnati Louisville Chicago
and St Louis through Jacksonville to
interior Florida poiuts und to Miami
Tampa aud New Orleaus tho ports of
embarkation for tho countries men
tioned For folders etc write Geo B
Horner D P A St Louis Mo
W 1 iMWor of Osmond is In Ihoolty
C Ii Hall was a oily lsllor jester
day from Wayno
Pied Kato Is on tho siok list with mi
attack of tho gilp
Dr Flolohor M Sisson ret ut nod ftotn
Wiusldo this morning
Mrs 1 A Htuponhoist visited Hattlo
Ciook rolathoH over Sunday
Court Reporter O A Williams was In
the tily yestoiday fiom Wayno
Hurl MnpoH had business bofoni tho
Stanton teiui of dlstiiel eotitt today
Deputy KoNonuo Collector Heoly was
in tho city his morning fiotu Madison
Miss Kiiiinu Montrnss of Hattlo reek
was shopping iu tho Sugar City Satur
P A Sliuit nit m neu lnnt evening
fiom Omaha whero he has been for the
past week
M 5 1 laon has gone to Wayne to
attend district court which opened
thero today
Carl Wilde ex county treasurer is
assisting lu tho sork ut tho Noifolk
National bank
ludgo Cones of Piorco pasNod through
tho city today on his way to Wayno to
convene district couit
ltuv J 1 Paikur went to Heeinor
yestoiday to dedicate a new Cnngiogu
tional uhurch at that place
Miss Martha Klcnt who hasboonsiek
for a number ol weeks with appondieit is
is able to bo up and around
Mr and Mrs 13 V Hnuisch tiro in tho
city from Tildeu and will ntteiid tho
auditouum opening this evening
Arthur Pilgorciuno over fiom Madi
son Saturday night and spent Sunday
with Norfolk tolatives and liiendH
Attorney II II Kilhourn of Hattlo
Creek was in I ho city today on business
bofoio ludgo Daniels justice court
A number of tho littlo girl friends ol
Miss Kredu Singer suprised her yestoi
day altcinooii and had a pleasant timo
Geo Daenport jr will nriivti to
night fiom Hundolph to attend tho
meetings of the State KiiuiuuuHibsooui
II C Sattlor is oioctingunothor huge
watohcuso on Kilthstieel to accommo
date his growing business in agricultural
D 1 Kooningsteiu made the l on nil
tiip to and from Wayno this nioinitig
and went to Stanton ou the noon tium
to attend court
Conductor A B Lane and family aro
moving to Scribnor today Mr Limo
has u run on that branch between Scrib
nor and Coruleu
E 11 Jenkins of Columbus is in tho
city visiting his brother and will onjoy
tho opening entertainment at the audi
torium this ovening
Tho Union Pacific company yesterday
ouclosed their coal bin near tho round
houso to protect against the weather
and porhups thieves
Mrs Nonow died Satin day at the
homo of her daughter Mrs Win
Winter eight miles northeast of Norfolk
of diopsy at tho ago of 8l yours
Judgo Guy T Graves of Pondor passed
through town today enrouto to Stanton
whero ho will presido ovor a term of
district court which opons today
Miss Ada Battorfield entertained a
company of youug lady frionds Satur
day afternoon complimentary to Miss
Muo Batos who is to bo murriod Wednes
day of this week
Mrs M O Hazon entertained hor
yestoiday for that city to attend tho fti l
nenil rites Miss Uoqiiu hud held tho
position of teacher Iu the Honk Island
schools for the past 20 years Sho has
visited In Nut folk and bus somo proporty
liitoiods hero Sho will he remembered
by many Norfolk peoplo who will sym
pathise with Mr Kotiu iu his loss
The management of tho auditorium
requests thai those ladies who attend
tho opening entertainment this ovening
will come piopuivd to remove their hats
I3veiy Hotiliti the house Is a good one
provided tho view of tho stage is not
obstructed by a large hat between tho
spectator and the actor t
lames Slrawn and Mrs Garrlo Alico
Wallace woro united iu niiuriago o
December IHIh at the home of the brldorf
mother Mm 13 H Tiler al Willows
California The bride was formerly a
lesldent of this city where hIio was well
known Sho was married lieto to Mr
Wallace Hefore that time her iiamo
was Mrs Carrie Hunt Hoth of tho
parties me employed ou tho Stouo ranch
T O Warner who resides northwest
tf the city is again on tho war path
after the prairie wolf lie killed four
In this county lust weok and In com
pany with his neighbor Chas Heck
went into Pieico county yesterday after
noon and slew two of tho brutes Mr
Warner always uses therifle and seldom
gets closer than 10 yanls of his game
and seldom misses a shot Although
r years of age ho does not look to bo
moro than It Ho hunts solely for tho
sake of spoil and has a record with tho
illle of which ho is dosotvedly pi ond
having held a state championship in
lohu Knrloy aged 2 years died Sat
urday night at his home five miles notth
west of tho city after but a short UIuohh
with pneumonia Ho was a sou of Mrs
O 13 Kurloy and was a sister of tho Into
Mrs P A Short lie was an un
usually rugged appealing young man
and his death came us a surprisu to his
