The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, January 11, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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0y r nr nrvrii i i x V 7
tavr TTA
Tlio next inorniiiK I tofo with the
lark 1 hurt Mipt well nuil all my old
vinor had roturntil A new nrolikun was
buforo mo a problem which hud in
creabed in interest Muco it had bcconio
narrowed down bjtliooliininution from
it of tlio Knollys household Mother
Juno and tho jewels wero to bo Mr
Grycos Mart iiu point for futuro invest i
Kiitinu Should they bo mine 1 thought
I would tako an early Mroll and hoc
Thero was silenco in tho houso when
I pas sed through it my way to tho
trout door Hut that Kilenco hart lost its
terrors and tho old houso its absorbing
myhtery Yet it was not robbed of its
interest When I realized that Althea
Knollys tho Althea of my youth had
actually breathed this esuno atmosphero
with me and that within a few days I
felt that no olrt timo romance nor any
terror which flitting ghoht or stalking
apparition might bring could compare
with tho wouder of this return and tho
Btrango and thrilling circumstances
which hart attended it And tho end
was not yet Peaceful as overything
looked this morning I Mill felt that tho
end had not conic
Tho fact that Saracen was looso in
tho yard gavo mo homo slight concern
as I opened tho great front door and
looked out But tho coutrol under
which I hart held him tho day boforo
encouraged mo in my venturo and after
si few words with Hannah who was
careful not to lot mo slip away unno
ticed I boldly hteppcrt forth and took
my solitary way down to tho gato
It was not yet 5 and tho grass was
still heavy with dew At tho gato I
paused I wished to go farther but Mr
Grycos injunction had been imperative
about venturing into tho lano alono Bo
sides No that was not a horses hoof
Thero could bo no ono on tho road so
early as this I was alarming myself
unnecessarily yet Well I hold my
pluce a little awkwardly perhaps Self
consciousness is always awkward and 1
could not help being a triflo self con
scious at a meeting so unexpected and
But tho moro I attempt to oxpluin tho
moro confused my expressions become
so I will just say that by this very
straugo chanco I was leaning over tho
gato when Mr Trohm rodo up for tho
second time and found me thero
I did not attempt any excuses Ho is
gentleman enough to understand that
a woman of my temperament rises early
and must have tho morning air That
ho should feel the sumo necessity is a
coincidence natural perhaps but still a
coincidence So thero was nothing to bo
Baid about it
But had thero been I would not have
Bpoken for ho seemed so gratified at
Qudiug mo enjoying nature at this early
hour that any words from mo would
havo been quito superfluous Ho did not
dismount that would havo been too
marked perhaps but ho stopped and
well wo havo both passed tho ago of
romance and what ho said cannot bo of
interest to tho general public especial
ly as it did not deal with tho disappear
ing or with tho discoveries made in
tho Knollys houso tho day beforo or
With any of thoso questions which you
havo been trying to solvo with mo to
this timo
That wo wero engaged moro than fivo
minutes in this conversation 1 cannot
bolievo I havo always been extremely
nccurato in regard to time yet a good
half hour was lost by mo some timo that
morning for which I havo uovcr been
nblo to account Perhaps it was spent
lu tho short discussion which followed
a discussion which may bo of interest
to you for that was upon tho action of
tho police
Nothing camo of tho investigations
made by Mr Gryco yesterday I por
ceivo Mr Trohm had remarked with
Eomo reluetauco as ho gathered up his
reins to depart Well I dirt not expect
anything How could ho hopo to find
anything thero
How could ho indeed Yet said I
determined to allay this ono mans sus
picions at onco which notwithstanding
tho openness of his rcniark was still
obsorvablo in his tones you bay that
with an air I should hardly expect from
so good a neighbor and friend Why is
that Mr Trohm Surely you do not us
Bociato crime with tho Knollys
