V frt ufr 8 DAY ncltis to tlio IJWKUY of deaths attributed to heart failure If the truth were told the bulk of these deaths might le written down as due to stomach failure lor it is in the failuie of the stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition that weak heait weak lungs weak nerves and other forms of physical deteriora tion have their beginning The man whose stomach is sound who can digest and as- oinilnl the mil he eats mid SO So If rrrmoivutlon Ib tho Jlrflt law of Nature For this roasoii ovoryono who Ib ill desires to bo oomo woll Thoso who havo impuro or impoverished blood turn to Hoods Sar snparllln becaimo thoy know it will ourioh and purify thoir blood mid irlvo tlioin kood hcnlth To tako thiB medi cine on tho first nppoarnuoo of impuro blood is nn important Btop toward solf preservation HoodH Pills ouro sick hoadaoho iudi Rostiou Dont Tobacco Spit and Dinette Your Mfe Attny To qutt tobacco easily and forovor bo mac nolle full ot llfo norvo nnd vigor lalio tho wonder worker that makes wonk men strong All druggists tOo or It Curo gunrnu teed riooklot and snmplo roo Address Bcrlinr Itomody Co Clilcnyo or Now Yoik Thk News jud aopartmont 1b coin ploto in ovory partioular There In n Claim of Poopln Who aro iujurod by tho uso of colTeo Kocontly thoro has boon placed in all tlio groeory stores a now proporntion called Graiu O made of pnro grains that takos tho place of cofloo The most dolioato stomaoh rocoives it with out distress and but fow can toll it from coffoo It doos not cost over 4 as muoh Children may drink it with great benefit 15 con t sand 21 cents per package Try it Ask for Grain O Working Nliflit and Iiy Tho busiest and mightiest little thing that ovor was made is Dr Kings Now Jiife pills Thoso pills chango weakness into strength listlossnoss into energy brain fag into mental power Theyre wonderful in building up the health Only 25a per box Sold by Kiosau Drug Co drug store To Care Constlputlait forever Tako CitHiiirotR Catulv Cathartic lto orSSo K C C C full to cure druggists refund money Mora 1opulnr Tliun Kver Siuoo 1800 tho Hot Springs of South Dakota huvo boon recognized as tho re sort for western pooplo All things aro favorablo for thoso seek ing rest health or pleasure This season finds tho resort well patronized by people from Nebraska Iowa Illinois Minnesota Wisoousiu and oastern South Dakota and ovoryono woll satisfied with tho Wonderful Waters Delightful Oliinato Modern Hotels Varied attractions for sight seers The Northwestern Lino is tho pioneor to this rosort Tho Northwestern Lino runs Wagner Palace sleepors to Hot Spriugs South Dakota Tho Northwestern Lino mokes low round trip rates to this resort Ask your nearest railroad agent for the dato of tho next excursion via tho Fremont Elkhorn Missouri Valley K It Northwestern Lino J HGaulk J It Buchanan T P A G P A Des Moines Omaha CASTOR I A For Infants and Children Tin Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature o Jmmr tmetMmia Stood Death On E B Munday u lawyer of Henrietta Tex onoi fooled a grave digger He says My brother was very low with malarial fever and jaundice I per nuaded him to try Electric Bitters and he was soou much better but continued their use uutil he was wholly cured I am sure Electric Bitters saved his life This remedy expels malaria kills dis ease gorms and purines the blood aids digestiou regulates liver kiduoy troubles female complaints gives per fect health Only 50o at Kiesau Drug Co drug store How Are Your Kidney- I Dr Hob s Sparasui 1M1U cure aU kidney tilt 8am pie free Add Sterling Itemed jr Co Chicago or N Y iCUt HEART RMLURE keep each organ of the body well nourished is the man who is least liable to collapse under the sudden weakness of some vital organ The pteservation of health which follows the use of Dr Pierces Golden Medical Discovery is chiefly due to the fact that it perfectly and permanently cures diseases of the stomach and oigans of diges tion and nutrition purifies the blood and increases the blood supply of the body Weak people will find in this medicine a sure means of strength There is no