The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, January 04, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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The f4or folk ptauus
Tho nihil who lutirowH nioiioy that hn
rnniiot pay always Iwrrows tmuMo nt
rho paino llmo
Contcittiuont to n rcxkUIiIiik hut for
nn nctlvo licnlthy man It isnt a rmrtio
nlarly nohlo virtuo
Tho yoiuiKOst oiinwNiiuui to Martin
SI Ulynii of Now York who wiw jUHt
iO whou ho wiw oloolotl
Ovor 70tXH worn nppnt last year in
rttotrlbutiiiK Kiml swtto throuijhout
Oio country Pooh It pay
An oMihiiiiftu tlum Kivos uwiiy n iiowh
pnrmr swrot Wlum wo Hay that nino
out of ton inon think a cortnin way wo
uHiially Iount ouroolvos art ahout olfht
jnd ii half
Tho TraiiR Blltorlan railroad now ho
ill huilt ncroHfl Ama will not ho coin-
plototl hoforo ti0i It in now huilt to
ivithiti 1711 nillort of VliullvoHlock tho
Paoillo tornilnnH of tho lino
Tho Now KiiRlaiid mills that woro
iilloin ISHtl uro now running on full
timo and tho wugert of tho laboring men
have bten inoroiwed No wonder that
Mr Urynu thinks tlito a cold woild
Its Blrango how obtuso somo peoplo
uro A man in Oklahoma sought doath
by tying himself to the tail of a horso
when a mulo would have brought about
tho desired remilt a great deal quicker
What contradictions thoro uro in
practical life It costs no moro for in
wtaneo to keop a good horse than it does
n poor ono Novortheless notwithstand
ing poor horses nro largely In tho ma
When Henry James tho author was
renionstratod with for praising tho woik
of tinotlior man who was charged with
Maying very unkind things nbout him
lio replied Ah wo may both of us ho
Thoro aro 10000 different oditious in
all languages of tho Now Testament or
of coiumontnricH upon it in tho lhitiMi
museum Doos not this spoak volumes
for tho Hook Nothing olso ovor writ
con had tho attention paid to it
Horace Greeley said a groat many
truo things during his nowspaporcnieor
but never ono which deserves oniphusis
moro than his remark that Tho darkest
hour in a young mans life was that
ivhou ho thought ho could got a living
without working for it
Tho Hon Billy Mason of Illinois says
that ho blushes for tho United States
whenover ho thinks of its foruign policy
lUr Mason ought to do this Its only
Haiv Unolo Samuel hasont anybody m
Siis broad domain that ho feels inoro
ashamed of thau ho doos tho junior I1U
aioto senator
It is hopod our esteemed democratic
ontomporario8 wont gotuiduly excited
whan it is known by them that thoro is
tin attempt being mado to soouro a pen
sion for Marcus A llauna with pros
pact of success To quiet thoir nerves
it may bo stated light hero that Marcus
loosnt livo iu Olovolaud Ohio but is o
lighthouso koopor on tho coast of Maino
TTo served in tho navy during part of
tho oivil war
Tho Omaha JJoo ia affording an oppor
tunity for tho mayora of tho various
cities throughout tho state to express
tho needs of thoir towns in tho way of
uow enterprises and to tell what
opportunities nro offered for tho invest
Mient of capital A largo majority of
tho mayors thiulc thoir towns ospooially
capable of handling a beot sugar factory
ami thoro is no question in thoir minds
bat that tho raw material could bo
readily procured Tho beot sugar in
dustry is undoubtedly ono of tho most
popular enterprises of tho state and fort
unately Norfolk is tho location of ono of
theso valued institutions
Tho item is going the rounds of the
pres3 that tho top of a desk from Norwich
university Vermont in whioh Admiral
Dowoy had cut his uamo whou a studont
there sold in Boston tho other day for
J5 CO Wo hopo that this wont act p
an incentive to boys who may plan t
do something worthy of a place in hto
tory some day to mar school proporty
It is uo credit to Admiral Dowev over
to havo mutilated public property It
isnt even smart Dewey tho hero of
Manila bay deserves tho admiration of
the ropublic Dowoy tho school boy
who wantonly destroyed or marred a
Bobool desk deserved punishment Lets
keep tho two Dewoys separate
