The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, January 18, 1900, Page 8, Image 4

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rp 1
Exercise and Health
Kxcreise is n splendid thing for n hrnlthy person Hut
when the Iwily Is weakened by disease exercise strniiiH
nitlicr tlinn strengthens Kxcreise will not cure n wenk
Ntoiimcli It nmy iuciciist the nppetitc hut it wont cure
dyspeplu nml nil increased appetite is u curse not n bless
ing to tile milTerer from dyspepsia
Tnke exercise by all means but nlso take Dr licrccs
Golden Medical Uiscoveiy if there is a deranged or dis
eased condition of the stomach and other organs of diges
tion and nutrition This medicine is not a cure all but a
specific for diseases of the htoninch and digestive system
It strengthens the stomach purifies the blood mid iu
ci eases physical vigor
It incieases the bodys supply of good blood by increas
ing the activity of the blood making glnnds It forces
out of the body the waste and poisonous accumulations
which invite disease and cleanses the closed and slug
gish liver Its ionic action is
marked restoring as it does to
weak and jailed men and women
the clear skin bright eyes and buoy
ant step which ate the marks of
sound health
There is no alcohol contained in
olden Medical Discovery and it
is absolutely free fioni opium co
caine and every other narcotic It
is strictly a leinpeiance medicine
I wtnli l hiv llml Ir llrtcrs Coldctt
Mrrilcnl llloovcrv lint povil n Ktenl liIrthliiR In me wrllrs Mm
ISIIrn It Huron of Sluilcidiiiiy IuinUlii County Mn Prior to
hciitciuKT iM t Imd doclorcil for my Blomncli tioulilc lor nevcrm
ciiim koIiik t In onuli n comur of licnlluelit uitliout nay lenl benefit
In September i V I llai1 very sick micIL nml urew wiirnii could en I
but Utile coiiimeiietil In September 1HJ7 to tnUc Dr Ilriecii
medicine nml In n nlioit time I could cut nml woik I linvcKiiincd
twenty pound In two iiioiiIIih
t wni very sick Indeed write Mh Molllc Jneolm of Idlon
Kent Co Ileliuvnre nml our family itoctot snld lluul consumption
1 thought I unci die soon Tor I felt m uwliil ImiI Ilnd n Imd uiiikii
spit lilixnl wns veiv tliott oflirrnlh 1 Imd pain In my client mid
iirIiI Iiiiir nlso Imd dyHpcpsln Heroic 1 took your olden Medical
niscoNeiv nml Plenmiut Pellet I was no weak I could not sweep n
loom nnd now 1 can do a small washing 1 feel like n new peiMiu
1 was sick oxer twoyeius 1 took tlilrttcn twltlcs ol tlie Discovery
ami four iils of Ir Pierces Pellets
Dr Tierces llcnsnut Pellets are the best medicine to
use with Golden Medical Discovery when the use of
a laxative is indicated They keep the bowels healthy
and aie delicately adjusted to the rcquitotneiits of the
weakest system so that women and children may use
tliein without fear of reaction
irtlio Clip lf Woiir it
If your ftio HulToriug from tho oonso
quonoos of hnpuro blood havo boils
pimplos or scrofula soros If your food
tlooa not digest or you Biiffor from ca
tarrh or rhoumatism you nro tho ono
whoHhonld taku Hoods Siirsupnrilln
It will lit your enso oxnotly make your
blood puro nml euro suit rhoum Borofu
la rhouiuntiRin dyspopsia catarrh and
give you porfoot hoalth
Hoods pills euro all liver ills
Working Nlulitiuul liiy
Tho bnsiost and mightiest littlo thing
that ovor was niatlo is Dr KiugH Now
