The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, January 04, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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F W Juuoiiinn is again on the sick
Fr Wiotzor loft for Grand Island yes
Miss Ratio Shaw is isitIiiK Madison
O S Kvansisattonding tobuslnoss in
C W Braaseh is in Omaha transact
ing business
O H Kller of Long Pino is visiting
Norfolk friends
Mrs Hianvch of Iowa is visiting Jior
father Mr Woikort
Herman Sat tier has returned from
his visit to Baltimore
O D Jenkins has returned from a
business trip to Omaha
Geo A Spoar of thoOxnard is attend
ing to business in Omaha
Mrs J S McOlary ontortaincd tho
Thiinblo club this afternoon
Mrs Minnio B Kolso of Grand Island
is in tho city visiting her father
Tolophono No 77 has boon placed in
tho rosidouco of Row Win Loavitt
J Bounish was down from Randolph
to take in tho dromons dnnco last night
Mr and Mrs J G Troutmau ro
turnod from a visit to frionds in York
Frank Koch of Akron Iowa was in
tho city yesterday looking up real estate
Miss Mablo Lllis and Miss Metta
Koonigstein visited friends in Madison
15 A Bullock stopped with his family
yesterday whilo on his way lrom Omaha
to Sioux City
Guy Alexander has returned from his
trip west in tho interest of tho drm rep
resented by his father
L Fishbnck of Indiana is visiting
his brother on tho farm southeast of
Norfolk and will locate there
Quito a number of city people enjoyed
tho weekly entertainment at tho hospi
tal for tho insnuo last evening
Arthur Pilger will leavo for Madison
Tuesday to assume his duties in tho
county treasurers oflico as deputy
Tho government thermometer regis
tered seven degrees below xoro last night
again breaking the winters record
Miss Ruth Matrau will entertain the
members of the K F S O at her
homo on South Fourth street this even
Miss Mollio Fricko of tho hospital for
tho insano attended the annual ball
given by tho employes of the asylum at
Lincoln last night
Mr and Mrs J B Maylard of the
Heights were surprised by a number of
friends Wednesday evening and a good
time was tho result
The Wisuer hoso company willgivo a
m isquorado ball on the 12th of next
mouth to raise funds to send delegates
to the dremens association meeting hero
Geo Sanford who has been chemist
at the sugar factory during the cam
paign just closed went to Ames this
morning to work in tho factory at that
Superintendent D G OConnor of
of this city was ono of the six mentioned
by the Bee correspondent as prospective
candidate- for president of tho Nebraska
State Teachers association
Tho Grnnd Island firo department has
asked an appropriation of 150 from tho
city council to defray the expenses ot
13 delegates to the state fn onions associ
ation which meets in this city next
Mrs C W Landers and children of
Genoa and Mrs J Mclvonzio of Albion
who have been visiting with tho fam
ilies of P F Sprecher and E M Nor
ton over Christmas returned to their
homos yostorduy
A jolly company of young people met
with tho Misses Laura and Anna Law
last evening and had a good time Tho
company came with tho articles that go
to make up a feast of which oysters
formod the main part and these were
served during tho evening Progressive
crokiuolo wns tho chief amusement
Tho olectiou of Miss Lucy Williams
as secretary of tho Nebraska State
Teachers association will be wolcomo
intelligence to her many frionds m tins
city Her capability for dlling tho posi
tion is well known by all who have
made her acquaintance and it is expected
that her administration of adairs of tho
olllco will bo most satisfactory to tho
The Madison Chronicle tolls of two
Madison county school teachers who
have recontly decided to abandon school
life and in tho future preside over a
