v J whoro t hoy spout llio hoHtlnyn with Mr Hullwks fnUior Air mid Mrs T H KlolinniROti ro turncMlto thoir homo In Kullortoti this morning Hor n iilrrtnnt vlult with Norfolk relatives nntl friomlR Ktitlto Maniurtnlt who spout tho holl tlrtys n hono with his pimmtH has ro tnrncil to Wiiionn Minn whoro ho is nttontlliiK u school forwiitchniiikors A number of Norfolk workmen wont to Amos thin morning tonccopt positions in tho now fnctory Among thorn woro H A lUggH Gerry Light nntl othors A mnmmot h now nmuglo bus boon mill ed to the equipment of t ho Norfolk Hleiun liumtlry for what is known iw Hut work Tho weight of tho now machine i about J tWO pounds Valley camp Woodmen of tho World is arranging to hold a public Installation ofotllcersat Must hall next Monday evening to lw followed by a ball and entertainment Misses Kunnio Hromo and Martha Parker have returned to Omaha whoro they teaoh In tho public schools or that elty after spending tho holidays with relatives and rrlomlH hero The largest crowd of people that ever wont from Norfolk to Madison in one day visited that city yesterday Tho district court and tho meeting of tho board or county commissioners attracted thorn Ho gave his name as Albert liouoh when he appeared In tho police court this morning to aimwer to tho charge of being drunk and disorderly yesterday Ho was given the usual fine iu such cases made and provided A large number or tho friends and neighbors of O l Haaso mot at his home north or tho sugar factory last evening and assisted him in celebrating his birthday An abundance of choice rofroshiiionts wero served and everyone present onjoyod tho ocension to tho ut most Kdwards horseshoeing shop was tho scono of considerable activity yesterday when 200 employes of tho sugar factory rocolved their Html monthly pay of the campaign Thoy woro apparently as happy tin though it was tho beginning rather than tho end of thoir soasons work The executive committee of tho llro dopartment which has charge of the dotails of the state dromons association that meets hero on tho Kith will hold a mooting at tho oity hall this evening Tho members oC tho Hook and Ladder company will also hold n meeting at tho same time and place T r Baumgardnor who has been spending tho holidays with his sisters Mrs W K Spaneor and Airs Coo Wil liams returned last evening to his homo in Alliance Ho takes tho olllco of Buporintendont of public instruction of Box lintto county this week to which ho was elected in November Tho employes of tho American Hco1 Sugar company will givo a ball tit Alast hall tomorrow evouiug Thoro will bo good music and ti nice tlmo Is promised thoso who attend It is Intoudod to niako u ball n regular thing hereafter at tho close of tho Bugar factory run each yoar by the employes of tho company Henry Hovoo is horo visiting his par ents and friends for a fow days Ho has boon with tho olllco force of tho De troit sugar factory during tho campaign but whon ho returns ho will go to Chi cago with It M Wolf Co contract ors who have two now factories to put up during tho coming season Ho will remain hero until about tho 15tli Tho Until or silver weddiug anniver sary of Air nuti Mrs Albert Alaas will bo celobrated this evening at tho home of Fred Grimm four miles southeast of tarn Beautiful Women Thero aro fow women as beau- 5 tiful as thoy might bo Powder 5 and paint and cosmetics dont make good looks Beauty is h S simply an impossibility without health Beautiful women aro g fow because healthy women aro 5 fow Tho way to have a fair face and a well rounded figure is to take f Female Repiatori 2 This is that old and time tried medicine that cures all femalo u troubles and weaknesses and J drains It makes no difference J what the doctors call tho ble if there is anything tho 2 2 matter in the distinctly feminine 2 2 organs Bradfields Pe 8 male Regulator will