1 i B to i ns t k M I TUESDAY TOPICS Mrs H K llowinslmn returned from Mmllson JSHsa Siisnn HUv wont to MiuIIhoii yofltonlny 1 A Shurta wan n piissoiiBor for Omnlut yustonlny Miss Irtmo Doxtur returned to Hrown oil Hull yesterriny Dr 1 l Allien was In tho city yea t onlay from 1Ioito Mlas Lucy Williumaliaa returned from hor visit to Omnhii S W WriKlit was iv city visitor yes torday from Koinmrd John Alexander of lMulnview was u Norfolk visitor yesterday Mr nud Mrs 1 V Wood of Osmond wero In tho city yostordny Mrs I Powers was a passenger for Omaha yesterday morning Editor 1 II Donovan or the Madison Star was in tho city over niht Mrs O 1 Munson of Warnervillo was n Norfolk visitor yesterday Rev 1 l Mueller of l3hristlmtlunaii ohurch is in Uattlo Creek today W H Johnson returned last oveniiif from u business trip to Sioux Oily Mrs Ias McDonald continues very sick at her homo on Madison iivonuo 11 1 jMadsen and J P Oliristensen of AVinside were in town yesterday Mrs Hov Wolfe of Howard is I ho truest of her mother Mrs 1j llartman Miss Dugnn of AVisner is visitinK at tho homo of hor sistor Mrs Krcd Koer bor Mr and Mrs Al llloy wore in tho city yoBterdayon thoir homo to Madison from Piorco Dr 1 II Baiter returned from Wayne whoro ho wont on profossioutil business this morning Mrs W II Porter of Plainviow was iu tho city today onrouto toOonoii Nob to visit frionds Mrs A Fisher of Mmlisnn is hero to visit for n few dayB with hor friond Mrs Mi llnsley Miss Hattio Albory roturnod from Ohoyonno Wyo whoro she spout her holiday vacation yoHtorday Mr and Mrs Henry Melohor of Os mond wero in tho city yesterday to at tornl tho funeral sorvices of Mrs Au gust Molchor Tho two ladies woro siBtors Norfolk was roprosontcd at tho annual Lauciuot of tho Jacksouiau olul at Omaha last night by Dr J O Stoplum sou of tho hospital for tho inpano and Eank Examinor 13 II Lnikart CommiBsioner Hughes camo down from Uattlo Crook last ovoning and this morning in company with Commissioner Winter wont to Madison whoro n moot ing of tho board is to bo held today Mr and Mrs Olaroneo llartman havo boon ovor from Sioux City for tho past fow days visiting frionds Mr llart man roturnod to Sioux City yesterday and his wifo will stay u whilo longer It is said that ono young lady at least ono wants a man for tho opening night of tho now opera honso Leave stipulations at this otllco Tho Early Hour club will give anothor dancing party at Mast hall next Thursday ovoning tho 11th Tho Itul au orohostra will furnish tho musio Miss Hammond has resigned hor posi tion as teacher in tho Norfolk public schools and it is understood that her placo will not bo filled thus reducing tho numbor of teachers by ouo Chief of Police Widamaus brother Jacob whom ho wont to Petorburg to boo ou account of his serious sickness is A Wife Says We have four children With the first three I suffered almost unbearable pains from 12 to 14 hours and had to be placed under the influence of chloroform I used three bottles of Mothers Friend before our last child came which is a strong fat and healthy boy doing my housework up to within two hours of birth and suf fered but a few hard pains This lini ment is the grand est remedy ever made Mothers Friend will do for every woman what it did for the Minnesota mother who writes the above let ter Not to use it during pregnancy is a mistake to be paid for in pain and suffering Mothers Friend equips the patient with a strong body and clear intellect which in turn are imparted to the child It relaxes the muscles and allows tliem to expand It relieves morning sickness and nervousness It puts all the organs concerned in perfect condition for the final hour to that the actual labor h short and practically painless Dan ger of rising or hard breasts