The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, January 18, 1900, Page 4, Image 6

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The flottf oik Jlecus
WYIinino Klienicnl
Norfolk nuikoM titicoiulltionnl stir
rentier to tho bmvti ho latldUw of No
liraska ntul IiUIh thorn ronllnl wolconio
Sho dooa not pronont thorn with tho
koyRof tho oity for thoro nro nono
Dny nntl nlnht ooiiHohwIy hor Klc
kwIiik inwnrd to nil who m olc her hor
tiers nntl sho roots now fncea nntl olil
With n conllnlity nntl hoiittlnoHS tlio
sincority or which has novor yot been
Norfolk rccojiiilzoH in NohrrotltaH flro
llRhters tho wtiiio noble nntl sulf Hiuirl
doing qnnlitlcH that niiuio the IMrst
Nobniskii vjlontueiH iiivlnoihlo In tho
Philippines nntl kiivo thorn Hiieh high
nntl ontlnriiiK honor in tho nnnnls or
Aniorinui history
nightly proud is our young stnto of
tho record of hor stiltllor boys who ut
tho cull tit duty of country nntl of Clod
loft homo nntl f rlentlH for tho distant
islands or the sen tlioir ollerliiR such
truo ttnd heroic sorvico ns to relloot
lustra upon tho commonwealth and
credit and iunnoital glory upon their
countrys ling
Hut ir wo givo high mood of praiso to
thelboys who ho willingly loft homo nnd
kith nntl kin to do battle in foreign
landttfor thoir itnporillod country whnt
nhall wo say of thotuon who as willingly
risk life and limb ut tho call of thoir
own town or village whon homo or
property is threatonod
It is no dotrnetion of tho soldier to
ndmit that heroism isuot coutiued to
tho battlo floltl nor glory to tlio tlofonsu
of tho ting
After all tlio stability and grandeur of
tho nation roats upon tho hornet of tho
pooplo And he who is rondy whenever
summoned to save one or moro of these
homos from tho rages of the tiro liontl is
n friend not only to tho parties itnino
dintuly concerned but n genuine patriot
n benefactor of Ids race
It is such men who iissotnblo from all
parts of Nebraska today and honor our
oity by their presence and their dulib
ornt ions
Thoy nro entitled by tho right of all
that is plucky prompt and popular to
tho right of way while thoy nru in our
midst and Tin Nicws can assure them
thnt anything thoy see is theirs and if
there is anything that thoy want that
thoy dont see all thoy have to do is to
nsk for it
lu ancient Homo conqnoring armies
on their return homo from other prov
inces used to maroh with thoir trophies
through triumphal arches and bo
coived with tho acclamations of
In modern Norfolk wo dont
things that way exactly Wo just
good common horso sense nntl whon u
convention of tiromen from vurious
pirts of this beautiful commonwealth
assembles in annual consideration of
things purtaining to thoir special lino of
work nnd the public wolfnro men of
brawn and brin men of largo hearts
and generous impulses men of sturdy
mould nnd horoio purposes tho citizens
of this municipality want them to dis
tinctly understand that thoy are right
glad to soo them that thoy extend to
them both tho right and lft hand of
fellowship aud carry their hearts on their
sleeves in their behalf
Wo know your story We havo
road it in thnt of ourt own flro depart
ment Tho bleakest Nebraska blizzard
tho sultriest summor sou the wildest
blackest night tho fiercest day none of
theso havo acted tut a detrimout to tho
bravo boys to do duty whouovor tho tiro
bell rnug out its alnrm Tho most oh
fienro building tho most diflloult on virou
meats lmvejservod only to demonstrate
thoir zonl and willingness to moot tho
emergency And nil this time and time
again until ho who would question
their loyalty to tho matorial iutorestB of
our city would bo considorod lit for
yondor asylum Tlio story of their
valor nnd self forgetfuluess is but tho
common story of a llromans career and
To do homago to men of such a spirit
is only propor Norfolk does it with nil
her henrt today
Our citizens only hopo that tho
strangors who aro withiu our gates will
carry back to thoir homes plensaut recol
lections of their stay here If it wero in
tho timo of buds nnd flowers n trip vp
the fortib Klkhorn or Northfork valley
might reveal to you the reason for the
upbuilding of this substantial prosper
ing and growing oity hero Hut at this
seasou of tho year nature ice locked and
aud bare conceals hor treasures nnd her
bountiful resQnrses and so wo cau only
hopo to mnko up tho doflcieucy at least
in some small measure by tho warmth
otour greeting tho sunshine in our
