The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, January 18, 1900, Image 1

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The Norfolk Weekly News
British Surprise Boers and Gain
Important Vantage Point
Done titular tlto Fuco of n Hot Ilro From
tlio IimmyM Iiimk Iylli tDii Fitrila
RiolurH Drift unit NnlzcR II no of Low
i lllilgoa NtniK
London Jim 18 Goncrnl Hnllor
completely surprised tlio Hoers and oc
cupied the hills boyond Potgiotormlrift
15 milos west of Colonso on Jtui 10 Ho
followed up the movement by nholliuK
the Boor trenches This iiowh com
pletely disposes of tho stutomont that
Sir Churles Warrens forces wont in tho
direction of Wounint and ittonds preatly
to restore conililunco in General Bailors
tactics Tho supposition that ho had
divided his forces into throe columns
had given cause for anxiotyi It is now
neon that such a view was erroneous as
General Bailors forces nro concentrated
In Capo Colony General Methuen hus
made a demonstration in force shelling
tho Boer works General Gataero is
alcinnishing around Molteuo and Gen
oral French has boon throwing a few
shells at tho Boers at Bonsberg Colonel
Plumer is moving to the relief of Mate
king from Bechuanalaud Ho is now in
command of less than 2000 men Mafo
king is in a bad way tho siego is boing
pressed with determination and tho
KaiHrsaro deserting because of pinched
rations and tho necessity of eating
horso meat
Tho Standards vivid account of the
assault upon Liulysinith shows that the
garrison was surprised and that several
times tho situation was critical Out of
a detachment of SO Gordon Highlanders
who surrendered every man was
wounded says tho correspondent The
Boer repulse at Ladysmith was the
heaviest countorstroko of tho war Tho
government is relaxing its efforts to
scud out reinforcements It is quite
nndecided as to when tho Eighth divi
sion will bo shipped Tho war oflico de
clines tho offer of a third battalion of
Northamptonshire militia saying that
no militia will bo sontabroi It seems
probablo that only 5000 in of 10-
000 yeomanry will bo mobl
Toril Dmiilnnnlil Talto tlio ltnor JToi ceH
CoiniiUtoly by Surprise
London Jan 18 Tho Times pub
lishes tlo following Vt patch from
Spearmans farm dated Jan 17 20 p
Tho forco marched westward on Jan
10 Lord Dandonald by a dashing
movement occupied tho hills above
Potgieters drift 15 miles west of Co
lcnso talcing tho Boers completely by
surprise Tho same ovening tho infan
try followed General Lytlctous bri
gade crossed the river yesterday and to
day shelled tho Boor trenches beyond
with howitzers Gonoral Warren is
now crossing Trichardo drift five miles
above Ho is not opposed although
tho Boers aro holding a position five
miles from tho river
Tho other morning papers aro out
with extra editions confirming the dis
patch from Spearmans farm to the
A dispatch to tho Daily News from
Spearmans farm describes Lord Dun
donalds advance and says General
Lytletons brigado was sent to hold a
position ou Swartzkop hill Leaving a
strong force to hold Colenso and Gen
eral Hildyarda brigado at 3priugfield
our wholo forco advanced without do
lay Tho ferry pout at Potgioters was
on tho further side of tho river and in
order to bring it over Lioutonant Car
lisle and five men swam over and
brought it ovor
Af tor four days halt on tho south
side of tho Tngela our advance north
ward began Jan 10 Goncral Lytletons
brigado crossed tho drift that evening
and held tho kopjo on our right
Today from Mount Alice near Swartz
kop naval guns effectually shelled tho
Boer position which is strong Gen
eral Warren also today crossed tho Tu
gela six miles further to tho west near
Wagon Drift with all arms in tho face
of a hot and heavy tiro from Boor can
non and rifles Ho has effected a most
satisfactory lodgment two miles further
on toward Sproenkop
Mntiy Mourn Neur Kliulimloy
Mopduu RrvKii Capo Colony Jan
17 Thoro was adomoustration in forco
under General Mothneu yesterday a di
vision being engaged with tho object
of ascertaining tlio strougth and dispo
sition of tho Boer force and also in
order to try and draw tho Boers from
Kimberloy whoro lately they havo been
