The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, December 28, 1899, Page 7, Image 7

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i I
14 Mtltrc LatorI chief counsel for Drr jfeis wrl
ouly womulfcl by a pistol ihot from a would
lie awawln
10 1ire 27 luillelinKi liurncd it Jamestown K
Yi loss SOO000
Obituary lrof ltobert Wllhelm Evetharil Hun
urn illstlnfrulheel Urrniau chemist at Uelilel
tierci ageil 8S
17 Walter Wcllmtn ami lie survivors of M
polar expedition arrtrvl at Trotmo Norway
from Kranz Joscf Ijind
19 Obituary Ren Thomas Alfred Dalm a vet
eran of the clxll war at Oietcnhurr N Y
aKCtl IK Sir Charleo Lennox 1ecl K C II
a noted Coirvnathr at lndon aired JO
20 Obituary Itiac Mclcllan known as the
sportsmens poet at tirccnpolnt N Y aged
SI Fire At Victor Colo the business portion
ol the town destroyed loss 2000000
22 Sculptor Caspar Iluberl died suddenly nhllo
working on the Dewey triumphal arch In
New York
24 Obituary Judge Henry Hilton heir to A T
Stewarts riches at Saratopa aged 7fi
27 lloaini Turinl a sculptor enpinl in model
ing on the Dewey triumphal mill died sud
denly In New York
25 Accident 0 workmen killed by the fallllif of
arches at the new Chicago Coliseum
30 Kire At Tupper Lake N Y 100 buildings
destrojed causing a loss of 1M000
31 Tire At lloljoke Mats the stutlonery estab
lishment of lirsons tirceii Co burned
causing a loss of 000000
2 Klre In Kansas City loss 20000
4 Contention The thirty third national en
campment U A It met In Philadelphia
7 Personal Col Albert 1 Shaw department of
New York elected commander In chief of the
a a it
Fire At flarden City N Y the late A T
Stewarts pet scheme the Garden City hotel
Convention The national encampment Sons of
Vetetoiis met In Detroit
8 Obituary Hear Admiral Henry V Picking U
S N a tctnan of the chll war at Charles
ton aged 69 Stephen Dogger one of Lin
colns surviving friends at New Salem Ind
at Sullivan Ind aged 87 James It Kustii
ambassador to France under Cleveland at
Newport ageil 05
0 Dreyfus convicted and sentenced to 10 years
14 Obituary Cornelius Vandcrbllt head of the
family In the third generation in New York
city aged 50
15 Storm Destructive hurricane in Ilermuda
10 Fires At Seattle Wash loss 105000 At
Lincoln Neb Masonic temple St Pauls
Methodist church and several blocks burned
loss 500OO0
17 Fire At Promised Land N Y the American
Fisheries Co burned out loi 500000
Riot 7 nonunion miners killed at Cartcnille
15 Fire Farnham N Y the business section
wiped out lobs over 250000
10 Fire At Lovvvllle N Y over 250000 loss
In a lumber plant lire
Disaster 30 lives lost in the burning of the
passenger steamer Montoya on Magdalena riv
er Colombia
Obituary Charles Patrick Daly noted justice
in New York city aged S3
20 Fire At Ilegeswich Ills loss 150000
Earthquake 1000 people reported killed at
Aidln Asia Minor
Miscellaneous Harry W Denton the first
60und telegrapher In America died at
Denver at the age of 03 Prejfus released on
a pardon
Obituary SI Scheurer Kcslner former French
senator and a strong champion of Dreyfus In
Paris aged CO
21 Fire At Norfolk loss of 200000 by the
burning of a hospital 4 deaths
ShlpwTeck Loss of the Dominion steamer Scots
man in the strait of Ucllc Isle 14 passengers
22 Fire At Salem Or loss 150000 by the
burning of a planing mill
23 Accident 0 killed and 10 Injured in a head
on collision on the Itio Grande road at Itcno
Filipino War A naval force led by the cruiser
Charleston bombarded Olangapo on Subig bay
and captured insurgent works
24 Personal Julia Dent Grant married to Prince
Cantacuzcne at Newport
Obituary John Sleeper Clarke noted English
comedian at
25 Fire At Tipton Ind 100000 loss by the
burning of a tin plate mill
Obituary Jared H Flagg noted American por
trait painter In New York city aged SO