Crimo Oh no certainly not No
ono could assooiato crimo with tho
Knollys If my tonowas at fault it was
duo perhaps to my embarrassment this
meeting your kindness tho beauty of
tlio day and tho feeling theso all call
forth Well I may bo pardoned if my
tones aro not quito truo in discussing
other topics My thoughts wcro with
tho ono I addressed
Then that tono of doubt was all tho
moro misplaced I rotortcd I am so
frank I cannot bear innuendo in others
Besides Mr Trohm tho worst folly of
this homo was laid bare yesterday in a
way to set at rest all darker suspicions
You know that William indulged iu
vivisection Woll that is bad but it
could not bo called criminal Let us do
justico to him then and for his Bistors
Bako boo how wo can ro establish him
iu tho good graces of tho community
But Mr Trohm who for all ourthort
acquaiutanco waB uot without a very
decided appreciation for certain points
iu my character shook his head and
with a smiliug air returned
You aro uskiug tho impossible not
oulv of tho community but vow6olf
William can never re establish himself
Hois of too rutlo a make Tho girlo
now may recover tho esteem they seem
to havo lost but William Why if
tlio cause of thoso disappearances was
lound today and found at the remotest
end of this road or oven up in tho moun
tains where no ono seems to havo look
ed William would Mill bo known
through all this village as a rough and
cruel man 1 havo tried to stand his
friend but itH been against odds Miss
Butterworlh liven his sisters saw that
and showed their lack of confidence in
our friendship But I would like to
oblige you
1 knew ho ought to go 1 knew that
if he had lingered only tho fivo minutes
which common courtesy allowed that
curious eyes would bo looking from
Lorccns window and that at any min
ute I might expect some interference
from Lucetta who had read through
this mans forbearance toward William
tho very natural distrust ho could not
but feel toward so uncertain a charac
ter Yet with such an opportunity to
hand how could 1 lot him go without
another question
Mr Trohm said I you havo tho
kindest heart and the closest lips but
havo you over thought that Deacon
Ho stopped mo with a really horrified
look Deacon Spears houso was gono
through yesterday said lie as mine
will bo today Dont insinuate anything
against him ho entreated Leave
that for foolish William Then with
the most charming return to his old
manner for I felt myself in a measuro
rebuked ho lifted his hat and urged his
horse forward But having withdrawn
himself a stop or two ho paused and
with tho slightest gesturo toward tho
liltlo hut ho was facing added in a much
lower touo than any he had yet used
Besides Deacon Spear is much too far
away from Mother lanes cottage
Dont you remember that 1 told you sho
uovcr could bo got to go moro than -10
rods from her own doorstep And
breaking into a ouick canter ho rodo
- -
lie undoubtedly is of your confidence
tnd trust will havo to learn from somo
one else besides mo anything which yon
may wih to havo withheld from him
For teply sho gavo mo an impulsive
kiss 1 thought I could trust you sho
murmured Then with a dubious look
half daring half shrinking sho said
When you eomo to know and liko
us better you will not care so much to
talk to neighbors They never can un
derstand us or do us justice Mr Trohm
By which I knew thero was some
thing more between theso two than 1
had yet found out
Late in tho afternoon William burst
in with news from the other end of tho
Sueha lark ho cried Tho in
vestigation at Deacon Spears houso hud
been a mere farce and I just made them
teneat it with a few frills They laid
dug up nry cellar and they should dig
up his Oh the fun it was The old fel
low kicked but 1 hud my way They
couldnt leluso me you know 1 hadnt
refused tlieni So that mans cellar bot
tom hud a stir up They didnt find
anything but it done me a lot of good
and thats something 1 do hate that
Deacon Spear couldnt huto him worse
if hed killed and buried ten men under
his hearthstone
There is no harm in Deacon Spear
isaid Lucetta quickly
Dili they submit Mr Trohm s houso
