The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, January 11, 1900, Image 1

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The Norfolk Weekly News
With Kitchener He Assumes
Command in South Africa
rrrionrn of Old Couiinniiitor Kxinrlml to
lln Wnnilorn Mctluums Hrnilh In Ilio
lieii ltmn No Inkling of tho hllttntlou
JI on Out by Wnr Olllco
London Jan 11 During tho inter
lutlo of apparent military inactivity
nud oflloial fcoerecy Lord Roberts and
Lord Kitchener huvo arrived at tho scat
of war It is assumed that thoir clear
vision supported by 10000 fresh men
who arc duo to nrrivo in South Africa
within 30 days will altor tho situation
nuil that tho fourth month of tho cam
paign will witness tho beginning of
victories for tho British arms
They aro not however oxpected to
produco doilnito results for somo days
but their mere presence will rcstoio the
shaken confidence of tho men at tho
front in their generals Lord Roberts
finds 1120000 men on tho defensive or
watching tor an opening Lord Moth
ucnt health according to tho Diily
Mail has broken down and tho Held
marshal may relievo him Possibly
somo others will bo relioved of import
ant commands There is certainly
plenty of rank in evidence in Sqnh
Africa In addition to tho field n
hhal thero aro two full generals four
lieutenant generals and 12 or 14 major
generals Thoroiyan uueas suspicion
that whon tho Ladysmith casualties aro
announced they will bo disheartening
and will partly destroy tho patriotic
glow produced by General Whites
victory Tho list of victims of dis
ease issued by the war office gives 23
deaths from enteric fover and dysentery
in Ladysmith in four days revealing
the fact that tho besieged aro existing
amid bad sanitary conditions
Tho Standard summarizes the general
situation thus Well the campaign
has lasted three months Wo have
something like 120000 troops in South
Africa With this huge army distrib
uted over tho country wo aro powerless
to relieve three garrisons from invest
ment Wo have still to seo large por
tions of both colonics in tho hands of
tho enemy Wo have drivou tho in
vaders back at no single point Wo are
actually farther from tho hostilo fron
tiers than wo wero on tho day that tho
ultimatum wus delivered Tho work
which ministers believed could be ef
fectually performed by 25000 men lias
not boon done has not oven boon begun
by four or five times that number Can
any one fail to admit that this is evi
dence of a gravo miscalculation of f orcos
and facts
Tho Times in an editorial criticising
nt great length tho governments con
duct of tho war alludes to tho stupid
and perversa mistakes that havo been
mado and demands that tho practico of
tho non revelation of facts bo aban
doned It insists strongly upon know
ing the truth and tho wholo truth
about tho situation and finds fault
with Mr BalfourB defense piecemeal
Given lloor Losses nt raclynnltli but No
Mention of ItrltUlt
London Jan 11 Tho wnr office an
nounces that the list of British casual
ties at Ladybmith last Saturday has not
yet been received Tho following dis
patch dated at Frero Oainp Jan 10
noon has been received from Gonoril
Bullor A Transvaal telegram gives
the enemys loss at Ladysmith on Sat
urday as four killed and 15 wounded
and this after it is admitted they had
endnred a withering flro from six
masked batteries and been dofeated at
all points Natives hero assort that tho
Boer loss in ono commando nlnno was
150 killed and wagonloads of wounded
Tho heaviest loss is said to havo been
among the Froo Staters who wero
forced by tho Transvaalers into tho
most dangerous places
This curious dispatch is all the war
office issued last night It makos not
tho slightest mention of tho position or
doings of tho British forces It may bo