27 Obituary Gen Henry Heth noted Confeder
ate soldier in Washington aged 74
Earthqnake Island of Ceram 5000 people
23 Naval and marine parade in New York bay
and Hudson river in honor of Admiral Dewey
30 Iteceptlon and loving cup presentation to
Admiral Dewey by Slayor Van Wyck followed
by a military land parade
Fire At Little ltock the State Deaf and Dumb
Slutc Institute burned loss 100000
1 Fires At Call Tex loss 150000 At
ltloomlngton Ills 6 buildings burned loss
2 Fire At Dtiquen Ark 51 buildings burned
loss 250000
Filipino War A Filipino attack at Dacoor re
pulsed by troops under Oen Fred Grant
3 Fires At Des Moines the Masonic temple anil
other buildings destroyed loss 500000 At
Endeavor Pa loss of 500000 In a lumber
yard fire
5 Obituary Former U S Senator James Har
lan last surviving member of Lincolns cabi
net at Mount Pleasant la aged 79
9 Fire Slojave Cal wiped out
South African War President Krugcrs ulti
matum demanding arbitration and the recall
of Ilrltlsli re enforcements from the Cape
10 Fire In the business section of New Iberia
La loss 200000
11 Expiration of the Doer time limit armies
moved to the Transvaal border
12 South African War lloers opened the war by
attack on a Ilrltlsli armored train
13 Fires In Ilrooklyn loss 000000 by the
burning of two cotton warehouses At Has
tings N Y cable works burned loss 125
000 At llaverstraw N Y 2 acres of build
ings humid loss 200000
Obituary Vice Admiral Philip Howard Colomb
Ilritish naval olticer inventor and writer in
London aged GS
14 Fire The Lnomis sanitarium burned at Lib
erty N Y loss 100000
Disaster The sound steamer Nutmeg State
burned off Sands point several lives lost
South African War Fighting began at Mafeklng
16 Fire At Waterloo la loss 100000
South African War lloers under Gen Cronjc
laid siege to Ivlmberley
Obituary Laurence Oronlund social economist
and author in New York city aged 53
IG Sporting Columbia won the first race over
the Shamrock by 10m Ss
Obituary Edward Orton Ph I LL D dis
tinguished geologist at Columbus O aged
I 70
17 Sporting Columbia won the second race the
Shamrock breaking her topmast
18 Obituary Isaac Ulrd a California pioneer
orcbardist at Watsonvllle Calj aged 60
19 W II Applcton last of tho old circle of
New York publishers In New York city
aged 5
W Sporting The Columbia won her third con
secutive victory over the Shamrock by 0m li
Filipino War Insurgents routed at San lsidro
by Gen Youngs command
South African War Ilattle at Glencoe Ilritish
loss 211 Gen Sjmons mortally wounded
Convention National meeting of tho W C T
U began at Seattle Wash
SI Fire Disaster 14 persons burned to death in
their dwellings at Faircs Ala
South African War Ilattle of Elandtlaagte
Ilritish and lloers lost heavily
23 Grant Allen the English author died in
London aged 61
27 Obituary John Codman Hopes military his
torian In lloston aged 03 den Guy V
Henry U S A civil war and regular army
veteran In New York city aged 00
M Ottmar Slergenthaler inventor of the lino
tpe machine died in Ilaltlmore aged 45
Sporting The principal football contests result
ed as follows Columbia 5 Yale 0 at Kew
York Cornell S Princeton 0 at Ithaca Har
vard 22 Carlisle 10 at Cambridge Chicago 5
Pennsylvania 6 at Chicago
W Obituary Florence Slarrjatt Mrs Francis
Lean English novelist at Brighton Eng
land ago Ct
50 South African War Ilattle before UdysmltM
2 Ilritish regiments and a battery raptured
Shipwreck Steamer George I Colwcll of De
troll for New York from Fernnudltn went
to pieces oft Charleston 12 wvllors drowned
51 Fires At Aberdeen Wash loss 150000 by
the burning of a salmon cannery At Hark
ettstnwn N J the Haikcttstown seminary
burned loss 300IX0
1 Shipwreck Off Cape ltnmnlu S C schooner
William M Ulrd lost and 0 sailors drowned