help 5 J and cure it It is good for J XJ regular or painful menstruation for leucorrhoea for falling of tho 2 womb for nervousness head- 2 2 ache backache and dizziness 2 Take it and get well Then 2 your old time girlish features J and figure will bo restored Sold by drug gists for 1 a bottle 2 THE BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO S 2 ATLABTA CA 2 tho city and many of their town frionds aro expected to be present and partici pate In tho festivities Mr and Mrs M IU18 hnvo recently returned from Altnuesota and expect to make thoir future homo iu or near Norfolk At tho mooting of tho Klkliorn Valley Medical association held at tho Oxnard yesterday tho papers announced in the program wero read and discussed and tho mooting throughout was enjoyable and profit able Tho following named woroelectod olllccrs for tho ensuing yoar President Dr Ktlwiirtl Tanner of Hnttlo Creek vico presidents Dr A K Scodold or Tildon and Dr 1 P Gil llgan or ONeill j secretary Dr F G Salter or Norrolk treasurer Dr W II II Hagoy or Norfolk In tho district court yostorday at Madison tlio stock yards case came up and tho county attorney made a showing as to why ho had failed to lie informa tion against tho defendants which was that upon tho evidence presented to him ho did not believe a conviction could bo secured Tliojudgo hold that tho rea sons given wero insulllcient and an order was issued that information bo tiled which probably will be tlnno to day After tho information is lied tho defendants will havo I hours iu which to plead and owing to tho absence of M F Harrington of ONeill who is to assist iu tho prosecution it may be next Monthly beforotho case will bo called for trial Wilson tho man charged with stealing a bicycle from J 1 1 Oonley is oxpootod to plead guilty during tho day llainviow thoater goers aro alllictcd with a class of rowdies whoso wholo aim sooms to bo to mar tho enjoyment of people attending a play or other umusemeut function at tho opera house thoir specialty being inordinately loud laughter and other annoyances Ran dolph papers complain of a like class of nuisances with the exception that liko the Omaha hoodlums they spit on the people occupying seats below the bal cony At tho time Norfolks old opora house was in uso for amusement pur poses thoro was a liko complaint on tho part of theater goers Tint Nivn hopes that this class of youngstors in Norfolk is no longer iu evideuco and that per formances iu tho now opora houso will not be attended by such follows If thoydocomo thoy should bohavo as gentlemen or elso it is hoped that thoy will bo handled in such a vigorous and elloctivo tnannor that it will servo as a lesson for all timo to come and sorvo to discourago any attempts whatever in that direction Tun Nrws has faith that tho opera houso management will attend to this matter and tho publica tion of tin item is an etVort to discour age any attompts in tho direction spokon of Iurry MuMimn Nuplmvr Tho rocontannouncoinontof tho denth of Perry Alason Daniol S Ford edi tor and proprloter of tho Youths Com panion brought peculiar sadness to ouo Sioux Oity homo says tho Journal II O Woodruff manager of tho brass works is a nophow of Mr Ford Ho wiib thrown on his own resources when a boy of 1 1 Air Ford who had asaistod his mother olTered to pay all expenses of educating tho boy including n uui vorsity conrso Tho yonngstor deoided ho wished to bo a solf made mau and declined tho gonorous offer Ono of his ohiof ambitions has beon to niako for himself a placo that ho need not bo ashamed of nud visit his gonorouB rola tivo whoso last request made nearly twenty years ago was that tho young man would always keop him posted of his whereabouts That lottor though not forgotten is still uuanswerod This yoar for tho first timo Mr Wood ruff has spoken to his business associates of his relatives