Tho people who coutinuo to argue
that there is uo prosperity iu the country
and no monoy havo little uso tor facts
Nevertheless they form nu argument
which will take moro than the ranting
vaporings of demagogues to overcome
hjvou democratic papers while denying
tlua existeuco of prosperity on their edi
torial pages publish uewsy fusts iu
theiiv news colutnos that must be dis
couraging to the averago pessimistio
areader Here for instance is a prosper
fty item from an ofllcial source which
cauuot successfully bo denied Bank
Commissioner Brcidonthals statements
from the Kausas stato and private banks
show au increase of l 000000 iu deposits
InrliiK Ihrco months Tho national
hank will inrriwo thlH mini to sJJOIHV
000 Ovor rl00000 to pllctl upon
deposit in Iviiiisiih hiinki
In hoiiio HcotioiiH tho Hilvor inpuhlicaiiH
nro vlKOioiiH In tho donuiiclutlou of tho
Kohl Htandaid and still contiiiuo to howl
with vividly ahout tho contraction of
tho curronuy Thcso pcnplo mmiui to
havo iot to KoliiKiiud cuit Mop Tho
faolH of tho onsouro all nniiiHt hem
Twanty yciirH ao tho iiionoy circula
tion of tho Unitutl States waH sfSKIaiWl
721 At tho bcKiniiiK of Decoinher
IKWI it had iiimwtl to llSriiiOimi
Tho people talco tho facto iutocoiiHidurn
tion roKardlerirt of tho iiHHortlmiH of diH
appointed polltleiuiiH With laboring
mull lludliiK ready employment at in
orunnliiK wiikH capital Hooking invest
ment and prices of u largo numher of
coinmodUioH rtolng steadily in value
tho volant are not apttotako niuoli Htoolt
in tho HtaleinontH of IhcortotH whoso
vlnwH are contradicted ut every point
hy t lie mil ural course of oventH Those
silver republicans know moro things
that aint so thaininy othor class of
men that walk tho earth
One of tho anticipations of tho democ
racy has been that on tho question of
expansion tho Gorman- Americans would
oppose it Such men as Onl Solium
hnvo boldly proclaimed that there would
bo desertions at wholosalo in such statos
an Wisconsin and Iowa Tho Iowa
oloction returns J roved how futilo woro
any such hopes as far as that state was
concerned And now a canvass has
been very carefully mado among tho
roprosontativo Gorman Ainoriean repub
licans of Wisconsin which roveals tho
fact that more thau i0 per cent of them
aro heartily in favor of President
MoKinleys policy in tho Philippines
Farther than this public sentimont can
bo pretty safely gauged from tho attitude
taken by tho press Out of 1 17 German
nowspapors published in Wisconsin only
ten of tho number are opposed to the
retention of tho islands Tho fuels
seem to ho against the democrat io party
It chases down llrst this thing then
that thinking now and again that it
luiB roally found au issue only to
wako up to tho knowledge that it hasnt
Talk about expansion I Do you real
ize how this nation is forging ahead
coniparod with tho balanco of tho world
Already ono sixth of tho wealth of tho
globo is iu our hands and it is increas
ing at tho rato of 20000000 OOi year
twice as fast as it is iu any other country
Whilo iu aroa wo possess only ono
eighteenth of the habitable earth
wo own ono third of tho worlds rail
roads one fourth of tho worlds manu
facturing one fif th of tho wordd agri
oulturo and moro than one sixth of tho
worlds banks All this whilo wo havo
only thirty poonlo to tho square milo
Who duro predict tho innnonsityof our
wealth the conveniences of our civiliza
tion tho glory of tho ropublic when it
shall havo ten times tho present num
ber of pooplo Even then wo shall not
havo half as many to tho square mile as
Holland bus at presont Is it any
wonder that Henry Wattorson in ono
of his meteoric moods doolared that tho
United States was bounded on tho north
by tho aurora boreulis on the south by
tho equator on tho east by sunrise and
on tho west by eternity
A Prosperity Christmas
An oastern paper rejoices because
Christmas was made happier this year
hy tho increase of wagos to mill opera
tives which admitted of thousands of
men women and children enjoying tho
coming of Santa Glaus in a maimer