home -Miss Maud Stoon of Madison
and Wm W Musgravo of Columbus
woro married by Rev J K Fowler
Christmas afternoon County Judgo
Bates issued a marriage license Tuesday
to Frank Moudenhour principal of the
Waterloo schools and Miss Isabol Risk
of Battle Crook
O D Jenkins is ono of tho democratic
whool horses fortunate enough to get an
invitation to the banquet of tho Teller
sonian club at tho Faston Omaha on
tho 8th of next mouth Tho number of
iuvitations is limited to 500 and tho
charge will be 1 a plato Besides a
magnificent repast of good things for tho
inner man a feast of political reason is
anticipated as thero will boa number of
speakers of national promiuencepresout
Among them will bo 0 trior Harmon of
Chicago and William J Bryan
F Warrant has gone to York to make
an offorl to engage Lewis Morrison for
tho opening night of tho opeia house
wl iohitishopul will hn about tho 10th or
12thuf Jimunry Morrison iitin onilnont
actor of national renown who iiohiovod
especial distinction in his presentation
of Faust Ho is now presenting his
latest and greatest eioatitin Frederick
tho Great Those who know the repu
tation of Mr Morrison sincerely hopo
that Mr Warrants olloits will bo suc
cessful Morrison is to bo in Sioux City
tomorrow night
The dromons dance at tho M irquurdt
hall last ovoning was 1 irgoly attended
by tho dromon and their many friends
and the ontertaiumont was a magnifi
cent success both lliianeially and socially
Tho dreinon boliovo they cleared some
thing like lfi which will bo used toward
entortaining tho stato dromon next
month Tho music was furnishod by
tho Rout o orchestra and was ot very
lino quality All who attended enjoyed
a pleasant evening and the dance was
continued until an early hour this morn
ing Tho hall was nicely decorated for
tho occasion
Mrs Ilason Turner of Pioico is m tho
city todny
Ed Oury of Meadow Grovo was a city
visitor yesterday
ShoriiV Goo W Losoy of MadiBon
was a city visitor yesterday
Eddio Ijiersdorf went to Columbus
this morning to visit frionds
Miss Graco Spoar has gone to Colum
bus to visit friends a fow days
Storrs Mathowson has gone on a trip
into Minnesota to purchase cattlo
Miss Georgia Hsuvoy will go to
Creighton Monday to visit friends
Mrs S K Long went to Omaha on
tho Union Pacific train this morning
J B Barnes returned this morning
from a business trip to St Paul Minn
Miss Millnitz of Plaiuviow is visiting
nt tho homo of bur uncle Chas Doirs
Harry Woodalls father who has been
visiting him returned to his homo in
Lynoh today
Miss Heimrick of Hooper arrived at
noon to visit at tho homo ot Mr and
Mrs G A Luikart
E C Coukliu who has been employed
as chemist at tho factory returned to
his homo in Pekiu 111 today
W A llemleben has returned from
another trip to San Francisco where ho
went with a carload of live poultry
Beginning tho drat tho millinery stores
of the city will close at 0 p in except
Saturday evenings during tho winter
mouths i
Miss Douhausen of Omaha has duishod
her professioual duties as nurse at tho
Oxuard and is now visiting tho Misses
Mr and Mrs C H Blown of Boono
who have been visiting in Omaha over
Christmas are expected hero tonight to
visit at tho homo of Mrs Browns
parents Mr and Mrs John Boeck
Tho Young Mens Christian League
will have their room in tho Must block
open lor callers on New Years afternoon
Refreshments will bo served Lvery
cnoJ adis gentlemen and boys are in
vited to call
Tho employes of tho Pacidc hotel and
a fow invited friends will enjoy a ball
in tho dining rojiu of that hostelry on
tho evening of January S It is probable
that tho asylum orchestra will furnish
tho music for tho occasion
ThoEpworth league of tho M E
church gave a very enjoyable sociable
hist ovoning at tho homo of Mr and
