1V 707 I 1 ft- 1 I 1 1 i t WiP If JVI M ar I m if y iV I I t u w mi LN - Ji i t w Aik I v b o ilfWXlllii IMKgSf LSaiRJlfeJ Lis atf A 112a V 7 i JSA1 4 VJsa rb K rvrrr crM nrM c Vr V V 7 Fmf INITIF I IFF OF AMFIIA RlJnFDvOH o -COPYRIGHT BY ANNA KATHAPINE AUTUOJ CFnCLrAVtNWORTM CATt DIHIND CUVtD POOC THAT AJTA1B NLXT DOOtt 1897 OY AMNA K ROHUV HC ETC CIIAPTKl XXX HTUATKUY 1 wns ovcrwholiwii Wlmt hitil I you still doubt 1 always doubt lio i nvuly roplicd This collar bottom offers a wido Hold for Bpcculntion Too wido purhaiis but I lmvo it riltui Horo ho leaned over and whispered n few concihu Kentenees in my ear in u tono eo low I should feel that I was bo trayiug his conlideiieo in repeating them But their import will hoon become ap parent from what presently occurred Light Miss liutterworth totho htair way Mr Gryco now commamled ono of tho men and thus accompanied I fouud my way back to tho kitchen whero Hannah was bemoaning uneoin fortcd tho slnuuu which had como upon tho house I did not stop to sootho lur That was not my cue nor would it lmvo an swered my purpose On tho contrary I oxclaimed as I pased her What ashaniol Thoho wretches can not bo got away from tho collar What doyousupposo they expect to find there I left them polling hither and thither in a way that will bo very irritating to Miss Knollys it sho is such a woman as I am I wonder William stands it What hiiobiiid in reply I do not know I was half way down tho hall boforo my own words woro finished My next move was to go to my room whero I had among other small necessa ries a tiny hammer and somo small very sharp pointed tacks Curious arti cles you will think for a woman to carry on her travels but I am a woman of osperieueo and havo known only too often what it was to want theso petty conveniences and not bo able to get them They wero to servo mo an odd turn now Taking a half dozen tacks in ono hand and concealing tho hammer in my bag I btartcd boldly for Williams room I know that tho girls wero not thero for I had heard them talking to gether in tho hitting room when 1 camo np Besides if they were I had a ready answer for any demand thoy might make Searching out his boots I turned them over and into tho fcolo of each I drove ono of my small tacks Then I put them back in tho samo place and posi tion in which I found them Tabk No 1 was dono When I issued from tho room I went as quickly as I could below 1 was now ready for a talk with tho girls whom I fouud as I had anticipated talking and weeping together in tho sitting room They roso as I camo in awaiting my first words in evident anxiety Thoy had not heard mo go up stairs I immediate ly let my anxiety aud only too deep in terest in this matter havo full play My poorgirlsl What is tho meaning of this Your mother just dead and the matter kept from mo her friend It is astounding incomprehensible I do not know what to mako of it or of you It has a straugo look 6aid Lorcen gravely but wo had reasons Miss But terworth Our mother charming and sweet as you remembor her has not al ways dono right or what you will bet ter understand committed a criminal act against a person in this town tho penalty of which is states prison With difficulty tho words camo out With difficulty sho kopt down tho flush of hhamo which threatened to overwholm her and did overwhelm her mora sensi tive hibter But her self control was great and she went bravoly on whilo I in faint imitation of her courago ro fctrained my own surpriso and intolera ble senso of fchock aud bitter sorrow un der a guiso of simple sympathy It was forgery sho said This has never boforo passed our lips Though a cherished wifo and a beloved mother sho longed for many tilings that my father could not give her and in an evil hour sho imitated tho namo of a rich man here and took tho check thus signed to Hartford Tho fraud was not detected