quito rare Christinas presents woro
distributed most liberally in Now ISng
land as tho result of tho prosperity pro
vailing An increase of wages about that
time not only mndo this possiblo but
camo as a Christmas gift mest appreci
The democratic New York World
mado computations and said that ro
duced to figures theso increases in
wnges meant that 101700 hands wero
assured of an increase beforo Christmas
whioh means that an oxtra 5 10500 will
bo distributed among thorn monthly or
more than 1 050000 a year This ovi
donco of prosperity includes sovoral of
tho largest cities in New Kugland and
extends as well to villages and remote
And the best of it is that this is only
i io beginning Already proprietors of
other manufacturing establishments nro
anuouncing that thoy will at an early
date begin to sharo thoir profits with
their employes
Tho most notablo inMauce of this sort
is tho case of the American Woolou
company Treasurer William M Wood
has gladdened tho hearts of tho com
panys UOOOO operatives omployod in a
dozen or more mills scattered through
out Massachusetts by auuouucing that
tho company will shortly raise wages 10
per cent
Thirty thousand operatives in Kail
River mills are included iu tho totiil
Lowell Muss has Incorporations which
will increase their monthly pay rolls by
00000 and iu Lawrence Ave corpora
tions will distribute fr0000 additional
monthly uinong 10000 hands Four cor
porations in Manchester N II havo
increased the pay of 15000 hands by
iJtfOOOO monthly and tho same story is
told on a greater scalo through all the
manufacturing cities and villages iu
Maine Rhode Island and Connecticut
It really begins to look as if the war
with the liners was Mr Ihamhoilaius
own funeral
If you want to get eclipsed llrst gel
full Thai was the way with tho moon
tho other night
There is a dillVreiico botween a colony
and a territory notwithstanding the
inability of the auti oxpausioiitstH to
see it
George brod Williams of Massachu
setts when discussing tho gold standard
keeniH to bo between tho devil and tho
deep sea
There aro lilOOOOOO bank depositors
in this country among 15000000 fami
lies What did you say about tho dis
tribution of wealth
The now plans for tho tho expansion
of the univoisity of Oallforniacall for an
expenditure of SSOOOOOOOjand n quarter
of a century In which to do tho work
Is this still the ninotootith contury or
havo wo entered the twentieth That
is tho quustioii of the hour which is
being disoussod at length by savants
Somo people talk about this world as
a wicked cruel pluoo1ut if you Jtnko
notico theso same folks will pay a good
sizod doctorshill ruthor than loavo it
Consistency Is still a jowol
A grand daughtorof Brlnghnm Young
has taken the highest honors at tho
Berlin conservatory of music and it is
thoro predicted that hor veico will provo
to bo ono of tho greatest voices in tho
Doubling tho value of a dollnr by cut
ting it in two didnt work in 1 850 It
wont work any bettor in 1 000 It nover
will work And among a soiiHiblo
peoplo like ours any party is ovor san
guine which oxpocts it to
Tho TiineH Trihuno this morning in
augurated a decided innovation in tho
way of advertising printing tho princi
pal lines of their advortisoinonts in bril
liant red Tho rod lino featuro is strik
ing and at onco attracts tho attention of
Not all democrats aro anti-expansionists
Governor Jonos of Arkansas who
wants to go to tho United States souato
says Tho only salvation for tho
southern states is iu tho expansion of
comniorcoby tho opening of new markets
in Asia for southorn products and to
protect such connnorco tho Philippines
must bo retained by tho United States
Tho rumor is current that Whitelaw
lloid editor of the Now York Tribune
wants to bo placed on tho tickot with
MoKiuloy for vico president Mr ltoid
had ono try for tho positiou going
down to dofeat with Benjamin Harrison
tho socond timo tho lattor was renomi
nated Thoro aro othor oditors who
would not object to tho job with tho
salary attached
A man living in Fredorii ksburg Va