4 Fires In Kansas City Jones department
store and the St James hotel burned low
500000 At Waukegan Ills the plant of the
American Steel and Wire company damaged
to the extent of 100000
Sporting Harvard scored 10 to Pennsylvania 0
at the Cambridge football contest
5 Filipino War Gen MacArthurs troops cap
tured Magxlang after sharp fighting
0 Filipino War Gen Whcatons division landed
at Sin Fabian on llngajon gulf tinder the
enemjs file
Political First autonomous government in the
Philippines Installed at llacoor Island of
Ncgros by the 0 S governor iteneral
7 Shipwreck The IT S cruiser Charleston lost
oil the northwest coast of Luron
9 Fire A 250000 blorc at Memphis
South African War Severe lighting at Lady
Admiral Oeorgo Dewey married to
Sirs Mildred llaren at Washington
11 Sporting Princeton scored 12 to Carlisle In
dians 0 In a football contest at New York
At EaMon lafavctte scored 0 to Cornell 5
Indian Troublis 0 Navajoes and 1 white killed
in a battle between Indians and settlers neat
Walton Station A T
12 Fire At Montreal loss 500000
Venezuelan War Puerto Cabellu surrendered to
Gen Castro after a battle In which 050 were
killed and wounded
Filipino War Sharp fight at San Jacinto Ma
jor John A Logan killed at the head of his
13 Obituarj Col Henry lnman veteran of the
regular army and the civil war author of
the Old Santa Fc Trail at Topeka aged 02
14 Obituary Dr Moritz lluiili biographer of
lllsmarck at Lelpsic aged 78
10 War In Colombia Conclusion of a two dajs
battle at llucarananga In which 1000 rebels
were killed and 2000 wounded
17 Fire Tile Hamburg American liner Patria
abandoned to the Haines In the North sea
Obituarj Col Lawrence Kip veteran of the
civil war and a noted turfman In New York
city aged 03
15 Sporting The Yalc IIarvard annual football
game ended in a draw at Cambridge
19 Accident 0 killed and 4 seriously Injured in
a wreck on the Chicago St Paul Minneapo
lis and Omaha railroad at Humboldt S I
South African War lloers repulsed by the Ilrit
ish at IMcourt
Obituary Sir William Dawson noted Canadian
educator and geologist at Montreal aged 80
20 Filipino War Gen SiacArthurs troops enter
ed Dagupau the northern terminus of the
Manila railway
Personal Emperor William arrived at Windsor
castle the guest of Queen Victoria
21 Obituary Garret A Ilobart vice president of
the United States at Patcrson N J aged 55
22 Accident 4 killed in a rear end collision be
tween a limited passenger and a freight train
on the Ilaltlmore and Ohio near SIcCool Ind
23 Obituary Prof MiaskovvBki an authority on
political economy and international law in
the University of Lcipsic at Lcipsic aged 01
Fire The Husted elevator burned at lludalo
loss about 150000
South African War Ilattle at Ilclmont south of
Klmbcrley Ilritish loss 220
Tho Sudan Gen Wingate with an Egjptian
force defeated the dervishes near Drcillssa on
the line of the Nile killing 400 including
the khalifa
21 Fire At Detroit loss 350000
25 South African War Ilattle at Gras Pan Hills
north of Ilclmont lasting four hours Gen
Slethuens column lost heavily
Sporting Princeton defeated Yale at football at
New Haven score Princeton 11 Yale 10
Obituary ltev Itobcrt Lowry author of several
very popular lijmni at Plainfleld N J aged
20 South African War Great Ilrltaln formally
notified the powers of the state of war re
sulting from Uocr Invasion of British terri
Filipino War Gen Hughes captured Pass In
Hollo driving the insurgents to the moun
Wallace Hoss once ranked as the greatest oars
man of the world died in London aged 42
27 Obituary Charles Coghlan the actor at
Galveston aged 60
23 South African War A ten hours battle at
Sloddcr river Ilritish loss 445 Including
Gen Sfethuen wounded Slaj Scott Turner
led a sortie from Kimbcrlcy and was killed
