The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, January 11, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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Tlit to is no piastlcm about it- wo nro
HvIiik n tlio Twentieth coiitury or wo
will bo If wo Hvo
ThofoMtRti train of thin oountryfor
ISM will 2000000000 an imiouiit fat
in oxooss of any othoryoar in its history
Tlio pocrol of tho miIctiwh whiob has at
tomloil th liolltioal oaroor of W IV
AMon has jut limm brought to Unlit
Ho was born in Ohio
Tlio Omaha Daily Npwh lum ontorotl
upon a orusailo aainHt soma of that
citys ohoapanil t1lHrfpt11 thoatrual
mid mimic hall rosorls
In ailvortlHiiiK iw wall as in ovory tie
Hartmont of busiinwHinipliolty of Htnto
mutit In nppreemtinl by tho wIho and
untlorstoml by tho ignorant
Wall friomlH my opinion of tho
latest subject in that tho twontioth
oon KHoikIh Huts OhostnutHl
Hiuik him Shoot him - Kuucral oarly
tomorrow aftornoon
Tho Laurol Atlvoouto him boon Hold by
Prank Milln to 0 K Novln fonnorly of
Plankton S D Tho now inannnomont
took charge with tho irouio of last weolc
Tho pupor will bo continued an nil Inde
pendent publication
lloro is another Hlmplo Btatomont
that Idiocies tho rguiiiimt of calamity
itos that thoro in no pnwpority into
stoon kinds of Hinithoreons Failures
in tho llrst two wooks of Docombor woro
SI lMOMl aKainst over 000OOG in tho
correspondiiiK period of last yoar and
JJsMWU007 In 1810
Tho Iraud Islanil Koyubllouu has
bcon sold by N Todreu and V 1 Kod
roa who have boon tho publishers since
Hoth Mobloy wont to Manila to Augus
tine Hros who will oontiiiuo to issue a
daily paper Tho Mossrs Fortran havo
mnrto n good paper and those whom
they havo servod will regret tlioir rotiro
Tho Tekunah Herald and Lyons Sun
mo each urging tho ciudidaoy of Hon
Fromont Everett of Lyons for congroHS
on tho republiean ticket from tho Third
district With tho populist stato con
vention called for March 10th and can
didates already beginning to show their
bands the prospect for an oarly begun
and long campaign is tluttoring
This is an era of expansion but thoro
is ut loast ono direction in which thoro
has boon no expansion nud that is in tho
number of business failures in fact tho
number of failures for ISO was tho
smallest of any year sinco 1881 a period
of nearly SO years while tho nvorago
liabilities of commercial failures was
tho lowest over knowim tho history of
tho country Truly thero must bo
something resembling prosperity abroad
in tho laud arguments of tho calamitous
fusionists to tho contrary notwithstand
Tho red lino feature of tho Times
Tribune is all right if thoy would only
consent to stay iu their allotted places
but when as in tho copy received hero
this morning they Btray away and on
crouch on other space their meaning
might bo misconstrued Wo may not
bo rich in connection with tho real os
tnto transfers may tit fairly well as like
wise tho assertion that wo havo to
hustle in couuoctiou with an ad for
whiskoy Hut whou it comes to adviso
follow the orowd who take Rocky
Mountain tea the advico may not bo
considered as so appropriate Nor
would tho Union Pacific probably go
as far as to rocoinmond tho Overland
Houto as a Ono Minuto Cough Cure
Somo questions have been iihkcd as to
why a now rule on society announce
ments and ministers subscriptions wits
established by Tin Nuns with tlio lirst
of tho yoar A careful estimate in tho
busiuoss dopartntoiit of this papor shows
that during tlio past II years on the item
of subscriptions alone tho publisher has
