The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, January 04, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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The fioitfolkfleuas
V N UUHIS PuMlrthor
KMnblUlied IW
weol li rout lty mnH I r
KalnMlidwd 1RSI
Krory Tliiiradny r xr onr lfl
Kntxrod nt tlio PoMotltco nl Norfolk Noli im
lecoml cIhm nmltor
Toloplionn No
Prosperity worrliw popoorntfl
Tho now your doon not promlso woll
for presidential dark horsofl
If you havo tCJmA cold y
broiilt It up boforo it hroakn you up
Its verv oixsy to run Into debt but did
yon over hear of anyone running out
of it
A llttlo farm owned paid for ami woll
carod for bout a big fartn and a big
mortgage a Iohr ways
Eternal vlgilunco in not only tlio prlco
of liberty but it is tho comer Htono of
huccobs in altinwt any direction
An exchange very portlnontly says
It costs money to reform people Tlioy
can go to tho dovll for nothing
Wo hardly rcnll7x it but it Ib truo
uovortholoss that Canada has J0OXK
square mllon more of torritory than tho
United Statos
Tho Omaha Trade Kxhiblt of Docotu
bor JO is a Hue Houvonir edition boing
dovotod largely to write ups of whol
salo and manufacturing interests of
What iluor opitaph could bo naked
for than this A grave modost just
and choorful man of Hlmplo habitH
clear intolllgouco high prlnolplo and
gontlo judgment a This ih what is
found on a tablet which hiw boon placed
in tho state house Boston in momory
of its architect OharloH Bultluoh
Among tho domooratic papors of tho
south it would be difficult to name live
moro iulluoutial journals than the Louis
villo Courior lournal tho Nashville
American Memphis Commercial At
lanta Constitution and Galveston Nows
Hvory ono of those papors is avowedly in
favor of expansion and progress of tho
Of all souvonir editions of nowspapors
in this section of the state tho illustrated
sugar aud holiday edition of tho Fre
mont Tribune is ouo of tho host if not
tho best It consiats of H pages and
covor printed on caloudored papor and
containing lino half tone cuts Tlio
3tatdrrd boot sugar fjtctory is houorod
on tho first covor pagolind is a most per
fect ropresontation A portrait of Prosi
doufc II G Ljavitt occupies a corner
Tlio edition contains exoelleut write ups
of Fremont aud Dodge county nlso of
many business outerprinos It also con
tains many historical uud statisticil
facts of iutorest to readers Tlio issue
is a valuable aouvuuir of the inaugura
tion of an important industry to Dodgo
Tho attempt to throw odium upon the
county attoruoy in tho stock yards comS
has boon ill advised from tho start
That oflicial has stated that lie did not
file information for the reason that not
enough ovidonco bad been presented to
him to warrant him in believing that a
conviction could bo Bocurod on the
charge Believing as lie does yet he
did not refuso to attach his signature to
tho information when it was drawn by
a private attorney employed on bohalf of
tho complainant aud his name appears
in his oilicial capacity to tho informa
tion tiled last evening It is woll to
glvo tho county attorney credit for being
honest in his opinions in this matter
aud await tho result to see whether ho
is right or not There can be only one
opinion of this disgusting case and that
is that it was an outrage upon comiuou
decency and that tho youug men con
cerned in it ought to bo severely pun
ished but whether there is a law to
reach them ou the charge brought is an
open question which will only bo de
termined when the case is tried upon its
Inooulatod Xortlmiii Culvx Will llu lu
troilnroil Intu IVxim lleriU
Kansas City Jan -1 Recent suc
cessful experiments in tlio inoculation
of calves aud yoarltngri as a preventa
tive against Texas fovor are to bo fol
lowed by an experiment on a largo
