The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, January 11, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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1 i
13 B Konyon wont to Piorco today on
a business trip
Mrs Ioiir of Wukoflolil is visiting
friends in Norfolk
Mrs W O Alilnmn is visiting friends
iu Picrco this week
Dr M 0 Wintcrlmrn of Wnyno is in
tho city on business
II O Sat tier wont to Omaha this
morning on business
W A Mcssorvo of Croighton was in
tho city yesterday on business
Tudgo N D Jackson of Noligh trans
acted business in tho city yesterday
Tho boAUtiful weather continues
with no present indications of cessation
Mrs It A Drobert wont to Croighton
this morning to visit friends u fow days
Mrs M 0 Walkor returned yestorduy
from a throo weoks visit tit St Too Mo
Miss Nina Walkor ctuno homo today
from her soliool 12 milos south of towu
Miss Lizzie Reoa lias returned from
Iowa whero she spout her holiday vaca
J L Daniel returned yestorday from
his visit to his old homo iu southwest
Mrs W W Riley nnd Mrs J M
Storoy woro down from Picrco yestorday
Attorney M F Harrington was in tho
city yesterday and wout to Madisou
last oveniug
Mrs W It HoiTmau and sou Law
orouco returned last ovoning from a
short visit to Omaha
Goo II Whnloy camo iu last night
from Columbus whero ho spout tho
holidays with his mother
Karl Overton has returned from Sau
Francisco whero ho wont with his
father who still remains thoro
Beforo coming hero Wm Grabaeh
painted a drop curtain and some now
sets of scouery for tho Lovo opera house
at Fremont
Tho Northwestern Nebraska confor
enco of German Lutherau ministers was
in session at West Point Wednesday and
Thursday of this week
Tho January meeting of tho Madison
County Teachers Reading circle will bo
held tomorrow afternoon at 1 y0 at tho
Norfolk High school building
Judge Barnes wont to Stanton this
morning to defend in tho sonsatioual
case on trial there M 0 Hazon also
wont to take a record of the testimony
Mrs O W Braaschdaughter Gertie
and son Ralph went to Omaha yester
day Ralph will return today but tho
ladies will remain two or three weeks
Dr F A Sissou wout to Omaha yes
terday and ho went on as far as Chi
cago with his daughter who goes to at
tend tho Wesleyan university at Dela
ware Ohio
The newly elected officers of tho
Knights of Pythias woro installed last
night Hereafter tho regular meeting
night will be every Thursday instead of
every Tuesday
Gibson Gibson have taken charge
of the Palaco of Sweets and will open up
for about ton days hoping to secure a
purchaser for the stock and fixtures in
side of that time
Tho stock yards case before the dis
trict court was coutinued yesterday on
application of tho defendants until tho
April term of court Tho jury trials
having been finished tho jury was dis
charged last ovoning
The second annual show of tho Elk
horn Valley Poultry and Pet Stock as
sociation will be held iu tho Grand Army
hall at Mndison January 213 24 and 25
L P Harris will bo judge It is ex
pected that tho show will be a success
in attendauco number of exhibits and
cash receipts
Invitations aro out auouuciug tho
marriago of Mary Henrietta daughter
of Mr and Mrs Edward W Bates to
Mr Leon Wickwaro Brown which will
take placo at tho family homo iu this
city on tho ovoning of Wednesday Jan
uary 17 Tho youug couple will bo at
homo at tor February Ifi at Missouri
Valloy Iowa
Mrs August Melchor who has been
sick for tho past ten woeks with gall
stones died yestorday nftonioon at
1 oclock at the homo of tho family about
six miles east of tho city Besides a
husbaud sho leaves four sons and three
daughtors to mourn ier death Funeral
armngemonts will bo decided upon whou
Wisconsin relatives aro heard from
Tho following contracts for furnish
iug supplies to tho Norfolk hospital for
tho insniio for the ousuiug quarter havo
boon awarded Geo B Ohristoph