active Tho British discovered tho
Boers in great forco and boing rein
forced from tho direction of Jacobsdal
At 480 tho artillery opoued tiro tho
eholls dropping in tho Boer entrench
ment with groat procision Tho attack
was directed against tho Boor loft Tho
firing continuod until sunset mostly
with artillory although tho guurds on
tho right tired somo long range volloys
Tho Boors reserved thoir flro until tho
British were returning tq camp in tho
darknoBS when six shells followed
them Thoro wero no casualties among
tlio British troops
llullur iIukliiK HutMuvlary J rocreo
London Jan 18 Tho Daily Mail
has tho following dated yosterday from
Pioterniaritzburg Nows has been ro
ceived that Geuorul Buller is makiut
eatisfactory progress
Stekkstuoom Jan 18 Goneral Gat
aero has warned the Boer commandant
that if the women aro not removed tlioy
mast tako thoir chance of being shot in
tho ovent of an attack All is quiet
Woinnii Who W n Oomity Itornrilnr
StniKY la Jan 18 Mrs Alice O
Hill a pioneer and former county ro
corder of this county died hero yester
Committer or Invint lotion Ailjourim
Until lrlluy
Wasiiinotdn Jan 18 William J
Cook anil William F Hector wero bo
fore tho senate committee on privileges
and election1 in tho Clark investigation
yesterday Mr Cook is an ottlcinl con
nected with the Thomas Cruzo Savings
bank of Helena and his testimony re
lated solely to tho deposit of largo sums
of money in tho bank by persons who
wero regarded as representatives of Mr
Mr Rector proved to bo a somowhat
irrepressible witnoss volunteering more
information than ho was asked for Ho
thus brought tho Lowis and Clark coun
ty grand jury investigation into tho
connnitteocontrary to tho intentions of
tho committee which was not to tako it
up at all Tho intrusion of tho matter
caused the defense to raiso tho point as
to whether the charges in connection
with the grand jury should be entered
upon ami tho committee adjourned tin
til Friday next without deciding it To
take up that phase of the question
would materially extend the inquiry
StnmiM mi lYIogrnnn nnil KxjtrcH Itn
littlpU tho tlrst to Hit Tali cu Oir
Washington Jan IS In view of tho
excess of revenue ovor expenditures and
tho probability that receipts will bo
larger next year than now and that tho
treasury will not ncod tho money for
current expenses tho attention of the
ways and means committco has boon
directed to tho subject of tho internal
revenue with tho idea of amending tho
law if reduction is favored Sovoril
propositions havo been mooted among
them boing tho demand of tho brewers
to havo tho beer tax cut in half This
suggestion has boon taken undor con
sideration by a subcommittee consisting
of Messrs Payne Steel and Dalzoll and
it is understood to be their opinion that
if any of tlvo taxes aro soon dispensed
with the tirst to bo taken off will bo
thoso on oxpress receipts and telegraph
messages both of which aro added to
the cost of carrying
Frouch GnrornintMit IMi iiscil With tho Ont
coino of Siinlo DoiimiKo Affair
Pauls Jan 18 The French govern
ment expresses itoolf pleased with tho
settlement of tiio Santo Domingo troublo
which according to a tolegram from
Admiral Richard was a conipleto vic
tory for France Santo Domingo under
taking to pay tlio indemnity demanded
a responsible minister to make a public
declaration that no affront was over in
tended for Franco and tho foreign min
ister to writo to tho French government
expressing tho regrets of his government
at the anti French demonstrations
Sliallenbuiuor Want Nomination
Lincoln Tan 14 A O Shallon
barger a prominent Democratic politi
cian from Alma Neb was a visitor
here yesterday and announced himsolf
as a candidate for tho Democratic con
gressional nomination in tho Fifth dis
trict Mr Shallenbarger said that tho
withdrawal of H Thompson of
Grand Island from tho race left tho
field open to Congressman Sutherland
and himself
Tho Marquis of Lothian former keeper
of tho great seal of Scotland is dead
aged 07 years
Trading in puts or calls will hereafter
bo a dishonorable transaction if carried
on in tho exchango room of the Chicago
board of trade