and expressed tho inten tion of lotting them know whore ho was but ho has waited too long Ilia boy hoods ideal has pafsod boyond his roach Air Ford was almost worshiped by his relatives Air Woodruffs mothor often said tho peoplo would think much moro of tho Youths Companion if thoy could only know Undo Daniel As romombered by Air Woodruffs mothor tho Companion ollices wero Binall dark rooms on tho upper floor of an old build ing Rut tho energy and ability of Daniel Ford gave it an ononnons circu lation and millions of boys havo beon made better men by reading its puro elevating pages Air Fords mother died a fow years ago over 00 years old A beaded In dian pocket book is still treasured by Mr Woodruff a childhoods present from tirnndma Ford The drawing for tho 13 prizes givou last evening to his oustoniers by Chita 11 Johnson took placo last evening iu ohargo of Krnest Tracy assisted by Alesdanips Box Colo Day Fuller Tracy and others Koch of tho ladies present was given tho opportunity to draw out tho numbers corresjioudiug with tickets hold by them but all wero unsuccessful tho prizes all falling to ticket holders who weroabseut tho successful numbers bt ing as follows 11207 698 7113 709 193 6U 145 SO 802 1278 17 11 1303 It is understood that Aliss Homey of tho Journal secures two prizes and that tho life sizo lmt of Geo Washington goes to Wm Sporn Wanted Honest man or woman to travel for largo houso salnry 05 monthly and expenses with increase position pernmueut eucloso stamped envelope Manaqek 330 Caxtou bldg Chicago THE NORFOLK NEWS THURSDAY JANUARY 1 1900 AUDITORIUM OPENING Wnllinr Wliltnliln Will Irmoiit Until- lil on tho iiwiltiKHf tint intli Fotn TnnmlnjrH Dnllv Gupervisor F Warrant of tho now auditorium announces that ho has se cured Walker Whitesido and his splon did company to opon tho now opora houRoand has fixed upon the evening of tho lTith as tho date for tho opening Tho company will put on that wonder ful production of HIinKespoar Hamlet Whitesido has tho reputation of bolng tho best Hamlet in the United States and Is said to bo tho poor of tho famous Edwin Booth iu presenting tho part Air Warrant has understood that it was tho dosiro of Norfolk peoplo to havo tho host of talent and ho proposes to open tho now building with tho best at traction to bo obtained He has gladly surprised tho poopio by putting up a bettor opera houso than tho most san guine anticipated and ho now gives othor ovldonco that ho not only means to do tho proper thing by Norfolk citi zens but oven exceed their anticipations from start to finish Tho persons who havo porsistontly nssorted that tho opora houso would bo a cheap affair and not worthy of tho peoples patronago havo long ago boon compelled to acknowledge thoir misiudKomont This is also tmo of thoso who havo claimed that it was impossible to get tho building comploted by thodatuof tho dromons convention nntl woro of tho opinion that it could not bo completed boforo next summer sometime And now conies tho an nouncoinont that will silonco thoso who claimed to believe it would bo opened with n choap attraction This all goes to provo that tho per sistence push and capability of Air Warrant wero not understood It now dovolvos upon the poopio to do till if not moro than thoy havo promised thus showing that Mr Warranta outor priso is appreoiated Tho poopio havo not yet purchased tho soats for tho oponing night with tho liberality that had been anticipated and they should tit onco show thoir appreci ation by doing so Tho ontortaiumeut promised will cost Air Warrant twico as much as tho farco coniody at first con sidorod and will bo well worth all tho seats cost tho patrons Thoro nro still some gallery seats for sale tho prico of which for tho oponiug night will bo 250 each NdliniHlm Mulo lllxtorluiil Sorloty Tho annual mooting of tho Nobrnskn Stato Historical society