The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, December 28, 1899, Page 8, Image 8

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1CoiiIrIiIi IMW liy C Cram 1
11 r Rx
lli V ll N
10 O 11 0 10 nnd
Mny Loveroy
1 who were lioini
from polliKc to
spend till luill
ilnyH In their nn
llvo town of
fnlo llllll
vtil tlio Invitation
df lolin nnil
Myrtle llnteli to
roiiio over for u
Now Yiiivb evu
HiiiipiT nnil Hlny
for tlii nlKlit It wiih ii Jolly party
or bI IncliiillliK Ml- I MrH Zueliu
rtnli llnteli Hint cnelreled tin tnlili nt
Hint liiHt Biipprr of tlio ilyliif yiiir
MyrtloH niiinloil lirothif lOilwuril
llntoli nnil his yotniK wife liuil prom
IhlmI to lie lininc for tlio liollilny In
ItinlltiK to ootno np from lloiliiHtcr on
llic lvimiIiik trnln Their noimppiiir
micc vnn tin only eloiiil thai liuiitf
over tlio Hatch lioiucHteml that nltflit
An In every ronnlon of ohl fiioniln It
would be wihIit to toll what thoy iliilnt
tlinn what thoy illil talk about but It
wan wlieii iiiuhIc wiih thu Kiibject
xlnlmliiR attontlon that Myrtle re
Hlnce you wont nway Ivo IohI my
voice 1 cannot hIiik for any loiiKth of
time without boooniliiK linm ne
Ditto horo nililoil John
Von should try our lrofcHsor Do
brnnH proHorlptlon hOvIhui OoorKu
Which Ih
ProfosHor Doboau our liiHtruclor In
vocal hiiihIo nays hiicIi troublo iohiiIIh
utmost entirely from a poraonH breath
Iiir throiiKli his mouth especially when
Jltl hosiiKKost a remedy V
1oh Ho ways that tlio best remedy
la to take a wldo strip of IhIiikIuhh
plaster and to faHton tlio lips together
with It and leave It on all night If
you buy a yard of tho planter and uhd
It every nllit before Uh koiid your
voice Is all right Ita miro death to
Jld you ever try 11 was Johns
No o ndmlttod George but hov
rnl of the boys at college thought It
retired their hoarseness and sore
luronts too at times and one thing Is
certain it will keep a person from
The pleasant evening enjoyed by the
4itlierlng has nothing to do with our
ctory Sutllcc It to say that mi hour
Jr so after the parly rose from tho
supper table the young men excused
themselves and left May and Myrtle
Tto an exchange of conlidonces while
thoy set out for a stroll Hardly had
the door closed upon their departing
3Torms whon Myrtle exclaimed May
1 have promised to sing at an enter-
next week and have boon
flreadlng It for days Suppose wo buy
tomu of that plaster and use It to-
TMay had boon thinking of Just the
same thing
Agreed but we mustnt let the boys
know anything about It was the re
And with considerable laughter at
Joke as they conceived It of test
1ujj Professor Deboaus remedy with
TSffifH W
eut the knowledge of their brothers
wraps were hurried on and the girls
-were soon on their way to thu nearest
drug store
Having secured their treasure Myr
tle ami May hurried back and went
booh in the privacy of Myrtles room
An hour or so later thoy decided as
Mny expressed It to muzzle them-
selves and retire for the night May
had felt a tickling In her throat that
was doubtless of an Imaginary or sym
pathetic nature and had decided to
try the cure herself So each cut a
jgeucrous strip of the plaster moisten
ed and applied It and sat down hands
pressed tightly over mouth waiting
Tor the plaster to dry
Naturally when the drying process
was completed they found It Impossl
ble to speak So thoy hnd recourse to
paper and pencil to describe their llrst
sensations as mutes and were booh
ready to pay their respects at tho
Hlirine of Somnos
While the young folks had been en
Joying themselves in the parlor Mr
aind Mrs Hatch had been In the sit
ting room he with his paper and she
with her knitting It was the wife
who looked up and said
Zachariah dont you think It would
le n good plau to get some of that
plaster and bee If it wouldnt help you
swear off snoring for the New Year
Its dreadful If you could only hear
yourself snore you wouldnt stop at
trouble or expense
Perhaps some time replied Mr
Hatch manlike without taking his
eyes off his paper
Hut dont you think you hnd better
try it tonight nnd start the New Year
right persisted his wife You dont
want Mr and Miss Loveroy to go home
and say that they couldnt sleep be
cause you snored so loud
I suppose so Dont bother me Send
Myrtle after sonic If you like replied
the rather gouty tempered Mr Hatch