Mrs G M Thompson Alargonumbor
of young folks wero in atteudauco and
enjoyed n pleasant evening
H Hulbert of Panama this stato has
accepted tho position of bookkeeper in
tho Citizens National bank Ed Ilahu
who has been attending to that work
has accopted a position as clerk in tho
store of T K Hansen Meadow Grovo
Tho K F S C enjoyed a vory happy
time with Miss Ruth Matrau last even
iug tho hours passing vory pleasantly
with caids dancing and other amuse
ments Nico rofreshmonts wero served
and during tho evening a dash light
picture was taken of tho company by
Photographer Macy
Tho Turner and Brenner elevator at
Winsido and tho Peavey elevator at
Wayno are among tho number that
will close down ponding a movement of
grain that will pay them to handle
The fanners seem determined to hold
their grain until prices are satisfactory
to them and as a result somo of tho ele
vators will temporarily go out of busi
A viol nit patient for tho hospital for
tho iiibane was brougTit in last night
over tho Union Pacidc from Loup City
It required two strong mou to control
tho follow but ho was dually safely
quartered in the nsylum Ho is thirty
dvo years of ago and has been actively
engaged iu business running a news
paper and practicing medicine Tho
causo of his condition is thought to have
been tho death of his mother which
occurred a short time ago
Advauco copies of tho nuuual report
of tho Union Paoido road for tho fiscal
year ended Juno 10 have been ibsued
They contain tho following figures
Gro s earnings 10111011 operating
espouses 1 1 fl i 103 net earnings S
Im interest dividends and mis
cellaneous flS18Hl balances 0IIM
KM Interest on funded dobt lsi
X0 balance r7SS0S received lrom
Oregon Shot t Line 7ClWt j applicable
to dividondHtSrsiHIIS dividends V
vrooo Rui plus iorsits
Benjamin Grosvonor and son John
from Poiufiet Conn and Daiius Math
owson of Wakefield came in on the
Slous City train this morning for u visit
nt the homo of Col S S Cotton Mr
Grosvonor is a iclatho of tho famous
Ohio congressman of that name and is
an old time friend of Col Cotton with
whom he was intimately acquainted in
Connecticut Mr Giosvonor was oleik
at ho Winnebago agency 110 or 10 yeais
ago when Maj Charles Mafhewson was
agent and is much interested iu this
section of tho country
Wayne Herald Mrs A L Davis
who has boon confined at the Norfolk
hospital tho past fow years died on Sun
day Tho remains wore hi ought to
Wayne Monday and buried in tho
Wayno cemetery tho services being
conducted by Row Bithell of the M E
ohm oh Mr and Mis Davis woro
formerly residents of Wayno county
but for tho past fow years have boon
living near Randolph Tho unfortti
uato condition and death of Mrs Davis
woro vory sad and tho bei caved lainily
hao the sympathy of thoir many
S W Truo who has for hovoral months
beon conducting tho Palace of Sweets
has gone into v oluntary liquidation
and his placo of busiuohsis closed ponding
n sottlomoiit with his creditors of whom
Gibson Sz Gibson tho former proprietors
are tho heaviest Mr Tuio has man
aged a business that was vory satisfac
tory to his patrons had always clean
fresh up to date goods and it wns bo
lioved by many that ho had a liboral
patronago and ono that was paying
His failure will therefore bo a surprise
to many and it is sincerely hoped by all
that ho may so nriango his nflairs that
ho will bo nblo to reopen
Since tho holidays opened tho young
people of the city as well as older ones
have enjoyed a season of pleasure seldom
equalled Whilo parties have boon a
leading feature of tho past week thoro
havo been other amusement functions
so that scarcoly an ovoning has passed
but that thoro wassomo pleasant gather
ing In lino with tho popular spirit