for 1900 will bo hold in tho ohapcl of tho state univer sity on tho ovenings of January 9 and 10 at 7 0 oclock with tho following program A special invitation is ox tonded to nil old overland froighters to attond bringing old maps of freighting routes withthom TUESDAY Presidents Annual Address Hon J Sterling Alortou Nobrnskn City Tho Stato Itopublican Convention ot 1870 and Incidontsof that Campaign a Character Skotch of Governor Butler Dr L J Abbot South Omaha Ex Senator Thomas W Tipton Hon Bobort W Furnas Browuvillo Hon Champion S Chaso Clomont 0 Chaso Omaha Our First Settlement of Nobrnska David Audorson South Omaha Pioneer Days iu Boouo County John Turner lndinnoln WEDNESDAY OLD 1llEiaiITEHS EVENING lteminiscoucos Fugeuo AIuuu Uui vorsity Placo William Fulton Kansas Oity 11 AI Rolfo Nebraska City Thomas J Alajors Peru This will bo followed by ton minuto talks by old freighters prosout Business Alooting Tho Nebraska Stato Horticultural society meets on tho samo dates during tho day ltullruuil Slitui nit TriiiiHttneil Kxtraot from report made by head brakomau Tho con was flipping the tissues iu tho dog houso Tho hind shack was frcozing n hot tub near tho hind end Tallow Pot wns cracking diamonds iu tho tank Fnglo Eye was down greasing tho pig and I was bonding tho rnils when thoy hit us It was translated by an old timer in tho olllco ns follows Tho conductor was examining tho train ordors in tho cupola Tho rear brakotnan was cooling a journal Tho iroman was broakiug coal Theougineor was oiling tho engine and tho head brakoinan was throwing a Bwitch when tho trains cam together Alaino Con- t al ICurly Closing Nokfolk Nrit Dec 30 1S99 We tho undorsigued agree to closo our stores at 0 0 p m excopt during tho mouth of Juuo and on Saturdays from January 1 1900 to October 1 1900 Johnson Duy Goods Co DAVENIOlir Buos Seth Kkthieuue Beelkk Buos K B Kenyon F A Huston Baum Buos The Stak Florida Wmt Imllea and Central America Tho facilities of the Louisville Nashville railroad for handling tourists and travelers destined for all poiuts iu Florida Cuba Porto Rico Central America or for Nassau aro unsurpassed Double daily lines of sleepiug cars nro run from Cincinnati Louisville Chicago and St Louis through Jacksonville to interior Florida points and to Aliami Tiimpii and Now Orleans tho ports of embarkation for tho countries men tioned For folders etc writo Geo B Horner D P A St Lonls Mo ELKHORN DOCTORS Am Holding Tlmlr Fourth Atitiuiil ScmIoii 111 Norfolk Today Tho inctlicnl men of tho Klkliorn loy aro in bcbsIoii tills nftomoon and ovening at tho Oxnard hotel parlors with tho following named from out of town In attondanco ALL Hildrcth Lyons A L Alulr head Winsido J O Hay Laurel O O Sackett Laurol FALong Aladison D G Walkor Lindsay E Tanner llat tlo Crook A F Scoflold Tildon ILL Kindrod Aloadow Grovo W F Con well Noligh Tho following is tho program pre pared Tor tho session Whooping Cough F G Suitor Norfolk Diseases of Noso and Thront in Children A K Sccflold Tildon Antitoxin iu tho Early Treatment of Diphthoria With Report of Six Cases B F Gay Piorco A Simplo Homo AItido Sterilizer F A Long Aladison Degonorntivo Lesions of tho Hoart nntl Aorta B F Crummor Omaha History of n Bemarkablo Case of Heart Disease F A Long Aladison Tho Sitnii itll co of Leucocytosis in Surgical Diagnosis J P Lord Omaha Pelvic Abscess P II Salter Nor folk Useful Hints to tho General Practi tioner from tho StiLicnl Standpoint J 10 Suminors jr Omaha Typhoid Fovor Symptoms Treat ment otc J C Hay Laurol How I Treat Certain Complaints of TypliGid Fovor SylvauiiB Person btnutou Trcatineut of Pnoumouia R Q Rowso Wtikeflold Uric Acid ti Factor in Functional Neurosis J AI Aikin Omaha Pulmonary Tuberculosis J J limit Wayno Boviuo Tuborculosis O A AIcKim D V S Norfolk Arterio Capillary Fibrosis E Tau- nor Battle Creok Koail Notice to Land