No I believe I will go myself niul
not lot the girls know anything nbout
It And his good wife laid down her
work nnd started for the drug store
The druggists Htirprlso gave way to
nstonlshtneut ns Mrs Hatch demanded
Kill iM wJmrW
of liliii n yard of Isinglass plaster lie
concluded that somebody must be pret
ty badly cut up over at the Hatches
lly 11 oclock Mr nnd Mrs Hatch
woru sleeping soundly each with lips
glued together the wife ltxlng hers
like her husbands when ho complained
of the ludicrous tlguro lie would cut
when the plaster had been applied
In the meantime George and John
had made the circuit of familiar
streets ami neither had realized the
lateness of the hour until Ucorge to as
certain the time of night hnd stepped
to the window of n well lighted store
none other thnn the drug store with
which we are already actpiulntcd It
was 11 oclock The druggist was pre
paring to clos6 up for the night
Before he could do so John pushed
his way Into the store Walt till 1 get
some plaster he called out to his com
panion Tin going to try your plan
then to the druggist A yard of plas
ter please
Thats the last roll I have said the
tradesman in bewilderment as he
bunded out the third yard of plaster
he had sold to the Hatch family that
evening Ho began to think that some
one was playing a Joke on him and
after George and John had departed
he hurriedly closed his store
The boys found the Hatch residence
In darkness when they arrived there
except for one solitary light that shone
dimly through the slatted windows of
the sleeping room occupied by Mr nnd
Mrs Hatch A sleepy housemaid ad
mitted them and thoy as silently as
possible ascended to their room
No time was lost in sticking their
lips together and a struggle with the
lamp followed ending only when John
turned the wick so low that the llaino
dickered a few times and then died
out Left In silence and darkness the
boys were soon sleeping soundly
All was quiet and still by midnight
for Mrs Hatch did not believe in young
folks sitting up to watch out old years
Then Myrtle suddenly awoke with the
terrifying thought that some one a
man of course was holding his hnnd
over her mouth Then remembering
the events of the evening she realized
the cause of the peculiar sensation But
the shock to her nerves remained The
assertion that her scare was all Im
aginary though repeated over and
over to herself failed to quiet them
There It was somebody trying to
get Into the house The front door
bell rang loudly Then some one be
gan pounding on the door Myrtle
could hear It quite plainly She sat
upright and listened Never before
hnd she been awake at night and not
heard her fattier snoring She missed
that reassuring snore very much
Could nnythlng have hnppened to him
Or perhaps the house was on lire Yes
It must be tire She was sure that she
studied smoke
Giving May a tremendous shake
Myrtle slipped out of bed throw on n
dressing gown and hurried down to the
front door where the pounding still
kept up In a moment she had the door
open but Instead of a stalwart lire
man lu stepped her brother lOdwnrd
and his wife
Why Its Myrtle cried Edward
Tlio train was late and we thought
you wore never going to let us In
Were nearly frozen nnd hungry as
bears And how Is mother and every
body Why whats the mntter Why
dont you speak
For obvious reasons Myrtle remnlned
silent A moment later a second silent
figure crept down tho hallway and
stood by Myrtle and then enme Mr
Hatch himself hastily pulling on a
few clothes ns he came
Oh hereB father Ho will explain
cried the amazed lOdward as the third
llgure came groping silently down the
twilight of the long hall Good heav
ens Eva Fathers dumb too For lu
the middle of the hall stood the pater
nal Hatch uttering not one word of
welcome to his beloved son
A moment later Mrs Hatch came
down visibly ngltnUd and mutely
war lug her nrins Hehlnd her came the
two young men one armed with n
baseball bat and the other with a
poker Hut not one word did they
speak Isinglass plaster has some very
adhesive properties and when ones
mouth has been glued shut for three
long hours one cannot be expected to
carry on an extended couversntlou For
several minutes the strange group
gazed nt one nuothcr
Edward theyre all crnzy Lets go
home anywhere but do not stay In