to a search also asked Loreen asham
ed of Williams heat and anxious to
avert any further display of it
Yes they went through that too
1 was with them Glad I was too
I say girls 1 could havo laughed to see
all tho comforts tltat old bachelor has
about him Never saw such fixings
Why its us neat and pretty from top
to bottom as our old houso is not Its
silly of course for a man and Id
rather live in an old rookery like this
where I can walk from room to room in
muddy boots if 1 want to and train my
dogs and live in freedom liko the man
lam Yet I couldnt help thinking it
mighty comfortable too for an old fel
low liko him who likes such things and
dont havo chick or child to meddle
Why lie had pincushions on all his
bureaus and they hud pins in them
Tho laugh with which ho delivered
this last sentence might have been heard
a quarter of a mile away Lucetta look
ed at Loreen and Loreen looked at me
but none of us joined in tho mirth
which seemed to mo very ill timed
Suddenly Lucotta asked
Did they dig up Mr Trohms cel
William stopped laughing long
enough to say
His cellar Why its cemented as
hard as an oak floor No thev didnt
I jav i 1 tf
away past Mothor Janos cottage at
which ho baroly glauccd into tho maze
of the forest beyond
I was left to think over his words
und tho impossibility of my picking up
liny clow other thau that given mo by
Mr Gryco
I was turning toward tho houso whon
hoard a slight noise at my feet Look
ing down I encountered tho eyes of
Baraccn IIo was crouching at my side
und as I turned toward him his tail ac
tually wagged It was a sight to call
tlio color up to my cheek not that sign
af good will astonishing as that was
considering my fooling toward dogs
but his being thero at all without my
knowing it That mado Amelia Butter
worth blush That was a sign that no
woman I miiko no exceptions can lis
ten moro thau one minuto to an agree
iblo mans expressions of sineero admi
ration without lotting go just a littlo of
dor watchfulness It may not bo to her
redit but it marks her out as a worn
in which after all is not a thing to
3oploro especially where ono has not
really passed tho lino beyond which all
weakness of this nature is ridiculous
Lucetta mot me just as I expected at
the door But her words wero not just
what I autioipated perhaps because of
that short look sho gavo mo beforo sho
ventured to spoak
lam glad said sho to see you
looking so bright this morning Wo aro
all feeling better now that tho incubus
of secrecy is removed but I still would
uot liko to think you told what has
happened to us to Mr Trohm
Lucetta said I thero may bo
women of my ago who delight in gos
hijiing about family affairs with com
parative strangers but I am not that
kind of woman Mr Trohm friendly
as ho has Droved liimsclf aud worthv as
polish their spades in his houso which
was another sourco of satisfaction to
mo Deacon Spear hasnt even that to
comfort him Oh how I did enjoy that
old fellows faco when thoy began to
root up his old fungi
Lucetta turned away with a certain
odd constraint I could not but notice
Its a humiliating day for tho lano
said she And what is worse sho
suddenly added nothing will over
eomo of it No band of polico can over
reach tho root of this matter
I I thought her manner odd and mov
ing up to her 1 took her 13 tho hand
with something of a relatives familiar
What makos you say that Mr
Gryco seems a very capablo man
Yes yes but capability has nothing
to do with it Chance might and pluck
might but wit and experience not
Othcrwiso tho mystery would havo been
sottlcd long ago I wish I
Woll Her hand was trembling
Nothing I dont know why I havo
allowed myself to talk on this subject
Loreen and I onco mado a compact uov
cr to give any opinion upon it You see
how I havo kept it
Sho had drawn her hand away and
suddenly hud become quito composed
I turned my attention toward Loreen
but bho was looking out of tho window
and showed no intention of f urthor pur
fcuing tho conversation William had
strolled out
Well said 1 if over a girl had
reason for breaking such a compact you
hto certainly that girl I could never