with 22 of his men Casualties to date on thu
Ilritish side 4180
Obituary Countess of Castlglione noted beauty
of the second empire and charmer of Napoleon
III in Paris
Financial Troubles Harper -St Dros publishing
house turned over to the agent of Its cred
itors with liabilities of 5600000
20 Fires In Philadelphia Lippineotts publish
ing house and a department store and other
concerns burned out loss 1250000
New Athens O Franklin college destroyed
Accident 0 killed and 20 injured in a wreck on
the I L and W at Patcrson N J
30 Sporting Pennsylvania defeated Cornell 29 to
0 at Philadelphia The Carlisle Indians scor
ed 45 to Columbia 0 in the Thanksgiving foot
ball game In New York
2 Sporting West Point scored 17 to Annapolis
6 at Philadelphia
Obituary John Iiislco Blair multimillionaire
and coal anil railroad magnate at lllairstowu
N J aged 97
3 Fire At Clinton Slass loss 150000 by the
burning of a theater
Storms First wintry weather of the season
snow in the northwest
4 Political Opening of the 50th congress
Filipino War Gen Youngs column reached
Tagudin which COO Filipinos abandoned on
his approuch
Accident fl passengers killed and 3 seriously In
jured in a rear end collision on the Denver
and Itio Grande near Salida Colo
The Molineux murder trial opened in New York
6 Political The presidents message read in
both houses
Fire At Meridian Siiss loss 250000
Obituary Monroe Lilaud Hayward U S sen
ator elect from Nebraska at Nebraska City
aged 69
Filipino War 200 Americans repulsed 800 Fili
pinos at Vigjn
Shipwreck 10 persons wounded by tho wrcck
of the Niagara oil Long Point Lake Erie
7 Disasters In the burning of a hosiery factory
at Heading Ij 3 operatives were killed and
60 injuicd At Sunnejtown Pa 4 workmen
were killed by the blowing up of a powder
South African War lloer raiders cut the railway
and telegraph at Gras Pan In rear of Gen
ilethucus column
Obituary Gen Henry Hayes Lockwood a reg
ular army and civil war veteran in Wash
ington aged 65 James P Heed once cham
pion checker plajcr of the world at Pitts
6 South African War 2 lloer guns destroyed
and 1 lapturcd by Ilritish sortie at Iady
9 South African War Gen Gatacre attacked
btormbeig and was repulsed with heavy loss
in killed wounded and missing
Explosion 32 lives lost in an explosion at the
Carbonado mine Washington
10 Fires At Augusta Ga Arlington hotel and
Slasonic temple destroyed At Enfield N II
loss 100000
11 South African War Ilritish attack at if odder
river repulsed with heavy loss including Gen
A G Wauchopc killed
Obituary Gen Edward Fcrrero civil war vet
eran in New York city aged 09
13 Personal Gen Leonard Wood appointed com
mander of the military division of Cuhi
15 South African War In attempting to cross
Tugcla river Gen Ilullcrs column was re
pulsed with heavy loss 11 gum fell Into the
hands of the lloers
17- South African War Lord Hobcrts ordered to
South Africa to take command 60000 troops
added to the forces in the lWd
Obituarv Lieut Thouui SI Brumby Deweys
flag lieutenant at the battle of Manila m
m m
ntlqnrttr of llresi Dlnplnr lir fir
Army nnl Nnvr Ofllorm Korclun
cm In Thplr Dress of Mute llunil
nlinkliiK Kxtraiirillnnrr
Ah compared to tho lirllllnnt court
receptions of Hurope there Is very little
In the Boclnl function of olllclal llfo
In thin democratic country which
would ho regarded iih strikingly chili
ortttu or gorgeous The nearest ap
proach to the IJuroponn court func
tions Is unquestionably the Now Years
reception nt the White House In
point of brilliancy mid formal display
It oversteps all the social events at
the national capital On this day the
chief executive of the nation receives
In state the vice president the mem
bers of his olllclal household the
chief Justice and the associate Justices
of the supreme court of the United