Interpreted to mean that Ladysmith is
bafe but it is more likely intended to
proparo the Britihh public for a terrible
list of casualties
Only Usual Shelling Occurs
London Jan 11 Tho Daily Mail has
the following dispatch dated Jan 8
from Frere camp With tho exception
of the usual shelling of tho Boer posi
tions by tho naval guns tho British
force remains inactive Eight Boer
camps wero teen today by a patrol along
tho Tngoln in a westerly direction All
weio quiet Nntives say that whon tho
British roconnoitcred near Colonso on
Wrdncdny tho Boers hurried from
Springfield This supports tho bolief
that Colenso was weakened to attack
Ilrltlsli Story That 1 hey Holm oil llettnr
1 linn Triuiqi milors
London Jim 11 The Standard has
received tho following dated Jan 8
from its special coi respondent at From
Camp I hear on good authority that
PioMdent ICrugor sont word to tho Boor
headquarters asking why Ladysmith
had nut boon attacked and that tho re
ply was Wo should loso too many
His answer to this oxcuso was tho
suggestion that tho Free Staters might
bo put in the forefront This hint was
taken and the uttaek delivered Piesi
dent Krugors udvico was so far good
that tho Free Staters behaved better
than the Transvaalers havo done At all
ovents they managed to soizo a hill
Later in the day the Transvaalers re
tired beforo General Whites counter
attack amid tho jeeisof the Froo Slaters
who actually stuck to their position
until they were bayonetted m tho ditch
After this affair it is almost certain
that the allies will quarrel
A heavy gun mounted on Umlmhv
wana hill has been firing since day
break Evidently tho seigo of Lady
smith is still maintained
Itoer StiecenHPii Ciiiine Iliillnislnsni
London Jan 11 Tho Capo Town
coricspoudcut of tho Daily Mail tele
graphing Monday says Tho Boor
successes havo been followed by a tro
niendouB outburst of enthusiasm and
Boer sympathy in tho western part of
tho colonies Roports from Paarl say
tho whole district is mado hideous at
night by bands of young men parading
in tho villagos and singing tho Trans
vaal volksloid while tho children aro
overywhero practicing the national
songs of tho republics Tho following
aro specimens of statements beliuvod by
the western Dutch Buller and Rhodes
aro prisoner and Two thousand Boers
seeietly sailed and captured Capo
ItcHiimn Itoiiihiirilinent of Tntljsmltli
LoNDONJauil A dispatch to tho
Daily Telegraph dated Monday noon
from Frere Camp says Firing from
tho Boer position around Ladysmith
began early today It still continues
b1 ading is light and
nnlnpl rinally Iimc1 rntufi tit
Cnntriibnnil UnleHH Ilentlnoil For Inutility
London Jan 11 Tho American
flour seized off Dolagoa bay has boon
United States Ambassador Ohoato
had an interviow with tho marquis of
Salisbury yesterday afternoon and ro
coived a verbal reply to tho representa
tions of tho Washington government
The British noto on this subject was
scut later to tho United States embassy
The gist of it was cabled to Washing
ton In brief foodstuffs aro not con
sidered contraband of war unless in
tended for tho enemy
Triple Ti needy at Mcllierson
McPHKRfeON Kan Jan 11 Mrs Jo
seph Christie of this city last night
cut tho throats of her two childron both
under 0 years old then cut her own
throat and set fire to tho house Tho
children died at once and Mrs Christie
died soon afterward On Monday Joe
Christio her husband was arrested for
drunkenness and is now in jail because
ho conld not pay his fiuo
J P Bradbury chiof justico of the
Ohio supremo court has resigned to bo
como counsel for the salt trust
H A Longton Co Frankfort Ind
havo received a rush order for 125000
gunstocks for shipment to South Africa
W J Chandler has been appointed