Xifo pills Thoso pills ohnugo woaknoss
into strength listlossnoss into energy
brain fag into montal power Thoyro
wonderful in building up tho health
Only 25o por box Sold by Kiosau Drug
Co drug storo
To Cnrn Coimtlputlon forever
Talo Cisenrots Ciindv Citlhnrttc 10a nrSSo
Jt C C C full to mini druggists mfuiul muuoy
Stood Death on
E K Mnnday a lawyer of Honriotta
Tex ouoo foolod a gravo diggor Ho
says My brothor was vory low with
malarial fovor ami jaundioo I por
suadod him to try Elootrio Hitter and
ho was soon muoh bettor but continued
their use until ho was wholly cured I
nmsuro Klootrio Bitters sayod hiB lifo
This remedy oxpols malaria kills dis
ease gorniB and purifies tho blood aids
digestion regulates liver kidnoy
troubles fomalo complaints gives por
foot health Only 50o at Kiosau Drug
Oo drug store
Por Infants and Children
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Boars tho
Bignturo of
More JopiilurTliiin Kver
Siuco 1890 tho Hot Springs of South
Dakota havo boon recognized as tho ro
sort for westorii pooplo
All things nro favorablo for thoso sook
Inc rest hoalth or pleasure This soason
finds tho resort well patronized by pooplo
from Nebraska Iowa Illinois Miuuosota
Wisconsin and eastern South Dakota
and ovoryono woll satisfied with tho
Wonderful Wutors
Delightful CUmato
Modern Hotels
Varied attractions for sight seers
The Northwestern Lino is tho pionoor
to this resort
Tho Northwestern Lino runs Wngnor
Palace sleepers to Hot Springs South
Tho Northwestern Liuo makes low
round trip rates to this resort
Ask your nearest railroad agent for
tho date of tho next excursion via tho
Fremont Elkhorn Missouri Valley
R R Northwestern Line
G I1
A Nlklit of Terror
Awful anxloty was felt for tho
widow of tho bravo General Burnhnm
of Machias Me when tho doctors said
Isho would die before morning writes
Mrs S H Lincoln who nttoudod her
tniat fearful night but she begged ior
Df Klugs New Discovery whioh had
metre than onco saved her life nnd
curVd her of consumption After taking
Bhe Hept all night Further uso outirely
curedlher This marvellous medlcino
is gaatranteed to euro all throat chest
and luiig diseasos Only fiOo and 100
Trial bpttels free nt Kiesau Drag Co
drug stlore
3 e m 1 he Kind You Have Always Eoufihl
c vo
in health
- rm m h
B H H w Mvi
ifrttrj Scm tvl
banish pimples boils blotches blackheads
and that sickly bilious complexion by taking
Cascarets beauty for ten cents All drug
gists satisfaction guaranteed 10c 25c COc
Mon can bo cured privately nnd posi
tively at homo of all weakness and dis
ease Write for now froo book
Dr J N Hathaway
H2 Commercial Block
Sioux City la
Tlilii It Your Opportunity
On receipt of ten conts cash or stamps
a gonorous bamplo will bo mailed of the
most popular Catarrh and Hay Fever Curt
Elys Croam Halm Bufllcient to demon
btrato tho great merits of tho remedy
CG Warrou St New York City
Itov JohnHeid Jr of Oreat FallsMout
recommonded Elys Cream Halm to me I
cau emphasizo his stntcmrnt It is n jiosi
tive euro for catarrh if used as directed
Rev Francis V Joolo 1obtorCeutrairros
Church Helena Mout
Elys Cream Halm Is tho ocknowledced
euro for catarrh and contains no mercury
uor any injurious dmjj Price CO cents
Bari the Kind YoiJ aV AlwarS Bought
Bgr SVk
lloiv Are Your Xildneyt
Dr Ilotibi Sparnisus Pills cure nil kidney Ills Sam