and sho received tho monoy hut ultimately tho rich man whoso money shaliad spent discovered tho uso sho had mado of his namo and if sho had not escaped would havo had her ar rested But sho loft tho country and tho only rovengo ho took was to swear that if 6ho ever set foot again in X ho would call tho polico down upon her Yes if sho wero dying and thoy had to drag her from tho brink of tho gravo And ho would havo dono it and know ing this wo havo lived wider tho shad ow of this fear for 11 years My father died under it aud my mother ah sho spent all iicr lifo under foreign slues but when fclio felt tho hand of death upon hor her affection for her own ilesh and blood triumphed over her dihero tion und sho camo secretly I own but still with that horror menacing her to theso doors and begging our forgivo ness lay down under tho roof whero wo wero bom and died with tho halo of our lovo about her Ah said I thinking of all that had happened siuco I had como into this houso and finding nothing but confir mation of what sho was eayiug I begin to understand But Lucotta 6hook her boad No said sho yon cannot under stand yet Wo who had worn mourning for her becauso my father wished to mako this very return impossible know nothing of what was in storo for us till a lotter camo saying sho would bo at tho O station on tho very night wo receiv ed it To acluiowleduo our deception to seek and bring her homo openly to this house could not ho thought of for a mo ment How then could wo satisfy her dying wishes without compromising her memory or ourselves Perhaps you havo guessed Miss Butterworth You havo had time since wo revealed tho unhap py secret of this household Yes said I I havo guessed Lueotta with hor hand laid on mine looked wistfully into my fare Ah sho said when wo saw her sho was driven up to our doorstep through tho weeds and grass and William who had not dared to uo to J lest our gem should fail stepped down to tho carriage and lifted her out in his anus It was whilo sho htill clung to him with her faeo pressed eloso against his breast that Loreen and I first saw her our mother yet so small tho smallest of us all Sho was wan but happy and very near to death Loreen and I blessed God as we carried her up tho stairs and laid hor in tho great front chamber Wo did not foresee what would happen tho very next morning I mean tho arrival of your telegram to bo followed so soon by j yourself Poorgirlsl Poorgirlsl It was all I I could saw I was completely over whelmed Tho first night after your arrival wo moved her into Williams room as be ing moro remote and thus a safer ref uge for her Tho next night she died Tho dream which you had of being locked in your room was no dream Lo reen did that in ioolisli precaution against your trying to search us out in tho night It would havo been better now I seo if wo had taken you into our confidence Yes said I that would havo boon bettor But I did not say how much better That would havo been giving away my secret William who is naturally colder than wo and less sensitive in regard to her ioad name has shown somo little impatience at tho restraint imposed upon him and this was an extra bur den Miss Butterworth but that and all tho others wo havo been forced to bear tho generous girl did not speak of her own special grief and loss havo all been rendered useless by tho unhappy chanco which has brought into our midst this agent of tho polico Ah if I only know whether this was thoprovidenco of God rebuking us or just tho nialico of man seeking to rob us of our one best treasure a mothers untarnished namo Mr Gryco acts from no malico I began but I saw they wero not listen ing Arc thoy dono down below asked Lucetta Does tho man you call Oryco seem natisfied asked Lorcou I drow myself up physically and men tally My second tabic was about to bo iin I do not understand thoso