havo been as silent as you have been
that is if I had any suspicious on so so
rious a subject as from your appear
unco you certainly havo Why your
own gooduajjio iu imimcund vmirsunrt
that of every other person living in this
Miss Butterworlh she replied I
havo gono too far Besides you havo
misunderstood me 1 havo no iiuuo
knowledge than any one else as to the
source of these terrible tragedies I only
know that an almost superhuman cun
ning lies at the bottom of so many un
lieeountable disappearances u cunning
so great that only a eiay person
Ah I murmured eageily Moth
er lano
She dirt uot answer Instantly 1 took
a lesolution
Lueelta said 1 is Deacon Spear
a rich man
Starting intently she looked at me
If ho is 1 should like to luraid the
guess that he is tlio mini who bus held
you in sueh thraldom for years
And if he weie said she
1 could understand Williams an
tipathy to him and also his suspicions
Sho gavo me a si range tool then
without answering walked ner and
took loreen by the hand Hush I I
thought 1 heard her whisper At all
events tlio two nisteis weie silent for
uiorethuii atiiniiieiit Then liucctliuuirt
Deacon Spear is well oil bill noth
ing will ier make mo accuse living
man ol eiimeso ilirmltiil Anil she
walked away draw ing Loicen alter her
In another liniment she was out of the
room leaving me in u stale of great ex
To lin Ciiiilihiiiil Next Wci11
Nnlli it In Iti liluii liilll l ihIiiim
Notice is hereby given that sealed bids
Will be received at tho county clerks
office at Madison Madison county Ne
braska until I oclock at noon standard
time January I MIDI for the erection
and completion aud furnishing of ma
terial and labor for all pile and iron
bridges to bo built during tho year 1100
according to the following specilicat ions
to wit
I All wooden biidges to rest on
three piles at each bent to bo driven ton
solid foundation and bent to be of
length required by county boiud piles
to bo of white oal or white cedar not
less than ten inch top all piling to bo
sound proportionate and fieo from
windshako aud objectionable knots
J All cups to bo of two JlxlV inch
white oak to each set of three piles to
bo bolted on two sides of piling with n
inch bolts and washers to each pile anil
nuts on end piling to bo on inside All
niles to havo a tenon of l1 inch for
caps to rest upon
All piling to bo sway braced with
SJxIi white oak or lx8 white pino and to
bo securely bolted to end of cap and at
each intersection with piling with
inch bolts and inch washers Ends
of joists and caps to bo covered with
the same material as flooring and to bo
even with top of floor
1 All joists to be of northern white
pino Axi sized at each end outside
joists to bo bolted to cap at each end
with inch bolt and inch washers
All bridges to havo nine lines of joists
well lapped on caps All joists to be well
bridged with 0 white pine well nailed
with 1 penny wire nails
f All flooring to be lxl northern
white pino and to bo spiked to joists
with 00 penny steel nails at each inter-
section of joists
I Bailing to bo IL feet high above
floor posts northern pino all bolted
to outside stringers with two inch
bolts and washers except end posts
which shall bo bolted to piling lapping
two feet on each corner pile cap of rail
ing to bo 2xi with 2x0 on inside under
cap hub rail 2x and guard rail IJ all
white pino and to bo well spiked with
IIO penny wire nails
I 7 All railing to bo painted with two
heavy coats of Venetian red and boiled
linseed oil All iron work on steel
bridges to be painted with two heavy
coats of graphite paint
8 All bridges to m on 1 1 feet road-
way and bid must state prico per lineal
I Proposals will also bo received for
steel and combination bridges It feet
roadway suppoited by concrete piors
I with 14 inch strol enso i0 to IU inches
diameter Bid must state size of pier
and price per lineal foot and if built on
piling to state length and kind of piling
and price per lineal foot for piling
All biddeis aie required to accompany
their bids with plans and specifications
of tlu ir work and a certified check of
JI 00 to bo forfeited if contractor fails