ple freo Ailil btorllUK touiuilCollilcaKOOrN V
ltrrata with jou whether you enntinur the
nerTtvtijiiutf lunta uniuii nuj
remorc thu iliSlrn for tobacco w
omucrTousuimrcftif osiCii
lino puriuva iuu uiuui
lorri iut iiikuuuuu
I iciyivV ifsN
1 l vVlJlli15i
Tlmro Is it CIiinn of People
Who aro injured by tho uso of coileo
Rocoutly thorn has boon placod in all
tho grocery stores a now proporation
called Ciraiu O mado of puro grains
that takes tho placo of colVoo Tho
most dolicato stomach rocolvos it with
out distress and but fow cau toll it
from colToo It doos not cost ovor ns
muoh Children may drink it with
great bonoflt Ifi conts and 25 cents por
package Try it Ask for Clrnhi O
Eilncnto Tour llownln With CiMcnrotfi
Camly Cntlmrtlc euro eoiiHtlpatlon forovcr
lOoUSc If C CO nil druKRlsts refund uionuy
Dont Toliirro Spit anil Mnicko Yuur Itfc kwnj
To quit touncco easily nml forovcr uo inap
nolle full of llfo norvo unit vltor talto
tho vrniulor worltcr that nmltos woalc men
stroim AH ilruKRlsts KOoorfl Cure uimran
teed Booklet nml simplo free Address
Psrllni iiomody Co Chicago or Now Yorlt
A Frightful Itluniler
Will of ton causo a horriblo burn scald
out or bruiso Buoklous Arnica salve
will kill tho pain and promptly heal it
Ouros fovor sores ulcors boils corns all
skin eruptions Best pilo euro on oarth
Only aficts n box Guro guaranteed
Sold by Kiosau Drug Co drug storo
Denuty la IJlooil Deep
Clean blood mcaiiB a clean skin No
beauty without it Cascarets Candy Cathar
tic clean your bloodand keep it clean by
fitirrinc ui the lnzv liver and urivinc all
imritinu from tlm hrtdv Hpirin tndnv in
klf ni wr
mMmM M muoo
ironir m t aw Bcnirt
rl11 miM
vui yViWU
aieacurtd Uur
vour own driiirifit wlic
Will Touch for uiTikfi It with
lllnatlrntlTtierilitentlT One
boitl utually curosi 3 boxealt W
truarnutrril iocuriflrwrfiiirl mnnw
SurtUf Utndjf C I bletf e Hoitrt kl htm FerL
I have been uln VASGAIXETSandai
a mild uml cUccilvo larullru tber aru elmpli won
derful Mr daughter and 1 wcru Ixuliurcu with
lek ktomuch auJ our breath was very bad After
takluic a few doies of CascurcH we bare luifirored
wunderf ullr Tber aro a ureal belp Iq tbe family
U37 ItlttODbouco St Cluclunatl Oblo
Pleasant Palatable Potent Taite Good Do
Good Never Slckeu Weaken ur G ripe 10c 2Je Wc
81rllt IUnl CmI CMtn glrl w Tlk J1S
linTfl DIP Sold and auaranteed by all drug
HU I UVAU gltu to iTUKi Tobacco ilabll
ChlcnRn nrnltmco nlloh Trimtiipi
tnll liiilnitlnii Irorrmlliic
IXCKiOHT Ills Jan 18 Tho boar
trap dam separating tho drainage canal
from tho Des llaiiies river was lowered
by tho Kluiitury district trustees with
tho consent of tho catml commissioners
nnd Governor Tnnnor at noon and UOO
000 oublo foot of water por mlnuto
rushed with a roar into tho Des Plainos
river on Its way to tho Gulf of Mexico
Tho opening of tho drnlmigo cannl was
tho culmination of nn all night vigil by
tho board of trustees nnd canal com
missioners at Joliet which resulted in
tho securing of tho necessary permis
sion from Governor Tanner
Wahiiinuton Jan 18 Tho statu of
Missouri by Its attorney general E H
Crow niatlo application in the supremo
court today ami nskcil lcavo to fllo a bill
praying for an injunction against the
statu of Illinois and thu city of Chicago
to restrain ilium from operating tho re
cently opened drainage canal Tho