Miss May Durlaud last ovoning enter
tained a largo number ol young people
at tho homo of her undo A J Durlaud
in tho Heights Cards music nud other
amusements woro oujoyod whilo the
dainty refreshments served during tho
evening wero appreciated as a dttiug
accompanynieut to tho other pleasures
with which tho ovoning wns roplcto
The liveliest placo in tho city todny ib
the new opera houso whore workmen
are hurrying hither aud thither and the
interior is rapidly assuming an air of
completeness that denotes tho fact that
within a fow days tho building can bo
put to tho purpose for which it was
built Tho plasterers havo completed
their work on tho coiling and are now
well down on tho sides It is expected
that tho decorators who will put tho
frescoing on tho coiling will begin work
Monday Tho steps in tho lalcony on
which tho seats will rest are boing
mado and tho door of tho main auditor
ium will bo laid inside tho next fow
days Tho railing of tho balcony will
bo covered with metal woik which will
soon bo placed whilo tho stago and
boxes will soon bo completed Tho
chairs and other articles of furniture are
here ready to bo placed as soon as tho
dirty work is done whilo tho scenery
will bo on hniid in ample time Mr
Warrant has returned from his trip to
York nud will know by tonight what
company will open tho opera houso
Mr Morrison is very willing to como
and will como providing his manager in
New York will consent to cancel a dato
ho having boon booked so far ahead that
it will bo impossible for him to como
otherwiso If this attraction is not so
cured at least ono of tho best companies
traveling will have tho opening night
and no ono will havo causo to complain
of tho character of tho entertainment
presented as it will bo tho best obtain
able Mr Warrant is now in tele
graphic correspondence with several first
clnss companies Ho has received many
propositions for tho opening night from
various companies and it would bo no
trouble whntovor to secure an attraction
but Mr WTnrrnnt insists that his patrons
must and shnll havo tho best possible
Following the opening there will un
doubtedly be a largo number of attrac
tions presented botweou now and spring
alTordiiig everyone an opportunity to
enjoy tho privileges of a duo auditorium
To Curo I it irlppe in Two 1h
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets
All druggists refund tho money if it fails
to curo E W Groves signature on
overy 2jc
Wantkd Soveral bright and houost
persons tojroproseut us as malingers in
this and close counties Salary X0 a
year and expenses Straight bona dde
no more no lets salary Position per
manent Our references auy bank in
any town It is maiuly odlco work con
ducted at homo References Enclosed
self- addressed stamped envelope Tub
Dominion Com iwny Dopt i Chicago
1 A Sims is homo fioni Noligh
Dr Deering is in the city from Lin
F L Rslulnook went to Madison this
mot niug
I J Koonigstein was a passenger
for Madison
Chester A l ullor went to Madison
his morning
Chas Kohhneyer wont to Sioux Illy
this morning
John R HayH had business at the
county seat today
G A Luikart made a business visit
to Madison today
Ray Seymour went lo York this morn
ing for a vveikH visit
W A Bishop was in tho city this
morning fimu Pieiee
1 T Thompson returned yest onlay
f loin Dubuque Iowa
W P Williams was a passengei for
Madison this morning
Arthur Pilger was a passenger for
Madison this morning
Mrs Richardson of Battlo Oreek was
a city visitor this morning
Miss Hartley returned o her school
duties in Madison Sunday
Mis Com Reels has relumed fioni a
holiday visit o Sious City
Miss Nina Will Iter returned yesterday
to her school south of town
Kid Hall was in the city yesterday
from Wayno greeting friends
Mrs P Rubundall of Miulison isited