this house cried Mrs Hatch Juulor
with strong signs of hysteria
Speak somebody cant you For
heavens sake wish us a happy New
Year cried Edward taking his fright
ened wife lu his arms
Hut not a word did any one speak
The silent group shuffled sheepishly
nbout mnklng weird nud Inoxpllcnble
signs which more and more convinced
Ed -mid Hint nil the family of Hatch
had suddenly departed with their sev
eral nud Individual senses
Mother Father Has It come to
this Will you turn your own son
away from your door nt midnight with
out one word of welcome What hnve
I done What has happened Can no
one speak
The answer to the Inst question had
to be a distinct but Inarticulate nega
tive lOvn covered her face with her
hands and broke Into sobs They
have turned you away Edward be
cause because thoy think I have dis
honored the name of Hatch Some one
has told them about the the apple
plosl Tell them Edward It was not
my fault not my fault I 1 didnt
mean 1 oh 1 cant go on I cant go
on And again poor Eva broke Into
At this point Myrtle slipped nwny
nnd came down stairs again with a
huge pair of scissors In her hands
Without onu word of wnrnlng nnd be
fore Edward could throw himself be
tween them she savagely stabbed his
father nt least so It seemed In the un
cortnln light lu the face with the mur
derous wenpon
Saved Hnppy New Yenr every
body gasped Mr Hatch senior catch
ing his sou In his arms and shaking his
hnnds till they ached Were all glued
up my boy every one of us glued up
with the stickiest most Infernal sort
of sticking plaster ever created Thats
right Myrtle Jut your poor mother
loose Shes always best at explain
Tho welkin rang with Edwards
Pghter when his mother did explain
Hi much gravity Just how they
a mo to be found in such n predica
ment ami It took several gallons of hot
water to wash away the traces of that
Isinglass plaster Hut there was a bcc
oud supper lu the Hatch homestead
that night and as every one confessed
II was the jollier of the two
Smnrt Winter Shirt AValntn
Lnst winter witnessed a faint nt
tempt nt the Introduction of the llnunel
shirt waist This season it is tho
piece do resistance of the smart wo
mans wardrobe The model
ed the saddle yoke meets the latest
demands of fashion The shirt is set
into the yoke in front In minute tucks
but simply gathered at tho back where
the yoke takes a pointed shape Hows
of stitching ornnment yoke nnd col
Inr All the wnlsts are more fanciful
thnu heretofore The plain everyday
affair of the first Introduction is now
tucked feather stitched and corded lu
various fashions Tiny white polkn
dots or tine hair stripes on plain
grounds nre favorite patterns with
blue us one of the most popular colors
A Valance lor the lied
Every bed should have a valance It
decorutes a room gives to it an air of
pretty simplicity and Is often a place
to hide away a box where room Is
scarce The swIss valance Is tho best
It can be renovated and looks If well
done up ns fresh us a daisy These
dainty accessories look particularly
well for brass bedsteads When united
with covers of white and plllowshams
on the Bume order the scheme Is In
deed an attractive one
lnliloiin ljchoea
The niarquise diamond represents
quite the newest and most elegant fad
lu rings A single very large stone is
cut Into the slinpc mentioned yet hard
ly so pointed as the true mnrqulse
form belug somewhat more of nu elon
gated oval
Cloth toques show every disposition
to claim a fair Held and a large slice
of popular favor These toques an
proof positive that the art of millinery
lies lu the lingers rather thuu the ma
Fur as a trimming on bats repents
Its success ou ceremonious gowus also
Blue nnd sliver fox nnd sable tails are
the choice furs Including chinchilla
which holds Its owu for collars and
A new departure Is the use of small
and beautifully cut cameos in belt
Crystal linger bowls set In silver gilt
frames nro very handsome
The long box cont Is quite the swel
On the Wroiijr Tack
Tommy Grandpa are kings and
queena ulwayj good
Graudpa Not always my boy not
when there are aces out uguiust them
Brooklyn Li fa
nnmrtlnir MImkIIiik of Snpprntl
tlotiH CcrotnoiiK N nnil 12ecmilve
Jolllt r Odd Itl tlon In Scntlnnil
Clilnii nml Inpnn
Every nation has Its particular fenst
days and holldnys some paying great
er attention to one nud some to nn