Bcale There will bo shipped from Kau
nas City to Beovillo Tex today 100
pure bred Hereford aud shorthorn
calves soloctod from prize herds in tho
states of Missouri Kansas Nebraska
and Iowa valued at 10000 Tlio Texas
board of agriculture has for two years
beeu preparing for tho roooption of those
auimuls having sot apart aud feuced
off a ranch of 10000 acres on which not
a hoof has boon allowed for two years
bo that it is wholly free from any germs
of Texas fevor Ou this ranch tho
northern calvos will bo inoculated with
tho poison of tho fever ticks iu such a
manner as to bring on the disoaso in a
mild form aud will thou be allowod to
run and become immune to tho Texas
fever aftor which thoy may bo gen
erally introduced into tho herds of
Texas Tho shipping of high priced
northorn cattle south of tho fever Hue
lias heretofore caused heavy lossos as
the animals havo boou particularly lia
ble to the disease
A Condition In Nlirnlit lluil In IIMiir
Invorulity ninititiilMl On In tlm Kitnt
Vahiiinuton I 0 Deo I0 180
Hpoolal corroBpondoiico Holiday w If
iu tho national capital was almost le
void of politics or of nnws of nny na
tional iniportiinco Many of tho con
gressinen went homo or took holiday
Junkets Those who remained heo spent
tho into iu the social whirl The No
btaska monibers Improvod tho tlino in
catching up with their correspondence
and by visiting tho departments in the
interests of coiiBtltuonts who wore mix
ions about pension claimn aud other
One of tho items that is going the
rounds of tho eastern papors tollstliu
story of tho release of mortgages in Ne
braska and contains tho tabulation
which was printed by the Nebraska
papors last spring This tabulation
limited tho showing that under tho dom
ooratlo times the amount f of ft farm
mortgages illod far excood tho amount
of those roloaBod while in 1807 anil 18118
the conditions were reversed and tho
releases exceeded the tilings by ovor six
million dollars for each year Tlio onst
orn papors are making many comments
on this good condition of allairs and
are anxious to boo what tho tlgures for
1801 will Bhow
Nobraskans in Washington are con
gratulating Senator Allen ou his selec
tion of a prlvato secretary Thoy beltovo
that ho has used good jiidgmont iu the
appointment of a man of sterling abil
ity and honesty aud ono who has nover
mado nny pretense of being either a
democrat or a populist Tlio now up
pointeo was formorly a Kontuckian
where ho held a federal otlico uudor the
republican administration He will bo
a groat help to Allen as ho is a born
rustlor but it is hard to seo where thu
laeksouiaii democrats of Nebraska can
get any comfort out of tho appointment
Tlio treasury bureau of statistics has
just mado a report showing tlio export
of broadstulls for tho elovon months
ending with Novoinber lSltl and tho
llgurosshow that tho amount of corn
shipped to other countries was larger
than for any previous year and that tlio
shipments wore constantly increasing
It sooms that tho popularity of tho groat
American product isgrowingTibroad
and that under tho prosont supremacy
of American trado tlio exports will grow
so largo as to porniauently raise tho prico
of the article This is nows that cannot
but bo woloomo in J Nebraska 1 1 The
report shows that for eleven months
endiog with Novombor this country
shipped out 18fl8t2l5l bushels of corn
valued at 717 r2 127 Thooxport prico
was -10 cents per bushol In 1808 it was
ill couts in tho exports of corn moal
thoro is also a largo increase iu
quantity with higher prices Tlio
amount for I8 is 7111111 barrels as
compared with 2t705 in 1891 Most
of tho corn product goes to Europe and
ovor one third of it is sold to England
Tlio nows that Andrew Carnegie
has mado a gift of J7000 for tho estab
lishment of a public library at tlio state