Frederick Kimball Stearns of Detroit
haspresonted the university of Michigan
a valuablo musical library containing
about 1000 titlos
President and Mrs McTCinloy enter
tained tho members of tho diplomatic
corps at a stato dinner at tho white
houso Wednesday
Tho principal bridgo manufacturers
of tlio United States met in Pittsburg
Wednesday to form a combination with
a capital stock of 25000000
Ordors wero issued Wednesday form
ally dotaching Captain Sigsbeo from tho
command of tho Toxas and assigning
him to tho head of tho naval iutolli
genco bureau
Firemon and possibly conductors and
ongineers all ovor tho Baltimoro and
Ohio railroad system proper nro to bo
tho subjects of a 10 per cent wago ad
vance dating from Jan 1
Members of the Illinois association
opposed to tho oxtonsion of suffrage to
womon havo started an active campaign
against Susan B Anthony and tho ad
vocates of woman suffrage
Owing to their rofusal to ndvanco tho
govorumont monoy tho directors of tho
banks of Caracas and Venezuela in
cluding a Frenchman M Montauban
havo boon arrested and thrown into tlio
Governor Tannor lias refused to call a
special session of tlio Illinois legislature
to onact a relief law mado necessary by
tho recent decision of tho Illinois sii
promo court declaring unconstitutional
the limitation clauso of the newrovenue
Tho Chicago Union Traction company
will in tho near futuro inaugurato a
buffet sorvico ou street oars Besides
coffeo and luncheon cigars and liquors
will bo obtaiuablo An extra faro of 5
cents will bo churgod for riding on tho
Lioutonant Commander Colwell tho
United States naval attache in lioudon
witnessed Wednesday at Yoevil tho test
of an invontiou offered to tho United
States government for steering torpdoe
and submarine craft by means of u wire
less electrical device
Present Incumbent Gets An
other Term In the Senate
Sinnlt1 of tmvn lluiun Spring n HiiiIiiIm
by Narilni Cotnmlttrrn Iaton and 11 In
Suppnrtor Aro Wnll Irovlilril Tor
Fight on Stato rrlntor
Dies Moinics Jan 18 Yesterday at
noon the Iowa legislature met in joint
session and reelected John 11 Gear of
Burlington to tho United States senate
The veto stood Gear Rep Ill
White IJem S2 Governor Shaw im
mediately after tho ballot was taken
signed Senator Gears certificate and
forwarded it to Washington
Tlio announcement of tho house com
mittees yesterday by Speaker Bowen
was a complete surprise lit has given
the best chairmanships to thoso who op
posed him The appointment of Katun
to the chairmanship of ways and means
makes tho defeated candidate tho most
important member of tho houso Second
ou this committee is 1rentis of Ring
gold who tit one time was a Gear sym
pathizer but later threw all his support
for Eaton and Cummins Byers of
Shelby Stewart or Polk and other
prominent Cummins people aro mem
bers of tho ways ami means committee
Following came Temple or Clarke
chairman of judiciary R Byers of
Shelby Carr of Polk Eaton of Mitchell
anil Blake of Webster four members
who wore leaders in tho Cummins Eaton
campaign Carr of Polk is mado chair
man of banks and banking Overtlold of
Howard gctsprivato corporations Stew
nrt of Poll building and loan Theunen
of Scott and other of Mr Eatons friends
are given good chairmanships
The fight to abolish tho oflico of state
priutor and binder was initiated in the
joint assembly yesterday afternoon The
udvocates of abolition gained a decided
Momorial exercises wero hold by tho
scnato on tho death of tho lato Gov
ernor Cyrus C Carpenter of Fort Dodge
who died May 20 1898 Governor Shaw
and ex -Governor Larraboo both ad
dressed tho body and a number of vis
itors who wero present and resolutions
presented by Senator Hoaly chairman
of tlio committco in charge of tho exer
cises were approved by a rising vote
The bill introduced by Senator Mc
Arthur to provide a license for non-resident
hunters was an important feature
of tho session in tho senate Tho lead
ing bill of tho houso was introduced by
Nicolaus of Des Moines Deni and is
directed against convict labor
Tinstie HiilliitH III KvIiIimmo
Frankfort Ky Jan 18 Twenty
ono witnesses wero examined by the