Owners To All Whom It Alay Concern Tho commissioners appointed to locnto a road commencing at tho northeast corner of section ouo 1 in township 24 north range 1 west in Aladison couuty Nebrnskn and tho northwest corner of section six 0 township 24 north range 1 east in Stanton couuty Nebraska running thouco south on couuty Hue ono 1 nnlo and toriniunt ing nt tho southeast corner of said sec tion ono 1 township 24 north range 1 wost ami tho southwest corner of afore said section six 0 township 21 rnugo 1 east havo reported in favor of the estab lishment thereof and all objections thoreto or claims for damages must bo filed in the county clerks olllco on or boforo noon of tho 15th day of February A D 1900 or said road will bo opened without reference thoreto E G Heilsian County Clerk To Curo Cold In Ono Day Tako Laxative Biomo Quinine Tablets All druggists refund thomonoyif it fail to euro E W Groves siguaturo on every box 25c You may have heard about SCOTTS EMULSION and have a vague notion that it is cod liver oil with its bad taste and smell and all its other repulsive fea tures It is cod liver oil the purest and the best in the world but made so palata ble that almost everybody can take it Nearly all children like it and ask for more SSSOTTS EMULSION looks like cream it nour ishes the wasted body of tlu baby child or adult better than cream or any other food in existence It bears about the same rela tion to other emulsions that cream docs to milk If you have had any experience with other so called just as good preparations you will find that this is a fact The hypophosphitcs that arc combined with the cod liver oil tjve additional value to it because nicy vuiit uij nil iicivuiu system i and Impart strength to the whole toe mli oo ll druggists SCOTT UOWNi Chemists New York Wi fi - III - The laundress is sure of satisfactory results in her work if she uses Ivory Soap Linens are of immaculate whiteness no dirt or streaks anywhere Theres no room for criticism in the work when brought home Ivory Soap is cheaper than common soaps in the end A WORD OF WARNING There are many while soaps each represented to be lust as trooJ as the Ivory j they ard not but like all counterfeits lack the peculiar and remarkable qualities of the genuine Ask for Ivory Soap and Insist upon cettlnc It COPYRIdHT 1000 OY THC PHOOTtn Ik 0MDLI CO CINCINNATI SEND US OMF nflD flP utlhli d oul ami kind lou Mlitt ll nd nf nil krrnl jou IliU M I tMtltlllllitt ItlDtlllt fLH I1IWOV lr tl a Mt t jm v I niiWM UHJI ifiima 1 11 I TPI III W 1 i RUIijfCl 10 f I fttH Ulft tlon YoupnexiimlnILiitoiir iK nrct freight ilrpul nntl Iff jwu uiiu ii t Yiiviij nit rtpriNi miMi iufl prraimi nine jou nor ilw and far htttrrlhan orjrani niltrrlUed h olbtrn atroorr motif pa theft fight i rent OUR PRICE 33 SO Im ttip I on dfnoill op ilrti THE PARLOR GSM lonp or the raot lUlUMK AM tomlKNT TOM liutrumrntfl Mtrroado Krom tho Illustration shown which lspnffnitMl aiutt rrum a photograph jou can form Bomoldcaof Us beautiful appearance Mndo from 1I1 qunrtrr Mwctl onUorwulnut iiletrci perforated Lft alln full naorl botlt beautiful marquetry drOpa ianeli and nrnnj other hajidimme deenratloni and nrnaaienta tnalliiK ll ti WHY LITKST8TYLK T1IK lWKIOU AlKMInflfect high 43 Inchon long2J Inches wMoand wclKhs 350 founds Contnliirt 5 octaves II stops its rollout Itlapaioo Irlnrlpal lulrlana llrloJIa Vtealr Cremona lUh Coupler Tn Me Coupler napaton run ana ioa iinmaiia m uriaie uutierii l Tone Swell Mirand Organ Hwell 4 Sela of Orchettra Tuned Kenonalorj Tlpo QualUj llred I Hrtof 3 T Purr Hweet Helodla Krrdi lHrtnr17 fliarmln5lr ItrllllanUelrxte Heed 1 Net of 24 Ulrli Mellow Hmuolh napaaon iieeax i net or nessm Hurt ntiotiioua rrlnrlpal Iteeda THE PARLOR GEM action cnnslaUor tho Celebrated Newell IteeJ flitch aro only unedln the lilh eHtprinJelnstrunipntst llttcil slth llammund