is altogether avoided and recovery is merely a matter of a few days DruKgUU sell Mother Friend Iw 1 a bottle The Bradfleld Regulator Co Atlanta Ga Bead tor our free Illustrated book dead and Mr Widaman and family aro oxpeotod homo today or tomorrow Miss Amelia Wildoentertalnedalarge number of young friends last evening at her homo on South Hoventh street James musio and refreshments were among tho popular items that contrib uted to tho entertainment of tho guests Mrs Krcd Koerber has been appointed deputy grand chief of honor of the Degreeof Honor A O U for the northern half of tho state She is home from Lincoln wheio sho went to accept tho position nnil lccolvo instructions as to her duties The Niobrara Pioneer of January lN7ri iT years ago contained tho an nouncement that tho thermometer on that day registered J I decrees below zero iittoiicoutrasl with last Sunday when there was a decided Hummer tem perature with the Hies buzing around out of doors 1 K lleeht camo in fiom Plainviow this morning and is now ready to go to Woik on his plan to organize a mutual insurance company in this city He Is meeting with great encouragement on tho project and it is believed ho will havo no trouble in forming an associa tion ou the plan outlined some days ago Hoprosontntives of Walter Maker V Co makers of breakfast cocoa will lie in tho city until Thursday night and will serve sample cups of that splendid drink to persons calling at Thompsons Cash grocery and tho I air store at any tlmo of tho day between now and Thurs day Cards havo boon received announcing the marriage of Charles Eiglo to Miss Carrio Antionelto Vivyan which took place at Lincoln on Saturday Dccnmber 111 Miss Vivyan will bo remembered as tho lady who sorvod Durland sisters as trimmer last spring Tliey will mako Lincoln their homo Mrs Moses Kidder died about lfi miii iitos after noon today from tuberculosis at tho family homo in tho northwestern part of tho city Tho docoasod has been a sutVeror from thi disoaso for a long tlmo and her death has been considered as certain for many days Particulars concerning tho funoral arrangoinonts havo not boon learnod At the meeting of tho Young Mons Christian league held at tho league rooms last evening tho following of ficers woro elected for tho ensuing term President DrH L Scoggin vice presi dent Fred S Hon juniin secretary V II Heels Dr O A MeKim and L Sessions woro elected as monibors of the board of directors Tho third member of tho board was not olocted no candi date having recoivod a majority vote Tho funeral of Mrs August Melohor was held yesterday and a largo number of friends and relatives followed her romains to their last resting place Services woro conducted at St Pauls Lut horn church by How Win lloolzol and appropriate musio was rondorod The deceased was 10 years i months and Iu days of ago and during l years of her life had uindo Nebraska her homo Sho was married to Mr Melohor 28 years ago tho Silth of October and leaves a family of four sons and three daughters to mourn hor death tho youngest boing a boy of 12 years Tho Grand Island firo department as a dopartinont will not bo ropresonted at tho Norfolk mooting of tho state associa tion Tho city council rofusod to appro priate lf0 of tho citys nionoy to bo usod in sending lit delegates totho meet ing although tho claim of tho depart ment was warmly championed by Councilman Alexander An effort was mado to appoint a committee from the tiro dopartinont to solicit tho required amount but this mot with defeat at tho hands of tho members and as a consu quodco it rests with tho various compan ies to decide as to whether or not they shall sand dolegates and how their ex penses shall bo paid in case they aro sout Tin Niws is certain that the absonoo of tho