alcohol contained in lPRHMflll ma 1 Golden Medical Discovery and it is absolutely fiee from opium cocaine and nil other narcotics I wn imtli i doctors enre for quite a time wtlliH Mr J 1 Kltlrt or PnrmUyHvillr Wayne Co Ky Thry liiul almost kIvimi me tip nml mynuf ferliiK wni vrry utonl My pulse wns weak breath thott nml I liml severe pains In back bead and leRS Had pnltiitntlim of lu ntt and for eleven months I was not able to do it days work 1 purchased five bottles of lr U V lleices olden Medicnl IMs coveiyand by the time the fifth bottle was one I was a well man Tho Pooplam Common Sanaa Modloml Adviser containing lOOB pagaa and ovar lOO Illustration la aont FREE on rocolpt of atnmim to nay oxpenao of mailing ONLY Sand SI ona aont atampa for tho book bound In papor or 31 atampa for cloth binding- Addroaa Or R V Plorom Buffalo iV r A Nltflit or Terror Awful anxiety was felt for tho widow of tho bravo General Huruham of Mucliins Mo when tho doctors said she would dio boforo morning writos Mm S 11 Lincoln who attended hor that fearful night but sho begged lor Dr Kings Now Discovery whioh had more than ouco saved her lifo and cured hor of consumption Af tor taking sho slept all night Furthor uso ontlroly cured hor This marvellous modicino is guaranteed to curo all throat chest and lung disoasos Only fiOo and 100 Trial bottels freo at Kiosau Drug Co drug storo A KrlKhtlul llliindnr Will often canso a horrible burn scald out or bruiso Bucklous Arnica salve will kill tho pain mid promptly heal it Cures fever sorcH ulcers boils corns all skin eruptions Best pile curo on earth Only 25cts a box Curo guaranteed Sold by Kiosau Drug Co drug store Edurnto Your ItotvcU Willi Cuacnrcts Candy Cntluirtle euro constipation forovor 0c25c If O C C fall ilrtiKRlhts refund money Deanty Is Illood Deep Clean blood menus a clean skin No beauty without it Cascnrcts Candy Cathar tic clean your blood and keep it clean by stirring up the lazy liver and driving all itn luuitics from tho bod v Begin to day to banish pimples boils blotches blackheads ami that sickly bilious complexion by taking Cnscarets beauty for ten cents All drug gists satisfaction guaranteed 10c 25c 50c Mou can be curod privately and posi tively at homo of all weakness nud dis ease Writo for now freo book Dr J N Hathaway Ctamiiinminl TUnnlr Sioux City la OASTORIA Teir th lha Kind You Have Always Bought llgnatnro of UtfZ OASTi nun you irooir inneaiiBnerTB uoos niA Bears th J m m m aV lnais uougni This Is Your Opportunity On receipt of ten cents ensh or stamps a genoroiiB Biunplo will bo mailed of the most popular Catarrh and Hoy Fever Curt Julys Cream Unltn Bulllclent to iienion fctruto tho groat merit b of tho remedy ELY UltOTlIEltS CO Warrcu St Icw York City Itov Johnlteid Jr of Great Falls Mout recommcudod Elys Cream Bulm to me I can cMtplmmzo his statement It iB a poai tivo curo for catarrh if used na directed ltev FrnnoisW Poolo Pastor Central Pros Church Helena Mont Elys Cream Balm is tho acknowledged curo for catarrh nnd contains no mercury nor any injurious dnij Price 50 cento Ilrxti with you whether you eanllnur thr BcrTVkllliiiK icuiccuutuil nuivu rpmurvi tuu uciiro lor uiuacco wiiu ouv nrou uiaireti eineis liur iurtuv iud uiuuu rL lorri lush tukauuvu BUrllii llilyr UIimi lnl Itw fart CONSTIPATION I Iive none 14 day t time Trlthont a BOTtneul of tho boweli not being able to more them uxcept by uilug liov witer lujectlom Chronlo constipation for iOTenyeari placed me to tuli terrible condition during that time 1 did er erylnlng 1 beard of but never found auy relief ucb wu my cats until 1 began Ullng CA8CAKKT8 I now bare f rompne to tbrce pattagct A day and If 1 wai rich I would glre I1U0U9 fcr each morementi II U tuoo a reUef ayi ukh L ii vnr 1089 lluuell Bl Detroit Ulob CANDY 1 CMTrlAHTIC TflADi uann lanaio Pleaiant Palatable Potent Tatte Good no Qood Never Sicken Weaken or Gripe 10c 30c Mc CURE CONSTIPATION lUriUg Bjm4 Cru7 CklMgt ImUmI l Xtrk HI THK NORFOLK NEWS THURSDAY JANUARY 1 1900 V H B v n am wamm aiaf ft m s w w Eniip moaaf buzca old 400000 run cured bur OTOBAUfrora in ilmcirlat who