ninny Noifolk aciiaintaiicos Ho
joined I ho Woodmen of the Woild lodgo
hut a month ago and took out a poljcy
or 2000 in favor or his mother Tho
outer will ptohably ptitioiputed in tho
lunoiul hcrviees which will bo hold to
moi low afternoon at 2 oclock from tho
M 13 church
Tho Hist meeting of tho State Fire-
nions association will bo hold tomorrow
evening in tho city hull Ou account of
tho fact that most of the delegations
will not auivo until the evening trains
tho first business hossioii will not bo
oponed until le when thoio will bo
an address of welcome by Mayor Simp
son with a response by tho jirosidont
of the association John L Silicic of
Boatrico Wednesday morning tho
sossion will bo hold in the now auditor
ium as will all sessions thoieaftor To
morrow ovening the leceptiou commit
tee of the firo department togother
with tho mayor and tho city council
accompanied by tho band will go to tho
iucoming tiaiiis to meet tho delegations
of firemen
A Fremont dispatch under dato of tho
Kith to the Nebraska Stnto Journal bears
tho following account of an unfortunato
railway accident 13 P Spencer an
Elkhorn briikeinan met a terriblo fato
last night at Howells on tho Scribnor
branch of tho Elkhorn Whilo trying
to cut off tho air between moving curs
ho was caught bonoiith tho wheels and
his body was found a fow moments
ltttor under tho pilot of tho engine
ground to shreds Tho remains woro
left at Howells for inquest Tho acci
dent occurred about midnight whilo
froight train No 1 f was switching
Spencer was a man twenty four years
old iinrt unmarried Whilo roallv a
Sunday school clura at a party Saturday I
Norfmc lmhion lnn1 0 wn n Fro
attornoou A pleasant time was en
joyed by tho young ladies and ohoico
refreshments wero sorvod
Hon John P Altgold ox governor
of Illinois is a guest at tho Oxuard to
day and has beon visited by a largo
uumbor of politicians duiing tho day
Ho is ou his way to Loed City S D
A now meat market is to bo oponed
on the first of next mouth by a firm
named Schouel As Appol in tho old
Widamau building ou East Main street
two doors east of Carl Asuius grocery
Win Schiminclpfouing who resides
ou North First streot was the victim of
a surprise paity Saturday oveniug tho
occasion being his birthday A ery
pleasaut timo was had by thoso attend
F J Halo arrived this morning from
Grand Island with a carload ot mules
which will bo driven to his ranch near
Battlo Creek This is tho third or
fourth caiload ho has received from tho
samo neighborhood
Cravon McCoy proprietors of tho
Norfolk steam laundry have purchased
the Madison steam laundry herctofoio
conducted by Mr Fuller Tho latter
gentleman will bo employed in tho
laundry at this place
Miss Lucy Williams third article on
Nebraskas Public School System
which nppearod in yesterdays Illus
trated Beo is accompanied by a view of
a class in First grade numbers of this
city with Miss Johusou us teacher
13 H Retina reeoived a tolegram yos
terday morning beariug tho sad intelli
gence of the death of his only sister
Miss Iandeliuo Hoqua which occurred
yesterday nioruing nt 7 oclock at her
homo iu Rock Island 111 Mr Requa
aud daughter departed on the noon train
mout quito regularly and had a number
of frionds iu tho city
Curo And Trmitmmik OfT lieSlck
Dr Humphreys Spociflc manual on
tho treatment aud curo of the sick
mailed free on request Adress I lumph
roys Mediciuo Co Now York
Over Work Weakens
Your Kidneys
Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Bloody
All the blood in your body passes through
your kidneys once every three minutes
I he kidneys are youK
blood purifiers they
out the waste ort
impurities in the blood
If they are sick or out
of order they fail to do
their work
Pains aches and rheu
matism come from ex- i
cess of uric acid in the
blood due to netrlected
Kianey irouoie
Kidney trouble causes quick or unsteady
heart beats and makes one feel as though
they had heart trouble because the heart is
over working in pumping thick kidneys
poisonea diooq inrougn veins ana arteries
It used to be considered that only urinary
troubles were to be traced to the ktdnrys
but now modern science proves that nearly
all constitutional diseases have their begin
ning In kidney trouble J
If you are sick you can make no nIstake
by first doctoring your kidneys Tbe mild
and the extraordinary effect of Dr Kilmers
Swamp Root the great kidney reAnedy Is
soon realized It stands the highest for its
wonderful cures of the most distressing cases
and is sold on its merits
by all druggists In fifty-
cent and one dollar su
es You may have a
sample bottle by mail
SlillfiSTiiTr i 8
lirrflSrliH ttSSiKJ3
Homo ot Swamp Root
free also pamphlet telling you how to find
out If you have Kidney or bladder trouble
Mention this paper when writing Dr Kilmer
Co Blnghamton N Y