Grand Islaud delegation would bo deeply deplored by tho mem bers of tho association who acknowledge tho Grand Islaud boys ns of groat im portance to the association This is tho first tlmo in tho history of that dopart inont that it has not been otlically ami fully represented at tho annual meeting It is to bo hopod that tho companies at least will bo represented llltttory of Turin Kxpohltlon Among tho international events that will mark tho close of tho nineteenth century tho Paris exposition will bo tho greatest Hero will bo displayed tho greatest works of art scieuco and skill producod since time begun Campbells Illustrated Journal in its consecutivo issues is mak ing nu authentic illustrated history of this groat event similar to that it made of tho great Worlds Fair showing tho buildings grounds exhibits art and architecture that will astonish and command the admiration of tho world Ab an historical work of art it will bo invaluable Those iutondiug to visit Pans aud tho exposition can become fa miliar with it before that time while thoso who cannot attend by perusing its pages cau visit tho exposition at their own fireside J M Covbkt Agent Norfolk Nob To Curt Coltl In Oiih lluy Take Laxative Biomo Quinine Tablets All druggists refund tho money if it fail to cure E W Groves eiguuturo on every box 25c THE NORFOLK NEWS THURSDAY JANUARY 11 1900 WEDNESDAY WRINKLES C H Hurrowa was a Madison visitor today 1 J Clements is in Madison today on business Aug Hchulz Is visiting iu Croighton this week Miss Mao Hates was nu Omaha visitor yesterday Miss Lutlo Grunils in tho city from Croighton 1 J Kelly Is In tho city today from Plainviow J J Stillson of Atkinson was in tho city yesterday 1 Huck of Wisnorwns in tho city city yesterday Al Omniernian niudoa business trip to Stanton yesterday Mrs OHaro was in tho city yester day from Uattlo Cieek Mrs Mootli of Warnervillo was a vis itor to Norfolk yesterday Miss Lucy Williams is now boarding at tho Halverstoiu homo Al Degner was a passenger for tho county seat thismoriiiug Henj Martyn of Humphrey was a Norfolk visitor yesterday Herman Walters is reported as very sick at his homo ou Third street Frank Davenport roturned this morn ing from a business trip to Wayno O L Siecko of Wisnor is visiting at tho homo of Mr and Mrs E Hirtli O Chapman roturned homo yoster day from his trip to Honolulu Hawaii A M Dow of tho Walter Hakor com pany mado a trip to Wayno y est onlay Owon Hros went to Omaha this morning to look after contract business Mrs Frank Johnson was in tho city fiom Meadow Grovo yesterday after noon II P Freoland has accoptcd a posi tion in tho haruess shop of Winter ok Schulzo W C Elloy and II 15 llobbs wero two visitors iu tho city yesterday from Madison W II lilakemau is attending tho im plement dealors couvontiou at Omaha this week Mr aud Mrs C S Hayes wont to Omaha this morning aud will return this evening County Attornoy M D Tylor had business boforo tho county board at Madison today Mrs A Fisher who has beon visiting Mrs Eli Hasloy returned to her homo iu Madison this morning Tho groundwork for tho concrete walk iu front of tho auditorium is boing built up with cinders Emanuel Becker of Albion is visiting with his sister Mrs Morris Mayor nud his Norfolk acquaintances Tho Sugar City Cereal Mills is pro paring a car load of Whoatling for ship mont to Lincoln for distribution to tho trado W W Mikesoll mayor of Pouca and J M 1 loskiuson of Now Castlo nro iu tho city today looking after real es tate interests A W Cross ngont for Walker White sidu was in tho city yesterday arrang ing tho necessary details for the ap pearance of that company hero Miss Davoy who has been keeping house for her brother James during tho past 11 vo months left for her homo in Constantino