will vouch for ui Take It with wUlDAtlpntlT upralitentlv Una bozCI utUKllrcureii J boiriit M smftrkntfteri to pur nr rtfunil mnnf WORK OF INGRESS Senate ind House Seeking Light on Gages Doings ALLEN ITERS A RESOLUTION Nnlirimlin Sirntor WnnU to Kikmt AIiciiiI ItrpnnlU r Inlille FiitiilR Sillrnrn lllll In Itnfcrrml tit tlin Coiiiliillta on Viiy nnd Mrnna Wasiiimiton Jan A Tho sonata evinced n disposition yesterday to take tip tho work of tho session in earnest nud while tho sitting was only of a lit tle more than an hours duration a largo number of important bills wore introduced and a dotlntto foundation laid for procedure in tho financial bill by llxing tho hour for continuing de bate on tliiH measure from 2 oclock to day The most notable ovout of tho day was a protest entered by Mr Hoar to tho summary disposition of resolu tions asking for information about tho conduct of tho Philippine war Ho in dicated a purpose to demand considera tion for such measures oven at tho ex pense of the llnaiicial bill Tho 10th Inst was named as tho day for tho delivery of eulogies in memory of tho Into Vice President Hobart Allen prcsuntcd a resolution calling upon tho secretary of tho treasury for all letters passing between tho treasury department and the National City bank and tho Hanover National bank of New York and also all agreements mado bo twuon tho treasury department and thoso banks coucoitiing tho deposit of funds Flurry liitfii Itenolutlnti Wasiiinuton Jan 4 Tho house was in session only Ifi minutes yester day and in that time had a little Hurry over an attempt by Mr Sulzer to se cure consideration for a resolution ask ing information concerning tho rela tions of tho treasury department with tho National City bank of Now York and Secrotnry Gages deposits of public funds Tho resolution was roforrod to tho committeo on ways and means nothingTfor imperialism Aiilrow CarneuUi Kxnroiiini Sympathy fur tlio lloer Nkw Youk Jan 4 Androw Car nogio was interviewed by a World ro portor concerning tho report that ho had promised to subscribo 50000 to tlio Republican national fund Theres not a word of truth in tho roport ho said I will not givo a dollar to help tho Republicans if their platform is not sound if it is not Amer ican Not a cont to imperialism not a cont to ronegado Americanism Suppose tho Democrutio party de clares against expansion and tho Repub licans for it would you contribute to tho Democratic fund I would consider it My mind is opon but my purso is closod Mr Carnegie paused for a motuontand thon went on I am with tlio Boors in thoir light Thoy aro lighting bravoly to maintain their republic Their stand is for republican institutions Thoy aro battling for a principlo with which all good Americans should be in sympathy FiihIoii Inmlnrft Confer With IJrynn Lincoln Jan 4 Colonel W J Bryan roturnod to Lincoln yesterday After an absence from homo of six wooks Ho found a numbor of leading Domocrats from other states awaiting him nud couferred with them in an in formal way Mr Bryan will romain in Lincoln uutil Saturday Ho is inter ested in the meeting of tho fusion stato control committees Friday and is to re spond to a toast Friday at tho banquet of tho Nebraska Traveling Mons club Ho leaves for Chicago oarly Saturday morning Ultima Decline the Honor CiEVKtANi Jan 4 Senator Han no Aocktrcd yesterday that although ho had been urged to stand for tho permanent chairmanship of the next Republican convention ho would not do so Thero are othor mou ho said who aro more ambitiousthan I and who valuo that honor more than I do I will givo way to them Ho also declared that ho will not be ono of tho from Ohio Melaiirin Is Noinluateil Jackson Miss Jan -1 Tho Demo cratic caucus bore last night unnnU mously nominated Governor A J Mc Laurin for tho long torm United Statos senatorship Tlio contest for tho short term senatorship is an opon question Senator Sullivans supporters claim ho will recoivo a majority of six on joint ballot It is liolieved Sullivan will have a hard fight to defeat Lowry Webiter Ditvli to Itetlro Wasttixiiton Jan It is reported that Webster