The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, January 04, 1900, Image 1

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    The Norfolk Weekly News
Meets the Invading Army ol
Boers at Cyphcrgat J
ltnorn Itctiiru mill Orriipy TliHr Mil VnnU
t Ion lit Colr1nttK llomci Untidily Milk
ing Iurimtl on tlio lniljmnllli Ourrlniuu
IUcly Fighting nt Moltnno
Stockstkoom Jan General Gat
ncro today met I ho invading forces at
Cyphergat near tho Uritish iiilvmicn
camp at BuHlimanshoek Tho Boers re
tired hurriedly shortly after tho Uritish
artillery opened Are The ononiy occu
pied Molteno and Cyphcrgat today hut
tho latter placo is now reoccupied by us
FiirHE Uami Jan J Captain Thor
neycrofts patrol found tho onoiny in
Kino forco at tho littlo Tngola bridge
Their proFonco was discovered by scouts
It is reported that lvo men arid a lieu
tenant of tho party havo not returned
Cape Town Jan 4 Tho Duke of
jjJVcstminster it is announced will re
iunin in Capo Colony during tho war
It is understood that a prominent in
habitant of tho Orange Frco State u
near rclativo of President Stoyn has
gono to tho United States to lecturo in
tho interests of tho two republics
Jlnerit Are Agnln In PompHnlon With
French Walling on till Outsldr
London Jan 4 An unexpected de
velopment of tho situation has occurred
nt Colosburg Late advices aro that tho
Boers returned with reinforcements
during tho night and occupied tho posi
tion from which thoy wero driven by
General French on Monday
Thero is a deepening senso of anxioty
respecting Ladysmith whence most
disheartening reports of tho provalenco
of sickness aro received General Whito
reported a list of nearly 20 deaths yes
terday from enteric fever and dysen
tery and 71 serious cases in tho hospital
Dr Jameson has all tho work he can do
in that fever nest It is evident that
the garrison cannot hold out long and
that Sir Redvers Buller will not allow
many days to pass beforo striking a
Tho report of the Boer attack on Mol
teno is not yet confirmed Apparently
General Freuoh holds w vithin
iivo miles of Colesburg Jninnu His
request forvijfnrcemppt Hispelu arv
present hopo that ho jrill bo able to
seizo one of the crossings of the Orango
river It is probablo that when Lord
Roborts arrives General French will bo
ordered to quit his unsupported position
and to concentrate his command at Do
Aar or Orango River
A dispatch from Dover Farm an
nounces that Colonel Pilcher has reached
thero safely from Douglas
Since Commandant General Joubcrts
return to tho front tho cannonading of
Ladysmith by the Boers has been much
livelier Between Dec 18 and Dec 1
four shells killed one oillccr and 13 men
and wounded 1 officers and 11 men
Eight additional militia regiments
havo been called Seven of theso will
servo in Ireland replacing tho regulars
sent to South Africa
All parts of England and Scotland re
port lively volunteering a leading feat
ure being tho groat sums raised by pri
vate subscription for volunteer equip
Transports with fresh battalions and
batteries arrived at Durban yesterday
and within 48 hours Sir Redvers ought
to bo in readiness for a supremo effort
Fighting Near Coluurg
i Naauwpooht Capo Colony Jan 1
There was brisk fighting today in tho
hills around Colesburg Tho Boers
stubbornly resisted tho British at every
point but gradually retreated Tho
British held tho extremo position to tho
Bouth and east overlooking tho town
Hours Attiok Molteno
Stekkstkoom Capo Colony Jan 3
Tho Boors attacked Moltouo this morn
ing A brisk action is now in progress
Jet Ainorlrnn Kqulpiiifliit
St Louis Jan 4 Tho
says St Louis has boon called
upon to equip a considerable part of tho
now British cavalry contingent in South
Africa Tho iirst shipmont of a con
signment of saddles and bridles for tho
nowly recruited rough riders and yeo
manry of her majestys sorvico will
leave St Louis for Now York whoro it
is to bo placed on shipboard for South
Africa not later than tho first of next
I After llorr Sympathizer
Victoiua B 0 Jan 4 A citizons
coinmittco was formed hero yesteiday
to ascertain tho identity of all Boer
sympathizers identified with tho Trans
vaal assistance movement and institute
prosecutions for treason and aro also
arranging a boycott Tho movement
which has excited great indignation is
chiefly among German Dutch and
Belgian residents
Collision at Nt Ianl
