The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, January 11, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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    - eC
The floftfolkeuas
V M HUSK Piilillnlior
Kvorr ilnjr ntrnpl Htimlnjr Hr rnrrlnrpor
wooV Vt coutn lly mrtll por jonr plOO
KaUlilUliod 1MSI
Kvnry Tlmrtilny lly mull porjriwirtlV
Kntornd nl ilirt IVuliifllrrt nl Norfolk Noli n
tecoud clntn nmllnr
Tnlnplionn No 22
Almiiinlniii which hntl no commer
cial existence ft fow years ngo was pro
duced in tho Uultwl Blntirt in 1808 lo
tho oxtcnt of 5000000 pounds valued
nt 1710000 or 00 cento ft pound
which Id onoluuth of thu cost ton years
A mechanical iiriiiy In otio of the pon
HlbllltliH of the future If the experi
ment of inouiidiiK an automatic pin on
nu nutoiuolillo should prove successful
It may only ho iioccHsnry nftur u time
to wind up thcHG niaclilncH and turn
them loose ainonc the enemy
Tho hufllnot miui who ndvortiHOS nt
IhlHHoiiHon of thoyonr Ifl moro likely to
nt tract tho attention of tho pooplo ho do
Biros to roftoh than whon tho papers
wore full of holiday aunoauoeutentH and
tho attention of tho pooplo wan divided
Tliore is no question hut that trade is
bonollolally ftfTootod by judioious mlvor
Using and now is tho time to prove its
Tho pooplo of tho Nllchorn valley who
nro firm fiionds of tho Hot Springs re
sort in youth Dakota will heartily favor
tho plan of tho Grand Army to establish
a national soldiers sanitarium at that
placet and wiHh them ovory succoss in
securing tho noodod aid of congress in
tho undertaking Such a measure has
boon beforo congress twico and eaoh
ttmo passed tho seuato but failed to pass
tho Iioubo It is holieved that tho mer
its of the moasuro nro now bottor nndor
stool as aro also tho merits of Hot
Springs nud her wntors and that favor
able action may bo oxpoeted Tho plan
is not only to make it a soldiers homo
but a sanitarium as well to which tho
inmntes of all soldiers homos and tho
soldiors of tho regular army and tho
volunteers in tha Spanish war and of
tho Philippines may have access for tho
relief of tlioso diseases and ailments for
which the waters found thore aro a
In nearly all of tho larger cities of
tho country the long suffering people
nro crying out against lie prevailing
HinoUo nuisance There Is a general
consensus of opinion ns to the causes
nud the remedy but there Is not much
encouragement held out Unit the mil
Bunco vlll be abated In some quarters
It is claimed that much of the smoke
from locomotives Is due to the fact
that they are compelled to draw too
heavy loads This with the use of soft
coal and the lacl of smoke consumers
tills tho atmosphere with coal gases
and dust In the neighborhood of rail
roads Tho smoke from manufactories
comes from the same causes Kurnaces
are forced to their utmost the poorest
quality of coal Is used and Incompetent
llromen aro often employed Tho result
Is an Imposition on tho rights of resi
dents and a source of uuhealthfulness
The worst feature of It Is that the evil
is constantly growing nud no effectual
steps are being taken to check It
Norfolk by reason of her central locn
tiouoaso of access andfihotol accommoda
tions is tho uaturaljplnco for nil kinds
of mootiugs of associations fcouvoutious
etc for this part of tho state Tho dif
ficulty iu tho past has bopu that this oity
dhljnot have n building of sulllcieut size to
nccommodnto those kind of gatherings
nud mauyjof them that would naturally
havo como hnro have been obligod to go
olsow here Now wo havo n modern up
todatoauditoriamsuflloiout to accommo
date any sort of n mooting aud one that
wo can cntertniu visitors in with prido
nud satisfaction Tho erection of this
building opens n now era to this city iu
which Norfolk citizens havo a new part
to learn and that is to becomo success-
ful hosts treating our visitors as though