Coupler and oi Humann also host loIo fcltx lrithem etc hello w a of thobcstrtihhcrcloth 3 pIv IicIIohh stoclc nntl llneit leather In valves THE PARLOR GEM Is furnished with a 10x14 hee0lplatu French mirror nickel plated iraniLP niui ui cry ininern unprovoiucni nc umlkh free a haodkuue urgan blool and the bent organ Initroe tlon hook publUhrU GUARANTEED 25 YEARS 7ALtlm l8ue awiltten blnditnr i Liir Luurantro hv the terms and conditions of which If any part kUcs out o repair It free of eh ante Try It one month und uu will refund jour money if you aro not perfectly natlHfltd fKu oiiiioornanHwiii ne foiu hi S35QO UKllii at 4ri iioN T ihly OUR RELIABILITY IS ESTABLISHED J iliiill u Ith us auk our lulkiilior nliout uc v rlto the pulillMtcr ot this jiaper or Metropolitan National Hank or Corn Kat Ilaut of ChicaRn or Uirnian Kichamro itanlc New York or any railroad or oipicBs company in Chicago We but a raplul or ntrr KIuuox occupy entire ono of the larpeht biilness blocks In LhicaRo anil employ tieirly aOoo peoplo In our own tllllldllli K hill OIUUNS AT tZiOO and op F A MvlXZaj yt Ctevw 4AT AOsCii1V rESSiSBSSkSBjEZimi p YHiwiyiiAyiiiiiMMBni Ifl i CHRlliiaaawmerWri IHaSlns Aatflt3f d5 - flrr afll T ilHLMaUarriii rSlnTfflaaaal M f atBailaaaaTHIaaw 1 mTc Tmmmm i Uann mSmmmim rS mi iiS ur r jo - BiilHSftP -3 - - 1 J i lli Ml Willh Mil I ftlrt lj lnHlT im I Mlt 1111 PUMis 11500 ana apt alsocverythlnu In muhicallntrument at lowest wholesale prices Write for free ppecial ornan piano ami musical instrument catalorfue Address fScars BgtbockAGo are Ihoronghlj nllabla Kdllor 8EARS RQFF1UCK CO Inc Fullon Deiplainesand Wajman Sts CHICAGO ILL BjB i SEND US ONE DOLLAR B0UR 3850 tt vSfi WONDER AmEf I aawam aaaTNl4i MwPl ill iaUs i45il IIHll n i Pi HI and wo will send you our DTTIIIH IU OUTAMIStNI TO IS WITH 0K UOLIiH SPECIAL HIGH GRADE flA 3850 STOCK SADDLE by rrcltfht O O II subject to vxumlnutton YOU CAN EXAMINE IT 5E0rairVrtfrehf - depot and II found perfectly autUfiictorj exuetly hh rcpreHeiited An Extra Fine High Grade Saddle and the oqual of Baddlcri sold everywhere at from pay tho freight ncnl OUR PRiCEi 38i50 le tho 100 depoult or ur5ll and freight charges This Saddle is mado on a l54or 16 Inch Ccnuino Ladesma or Nelson Heavy Steel Fork OAltFFULIY 8K1KOTKII ItAMIIIIIi COVKItKl TUKII bound or roll ciintlo steel leuthercovcrcdfitfriups or 24neh oxbow braps bound as desired tVIII Mod bouad eaatle nolr olhrrif lie ordered TREE IS MADE EXTRA STRONG g5jf jihf lined 3 inch wldo laco stirrup leathern lVIncli tlo straps extra lontr on near side i inch to buckle on olfsldc heavy cotton twisted Mexican a iucli front cinch heavy cotton twltlnj Hank cinch connecting strap Loop scat scat and Jockey all ono piece ELECANT HAND RAISED STAMPING as illustrated Wclcht ot Hitddln nliniit 8r poundi packed for shipment 45 pounds HtKllillT 13 OMV AIMJIT CIIKI FUlt KAtii SUuVlIItB WRITE FOR FREEVEHICLE HARNESS AND SADDLE CATALOGUE showing a lull line ol Couboyand Rancher Outfits at the lowest prices ever quoted Address SEARS ROEBUCK GO Inc CHICAGO ILL Bears Hoebutk A Co are thoroughly reliable Kdltor i 1 IMil 144 jm i i Nri4i mmu a i7 sijfm i v mk 33Wm ifl tjz SHE WAS BLIND A blindness comes to me now and then I have it now It is queer I can see your eyes but n t your nose I cant read because some of the letters are blurred dark spots cover them it is very uncomfortable I know all about it its DYSPEPSIA Take one of these it will cure you in ten minutes What is it A Ripans Tabule A case of bad health that niTiNO will not btneflt They banish pain and rnjlong llfa WANTED relief Koto the word IflfANS on the package and accept no substitute Ill Hd S twelve packets for cents may be had ut any drug tore Ten samples and one thou 10 f or 4 cent or land twlimonlal will b mailed to my oddrta for 5 cuts forwarded to th Wpans Chmleal Co Mo WBprucbtNewyk