men said I Thoy seem to want to look far ther than tho sacred spot where we left them If thoy are going through a form thoy aro doing it very thoroughly That is their duty said Lorcen but Lucotta took it less calmly It is an unhappy day for us cried sho Hhamo after shame disgraco aft er disgrace I wish wo had all died in our childhood Loreen I must seo Wil liam Ho will bo doing somo foolish tiling swearing or My dear said I let mo go to William Ho may not liko mo over much but I will at least prove a re straint to him You aro too feoblo Seo you ought to bo lying on tho couch in stead of tiyiug to drag yourself out to tho stables And indeed at that moment Lncottas strength gavo suddenly out and sho sunk into Lorcens arms inscnsiblo When sho was restored I hurried away to tho stables still in pursuit of tho task which I had not yet completed I found William sitting doggedly on a btool in tho open doorway grunting out short sentences to tho two men who lounged in his vicinity on either bido Ho was angry but not as angry as I had seen him times before Tho men wero townsfolk and listened eagerly to his broken sentences Ono or two of theso reached my ears Let em go it It wont bo now or today thoyll settle this business Its tho devils work and dovils aro sly My houso wont givo up that secret or any other houso theyll bo likely to visit Tho placo I would ransack But Loreen would say I was babbling Good ucss knows a fellows got to talk about something when his fellow townsfolk como to soo him Aud hero his laugh broko in harsh cruel and insulting I felt it did him no good and mado haste to show myself Immediately his wholo nppearanco chnuged Ho was so astonished to seo mo tlicro that for a moment ho was ab solutely silent then ho broko out again into another loud guffaw but this tinio in a different tono Ah ha ho laughed Miss Butter worth I Here Saracen Como pay your rcpeua to tho lady who likes you so well And Saracen came but I did not for Fako my ground I had seen what I hoped to seo in ono corner and Sara cenB prosenco afforded mo tho opportu uity of indulging in ono or two rather curious performances I am not afraid of tho dog said I with marked loftiness shrinking toward tho pail of water I had ulready marked with my uvo Not at ull afraid I TIIK NORFOLK NKW T1IUKSDAY 1ANUARY I 110 continued taitchiug up tho pail and mittiiitf it between us nHiho dog mado wild dash in my direction Theso gen tleiuen will not seo mo hurt And though they all laughed thoy would havo been fools if they had notand tho dog jumped tho pall and 1 jumped not a pail but a broom bundle that wuh lying amid all tho rest of tho disorder on tho lloor they did not see that I hud succeeded in doing what I wished which was to placo that pail so near to Williams feet that But wait a mo ment everything In its own time 1 es caped tho dog and next moment had my oyoon him lledid not move after that which rather put a stop to tho laughter which seeing I drow very near to Wil liam and with a sly gesture to tho two men which for somo reason they seem ed to understand whispered in tho rude fellows ear Theyve found your mothers gravo under tho flower parlor Your sisteis told mo to tell you But that is not all Theyre trampling hither and yon through all tho secret places in tho cel lar turning up tho earth with their spades 1 know they wont find any thing hut wo thought you ought to know Hero I mado a feint of being startled and ceased My second task was done The thiid only remained Fortunately at that moment Mr Gryco and his fol lowers showed themselves in tho gar den Thoy had juht como from tho cel lar and played their part in tho samo spirit 1 had mine Though they were too far for their words to bo heaid tho air of secrecy and tho dubious looks they east towaul the stable could not but evince oven to Williams dull un derstanding that