drugs E B Konyon clothing Baum
Bros dry goods Davenport Bros
shoes Raymond Bros Olarko Co
groceries Sugar City Cereal mills
Hour and feed Gleurock Coal Co coal
Mrs Mathewson gave an enjoyablo
party Jast evening iu honer of tho Misses
Louiso and Helen Mathewson aud Miss
Mae Olney who aro visitiug hero
Miss Olney is teaching at tho Winne
bago agency whoro she has about 80
scholars 20 of whom are Indians Mrs
Olney is spending the winter at tho
homo of O P Mathewson on the agency
S Kethledgo expects to pack up his
stock of dry goods and othor merchan
dise during tho last week of this mouth
aud will move tho stock about tho first
of next mouth to Coleridge whero ho
boliovos thoro is a good opening for
business iu his lino Mr Kothlodgo has
been in businoss horo many years and
has friends who will bo sorry to
havo him move
Tho Norfolk aud Hastings sites for
public buildings aro tho subject of some
indecision in Washington and it may bo
somo time beforo things aro properly
adjusted to meet tho requirements of tho
statutes appropriating money for tho
purchaso of sites for public building
sites Tho Norfolk site is tied up and
according to District Attomoy Summers
action of tho court of equity will bo nec
essary to euro a dofoet in conveyance
made by a corporation several years ago
and which corporation no longer exists
Norfolk peoplo hope that the defect nitty
soon bo remedied but all know that
Undo Sams property must havo tho
best title obtainable
Tho Ladies society of tho First Con
gregational church mot with Mrs E 11
Requa on South Third street yestorday
afternoon and during their visit woro
regaled with choico refreshments Two
now officers woro olocted and tho offi
cers assumed tholr respective duties
They aro Mrs E H Requa president
Mrs McBride vico prosidont Mrs A
W King treasurer and Mrs O B
Durland socrotary Tho socioty voted
T00 for tho purpose of buying a tablo
for tho Y M 0 L room an act of
of generosity that tho loaguo will prob
ably not soon forgot Tho socioty will
reopen their industrial storo as soou
as a suitable building can bo secured
J F Hecht who has rocontly re
turned from Portland Oregon was
iu tho city this morning talking
withbusimss mon concerning tho organ
ization of a mutual firo insurance com
pany at this placo Mr Hecht formerly
lived at Plaiuviow and about fivo years
ago wont to Oregon whero ho has boon
connected witli a mutual insurance
company organized ou a similar plan as
tho ono ho will attempt here In short
tho plan is for each member to pay an
initial feo of 200 with au assessment
only when thoro is a loss Such com
panies havo been started in several
towns in tho stato and every ono is do
iug woll aud furnishing insurance at
from ono fourth to ouo half the rates
charged by tho lino companies Such
an institution organized on a solid basis
with strong men at its hoad would do a
good business from tho start iu Norfolk
and would bo welcomed by tho public
With tho waterworks system that this
city now has together with one of the
most ambitious firo departments in the
stato it would be very difficult for a
serious conflagration to occur especially
in tho business part of town for which
reason thero is no doubt that tho insur
ance rates horo aro inordinately high
for tho risk incurred A mutual com
pany in which the peoplo would have
confidence as to its ability to pay would
cut a big hole in tho revenue derived by
tho old lino institutions from Norfolk
Mr Hecht went to Plaiuviow this after
noon but will return next week and
tako up tho work of orgauizatiou
City Council
From FridnyH Daily
Tho city council mot in regular ses
sion last ovoning when thoro woro
present Mayor Simpson Couucilmen
Bucholz Degner Dexter Heckmau
Uhlo and Violo Absont Couucilmen
Brummund and Bullock
The minutes of December 7 189
were read aud approved
Tho treasurers statomout for Decem