States the foreign legations senators
and representatives In congress olll
cers of the army and navy olllclals of
tho District of Columbia and such of
his fellow citizens as olwosc to pay
their respects to the president on that
occasion To the president It is no
holiday task as he must go through
the ordcnl of slinking hands with 8000
or 10000 people
Although the New Years reception
begins mi hour before noon custom
demands tho wearing of afternoon
dress As there Is In this country no
ofllcially prescribed court dress there
Is nothing In the apparel of the diplo
matic and civil olllclals of the govern
ment to distinguish them from other
well groomed men on formal occa
sions The ollicers of the army ami
navy however appear In full dress
uniforms and present a brilliant cu-
semble Olio of the chief attractions
of the day which the great throng
gathered in the neighborhood of tho
capital has an opportunity of seeing Is
the display made by these ollicers on
their march to the White House
Tito most plctureseiuo feature of the
presidents New Years reception Is the
appearance of the foreign diplomatic
corps In their gaudiest nnd best dress
of state They assemble in the red
parlor of the White House with the
dean of tho corps at their head Tills
distinction hns for a number of years
fallen to Sir Julian Pauncefote the
British embassador who will doubt
less continue to hold the place as the
oldest in point of continuous service
of any of the foreign representatives
They form a brilliant procession as
they proceed to the presidents recep
tion room the embassadors being the
first in line followed by the ministers
in order of seniority each attended by
his suit including secretaries attaches
and such ladles of the legations as de
sire to attend The Soutli American
diplomats in accordance witli their
own peculiar custom nppear In full
evening dress It is the orientals who
give the picture Its gayest coloring
The Chinese minister and his vast suit
wear varicolored gowns of rich and
costly fabrics though the Japanese are
not so showy in their state attire The
Turks appear In their red fees and
the Koreans In their flowerpot lulls
and are even more gorgeous than the
After tho distinguished and brilliant
assembly of olllclals slate judicial
diplomatic and legislative has passed
through tho reception room anil receiv
ed the presidents New Year greeting
an hour Is exclusively devoted to citi
zens and the chief executive receives
and shakes hands In ejulto democratic
fashion with ns many of his fellow
countrymen as can reach him during
the time allotted to the reception
Murium Iti iiulHn IiiHiirgenls
Manila Deo 27 General Santa
Auu with a forco of insurgents esti
mated at 500 attacked tho garrison at
Subig yesterday A body of marines
was sent from Olongpo to reinforco tho
garrison nnd tho Filipinos woro driven
back Boveral being killed Thero woro
no casualties on tho American sido A
company of tho Forty sixth volunteer
infantry together with a contingent of
marines has been sent from Manila to
reinforco tho Subig garrison still furthor
Appreivci Conueira Klevatur Contract
Ottawa Deo 27 A special edition
of tho Ollioial Gazotto contains tho an
uonucemeut that tho Dominion govern
ment has approved a contract outorod
into by tho Montreal harbor commis
sioners with tho Connors Byndicato for
building olovators at Montreal Tho
contract is for 20 years with tho priv
ilege of rcnowal
Oeueiral Ilreieiku ut St Augustine
St Augustine Flu Dec 27 Gen
eral John II Hrooko former governor
general of Cuba arrived lust night from
Cuba Ho will remuiu hero several
days beforo resuming his jouruuy to
Washington General Hrooko is spend
ing his time in quiet and declines todis
Iuss affairs iu Cuba
Tim Cciitlcrnmilj Wrr I WliliU Itl
vnl Mnjorn Olmcrvcil Nw Vrars