their investigations had resulted in a doubt which left them far from satisfied but once this impres sion made they did not linger long to gether Tho man with the lantern moved off and Mr Gryco turned toward us changing his wholo appearance as he advanced till no ono could look more cheerful and good humored Well that is over said ho Mere form Mr Knollys mere form Wo havo to go through these things at times and good peoplo liko yourself havo to submit but 1 assure you it is not pleasant and under tho present cir cumstances I am sure you understand me Mr Knollys tho task has occa sioned mo a feeling almost of remorse but that is inseparable from a detect ives life Ho is obliged every day of his lifo to rido over tho tenderest emo tions Forgive mo And now you boys scatter till I call you together again I hopo our next search will bo without such sorrowful accompaniments It succeeded William stared at him and stared at tho men slowly filing off down tho yard but was not for a mo ment deceived by theso overflowing ex pressions On tho contrary ho looked more concerned than ho had whilo seat ed between the two men manifestly sot to guard him Tho deuce he cried with a shrug of his shoulders that expressed any thing but satisfaction Lucetta always said But oven bo knew enough not to finish that sentenco low as ho had mumbled it Watching him and watch ing Mr Gryco who at that moment turned to follow his men I thought tho timo had como for action Making an other spring as if in fresh terror of Sar acen who by tho way was eying mo with tho meekness of a lamb I tipped over that pail with such huddenness and with such dexterity that its wholo con tents poured in one flood over Williams feet And my third task was accom plished The oath ho uttered and tho excuses which I most volubly poured forth could not havo reached Mr Grycos cars for ho did not turn And yet from tho way his shoulders shook as ho disap peared around tho corner of tho houso I judgo thut ho was not entirely ignorant of tho subterfugo by which I hoped to forco this blundering booby of ours to ehango tho boots ho woro for ono of tho pairs into which I had driven those lit tle tacks CHAPTER XXXI KKIIKF Tho plan succeeded Mr Gryces plans usually do William went imme diately to his room and in a littlo whilo camo down and hastened into tho cellar I want to seo what mischief thoy havo dono said ho When ho camo back his faco was beaming All right ho shouted to his sis ters who had como into tho hall to meet him Your secrots out but There thero interposed Loreen you had better go up stairs and pre pare for supper Wo must eat Wil liam or rather Miss Butterworth must eat whatever our borrows or disappoint ments Ho took tho robnko with a grunt aud relieved us of his company Littlo did ho think as ho went whistling up tho fetairs that ho had just shown Mr Gryco whero to search for whatever might bo lying under tho broad sweep of that cel lar bottom That night it was after supper which I did not eat for all my natural stoicism Hannah camo rushing in whero wo all sat silent for tho girls showed no disposition to enlargo their confidences in regard to thoir mother and no other topio seemed possible and closing tho door behind her said quick ly and with evident chagrin Thoso men are hero again Thoy say they forgot something What do you think it means Miss Loreen They havo spades and lautoms and They aro tho polico Hannah If thoy forgot soinothing thoy havo tho right to return Dont work yourself up about that Tho secret thoy havo already fouud out was our worst Thero is noth ing to fear after that And sho dis missed Hannah merely bidding her let us know when tho houso was quito clear Was sho right Was there nothing worsofor them to fear I longed to leavo theso trembling bibters longed to join tho party below and follow with them tho tiny impressions made