to make contract or file an acceptable
bond within lii days from date of let
Tho board of county commissioners
reserve tho right to award separate con
tracts for pile bridges combination
bridges and steel bridges also tho
right to reject any or all bids
The party Awarded the contract will
bo required ro give a good and sufficient
bond conditioned for tho faithful per
formance of tho contract with at least
ono surety resident of Madison county
Nebraska said bond to bo approved by
the county board
Dated this 21st day of December I80
K G Hkuman
County Clerk
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larK hIiiiIk tn y am 11I1 1I imliittil uml oinaiiiriiliMl
uinl h aiitiriilly lliilliil llirniivliimt Iirrj fiinm i
will avii tvlcii llu mil Iiuiiii Maiiiiii liv uilirhlliK I1
Kriiln liu vi llii nml linya IIIIIHII AT UMK lfirc I lie
iiiiiiianiMini il IattliiKuriif kalra fll fur llii
Iiik Aiilrt Sears Roebuck Co Inc Chicago III
irr Ilwlnpk Kio arr Ihunuiclilj rrlltlilr
w ttfUjt
sty WwHI
cut UiUailvulsud rail lu
ua aiidwtiMllUviidynu
CUTTEB hy llfiKlil J
O II utijrrt la ritulnt
tloa You cm Izainlni
tv Itl yimrlreltrlit depui
A xv ailiUffouailrutlloinj
I x ruilr joa ran lirlf
- br Hi SO IHl llM
BUUK HIINKV Bndonaof the hilMl lrnirt
wouiillli ruilrn jou ruruw y tliu frvlulit atin
OUR SPECIAL OiriR PRICE 51076 aa iiiu ifri
ivtt tlio Milt wllli lianil fnlirlit
THIIh MTISThTVlliM IX CUK 111111 4M1 mm
OKAK inado from nlectcl M cond Knixth lilcknry
IrontHl throunliout with urj Iroa IIIIm Wi
iraile otrJrorJ aire hurt 1I0I inada of Ut nlr
reasoned ruttcr aturk m114 iaat U all Joint curcfully
llltidKluxl ecriiwrdand idUKKni IAISTKII 111 Kt
lioatlulu iiianntT iiiurourfiuy ruwraoui wnn uuuurr
UlllOITKUFll ill rliient atyle full nirlnir n mi able
cuhlona hi ay dark ttrveii body cloth SIIAITS well
Irtmm d and flnlihod Wrleht alout ITS U
Ualr a lliald auatUr ia ba la at 1075 UONI
DlUVaUiV Writo for Vreo Cutter Catuloue
tojjto SEARS ROEBUCK CO Inc Chicago
Start Uotbuck ai Co tn lkoruutlr rallabU MllorJ
Cleantci and Uautlflci the hair
lruuvua a lmuriant cruth
Xlever Fall a to licatore any
Ualr to Ha Youthful Color
Curta aralp diteatta balr tallinf
kit m J
ml out and mini to us atutu
jour wrliElii uil lirlKlii alto ntiiii
taT of liicliiw mound Imm at butt
aid nrk and WLullliiend tlifa
ClOIH CAPE to ion Iiy Bris
1 ti Ii riilJrtt to examination
Yuucai ckainlnu and try 11 on
at jour lUaiffcltiiiifis of-
lire and If found pern rlly
taturirlery rttrllj at rra
rrrblri auu iar Diott
wunilrrfal lllur on
rrr tit ur brtraiif
iay the expremi
ut ent our anerlut
aail vitirrt tliarsM
Kxprct oh a 1 kea
will axiraiu IU to
CO reula for earh
1000 mllet THIS
from un eilra Aot and
bra J all wuul black ur blue
Itiirlloti Ilea
erclotli27 Inclica lonir iry full eei 14 Inch upr
calw ellra full 11lwr cie aail lartr tturai tullr ltuutl
fully triiiiiiinl wltli llack HalUe wal furl iiiiht car
trimmed with thnoro und collar with two roof
Baa mohair braUt cluth hutlon oniuinunta Tblt rite la
Bar taller uailr threuabeul and l luul tocupea that nil at
mom than iloiihlv the iirlw Hrli Tor Irre I ltk t altloaot
ibar Ueebuta Co are Uiareafbly reliable tailor
Auuaiiau 5500 t ATii frn 7c
SEND NO MONEY lut lhl out
ftUtr vur lrlclil MrlgLt lt ounWrr
luthr artiuaij iH si Brvabi iakrotrr
v kl vmdrt rualclo up budrr srwa and
Hi will wiiJouUiUctwtly ciiiuMi
i kubjret iw kautlstOiia Kxv
uiutiie oiui ti It on Ht ournereit
iMiirvNionUO and If foui4 ttKcUir
1 rrftrvkraird ad ll r inut wettilc rful
taluv u virr r kvinl of and
equal lu an rval jmu cu buy fur
sOO mo the vxui4xtirtnt 01 It
smut nim riai 27o ana
tm iiriiH rmark ri
Tlllh 11 AtKI VIOSII U latest 1AX
atyle cany flttliiK uiado from bray
alrrrerf laa eeler yieulne lalttarrt
loll I full length double brvatted
huKrr elwt collar fancy 1lalil lining
wuttrprool M3wedieama Sultahle for
IkhIi lttla Uttrrtmt and guiraalrrd
KkilOT VllU rr rrr1 by ua or
any other liotiMj lr rreetfulb Bawplra
of Mrlia Uurklntoahea un to 15 00
roaia at from 16 00 to lu ik w rite for
tKkk niUrlJtIIOOk ka Uiik Jlddrta
gam Kvtaack U art latrwif alj railaaU Wtit