ber 1699 was read aud accepted it hav
ing been previously reported correct by
the auditing committee Tho following
balances woro shown
Genoral fund 22 74
Intorest fund 2708 05
Watertuud 518 1J
Road fund 509 Oil
Sinking fund 2219 54
Fire fund 15 00
Statomout of tho police judge for Do
comber 1899 was road aud referred to
tho auditing committee Tho report
shows fines paid 900 unpaid 8500
Auditing committeo roported back as
correct tho police judges roport for
November 1899 nnd tho clerks annual
statomout for tho fiscal year ending
August 12 1899
Tbo comniitteo ou streets aud alloys
reported that iu tho matter of purchas
ing from Mr Steiubrccher hind to open
Hayes avenue tho city attorney had
given an opinion to tho effect that tho
city could not purchaso
Tho marshal was ordorod to notify
tho railroads that the violation of ordi
nance No CO regarding tho blockiug of
orossings would bo strictly enforced in
Tho following claims wore read and
ordered paid
List of bills was not furnished for
To Curo Lit Urliio lit Two lluyii
Take Laxative Bromo Quinino Tablets
All druggists rofund tho money if it fails
to euro E W Grovos signature on
every box 2o
Wanted Sovoral bright aud honest
persons tooprosout us as managers in
this and close counties Salary 900 a
year and expouses Straight bona fide
no more no less salary Position por
inauent Our references any bank iu
any town It is mainly office work con
ducted at homo Roferonces Enclosed
self addressed stamped envelope Tub
Dominion Company Dopt a Chicago J
Burt Mapos had legal business in Mad
ison today
0 0 Anderson of West Point was in
town yesterday
V II Blessing of Piorco was a city
visitor yesterday
II II Mohr and family of Piorco urn
city visitors today
Banker S K Warrick was down front
Battle Crook yesterday
Miss Pearl Hens wout to Wurnorvilln
Thursday to visit fi tends
Miss Nellie Thompson of Emerson
was in tho city yesterday
Attorney A V Gross was a city
visitor today from Madihon
11 Davios has lcsigned his position as
clerk in tho Box grocery storo
Mrs Clara McComb of Elm Crook
was in this metropolis yesterday
Mrs tl O Griffin was a Norfolk
visitor yesterday from WukoHold
Porry Trulock is now driving tho do
livery wagou for Collainer t Grant
Mr and Mrs Jack Slusohor of Oak
dalo woro Norfolk visitors yestorday
Mrs Himkoll has returned to her homo
in Wakofiold after a pleasant visit horo
Mrs A Mans and Mrs 0 Hainan
wero in tho city from Battle Crook yes
Mrs 0 II Royuolds vory pleasantly
entortainod tho Thimblo club yestorday
Miss Gtirliugor vory successfully ou
tortaluod tho young peoples whist club
last ovoning
Mrs Hutchcson wont to Missouri
Valloy Iowa to attend an Eastern Star
banquet yestorday
S K Dexter proprietor of tho cold
storage plant departed today for his
homo in Lowoll Mass
W M Robertson Tudgo Powers G
A Kuhl and II L Spaulding woro pas
senger for Madison this morning
II C Donny superintendent of tho
Nubruka Telephone company is sick
with tho grip at tho Pacific hotel
Rip Van Winkle will bo prcsonted
this ovoning at tho Lovo opera houso
Fromout by tho Toffersou Comedy com
M F Harrington was in tho city
ovor night and wont to Madison this
morning on business in connection with
tho Btock yards caso
Carl Wilde is iu tho city from Madi
son today Ho will return on Monday
and close up his relations with the
county treasurers office
S S Welpton of Omaha Bpocial
agent of tho Connecticut firo insurance
company stopped over today betweon
trains whilo on his way homo from
David Wltitla wus iu tho city from
Battle Crook today Ho nud his wife
contemplate going to Oregon this sum
mer and spending a year or so ou tho
Pacific coast
Denuio Armstrong who is postal clerk
on tho main lino has been up from
Omaha during tho past fow days distrib
uting tho January issue of the Ne
braska Workman
Mr and Mrs W S Pardouner will
leave tomorrow for their homo in Chiuo