by the tacks I had driven Into Williams soles If there was anything hidden under the cellar bottom natural anxiety would have cauied him to the spot ho had tn fear so thev would only havo to dig at the places where those impressions took a sharp turn Hut was there anything hidden there lYom the sisters woids and actions 1 judged thero was nothing serious but would they know William wax quito capable of deceiving them if he had tho wit Had hedoneso It was a question It was solved for us by Mr Grycos reappearance in tho room an hour or so later From the moment the light fell upon his Kindly featuies in tho doorway 1 knew that 1 might breathe again free ly It was not the face ho showed in the house of a criminal nor did his bow have any of that false dofoicnco in it witli which he sometimes trioH to hide his secret doubt or contempt I havo como to trouble you for tho last time ladies Wo havo mado a dou ble search through tills houso and through tho stables and feel perfectly justified in saying that our duty hence forth will lead uh elsewhere Tho se crets wo havo surprised aio your own anil if possible hhall remain so Your brothers propensity for vivisection and the return and death of your mother bear so little on the real question which interests this community that we may bo able to prevent theirspiead as gossip through the town That this may be done conscientiously however 1 ought to know something more of the latter circumstance If Miss Uuttorwoith will then be good enough to grant mo a few minutes conference with these ladies 1 may be able to satisfy myself so far us to let this matter rest where it is I rose with right goodwill A moun tain weight nail been lilted from me pi oof positive that 1 had ically come to love these girls What they told him whether it was less or moro than they told me 1 cannot say and for the moment did not know Thut it had not shaken his faith in them was evident lor when ho camo out to whero 1 was waiting in tho ball his as pect was oven moio encouraging than it had been before No guile in thoso girls ho whis pered as he passed mo Tho olew giv en by what seemed mysterious in this house has como to naught Tomorrow wo talvO up another Tho trinkets found in Mother lanes cottage aro something real You may sleep soundly tonight Miss Butterworth Your part has been well done but I know you aro glad that ithasfailed And I knew that I was glad too which is tho best proof that thero is something in mo besides tho detective instinct Tho front door had scarcely closed bo hind liini when William camo storming in Ho had been gossiping over I lie feneo with Mr Trolim and had been beguiled into taking a glass of winu in his house Ho showed it Thoso sneaks cried ho I hear theyve been back again digging and stirring up our cellar bottom liko mad Thats becauso youre so dreadful shy you girls Youro afraid of this yonro afraid of that You dont want folks to know your mother once Well well thero it is now If you had been willing that should bo known I would havo been let alono and my affairs left un touched but now every fool will cry out at mo in this staid puritanical old town and all becauso a few bones havo been found of animals which havo died in tho cause of science I say its all your fault Not that I havo anything to bo ashamed of becauso I havent but be cause this other thing this d d wick ed series of disappearances taking placo for aught wo know a dozen rods irom our gates though I think but no matter what I think you all liko or say you like old Deacon Spear has mado every ono so touchy in this pharisaical town that to kill a fly has become a crime oven if it is to save oneself from poi son Im going to seo if I cannot mako folks look askance at somo other man than me Im going to find whoor what causes these disappearances This was a declaration to mako us all stare