over Sunday with Mi s Hailloy
MifsOteha Pilger returned yeslordny
from a ihit to fi lends iu Stanton
lloinor Skien and Geo Nangle weio
city viMtois last night lrom Wayno
Miss Gertrude Austin has resigned
her position in tho Muuni Bios store
Miss Wallace ono of tho Pieiee
touches was a city visitor last night
Bun Tuft has gono to Madison o
soivoon thojtuy in the district court
Miss iinnn Wuntlin was in the city
on her way homo to Battlo Oreek lrom
Geo L lies started yesteiday to look
after business in Imb South Dakota
Fred Lobnow will go to Ames tomor
row to work in tho sugar factory tit
that placo
Storis Mathowhou returned this morn
ing fioni his cattle pmehusing trip to
Sol G Mayor went to Lincoln Sun
day to visit rolaf ivos and friends over
Now Yenrb
Dr W C Campbell wns in tho city
today on his wny homo to Creighton
from Omaha
High mass was celebrated by Fithor
Walsh at St Marys Catholic church at
IS oclock Sunday night
Mrs Kolso who has been visiting her
father W W Robeits returned to her
homo in Grand Island today
F W Junonian who has beon con
fined to his looms with sickness was
down town today for a fow hours
Tho board of county coiniuissionoib
will meet in Madison toduy for the
purpoo of holding their fiist 1000 session
Ernest Reese who has been visiting
his sistor Mis L M Beelor departed
for his homo in Fullorton this morning
Tho employes of the Pacific hotel bin o
decided fo change tho dato of their
eiitortniumont from the 8th to tho Ith
Mrs J II Morrisou who has been
vibiting Miss dominie Morrison do
parted today for hor homo in Michigan
Tho directors of the Norfolk National
bank held thoir semi annual meeting
yesterday aud tho usual dividend was de
Miss Lulu Durlaud will return to her
homo in Plaiuviow tomorrow after hav
ing mado u pleasant holiday visit to
Norfolk frionds
Clyde Hammond has gotio to Peru to
take a course of study iu tho state nor
mal school Ho expects to bo absent
until next Augubt
P T Birchard and family and Miss
Nollio Bridgo spent Now Years at the
homo of Mr Birchards parents in
Marshaltown Iowa
Tho Plosant Hour club onjoyed n
party bust ovoning iu Railway hall at
tho Junction Cards and dancing wore
the chief nmusoiuents
Now Years was observed at tho Con
gregational church Sunday night by a
watch meeting which continued until
the now year was ushered in
Friends of Miss Auuio MoBrido pro
potratcd n surprise on hor at her homo
iu tho Heights hut ovemng aud the
occasion was greatly enjoyed
A sou was born Thursday morniug to
Mr and Mrs E N Rutenbcr nt thoir
homo in Omaha Tho young mans
name is Robort Terry Rutenbcr
Mies Lyda Pheasant entertained tho
K F S club liibt e euing at her homo
on Philip nvonuo aud all in attendance
had a delightful time Refreshments
wero served
Mr aud Mrb C Lungno of Sioux
City Iowa and Mr and Mrs J Coylo
of Wayno spout Now Years at the homo
Mr and Mrs Dan Murphy parents of
tho two Indies
A large company of frionds met at tho
luuio of Mr aud Mrs Aug Brumuioud
Sunday night lo wulih tho old year out
and the now iu Thoovonlng wits very
onjoynbly spout
ThoClfions National bank has re
ceived n limited supply of lai laolto
dolliiis he issue being iu aid of lie
proposed l i Fayed o monument They
will be sold for J each
Mrs J I Sutherland and Miss aw
Sutherland mother aud Mstor of Mis
W A King who hae been spending
the holidays here left his inornliig foi
their home iu hand Island
Guy and Kimball Runes Sydney
llobeilsou Ernest Bridge anil Cm ml
PoweiM returned to Lincoln today to
resume their studies aflei Inning spenl
theii holiday vacation at home
Mr and Mis Geo D Ruttciflcld ar
rived fioni Duvonpotl Iowa Haluidny
spenl New Yeais at I he homo of Mi
and Mrs W 11 Bullerlleldand leliuned
to their homo in Creighton today