St Paul Jan 4 A passenger train
on tho Chicago Great Western railroad
crashed iuto tho rear of a Northern Pa
cific stock train near tho Mississippi
street bridgo in tho castorn portion of
this city splitting tho cabooso in two
mid injuring 6oven men John Bower
in chargo of a shipment of hogs from
Clear Lake Minn was very badly
crashed and scalded so that his recovery
teems doubtful
CinTtirnrn lint wren Wooil nml Ctthnn
Icnilrin Stir Iolltlolnna
Santiauo Cuba Jan I Tho news
of tho conference at Havana between
Governor General Wood and tho Culun
leaders including Goneral Joso Mlro
of this province lias provoked consid
prablo excitement hero liust ovening
tho clubs nnd cafes wero crowded with
politicians discussing tho situation with
more or less violence and declaring
their devotion to Gcnoral Miro Tho
Americans and Europeans especially
tho Spaniards express great satisfaction
nt tho attitude taken by Goneral Wtxxl
in favor of restricting tho franchise to
intelligent and responsible citizens and
tho wealthy Cubans share in this fool
Tho Cuba Libra publishes a dispatch
from Havana summarizing Gcnoral
Woods statement in this statement
and announces that it will deal with
the matter editorially Tho violent Cu
ban partisans say a crisis is imminent
which will decide whether Oubi is to
bo American or Cuban but tho possi
bility of any serious trouble is ridiculed
by the American olllcers and tho for
Ill lit to to IMiiul to Michigan
iriuiil luiv liiillrliprnt Tor Ki uuil
Lansinu Mich Jan 1 Telegrams
wero received from Arthur P Marsh
ex adjutant general of Michigan and
chairman of tho Republican state cen
tral committoe stating that ho was
about to leave Broekport N Y for
Lansing to plea 1 to tho indictment
found against him for having as al
leged had a part in tho notorious mili
tary stato clothing deal Nothing has
been learned yet as to tho whereabouts
of General Whito tho other indicted
Ilitlont Innliitril nml Kvnry lroriiutlon
Tnknn to Prevent Spreail of Disease
Manila Jan 4 Tho health oflicors
havo found a liativo with nil tho symp
toms of bubonic plague in a houso in
the walled city where two suspicious
deaths havo occurred Tho patient has
been isolated and every precaution has
been taken to prevent a spread of tho
Hut tie with MooiiKhlnor
Montgomery Jan 4 It is reported
hero that an encounter took placo among
tho hills of Coosa county between a
posso of six revenue oilicers headed by
Carl Tutwiter of this city and a band of
lawless mountaineers among thorn Ilvo
moonshiners against whom warrants
aro pending Tho story is that three or
four of the niountainors havo been shot
and the fliiers have arrested tho others
The oilicers aro ah said to havo escaped
Iostotllio Itobhery In Kannn
Wichita Kan Jan 4 C M Reed
chief clerk of tho railway mail service
here has received a telegram from Cam
eron Kun stating that burglars blow
open tho postofneo safe at that place last
night and took the contents
The French war party is growing
The sugar trust has abandoned the
factor plan making a flat price
Dr M T Gays Adairvillo Ky shot
and killed Ed O Griffey and himself as
the result of a quarrel
Tho report that tho Boston and Maino
railroad is seeking to lease tho Fitch
burg railroad is confirmed
Goorge R Sheldon and his brother
Wall stroot brokers have given 150000
to St Pauls school of Concord N II
Edward Cressinger aged 10 years
was hanged at Sunbury Pa Wednes
day for the murder of ltfycar oltl Daisy
Surgeon Goneral Sternberg will rep
resent tho war department at the inter
national congress of hygiene in Paris
next summer
The St Paul stock oxchango has for
warded to Washington a protest against
tho passago of tho Tawney bill for tax
ing oleomargarine
Captain Concas chief of staff to Ccr
vera in a report to tho Spanish govern
ment says Sampsons roports aro not
correct and praises Schloy
Tho Pero Marquette railroad has pur
chased tho Saginaw Tuscola and Huron
railroad running from Saginaw to Bad
Axo its length being 08 miles
At tho United States mint in Phila
delphia 12270528 coins wero mado dur
ing tho year 1899 representing a value
of littlo mora than 05000000
Tho American Knit Underwear asso
ciation held an executivo meeting in
Now York Wednesday and determined
to raibo tho prico of knit goods
Tho state department has received
notice of tho death at Naples where ho