wo woro glad to soo thorn It is a happy
faculty to umko strangers feol nt homo
nnd wolcomo aud requires considornblo
tact to do but it can bo ncquired with a
little effort Not only should strangers
bo uindo to feol welcome but suoh an
impression should bo loft on their minds
that thoy will bo glad to como ngain
nnd that wo will bo glad to havo them
Next week wo are to havo tho Nobrasku
Stnto Volunteer Firemens association
hero for their annual mooting Thoy
nro a representative body of meu volun
teers who without pay aud without re
ward save tho lives aud proporty of tho
people iu tho towns in whloh thoy livo
It will ouly be proper that wo ns n com
munity acknowledge our pleasure nt
their coming to seo that our businetB
Iiousob aro littingly decorated for tho
occasion and that the town has its holl
day clothes on Wo should eaoh do all
in our power individually to extend tho
glad hand ofwel oaio While the sordid
sklo of tho matter should uot enter into
our eutertaiuuiout of visiting delega
tions yet it will pay us from oveu a bus
iness point of viow to show our most
agreeable side to straugers Be hosts iu
truth nud entertaiu our friends wheu
they visit us iu a royal manner Donc
let the opportunities pass Haug out
the buutiug hoist tho flags aud wear
our moat pleasant smiles
Tlir II ny Modern llrllioml Hinllrn
her llvr Trli In I Inlcrmln
All extract from the Journal of n
young lady of fashion several centu
ries ago makes one feel quite relieved
that It Is not really a part of elegant
living nowadays to keep Journals re
marks an exchange Poor little faded
Journal Tho delicate Utile hand that
penned those criyuprtl Hues maybe
was given to John fliey For ro
mances sake lets hope that It was
7 oclock Went to walk with the
lady my mother In the comlyaid
10 oclock Went to dinner John
Grey a most comely youth but what
Is that to me A virtuous maiden
Hhould he entirely under the direction
of her parents John ate but little and
stole a great many tender looks at me
said women would never be handsome
Iu his opinion who were not good Ma
tured I hope my temper Is not Intol
erable Hone from the table
the company all desirous of walking
In the Holds lohn drey would lift mo
over every stile and twice he squeezed
my hands with vehemence I cannot
say I should have any objections to
John Grey he plays nl prison bars uh
well as any of tho country gentlemen
nud Is remarkably dutiful to his par
ents my lord and lady and never
misses church on Sunday
A sample of poetry dedicated to a
young lady shows what women were
served with In the way of literature
Ami hc uline lot I IiIomumI
An only ninns can lo
Will liiil loo mire i rut
On cnrtli with tlio
When- nil la lrlKlt and fair
Anil Horry Ju rntninb
Tlioull lie triiiiFiIantrtl tlicrt
Ami etcr Mount
O ye shades of our ancestresses
What woidd you think of tho contents
of some of our library shelves What
would you think of the rosy cheeked
girl who would consider such poetry
as you read simply too Insipid and stu
pid for any use Italtlmore Herald
The TruKiMllnii VVhh Not a Ili iimtiit
Ainu to Act With
Macready was a dreadful man to act
with You had the pleasant sensation
of knowing that you were doing noth
ing that he wanted you to do though
following strictly his Instructions He
would press you down with his hand
on your head and tell you iu an under
tone to stand up Mr iMacready was a
terribly nervous actor Any little
thing which happened unexpectedly Ir
ritated him beyond endurance
One night at the Park Macbeth
was the play Mrs Sloman an old
fashioned actress dressed Lady Mac
beth iu the manner which prevailed
Iu her early Hie in black velvet point
lace aud pearl beads In tho murder
scene part of his dress caught on the
tassels of her pearl girdle Tho string
broke the beads fell to the floor softly
with a pretty rhythmic sound distinct