court took tho motion but did not in
dicatu when action would bo taken
Tinijcily TuUnft Ilnra In Ilmvull County
lull Murtlcrcr lciiin
Virt IMiAiNH Mo Jan 18 County
Jailer Alfred Henry while feeding tho
prisoners in the Howell county jail was
overpowered and killed by two prison
ers Den Kichnrdsoii nnd Ed Grady
Richardson was under sentonco to tho
penitentiary for burgliuy and is an es
caped convict from tho Tennessee peni
tentiary Henry had gono to the jail to
feed tho prisoners and not returning to
his home at the accustomed tinio his
wifo sent a noiglibor in search for him
His body was found in a pool of blood
on tho jail floor The prisoners had es
caped and locked tho door after them
A posso was immediately organized and
is scouring the woods A reward of
1000 is offered for their capture
Attorney Wltlitlrnwii From Allien Ciiho
Falls City Nob Jan 18 I J
Ringolsky of Kansas City leading at
torney for Samuel Miles in his suit to
sot aside tho will of his father tho lato
Stephen D Miles and who was accused
in court Tuesday of having conspired to
procure a witness to testify falsoly that
ho had written a will supposed to havo
been lost for Stephon Milos requested
tho judge to allow him to temporarily
withdraw from tho caso until ho could
purge his reputation of thoso charges
Tho accusation has proven a decided
sonsation Thu estatu involved in tho
will is valued at 11000000
Spoor HttctomU Sliorimm
Chicago Jan 18 John A Spoor
was today advanced from tho position
of vico president to that of president of
tho Union Stockyards and Transit com
pany succeeding John B Sherman
who retired after having been con
nected with tho company sinco its or
ganization about 5 years ngo Tho
president is generally regarded as a
Vanderbilt man and his election it is
said will strengthen tho Vanderbilt in
terests in tho stockyards company
Olit DlrcctoiH Hn IClortml
OiuoAtio Jan 18 Tho stockholders
of tho Indiana Illinois and Iowa road
ro olected tho old directors who unani
mously voted to retain tho prosout ofll
cers of tho company Stockholders
wore givou to understand that tho earn
ings of tho last six months havo boon
heavier than thoso of any corresponding
porlod In tho history of tho roads oner
AroiI Veteran In Almiliouio
Ohestku Pa Jan 18 Henry
Hughes a lioro of tho old navy has
been admitted into tho county alms
house at tho ago of 95 years Ho onco
saved tho lifo of Commodore Matthow
G Perry who had boon ambushed by
12 Mexicans
Fort Itiiynnl im it Sunltiirluni
Washington Jan 18 Fort 13ayard
N M 1ms been discontinued as a garri
son post and the buildings will bo
turned over to the surgeon general of
the army for uso in connection with tho
genoral hospital to bo established there
as a sanitarium for tho treatmont of
officers ami enlisted men of tho army
suffering from pulmonary troubles
Cnptiiln Curler Is III
New Youk Jan 18 Obcrliu MCar
ter a prisoner in Castle William on
Governors island pending an appeal
from the sontenco of tho court martial
for tho Savannah harbor frauds is ill
His indisposition is said to bo duo to the
change from free life to solitary con
Would luy for Death of 4rlinlimlit
St Louis Jan 18 Ghiof of Polico
Campbell stated last night that ho would
give 100 out of his own pocket to any
olllcer or citizen who kills a highway