has bcon ill for a long time of A O
Studor United States consul at Sorrento
W B Childers representing tho gov
ernment in tho Elephant Butto lam
cuso has applied to Jndgo Parker of
Albuquerquo for a now trial of tho suit
Charles E Kiplinger of Charlotte
Mich has boon uppointed official un
dertaker to romovo tho bodies of Ameri
can soldiors from Cuban battlefields to
this country
Commodoro Faraguts flagship the
Harttord was floated Wednesday out
of tho dry dock at Vallojo Cal whero
bho has been for tho past threo mouths
undergoing repairs
Tho socrotury of tho interior has sent
to congress an estimate of 011105 for
the expenses surveys etc of tho com
mission to the five civilized tribes known
as the Dawes commission
Robert Brock Brigham proprietor of
tho Brighams hotel and restaurant
Boston is dead aged 73 years His
Boston holdings wero estimated at
between 2000000 and 3000000
Hiram B Barney a retired merchant
died at his homo in New York Wednes
day With his brother ho established
oue of tho largest drygoods stores in
Omaha Oue of his brothers was a
founder of Denver
American Demand That Eng
land Explain Seizure of Flour
Oct Oiilt llrnteil Over Hnlrurn of the
Mull Stratum- llnnilrm itli IIimioiiiuiimI
nftitdruvo lliiiith of International liiur
iteilreni In Dimiuiiitml
IiONDON Jan 4 Sccrotary Hays dis
patch concerning Hour seizures was read
to Salisbury by Ohoato at a special in
terview before the usual diplomatic re
ception Hay only enters a formal pro
tost against tho seizure suggesting that
information be supplied to Washington
of the circumstances This leaves the
United States no option but to
demand an t xplauation from tho
British government This some
what perfunctory dispatch contrasts
strikingly with lie one presented by
tho German charge daffaires in which
issue is directly taken by the Gorman
government upon British action which
is denounced as a grave breach of in
ternational law Redress is demanded
and attention urgently requested to tho
subject in order to obviate turther dilll
Germany is showinga nasty temper
over the 15undesrith seizure was tho
observation made by ouu minister at
the reception at the foreign olllco
Sight IteHtoreil hy X ltuy
Ciiicaoo Jan 4 Fourteen-year-old
Thomas Smith of Chicago rejoiced to
day in the complete restoration of sight
and hearing through tho X ray used in
conjunction with tho surgeons knife
and trephining bit Tho boy is at tho
West Sido hospital and there is said to
bo no doubt of his recovery from tho
operation which was performed on him
more than a weok ago Physicians di
agnosed tho case as a brain tumor press
ing on tho optic and auditory nerves
An X ray apparatus was called upon to
verify tho diagnosis Tho confirmation
in tho skiagraph was oomploto and
showed a tumor tho size of an egg over
tho right eye
French Cnnxpliary Trial
Paws Jan 4 Tho conspiracy trial
beforo tho sonato sitting us tho high
court came to an end yesterday except
for tlio sentences in tho cases of those
convicted Out of tho 75 alleged con
spirators who wero thrown into prison
iivo months ago and who havo been
since released in batches owing to the
want of ovidonco only MM Deroulede
Gucriu and Buffet havo boon found
guilty and theso threo aro accorded
extenuating circumstancoswhich
duces their punishment to detention in
a fortress or banishmont It is under
stood that tho sentences will vary be
tween live and ten years detention
Unci urn Street Car Fare
Miiwaukki Jan 4 The Milwankeo
Electric Railway and Light company
yesterday began the sale of street car
tickets at tho rato of 2j for 1 good
only however from 530 to 8 a in and
5 to 7 p m Tho tickets will bo disposed of
on this basis for tlio next flvo years Tho
action of tho stroot railway company is
in accordanco with tho passago of tho
ordinance through tho common council
last night regardless of tho injunctions
served upon that body Jndgo Ludwig
is listening to argumonts on injunction
proceedings and may order tho arrest of
tho city fathers for contempt of court
11 ml Volcanor Active
San Diecio Cal Jan 4 Roports re
ceived from tho back country show that
tho recent earthquake was the cause of
a number of strange happonings Tho
mud volcanoes on tho desert near tho
Colorado river have become active after
a long rest and aro now spouting mud
again Tho natural gas wells near