receiver of tho Coos Bay and KaFtorn
railroad and tho Beaver Hill Coal com
pany in Oregon
Tho foundry and machine shops of
tho F M Davis Iron Works company of
Denver wero destroyod by flro Wednes
day Loss 150000
At tho annual meeting of tho Illinois
board of health Wednesday tho board
unanimously recommended tho estab
lishment iu Illinois of a stato sanita
rium for consumptives
Tho Ohio Wool Growers association
Wednesday adopted resolutions protest
ing against tho commercial treaty with
tho Argentine republic insofar as it
affects tho wool industry
J II Tiotlebaum and Michael OSnh
livan havo boon arrested at Santa Fo on
tho cliargo of maintaining a lottery con
nected with a proposition to establish a
tanitary homo for cousumptives
The Atlantic liner Kaisor Wilholm
der Grosso mado tho trip from Now
York to Cherbourg in 5 days 15 hours
and 50 minutes establishing a now
record by two hours and six minutes
William L Wilson former postmastor
general passed through Kansas City
Wednesday on route to Arizona where
ho will spend tho winter in the hope of
finding relief from pulmonary troubles
Judge Parker of Santa Fo overruled
tho motion for a now trial iu the Ele
phant Butto dam case Tho attorneys
for tho government gave notico of ap
peal to tho United Statos supremo com t
which was allowed
Roprosoutativo Olyburn introduced a
bill iu tho Ohio legislature providing for
tho printing and sale by tho stato com
missioner of railroads of mileage books
at 2 cents per milo the books to bo good
on all roads in tho stato
Private x oports from Paris indicate
that tho reciprocity treaty between tho
United States and Franco is iu a haz
ardous position witli moro than a possi
bility ot n defeat when it conies to tho
Haul vote iu the French chambers
o p
State Brings First Case In
Freight Rate Contention
Nuiimtoih Slmlliir Stilt Will follow on
Account of AlltKfil Hutu Vliiliitlnn
HI ill o ltdiu I of TiiinNiortntlon It Col
lictlni Atlitllloniil rtlilriirn
Omaha Jan 11 Attorney General
Smyth has filed suit iu tho Douglas
county district court against lie Union
Pacific railroad wherein it is ehaiged
that thedetondant company has violated
tho regulations made by tho state hoard
of transportation relative to freight
tariff on livestock shipments Tho suit
was filed Wednesday afternoon and it is
said to bo only tho forerunner to other
suits of similar character in which
nearly every roid entering Omaha will
bo involved
In November 1SS7 tho state board of
transportation made an order directing
tho niilroads of Nebraska to restoie ear
load rates on shipments of live stock
and foi bidding them to charge ratei per
100 pounds on such shipments This
order was accepted by tho niilroads un
til last month so Attorney Geneial
Smyth say when tho roads abandoned
cai load rates and lestorul Kites per 1 Oil
pounds thus greatly increasing the
cost of shipments of live stock within
this state The board for some time lias
been collecting evidence to show viola
tion of the order
Evidenco showing such violation by
tho Union Pacific was submitted to
Attorney General Smyth by the board
and upon this showing that official be
gan suit iu the name of tho stato to re
cover the statutory penalty which is
not less than ifoOO nor more than 5000
for cacli offense Tho suit is for tho
maximum penalty
Nobrnalm Speed Aniociutloii Orinl70il nt
n Meetlni nt Hustings
Hastings Neb Jan 11 Tho Ne
braska Speeil association was organized
at a meeting hero and a stato racing cir
cuit arranged Horsemen from theso
towns wero present Fremont York
McCook Kearney Orleans Indianola
Genova Hubbell Superior Oiceola
Clay Center and Hastings
W P McOleary of Hastings was
mado chairman and A H Farrens sec
retary A committee on program was