contributed to tho churches about 1JOO
while tho auuouucomeuts that will
como under tho head of those for which
a charge will hereaf tor bo made have
amounted to fully twico as much moro
And this is not all Tho publisher has
beon called upon for cash subscriptions
on ninny occasions and ho rtofs not re
momber that nnyoue has over been re
fused While wo believe that it is tho
duty of every person to help support tho
ohurchoa ami oharitablo institutions wo
beliovo that this sort of tax should bo
equally distributed and seo no reason
why tho publisher should bo called upon
to contribute several tunes as much as
his moro wealthy neighbor When it is
remembered thnt tho sale of subscrip
tions ami advertising is tho newspaper
mans manner of oarniug a living for
himself and family wo doubt if nuy
fair minded person will Hud aught to
sxiticise iu the newrulo adopted by this
TSio celebration of tho holiday uow
drawing to a close was tho most enjoy
able Nils country has experienced for
years From all parts of tho country
come raports of pleasure and happiness
that could only ha possible because the
people iu goueral had money and woro
prosperous and happy Tho calamity
wallers must norfniro keen silent until
tho Wilms of holiday festivity and mirth
havo died away ami ovon then their
doleful talcs are likely to fall upon bar
ron mound or have the lifo choked out
of them by prosperity facts Tim Phila
delphia llulletin says It would seem
as if every basis on which tho party of
lamentation and calamity can find a
plausible reason for rcpeatingin HtOOtho
iippcd on which it rented its hopes in
I SOU has been utterly swept away The
west is not less prosperous tliiin tho east
Democratic farmers and democratic
woikiuguinu are getting along quite as
well ast heir republican brethron wages
aro good and employment plentiful and
every argument with which William J
Hryaii has maintained tho necessity for
more agitation of tlio cheap nioiioy
question has been so ovorwiolntingly
met by tho logic of faclsand conditions
that it soenis well nigh impossible for
ovon his dexterous versatility to keep
up tho old cries concerning tho misery
and poverty of the people Tho Christ
ians season of 1810 has a broad political
slgnillcaiico It deals a comploto knock
out to tho domocratlo party of 1801
KdilorJFostor oftlio Ilnlnviow Nows
isono of tho uumorous populist editors
who Beokjtojdonylnny evidence of pros
perity mill desire tho pooplo to bollovo
that the country is still ovorrim with
Ooxey arinios with froo soup houses nt
ovory corner men glnd to oarn CO or 7f
oonts per dny and Jtho prices of grain
ranging from 8 Jto ill cents a bnsliol
Hut it wont work Hrothor Foster
While you candidly aoknowlodgo your
self as blind deaf and paralyzed on tho
subjoct of prosperity your roudors aro
not so Thoy havo oyos to soo tho busy
hands and happy faces of thoso who
wore sntVoriiig from want but n iow
yours sinco They havo ears to hear the
sound of the hammor tho rumble of
tratllc and the rattlo of cash and thoy
hnvo nerves to fool tho coinfortnblo
clothes the warmth of tiros and tho ful
ness of good eating You would seek
to convoy tho impression that becauso
farmers are holding their grain for
better prices it is an ovidenco of llnnn
cial and commercial disaster but believe
Oh Fostor that tho farmors know
hotter perhaps than you do that thoy
aro in bettor position and inoro able to
demand their own prices for grninthnn
ever boforo iu tho history of Nobraska
What you take to bo ovidonco of disaster
is therefore but convincing proof of