California tho principal work in connec
tion with tho sugar campaign hero hav
ing been completed
Mrs H McBrido and daughter Annie
will leave Monday morning for Dos
Moines Iowa where Miss Anuio will
enter tho Highlaud Park normal school
for a course of study
Citizens of tho town of Laurel com
plain that thoro is a lack ofjoonipntition
in tho elevator businoss of that place
Four olovator companies aro represented
with buildings in that town
Ono of tho engines on tho Elkhorn
tootod all tho way from Scribuor to Fro
mont early Now Years eve It was an
involuntary celebration of tho occasion
Tho whistle couldnt bo shut oft
Tho funoral of Mrs August Molchor
will bo held next Monday afternoon
Tho cortcgo will loavo tho house at ono
oclock arriving at St Pauls Lutheran
church at 2 S0 whoro services will bo
conducted by Rov Hoolzol
Tho Madison County Agricultural
society has elected II F Barnoy for
presidont Goo R WycoiV treasurer
aud J L Rynearson secretary for 1900
Septomber II to 1 1 havo been chosen as
dates for tho annual exhibit
D D Brunson has added an ologaut
now hack to his livery barn equipment
It arrived yesterday morning and was
used for the first time iu tho aftoruoon
It was mado by tho Jas Cunningham
Sons company of Rochester N Y
Fremont Tribune Tub Nohkoik
Nkws turns over a now leaf at tho bo
giuniug of the now contury and will
hencoforth chnrgo for all cards of thanks
resolutions of respect nnd ohurch aud
secret society notices Tin News is ou
tho right lino now sure
Albert Bouch of Stanton comity
was up beforo Police Judge Hayos this
morning for the second tinio on the
charge of disorderly conduct Ho was
assessed a Hue of 810 which ho paid in
part uud was very strongly urged to go
homo and bohavo himself
The friends of Miss Pearl Kethledgo
gave her a pleasaut surgrise party lost
evening which wns in the nature of a
farewell reception Tlin guests came
provided with rnfrcshitientH and tho
event proved very enjoyabln Before
departing tho guests left a tokon or
remembrance in tho shape of a gift
The Young Men s Christian League
holds its regular gospel meeting for mon
and boys in the leigun room in tho
Mast block tomorrow afternoon at II
oclock A cordial invitation is extended
to nil to ho present Thn new general
secretary will conduct thn mooting A
business meeting will bo considered
Miutibors urged to be present
lliz oner Judge Lindoman J P has
received his books and conimlHsion
and is now prepared to dispense
all kinds colors and qualities of
justice from all wool and a yard wide to
a foot thiols loping couples can Mope
to tho edge of town and have tho knot
tied without tiring or puncturing tho
steed of tho stern parent by along whose
On Monday thojtnw opera house will
be again closed to tho public so as to
give the carpenters and decorators all
tho remaining time until tho night of
opening in which to finish thn building
The interior is now near enough to com
pletion to demonstrate that it will bo an
auditorium in which every citizen may
oxperionco a feeling of justlllablo pride
Tho loo harvest is on in earnest in
various towns of tho state At York
tho Eldredgo Gilbert company en
deavored to secure mon for t ho work at
10 cents por hour but tho laborers
signed an agroomont not to cut ico for
loss than 15 contH an hour and owing to
tho scarcity of help tho company will
probably bo compelled to pay the amount
A church is to bo built upon a rather
novel plan iu Omaha by Rov Savage
pastor of tho People church Tho
church proper will occupy tho center of
a largo brick building and around tho
auditorium will bo constructed about
100 rooms which will bo usod for living
purposes by members of tho congrega
tion Tho saino plan was tried at Spo
kane Washington and was vory suc
Cards havo been roceived announcing
tho marriage of G Frank McDortnont
to Miss Myrtlo L Wobor formerly of
this city which took placo Monday