and look a little bit foolish Wil liam playing tho dotcctivo Well what might I not livo toseonoxtl But tho noxt moment an overpowering thought struck mo Might this Deacon Spear by any chanco bo tho rich man whoso ani mosity Althea Knollys had awakcuod To liu ontiniioil Noxt Wcuk Wasted several bright and honest porsons to represent us as managers in this and closo by counties Salary 00 a year and expenses Straight bona fide no more no less salary Position perma nent Our references any bauk in any town It is mainly office work con ducted at homo Reference Kncloso self addresfiod stamped euvolopn Tub Dominion Company Dopt if Chicago A Fair Outside Is a Poor Substitute For Inward Worth Good health inwardly of the kidneys liver and bowels is sure to come if Hoods Sar saparilla is promptly used This secures a fair outside and a consequent vigor in the frame with the glow of health on the check good appetiU perfect digestion pure blood Catarrh I linve liutl no return of the catarrh which troubled mo for years since Hoods Sursaimrillu cured me Mas Jok Mahtin Washington ht UgriensburB N V Dyspepsia - Complicated with liver and kidney trouble I suffered for jcara with dyspepsia with severe pains Hoods Samapurillu made mo btroia and hearty J 1 Kmeutom Main Street Auburn Me McctCS Sateatmiflg MMIMH1II Mi J lloodi Ill cure liter Ilia Die non Irritating and nly Catliartlc to taWa oltlT IIikk1 SaraoarillaV mm iygs LM AdSiVMiXXK f IruaM IncluillliKtliit Nr luon Utt truaa tJQ 7K tbatcurfa alaant any rar anI aalilrla aril for 9llu iddrraaSEARS ROEBUCK A Co CHICAGO SEND ONE DOLLARi Cut thla ad out and wnd tnu and wuwlll Mild ou tlila II II IIUIIK ACMEiWl1 IltlMiua Blilt hy fnlirht L II II Ullilixt to l xailll nutlutii iiilcanuiiiiiilnu It at our IriIKiil niiaii iini ii iiiiiuii j riiiiir Mitlafiiftoriuiuctlv uarfiiriMtilil an i i iUi lo acalrs that ritallut JVO uariarallniad tirrat vuraprrlat urlr 775 If tha rlOU it s073 and f rcllit rlmrxra Tho Kliliililni wtliiht U IVi Ilia und tin- rrIl urlll iiHraLM 7 u flip ill ll fMi Vi vq Od uuilu Promptly Readies tho Seat ot all Blood Diseases and Cures the Worst Gases In every toRt made M H N onslly demons rales lis superiority over oilier blood loincdloH ll mutters not how ob stinate the case nor what id her treat ment or remedies have fulled H H H alvvajs promptly reaeliea and cures any disease where the blood is in tmy way involved Kwryono who has had experience with blood diseases It now m thai Iberoaro no ail tnents or troubles ho obstinate and dilllctill to cine Very few remedies claim to cure such real deep sealed blood diseases iih H H H cures and none can oiler such incontrovertible evideneeof merit M H H is not merely a tonic it is a enrol It goes down to the very seal of all blood diseases and gets at tho foundation of the very worst eases und roiilstlieiMiirtoii from Hie system Itdoea not likoother remedies dry up the poison and hide it from view temporarily only to break forth again niore violently lluiii ever H M H forces out every trace of taint and rids the system of it forever Mrs r lee Montgomery Ala writes Some yearn agol was Inoculated witli polHiit by a nurse who infected my babe with blood taint I was eoverrd with sores aud ulcers from bend to foot and in mj great extremity I praved to die Several prominent physlciniis treated mo mil nil to no purpose The mercury and potash which lliey gave me seemed to add fuel to the avvliil llnine which was devouring me 1 wan advised by friends who bad seen wonderful cures made by it to try Swifts Specille I un proved from the start nA the medicine noincd lo go direct to tlie cause of the trouble and force lie poison out Twenty THE BURP1CK st Wni yirayffiygffi jTsygSftlrnni f iMftt iiiatirlul imiitry m IM run liityi era liltluaand wr ruaraalrv aafv drllirrl IBH CaO rut it ie fur - farm Urr or aafa BjM TVaHfte