prosperous conditions Fonnorly thoy
havo been compolled to accept tho olo
vator prices no matter how low thoy
woro in order to meot their pressing
obligations Now thoy shut up olo
vators if thoy ploaso by refusing to rto
livor their grain Soo tho dilVeronco
Bro Foster
Farming is sometimes diversified in n
manner that is injurious to agricultural
ists in that it makes prices of what thoy
produce unsteady and unsatisfactory
Prevailing prices intluonco thoir action
each recurring Benson and they nro often
the losers thereby For iustanco Tho
high prico paid for wheat early last yoar
and tho year boforo intluonced many to
devote a largo share of thoir acreago to
that cereal nud on tho crop being har
vested tho prices for that staplo grain
took n sudden nud decided drop So
with hogs and cattlo tho pricos for
theso animals havo been vory high dur
ing tlio past yoar and tho result is that
farmers aro devoting a largo sharo of
their attention to raising them That
this will result iu falling prices must
bo conceded And now tho prico of corn
is up induced largely by its use iu feed
ing cattlo and hogs nud tho tendoucy
will probably be to plant largo acreages
of corn next soasou witli a correspond
ing falling oil iu prico at the time the
crop is harvested True theso high
prices indicate a demand nnd a cortain
iucrcaso iu their production is justifiable
but with enoh farmor making extraordi
nary oflorts in a certain direction tho
mnrkot isj sure to bo glutted It
would seem that it would bo judicious
for a farmer to tako noto of what his
neighbors nud others aro doing and make
a special etlort along n lino that is boing
neglected by them and if this Hue of
reasoning is correct ho should always bo
n winner Various fanners throughout
tho country aro now conmlaniug of tho
high prices of corn bocauso thoy aro buy
ing corn to fatten stock Next year
iH v aro likoly to havo corn to soil and
will then complain about its low price
Wlmt Wo Hut
Is intended to nourish and sustain us
but it must bo digested nud nssimilnted
before it can do this Iu other words
tho nourishment contained iu food must
bo soparatod by tho digestive organs
from tho waste material and must bo
carried by tho blood to all parts of tho
body Wo boliove the reason for the
groat bonoflt which 60 uinuy pooplo
derive from the Hoods Sarsaparilla lies
iu the fact that this medicino gives good
digestion and makes pure rich blood
It restores tho functions of thosu organs
which convert food ihto nourishment
that gives strength to nerves aud
muscles It also cures dyspepsia scrof
ula salt rheum boils sores pimples
nud eruptious catarrh rheumatism nnd
till diseases that hnve their origin in
impure blood
Waxtkii Quiet respectable home
like place to room and board in privnto
family by travoliug mau and wife Fob
urary 1st Host of references Address
leck box 107 City with terms
MiiciiI innii ol tlin World Im or tliclr
lllcniln ttllli ii Inlilli limliilliilloii
Torn Tunmlnrn Dnllv
Tho public installation of ofllcers of
Valley camp No 100 Woodmen of tho
World held last evening in Must hall
was attended by a largo number of
members nud friends of the order the
hall being greatly taxed to accomodate
the crowd A number of members from
neighboring camps were iu attendance
Wayne and Neligh boing leprei onted
by delegations and n member from
Hpenccr Hoyd county was among tho
number Sovereign omiiiandor 1 O
Hoot was not able to attend owing to
important business which culled him
south but tho ccreinoiiies connected
with tho installation woro cfllciontly