ly heard through tho Intense silence
of tho scene
This so exasperated Mr Macready
that he was almost frantic until with
the tlnal lines of tho scene Wake
Duncan with the kuecklug oh Would
thou couldst he threw Mrs Sloman
off the stage with vords which I hope
were unheard by the public aud were
certainly unlit for publication Auto
biographical Sketches by Mrs John
Drew In Scrlbners
A City With Two Cnrrlnise
There are only two carriages In town
One belongs to the archbishop and the
other carriage is the property of the
government and one of the perquisites
that pertain to the presidential power
It Is an ordinary landau Imported from
Paris In pieces anil put together by lo
cal talent and a native artist has
painted upon the panels of the doors
a brilliant reproduction of the coat of
arms of tho republic about a foot
square lu the national colors green
yellow and red This Is greatly ad
mired by the populace who see the
carriage only occasionally on stnto oc
casions when It Is drawn by four big
black horses wearing harness heavily
mounted with silver aud decorated
with rosettes tassels and streamers of
the national colors Lu Inss Bolivia
Cor Chicago ltecord
An IlliiMlrloim Nimv1oj
The guests at my table at tho lunch
eon were Professors Guelst and Hoff
man aud Von lJunsen While thus re
freshing ourselves both physically and
mentally Iloffmnn told the following
story of Faraday whom he had known
very Intimately They woro walking
one day together through the streets of
London whero both were then profess
ors when Faraday stopped a news
Ioy nnd bought a paper Hoffman
hhn why with Ids house supplied
iv with all the papers ho need
ed he stopped to buy a paper from a
boy In the street Farndoy replied 1
was once a uewsboy myself and sold
papers on tho street Johu Ulgelows
ltecollectlons in Century
Where It AVn Nc lel
McSwitters No I dont want tho en
Agent Do you know any one around
here who might V
McSwitters The innn next door Hes
one of those fellows who know It all
Syracuse lleruld
Kind WoriW
Kind words nro like music to the
world thoy have a power which seems
lo bo beyond natural causes No one
has ever been converted by a sarcasm
crushed perhaps if tho sarcasm was
clever enough but never made better
Acnin tht DIvLIoii Fence
First Lady Id lick ye in a minute
ouly I wouldnt dirty mo hands on ye
Socoud Lady Course yo wouldnt
Yed clean em
The riot call was sent In about three
minutes Inter Indianapolis Journal
lip limnetic the Nnhjprt of Nimt
SppphkIoii mill Ailvlftr drover
Clrvrliuiil tu Heeii the Slnltliouno
nml thu llrevrrrlod hi One Irumt
Wasimnoton D C
Tu the Hdltur
Several munths ngo I ill yu a letter
glvln sum reosoiis why It wood be nn
ndvnntlge for Noo Gersey tu secede
fium thu rest uv tho Union and go It
alone I protnlHt tu see ml nnber G ro
ver Cleveland about It nud glt hi opln
yini lu regard tu It befoar proscedln tu
yank tho stall awa friim tho rest uv
em I hev bin tu see him and his re
spouse tu ml proposlshtiu aint enkur
Wen I sed tu him thet Gersey wuz
tu good fur the rest uv tho kountry
ami thet she ort tu be nil bl herself
with un amendment tu the kouslltoo
shun drlvelu nil the Trusts out uv the
stall and oolonlzln It exclooslvely with
DImlcrats lie looked kinder queer at
me nnd askt How nlr yu golu tu du
1 heltatld u miuull tu think up sum
plun thet wood meet hi approval
Yu klnnot anser me I percceve
sed he Yu iiuiko a proposlshun wlch
wood dtdlto the hnrt uv every troo
Dlmlcrnt but yu dont sho us how the
Job kin be done
We eood seozo the runes uv guver
inent nnd overthro thu usurpers thet
hov taken awa our liberties and raised
thu price uv nales and winder glass
ucd I
Yu eood sod he and glt lulu
prison for konsplracy agin the stall
nnd fer raisin the devil on general prln
Hlples wen nobuddy Invited yu tu
Du yu moon tu tell mo sed I thet