was so ploased ovor tho result of tho
election in Nebraska that ho painted
his house a bright Bilvor color Mr
Bodethat is his nnnio should havo
counted tho fruit that fell from the trees
in other states for tho republicans and
thou very appropriately havo upon
his residonco Apples of gold in
pictures of silvor
Tho Norfolk Journal rounded out its
M years of oxistonce with tho issue of
last week and is as trim and chick as
when first lauuohod into tho nowspuper
Held Tho Journal has always hold a
linn position iu tho nowspuper Hold of
this part of tho stato uud under Mr
Sprechors manugomont its popularity
has iu no whit diminished It is now
and has always boon considered as ono
of Norfolks pormauont fixtures
Andrew Carnegios geuoro3ity has
struck Nebraska and Lincoln has boon
givou 475000 with which to erect a fire
proof public library building All
Nebraska will rejoice with Lincoln in
her good fortune and the philanthropist
has raisod himself considerably iu tho
estimation of Nebraska peoplo by his
gonorous act By tho way Androw
Norfolk would bo satisfied with a tenth
part of that amount for n similar pur
It pays to bo great iu almost
anything John L Sullivan tho pugi
list and at one timo champion of tho
world during tho 17 yea is of his public
career as a scrappor has mado close to
a million dollars tho figures given being
911400 And yet ho is now a poor
mau his wealth being squandorcd iu dis
sipation and riotous living Money
gained iu this manner is ephemeral as
the fame Ab Sullivan grows old and
needs money on which to livo it has
disappeared His fame in tho ring is
but a moinory disgusting to many and
tho pluco he onco hold in tho sporting
world is occupied by younger mon
For histiug fame and wealth dont try
tho prize ring
lultur IUt
List of letters remaining uncalled for
at tho postolllco January 2 1000
S II Adams Charlotte Adams Chus
Drauchor Irene Duekett 2 Fred
Flausburg Henry II Foun II Grifllu
15 O Garrett Jos W Herrick M C
Hubbard 2 11 O Jensen John Love
Rawlins Patwell John M Pierce
Hairy K Siby Anna Slovens Oscar
Schlaupp John F Trotter
If not culled for iu I0 days will bo
sent to tho dead letter olllce
Parties calling for any of tho ubovo
pleuso say advertised
P F Siuicmu P M
Itcul lint I nunhirx
The following transfers of real estate
are icported by Chester A Fuller man
ager of tho Madison county ahstraol
olllco at Norfolk
Iillen 10 Page and husband to
W W Weaver a parcel of
laud in out lot D Kimball
Hlairs addition to Burnett
described by metes and
Charles Hahn and wife to Mrs
Carolina Bauin wd lots 7 and
8 block J MuohinullorH addi
tion to Norfolk
7 8 block 1 Norfolk
Geo W Losoy sheriff to
Frauk A Dearborn and
Balnioro F Swan sheriffs
deed no 14 oud so 11-24-1
W It Fllis and wifo to Carrie
W Olin wd la interest in lot
1 block Park addition to Mad
I jr 00
100 00
lion A Tyler to Win Soiilert
wd lot t block 0 and lot Hi
block f Hillside Terrace addi
tion to Norfolk 8H0 00
Pioneer Town Sito Co to Caleb
O Allbory wd lot i block 15
Pioneer Town Sito Cos ad-
dition to Battle Crock
Hdwin F Princo to Daisy
Woltzor wd ofj of lots 2 and
II block w Barnes Third nd
dition to Madison
John K Lambort to O Peter
son wd part of block Mc
Combs suburban lots to Bur
Wilholm F Ahlinan and wifo
toO F Shaw wd otCof bvtUi
and bij of nwjij all boiug of
s w of 20-21-1
II K Wood and wifo to Daniel
Soheor wd swjf of 2 22 1
58 50
2f 00
100 00
4000 00
11200 00
United States of Amorica to
Gottiob Ziboll pd wji of ecjf
Be- of so 2 2 1 1
Hibert T Alyoa and wifo to
Frediick II Goodfollow wd
lots 1 and 2 and oK of
10 21 1000 00
Ferdinand Haaso mid wifo to J
W Upton wd part of uw1
of sw 27 24 1
1257 50
Samuel W Hayes nud wifo to
William F Tannehill wd
wf w uvU 200 00
Fred Warrenfc and wifo to
W If Wigtou wd i interest
in sOl feet of n 151 feet of lots
1 00
075 00
1 00
United States of Amorica to
Frod J Bender pd sw Jf 112-21-3
John L Zocckler and wifo to
Fred Warrant wd eCI feet of
nlBl feet of lots 7 8 block 4
Norfolk r00 00
E It Startzman and wife to
Walter Mead qcd lot 0 block