lT1 narrlioyaflatlia ifimtarUtil lu Vfarxkiid will In at llfnf Itllil Will nilirh 6O0 lb bjr uhIhk all wrlKlitu furnlaliiHl llliLKIifalll MtMKIIaMl lus fm Mtieaa iiraiaDiiuioc rviir Ilairorin lalniiJ Inohea rutlnit on adjuatulile chill Uarlnka l IVnton ateil ilvot moat and diiruble noale made moiintid on four luivn xhrtda thr are nli tly alntoil and urnanirntnl and lK autlfullr llnlalicd throughout Kvrr farmii wlllaate tle the coat In ono m nan n hi tltMiiK the Brain he aella and liuya oltlini IT HMK the liilielaailiunreil tataloinie of aaleH flee for the aak In- vddreaa Sean Roebuck Cotjnc Chicago III ISara lliH tuek It l an tburvujblj rrllallt LiHlor PARKERS HAIR BALSANI ClraBKt and UauUficl tb hair rromutta a luiutlaul ruath Never Falls to Hcatoro Oroy Hair to its Youthful Color Cuna acalp duraua X hair UUmz We and MUaJ DruygliU nonies ourou me completely wm s apeedlc S 8 S FOR THE BLOOD is the only remedy that is guaranteed puiely vegetable and contains no mercury potash arsenic or any oilier minei il or elieiineal II never fails to cure Cancer ICezema Scrofula Ulieiiinausin Contagious lllood loisou Teller Moils Carbuncles Sores etc Valuablo books mailed free by Swift Specille Uonipan A lanta la SEND MO RflOWEY WltHTUUHOnOUVittmn til nut mill mimI In n Mill wn wllliiiiil vim nun limn niiinr nnnpnAHINtTBURDIcr StVmn MACHINE ritliiiiiltiiMliiiini il Vim mil i aniiiliii l ml jiiiiriiuitiiil IiiikIiIiIiihiI iiihI Jryr irirrrl t kl iarliMtl likilll iih iiiimwiiiiu rini m iiBriiiitwiwripi lill n Ull mill I llV lillltAIMO IIOIIlOM Villi MHiiiMiiiim Special Olfor Prico 1500 mill rnUlit i ImiKct Mm hltn HfMi mi ti m iti I m n1 1 f i h iivLMiiKi7rMiMilHlorinrliiiiiiiiUiiK QVt IT THRtC MONTHS iitirftuii Imiiin ami will nMiini jiiurflii Miny iinvni trntliliitl Writrll illflVriMtl nmkr mul Krpn1rr Hrn Iiir llirfilnra fluOH II im fllMHiamt ii till rullv i1trtltMt in mir tr 1ftrliliiMtii1riie I lit for thin ItltlM KtHK AIIIMvl II tin irri itt t tnliiu irr nlfi r A lj nti limine B EWARE OF IMITATIONS ttnttntlltivillrtllitf inilmittii nttfMhr tlllih r M luilH imimw v durf mrnU H rltr Mint friend In limit U rn wliti nrr rrlUMr m ha Miry ii wmii it nun noon ruiM tv ijiuiik nAiinK nunc miHiH nv mim i rfw ihmi milker l 4HW31E PBtl IT FtWiA fl WmJB niuww1 im urti WliwS 111 nrn fill I Kclw b laln fTti H I UHVIrl t iT IM B jfcr l Sl r I 5 SOLID OUAIITER SAWED OAK ORtPQtSKCABINETiiimiiitint Inhiil hi ml ilMiiilnir lloln Hulili to IhmimiiI un a rnilrr UMi nlmii r dr I 111 iilliirilKll ultll mil ll MKlli IjiIiIi mill In ml III Mmi fill hi Willi 4 frnridranrri lalml IWPII tUrlrlun framr iiirti il Mlllllll Mil luiHMilnliil iliiitriiliilcnMlii 1 IHiIhIi Hlicnl tilt In I iiihwit inula n Ma 111 imii lliHtlIK mljtlalfil Ulmllt in llllllll Hmylh lllill Hlillll Iliirl laitii llllili Ann Inn I inmltli rn r iiiiilli ii fn I aiir tliiiiiillnir vilinillni lnittti nut iimti I ill bill wllnlir iiijllatnlili IikiiiIiiuh hiIiiiiI Imialnil llhiinliir llllU nvi il I inn whiil iiljiiliililiiiiiiniii Tin I Iniii i il chill II i mil r mli ill in luir lilill III lIllHHUUliril hral U lianliiini Ij ilrniralril anil I riiamriilil mil lirBiillflillj 11 ii nl GUARANTEED lUMIallralrniinliiit mnl ilnralli aiil anml inillra niarlilii inaitr I irry hminii nllarlimi til la funiUhi il mill mil Irii In Hlriictlon Ilook ii Uh luat liowiiiiyiiiiiirnti titti llmiil iltiiltli i pliiln nrimv klllll ill llllicy ttliri A 2H 1 rata llliimnir iniaraiurr ih mtii wiiuivrir mn iiii IT COSTS YOU NOTHING luai r mill rianilnMhU innrlitiif rOIMpill Itw Ull Uiu h Hir winu lict Ittr a IN nt flu nil 1 ffliMiii mill lien If entivlrppil Unit nu im MMW 1 noon ny yiir frt Iklit nui nl I 1 r no m III UKTlltS VOI II f Ii ill If lit mi V t linn ullliln IIimv 111 mt lira jnii ny ynii urn nut Millalltil OII0llt 10 HIT DONT BlillAY Si urn Itoiliiick t ii nn Oinrniii Iil