Noo Gersey woodntbo better off alone
whare her pecoollar kind uv staltsman
shlp eood hov full swing
Thet alul got nothln tu du with It
sed he The IJepubllklns hev got con
trol uv tho stall through our dlvlshuns
nnd tha seem tu like It well enulT tu
keep It whare It Iz Tha havo made
the Trusts pa moar than a millyun aud
a hall dollars doorln tho past ycer and
the Dhnlcratlc taxpayers seem tu hev
bin blpuothed bl It Tha hev found
thet wen furrln korporashuns cum here
nnd drop their fees Intu tho treasury
that ineens so mutch less tu raise in
tnxes tu pa the runnin expenses uv the
stalt If yu shood put the questshun
uv secession tu a square vote ez a
proposlshun with no clothes on tu it
wood be boeteu rite In our strongest
Dlmlcrnt iu dcestrlcks
lint think Mr President sed I ap
peelln tu hlz vanity whut a grate
man yu wood be cz the bed uv n re
publlk composed exclooslvely uv DIml
crats And If a republlk didnt carry
sail cnuff tu soot yuro aristocratic idees
It wood be ded eazy tu call It a kingdom
and make yu Its king nnd If yu found
thet not quite exsltln cnuff yu eood go
tu Trenton and secze tho stnthoue
and the breweries and bl one graud
coop proelnme yuroself emperor ez the
late Mr Napoleon did In France
Yure proposlshun Iz a tcmptln one
sed Mr Cleveland medltatlvly but In
the present depraved condlshun uv the
Amerikln people boo air carry in on an
onholy croosade agin peeceable FI11I
peenoze in a furrln kountry whut kin
we expect Tha hev becuin filled with
pride and lust fer power and hev cut
loose frum tho teechlns uv the founders
uv the republlk hoo never got foun
dered nnd hev skorned tho ndvlco I hev
given them frum time tu time Thn hev
declared war without konsultln mo and
nlr raisin armies aud blldln ships nnd
chaseln heethen around In the mud
without siiyln a word tu me nnd nctln
Jest ez If 1 bed never bed postofllscs
nnd furrln consulships tu thro around
Wen 1 sit down calmly and persplrln
ly and seo tho depth tu wlch the koun
try bez fallen senco 1 steered It I feel
nu impulse tu rcech out aud save It
agin but I aint quite sure thet It Iz
wlllin tu bo saved tu the moar Im
mediate prospeck Involved In yuro
proposlshun tu make me president uv
a republlk uv Noo Gersey DImlcrats
or tu hev me proelnme misclf emperor
uv tho uneek outfit 1 do not regard the
present time ez an opportoon one It
wood meet with tu mutch opposlshuu
frum Hepubllklns and not cnuff eu
thooslnsm frum DImlcrats Both par
ties hov declared bl their acshuns thet
tha kin git along without me and wen
a trooly grate man aint missed It Iz a
bad time tu trl tu resurrect hlzself Ka
for ez I hev bin able tu see frum tho
1rlnceton observatory with tho big
telescope thare iz no place In site
whare ml disappeeranco frum Ameri
kln politics hez bin utilised I hev ez
yu air aware predicted kalamlty nnd
hov pashuntly wutod fer It tu cum but
It seems tu be goln the uther wn ez
prosperity advances Won people air
busy and prosperous tha dont take
mutch time tu tri noo experiments but
tha kin raie Cain wen tha air Idle and
dlskontontod Tharoforo 1 shood advise
the abandonment uv tho project tu ex
tract Noo Gersey frum the sisterhood
uv staits or until sum time wen thare
iz moar kalamlty stlrrlu than thare ap
peers tu be at present In short 1 re
gard tho slues uv the times ez wholly
unproplshus fer slch a movement
I must confess thet I hod set ml hart
upon inakln Noo Gersey a model Dhnl
cratlc stalt and 1 bed never entertaned
tho thot thet enuybuddy wood oppose
Its beln sot off bl Itself Tharefore
wen I found Mr Cleveland agin It I
wuz Uompletely prostrated Cumin so
soon after tho elecshuu nockout it hez
neerly ondona me
Frum Applejack Farm wlch iz next tu
Grover Clevelands iu tho stait uv Noo
A StrnnKC tolnrlilenee lit the Itfc of
n Klremnti
Soon nftcr I entered tho firo depart
ment remarked n hostler of tho city