capital of Nebraska along with hisothor
groat gifts will cause gouoral rejoicing
when it is realized that tho mouoy which
is thus beiug given away is not causing
a hardship to tho thonsauds of mon em
ployed by Mr Girnegio On tho con
trary notices havo been posted up at the
various works of the Oarnegio Steal
company here iu tho oast announcing
auotlur iucroxso iu wagosof 77TI par
cent making a total raise of gri per cent
since tlio return or geiiornl prospm uy
Tho iucreaso in wages affects 10000
hands This is a pretty good way to
press down tho crown of thorns on the
brow of labor ayn F A HAituihOX
DuuUlon In Test duo CnnrerniiiK Poee
1nlil In Kukiiio Mocnu
Lincoln- Jan 4 An opinion was
handed down iu tho supremo court yes
terday by Chief Justice Harrison hold
ing tho Homo Insurance company of
New York liable to the state for fees
paid to Eugene Moore while auditor
This was a trial caso to establish tho li
ability of other insurance companies
that paid fees to Moore Tho opinion
holds all liablo tho amount involved
being approximately 211000
Olrtiriitn u ItiilliDiiil Knlraiirn
Siiinkv Neb Jan 4 At Bayard f0
miles north of hero bonfires and llro
works are being used to colebrato tho
irrival of the Burlington railroad at
tlut point at 5 oclock last ovoning
i an news reached hero over tho tolo
phono wire
Mill not ic lluulor llelil for Trial
David Citv Neb Jan 4 Laughlin
tho magnetic healer who was arrested
for practicing without a permit was
bound over to tho next term of tho dis
trict court
1roinH nl Mollinmx Trlnl
Niw Yohk Jan 4 In tho trial of
Roland B Molinoux for tlio murder of
Mrs Kutherino J Adams tho most in
teresting testimony was that of John P
Yocum a chemist and a warm friend of
Harry Cornish Ho said any chemist
could make cyanide of mercury tho
poison which is alleged to have caused
the death of Mrs Adams Ho had made
it himself and the process was easy
1nrlj til hiuil Ivrboiinil
Oiiattanooua Jan 4 Tho steamer
Oliver Kiug is icebound in tho Tonnes
boo river near tho mouth of Little river
aud is in a dangerous position On board
the boat are 25 sports who wore on
their way to havo a big cocking main
Tho supplies havo boon exhausted and a
party loft for Loudon to got them reliof
Tho boat is iu the center of a big ioo
Iln Hrlnfrn Ilia Kiprrlcnrc Onrluir
Ilia llollilny Trip l ICnimn ti
ltrlrttr tlio SnfTorlim InflloUtoil on
Iu lie 1iior DiMvnlrmlilrii Fnrinpra
uv Hip Woal
Washington I C
Tu the lOilitur
1 liev Jest returned home frum the
wild and woolly west wliaro I went tu
hpciid the holidays doorlu tlio agurii
incut uv koiigress I bed herd ho mutch
about the huHcHus Inlllcktcd ou tu the
poor downtrodden farmers uv thu west
bl the Itepubllklii admlnlHtniHliiin and
the Trusts hot I coiiclooded 1 wood
Investigate u llttlo on ml own liook and
see If I cood orglnle sum plan for
their releef I also bed thu welfare uv
the Dlmlcriillc party In view for 1 knu
it wood help us If 1 cood la befoar the
peeple uv the Yoonlted Stalls the facts
Iu the cast1 and let em realize the aw
ful condlsbun uv thu tollln mlllyuus
hoc wit Hweatln mid gruntln their
lives awn wile the Itepubllklii mlllyiin
nlics wii rolllu Iu luxury and drluklii
tlio best whisky and wareln out their
hWmth and hum miles Iu cllppln the
coopons on uv the giivcrmcnt bonds I
liev laid awake ultes moiiruln over the
coiidlshun uv slcb uv our feller citizens
kt liev bin Iu contact with tu mutch
work until 1 cood slim It no longer and
then I III out fer Kansas wlch I bed
bin led tu beleevo wiiz tho center uv
kalamlty and distress
Wen 1 reeehed St Louis 1 felt It ml
dooty tu git off the trane and buy a
few dollars wuth uv fodder or cz
mutch ez I cood cany tu relecve sum
uv the prevullln destltooshun IIoo
noze himI I tu mlself but this liumbel
coiitrlbushiin ma tie the nieens uv sav