Michigan yestorday Mis3 Mason is teaching Miss Hessio Kidders room in tho public school nud Miss Edith McOlary has charge of Miss Gracia Kidders room during their nb sonco on account of their mothers death Mr aud Mrs Too Phillips havo ro turned from Idaho where they went on account of tho death of Mr Phillips brother-in-law Frank Gillotto und havo again taken positions in tho kitchen of tho Pacific hotel Mr Hethaway has oponod a now feed storo iu the building ou East Main streot formerly occupied by 11 G Brug goinan as an implement warohouso and salesroom Ferdinand Uetcht is moviug onto n farm ton miles northeast of tho city and II Hoehrko is moving into tho resideuco being vacatod by him Tho moving is tho result of a trado Geo A MoArthur formoily of this city has assumed control of the Kern merer Camera published at Koinmorer Wyo Tho papor is a good ono and has tho appearance of a liberal patronage W A Sterling of tho C S Mectrio Light company of Sionx City is hero wiring tho auditorium for its lighting arrangement ho being an export in that Hue of work Tho othor work on tho building is well in hand and the build ing will bo ready for tho opouiug night Monday eveuing II C Matran loft at noon today for n visit with friends and relatives in Chi oago Milwaukee and Benton Harbor Mich Ho expects to bo gone about two weeks and it will require evory moment of his time to got around among his friouds Annual meetings of stockholders wero hold in both banks of tho city yes terday aud the result iu each instance was a re election of the old mauago monts At the Norfolk Natioual tho old board of directors was elected for anot hor year and at tho Citizons National t ho old board and officers wero ro oloctcd Tiik Nkws received a pleasant cnll from Will Titus of Hawnrdon Iowa to day Ho drove In from Pierco Holsn closo observer of good things becauso ho had nothing but prniso for northeast ern Nebraska iu gonoral and Norfolk iu particular His father took an oxton slvo trip through tho Elkhorn valloy many yonrs ngo and Will wonders why ho did not stay hero Mr Titus is an old iicquaintaneo of Knox Tipple who showed him tho city while iu town At the meeting of tho Sons nud Daughters of Protection last ovoning tho following nnined wero elected officers O A Hirshmau president J P Wright vice president L M Gaylord secretary and treasurer J P Wright 0 1 JowaudM C Walker trustees Installation will take placo ou tho even ing of January 2t Tho opera houso nmnogoinont has de cided to placo tho price of ticketsto tho second nightsontortalnniontat tho rates which will be charged regularly in futuro 7fi cents 100 and LfiO Tho second attraction will bo Walker Whitesido in tho Hod Cockado ou Tuesday ovoning Seats uro now on salo at tho box office of tho opera houso Mrs Mathoson of Pilger sistor of Charles Arail clerk al tho Pacific died lust evening at 10 at her homo iu the above named town and will bo buried tomorrow I for death win quite sudden she having been hero last week on a visit Mr Vail went down last ovon ing and only arrived in timo to sco her breathe her last Tho funeral obsequios over tho romains of tho lato Mrs Moses Kidder will bo hold tomorrow nftornoon Friends of tho deceased will meet at tho houso at ono oclock and from thero will proceed to tho First Congregational church whoro services will bo conducted by Hov J J Parker assisted by Hov John Tellerics of tho Second Congrega tional ohurch Interment will tnko placo in Prospect Hill cometory Squads of Finns aro passing through tho city every day on their way to Wy oming to work on tho improvements of tho Union Pacific now under way The inon though short of stnturo nro all young and whilo not exhibiting much intelligence iu thoir features will un doubtedly make good workmou