2 1 North addition to Madison 10 00
Content Notico Original
Department of tho Interior United
States Land Onlce ONeill Nebraska
December 10 1809 A sufficient con
test affidavit having been filed iu this
office by William T Forguson contest
ant against T O entry 4175 mado
July 20 1890 for wy mv section 11
township 2R range 1 w by Luna B
Gates contestee in which it is alleged
that cnid Gates has failed to broak or
causo to be broken five acres of said
tract during tho 1 2 1 1 5 i 7 8 0
and 10 years of said entry up to date
that tho said Gates has failed to
plant or cause to bo planted to
trees tree seeds or cuttings five acres
of said tract during any of said years
oxcopt in tho year of 1895 which trees
havo never been cnltiuited and havo
died out for wuut of cultivation and
care That said failures still exist Said
patty is horehv notified to appear re
spond and offer evidenco touching said
allegation at 10 oclock a m on Febru
ary 0 1900 boforo tho register and re
ceiver of tho United States laud office
in ONeill Nebraska
Tho said contestant having in a
proper affidavit filed December 19 1899
sot forth facts whioh show that after
duo diligeuco personal service of this
notico cauuot bo mado it is hereby
ordered and directed that such notice
bo given by duo and proper publication
s 1 wiikis
Altiinl College TIiIn Year
Never iu tho history of our country
was thoro a grandor opportunity than
tho presont for educated young men and
women What an auspicious momont
for those who are just now on tho
threshold of lito
Grand Island Business nud Normal
collego has for fourteen years beou tho
leading institution of its kind iu tho
wostoru states and last year moro than
twice as many calls wero recoived for
its graduates as could bo supplied
Everything necessary for a successful
start iu life is taught business normal
and shorthand courses Expenses low
Board only 1150 per weok One years
time given on tuition if desired Col
lego record sent free or for six cents will
send elegant catalogue
A M Harkos President
Grand Island Neb
Southern Literature
Interesting literature regarding tho
South is now being distributed by tho
Southern Railway Southern Homes
folders large map folders Land of tl e
Sky booklets Southern Fields Mm
orals nud Mines books etc mailed frre
to any address Tho Einpiro of the
South a very handsomo volume of
about 200 pages profusely illustrated
also issued by tho Southern Railway aud
sent to any address upon receipt of 2
cents which amount approximates cost
of delivery Address
Wm II Tayloe
Asst Geul Pass Agent Southorn R
Louisville ICy
nrMiriil Ill I r ntitl IlUittn lorlrns lt ll
to IM I lit Com I
Paimiuos Nob Jan Tho pre
liminary hearing of Corporal Fair and
Private Joekens tho two soldiers
charged with tho murder of Dcsertei
Morgan was held iu tho county court
Judge Howard said ho was u great ad
mirer of discipllnu but thought it wap
needless to discuss discipline at length
After passing over the cuso ho said ho
saw probable causo to bind the defend
ants over to the district court auil fixed
tho bond at 1000 each
ItiiywnrilN Ulll In Illcil
NniiiusKA City Neb Jan R Tho
will of the late Senator M L Haywurd
was offered for probate yesterday It
directs that after his dohts nro piid his
property shall bo divided equally among
liis widow and throo children tho
widow to tuko her sharo in lieu of
dower Mrs Haywurd Is mado execu
trix without bond anil is granted abso
lute power to dispose of tho property us
sho deems best Tho estate is valued
at about 125000 and consists largoly of
farming lauds in eastern Nebraska and
Flood Oniiilm htrnot
Omaha Jan R Tho 12 inch water
main on middle Harney street broke at
a point just west of Sixteenth yesterday
nud iua few moments tho surrounding
blocks and streets wero converted into a
sea of dirty water Boforo tho water
could bo shut off au immense amount of
daniago was done iu tho way of Hooding
Atnntit Duutli In a Hiiiinwny
Cnrrn Nob Jan R John Spirk
and Erwiu Smith son of the well
known cattle buyer wero in a runaway
four miles from this city Spirk is