fire department it was my hard luck
in responding to an alarm to run over
nnd terribly injure a small boy who
was playing in tho strcot It wns nn
iinnvoidabloncciduut hut just tho samo
it had its effect upon me and for a
time it proyed heavily on my mind nnd
probably would havo done so until to
day hnd it not been for tho pcqucl
which righted up matters somewhat
I kept myself prolty woll informed
ns to tho condition of tho boy and wns
extremely happy when I saw him on
the streets ngain and to nil appearances
fully recovered from tho injury which I
had indicted upon him Well timo
passed along nnd tho hoys family hnv
iug moved from the houso whero ho re
sided nnd where we took him nftcr tho
injury for nwiiilo I did not soo him
though I occasionally hoard from him
Ono rather rough night about a
year afterward our company responded
to nnnlnrin in tho northwestern part of
tho city On arriving at tho firo I wns
sent to ono of tho upper rooms of tho
burning building to rcscuo so mo chil
dren who wero in tho room nnd who
wero terribly frightened ns they hnd
good reneons to be for thoy wero iu
considerable dnngor Thoro wns n light
burning in the room nnd tho moment
I entered it 1 recognized tho little fel
low that 1 had driven over and injured
If there ever was a little follow who
was carefully wrapped up in hedclothos
and witli his little sister taken down
stairs and to a place of safoty you can
bet it was that boy and girl Tho samo
look of fright was upon his face which
1 had not forgotten but I dont think
my face looked as hnd as whon I had
picked him up in my arms beforo I
was supremely happy in being nblo to
return some good for tho ill I had dono
him Washington Star
A loetH IiiiiireMHioiiN of Kllsaonn
Nkw Yohk Sept 20 1870
I wont at 1 oclock today to hear
Nilsson Sho sang in concert at Stoin
way hall tother artists wero Vieux
temps tho violinist Wehli pianist
Brignoli tenor and Verger baritone
Mile Nilsson singeth as thou and I
love Sho openeth her sweet mouth and
turnoth her head o ono sido liko n
mocking bird in tho moonlight nnd
htraightway cometh forth the purest sil
ver tones that ever mortal voico made
II or pianissimo was liko a dawn which
crescendod presently into n glorious
noon of tone which then did dio away
into a quiet gray twilight of clear me
lodious whisper Sho saug nothing mean
or light or merely taking Handels
Angels Ever Bright and Fair solo a
duet with Brignoli by Blangiui aud a
noble solo a scena from Ambroiso
Thomas Hamlot tho iusano song of
Ophelia with Heme Sweet Home
for encoro these wero all A Poets
Musical Impressions by Sidney La
nier in Scrilmers
Tu Hit Morrison mines jciuiiieti
ClIATTANOOClA TcilU J111 11 TllO
trial of Julia Morrison James for tho
murder of Prank Lieidcnhoinier of tho
Mr Fluster of Paris company of
which thoy woro loading mau and lady
on the stage of tho Chattanooga opera
houso on tho night of Sopt 2U onded
yesterday afternoon when after one
ballot tho jury returned a verdict of
not guilty Wheu tho verdict was ren
dered a tumult of applause wont up
from every person aud for 10 minutes
it was impossiblo for tho court officers
to preserve order Tho fair defendant
with eyes filled with tears dramatically
addrossod tho jurors thanking them for
their acquittal Sho will go ou tho lee
turo platform
lines of the Month
A baby tries to put everything ha
finds in his mouth but even at that he
uses his mouth to better advantagt
than most men Detroit Journal
llourt Thin
We offer ono hundred dollnrs reward
for any case of cntarrh thnt cannot bo
cured by Halls Catarrh Cure
P J ChenkyCo Props Toledo O
Wo tho uudorsigned havo known P
J Cheney for the Inst 15 yenrs aud
boliovo him perfectly honorable in all
business transactions nud financially
ablo to carry out any obligation made by
their firm
West Tuux Wholesale Druggists
Toledo O
Walijinq Kinnan Makvix Whole