Davis assistant secretary of tho interior will nover resume tho duties of his ofllco and his resignation is expected He is now in South Af rica It is understood that friction has existed in tho interior department for sonio time nnd that Mr Davis leave of absence was meant to mark tho end of it No Split on ltarlug PiTTSiiumi Jan 4 President Kee nan of tho Leaguo of American Wheel men says he does not anticipate a seri ous division in tho assembly on the rno ing question Tho delegate he says will have a common objoct in view the good of the league and a brief compar ison of views will bring about a general understanding as to how this good may best bo conserved llutcher Advunee Price of Meat St Paul Jan 4 Northwostern re tail butchers havo advanced tho price of veal and pork ono cent par pound It is stated tho advance is to bo general all over this soctiou uud that it is duo to a scarcity of livo btock throughout tho northwest which has mado it difllcult for the packing houses to securo enough for the increasing demand KEEP UP FIGHT ON RATES j Nnw York Morclimilii Will Tnltn Furtliot Hlrpn ARiilntt Itottil Niw Youk Jan I Hailromls be longing to tho eastern trunk lino pool have put in active operation tho now freight tariffs involving an ndvanco of 20 to 25 per cent in rates Merchants of this city not discouraged by tho re fusal of Attorney Genoral Griggs to In stitute injunction proceedings to pro vont tho introduction of tho now rates aro determined to continue their opo sltlon They will first apply to tho rail roads themselves and try to get a hear ing If no other plan works it is understood that the shippers will tako stops against the railroads on the ground that tho new agreement concerning ratos is made by an ironclad pool which is in all respects as much a violation of tho anti trust law as if it woro operating as an association llitttlii Willi Cuttle Thlnvoit AinUQUUHOUK N M Jan 4 A tight occurred at Water Canon in So coro county N M between tho sher iffs posse and six allcgod cattle thioves In which ono of tho latter known as Mexican Joe was killod Tho others surrendered and aro in jail MARKETS UNDER PRESSUR Irrniilvo Cublnii n HanrUli Ilirlor Wlinnt Irovlnlon Mono Iowtir OlllOAun Titn II IrrivpintMlvii Pitbli M wrro ii ilnprissliiK fiictor In tlu wliortt ninrltot toriiiy Mity closing fxin unilor Corn closrtl Ijjo nnil ont it hIiiuIii lower 1rovlBlotiM nlTtitinl by lniivy hoc nriltits nnd purilstrnt prnllt liiklnu iIosimI uinliir yimtrrilny Mity lork Vilic Miiy lunl lllo unil Mity rllw ortOTiii lowiT Clo iinK priciH Wiikat Miiy 00io lulv 70f JoitN Tnn May WIlJdKHiio OATS Tun Lc Miiy iHoiilc Point Tun llWi Jhiy 1005 KllM Jnn 5ri0 Mity 303 lAltl Jim 57afi67ni Miiy P0 UaslKjuotiitldift No 2 nl vvhnnt 08il j No HprltiK wlmnt DiVJIISa No 2 uorn illJic No Simts ttp lilrni llvo Stock JllKUno Jim Crtttln Kociilpts 15000 Kootl to cholci nuttvo ters anil Texniw Ntutuly itifotlor ttrailtM slow buttliom HtiK lc anil ennnura Htroni Htockors anil fiMKlcrH steady uood toeholuo W40ilO0 poor to mo dlttm I4ird5t mixed utockers H10CWI0 feedoi 8 tt304WBood to rhoicu cowh iilS0rt 400 holfors ti2X500 canners fVlYcMIM bulls 2Kr4450 calven t450750 fod Toxhm boeviR 4J55I5 HoRs Rocolpts 47000 Sf9 10c lower top J455 mixed and butchers 4 3X3455 good to choice heavy 440C455 rouRh hoavy 4a045 llRht 420445 bulk of sales 440445 Shoop Becelpts JO 000 active sternly top was western lambs 010 native wethers lbtX5 00 western wetlt eru 4405O western lambs 56OSB10 Kaiinna City Live Stock Kansas Citv Jan II Cattle Ronolnts fitiai clioien steers and stockers nnd feeders Tiiirly active and steady others 10c lower heavy native steers V25CW 05 liirht wiilklits 4rViil3 stockers and feeders 1150 i475 buteliers cows and heifers 15450 fanners L51X35 fed westerns 4V5545 western feeders Wa5450 Texans 33445 Hoks lteceiiits lAV liboral supply sold at fitlOo lower prices heavy and mixed 4i5 447i light 40440 pigs 00410 Sheep Receipts 0100 opened steady fow late sales 515o lower lambs 5 10550 muttons l5 d44 stockers and feeders 300jIOO eulls 0Jal 00 South Omiiltn Ilve Stock South Omaha Jan 