souls ami the delights of good fellow
Tub News voio s an uuinistukible
public sentiment in expressing deep ap
preciation of your labors and a sense of
pride la your splehdid achievements
It gives a tVliug of security ditlicult to
realize because wo hnvo become so no
customed to it to know tho men behind
the ougiuo and behind tho hoso who in
sure a largo measuro of safety to our
homes aud our business
Gentlemen agaiu you era welcome
JJujoy yourselves while you are here
and in the years to come may you live
long aud prosper Tho publio whom
jroa serve wishes you well
Norfolks Fine New Auditorium
Opened Last Evening
Tlio llultilliiK lit Coinplitn mill llnniitirul
Well riiriilnlHiil IlKlitml mill Nriitcil
Nliiilmiir Trnjriily Viry HiilUriietor
lly IriiMiiitiil In lnllptitoil
Foul Turiilnyn Dnlly
Those who anticipated a treat and
havo boon milking thoir calculations ac
cordingly during tho past few months
wero in no wIbo disappointed nt tho mis
plclous moiling of Norfolks splendid
now auditorium last evening
In tho tlrst place the building wns tho
subject of comment and could tho
gentlemen responsible for its construc
tion hnvo heard all that was said in
laudation of its many merits they
would havo boon highly ploasod that
their efforts woro so satisfactory
Many who had persistently Insisted
that tho building would not bo in readi
ness for tho opening woro coinpollcd to
admit that they erred in judging tho
capabilities of tho management as al
though thorn yot remains many things
to bo dono boforo tho building its fur
nishings and flxtnros nro In n stnto of
completeness to thoso who woro unin
formed or givro It but passing attention
there was nothing lacking to mnko it n
porfect plnco of anmsomont and a prido
to tho pooplo of Norfolk who havo for
years folt tho urgent need of a building
of its character
Tlio high coiling extending far above
tho topmost placo in tho gallory was
well formed to mnko tho pound porfect
in nearly ovory part of tho house Bo
sides tho view of tho stage was good
from any part of tho houso and thoro is
very littlo choico of scats so far ns Boo
ing nnd hearing is concornod
Tlio coiling and wnlls aro llnishod in
pink ornamented with lguro work of
darker color Over tho stago is n boau
tiful design in colors representing
music Tlio auditorium is lighted by a
brilliant aro iignt 01 tno now aurt noise
less design with numerous incandescent
lamps at npproprinto intervals and
places Tho st ago is also woll lighted with
incandescent lumps wliioh can bo regu
lated to produco any desired result
Tho soating urrangemont is excellent
tlio opera chairs boing largo and com
fortable their shapo boing calculated to
conform to tho shapo of the body Tho
boxes nro very handsome and comfort
Although there wns but littlo of the
scenery belonging to tho houso used last
night enough wns shown to couvineo
tho patrons that this portion of tho fit
tings is perfect Tho drop curtain is
vory hnndsomo nnd is adorned with a
beautiful Venetian scono at onco plens
iug and restful to tho oyo
Another ourtain is roprosontativo of n
boulevard or palace grounds which is
vory beautiful whilo tho wood bcouo is
also very attractive
All this combines to produce nu oflect
oxceoded by nono in tho state although
somu aro on a much larger scalo
Tho building is an exact duplicate of
tlio Empire theator of Now Yorlc City
and that Norfolk cau afford this dis
tinction is due to tho energy of the man
agement nntl tho co operation and aid of
ninny Norfolk oitizons It will answer
Norfolks every need for yonrs to come
nud will bo an object of prido and pleas
ure to all citizens
Mr Warrant appeared before tho cur
tain and was grootcd with a hearty
demonstration lie opened tho ontor
taluniont with an apology to tho people
desiring them to overlook any faults in
tho stago managouieut as all tho holp
was now to tho business aud mistakes
aud delays wero expected Rut closo
observation of tho porformnuco fniled to
reveal any pronounced error or delay
aud everything movod along ns smoothly
nud sorouely as though nono but oxports
at tho business woro handling affairs
behind tho footlights Aud tho short
ness of tho Intervals betweon acts and
scones indicated thnt tilings woro
haudlod in a hurry
Tho alsylum orchestra of eight pieces
funiishodjtho music opening with an
overture and rendering selections bo
tweou acts
To accord with the splondid propor
tions nud nrrnugomeut8 of the building