sale Druggists Toledo O
Halls Catarrh Ouro is taken inter
nally acting directly upon the blood
and mucous surfaces of the system
Price 7C cents per bottlo Sold by nil
druggists Testimonials freo
Halls family pills aro tho best
Soing is believing You cau seo
what Hoods Sarsaparillu ha done for
others nud mubt boliovo it will do the
same for you
Havo I not bidden yo bowaro of some
thing said to be tho same ns Rocky
Mountain Tea mndo by tho Madison
Medicine Co If yo nro truly wise
heed this wnruiug
Is often a warnliiK that thu liver Is
torpid or Inactive Moro serious
troubles may follow Tor a prompt
elllclent euro of Heartache anil all
liver troubles take
Hoods Piils
While they rousu tho liver icstoro
full regular action of the bowels
they do not gripe or pain do not
Irrltuto or inflame tho luternul organs
but have a positive tonic effect 25c
at all druggists or by mall of
C I Uood Co Lowell Mass
Graceful Easy nnd Long Wearing
Olga Ncthcrsole 250 Shoe
roMso the motltef perfect slylo fit comfort nnd durnbllUjr
No Iironlc lnr In uecotwnrj mdo lo conform to tho linos of Uo foot
Solo voryfloxIblojCliromo Kid stock thftt is soft ns ft dove jot
wonra liko iron Kzcols nay 3Mslioo for wonr nnd comfort
-- No lOO Cliromo Kid with Up of tho wrap medium wclRlit hoIp
1 tiMiUinwIilttinl nullvor linlf ilollnr low hwl nnd irnlf pnttcrn
nm nu mm una mint h coiuimillliun OINlJietlnU COIMOru
naniifiK iNrcd In the Rock Island Shoe Co Rock Island III
nnu ol2 exclusively In tills city by
0HA8 H mtlDOK Vick Pkisiijcnt
llaly oxccptSunday
im AHT
Ulnck HUIh ExproPH 720pm
Vordlfiro lliBeeiiRor 1210 p m
Vordicro Accommodation 9 00 n in
west Aonivi
Ulnck IIIMh Kxprcsa 1220 pm
Vortlijjro PnencnRcr 605 um
Wrdicro Accommodation 740pm
Tho ClilcnKO nnd Ulnck Hills ExprCBS nrnves
and departs from Junction depot Tho Omaha
nnd Vordiuro trams nrrivn nml dopnrt from city
depot II O Matkau Agent
Union Pacific
HOtnn Dcr ART
ColuinlUH Accommodation 030 p m
Omahu Denver and Iacitlo Const 1100 a m
Columbus Ace mmodntion 1030pm
Omaha benvor nnd Pacific coaBt 900pm
Connects nt Norfolk with F E M V going
woBt and north and with tho C St P M O
for points north nnd cast
F w Junkman Agent
Chicago St Paul Minneapolis
EAST depabt
Sioux City nnd Omaha Pnsfionger 705 a m
Sioux City Passenger 125pm
Sioux City PnBsengor 1035 a m
Biocx City nud Oimihi PnsHonper 555 pm
Connects nt Norfolk with F E M V going
west and north and with tho U P for points
Union P
Yen rv
The Citizens National Bank
Capital 50000 Surplus 5000
liny and pell oicIibiiro on this country nnd all parts of Huropo Fnrm Loans
Directors Jam Amies W II Johnson has S HniDais C V Uhaascii
or u
uj U g
c 2
m O
Fremont Elkhorn Mo Valley
Omaha Passonjfor
Chicago KxproBB
Chicnco ExproKB
Onmlia laeBtngor
005 nm
1240 pm
700p m
All Kinds of Hard and Soft Coal Thoroughly Bright
and Clean at
All Coal Screened Choice Smithing Coal
Your Patronage JRespectfully Solicited PHONE 54
Railroad and Business Directory
3s 3
ns Q
cu I
uirect connections for Tacoma nnd Seattle
Fine Watch
Spencer OVelman
Boots and Shoes
Repairing Neatly Done
Contractor and Builder
I i Fourth Street
Paints and Qla 1 Paper
House and Sign Painter
Cheapest and Best
Norfolk Avenue
The Norfolk florseshoer
All WoiiK OnAnAKTccn
I Cor 4th St and Braascb Ave
Daily News Job Department
Splendid Train Service
n i
Two trains daily to aud from Denver nnd Colorado points
Two trains duily to and from Sau Francisco and California points
v uko jiry aim uian points
Ono train daily to nnd from Portland and North Paciflo Cons
points with
Double Drawine Hoora Palace Sleeping Cars UufTet Smolrine
and Library Cars Ordinary Sleeping Cars
Dining Cars Chair Cars
For Time Tables Folders Illustrated Books Pamphlets
territory traversed calljon your nearest agent or address descriptive of the
General Passenger and Ticket Agent Omaiu neb