January 1st at tho homo of tho brides
paronts Mr and Mrs A J Wobor in
Fullertou Cul Mr and Mrs McDor
niont will bo at homo at La Mirado
Cal after January 22 Tho many
friends of tho bride in this city extend
E E Adams informs Tin News that
tho title to tho proposed sito for tho gov
ernment building has been straightened
aud time tho uocossary papers will at
onco bo forwarded to Washington Ho
states that tho reported fiaw iu tho title
was simply a failuro on tho part of tho
county clork to record tho seal which
was used m tho transfer mado by tho
old Nursory Seed company This
deed has been found and tho titlo is now
as perfect as any government need
Plainview News A representative
of tho Norfolk opera house company
wus iu Plaiuviow last Wednesday en
deavoring to interest our people in tho
opening night at tho now play houso in
that city Tho eminent tragedian
Walker Whiteside in Hamlet will bo
tho attraction aud tho price of tickets
has been placed at 2f0 for balcony
seats This is a remarkably low figuro
for an opening night nud as tho attrac
tion is of tho best it is quito probable
that a number will attend from Plain
view Tho opora houso which will bo
opened on Monday night January li
in Norfolk is somothiug which that city
has long needed it is a fine structure
for tho size of tho city costing about
15000 A special train will bo run
down tho branch leaving in tho early
part of tho ovoning and roturning after
tho show
I filer IiNt
List of letters remaining uncalled for
at tho postoftieo January 8 1900
L Byort Frank Caldwell C EClark
S T Pouts Carlott Ferris Chas Grif
fith J P Johnsou T C Molntyro Joo
J Rose Louis L Stolt 11 R Tliris
John Ubben Gussy Wright
If not called for iu 0 days will bo
sent to the dead letter office
Parties calling for any of tho above
ploaso say advertised
Html Ihiiuo TrniiHlnrH
Tho following transfers of real estate
aro roported by Chostor A Fuller man
ager of tho Madison county abstract
ollico at Norfolk
Mary E Summers and husband
to Nioholas O Partridgo wd
lots 1 and 2 in 18-24-2 1000 00
EmmottM Halo and wifo to
John H Hughes wd o of
wi of so aud os of so
except 4 tiero3 in so comer
descrilod by motes and
bouudsullinll 24 la0 00
Chas G Cook aud wifo to Ma
tilda S Damon wd
100 00
G W Damon to his wifo Ma
tilda S Damon wd lots 1 2
t 1 11 12i and 14 block ti
Daysadditiou to Bat tlo Creole 500 00
Win T Soarles and wifo to
May Switzer wd lot 19 block
9 R R addition to Newman
Grovo 85 00
Anna Gauoa and husband T S
Ganoo to S W Storm wd etf
of lot 1 block 5 Pusowalks 1st
addition to Norfolk 700 00
P II Kohl of Wayne was in town
ovor night
T W Blackburn of Friend Stindaycd
iu tho city
MissE M Horlouof Croighton is a
city visitor today
Miss Pearl Muokuy of Stanton visited
in tho city Saturday
Tho Royal Arch Masons will have in
stallation thisovointig
I Join yesterday morning to Mr and
Mrs T 10 Odiorno a son
P 1 MoMnnus of ONeill was a vis
itor iu thn city yesterday
II Davies Is now clerking In the dry
goods store of S Kethledgo
Mr and Mrs Howard Miller of Bat I In
Crook worn iu thn city yesterday
I0 A Bullock went to Sioux City this
morning to look after business interests
On thn 15th dlstrlnl court sessions
will convene at both Wayne and Stan
Geo Davenport jr of Randolph vis
ited paronts and friends in Norfolk over
Ex treasurer Wilde and Chester A
Fuller were pusHongors for Madison this
Martin OMara who is omployed at
tho Antes sugar factory was at homo
ovor Sunday
Sydnoy Robertson returned to Lin
coln yesterday to resuinn his studios iu
thn state university
F 1 Miller deputy grand master of
thn A U W spent Sunday with
reltttivoH in this city
MihS Martha Klontz who has boon
Utile sick with appendicitis is reported
much bettor today
Mr and Mrs L W Russel of Glen
wood Iowa were guests at the homo
of E B Konyon ovor Sunday
Mr and Mrs S W Truo left this
morning for Omaha where they expect