tho management decided thnt nothing
but nn nttrnctiou of the highest merit
would nuawor tho purpose and their
effort iu this diroction is worthy tho
hearty thanks of thoir patrons Tliey
were exceedingly fortuuato in securing
Mr Walker Whiteside and his excellent
couipauy to render Shakespeares great
tragedy Hamlet Prince of Dauinark
This company camo with most flutter
lug recommendations nud expectations
woro uatnrally high but wore fully met
if not exceeded
Tho interpretation of Hamlet by Mr
Whiteside was vory fino nnd many who
hud seen Booth iu tho part pronounced
Mr Whiteside as fully his equal in every
Miss Lelin Wolstnn us Ophelia gavo
excellent support nnd was heartily given
a standing iu the estimation of the nu
diouce scarcely second to that of Mr
Whiteside Her interpretation of tho
mud Bcone was especially commoudablo
Space forbids an individual write up
of each member of the company Suf
ce it to say that there was not a
stick among thoni tho parts boing
carried iu n maiinor most pleasing
to tho nudionco Tho ghost scono
wns most elloctlvo nnd overy net nnd
scono wns excellent
Tho spccinl sconory nntl olleds used
wero of n high order aud wero well
haudlod tho throne room boing
worthy of especial mention
Those in nttontlanoo comprised a dis
tinctively Norfolk nudionco nnd tho
pooplo woro Indeed few who do not now
or hnvo not nt some timo called this
city their homo Tho uudloiico was
composed of ropresontntivo and progres
sive oitizons ouch of whom was highly
pleased to bo able to sit in a building so
well ndnpted to tho wnntB of tho city
nnd tho purposes tor which it is in
tended Tho aptness of tho ushers
who wero attired in whlto coats and
vosts adorned with a boutouniro on tho
lapel of tho coat wan mnrkod Thoy
woro woll informed as to their duties
and Boomod to experionco no dilllculty
whntovor In locntlng tho soats called for
by tho coupons Tills wns rather ro
murkublo when it is considorod thnt tho
Hoating nrrnngemout is now nnd tho
ushors inexperienced
Ono of tint llmiitiioiiwNl mill Moot Com
pltttn Opnrii IIoiiniN In tlio Sliito
Tho Norfolk Auditorium is a build
ing which would do credit to a city
several times the size of Norfolk and is
one in which every citizon should take
prido For many yenrs Norfolk has
needed just such u building and from
time to timo various plans havo been
advanced with the hopo of securing it
but until tho present without result
In Juno last a proposition looking to tho
building of tlio present Auditorium was
presented to tho Business Mons Asso
ciation of Norfolk by representatives of
tho Hoyal Union Mutual Lifo Insurance
Company of Des Moines Iowa being in
brief that provided tho citizens of this
city would purchase -1000 worth of
opening night seats and tnko insurance
policies in said company Kiillloiont for
the lirst annual premiums on sumo to
amount to J00 thoy would build in
this city an opera houso with n
seating capacity of npproxiinntely 1000
persons to cost not loss than 10000
Tho present building is tho result It is
in overy way superior to what tho peo
ple of Norfolk had any reason to expect
under the agreement of lust summer
Under direction of Mr V Warrant
representing the company construction
was begun eleven weeks since In this
renmrkubly short length of time the
pooplo of this city havo seen built a
strictly modern auditorium handsome
substantial nnd equipped throughout
with all tho latest accessories of the up
to dato play house Tho building is 50
by 100 feet with high arched ceiling
tastefully decorated in harmonious col
ors The stago 0 by 10 is ns largo ns
thoso in tho best theatres of the cities
and is fully ndequato to accomodato nny
entertainniout that travels An abund
ance of tlrst class scenery is provided
so that overy play prosonted may be
woll stagod Tho prosconium arch is
S l by S10
The building is seated with ensy
opera chairs so arranged on an inclino
that from overy ono a good viow of tho
stage is presonted The lower floor
seats about -100 persons tho balcony
about while the four boxes two
uppor and two lower will nceonimodato
eight or ton persons each Tho main
entrance is at the center fronting on
Fourth street whilo there aro thrco ox
its besides thoso from tho stago
through which the houso could bo
cleared in two minutes in caso of firo
Electric lights aro used throughout in
such numbers that tho offect is most
satisfactory Tho building is heated by