oilier but nil peoples on the fnce of
the earth who reckon time nt all In
some milliner greet the New Yenr
We have so shulllcd our calendar
that now the occurrence of thu New
Yenr on the 1st of Jatiunry has lost Its
uignillcmicc Among primitive nations
however the New Year Invariably
marked the opening of one of the nat
ural divisions of the seasons
One of the oldest of New Yenr cus
toms Is that practiced by the Alnos of
Japan For n tlioiisnnd years these
peoplo have stood still In their civili
zation following nil their primitive
customs nnd ceremonies Now Yenr
with them Is a senson of merrymaking
which winds up with the grent benr
fenst cnlled Omsln In which a huge
benr Is sacrificed
In Scotland where Christmas Is not
observed ns a general holldny becnuso
bo ninny Presbyterians look upon Its
observance us n species of supersti
tion New Years day Is a Joyous one
and a strange way of celebrating tho
dying of the old year has long been
customary there The Inst night of
the yenr Is cnlled Ilogmennyo night
and Is celebrated by drinking singing
and general festivities
The Chinese nre notorious for their
fondness for holldnys nnd the Celes
tials make the most of this one Thoy
nre not content with one day but take
n whole month to celebrate the ap
proach of the New Year Chinese lan
terns llrecruckers feasting nnd the
paying up of old debts piny the mnjor
part In the ceremonies
A strange custom in mnny parts of
Europe Is Hint of having n member of
the family either the eldest or youn
gest open the family Bible at random
and place his or her finger nt any spot
on the open pnge without glnnclng at
It The verso thus mnrked is rcgnrded
as a sort of text for tho ensuing 12
A very poetical old ceremony Is tunt
of the so called Messe des Anlmaux or
animals mass which takes place on
New Years eve In the French depart
ment of tho Cevennos a country in
which the celebration of the New Year
almost entirely supersedes that of
Christmas This truly pastoral festival
Is given In behalf of tho herds of cattle
which constitute the chief wealth of
tho hardy mountaineers Before the
ceremony begins herds of cows and
sheep nnd goats are driven to an open
space before the church Inside the
building is gathered n crowd of stal
wart men and women In festive rai
ment each holding a lighted candle
while the cure celebrates mass
Some of the aborigines of our own
land hnve New Yenr customs that are
exceedingly Interesting notably that
of the MoquI Indians called
which Is a singular and elaborate
mythical drama divided into two
parts In which offerings nre mnde to
elllgles of the grent plume headed ser
pent the enemy of the sun This is fol
lowed by a sun dnnce In which the con
flict between the orb of dny nnd the
Inferior hostile gods Is portrayed
Leonaiid Ethkwnoton
A Problem of Centurlea
Oh look before you leap he cried
Hut to his arms Hew she
No no the little maid replied
For this ia leap jearl Sec
tjgqa y
This jear ouc leaped all right tet
And I am in a kiss
But 00 Into 1000 wont gee
Youre Agum are a nilti
Keep Coughing
Only keep it up long enough and
you will succeod in reducing your
weight losing your appetite oring
ing on a slow fever and making
everything exactly ngnt xor the
germs of consumption Stop cough
Fug and you will get well
Chary Feu
I cures coughs An ordinary cough i
disappears in a siuglo night The
racking coughs oi uroncmus soon
disappear And even tho coughs
nt rananmntinn nrn either com
pletely checked or greauy lessenea
Two eiies luubuc Aiiaruggisis
J C AYER CO Lowell Mm J
Theres nothing in Ivory Soap but soap good pure
vegetable oil soap Theres nothing to make the linens
streaky no alkali to injure the finest textures The
lather forms quickly and copiously and wash day is a
pleasure instead of a drudgery Try it for the next wash
The price places it within reach of every one Look
out for imitations
CulthW art out ml krnil in us wl h 1KI fend wr will nmil uu lkl Ml 1
I SIT HUM I TAItMlK KM IIHUAN ij frrlUt O I nulJrft tuftiailn 1
lion You run examine It utyiiur nearest frrlitht depot nnd Iff
jou una it fviictlj an ruprcinifu me grrairn taiae juu eirr i
ami far lirllrr thnn organi adhrrllird hj othf m at more mnnej pa Ihf freight t
MnlOUR PRICE 3550 IratiheS 100drpoll or l 150 and