to make their home iu future
N A Lookwood chief engineer of thn
Norfolk sugar factory has gone to Mich
igan to inspect tite new factories in that
David Wltitla of Battle Creek is en
joying a visit from his old time friends
J K Elliott and John Greer of Hurt
W II Hositins advance agent of the
John Dillon company is in tho city
trying to arrange a date in the now
opera hoiibo
M 11 McFarland of Gross Boyd
county is iu tliocity visiting his brother
Sam lie is on his way homo from
Washington county
W R Moor special agent of the in
surance department of Bronnuii Lovo
Co Omaha was looking after business
iu Norfolk today
W J Boveo lias secured tho position
of teacher in tho grammar dopartmont
of tho Noligh schools for thn term be
ginning this week
W 11 Baird superintendent of the
Norfolk sugar factory hasgonoto Grand
Island for a short stay and from there
will go to Indiana to visit his mother
Mr and Mrs D O Covort leave to
morrow for a two months visit with
relatives in Portland Oregan Mrs
Coverts brother G D Kretzer will
accompany them
Robert Johnson who has boon spend
ing tho holidays at homo loft for LOhi
oago this morning to resume his studies
in Rush modical college Ho will
graduato iu Juno
Rov F W Leavitt of West Point is
in tho city to visit his paronts Rov aud
Mrs Win Leavitt for a fow days His
wifo is nt her homo in Goueva called
there by sickness
A dancing party was givou to tho
employes of tho Pacific houso Saturday
evening by Landlord Pattorsou which
proved to bo a very enjoyable affair to
all present
Tho meeting of tho anti saloon league
which partook of tho nature of a union
mooting at tho First Congregational
church last ovoning was lnrgoly at
tended Addresos woro made by Rovs
Parker Main and Eaton
Mr and Mrs W II Bucholz enter
tained tho Kindorgarton club Saturday
evening tho party being a farowell to
Mr and Mrs W S Pardouner who do
parted yesterday for Chino Cal A
pleasant timo was enjoyed by nil presour
School was again called this morning
after teachers and pupils had enjoyed
two weeks of splendid holiday amuse
ment They rotum to their school du
ties with tho conviction that seldom
have they enjoyed a moro pleasant holi
day vacation
Beforo tho adjournment of district
court at Madison last weok tho caso
against young Mudsou was dismissed
tho attornoys for tho prosecution decid
ing that there was no ovidonco against
him This was ono of tho now famed
stock yards cases
Tho ico which formed iu tho stand
pipe of tho wator works duriug tho cold
snap has beeu letting go with a racket
that can bo heard all over tho neighbor
hood during tho past weok or moro It
sometimos creates a disturbance that
makes tho structure tremble visibly
J O Root sovereign grand com
mander and founder of the order of tho
Woodmou of tho World will conduct the
public installation ot oIIIoom of Valley
camp at thn Mast hall this ovoning
Aflnrtho installation a kill will bo
given for tho benefit of those who doslro
to tako part
Madison Cliionlolo George Kobor
Hit who for many years has been identi
fied with I ho drny business of this oily
Iiiih sold his wagon nud team to Joseph
eager Iu ruing the business ovor to him
thn first ul the year George will movn
his family to Norfolk but doesnt know
to what ho will tutu his attention
Duvnnpoit Bros initiouiicu that hern -after
thoy will hoop their shoe store
open evenings Thoy say they wont
into thn early closing agreement with
thn understanding that they would
close if the other hIioo store did but as
tho other has not out rod the agreement
and Ih keeping open they must do the
saute as a mutter of self protection
At Stanton on Salurdtiy
ti il trial lasting two days Mr and
Mrs Waller Byriini woro bound over to
the district court tho former on thn
ohurgo of adultery and the latter ou thn
charge or procuring girls Thorn were
three young girls on tho witness stand