two largo furnnces and in fact all de
tails that go to make up a lirst class nu
litoriuin havo been carefully consid
ered and provided
For this splendid auditorium tho
thanks of tho peoplo aro duo to tho
many who havo contributed townrd its
construction aud also to Messrs Wil
liams Wigton nnd Warrant represent
ing tho Hoyal Union Mutual Lifo In
surance company under whoso plana
direction and energy tho building was
niado possible Tho now building is
entitled to and should receive a libera
Involution of Amuwuinmit Hulls
The ancient history of Norfolks the
atrical and other entertaiinnents is
rather vngno and indefinite but enough
memories havo been revived in tho
minus ot several oltl tnnors to givo n
moro or less interesting sketch of the
evolution of pnblio entortainnients
Apparently the first move looking
toward a publio cntertaininoiit at least
among citizens of English descent was
in tho winter of 1S70 when a club styled
tho 13 T M I W A A P F
Bound to Mnko it Win and Anything
for Fun wns organized This club was
of a social rather than a theatrical na
turo and its entertainments consisting
of socials dances ote wero held in a
hall iu tho Beels block which was built
in 187 1 This hall was ordinarily used
by tho Masons and Odd Fellows for
thoir lodgo meetings but tho club also
secured it for their social gatherings
In 1877 a stago was constructed in tho
west room of tlio Beels block now occu
pied as a grocery by Bniasch Zuolow
and a performance in costume by ania
tours was rendored This was probably
the nearest approach to theatrical en-
tortaimnontyot given in tho villngo
In 1870 tho Olnoy block wns built and
soon after its completion tho Masons
gavo a grand ball which was largely at
tended by tho peoplo of Norfolk It is
believed that thoro was an Undo Toms
Cabin performance in tho same building
but if there wns tho Into of tho outer
tuinmeut is not remembered This hall
was used for quite a number of social
and amusement functions
About 1880 tho building now known
as tho Wltlaman building and in which
tho G A 11 hall wns located until quite
recently was built by Henry Somniler
Ho conducted a saloon on tho lirst floor
and tho upper room was used qulto fro
quontly for cheap theatrical and variety
performances Mr Witlamun pur
chased tho building in 1881 It is per
tinent at this timo to unto tho fact that
tho Norfolk flro department had its
birth in this building tho prinio movers
in its organization boing Mr Widiunan
Major Muthewson and Harry Bronie
Tho first named gentleman was tho tlrst
chiof nnd served with honor for several
terms Ho was presented with a cap or
helmet and belt by tho members of tho
infant department upon his retirement
from tho position Theso accoutre
ments aro still in tho possession of nnd
highly valuod by Norfolks chief of
Early in tho 80s tho rollor skating
excitement was abroad in tho land and
this amusement took firm hold upon the
entortainmont loving citizens of Norfolk
and tho building quite recontly used by
Ilwrman Pasowalk as nn implement
wnrehonso and salesroom wns converted
into a skating rink Thopastinio proved
so popular that about 1881 two gentlo
nieu by tho nanio of W Woods and L
Davis built a largo rink on tho corner
now occupied by tho Cotton block Main
nnd Fourth streets This building is
now located noxt door north of tho pre
sent auditorium In it tho aniuseinont
of roller skating hold full sway until its
decline in popular favor However the
rink was occasionally used for dances
and theatricals wero given from a tem
porary stage erected for each occasion
When tho building camo into tho pos
session of Herman Gerecko tho roller
skating fad was on tho declino and ho
soon after converted it pormanontly
into an opera houso This proved most
satisfactory for many years nnd many
operas ind theatres both professional
and anmteur wero held on its stago
When the peoplo thought that they
should havo a better placo of amuse
ment tho opera houso was converted
into a earriago repository and nothing
bettor having been provided O F
Eisoley opened tho hnll in his building
secured the scenery and erected a stago
This proved not as satisfactory as tho
old rink and ifrsoon becamo impossiblo
to got an audience to nttend tho per
formances given therein
The Marqunrdt hall was opened last
May by A J Durland as an opera house
having been equipped with stngo and
sconery This hnll is better than nny
of its predecessors tho chief objection