J II Conloy went lo Madison today
to appear ngniiihl Wilson alias Went
stock alias Ailiulon who was auesled
iu Omaha October I on the chiitgo of
appiopiialing one of Conleys bicycles
Chief of Police Widuiiiuu with his
wife anil little son wiut to Ielersbuig
this morning They were called there
by tho serious Illness oi the chiefs
brother Jack who it not expected to
Miss Verona and Venus Neno
allied a large number of their friends
last evening at the home of I heir mot her
on Son Ih Sislh Hired Refreshments
were senod and a happy lime was
John Koenigsfein and a huge number
of Ins 1 1 lends enjoyed n big New Years
dinner vostoiduy uflct noon al IiIh homo
on Koeiiigbteiu avenue and Kighth
street The occasion piovetl most
District Judge Douglas Coins has
announced the following dales for onus
of com t during 1000 Pieiee Fnhiuaty
M September Antelope Miuclt III
Soptuiubei 17 Madison ApulO Nov
ember 10 Wayno Apt ili December
Knox MajSJ Octobei J
Miss Lillian I ml ait and Mr E II
Luikuit entei lamed a small company of
young people at their homo on WVht
Noriolk avenue in honor of heir guest
Miss Iloinrieb ol Hooper lusl evening
Cirds dancing and thohcrviugof dnuity
refreshments went lo make up an even
ing thoroughly enjoyed by all present
Thtough ho couitosy of J A lloin
borger formerly stipeiiiiteudent of he
city hchools at this place and now con
nected with tho publishing house of
Rand MoNally As Co Chicago this
oflico is in possession of the newest
publication by that house nn Atlas ol
Two Wins which is a valuablo addition
to any library
Cards havo boon received announcing
tho marriage of Mr Onirics Smith and
MibS Amanda Ilusonetter on Wednes
day Dccombor JO at Kansas City Mo
Tho newly muriiod couplo will bo at
homo in Einwood Nebr after
lummy 15 Mrs Smith was formei ly
a resident of this city and still has many
trifjnds hero
Among tho passengers to Madison
this morning were Judgo Powers C
D Jenkins Buit Mnpes E P Woath
ei by F II Free F W Beck W II
Law W I1 Ahlman M D Tyler
Arthur Koonigstein Curl Wildo Leliiud
Spauldiug John Kuhl H L Spaulding
Geo Madson nud W M Robertson
Tho majority of thorn are interested in
cases before the district court
Carrol Powers friends planned and
osocuted a most onjoyablo surprise
parly on him at tho homo of his parents
on North Ninth btieet last Satuiday
ovoning Thoso participating wero
masked and costumed and tho host was
somewhat in doubt as to who his guests
wero but their identity was disclosed
in duo time and tho ovoning was greatly
onjoyed Nice refreshments were
son cd
Wm Grabaoh of Bonaon Placo
Omaha who painted tho scenery of the
Oliver at Lincoln aud the Creighton of
Omaha is in tho city and will assiht in
tho docoratioiih of tho stago of Norfolks
now auditorium In addition to tho
drop curiam there will boa dro curtain
of noii iufliuumablo material which will
bo convoniont in enso of dro to cut oil
communication between tho stago and
Tho Girls received their young
gentloinon friends yestorday afternoon
from threo to dvo at tho homo of Mies
L iura Durlaud on North Ninth streot
Tlio looms woro tastily decorated in a
manner appropriate to tho occasion
Tho delicious refreshments served and
tho predominant happiness wero appre
ciable reminders of a glad Now Year
The names of thoso at homo woro
Misses Laura Durlaud Mattio Daven
port Edith Parker Lillian Luikart
Anuu Soymour Aunio McBndo May
Durlaud Edith aud Nelho Morrow
Tho adjourned term of district court
will open at Madison today with Judgo
Cones on tho bonch Tho drst caso to
be tried will bo tho Stato vs WiUon
Tho defondant is tho person who is
alleged to havo appropriated a bicycle
belonging to J H Conloy Following
this will bo a civil suit aud thou will
tako placo tho trial of tho youug mon