dead and Smith is badly hurt but will
Iliilcomb to Don Ihinluo
Lincoln Jan 3 Judge elect Hoi
jonib will take his seat on tho supreme
court bench Thursday morning Chief
Justice Harrison will administer tho
oath of olllco
Tuko timo by tho forolock If your
blood is out of order begin tnkiug
Hoods Sjrsaparilla at onco and prevent
serious illness
Wanted Honest mau or woman to
travel for largo house salary 05
monthly aud exponses with increase
position permanent enclose self-addressed
stamped envelope Manaqik
a0 Caxtou bldg Chicago
Adversity flatteroth no man but
tho paius of dyspepsia turn his atten
tion to Hoods Sarsaparilla and in its
uso ho finds a cure
Notice to HrhlKH CoiitrnctorH
Notice is hereby given that sealed bid
will bo received at the county clerks
office at Madison Madison county Ne
braska tiutil 12 oclock at noon standard
time January 21 1900 for the erection
aud completion and furnishing of ma
terial and lubor for all pile and iron
bridges to bo built during tho year 1900
according to the following specifications
to wit
1 All wooden bridges to rest on
threo piles at each bout to bo driven to a
solid foundation and bent to bo of
length required by county board piles
to bo of white oak or white cednr not
less than teu inch top all piling to bo
sound proportionate aud free from
windshake and objectionable knots
2 All caps to bo of two 8x12 inch
white oak to each set of threo piles to
bo bolted on two sides of piling with
inch bolts and washers to each pile and
nuts on end piling to bo on inside All
piles to havo u tenon of u inch for
caps to rest upon
II All piling to be sway braced with
8x0 white oak or 5x8 whito pine uud to
be securely bolted to end of cup nun at
each intersection with piling with K
inch bolts nud j inch washers Eud
of joists and cups to bo covorcd with
tho sume material as flooring and to be
even with top of floor
4 All joists to bo of northern whito
pino8x2 sized nt ench end outside
joists to bo bolted to cap at each end
with ii inch bolt und -d inch washers
All bridges to havo nino lines of joists
well lapped on caps All joists to bo well
bridged with 2G whito pine well nailed
with 11 penny wiro nails
5 All flooring to bo 3x12 northern
white pine aud to bo spiked to joists
with JO penny steel nails at each inter
section of joists
0 Railing to bo 1B feet hiph above
floor posts 4x5 northern pine all bolted
to outsido striugers with two inch
bolts and washers except enrt posts
which shall bo bolted to piling hipping
two feet on each comer pilo cap of rail
ing to bo 2x0 with 2x0 on iusido under
cap hubrnil 2xl and guard rail ix0 all
white pine and to bo well spiked with
0 ponny wiro nails
7 All railimr to bo painted with two
heavy coats of Vonotiau red and boiled
linspod oil All iron work on steel
bridges to bo painted with two heavy
conts of graphite paint
8 All bridges to bo on 1 1 feet road
way and bid must stato prico per lineal
Proposals will also bo received ft r
steel nnd combination bridges 14 feet
roadway supported by concrete piers
with Id inch steel case 0 to 42 inohes
diameter Bid must stato size of pier
and prico per lineal foot and if built on
piling to stnte length aud kind of piling
und prico per lineal foot for piling
All bidders are required to accompany
their bids with plans and specifications
of their work and a certified check of
10000 to bo forfeited if contractor fails
to make contract or filo an acceptable
bond within 15 days from dato of let
Tho board of county commissioners
reservo tho right to nward soparate con
tracts for pile bridges combination
bridges and steel biidpes also the
right to reject any or all bids
The party awarded tho contract will
bo required to give a good und sufficient
bond conditioned for the faithful per
formuueo of tho contract with at least
ono surety rosideut of Mudison county
Nebraska said bond to be approved by
the county board
Dated this 21st dar of December 1S90
15 G Heilman
County Clerk
Dr Humphreys
Specifics cure by tiding directly upon
tho disease without GJciting disorder in