man burglar or porch climber in thu
act of committing ono of theso crimes
Farmer Mutual Klects Oltleerf
Lincoln Jan 18 Tho Farmers Mu
tual Insuranco company at its stock
holders meeting yesterday attended
by sovoral hundred mombors olected
thoso ofllcors President Engono Munn
University Placo vico president John
Dorgan Lincoln secretary W B
Linch Lincoln treasurer A Green
myer Cheney
Knuaua Olty Olnthe Klecjile Itonil
Kansas City Jan 18 Kansas City
is to havo another interurban olectrio
road to ruu to Olathe Kan 31 miles
distant from hore on tho Santa Fo and
Momphls roads Tho capital has al
ready been subscribed by Kansas Oity
Olatho mon and tho Olatho council has
been askod for a frauchiso
MnkliiK DlntlnrlliiiiH
Do you know miicb about music
Not u great deal answered Mr
Hufsbod But Ive managed to figure
out that If you bear anything In a
theater at tbe cost of 5 per seat its
art ami If somebody sings the same
thing In nn adjacent flat or hammers
It out on a pin no Its an Infernal racket
bulls regain courage
Wheat Mnrknt lltiln Finn llridnrtiionabl
Wnntlmr Ilnlpi Corn Prion
Cuicjaoo Inn 17 Unlit rtonmstlo rorrtlpta
and tlm mnnll dcclliid nt Llvfirpmil In tho fncu
of tlm In nvy Mump Ihto yesterday rtwultrd In
n firm wlicnt mnrkct tixlay Mny closlne lifp
a Improved tliHcaionablo weather nva
Imultbonrt to rorn Mny closing Jo ovor
yratonlny Oats nt tho cloio wcto lifbin
lilulmr nnd provisions n Miado lowor Closing
Wiirat Mny KKai Jtllv MJCOo
CoitN TnnlHXoi Mny ItlJo
Oath Jhii aoi Mny iIKi
loliK Inn J10T0 Mny JIOWJIOOJ
llnis Tnn 570 i Mny 5745S0
IAin lnn 5KS Mny Sli
CnHli quotations No 2 rod whnnt Via
No 2 RprliiK whrnt 0lVoi No 2 corn
UIJicNo iiontn Klo
Clilcnio llvn Stonlc
ClIIOAOO Inn 17 Cnttln Uccclpts 19000
rliolru fnt utntrt ati utly otlmrn liMo below
MondnyH prlees conil to cholen SKXt0W
poor to iiutllum 4OitlB0j mixed Htoolters
l2VW8l selected feedurs 42VJ475 Rood
to eholco CiwnlKXIW lieUerH 3IKKiMIW
runners 2 2rt2li0 bulls 2lKrtl40 enlves
irAit 740fed Texas beove lllrjt5U Hoks
lU fdiptH 000 fnlrly netivo Mindo hlKherj
top l7fi fnlr clenrnucm mixed nnd butch
ers lirJ70 kihmI to cliolco lienvy 4ti0tr
47froUKh liunvy l4tilr5 llKht 440 IC0
bulk of Bnles 4 5Vn4tV Hluiep ltecelpts
1501X1 nctlve nnd llrm nntlvo wethorH 44ftiti
485 IiiiitiM lfiUJ02ij western wuthurs 480
476 wusturn lnmlw 52XIU
Kniimn City llie Stook
Kansas Oitv Jnn 17 Cnttln Itecnlpts
lWW very Mow uneven rniiKliiR stvndy to
lfin lower no eholco teers offered medium
nntlvo hIcitm IKllrJ175 UulitwolKhtH UMXfl
fitW Htoelters nnd feeders tltfiOSlK Imtchors
cows nnd heifers l HXJ04SO winners 2MV9
lltH fed westerns 11 VXtfll western feeders
iWXiJ42i lmlf fislTexnns a7lKpl00 Hoks
lterulpts 17700 opeiusl Mowc lower elosed
iietlvu with loss recovered henvy if I55M4I1J
mixed ilMXjll ISO ticht laVrj4fi0 pigs J4XXcJ
4 JO Sheep Kuceiptsl8X excellent deiuiind
heavy muttons Mindo struiiRcr liunbs fully
Htemly lnmlw JVlWiilHM muttons I4UV44I10
stocliui i unit feeders 5U7i475 culls 200
South Oiniiliti Live Stock
HotlTll Omaha Jnn 17 Cnttlo Itecoipts
2lH0slow to 10e lower nntlvo beef steers 425
5 W western steers 400485 Toxns steers
U74UO cows nnd holfers 1123 1 88 enn
ners 200300 stockers nnd feeders 1160
48 icnlvea USO700 bulls stnirs etc 280
Uji410 Hoks Hecelptsll200shndu to6e lower
heavy 447Ji4 Bo mixed 447450 light