3 Cattle Receipts 110011 steady native beef steers 42558 western steers40Jl85 Texas steers 875 4J5 cows and heifers lower 325440 canners JigUO stockers and feeders 350 510 calves 3503700 bulls stags etc 30042V Hogs Receipts 5700 shado to 6c lower heavy 4 15 4 30 mixed 47J430 light 4UX4H7s pigs 40Ofl4J5 bulk of sales 427k40 SheHp Recelpts 2400 stronger native muttons 4l54ti6 western muttons 4009440 stock sheep 375420 lambs 425rtt550 Dr Hathaway Treats All Diseases His Method Invariably Cures All Catarrhal Ilronchiul Lung Stom ach Liver Kidney and Other Com plaints us Well as All Discuses and Weaknesses of Women In Dr Ilutliaways most exteiislW practice cov itIiir ii period of more thaiiJUurshu lias been called upon to treat all manner of diseases of men mid women and along tlio wliolo lino of human ailments ho has been iinlfotml Jr iinthaways me thod of treatment gets directly nt tliu seat of m troullr purines tin blood Purifies T ties I he whole system and n j tlio mood neutralizes tliu poisons which produce tho diseased conditions A Yearly ho restores to All Disoasos perfect tlmlsalms of MUrerUrs Treated from Catarrh bronchitis As thma Hay IVwt bung Complaints Stomach Liver and Kidney Diseases Piles Can cers Kcema and all manner of skin iittevtlons nin r Hathaway also treats with uisoasosot t Krnit MoesS an those Women many distressing weaknesses nnd diseases by which so many women areallllcted Elnntnlnnl Iliitliawiiysoniepsnro fitted 1trl a latest electrical and Appliances otr appliances In the uso of which as well as the micros cope ho has world wldofameas an expert All of the medicines used by Dr Hathaway nro compounded in his own laboratories under his personal direction and special remedies are prepared for each hi dlWdiial casu according to Its requirements Examination VT llllllvl1 I1S lriwred a fcrosofselfiamlnatlonblanks ni i UlanKs aiiplylnKtothoillirerent diseases which ho sends free on application Xo I for Men No for Women No for Siiln Diseases No 4 for Catarrhal Diseases on for Kidneys ouii Dr Hathaway inaltesnocharKO Consultation for rotiMiltatlon at either his Free otlleo or b mall i NEWTON HA THA VA V A1 O lr Ilnthiitviiy V Co 9 Ci Comiuerciiil Illoek Sioux Cllj oWU MMaHHHMIIMH HNMMBIB Tho Kind You Havo Always Bought nml which has oecri in uso for over 30 years has borno tho slynaturo of for a generous IO CENT TRIAL SIZE Elys Cream Dalm contains no cocaine mercury nor any other injurious drug It is quickly Ahsorhcd Gives llclicf at once nml Has Dcen inauo unuur v soual supervision since its inftiney CCCU44 Allmvim ttn in ilnnnlvn volt ill tlliK All Counterfeits Imitations ami Substitutes aro hut Ivv pcrimciits that triilo with ami entlnntrcr tho health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment- What is CASTOR I A Castorla is a substitute for Castor Oil Paregoric Drops and Soothing Syrups It is Harmless and Pleasant I contains neither Opium Morphlno nor other Jfnreotlfr substance Its ago is its guarantee It destroys Worms and allays Fevcrishncssv It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic It relieves Teething Troubles cures Constipation and Flatulency It assimilates the Food regulates tho Stomach and Bowels giving healthy and natural sleep Tlio Childrens Panacca Tho Mothers Friend GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears tho Signaturo of kjtAeuckt The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years THt CtWTAUW COMPINY TT MUnWVT THItT NtWYOHK CITY HEALTH AND VITALITY m wm9m m 9m9M m mm ktbuvhhjcwb xxxXjs Tho Rrcat remedy for nervous prostration and all diseases of tho generative organs of either sax such as Nervous Prostration Falling or Lost Manhood Impotoncy Nightly Emissions Youthful Errors Mental worry ozecssivo use of Touacco or Onlum which lead to Consumption and Insanity With everv APTER IICIIIC order wo guarantee to curo or refund tho money Sold at 100 per box ArlCli UOinO o bozos for 500 DItITIOTTS CIIEIOICAIj CO Clovcland Ohio ForISalentlKEONIGSTEINS1PHARMAOY How a Woman Suffers HOWELI IND NOV 28 I will always praise Wlno of Cardul It has done me more good than