directed by Sam CI Smyth of Onialin
editor of tho Sovoroign Visitor tho
olllcial organ of tho order
Tho following ofllcers wcro duly In
stalled Goo StaponlioiHt O O John
Fetter A L Dan Motcalf banker
Geo Dndloy clerk Dr J II Mackay
physician Hal Vaught escort II Hru
bnkor watchman Frank Davifl sontry
Sovereigns L Dudloy Luikart and
Froolaud managers All tho oloctod
ofllcers woro theioforo prcsont and duly
iuBtnllod for tho tonn
An nddross of wolcotno wns mndo by
tho enmp physiciun Dr J II Mackay
nnd ufter the installation coreiuonios
had been concluded nu address wns
mndo by Sovereign Smyth who gnvo a
history of tho ordor its progross and
developments its objects and its hopes
An nddross was also mndo by Deputy
Commander Sovorelgu Wright of Kan
sas City Missouri who is especially in
terested in tho Ladies circle nu auxil
iary branch of tho ordor His oflorts to
iutorost the ladies in that dopartinout
woro quite successful
A program consisting of music by the
Italian orchestra n piano solo by Miss
Evil Mihills a vocnl solo by Miss
Hlancho Cnrrick nnd a solcctiou by a
quartot wont toward onlivoning the
pleasures of tho ovouiiig
Aftor tho other fontures of tho even
ing had beon disposed of tho floor was
cleared and those who desired enjoyed
tlio dunce which was continued until
tho Italian orchestra furnishing
the music
During tho ovoniug suppers woro
sorved at tho Hon Ton ud Eborharts
restnurnnts for thoso who wished to
ilollll I IIHtltl lilt lOll
From WoilucwlciyB Unity
After a bounteous suppor had been
served at the G A It hall Inst evouing
by tho W 11 C ofllcers of both organiz
ations were iustalled The olllcors of
W It C aro as follows aud woro in
stalled by Mrs J S Morrow Presi
dent Mrs Byerly senior vico presi
dent Mrs Widaman junior vico presi
dent Mrs Honduraut ohnplniu Mrs
Mills treasurer Mrs Matrau
tary Mrs Pilgor conductor Mrs Mil
lor assisstant conductor Mrs Olomouts
guard MrH Ladhofl assisstant guard
Mrs Howo color boarors Mesdames
Quick Gonung Hosinbauni and Living
ston delcgnto Mrs Short alterunto
Mrs Clements Tho ofllcers of tho G
A H woro iustnllcd by J W Lafforty
of Wisuer Post as follows Com
mnuder II M Roberts senior vico
commander C P Byorly junior
vico commnuuor II Gerecko chap
lin A P Childs qunrtormastor
J S Morrow adjutant W II
Widaman oflicer of tho day J A
Light surgeon W II II Hagey
quartermaster sergeant C F Eiseley
guard F Itodel sergeant of the guard
R Mills dolegato W M Robertson
alternate C W Hrnasch
Start Tli Year night
By this wo mean that if you aro not
already a subscriber to the Nebraska
State Journal you should become ouo at
onco Tho Journal is Nebraskas old
reliable Being published at the state
capital it prints more nows of interest to
Nobraskans than nny other paper in the
stato Mauy of its patrons havo been
subsoribors for over a quarter of a cen
tury Tho Journal has built up a
tremendous businets by its push nnd
onorgy nnd the paper stands at the head
of tho column Its daily aud Sunday
issues not only contain all tho current
news of tho world but nro tilled with
special features Tho Somi Weokly
Journal which by many is called tho
farmers daily gives 104 papers a year
for 100 and is one of tho greatest
bargaius over oflerd readers Tlio yeur
1100 will bo a record breakers with tho
Journal as lbK has been Join tho
army of readers for tho coming presi
dential campaign
Cure Ami TrtMitmeiit Of Tlio Mrl
Dr Humphreys Specific manual on
tho treatment and cure of the sick
mailed free on request Adress Humph
reys Medicine Co New Vork