appointed By voto tho committco was
instructed to arrango for three days
racing at each place
Petition to the Ireiilent
Pmsiiuno Jan 11 Pursuant to the
order of the general assembly of tho
Presbyterian church in tho United
States tho permanent committeo on
temperance has prepared a petition to
President McKiuley against tho salo of
liquor in new territory and this paper
will leavo Pittsburg today for Wash
ington with a prayer to tho president
that ho look into tho matter at onco and
give tho committeo somo recognition of
their action
Tanner ii Candidate for Senator
SniiNGFiKLD Ills Jan 11 Governor
Tanner yesterday confirmed the ropoit
that ho was a candidate for United
States senator against Sonator Oullom
to numerous political callers who visited
tho governors office and tho exocutivo
mansion All tho day and evening ho
spent in conference with his local lieu
tenants Both Cullom and Tannor will
endeavor to secure tho indorsement of
the Sangamon county Republican com
Cnnuot iiirnlKhue for Alimony
Atchison T u 11 Judge Hook of
tho United itos district court for
Kansas issued a restraining order pro
venting Mrs Ermina C Butters from
garnisheeing the wages of her divorced
husband John Butters for alimony
Butters married again and set up a
claim that his wages could not bo garni
sheed by his divorced wife for alimony
as he ueqded all his salary for tho main
teuaLsc of his second family
Monument to Nelson Kueniia
CimucoTiin Mo Jan 11 Tho Nol
son Kneass Monument association or
ganized in Chillicotho yesterday has for
its object tho erection of a monument
over tho gravo of Noir ou Kneass who
wroto tho inusio for Ben Bolt Hit
body is buried in tho Chillicotho ceme
tery Kneass dieil hero in 187 and tho
slab which marked his gravo lias been
clipped away by iclio hunters until
nothing lomains of it
ICnnnHH riiynleluu Kniln Ills tlfe
CiiKiioiccK Kan Jan 11 Dr L J
Fornoy a prominent physician was
found dead in his office this morning
On a tablo wero bottles of morphine
aconito and chloioform and a noto
saying I had rather leap into tho
unknown than longer onduro what I
know Fornoy camo hero with his
family from Dos Moiuos In 12 years
ago Ho had suffered fiom inflamma
tory rheumatism
Implement Di nlrrs Organize
Sioux Faus S D Jan 11 Tha
convention of implement dcalors in ses
sion hero perfected an organization
John Colviu of Mitchell was olected
president and W S Hill of Alexandria
secretary treasurer The now organiza
tion is named Tho Retail- Implomeut
Dealers Association of South Dakota
Southwestern Minnesota and North
western Iowa Manufacturers jobbers
and traveling mou wero oxcludetl from
membership Dy a voto of 2 to 1 It will
theroforo bo composed exclusively of
retail dealers
Sen Ire lit NimtIiiiih rienltleil Uer by
Aielihlnhop CorriKitii
Nicwiumo N Y Jan 11 Tho fu
nmul of Dr McGlynn was held yester
day in St Marys church which was
crowd en k the doom Tho services
wore piesidcd over by Archbishop or
rigan head of tho diocese- of New Yoik
Occupying seats in tho church wero all
tho Piolestnnt clergymen of tho city
who had been specially invited to at
tend I ho sen ices
Nrw Yoiik Inn 11 Clad in tho
robes of piiesthood and a eiueilK in htH
hands Ilev Dr Edward McUlynn lay
still in deatli last night on a catulfaqmi
just outside tho sanctuary in St
Stephens Roman Catholic church
Whon I ho doors of the church had been
close at u lain hour and the liunaiiis of
tho venerable pt elate had been talen
charge of by the itninodiuto relatives
and wal eheis from the Holy Namo so
ciety who kept vigil through the night
it was estimated that fully 25000 per
sons had Mewed the body dining the
llvo hours it was exposed to public view
Willei liiilunttliil ontuilHHhiu Hull Coin
Iilno In t5MH hil Iiiiko MihIihhs