nvury one or whom guvo damaging owl
donee against tho defendants Thn
bonds of each worn fixed at 500 which
had not boon given at last reports
E A Vail of Rock Rapids Iowa lias
purchased thn Palace of Sweets front
Gibson Gibson and took possession
this morning Mr Vail is a cousin of
Jeweler W B Vail and has had consul
oiublo experience in the h tilt confection
ery and rosturant businoss I In has not
yet decided on just what plan thn busi
ness will bo conducted hut hopes to man
age a business that will be satisfactory
to thn peoplo and afford him fair remun
In a recent letter to relatives in Battle
Creek Fred Curtis who was discharged
front Company F at Manila at the time
tho company started for home states
that he has received a commission in tho
quartermasters do tirtniont at Manila
where he has boon employed since his
arrival thoro with his regiment Mr
Cunts also writes that Sergeant Pat
Tierny a former member of Company
F had re enlisted aud was again iu
The Illustrated Bee issued vesterday
is again to bo taken as evidence that
Norfolk uud her peoplo tiro of no small
importance to the stale A likeness of
Miss Valloy Garlinger of this city is
nivon iu a group styled Some popular
Women Members of tho Nebraska
State Teachers association and G II
Whnloy of Noligh formerly principal of
the Norfolk High school is represented
in a group Three of a kind Prof
Murtindulo county superintendent of
Knox is given as ono of Two county
suporintendontK and Prof Conn of
Wnyno is presented as ono of u group
of fivo Tall men of tho association
It is understood that Norfolk has a
very good prospect of getting an appro
priation for her government building
during titis session of congress Con
gressman Dave Mercer who is chairman
of tho committee on public lands and
building has expressed himself as favor
ably inclined to tho proposition and
with Senator Allen and Congressman
liobinrou from this neighborhood their
active support is confidently expected
From tho appropriation for purchasing
a sito thoro is a balnnco of about 5000
loft which will probably bo used iu pre
paring tho ground ant starting tho
foundation Tho plans and specifica
tions have already beou prepared by tho
supervising architect and tho building
for this city and Hastings will bo simi
larly constructed It is believed that an
appropriation of about 100000 will bo
required to construct tho building ac
cording to tho plans prepared aud this
amount will probably bo asked Should
tho appropriation bo received and work
commenced tho coming season it will
furnish an incontivo to a splendid build
ing activity this summer
Thousands Have Kidney Trouble
nnd Dont Know it
How To Ilnrt Out
Fill a bottle or common glass vith yout
water and let it
iiana iweniy iour nours a
sediment or set
tling indicates an
unhealthy condi
tion of the kid
neys if it stains
your linen it is
evidence of kid
ney trouble too
frequent desire to
pass it or pain in
the back is also
convincing proof that the kidneys and blad
der are out of order
What to Do
There is comfort In the knowledge so
often expressed that Dr Kilmers Swamp
Root the great kidney remedy fulfills every
wish in curing rheumatism pain In the
back kidneys liver bladder and every part
of the urinary passage It corrects inability
to hold water and scalding pain in passing
it or bad effects following use of liquor
wine or beer and overcomes that unpleasant
necessity of being compelled to go often
during the day and to get up many times
during the night The mild and the extra
ordinary effect of Swamp Root is soon
realized It stands the highest for Its won-
derful cures of the most distressing cases
If you need a medicine you should have tie
best Sold by druggists in 50c andI sixes
You may have a sample bottle of this
wonderful discovery
and a book that tellsi
more about it both sent
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