4 10i I IJ plgs400445 bulk of vales 447
g4fi0 Bheei Hocelpts2100 native stronger
nntlvo muttons 460i480 western muttons
42of40J stock Mieep 88o4lio lambs 450
Dorr HUo Altec ted HU Mluil
Lcxinoton Mo Jan 18 Edward
Whito killod himself early yostorday
morning with a revolver nt his homo
ncarDovor Ho was bitten by a dog
sovoral months ago and his mind has
boon affected since
ItediiiiliiiK Honda Icn1
CrDAK Rapids la Jan 18 By a
decision of tho supremo court tho citv
of Cedar Rapids is authorized to call in
205000 outstanding warrants and issuo
that amount of refunding bonds which
will bo done at onco
FrultlcHH SuhtcrriiKC
Fond Father Tommy Ive just re
ceived from Santa Claus a telegram
saying lie hasnt watches enough this
year to go round
Tommy rellectivoly Well just wire
blm to call here early in tho evening
Jewelers Weekly
Will furnish music for dances and par
ties Prices reasonable
Livery Feed and
Sale Stable
Hack Line In Connection
Telephone 68
Mrs HHHull
Facial Treatment Manicuring and Shampoe
Will gladljr call t your homei and do any of thi
work Orderi taken for fine hair nwltohei
Porfoot match goaranteed Besldenoo on Flnt
streot Jnnotlon Orderi may be left at the
Janotion Drug 8tore Telephone IO
The Land of Sunshine
VsBrT J 5VV i
Fiuo Train Service- via tho Union Pacific
Palaco Sleopiug Cars Dining Cars
Free Reclining Chair Cars
Buffet Smoking and Library Cars
Ordinary Sleeping Cars
Piutsch Light Steam Heat
Fivo Daily Trains from Missouri River
For Time Tables FoldcrB Illustrated llooke
PampliletH itefecriptlvoof tlio territory truveru
ed call on
p sMwjrMg8Si
1 1 -
t r irrtt nun uimiiimininiiki
I li4yl rl ry IT rt T ll nlliliTgiTnixiTxI
v fV -
1f W
Iho Kind You Havo Always Bought and which has ween
in uso for over 30 years has homo tho signature of
ami has heen mado under his
sonal supervision slnco its infancy
fCUcAtX Allow no ono to deceive you in this
All Counterfeits Imitations and Substitutes aro hut 13v
Iierimcnts that trillo with and endanger tho health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment-
What is CASTOR A
Castorln is a substitute for Castor Oil Paregoric Drops
and Soothing Syrups It is Harmless and Pleasant Ifc
contains neither Opium Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance Its ago is its guarantee It destroys Worm
and allays Fcvcrishncss It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic It relieves Teething Troubles cures Constipation
nnd Flatulency It assimilates tho Food regulates tho
Stomach and Bowels giving healthy and natural sleep
Tho Childrens Panacea Tho Mothers Friend
Bears tho Signature of
The KM You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years
Blood Poison
Hulls nnd Troli cta tbo Membrane Itc tores the
J enxes of Tnelo and tincll Full Blzo 6U Trial
matn nt DriipiIftlH tir liv mall
KIYHROiils rfl War- -- T-
Had Cntarrli SG Years
JAsiah I5acon conductor on the P W
H R R savs I had buffered with
catarrh for 36 years nnd regarded my
case ns hopeless One day I saw the
testimonial of Geo II Ilenrn in a Braz
ilian Balm circular Ileum was the
engineer on my train nnd I knew his
case was desperate I talked with I learn
and his cure gave me hope I began
the use of the Balm at once There was
not much change for the first two months
but then I began to improve and ill sis