For years ther lirtd been a bitter
rivalry between the towns of luba
Illll and Dog Creek ami such a thing
as an olllclal visit between town olll
clals had not been dreamed of Home
times a Dog Creek man who went
over to luba lllll got back alive and
Instances could be cited where a luba
Ulll man had got out of Dog Creel
without being shot nt These wore ex-
i isV t
optional cases however and thero
was no guide to go by When lote
Mnhoney was elected mayor of Dog
Creek It was on his pledge to make
it still hotter for luba lllll That
same fall Joe Drake wiih elected
mayor of 1 libit lllll on his pledge that
he would endeavor to wipe Dog Crook
olT the face of tho earth December
was wearing Itself away and both
towns wore whooping It up when
Mayor Mnhoney hoard that Mayor
Drake said he was no gentleman
No gentleman oil he said to sumo
of his closest friends Well well sou
about that New Years day will soon
be here and do you know what Im go
ing to do Im going to mount my
mule nnd rhle over to Juba Hill and
call on Mayor Drake Ill call as a
gentleman sheiuld
At about the same time Mayor Drake
was told Hint Mayor Mnhoney did not
consider him a gentleman nnd he sat
down and thought it over ami then
said to his friends
Ill prove that Mayor Mnhoney is n
hoss thief nnd a liar On Now Years
day Ill ride over there ns a gentleman
call on him us n gentleman and let him
see the difference between a scrub anil
a man
It Is needless to add that both towns
encouraged their respective mayors In
their plnns When New Years day
came both mounted their mules nt
nbout tlie same hour nnd set out nnd
ns a consequence they met hnlf way
between the towns Kach had n fol
lowing of nbout a hundred Ah tho
two mnyors came to a liult Mayor Mn
honey graciously observed
Will the gentleman from Juba Hill
return to Dog Creek with the other
Tho gentleman from Juba lllll wns
nbout to ask the other gentleman to
accept of his hospitality was the re
ply of Mayor Drake
As a gentleman and knowing what
belongs to good milliners
As another gentleman nnd knowing
all nbout etiquette
I must say that Dog Creek hns the
biggest graveyard
hut Juba Hill has the most sa
And that you are a duffer nnd a
And that you arc n quitter nnd a
Then the respective mayors pulled
their respective guns with a whoop
Tho respective gentlemen on either
side followed suit and for hnlf nn hour
the most cheerful Industry prevailed
The gentlemanly shooting continued
until everybody lind run short of car
tridges or got tired of dodging bullets
nnd then Mayor Mnhoney came out
from behind a tree and said
The mayor of Dog Creole who Is
still a gentleman and no hog will now
bid you a poilto good day ant retire
Then Mayor Drake rose up from be
hind the stump which bail sheltered
him through the fray and replied
Tho mnyor of Juba Hill who Is
also a gentleman and knows when hes
got enough presents Ids compliments
and best wishes and trusts that tills
auspicious beginning of the Now Year
may strengthen tho bond of love be
tween the two towns
And then each side loaded up Its vic
tims and returned homo in a gentle
manly way A H Lkwis
It Overton and John Combs fought a
duel at Allantheus Hill Va Uoth woro
A sugar mill at Sugarland Tox near
Houston burned Loss 85000 fully
Hurglars shot John Hancock a rich
fnrmer of Greenvillo Ind securing
1030 and escaped
Tho German government has defin
itely abandoned all idea of acquiring
tho Danish West Indies
Three shooting scrapes with four
men doud aro reported from Virgiuiu
and Tennessee near tho state lino
Philadelphia will send a hospital shin
unci a lurgo corps of American physi
cians and surgeons to thu Transvaal
Abrani I Lefovro a farmer of Groon
land Pa died Tuesday from hydro
phobia Ho wns hittou on tho hand by
a cat
Tho John P Lovoll Arms Co also