in the life uv sum poor starvln horny
listed son uv a gun hoo bez bin rasslin
with grasshoppers and hoo bez bed all
the iimblshun uockt out uv lilm and lib
asplrashuns crushed bl the kapitalistlc
comblnashiius the glaut octopuses and
slcb things 1 almost cried wen I
hot uv all the sufTcrin uud destltoo
shun I wuz soon tu witness In the
storm center uv kalamlty but 1 dried
ml eyes wen I tliot uv the polltlkal
capital the Dlmlcralic party cood make
hi plclerln tu the peeple uv the koun
try the troo sltooashuii uv tho agrlcul
tooral populashun wlch iz the back
bone nnd several ribs uv our glorlus re
Wen inornln busted and I allied frum
tho tnino I sed tu a man hoo stood on
the platform nt the depo Kin yu toll
mo whare the most destltooshun Iz
holdlu forth
Whut air ye glvln us old man sed
he grlunln and lookln kinder queer at
I am a Dlnilcrat frum tho stalt uv
Noo Gersey sed I and ml objeck
In cumin way out beer Iz tu relecve
Bum uv tho destltooshun wlch our
speekurs and liters bov sed wuz rajln
wuss than the smallpox
Bl this time several people bed gath
ered around and proseeded tu hurt mi
fcollns lies off his nut sed one
mini hoo bed a part uv biz breakfast hi
biz wlskers
Hes got sum grub fer a church pic
nic sed another ez he looked at the
bundles uv groceries I carried
Sa old man yu kin gll a good job
shovelln grain and buskin corn sed
one inoar uv em
Then I got madder than a wet hen
and I sed feereely Iz this the wa yu
treet a man hoo cuius tbousans uv
miles tu relecve yure sufferlns and
keep yu fruin starvashun If It Iz yu
air iu ungrateful sel uv low down
skoundrels I liev cum heer tu organ
ize releef fer yu ontll we kin send yu a
few carloads uv provlshuns and yu
treet me ez If I wuz a nigger tryln tu
vote lu Kentucky Whut duz It ineen
1 think I see whut tho trubble Iz
pod a well drest man hoo bed bin lis
senlii tu the eouversusliun Our new
friend hoo hez jest arrived niuung us
bez evidently bin delooded bl the nils
representashuns uv the Dlmlcratlc
noozopapers and speekers boo liev led
him tu beleeve thet the coudlshuu uv
the western farmer Iz one thet calls fer
Simpathy sed I Du yu ineen tu
tell me thet the peeple uv Kansas aint
sufferlu and starvln and hunger nawin
at their gizzards ez a dog wood naw at
a bone
Hunger be durned sed a niau Iu
the crowd Vii dont kuo whut yu air
talkln about Kansas wuz never so
prosperous Wo liev moar than three
hundred nilllvun bushels uv grain so
mutch corn we dont kuo whut tu du
with It and everything thet man or
beast kin eat Iz found everywhuro iu
abundance The grain elovntors air
full nnd tho ralerodes cant begin tu
git enuff cars to haul nwa the crops
The peeple uv the stalt liev pade off
moar than a hundred inlUyun dollars
uv mortgages doorin tho yeer and we
air llvin on tho fat uv the land We
bov good bouses aud bosses smoke
good cigars and kin give yu a drink uv
good whisky or applejack
Grato Oiosar sed I ilroppln ml
bundles Yu dont sa yu kin make
Noo Gerseys standby out heW do yu
Wo du sed be and wfc shall be
pleezed tu liev yu snmplo Itjlf yu will
honor us with yuro preseilce at ml
house fer Kansas Iz a rohlblshun
stalt nnd we respect the sntiuieut bi
diiukln In private j
I follered the man tu hlzfhouio and
hiz nubers Inched elbows vlith us aud
under the soothln Intlooenctl uv ml fa
vurlte drink I soon fergotj nil about
tho wrongs uv tho peopleland their
lack uv feed and returuefl homo a
wl6er mau if a durued fotll DImicrat
kin learn ennythlng bl observashun
Fruiu Applejack Farm wichh nextxtu
U rover Clevelands lu the stalt ut No
Jersey I
Ilnmrallc Tlirllla
Havo you ever experienced tlio ex
citement of being nrotiRcd from sleep
in a house nt night when it was on
No but I hnvo sovernl times gono
through the excitement nttendnnt upon
my wifos nnnouhceincnt of her belief