mouths to my inexprebsible satisfaction
I was entirely cured
Ik Si
ffA2e m
- a m
JTJl rmm J
They overcome Wealc
ness irregularity and
omissions increase vig
or ana Danish tminRl
of menstruation They aro LEFE SAVERS to girls at
womanhood aiding development of organs and body NqA
known remedy for women equals them Cannot do harm life
becomes a pleasure 100 PER BOX BY MAUL Soldi
by druggists DK MOTTS CUEM1UAL CO Cleveland Ohiolj
For honest treatment and a speedy cure write
or go to Dr J Newton Hathaway whosefj
great reputation is a sufficient guarantee oil
Kntisfnrtnrv rpsnlts CVmRiilrsiKrm Trpoifi
----- v 7 - - v w v n
Contracted or IlcrelJ
tary Syplilllls In all Its
terrible stages producInK copper coloroil
spots on fuco or body littlo ulcers on thu
tongue In tho mouth or throat falling out of
tho hair or eyebrows decay of tho flesh or
tones completely and forovcr eradicated
without tho uso of Injurious drugs leaving
tho system In a pure ktrong and health
ful state
or enlarged veins which
lead to a complcto loss of
soxual power also Hydrocele Gonorrhoea
Gleet Stricture and all Private and Venereal
Diseases and Weaknesses of men quickly
Kidney and Urinary
ntr Tlnlrl
- -
cult Too Frequent nioody or Milky Urine
all functional diseases of tho Heart Lungs
Jlver and Stomach also Catarrh Itupture
Khemnatlsm riles Fistula and all Wood
and SUIa Diseases and all Fomalo Discuses
treated according to tho latest and best
methods known to medical scienco
Home Treatment deUewayJ
cessful Writo for free book Just published and
Symptom blank if you cannot call
Or Jlutliirvviiy Co-
22 Commercial Block Sioux City Iowa
Daily News Job Department
Ask your
for a generous
Elys Cream Dam
contains no cocnlnc
mercury nor any oilier
Injurious drug
Jt la quickly Absorbed
Gives Hcllcf at onco
Jt opens nnd cleaimes
lite Nasal Ilisaages
Alluys Inlmmumtion
Bear the v8 Kind You Have Always Bought
from Life
Made a
v tSafVStT Ve
v a
the of Me
produces tbe abovo renults ln30 days It ictl
poworf nlly and auickly Cures when all others faiL
Vouns mon will regain tlioir lost manhood and old
men will recover tlioir youthful vigor by uelnl
ItEVIVO It aulcbly and furcly restores Nervous
noss Ixat Vitality Impoteney Nightly tCmlssions
tost Power Failing Memory WastlDe Diseases and
all effects of eelf abusa or cicetH and indiscretion
which unfits one for study business or marriage II
not only cures by starting nt tho ecat of disease but
isagrcat nerve tonic and blood builder bring
ing back tho pink Blow to palo cheeks and re
storing tbe ire of ynnth It wards on Insaniti
end Consumption Insist on having ItUVIVO no
other It can bo carried in vest pocket Ily mall
8100 per package or six for 8CO0 with a posi
tive written rjnarantco to enro or refund
Ulrcuiarirec Address
Royal Medicine Co9a8fiffiaffifc
Forale in Norfolk by Geo B Curlntn
Rev D C Hopsotli Pastor M E Church Waunetu Neb writes After
laraof conBtinatiou und stomuch disorder Dr Kays ltenovator lias removed
tho constination and mado my Btomaou ulmost now I could not hear n wateh
tick with It closo to my right ear and butivvery 6hort distance from my left
one I can now hear ono quito a distance from my right ear and a long
distance from my left one and the thick heavy feeling between u y eyes to my
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