gubernatorial boards of contest yester
day all of them being introduced by
tho Democrats Twenty of tho wit
nesses testified in relation to tho so-
called tissuo ballots all of them saying
that tho ballots received at tho polls in
Pike Martin Johnson Knox and Ma
goffin counties wero of so transparent n
naturo that tho marks mado by tho
voters upon them could bo soon In al
most overy instanco tho Republicans
upon cross examination brought from
these witnesses tho statomont that tho
voto in tho various districts in which
tho tissuo ballots wero used did not in
tho last election differ from previous
Aiitl Trimt lougue Vlu h
Chicago Jan 18 Tlio Tribuno says
Two of tho antitrust leagues havo
clashed and a merry war is promised
Reports aro spread by the Hotel Keep
ers and Commercial Travelers league
that J J Willets tho Alabama Demo
crat refuses to speak at the conference
called for Fob 12 in Chicago Tho
reason given is that ex Governor Alt
gold and other Bryan leaders insist on
his sending thorn his speech in advance
so that they can roviso it Mr Willets
exploited a presidential boom last sum
mer for Judge Augustus Van Wyck of
Now York Tlio Hotel Keepers and
Commercial Travelers league appar
ently has joined with him in promoting
Vau Wycks candidacy
Milwaukee City OIIH Iiil In Contempt
Miiwaukki Jan 18 Mayor Rose
City Clerk Sehuongel and tho 21 alder
mon who voted for tho street railway
ordinauco aro in contempt of court
This is tho substance of tho decision
handed down by Judge Ludwig Tlio
court practically holds in assuming
jurisdiction that tlio ordinnnco is void
for tho reason that tlio amendments
adopted on tho floor wero not considered
by a committco
Important Iotlnl Killing
Wasiiinoton Jan 18 Instructions
havo boon issued by tho postotllco de
partment that facsimilo copies of manu
script or typewriting obtained by a me
chanical process iu order to bo entitled
to tho third class rates of postage must
bo presented for mailing nt tho postof
flco or depository designated by tlio
postmaster ami in a minimum of 20
perfectly identical copios separately ad
dressed If theso conditions nro not
complied with first class postage will bo
ltot rn Sliotl Wiiiniiua Iiiiigcr
London Jan 18 Tho following dis
patch has been received from Mafeking
under dato of Jan J Tho enemy be
gan a ronowed and vigorous lioinbard
ment Jan 1 and deliberately tired six
0 ponnd shells into tho womans laager
killing a little girl and wounding two
children Tho strategical position is
Proprietor or Prlviitn IHtor Hot lllv
Dainnuliif Toxtlmoiiy Again Mollm iu
Nisw York Jan 18 Tlio prosecu
tion yesterday practically closed its
charge against Roland B Mollnenx tin
dial for tho murder of Mrs ICalhorino
1 Adams with Uo introduction of tho
testimony of Nicholas Heekman pro
prietor of n privato letterbox agency
where Mtilineux is alleged tti have hired
a box where he received patent medi
cines from manufacturers llecknutn
tesiilled that he had known Molineux
by tight for five years On May 27
IS8 Molineux went into witness place
and engaged n box for receipt of mail
Ho gave his name as II O Burnet
Witness testified that Molineux came in
about 20 times for his mail which was
mostly patent medicines Witness re
metnbeied putting in defendants box a
package of it certain powder This pow
der is tho ono In which it is alleged
oynuidu of mercury was conveyed to
Unmet Witness never knew Harry
Recorder Coff took the witness in
hand and asked whether ho had been
promised any reward for his testimony
Heekman replied Absolutely none
Do you realize how vitally important
it ir uiul when I say that 1 want you to
look deep in your conscience hnvo you
any doubt in your mind any doubt
whatever as to this defendant being the
man who rented that letterbox from
you as II O ParnetV
Nunc whatever
StocliiniMi IImIiii to Aihlrrw on Topic
liitoii Ntlng In tlio Ti iiiIo s
Four Worth Tex Jan 18 The
second days session of the National
Live Stock association was devoted to
the introduction of resolutions reports
of committees and various addresses as
Relations of the Packing House to
Live Stock Industry by Philip Ar
mour read by T F B Sotham presi