rrfUhtrharcrii THE PARLOR CSM I one at lb raoU 1IIIU1IIK
AM httrKTrHT TOrl Imtrumrntn f rr made From the illustration
Aim n w lilch Ih oiiKrAiM dltctt from a photograph joucati form
Bomelileaof tu beautiful appearance Made from olid quarter
Mtucil oak or walnut ntU1rcd perforated key ailp full panel bo4j
beautiful marquetry drilfto panels and many oilier handiome drtoratlon
and ornaurnli niVlaR It the K11Y LATKVT HTYLK TIIKIAICLOK
UVM lnOfett high 4 2 Inches long 3 inches wldo and weighs 3fi0
iiouniui i oniMUH o ociavciS 11 biojh as iuiiowh inanaion rnocipai
uuifiana nrioaia leieiie ire toon a uatvnDpirr ireoieuoapier
Diapason Forte and oi Human n 2 Oclafe Coupler 1 Tone Swell
1 irand Organ Swell 4 Sela of Orfheatra Toned ltetonator Ip
juallly Iteeds 1 Mor 37 1ure Sweet Be India Hred 1 Hrtnfin
Charmingly llrllllant Celeate Heeds 1 Hot of Hi Klcli Hello Haooth
liiapaion urea l net or rieatinr nou neioujoui rrmeipai
It red THE PARLOR CEM action consists of tho
Crtebrated Newell Heeds which arc only uflcdln thohlgh
est grade Instruments fitted with Hammond Coapleri and
Vit lluoinna also hont Oolgo felts leathers etc bellows
of thu best rubber cloth 3 plv bellows stock nnd llncst
leather in vulvas THE PARLOR GEM Is furnished
with a 10x14 beveled plate French mirror nickel plated
pfdnl frames and every modern Improvement We
furnUh free a handaome organ stool and the beat organ Imtrue
lion bcuk nuMUned
Cha ok UN wo
lixut auriutu lilmliiii 2 Marfrunrantce bv thu
tonus ami coiidltliins of which If any part KlveH out vo
rriiulr It frrp of charcr Try It one month antl we will
refund ynurinoney if you arc not nerlcvtly atlsflod 600
of thpo nivalin will he fold at 35 50 OltltKIt
dualt with us ask jnurnelghhur about us write
the publisher of this paper or Metropolitan
National Hank or Corn at Hank of Chicago
or inriiiaii Kichaniro Hank New York or nnv
railroad or exptcss company in Chicago jyJ2
tKioof the largest bucinebB blocks In Chicairo Vifrf
m0UH 3850
jfflRlH ill
li III
WKlm Ht 11 1
MinHMRMPlMcar lunFI
WiHCSinl BkTIKllir
fsfisK IflSS mi fJsifi I
I emuiuim 1 KSytwClrMPjt rnf3lJ9MK rt
- z Pya
and employ nearly scon people In our own J rl uift njriiwtmSrJisSfifiUnii l
llMlldlng HK SILL OIKUTkS AT 2200 and not
anJ wo will
send you our
as IllUKtrated
packed for shipment
Il IMS 1 1500 and upi n1i everything in musical lntniments at lowCBt wholeealo prices Write for free special
oivnn piano and mu deal instru ment catalogue Address bean Boebock A Co are thoroughly reliable Editor
SEARS POBUCK CO Inc Fulton Desplaines and Wayman Sis CHICAGO ILL
tl I llllb III
Til 18 M1TU
by lrclffht C O II nubjcct to cxumlnutlon
pcrlcctly utlriUlort exut tly un rcprpcntetl
An Extra Fine High Crado Saddle
and tho equal of Baddies gold every w hero at from
OUR PH1GE 38i5ui
nay the freight aircn
lei the iHOO depolt or U70 uud freight
This Saddle Is mado on a I55 or
16 Inch Genuine Ladosma or
Nelson Heavy steel Fork
TItiF bound or roll cantlcteel leather cocrcd stirrups
or I Inch oibow bnuts bound as deblred Hill cod Iwund
untie oiilei olhe rwli ordered
lined 3 lnch wldo laco stirrup leathers H lncli tlo straps
extra long on near side 2 Inch to buckle on offside heavy
cotton twisted Mexican 6 Inch front cinch heavy cotton
belting Hank cinch connecting strap Loop seat eeat and
Jockey all one piece
Welsbt of Haddle ulinut Ur poundl
IS iioundi VUK1U1IT IS IMV inoLT
loo roit kaim umitiurn
CATALOGUE showing a lull line ol Cowboy and Rancher
Outfits at the lowest prices ever quoted Address
Fnn Hotbutk Co re Ihorouiblj nil lite Kdllor
a r mm
ItW VV if II 5W iT rk l ii Dl lM 1 1
yZQi Slfflpit wil
A blindness comes to me now and then I have it
now It is queer I can see your eyes but not your nose
I cant read because some of the letters are blurred dark
spots cover them it is very uncomfortable
I know all about it its DYSPEPSIA Take one
of these it will cure you in ten minutes
What is it
A Ripans Tabule
A case of bad health that will not benefit Tbej banish pain and prolong lira
WANTED- relief rote the word KTl AN Boil tee package and accept no substitute IITJ AWS
10 for 5 null or twelve packet for 48 cents inaj ba had at any drug stora Tea taroplr and mie tlioii
aand testimonial will be mailed to any addrua for i cnu forwarded to Uta IUpana Cbtmical Co Nu
W Sprue bl Kew York j -