nny other pnrt of tho system
no cuncs nucKS
I Impm Conffoatlons Inflammation iH
i Wnrnn Worm Kour Worm Colic ii
i Trrtlilnu Colin CrylngWnkefiilncsj 2i
l llnrrlien of Children or Adults 21
7 Coimlm Colds Droncliltls
H Vrnrnlgln TooUinclio Pnccacho J 5
Ilcnilnclic Sick Itcmlacho Vertigo Ul
1 0 1 aiirpnln IndlRcstloiiWcnkStomnchil
I 1 Hnpiirrmcil or Painful lorloi1 2S
lVS Whlti Too Trofuso Periods 25
13 Croup InrmultN Hoarseness 2H
1 I Suit lllieiiiu Kryslpclas Kruptlons 2i
11 Illiiiuuntloiiii lUieumntlc Tains
10 Mnlnrln Chills lovcr and Ariio
111 Cntnrrli InlUicnia Cold In tho Head
JO WliooplniiCoiiitli
U7 KIlmYllLitnm
H rrvouH Ilelillltv
lO lrliinrv WcnUni ss Wetting Ucd
J7 rlp HayFcNor
hit 1ESfilr
BUM t I tVWf
Dr Huniphrp Manual of nil Diseases nt your
DrtiKKlts or Mnllcil Free
Hold hy UriiKKlsts or sent on roeelntof prlec
HuniplircyB Mod Co Cor William John Bti
New York
hhhkhmhhm aiiu mtiv u uo
Uteyoar bright and w right title ntuibrror
inrnn aronnd iHar tl brratl Uktaofrr
vrtl unlrrtoiitttloai op under ariat and
wo will ecml you thtacont by oxprtsa
tOD tulijrrl io rumination Ki
amino nnd tr It on at ourncirost
uxnrCfcH ofllcc nnd If found eiftftly
rrrrrarntrd and thr moot wonderful
value juu rttr mw or heard of and
equal Io any coat joo can buy for
90O pM the Ilprosa npent OtK
MIAIj OFlKlt ritlU 275 and
rxtircR rharucs
fttjle cnoy fitting lundo from heay
waterproof Ian color genuine DatUfuierl
llotht full Iiwifftht double breasted
Fncrr eh ot collar fancy plaid lining
wntcrnroof HOwodhcaniB Suitable for
both ltiln or hernial and guaranteed
UHhAltST VAUK eter offrred by us or
any othor lioupe rnrlrretlotli Simple
or urns up io row
and Hutu and Over
rnntnnt frmn t flO tollo 00 wrlto for
MtKK HiniMt IlOOk So DlKAddret
Bean llocbuck a to are tboroosbly rt liauie a aiiorvi
nf Best Varieties nt Hard Times Prices Small
fruit in Inrco enpply Milllnim of Strnwliorry
plants Miry thriftj nnd well rooted Got Ilia
BUST nenr homo nud snvo froiKlit or exprofi
Send for prico list to
Norlh Bend Nurseries
North Bend PDdge County Pch
Free Reclining Chair Gars on all Trains
I WO DAILY fast thains each way
Atchison Kansas City
and St Louis
With direct connections to all South
crn and Eastern points
Unexcelled timo und nccommodiitioue
to tlie
Famous Hot Serines of Arkansas
For moro comploto information descriptive
pamplilctx etc nildrnse
A O F and P A T I A
Southeast Cor 14th nnd DouRlnnSta
Illinois Beotral R R
Tho Illinois Central clcsiroc to mil attention
to tho iiiiuxccIIimI Kurvicn that ih offered by its
lincb to tlio boilth for tho boahon of 1MJ0 1900
Pullman Tourist Sleeping Cars
Icrbtilinlly conduct
ed Huns through to
I ok AnueleH mid San
Kmnclbcn in Now
OrlemiH in connect ion
uiththuSoiitlmrn Pa
cific loniim Chicago
on tlie Centra lt fast
Now Orleans
elnlf riinnectloii aim mado liv tllln train witl
daily triiiih out of Now Orleaiih for tho Iacitio
Cuiibt Tho Limited fioin Chieuco oor own
inK coniiects on Mnnilnjtt aud TliiuitaB at
Now Orleans after December IS IMM with tho
of the Southern lncillc h inn bjiecial thioiiKh
tonico to San Fruiichco
nun ille Florida
Double daily bori
ico in maintained out
of SI Ioiiib iin tho
Illinois- Central and
connect Iiik linen to
ca and Atlanta tluo
bleenini cat to Jack
helm carried on the
IcaiinKt owning This train at
oil ab the la Kxptcbii leavinK St Iouib iu
tho nuiniint aio both t oliil trains to Nashville
haiiiiK tluouch roiches aud bleeping care run
niiiK through Martin Tonu and tho N C A St
j it j Coilnectiou iin this lino for all princi
pal points iu tho Southeast siuli lib Charleston
Wilmington Alkin und Sjiauiiah and for all
Hiiutb iu Florida
Dail from ChiciiBo to Mcmphib aud New Oi
HOMlirKiiS ICXCIUISIONS to coitain
points iu the South on tho liueb of tho Illinois
Central nud V A M V railroads will bo run ou
tho llrst nnd third Taenia of each mouth dui
inn tho n inter benbon
Full oarticiilarb concornini nil of tho alxno
can Imliad of iiKeutbof tho Illinois Central or
b addiebflns A II Hanson tl I1 A Chiiah i