In the squad this morning was a young woman who disdained any headdress and although thinly clad seemed to bo unmindful of tho chill wind that pre vailed Tho iiromou havo socured for two nights next week during tho meeting of tho state association the Priuglo com pany which will appear in tho now opora houso Wednesday and Thursday nights On Wednesday night they will present Tho White Elephant a three act comedy which has proven very pop ular wherever presented and on Thurs day night tho play presented will be the Eccles Girls a comedy drama of much merit Next week will bo a soa son of theatrical enjoyment the like of which Norfolk has never experienced nud largo houses aro almost certain y in in in ii in in i wi ASH YOUR j DOCTOR 1 Ask your physician this qucs i tion What is the one great I remedy for consumption He will answer Cod liver T i m e i in I oil Nine out of ten will answer the same way Yet when persons have I consumption they loathe all I fatty foods yet fat is f i sary for their recovery and I j they cannot take plain cod- i IIVCI Ull I DC JJIdlll Ull turbs the stomach and takes away the appetite The dis agreeable fishy odor and taste make it almost unen durable What is to be done This question was ans wered when we first made SGGTTS for all affections of the throat and lungs Ths bad taste and odor have been taken away the oil itself has been partly digested and the most sen sitive stomach objects to it rarely Not one in ten can take and digest ths plain oil Nine out of ten can take SCOTTS EMULSION and di Cest it Thats why it cures so I 8 1 of Cod Liver Oil with Hypo- I j phosphites Although that was nearly twenty five years j ago yet it stands alone to- j i day the ons great remedy many cases of early consumption j Even in advanced cases it brings I j comfort and greatly prolongs life j jllilruccislJ to- arai S si OT1 UOWNl Crum New Vrk Utt M Mw tfbe For the horse as for his master Ivory finds abundant scope Galls and scratches heal much faster When well cleansed with Ivory Soap Where tis used the work is lighter Sleek and smooth the horses coats Harness softer carriage brighter And a final charm it floats copvniQHT icoo dv the Procter a samdle co Cincinnati SEND US ONE DOLLAR SOIIB 3850 Vtt4 WONDER MW Ysmmmmimm i mmmwamaBb mm wmwmm warn mWwWI H Wmsmk 3H3MJ1 JBtlfSEgJyVyi f mi r Iirjt if 3850 by lri lifht C 1 YOU CAN ratitle unlf m othrmc onterf u TREE IS MADE EXTRA STRONG SEMD iJS QR3E DOLLAR lhl nd out Mini Mod luut hI Ii f IIHI and tit nil I m n jou lb I M 1 nilKOUJl IAKLOlt M10WUV It firlcht O I m Inert 11TTI11S AP IHTAMISKMI TO IS ITU INK 1111 UK EyoVoiir SPECIAL HIGH GRADE ft TRA AVI STOCK SADDLE 1 PiihjifL to vviimliiutlun examine it 1rrtff iivjn iiiim it lint nu pcrlectly atltiittor vxuctlj tin ruprcucnUMl An Extra Fino High Crndo Saddle nnd tho equal of paddles ro11 nverwheront from 1000 t omi nim PBIPF qp n my ino irciKiu nuent uun 1 miuu wuuiwui - tho 1MOO1lero1lt or KT50 uiid riciulit rlmrcs This Saddle Is mado on a lOior 16 inch Conuino Ladosma or Nelson Hoavy Stool Fork 0AUFFF11V hiiictii kawiiiim viitii TIk ii bound or roll cnntle ntct1 leather covoiiM stirrups or 2 Inch oxbnw bra s bound an desired Will tend bound Skirts zo lnch lowr oxtti hcay ool lined Mnch wldulncentlrnip leathers l inch Itut ttni oitrn lone on 111 ar side B lneh to buckle on olf lde lii at y cotton twisted Mexican B lncli front cinch humv cotton bcltlnic Hank cinch connecting utiau Loopi cat teat and Jockey nil ono piece ELECANT HAND RAISED STAM1PINC ns lllustinted eight of Huddle nliout 115 ponndx packed for shipment ir pounds flEMUIll 13 0LY AIIUL1 SI Ml OH PACK SllulmiKH WRITE FOR FnEEVEHICLE HARNESS AND SADDLE CATALOGUE showing a lull line of Cowboy and Rancher Outfits at the lowest prices ever quoted