to it boing thnt it is on tho thirds- floor
It is still used us an ninusenient hnll
and is frequently occupied with dnncing
parties and othor entertainments
Walker WhltCHldc unci Company
tuln Another Good Audience
From Wodnesdnya Daily
Mr Walker Whiteside nnd his com
pany appeared to a Norfolk audionco
again last evening at the new auditorium
in Tho lied Cockade nud was greeted
by a large numbor of people
Tho plot of tho play is a very pleasing
one full of startling situations and re
plete with love pccnca nnd humorous
exchanges In the latter Geo A Holt
ns Barjao and Miss Gortrudo OMal
ley as Marie easily carried off tho
honors with tho audionco
Mr Whiteside ns Captain Mnrtol
and Miss Wolstan as Beatrice lo Lille
wore again tho objects of especial praise
aud commendation from tho audionco
Mr S Do Doyn as Count Vnlmonto
also took a good part
The costuming nnd stage pettiugs of
the company wero especially lino and of
great variety
The play presonted some of tho start
ling scenes claimed to have taken place
during tho French revolution of 1795
and excited the iuterost of the audience
to a high pitch
A largo delegation of Madison people
wero over to attend tho performance and
woro conveyed home after tho show by a
special train run by tho Uiiion Pacific
At the closo of the play Mr White
side was called before the curtain by a
hearty demonstration nnd in a very well
delivered talk thanked tho peoplo of
Norfolk for thoir hoarty appreciation of
his companys efforts to amuse Ho
also congratulated the peoplo and man
agement on their new opera houso stat
ing that never had ho been iu or seen so
beautiful aud commodious a structure
put up iu so short a time In closing
ho expressed tho wish that ho might bo
able at somo fnturo time to again greet
tho people of Norfolk a wish that it
is unnecessary to state was heartily re
ciprocated by the audience
Tho company departed this morning
for Sionx Oity where thoy will put on
The Red Cockade this afternoon nnd
Hamlet touight Thoy depart with
the best wishes or Norfolk people for
thoir future welfare and success
Farm laud and city proporty for snle
by G It Seiler
Gathering for the Eighteenth
Annual Meeting
Tho City Hum Put nu Holiday Apiriirmic
In llnniir of Hor Vlnllorn PI rut Seuloii
of tlio AMftnclutloii In lio liolil uttlio City
Hnll Ill Ih Kvonliif
Tho city put on a holiday appearance
this morning in honor of the Nebraska
State Volunteer Firemens association
which meets in eighteenth annual con
vention in this city during tho week
Nearly overy business houso displays an
abundance of flaga and bunting whilo
ncross tho Main street is strung a largo
banner bidding tho flromen Welcome
to Norfolk
Tho advauco gunrd of tho dolegates
arrlvod last cvoniug and this morning
ovory incoming train brought more flro
men until this afternoon tho streets
show many a bright uniform happy
stnilo nnd highly colored bndgo
Tho first mooting of tho association
will bo hold this evening in tho firemens
room of tho city hall which has been
tastofully nud appropriately decorated
for tho occasion nnd which will bo
mudo headquarters during tho conven
tion At oight oclock tonight tho Nor
folk baud together with tho recoption
committoo of tho department tho
mayor nnd city council will meet at the
city hall nnd proceed to the incoming
trnins to wolconio tho delegntions of flro
men At 015 tho first session will bo
called to order by tho president of tho
association J L Shiek of Beatrice
Mayor Simpson will deliver nn address
of welcome which will bo responded to
by tho president After the appoint
niont of a committoo on credentials the
business session will ndjonru
Commoncing tomorrow morning nnd
thereafter during the remainder of the
session the meetings will bo held in tho
now auditorium
Tomorrow evening aud tho fol
lowing tho Pringlo company will
givo outortainmeuts nt the auditorium
under auspices of tho Norfolk flro de
partment The first play presented will
bo Tho White Elephant and tho
second Eccles Girls
7 hey Take tho City
From Wednesdays Daily
At the time for convening the first
meeting of tho Nebratka Stato Volun
teer Firomens association lust evening
at 015 firemans hall in tho city build
ing wns well filled with delegates to tho
convention aud tho session was promptly
called to order by President John L
Shiek of the association
He made a few opening remarks and
then presented President C E Hart