WsiiinTolnn tl Tlteindustiial
commission received iioin John 1
Rockeiollir piesidenl of the Standard
Oil company leplies to questions sent
him by tho commission He says the
company received lebalosfioni lailioads
prior to lf Si but leeeived no special ad
vantages for which it did not givo full
compensation No profits cainu from
such rebates as whatever advantage
was received in this way was deducted
from tho puce of oil Tho enterpiise
has been successful because of tho cheap
uess of its commodity
Combinations ho says are abso
lutely necessiry in order to curry on n
largo business Iu recommends fed
oral legislation under which corpora
tions may be emitted and regulated and
if that is not possible to havo uniform
stato legislation encouraging combina
tions and permitting stato supervision
which will not hamper but bo sulll
ciout to prevent frauds
Two ThoiiNiinil Aimed IlHplnon Hut
tiieil lo the Aloiiutulus
Manila Jan 11 Reports from tho
movements of the American command
ers south of Manila show that Gencial
Bates and General Wlieaton aro at
Peiez Das Marinas and Genera Schwan
at Silang all awaiting the arrival of
provision wagons Reconnaissances
have shown that 2000 armed insurg
ents havo retired to tho mountains
from tho district between Indang and
Matting and they aro retreating toward
Last night Nolans squadron of tho
Eleventh cavalry drove a body of in
surgents from Maig Ono American
was killed and two wero wouneed
Thirty dead Filipinos wero found Tho
movement largely resembles General
Seh waus experience in tho samo coun
try except that tho towns aro now being
garrisoned and that tho insurgents ro
fuso to fight retreating southward and
dividing into small bands with tho ap
parent intention of reassembling later
Tho plan of catching a largo number
botweon two brigades has failed About
200 insurgents havo been killed but
comparatively few arms havo been
About Forty Overeome but All Are Iteu
cueil He fore Seiloualy Injured
Nnw Yokk Jan ll During a flro
which burned a flvo story building oc
cupied by bowling alloys and a gymna
sium at H0 and U10 West Fifty ninth
street three cngiuo company crows who
responded to tho first alarm were with
few exceptions overcomo by tho smoko
though uearly all of tho mon returned
to work Many had to bo dragged out
of tho smoking npartments
Altogether about -10 men wero over
come by tho donso smoko from tho pine
boards of tho bowling alley
Later the flames broko out again The
firemen who wero endeavoring to locate
tho flro wero overcomo so quickly that
soon tho sidowalks wero covered with
unconscious men over whom physiciaus
wero working Fifteen who failed to
revivo worn sont to hospitals
White Nominated by IIU Iliity
Dbh Moinks Jan 11 Tho Democrats
of tho legislature last night in joint
caucus nominated for United States
senator Fred E White of Webster who
has tvvico been Democratic caudidato
for governor The namo ot Cato Sells
of Vinton was proposed and a discussion
followed indicating that tho result
would bo close A ballot was decided
on and was nbout to bo tuken when
RopreRontativoTheophilusof Davenport
read a telegram from Mr Sells asking
that Mr White be made tho nomineo
without opposition Mr Soils namo
was then withdrawn and Mr Whito
named by acclamation
loiwt Sanllmy Comiulimlou
Dks Moineh Jan 11 Fifty leading
stockmen veterinarians and surgeons
in convention organized tho Iowa San
itary commission its objects being to
tako steps to eradicate tuberculosis in
domestic animals Tho first offort will
bo to educito tho public on tho subjoct
and secure needed legislation Tho of
ficers elected are President J A
Scrigos Keokuk bocrotary Dr G A
Johnson of Sioux City
Hoy On Trial for Murder
Wichita Ivan Jan 11 John Korn