all tho medi cines I havo ever taken in my life Please send a book about female diseases to the Udlet whose names I enclose Mrs MINNIE STODQHILL WMBALVvi mmm J opens and cleanses mmZZZjT SSS tue Naal ravages I II III IN H K A II Allays Inflammation wWUU Iflbnltf Heals and 1rotctU tlio Membrane Itcstorcs the Senses of Taste and Smell Fell Size Cut Trial Hle 10c at Druggists or y mail Kl YIlfKUS M IVar - Hj Unci Catarrh mi Years Josiah Bacon conductor on the P W B U R says I had differed with catarrh for 36 years nnd regarded my case ns hopeless One day I saw the testimonial of Geo H Hearn in a Braz ilian Balm circular Hearn was the engineer on my train and I knew his case was desperate I talked with Hearn and his cure gave me hope I began the use of the Balm at once There was not much change for the first two months hut then I began to improve and in six months to my inexpressible satisfaction I was entirely cured Wim Tore It isnt necessary for a woman to give particulars When she says she has female troubles other women know what that means It means days and nights of endless suffering It means headaches which no tongue can describe it means that terrible bearing and dragging down in the lower abdomen It means agonizing backache and shoulder ache and arm ache and aches in the lower limbs It means nerves on edge the blues despondency and loss of hope It means debilitating drains that the doctors call leucorrhaea It means martyrdom some times even death seems preferable And still Wine of Cardul will utterly lADIlS ADVISORY DEPARTMENT roradTlce in cases requiring Bprrlnl directions address trtvlnK byiiiiuoius t LdllijlorjIlpt ThtllUTTlMIOUA XUICIMI CO Chattanooga Tenn pu 1 1 nose diseases and pains to rout It has cured thousands of cases when nothing else on earth would To the budding woman to the bride to the wife to the expectant mother to those troimr throuzh the Change of Life this Vegetable Wine is a blessing Druggists Sell Large Bottles for 100 Ask your Druggist CATARRH Bean the The Kind You Have Always Bought 81gnatnre f Fbototraphcd run uro ESlwJ fim TJM REVIVO RESTORES VITALITY vv L in n jrvim j Made a Well Man THE v fifm Of Mo G ZUELAO vJl prodncea tho abovo results tn30 day It actl powerfully and quickly Cures when all others all Voting men vrlll regain tbolr lost manhood and old men will recover their youthful vigor by uslnl BEVIVO It quickly and surely restores Nerrona dobs Lost Vitality Impotency Nightly EmleaionB Lost Power Falling Memory Wasting Diseases and all effects ot self -abuse or excess and indiscretion which unfits ono for study business or marriage II pot only curea by starting at tho seat of disease but laagreat nerve tonlo and blood builder bring ing back tho pink glow to pale cheeks and re storing the tire of youth It wards off Insanlt and Consumption Insist on having RBVIVOno Jt ca to Tied in vest pocket By mall 100 per package or six for SSOO with posi tive written guarantee to core or refund the money Circular free Address Royal Medicine GhaErfiE Forsala in Norfolk by Geo B Chrlstn gffWfflrWrgir f m V maWkmWWW JtLLaaaaW mHataaV tf aW9BFmW9aWfAWmW Rev D C HoDSon Pastor M K Church Wnunctn Nob writes Af tor yearn of constipution and stomach disorder Dr Kays Renovator has removed IUU ixiusiiiJaiiuii uuu iuuuu jujr bujiuuuu uunuau Jiuw l cutliu noi near a WUUtl tick with it closo to my right ear and but a very Bhort distance from my left one I can now hear one quite a distanco from my right ear and a Ion li8tanca from my left one and tho thick heavy feeling between ay eyes to my Dr Kay s Renovator Dr Kays Catarrh Curodid it It is tho best thine I nvm trtni we give FREE ADVICE and send freo Dr Kays Homo Treatment on lHustrated buok 01114 pages treating all aliments common to tho human family Writo us all about your case If druggists do not havo our remedies dont take any substitutes they say ore lust as rood for they have No Equal They can lie had prepaid by return mail by enclosing prico to us Dr Kays Innovator 25 cm and 1100 or 00 worth for 500 Catarrh Cure 60 cts Address Dr II J Kay Medical Co Saratoga Springs N V t