Yuma aro also in working order sinco
tho heavy quake Thoy have been
lighted and tho glaro at night can bo
seen for many miles
SpanUh 1rUoner Set free
Madrid Jan 4 Tho Spanish consul
at Manila telegraphs to tho foreign olllco
that tho steamer Uranus from Panay
has arrived there having on board tho
bishop of Vega 117 priests flvo olllcers
and 115 civilians who had been restored
to liberty Tlio consul odds that Agui
naldo has promulgated a decree order
ing tho liberation of all Spanish prison
ers without distinction
ViiqulH May Attack Iiiuyiniis
Austin Jan 4 A dispatch from Or
tis Mox says tliat a courier has
reached thero from Gcnoral Torres
camp who says thero is much activity
in tho Yaqui Indian camps and that
definite information has boeu received
that tho rebels aro forming for an at
tack on tho city of Guaymas There
is a garrison of a few companies of gov
ernment troops at Guaymas
Jeffrie Challenge Sharkey
Hot Spiuncis Ark Jan 4 Tom
Sharkoy last night received a challenge
from James Jeffries to light 20 rounds
within 30 days tho winner to tako all
provided Tom ORourko is excluded
from his Sharkeys coruor Sharkoy
said ho was glad of un opportunity to
light Joffrios on tlio twins stated but
would insist that George Siler should
not referee tho fight
Till- Itoaolutn Sunk In Colllriou
Boston Jan 4 Tho Unitod States
quartermasters tug Rosoluto Captain
Goorgo T Luring was sunk in tho har
bor last night in a onlisiou with tho
steel tug SwatiuM All on board aro bo
lioved to havo been sivo1 except the
lalli of liglliitliu Agiilimt ImitluM of
It t In I lit l Sliintlftt
Siorx City Jan 4 -There is talk
here of having oue ot the members of
the legislature front Woodbury county
introduce a bill providing for the pun
ishmeiit of anyone who professes to euro
disease by Christ ian Science
In many quarters in Sioux City espe
cially there is ii bitter feeling against
hislaith due to tlio fact that within
the last few weeks several deaths have
occurred following tho so called treat
ment by the local reader Three littlo
children have tiled of disease having
had no medical attention
Commit Inn nf Oileopatlm
Dis Moinis Jan 4 A convention
of instructors students and practition
ers ol osteopathy in Iowa Illinois Kan
sas Nebraska and Missouri opened
here yesterday Dr V V Manna
president of the National Osteopathy
association delivered die chief address
saying the school lias grown as no other
ever did anil that it must adhere strictly
to tile Hue of curing tliseases without
drugs The convention will hike ae
tion looking to securing more favor
able legislation in western states
Ililille I Unary fm- laenpiiil
Davcnpoui Jan 4 Davenport ii
now assured of a free public library
representing a cost of 511000 through
tho generosity of Andrew Carnegie
His offer was to provide u building if
tlio city would hccuro a site and provide
for the maintenance of the institution
at an annual expense of 1000 The
mutter was presented at the regular
meeting of tlio city council last night
and the proposition was accepted by
unanimous vote
Another Kiiglncfir Meet Heath
Dis Moivics Jan 4 David Wright
engineer of tho Chicago and North
western road stood in tlio gangway of
his locomotive as it entered a curve
near Bertram and as the engine swayed
ho was thrown to tho ground and killed
Engineer J E Fisko who fell similar
ly from his engine at Mochuuicsvillu a
fow days ago died yesterday
Illier Make Another Plop
Dks Moinps Jan 4 Dr Eikor who
last night gave out a statement declar
ing ho would support both Gear and
Bowen hah issued a second statement
declaring ho will vote for Cuuvnius and
Eaton Tlio latest announcement hui
cuused a sensation and has resulted in a
boom for Eaton for speaker
ICecelveiH Tnlcn IoHheAslnn
Kansas City Jan I Charles IT
Ohappell of Chicago and James Hopkins
of St Louis who wero Thursday ap
pointed receivers of tlio northern con
necting lines formerly part of tho Kan
sas City Pittsburg and Gulf system ar
rived hero yesterday Wo came merely
to tako possession of tho property said
Mr Chappoll Thero will bo no change
in management or forco and tho lines
will continuo operating as thoy have
before Wo shall go oast tonight L iter
we shall go over tho lino aiid get ac
quainted with our business
Two WngiiiiloinU of Powder Kxplmle
Caiumkt Mich Jan 4 Two team
loads of poviler each carrying 437