interested in tho stock yards caso It
is oxpectod that tho trial of this caso
willbogm boino tinto this afternoon
Jndgid ones wai iu town liom Pien o
this morning nn his way toallnndcoiiil
The open house kept by Hie Young
Miuih Christian Loiiguu al llielr roottm
iu the Musi block proved lo bo veiy
popular and he looms were well filled
b lib uftoi noon and evening yesterday
I lie company enjoying games and olhei
amusements Refreshments consisting
of HindwlrhoH ratio ami coll no wero
set mil lo all comers Music was fur
nlHhod by Misses Itttlli Miilruu Eva
Mlltllls I luel HeoLgin and Mr C O
low Mngulnos pupetH mid books
were fiiinlHheil for Ihe eutetlainmeiit ol
those wlio did not choose to play games
Tlio genet ul Hoeielnty of Ihe league
Win W llugliesol Sious City ntrivod
in Noifolk Ibis nioinlng and will enlei
upon Ills duties nt once II is locont
mcmlid flint the ineinbeiH of Ihe league
should itiiiUe his acquaintance al once
Catl T Seeley of Miulison was In the
city today
W M While of Triiumuh iH a city
visitor today
Woo WiekcH of Pilger was a eily visi
tor over night
II Konslio of Moslems wiih a elly visi
tor this morning
Dr P Veiges mado a businehS trip lo
Omaha New Veins
J II Kuthwoll a cultlo man of
Creighton is in town
II M McLonud ol Wnusii tiansucted
business iu town last night
Mis Cones of Pieiee accompanied Ihe
judge to ItiHcily yesteiday motniiig
Mis Rev Minquetle and Miss Morton
ol Stanton weieelty visIIoih yesteiday
Goo N UeolHwiiHiimoiig the attorneys
who attended dihliiet couit at Madison
Miss Kdith Puricor returned fo Crete
today to ichiimohoiHtudiosjit the Dentin
W A Moldenhauer spent Now Veins
with his daughter Mis Win Newman
at Stanton
Mm I T While ol Omaha who has
been visiting fi lends here returned
homo today
Rev h A High of Roomer was in
ihoctly his moiniiigon his way homo
ft om Pu ceo
The inlet tor uirnugomont ol Winter
iV Seliul harness shop ih being unproved
with somo now fislmes
Mrs Chillies Ritdat and daughter
Doiothy loft today to visit relatives at
West Point for a few days
LiihinohH men genorilly mo dovotntg
thovveek lo holding up old accounts nud
a clean up ot tho years business
F W Jiiiioiiianh health has improved
enough to enable him to bo at his olllco
at tho union depot n part of the time
Mths May Olney is over from tho Win
nebago agency visiting hir cousins
Mioses HUen and Louise Mnthowhou
Mrs Giimoldby returned this morn
ing fioni Plnuviuw witero she has beon
visiting hoi mother who is quite sick
Cuh Nit and family returned lust
evening from Wisnei where hey have
been visiting tho family ol Julius Fisher
R 15 Woller iu iiiager of the ihicago
Lumber comp my at this place left lor
Deiidwood last night on a business tup
Heriniin Sehroeder and wife Jiuvo re
turned from Osford where they spout
New Yen s at the homo of his brother
Miss Susie Thompson returned to
Omaha this morning o resume her
studies foi a teacher in a kindergarten
O M Henderson went to Battlo Crook
josterduy to pluy for a dunce last night
Fioni thero ho will go to Potumburg on
Mr and Mrs C II ISrowu have re
turned to their homo in Boono after i
fowdajb visit with Norfolk relatives
and frionds
Mr aud Mis E A Bulled and son
Clyde ui m homo from Harlan Iowa
The Eminent Kidney
and Bladder Specialist
W il in IllttSa I s v rCS
The Discoverer of Swamp Root at Work la
Els Laboratory
There is a disease prevailing in hl3
country most dangerous because so decep
tlve Many sudden deaths are caused by
It heart disease pneumonia heart failure
or apoplexy are often Ihe result of kidney
disease If kidney trouble is allowed to ad
vance the kidney poisoneJ blood will attack
the vital organs or the kidneys themselves
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