stett a 15-year-old boy who murdered
his 9 year old cousin Nora Korustott
in tho country south of Anthon Juno
20 is on trial in the district court hero
Tho court room is crowded with apecta
tors Korustott attempted to kill thn
gill by swinging her head against n
tret after which he threw her into an
old dry well The girl was alive when
found the ne nioining but died soon
aftervvinds The boy confessed the
ciimo The bov s youth and his utter
lack of concern in the matter has at
tracted the attention of eiiiuiualogislH
over the country
Vanileihlll tonmu lhi llnh
LrwisioN Ida Ian 1 1 Tim Puciuo
and Idaho Noil hern railway now being
b lilt ft im Wiisor in the southern pait
of the stale iioith to Seven Devils is the
most mysterious piece of ralltoad build
ing In the country It begins nowhere
and ends nowhere yol over 100 miles ol
the litest roadbed havo been built and
cash is paid for everything No one
knows who Is tin tiishiug thn cash or
why the ionl is being built ll is
believed however to be the Vandiirbilt
connecting link between the east and
west The Uiegon Railway and Navi
gation is to build 77 miles fmiu Ripuia
to lewiston and eventually this piece of
ionl will connect the Navigation com
pany with the Omgnn Shoit iaiio This
will make it possible lo stall a ear at
New Yotk city and pull it to Im Hand
Or on traeksuvviied by the Vaudei bills
riiinlth 1 ti ut it Aullie
CHimrr Mich Jan 11 The m
nish junta which is agitating lor
Ami i lean aid in restraining thoiuar
fiom oppiessing Finland has head
qitaitcis hern Its membniH estimate
that us many ns r5 000 Kins will mum
giate this year and that practically all
of them will come to tho noilhwust
Iteleahu it tlui until sleuliior
DuiUNlan II The British author
ities havo released the German steamer
lIerog which was seied Jan 1 while
on itH way to Ixmmnzo Maiquez
I M DTylor
Attorneys nt Lav
Norfolk Nobraska
At Pierce Kverv Monday
Mast Muck - - Not folk Neb
IIihiciun ami Surgeon
Ollico itizous National Hunk HiiIMiiik
TeliplioMi 101
fciaiiitiiriimi ami IteHlileui e Mum anil 11th SI
Norfolk - - - Nobraska
Iltlon OTorCltlrono Nntl llnnk Ueeldonoe oar
blook north of ConroBtlonnl ohnrch
Fashionable Dressmaker
Up italre In Cotton clock over Kaumi itori
Firit olaos work jrnarantoml
Norfolk - - Nebraska
Attorneys ut Law
Uoom 10 II and 12 Mait Hloek
ilorfolk - - Nebrnnka
Undertakers and Einbalmers
BeialooaHlk Norfolk Ave
Norfolk Nebraska
Attorney al Law
Roouih 1 and 2 Robertson Wilton
Hloek Norfolk
Rebinding old Books
and jiagalnes
Next to Deiuin Paint Store Tilth Street
for Plumaing Steam fitting Punp
Tanks Wind Mills
And all repair work in this line ea
Satisfaction Jnaranteea
first door south of Dalit New otHoa
W 0 Halls Barber Shop
Oil and Gasoline
Arc cHKpiilinl to hoalMi
Im miles only puni rocorion
frco from mlnHt ration iintl
soils Muin al
You ao whal you pay for
flN Siiircw Meals
i ljISIL bane
Evorybody want tho bosf oE
nioaLs Wo make a spocial
offort to ploaso our trado
Our Shop Ih I ho Nofltcnl
in thn Cltjr
Sale and
Boarding Barn
Horses Bought and Sold on
liraasch Avenue
und Tnlrd St
Practical Plumber
and Steam Fitter
Agency for the Myers Force and
Wind Mill Pumps
Prices Right
Satlbfaction Guaranteed on all Wink
FlrHt denr Went of Post Olllcc
Livery Feed and
Sale Stable
Hack Line In Connection
Telephone 68
North -Western
p E IH V R R is the best to and
from the
North Nebraska
The Land of Sunshine
Krvruij a
pI5tov R35 I
Fine Train Service- via tho Union Pacifio
Pulnco Sleoping Ours Uiuinjj Curd
Freo Reclining Chair Cars
Buffet Smoltiug and Librnry Cars
Ordinary Sleeping Cars
PinUoh Light Steam Ilent
Fivo Daily Traiud from Missouri River
For Timo Tublen Folilors Illustrated ilooln
Pamphlets descriptive ot tho territory truTer
ed call on