rill idle I illlor Address SEARS ROEBUCK fit CO Inc Chicago 111 KV- as a OUR BEST FRIENDS 65c M lir II r flnrat Truaiaa m I riCTOUV IllUth lena than one tlilnl tlia prli o ctiiirvtul liy otliurn anil WE A II I V en uuAHflniii iw fi AKU - TT i York Itxrralliln Hi tic li III Hat I u 0I ntiiivr lUt thli a I nut ami pnJ lounwllfiolll HIHUl Illirf amail tutu your Ifa larht ellil f liowlonu ynu liavo Uu ruptured ulnlliBr rurtiiie lalHrKUuranmll ulanatato nuinlier incliiii arnunil lie luxly on a line ultll the rupturetay talirllitir itttuio la on t1tfht or leltalilu anil vie will einl i llhcr Iniaa tn you witli the umlir t lull ll If It ll nol a rfrrl HI and rquil lu Imiiri tllt raiall at thrro Him our prlc eJ ouian return Hand we will return your money WRITE FOR FREE TRUSS CATALOGUE TuV Hr il are the long lime users of Smith Premiers The more hard work turned out the more apparent is Smith Premier durability Repair bills reduced to a minimum Smith Premier capacity for good work all lite time is unequalcd Catalogue Prcc Ask for it V The Smith Premier Typewriter Co m wj YlJ PAfl Trnl Opcim Montlny Sept 3 Wiirlc lor Ifunril V filinMi nil aliiliiitM wlili tiln i s iii work foi Ixmril Vou rin iitti nil llils colli yi tin liu f In money r iM nl an i null Ilid lis J iiiiiocH iitnl aillrihs of joii c pii tl In i i himI In Im in k 1 Uiiiliuii una el our Colli kii Wi i klv i in- yenr fn i dm ni r lilivii i In inviiii Adiliuss UUllllliOl 4 II ItltON dm In It TRUSSES 65c SK25 AND UP vT MHas v J ONLY 275 SEND NO MONEY Cutthln ail out and liuI to uu atatii your nalxat and hrltM alro num lu r of lriLhea urouud ImmJ at haa and atra und vto will tend thla EAUTirUl FUR TRIMMED BEAVER tHH CAPE to ion liyuiprraa Co laulijrct to ciuinliiutlou You can eianilnu und trj It ou ui your iiearfaiexiireMa or flee and If found yfrfrtilr Jf f I Ml - -1 s - if OSUrtr lllifarlnr aiarll aa rt rrnlad and the ninat wvailrrfiil lalua leu rar law or heard of ay tho tllTtb airtnt our apt t lul llerirliiS273 and cirra rLarvra Kipna oharKcs Kill uwraite lu to 60 ceutH fur eurh 1000 miles THIS CAPE IS LA TEST STYLE FOR FALLonU WINTER made from ail ailra flnt and brat all mini LlarlorLttia ainiiliil llurllun lieu Tcrrloth SJ lnclii 8 lonK icry lull swup lt liuli upctr culm i Itra full lurrra aodlarKratnmi totlar lituuti fully iriinined villi link llalilt aral fun upper i ui trimineil ullli tlinornwa ami collar ltu tuoronaof Ina aiabalr lralj i litli liutlon oniainenta Tblcaiala Inalallnraiadalhrouibuiit und eoual to rapes that ullal mo f thundoulile theprlie VVrllsfarfrealloal lallua SEARS ROEBUCK CO CHICAGO btara UecbLCk to arc tburvuflilj rtllatlft teuton SI97577 send ohe DOLLAR Jyj Ckcv33iial msJyOM DaXVS est thl ad nut aad band s and we will aend vou thla NEW POKTIAND CUTTER Ey Jrelrflu c O P aubjict Is rianlia tJa You caii examine It at your freiKht deot anuilieuaaaualliiaaj C4iitrxau ran owvaua aibcraataU 1kK IISV aOHK lUllcr and one of the bimUaorl iratl acd aaatalillil roilara sou ever saw uy the freight auiyiit OUR SPECIAl OFFER PRICE SI976 frrlsM llfi Ua the tiui aiiitwlth order orIS T5 and frelvht TblalalbtLVTItiTbTyLIIrtlXBltKIUUILVMiriirrrK OKAK mado from atlected mtoiiU trolli hlckor Ironed throughout with baal owaJ Inn llljalk bl rada banlaard aUtl abvra HODY made of li at easoneil cutter atock aolld paaila all Joints carefully dtteilKlued creed and pluirtiid 1AISTbU In twat oaalhle manner thoroughly rulUHlout with puinlie atone highly polished neatly Hrid and ornamented UIIIOLSTKIIKI In llneatstvic luiispnutr reinniabie eualilona lieury dark treu body cloth Ml ArTS well tritnin dondflnlalied Weill ht about Hi lbs ORDER NOW DONT WAIT FOR SNOW Ualr a llnltrd auUr caa t aold at SIQ 79 IHINT DELiYaUlV Write for KreofutterCttUTuirue slalt lo siiao SEARS ROEBUCK a CO Inc Chicago ikan ttoaback a to art UorvasaJr rtllabla adlur