pounds of the explosive wero blown up
near Eagle river last night Two team
sters Alex Hammerstrom and Joseph
St Louis uud their teams are also lost
The Law ton fund has reached 50000
The Peoples bank of Wabasha Minn
closed its doors Wednesday
It is reported that a British enrolling
agent has been arrested at Korbheta
William Waldorf Astor has contrib
uted 1000 to the Prince of Wales hos
pital fund
Albert B Hilton son of the luto Jndgo
Henry Hilton is in tho bankruptcy
court at Now York
Tho latest reports from Achalkalek
Russia show that 000 lives wero lost
during the recent earthquakes
The first marriage in this country of
u Christianized Chineso couple will tako
placo in Philadelphia next weok
Land upon which 1000 people ore
living in the suburbs of Dallas Tox
is claimed by a widow under an unset
tled will
A Cuban club El Naeional bus
been organized at Tampa Fla with a
largo membership to work for Cuban
Tho steamer Teutonic arriving at
Now York Wednesday from England
brought 030 wicks of mail delayed by
tho Transvaal war
Alba M Kent Jr Jamestown NY
has been convicted of forgeries on which
ho obtained 10000 Ho was brought
back lrom Japan tor trial
Tho Torrons land act tho validity of
which was questioned was declared to
bo constitutional by tho supremo judic
ial court of Massachusetts Wednesday
Tho annual election of officers of tho
St Louih Merchants Exchange for the
ensuing year was held Wednesday
Oscar L Whitelaw was elected presi
Governor Pingreo has again asked tho
Michigan legislature to amend tlio char
ters of tho Michigan Central and other
ppeciully chartered roads to placo them
under the tax law
Minnie Sehgmau Cutting the well
knowna ctrets has filed suit for divorce
from her husband Robert Cutting a
momber of New Yorks Four Hun
dred She alleges desertion
Tho secretary of war has sent to con
gress a report from Major Knox in
spector general of tho army on the con
dition ot the National Soldiers homes
It shows tho homes in excellent condi
Tlio first ot tho formal diuuors of tho
social setihou at tho Whito house was
given by Proiident and Mrs McKinloy
Wednesday night the members of tlio
cabinet aud their wives being guebts of
Cherry Pectoral
The best remedy
60 years ago
for coughs and colds
and all Kindred ail-
ments and
The hesi remedy
To day
D 1M DTylnr
Attorneys nt Lay
Norfolk Nobrftskn
At Iliirn IJxeiy Molality
Must Illoek
Norfolk Noli
Physician and Surgeon
llic CitiroiiH Niilioiutl Hunk llullilliis
Trliiiliiiiin 101
Sitiiitiiilimi mill Iteniiliiu e Main unit Kith St
Telephone II
Vorfnlk - Nebraska
llllop OTorCltltoiid Nntl llnnk lloaldnnoe our
blook mirth ot C Dfrriiuntlnunl ohuroli
Fashionable Drossmalior
Up Btnlre In Cotton olook otot llanmt itort
FlrBt olitnn work irunruutoml
Norfolk - - - Nebraska
Attorneys at an
Hoonw 10 II and 12 Mail llkek
Norfolk Nebraska
Undertakers and Embalmers
Btiriona Hlk Norfolk At
Norfolk - - Nebraska
Attorney at Law
Rooms 1 and 2 Robertson Wlgton
Hlock Norfolk
Reblndlng old Hooks
and nagaylnes
Next to Demi u Iltuit Slme Kiftli filieijt
I nm now prepared to do rapid and
t c entitle dtess cutting aud littiug Call
and si o mo for particulars First house
west of standpipo Terms Reasonable
Mkk Eva Flack
For Plumbing Stein Filling Puipi
Tanks Wind Mills
Ami all repair work in thia linn ea
BntiafaotioD loaranteed
Klrat door eontb of Dallr New nffloa
W D Halls Barter Shop
Livery Feed and
Sale Stable
Hack Line In Connection
Telephone 68
Will furnish imisio for dances aud par
ties Prices reasonable
ijrrfirij i
Hocofriiinri ns IIuj very Iksl
Sknlts in I he iiiiirkol
For Sale by
An- cssiMiliiil lo lioallli
handles only puro rotorics
frco from mlnll oral ion and
soils Miem at
You jet what you psiy for
at I Miles
Sale and mm
Boarding Barn
Horses -Bought and Sold on
Braaach Avenue
and Tnlrd St
Practical Plumber
and Steam Fitter
Agency for the Myers Force and
Wind Mill Pumps
Prices Right
Satlhfaction Guaranteed on all Wink
First dour West of Post Olllce
Oil and Gasoline
1 nm irtiarcil to wenvu Carpcta tit tho ial in
fliction of nil coaciTiuil nitvler Hoard Hon
fy IiiiiiIi Uriel ami other fancy work a vpt
clult Having tho luttbt liiijirouil loom I
Ktiurantcu llrtt chibb work
Everybody wants tho host of
moats Wo make a special
effort to please our trade
Onr Shop Ih the Neatest
in the City
Uth St hocoutl house South from Muiu