that tho baby had swallowed her thim
ble Chicago Nows
Hicks Theres ono thing you can say
nlwut Cronklln Ho never has nny vlows
of his own and therefore no prido of
Wicks Ho doesnt ncud to hnvo nny
opinion of his own It takes him nil his
nine to pucu uiio oincr ioiks opinions
Boston Transcript
Ilia of ltitllnK II
What wo want to do said a mem
ber of a self constituted legislative body
in far seas is to establish a board of
publl works
Thats right responded tho col
league I have nover thought wo havo
been working the public as thoroughly
as wo might Washington Star
CriHll ni priHMtMl
Hh n Hliaine thats what It Is ex
claimed the boy wrathfully I cant
have any fun at all
Whnts the matter nsked the sym
pathetic neighbor
Pad says hell lick me If he ever
hears of me fighting with a boy small
er than I tun an I dassent light with
n bigger ono Chcngo Post
Sturgeon is tho piano man
If you havo catarrh rfioumatism or
dyspopsia tako Hoods Sarsnparilla and
bo cured as thousands of othors have
Huxvh Tlila
Wo offer ono hundred dollars reward
for any case of catarrh that cnunot bo
cured by Halls Cntarrh Cure
F J Chunky i Co Props Toledo O
Wo the undorsigncd havo known V
J Chouoy for tho last IB years and
boliovo him perfectly houorablo in nil
business transactions nnd financially
able to carry out any obligation mado by
thoir firm
West Tnux Wholesale Druggists
Tolodo O
Waldiko KiNNANifc Marvin Whole
sale Druggists Toledo O
Halls Catarrh Cure is taken intor
nally noting directly upon tho blood
aud mucous surfaces of tho system
Prico 75 cents per bottle Sold by all
druggists Testimouials freo
Hulls family pills are tho best
If fortune disregard thy claim
Dont hang thy head in fear nnd shame
But lnnixy tho girl you lovo best
Rocky Mountain Tea will do tho rest
Ask your druggist
Notlco of AOmliilHtrttorH Sulii
Iu the mattor of tho estate of Jauo
LnPurgo doceased
Notice is horoby given thnt in pursu
ance of nn order of Hon Douglas Cones
judge of tho district court of Madison
county Nebraska made on the
21st day of December A D 1899
for tho salo of tho real estate hero
in aftor described there will bo sold at
tho front door of Leonards Drug store
on Norfolk avenue iu tho city of Nor
folk in said county on tlio 12th day of
January 1900 nt one oclock p m at
public vendue to tho highest bidder for
cash tlio following doscribed real estate
to wit lots thirteen Hi aud fourteen
II in block seven 7 lot twelvo 12
aud tho south half of lot thirtoeu ll
in block six i of Koeuigsteins Third
addition to tlio town of Norfolk in
Mndisou couuty Nobraska Said sale
will remain open ouo hour Dated
December 22 1899
M O IIazen
Administrator of tho cstato of Jauo La-
Farge deceased
Thou chaugost not yet I am always
changing said tho substitute to Rocky
Mountain Tea
Medicine Co
Mado by tho Madison
I5 cents Aek vour
Eoety Vath
Hath a Puddle
The puddle in the path
way of most lives is a de
fective circulation due to a
blood supply that instead of
growing clear and strong like
a mountain brook is stagnant
and impure Puddles may be
purified however and be
come limpid streams That
is what Hoods Sarsaparilla
does with human blood It
clarifies purifies and strengthens the
blood and nvhen this is accomplished the
vitalorgans liver lungs kidneys bowels
are all braced and invigorated
Asthma Four bottles of Hoods
Sarsaparilla gave me permanent relief
from asthma and I have had no trouble
from shortness of breath since Edith
G Lane Vienna Ga
Pimples I used to be iroubtedtuith
malaria and pimples a friend advised me
to take Hoods Sarsaparilla I have been
free ever since W Stewart 605 Myrtle
Ave Brooklyn N Y
Worn Out FeeWng I decided to
take Hoods Sarsaparilla for a ivorn out
feeling and a few bottles relieved me en
tirely and now lam able to work a great