Fl orldu Writ Iudles mid Cntrnl Ainerhii
The facilities of the Louisville
Nashville railroad for handling tourists
aud travelers destined for all points in
Florida Cuba Porto Rico Central
America or for Nassau arounBurpaEsed
Doublo daily lines of sleeping cars aro
run from Cincinnati Louisville Chicago
and St Louis through Jacksonville to
interior Florida points aud to Miami
Tampa and New Orleans tho ports of
embarkation for tho countries men
tioned For folders etc write Geo B
Homer D P A St Louis Mo
IniKriiin for llm Mci tliif to I In Mold In
Noi fnll Iiiiiiiiii mill JTtlt
Following is the program as adopted
by ho commit too of tho Fanners insti
tute for tho seventh annual bcbhIoii to
bo held at Orrs hall over he Fair store
iu Norfolk on Friday and Satiitday
January land 27 11100
10 I0 Opening remarks by tho presi
10ir Does farming pay and if so
what kind of farming Discussion lend
by 11 Westervelt followed by D
Whitlu 1 D Smith D W Dailington
Col Ohas Worker P O rberry F W
Richardson G W Hviuih It Beswick
Aug Huebner J W Hoveo and others
Mr H If Stouircrof Helloviow Nob
will bo present to conduct tho institute
1 Memberships nnd payments of
dues received j
1 l 5 Abortion anionir cows by Dr
A T Peters of Lincoln
alf Prevention of hog cholera by
Dr A T Peters
2110 Discussion on troatinontof lump
jaw in cattlo
215 Creameries by A II Alliuson
il Feeding cattlo In tho feed lot
by Henry Walluco Des Moines Iown
Discussion by L B Bikor S O Inkloy
Aug Huobuor A H lllcker D Whitln
D A Oinmeruiau 1 G Westervelt and
o tliers
7 10 Visiting for 15 minutes
7 15 Music by popils of tho public
800 Local address Tho Business
Hon by P F Sprochor Discussion
following by J W Gibson W J Gow
Burt Mapos G M Thompson W R
Hoffman W K Grahnni WB Fuorst
Dr E Tiinuer U D Muthows B F
10 00 Caro of bearing npplo trees
paper by E D Hammond followed by
short talks by It Beswick A Osborn
L C Hopperly nud others
11 00 Feeding and nianngeinont of
dairy cattlo by Mr B F Stouffor
Questions auswerod
1 10 Forngo crops by Prof T L
Lyon of the stato university
2 00 Receiving memberships nud
payniout of duos
215 Eloctiou of officers aud appoint
ing committees
2 2 Treasurers report
2 0 What I know nbout harvesting
and shredding corn by H A Pasowalk
i00 Intensive cultivation to pro
servo moisture by Prof T L Lyou of
tho Nobraaka experimental station Liu
7 I10 Music by tho pupils of the pub
lic schools
800 Questions
Silo Steroopticou lecture by Prof
T L Lyon of Lincoln
J E Simpson President
A Osiiokn Vice President
L M Gayloiid Secretary
L C Heppkkly Treasurer
Burnt Tait
Executive Committee
Rnml Notlro to Iimil Ouiiptk
To All Whom It May Coucern The
commissioners appoiuted to locate a
road commencing at tho northeast
corner of section one 1 in township
24 north range 1 west in Madisou
county Nebraska and tho northwest
corner of section six 0 township 2 1
north range 1 east iu Stanton county
Nebraska running thenco south ou
county liuo one 1 milo and tenniuat
ing at tho southeast corner of said sec
tion one 1 township 24 north range 1
west and tho southwest corner of afore
said section six G township 24 range 1
enst havo reported in favor of the estab
lishment thoreof and nil objections
thereto or claims for damages must bo
filed in the county clerks ollice ou or
before noon of tho 15th day of February
A D 1000 or said road will bo opened
without reference thereto
E G Hkiluan County Clerk
Wanted Honest man or woman to
travol for large house Balary 05
monthly and expenses with increase
position permanent enclose self-addressed