dent of tho American Hereford
Our Broadening Markets for Meat
Products John F Hobbsof Now York
Tho Railroad and the Stockmen
bv T W Toinlinson of Illinois
Livestock Exchanges by W II
Thompson of Illinois
Necessity for Reliable Statistics in
tho Live Stock Industry by L G
Powers of Washington
The Idaho delegation ill strong will
casta solid voto against any leasing
plan that may come up in tho conven
tion Tho leasing system feeding m
transit rates aud terminal charges aro
subjects that will bring forth hot de
bates during tho convention
Convention of Mliio WorlcerH
IndianaiOMS Jan 18 The third
days session of tho United Mine Work
ers of America convened today with
John Mitchell president in tho chair
Tliero were fully 700 delegates present
Chairman P J Kecnan of tho creden
tials committee submitted his report
Fahey of the commit too read the report
Illinois mado tho best showing with
3G000 members
Ionltry AmooIhIIoii Olllrori
CrcnAK RaiIds la Jan 18 Tho 21th
annual election of tho American Poultry
association resulted as follows Presi
dent E A Kegley Cedar Rapids sec
rotary and treasurer II A Bridges Co
lumbus O Tho association presented
two massivo silver cups to tho Cedar
Rapids club to bo competed for at their
next annual meeting
ImploiiiKiit Dialorh Mori
Kansas City Jan 18 Tho rotail
implement dealers of the west and
southwest met hero yesterday with a
very largo attendance The notion will
bo taken to denounce tho binder twino
trast which has moro than doubled tho
price of twine
ConlHgioiiH IHnimiho Among Cultlo
Lincoln Jan 18 Governor Poynter
received a telegram from James Mon
taguo of Crawford saying that a herd
of cat tin near Man land belonging to
James and huffering from a deadly con
tagious disease wero running at Jargo
Kid Roberson knocked out James
Blackwell in one and one half minutes
before tho Indianapolis Athletio associa
tion Wednesday night
At tlio meeting of tho Indiana Demo
cratic state committed Wednesday
Parks N Martin was re elected chair
man for the next two years
Northwestern broom manufacturers
havo decided to advance prices from 21
to 60 cents per dozen This is tho sec
ond ndvanco in threo months
Tho Virginia house of dolegates
Wednesday passed the Jim Crow car
bill a ineusuro requiring separate cars
for whites and blacks on railways
A moveniont which is being carried
on undor tho namo of the Liberty Alli
ance to give aid to tho Boers has been
on foot iu Chicago for tho past 10 days
Mrs M J Patterson tho only child
of President Androw Johnson is critic
ally ill at her homo iu Greenvillo Tonn
and not expected to live Slio is over SC
years of ago
Natioual Commander Shaw of tho
G A R has accepted an invitation to
deliver an address at Knoxvillo nt the
unveiling of a monument to tho Tenn
essee federal dead on May HO
Miss Mary Emma Woolley M A
professor of biblical history and litera
ture in Wollesley college has been
chosen president of Mount Holyoko col
lego to succeed Mrs Elizabeth Storrs
Charles Dougherty iv lineman was
killed and Edward Elms and William
Kuiser wero seriously injured at St
1 fluis Wednesday whilu removing a
wiro which had crossed an oltwirio
ijht wire
Senate Sets I hursuay rob IS Norfolk
as the Date
Anita lor Alt lloiiliniiiili Ioiiiki nlng Ilill
Ipplno War llnlmlo 0r tlio
Nulxnio of Ilonr liy ill II Mi Ainlioi Itlon
Sllilij Out ol rimir Willi li iiiociiiln
Wasiiinoton Jan 18 An agree
meat was easily reached in tho senate
yesterday to lake the final vole on the
pending bill fixing gold as tho standard
of value in the Hulled Slates on Kelt
After several days of debate the drag
net resolution of inquiry into lie con
duet of the Philippine war was passed
It was introduced by Hoar ami prac
tically was adopted iih a general sub
stitute for resolutions of a similar but
less extended character offered by Pet
tigrew anil Lodge Beyond it vigorous
speech by Pcltlgivw the resolution
aroused no debate as it ih within the
discretion of the presiilehl In mIhI or
not send any of the information re
The resolution offered by Halo or
Maine as to tho seizure of Hour by the
liiilisli authorities was adopted but