deal Kitty Allen Madison Kan
JwodS SdUa
MloodiJUUiireUrUI tlie nou Irritating and
only f tlnrtlc tu take with ilooji Srrllla
Graceful Easy and Long Wcarlnc
Olga Ncthcrsolc 250 Shoe
Possojsos tlio motltcfpcrfoct stylo fit comfort and durability
No brenkiuuln nocomnrj mado to conform to tho linos of Uio foot
Solo vorylloxlulojChromo Kid stock thnt Is soft ns a Kloro jet
wears lll o Iron Uxcolsnny 350shoo for woar nnd comfort
iiu -will iiiM unaabM h combing oftyietthcmIuorta0r
nonulacurcJ by The Rock Island Shoe Co Rock Island III
anu on exclusively in thl city by
0 1s 7
c 3 I
All Kinds of Hard and Soft Coal Thoroughly Bright
and Clean at
All Coal Screened Choice Smithing Coal
Your Patronage Respectfully Solicited PHONE 54
C1IA8 S HKIUOE Vice Piwbident W It BBAASUH Abbt 0A8n
The Citizens National Bank
Capital 50000 Surplus 5000
Bny and soil oxcIibhro ou IiIh country nud all imrts of Europe Farm Loans
Directors Ahmvh W H Johnson Ciiah S Huidob C W Ubaabcu C M
Bwank O A Luikaut T F Mkmminoeb L Sessions
The Norfolk Building and Loan Assn
C B DURLAND Secretary
Railroad and Business Directory
I w
IM t g
eo Q
c S3
UJ C in
OC c
co i
co u S
ui tL s
m S
Im O
O 5
Fremont Elkhorn Mo Valley
Omaha Passenger O OT a m
CIiicaRo Uxprosa 12J0 1 m
ChlcaKO Express 7 AK d m
Omaha PdBsengor 1240 pm
Hlnclc Hills ExprofH 720pm
VordlRro PnueeiiKor 1240 p m
VenllKro Acconunodatlou 900 11 in
Ulnck Hills Exprrss v1220i m
Vonliro PacBoiiKor 605 am
Vordiuro Accommodation 740pm
Tlio Chicago and Ulnck Hills KxprcsB arrives
and departs from Junction dopot Tho Omaha
and Vordigre trains arrivo and depart from city
depot H O Matuau Agont
Union Pacific
SOUTH depart
Columbus Accommodation 630 p in
Omaha Denver aud Pacilic Count 1100a m
kohtii arrive
ColumbiiB Ace mmodation 1030pm
Omahii henveraud Pacilic roast 900pm
ConnpctR at Norfolk with F E M V going
west and north and witli tho O St P M O
for points north nud east
F W Junkman Agont
Chicago St Paul Minneapolis
east depart
Sioux City and Omaha PnBFonger 705 im
Sioux lty Passenger 125pm
Sioux City Passenger 1035 am
Siucx City nnd OiuiiIm PassenKur 555 p m
Connects at Norfolk with F E fc M V going
west and north and with tho U P for points
south F W Juneman Agent
llaly exceplISunday
Fine Watch
Spsnoev Ovelman
Boots and Shoes
Repairing Neatly Done
Contractor and Builder
1 7 Fourth Street
Paints antHQa 1 Paper
House and Sign Painter
Cheapest nnd Best
Norfolk Avenue
j xZrvv SvA
The Norfolk Horseshoer
All Work Guaranteed
Cor 4th St and Drnasch Avo
Splendid Train Service
Union Pacific
Two trains daily to nnd from Denver nud Colorado points
Two trains daily to nnd from San Francisco nnd California points
Two trains daily to and from Salt Lake City and Utah points
Ono train daily to and from Portland and North Pacifio Coast points with
direct connections for Tacoma nud Seattle
Double Drawing Room Palace Sleeping Cars Buffet Smoking
and Library Cars Ordinary Sleeping Cars
Dining Cars Chair Cars
For Tiiuo Tnbles Folders Illustrated Books Pamphlets descriptive of tho
territorj traversed cnllou your nearest agent or address
General Passenger and Ticket Agent Omaha Nkh
North Western
F E W V R R Is the best to and
from the
North Nebraska
Mrs HHHull
Ficl Treatment Mioieariog and Shampoo
Will fladlr call t your liomei and do anjr of thl
work Order taken for fine hair awltohet
Perfect mateh guaranteed Beildenee on Firil
treet Jonetloa Order mar be left at thr
junotlon Drug Store Telephone lO
The Land of Sunshine
oji ftLry
Fine Train Servioo via the Union Pacifio
Palace Sleepiug Cars Dining Cars
Freo Reclining Chair Oars
Buffet Smokiug and Library Cars
Ordinary Sleeping Oars
Pintsch Light Steam Heat
Five Daily Trains from Missouri River
For Time Tables Foldon llluetratod look
Pamphlets descriptive of tlie territory truvera
ed call ou