stamped envelope Manaoeh
WO Caxton bldg Chicago
CoiiitHt utlce Oiltflinil
Department of tho Interior United
States Laud Oflico ONeill Nebraska
December 10 1809 A suflicient con
test allldavit having beon filed iu this
oilice by William T Ferguson contest
ant against T O entry 4175 made
July 20 1800 for w no section 11
township 23 range 1 w by Luna B
Gates contesteo in which it is alleged
that said Gates has failed to break or
cause to bo brokon flvo acres of said
tract during tho 1 2 I 5 I 7 8 0
and 10 years of said entry up to dato
that tho said Gates has failed to
plant or causo to bo planted to
trees tree seeds or cuttings Hvo acres
of said tract during nuy of said years
except iu tho year of 1805 which trees
havo nover been cultiNned nnd havo
died out for want of cultivation and
caro That said failures still exist Said
patty is hereby notified to appear re
spond nnd oilor ovidonco touching saiu
allegation at 10 oclock a m on Febru
ary 0 1000 bofore the register and re
ceiver of tho Uuited States laud oflico
in ONoill Nebrnskn
Tho snid contestant having iu n
proper allldavit Hied December 10 1890
set forth facts which show that after
duo diligence personal service of this
notice ennnot bo luado it is hereby
ordered and directed that such notice
bo given by duo nud proper publication
S J Weiki s
Wanted Honest man or woman to
travel for largo house salary 05
monthly nud expenses with increase
position permanent enclose
stamped envelope Maxaokk
S1I10 Caxton bldg Chicago
of Best Varieties at Hard Times Prices Snmll
fruit lu lartjo tnply Millions of Btrowberrj
jiluuttf vory thrifty unil woll rooted Jot Hie
HK8T noHr homo aud save freight or exjiref
Senil for prico Hbt to
North Bend Nurseries
North Bead fjdge County Neh
r1 uvn
Knur Iiikm TtKNiliiy HIkIiI Phkcn Krlilny
The Twice a Week Journal almost equivalent to a
dnlly flivea you ill the news of the world It Is the favorite
newspaper of the nrcat Northwest It delights the young
and old Once taken It becomes a household necessity
Look over tho following premium papers olTerctl in
connection with The Twice a Week Journul and make a
selection Note the extremely low prices
The Twice n Week Jonrnnl one yenr
A ninKiilltccnt porlrnlt of Admiral
The Twice n Wvck Juurnnl one yenr
The Twice n Week Journnl one yenr
The Kami nnd Home one yenr f
The Twice n Week Jonrnnl on
The lrnlrle Fnrmer one year
The Twice n Week Jonrnnl one yenr
The Dakota Farmer one yenr
The Twice n Week Journnl one yenr
The Iown HonicHtenil one yenr
The Hpeclnl Knrmcrii Inntltnte Edi
tion one yenr
The Poultry Farmer one yenr
The Kitrincrn Mutual Iimurmicc
Journnl one yenr
The lluninne Alliance one yenr
The Twice n Week Journal one yenr
Iunnriuun of Our New PouhchhIouh
TIiIh cleurnnt honk contain
hnlf tone pictured Piikcn 8x11
Inchen Kunlly worth 100 Sent
poat pulil
The Wiiiiiiiiih Home Companion one
A lilRli irrndc woiiiiiiih dollar n
yenr monthly profanely
tratcil HO to -10 pnRCH ench Irnuc
pnKCN 11x11 InchcN
The Twice n Week Jonrnnl one yenr
The Farm nnd Flreolde one yeur
Career and Triumph of Admiral
Free Reclining Chair Gars on all Trains
Atchison Kansas City
and St Louis
Willi direct connections to all South
ern and Eastern points
Uiiexcclled time ami accommodations
to the
Famous Hot Serines of Arkansas
For mora coinphto information descriptive
pumphlctu etc iiddiean
AO F and P A TlA
Southeast Cor Utli and DouKlasSts
hniulminic liook rntlllril l lulitlnir
in the IhlllpplncH cloth hlndlnR f
eyenr j BQTH p0R 1t00
ALL 3 FOR 150