ford of tho homo department who made
a short but woll worded address of wel
come in behalf of tho Norfolk firo de
Mayor J E Simpson was then intro
duced and made a welcome address in
behalf of the city of Norfolk
The mayor occupied about 15 minutes
of tho associntion6 timo and gave them
tho cordial nnd hearty welcome which
ho is so capable of doing and making
tho visiting delegations feel at home and
that the freedom of the city was theirs
His remnrks were heartily received At
tho closo of his address three littlo girls
appeared bearing a largo key made of
wood and bound with the national
colors This was appropriately pre
sented as the key to tho citys gates
President Shiek made a svell worded
reply and a motion was then made
by Mr Hamilton of North Platte that a
committee of five on credentials bo ap
The following wero appointed as suoh
committee by tlio chair J W Moist
York W H Hamilton North Platte
C E Elliott West Point O Mortisen
Fremont nud R J Hito Grand Island
A motion was then made that the
threo young ladies who carried tho key
of tho city bo accorded seats at tho play
nud at tho banquot
Movod to amend that the mayor and
common council be included in the
The amendment carried aud the
original motion as amendod provailed
There being no farther business tho
committee adjourned to meet at tho
auditorium this morning nt 9 10
After adjournment tho fire boys
enjoyed themselves according to their
inclinations taking iu tho Bights tho
theator aud getting acquainted with
the town aud its people until a lute
The timo yesterday was occupied by
committees in meeting incoming trains
iu which work the baud assisted and
the city streets wero alive with
delegates wearing their vari colored
badges during the afternoon aud even
The weather yesterday was cloudy
and threatening aud was not ns delight
ful as ooold have beou desired but in
spite of its threatening nature no rain
or tnovg fell and tho delegates didnt
appear to bo bothered by the prevailing
Tho convention was again called to
order nt 9 Vi iu the new auditorium and
the report ot the committtoo on
credentials was read nud adopted after
which ndjnurnmeut was taken until
1 30 this afternoon
Illinois Gentral R R
Tlio lllinoin Vulrnl iloslrofl to call nttrnllnn
In llio unexcelled irvlrn Hint is olTnrPiI lij itc
linen to tlio Miulh for tlio soiipon of 1M1 IWU
Pullman Tourist Sleeping Cars
New York
Ioisonnlly conduct
ed KniiR throiiKh to
los Alleles mill Sun
KriinclMo vin Now
OrlemiH in connect Ion
with tins Southern Ill
eillc Icnvlntf ChlrnKo
on the Centrals fast
New Orleans
did j connect ion also niado by this train with
dally trains out or New urleans ror tun racim
Coast Tim Limited from Chlpauo overy oven
iiiK connects on Mondays mid Thursdays at
NowOrloans after Decomber IK ISttl with the
of tlio Southern Pacific kWIiik special thronRli
sorvico to San Frnncieco
Double daily sorv
ico is maintained out
or St honis via tho
Illinois Central anil
cnmtoctltiK lines to
pa and Atlanta thro
sleeniinr car to Jack-
sonvlllo Florida bointf carried on tho
lenviiiR St Louis ovory oveniim This train ns
woll as tho Day Kxjiress leaving St Louis in
the moruitiK nro both i olid trains to Nashville
havhiK through coaches and sleeping cars run
niiu through Martin Tcnii anil tlio N C A St
L Ity Connection via this lino for all princi
pal points in tho Southeast such as Charleston
Wilmington Aikin ami Savannah anil for all
points in Florida
Daily from Chicago to Memphis and Now
bv drutwistn or sent nn receli
hrcya Med Co Cor WllUam
wild our tISe frtntb truii
points in tho South on thn lines of the Illinois
Central and Y M V railroads will bo run on
the first and third Tuet day of each month dur
inK tlio winter season
Full particulars concerning all of tho nbovo
can bo nail of ukciiIh of tho Illinois Central or
by addressing A II Haubou J P A Chicago
Solicitor and Attorney in Patent Causes
1720 New York Ave
flico established lc03 Charges modorato
I respondenco requested
To PATENT Good Ideas
may bo secured by
our aid Address
Baltimore Md
Subscriptions to The Patent Record tlUO per annum
Dr Humphreys y
Specifics cure by noting directly upon
tho disease without eCciting disorder in
nny other part of tho system
1 Fevers Congestions Inflammations 25
i Worms Worm Fovor Worm Colic 25
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1 1 Supiircssid orlalnful Periods 25
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