Address - SEARS ROEBUCK GO Inc CHICAGO ILL Sran Itoebuck Co are thorough I j reliable Editor tlun Von viitt examine It lit jour nrurewt Oilfflit depot nnil ItV niifinllt fxacllj iin reprt ffiiti tho prralmt taluc juu eirr aw and far bfttor than inuimftdMrtUftl bjr ulhrrx aliaora tnnnej pa the rrrlbt f ascnt OUR PRICE S3550 lr tlie 100 JfpoIi or ttlt0 and frflchlrlirL m THE PARLOR GSM Ioae f the moot 111 I U HI K AMI MllniM until imirumrnts dfrmiuf f Torn tlio Illustration film n which Is enrraeil direct from a iihotoirranh uan form ponin idenor iu bountiful appearance Miulc frnianollil quarter Miwetl mL or uulnut iiNilfKlrcd prrforairtl kry allp full panel bod beautiful mtrquftry ubliro panel and man oilier handnorae dtcorallona and tirnatnrnta mnlloR 11 the kUY XUTkST STYLl Til K PAIJI tlU KM ittflfect IiIh1142 Inches J Inches w Mo ami weighs 3M pountis iontatnHDociaes u Biop t as ronowi umpaiao rriucipal jiuiriana nrioaia tripkir irtuuna nikiuunier lreme Coupler Dlapnton rorte aad toa Human at 2 Ortair Coupler 1 Ton HHI 1 tirand Orxan rpl 4 Sela tif Orrbftitral Timed Urnonalor Ilpe qualltj Itrrda I St Uf 37 1ure SHrrt Metndla Ilrtd lFdof J7 4 harroinKlj llnlllant lelral IU eU 1 Set of 2 1 Itlcli Mellow bmuotb liiapa0D iirru nei oi rieaainv nun nrioumui iTliteipai Itredi THE PARLOR GEM notion ennsistaor tho Crlebratrd eweii itredt wlilchuro only used in the high est jrruile Instruments lUted with Ilimmond Couplera and o Humana aleo heft IoU0 felt lcathera etc bellows of tlio bebt rubber cloth 3 pIv bellows htnclc and llneht leatherfn valvcn THE PARLOR GEM l8furni hcil with a 10x14 beelcd plato trench inirrur nickel plated pedil framea and every modern lmproeinent Wp furntah free a hand tome organ a too I and tbc beat orgao iuttrue tion bonk pnoiunra GUARANTEED 25 YEARS Ea o i7cu i1 1kuu a written hlndlui i s ear truaranteo by the tormftami conditions ofutiich if any part Kives out o repiir it frrf or cbarie Try It ono month and we will re fund j our money if you are not perfectly FutiKfleil boo of theecirKt nswill be Fold at S3530 OKliiC AT IIMi 10T IirLAY min RPI IA3II ITY IQ PCTARI ICUCfl If you hate nut dealt w It h us as a jnur neighbor about us write the publisher of thin paper or Metropolitan Nation il Hank or Corn at Hank of Chicago j rr OeiJiian Kxchane Hank New YorKt or any rallrouil or express rnuifmny in Chicago le batr a rapitalof oier 7H0f000 oceupy entire one of tiie Urceft bin In of a blocks la Ohtcnn nud employ nearly SOOO people In our own K luilliiintr MK hrLL OlilUNH AT tliOO and uni tm s faMwmm HiaA3rtir - VTT4Pi - - ffiffl 5wB Mr 23mW I m Iwl 9HUffiS9Ry ii II FflranBoil K5wnjBi iS S miJlKl h nf iit in JpiititTt3lt IlANtiH t 1 soo and w also e erythlnff In musical Instruments at lowest wholesale prlce3 Write for free Bwclal orKanpinnouudmUflcalinutrumenteatalofc ue Addretb br Itoebock Co are thorough reliable Eoitor SEARS ROEBUCK CO Inc Fulton Desplaincsand Wayman Stst CHICAGO ILL i n am TihuMh a I I LU l mtWw 7W Mi mm - mwwvm rWism llLfilll r liWt - flVvt LJUm Vi r JJT n - wJtS - - - 1 - - r rv at SHE WAS BLIND A blindncsr enncs to me now aid i I liave it now It u queer I can sec your eyc bt t your nose I cant read because some of the letters are blurred dark spots covrr them it is very uncomfortable I know al bout it its DYSPEPSIA Take one of these it will cure you in ten minutes What is it A Ripaivi Tabule 17 ANTED- A caie of bad tirillh Chat RlTlN S will not lrnofll Tluj liaolih pain and prolong Ufa Y One Klrri nllif Sutu tlui urJ HllAKHu llieckiigHindiucl nuiuLslltuto liriA Nt 10 for Scent or twtlvninkvkru fur 44rent tnuy lie had u uy drui utore T n uroulrt and ua tbou and trttlmunlalt will be mulled tuaujr udditM ur I teuU orwarUad So tht lUpauaCnaiulcal Co No U Seruca Bt New York U