Do not delay or fail to take advantage of this remark
able offer which we make for a limited time only Sample
copies of any of the papers sent to any address upon appli
cation Address
made If il
third 1
Perkins Bros Co
Dr Humphreys
Specifics care by acting directly upon
tho disease without Cciting disorder in
nny other part of tho system
1 Fercm Congestions Inflammations 25
i Worms Worm Fovor Worm Colic MS
3 TcethlneCoUcCrylngWakefulness iS
I Diarrhea of Children or Adults 25
7 Couichi Colds Bronchitis 5
8 Neuralgia Toothache Faccacho iS
9 Headache Sick Headache Vertigo 25
10 DvniepnlaIndIgcstlonWcakStomacha5
11 Suiiprcmrd or Painful Periods 25
V2 Whites Too Proruso Periods 25
13 Croup Laryngitis Hoarseness 25
1 1 Salt Kheum Erysipelas Eruptions 25
15 Rheumatism Ilhcumatlo Pains 25
10 Malaria Chills Fovcr and Aguo 25
10 Catarrh Influenza Cold In the Ilead 25
20 Wlioopiim Cough 25
27 KUney Ileuc 25
2tt ervou Debility 100
30 Urlnary Weakness WettlnsBed 23
J7 Orlp Hay Fever 25
Dr Humphreys Mnnual of all Diseases at your
DruKHlsts or Mailed Free
Sold by druggists or sent on receipt of price
Humphreys Med Co Cor William John Sts
New Vork
ZH1 htAtb
We am arllm thf trri flattl Trcnei
t FAClOKY ritllhS less tlian one-
ttie iirlcn charged by c thoro nud
whether vmi wish our uae l re ncli frui
nr our new
Vork llimllil Flall lru llluKtlntPil iilmve cut this
ad out and neiid to iiiultli Oil SISUAI IltllKiumril
ptateyour Hflfhl Ilfht Ar liuwlong yon have hcen
ruptured lietlier rupture lslnrKeorsmnll aUnntnto
number inches nrniind the Imdj on a Hue with th
rupture say whether iiiptuioU on liht or leltsldo
and we will nend either truss to you with the untlpr
staiullli If It I nut prrfrft lit rnitl rqul In truttp that
rrLll at three tlmm nur prico you can return It and we
will return your money
oMruin Including tho fit Kit DO u Trim JQ TC
thtcurf alnjot any rr nnd nhlrh wf rll far Oi I J
Illinois Gentral R B
Tlio Illinois Vntrnl ilchirtb In call iittontiini
to tho iinuxcolli il hurvlco tlialis olToreil by ith
linoh to tlio south for tlio Milium of IMfJ lPOO
Pullman Tourist Sleeping Cars
lortoiuilly conduct
ed ItmiH llnouuli to
Ios AiikiiIc h ami San
KranciKMi ia Now
Orlomih In riiiitiipl it
VEDNESDAY ciiic IwivIiibCIiIchbh
MnoMiMP on tlio Viilri s fiihl
MORNING orliiuin Si
ciali comicftion iiIhi inailii by this train Willi
ilaily traiiiHoiit of Now Orloniih for tlio 1iiclllu
Coiitt Jim Liiiiitoil fiom tlilcnuo innry un
iiiK ctiiincrlb on Monilajh ami TJitirt ilnyh at
Now OrlcaiiB aftor DcclmiiImt 1 1MV with tlio
oT thoFoiilhurii rarillc iin Bi cliil through
nr Ion to San Finncii oo
Doublo ilaily ncrv
iro ib mainlainril out
of St Iouib ia thn
IIIIiioIb mitral and
coimictiiiK llnib lo
ki ami Atlanta thro
fclpptiltiL rnr Ii lnL
bonvillo Iionila liiinw carried on tliu
lialiiKSt iniHiiiry cvciiinii This train an
null uh thn Da Iliiis IniiWiiK St Louib in
tliDinorniiiK urn Ixiili biilid traiiib lo Niiblnilh
hn hit through rnnrliiH and blroplm rurs run
nliiu throUkli Mnitin Tonn and tho N V A St
L Ily Coiiuuctioii ia Ihib linn for all iirlnci
IallKiiiitb in thiiSoiitheabtbiich lib Imrlobtiin
WilminKloii Aikin mid Saanunh and for all
IxiinU in Florida
Hail from Chicago to Mcmiiliit and Now Or-
1 0I lib
JixTlTJlSIONS to mrtaiu
iMiiutb iithoSoiithonlholiiiiK or thn lllinoiit
eiitral and X M railroads will bo run on
thn llm ami third TucmIii of each moiilh dur
iuit tho wintor biiibon
llill iiartlciilaibtoncoriiinuall of thu alnivo
can bo had of iiKfiitb of llm Jllinoi Vntral or
b aililrobbhn A 11 Ilmiton 1 I A IiIciiko