only after a spirited debate and after
the resolution had been materially
amended Davis chairman of the
committee on foreign relations made a
sharp attack upon the resolution but
withdrew his objections after it had
been amended
Teller addressed tho senate upon tlio
financial bill
Snl7or iiiii Allot- logo Again
Wasiiinoton Jan 18 The houso had
mint her inning yesterday over the sale
of the New York customhouse by Sec
retary Gage Sulzer tho author of thu
resolution for the investigation of the
secretarys negotiations with the New
York banks starttl tho ball rolling by
charging the mandate had already gone
forth to suppress it Sibley a Pennsyl
vania Democrat formerly a radical ad
vocate of free silver who is now out of
sympathy with the Democrats iu Iho
house warmly commended Gages
course These two speeches precipi
tated a debato which lasted almost
three hours Grosvenor explained that
tho committco on rules to which the
Sulzer resolution had gone had not
acted because no evidence hud been pro
duced before tho committee to warrant
tho ordering of such a far reaching in
Hepburn assailed Sulzer for somo of
his extravagant statements and declared
tliero ought to be somo way to rebuke a
member for slandering honored olliciahi
Later in tlio day during tho discussion
of the appropriation for the army Can
non in charge of tho bill challenged
any member to move to strike it out
Williams Dem Miss replied to Can
non iu an eloquent speech in which ho
affirmed tho loyalty of overy American
citizen to tho flag and charged Cannon
with shrewdly issuing a challenge that
ho know would not bo accepted Tho
urgency deficiency bill was passed with
only ono unimportant amendment
Congiiiinlonal Coniiiilttoo llnrr Only on
tho Mutlioil of Irotutlnro
Wasiiinoton Jan 18 Tho Roberts
committee completed its work yesterday
and came to a unanimous finding of tho
facts The majority report was signed
by suven members of the committco in
favor of exclusion and tho minority re
port was signed by two iu favor of seat
ing ami then expelling him Tho latter
two tiro DeArmontl Dem and Littlo
field Rep Littlcfield is Congressman
Reeds successor Lnnhain and Meyers
Denis voted with the majority Ro
port will bo made to tho huust Satur
Argno HiihitiiH CorpiM iian
Lincoln Jan 18 Argument was bo
gun before Judgo Munger in tho circuit
court yosterday afternoon on tho appli
cation of United States Attorney Sum
mers for the release on a writ of halloas
corpus of Corporal Fair and Privato
Joekens the two soldiers of Fort Crook
who wero bound over in Sarpy county
on tho charge of killing Privato Samuel
Morgan an escaping prisoner
Itoiir Hklng a llrlllah tltlli
RKNSiirJtn Capo Colony Jan 10
Tho Boers opened an artillery duel
this morning using a captured British
lG pouuder which the British gunners
ultimately silenced Tho British kept
up a searching tiro all day long ou the
Boer kopjes and also dragged another J
gun to thu summit of Coleskop
Sale and
Boarding Barn
Horses Bought and Sold op
Braanch Avenue
und Tnird St
1 II DTylBr
AttornojR at
D 0 S PA It K Kit
At IMiirn IJniv Monilny
Mast lllock - Norfolk Noli
riivslclan and Surgeon
OlllcrCittniiiH Ntilinnnl limit
Tiioilanin 111
Hiiiiilai iuin imil litKliliiini MiiIii nml I 1 HI
Tiloplionii I
Norfolk - - Nebraska
Olllcn ornrlIIUntin Nntl llnnk ItnnMnnon one
block north of toiiHrnuntliiinil oluiroli
Norfolk NobraHka
Fashionable Dressmaker
Upatnlrnln Ootlon nlork tmir llniitni torn
Klrptclnnn work Hnnriiiiloml
Attorneys at Law
Uooin It II imil 12 Mntt Hlook
Norfolk - - - Nobrniikn
Undertakers and Einbiilinors
UbupIoiii III k Norfolk Arn
Norfolk Nebraska
Attorney at Law
looms 1 and 2 Robertson Wfgton
Block Norfolk
W 0 Halls Barber Shop
DIC A 1 Kit IN
Oil and Gasoline
Practical Plumber
and Steam Fitter
Agency for the Myers Force and
Wind Mill Pumps
Prices Right
Satisfaction Guaranteed on all Woik
First door West of Post Olllcc
Everybody wants tho b 3st of
moats We make a special
effort to please our trade
Onr Shop Is tlio Nefllpet
in the PltT
Are essential to health
handles only pure groceries
free from adulteration and
sells them at
You pot what you pay for
at Uhles