manufacturers of sporting goods of all
kinds made an assignment at Boston
Tuesday for tho benoiit of creditors
Deputy Sheriff William Rainbolt of
Chavez county N M was fatally
wounded by two desperadoes whom ho
nnd u posso wero trying to capture
Olydo II Wiilluco a dork iu tho
United States sub treasury iu Chicago
was urrested Tuesday on tho charge of
having stolen it -000 back of gold from
the oillco
Boer Commander Recovers Ills
Health and Takes the Field
Dlniiiiic DiiIiil MeirnTliiiii Hurra lei Iteiillirn
SIkIirIIi nf llin liirrlami Doaiiltitry
IlilliK Cunt Imiri nt Moilitnr Itlnnr
Dutili UUiilliiitliiii liinen
London Deo D7 Dispatches from
Soutli Africa are still greatly delayed
Hut they aro arriving more fretdy
which shows that the censorship lias
boon relaxed
Thero appears In bo no grim I change
iu the situation A dispatch from
lurono Mat quo dated Dee IM gives
llin following received from the lloer
lunger tinted Doe ill Tho Ilritish
naval guns at Uoltiuso have been can
tiwmtiliug Hulwcr bridge over the Tit-
gola river witli a view of smashing it
The bombardment of lndysmith is pro
ceeding slowly General Jnuhort has
arrived hero nnd been accorded u hourly
welcome Do addressed the burghers
on Dee 18 More Hritisli prisoners
have boon sent to Pretoria
A dispatch to tho Daily News from
Ladysmith dated Friday Dec 15 by
heliograph says Another sortie last
night General Hunter with MM vol
unteers destroyed ono 0 inch Crousot
gun one howitzer anil ono Muxim One
llriton killed Tho Hour gunners Mod
There is an idea iu some quarters
hero that General Hullcrs destruction
of the Titgelu bridge heralds an attempt
to cut oil the Hoers now south of the
river but- tho general opinion is that the
Ilritish will not make any serious move
pending ho arrival of Lord Roberts
i The newspapers continue uctivoly dis
cussing and criticising the management
or rather mismanagement of lie cam
paign Tho advent of horse sickness
throws increased attention on the ques
tion of transports and tin want of
wagons wliioli may tio tho Hritisli
forces to the railways Tho Daily
Chronicle says Plenty of wagons
conlel bo obtained from tho United
States but tho government with very
indiscreet patriotism lmvo refused to
avail themselves of tho opportunities
The Times editorially attacks the ad
ministration of the war ollico declaring
that the Hritisli army is boing managed
for tho benefit of tho war ollico and not
for tho nation
Dutch niminVrtliin iietwx
Dispatches from various points indi
cate thu steady growth of the Dutch
disaffection Tho Cape Town corre
spondent of the Daily Chronicle reports
tho discovery of a pint to connive at tho
cscnMj of Boer prisoners Tho Times
udvises stern treatment of the disaf
fected Dutch colonists and tho enforce
ment of the penalties of treason against
persons and property
Tlie Sixteenth Lancers will go to
South Africa from India at tho special
request of Lord Roberts oven after the
government had decided that no in ore
troops should be withdrawn from India
Lead Somerset writes to tho Times
urging tho seizure of Lonreno Marque
uuil its retention if necessary to the
end of tho war iu order to prevent the
landing of war material for tho Boors
Tho transport Tantullon Castle has
arrived at Capo Town with a number of
howitzers and quick llrers which Gen
eral Buller urgently needs
Tho recruiting of British colonists in
Capo Colony is actively proceeding
Thirty thousand aro actually under
arms and several thousand more will ho
Ilrliii Cont limp at Mnilelnr ltlmr
Dispatches from Modder River dated
Dec 21 report that intermittent firing
was continuing on both sides although
tho Hicr shells fell short A number
of Fret State burghers hud surrendered
Thero is an unconfirmed report that a
Canadian picket was cut off near Bel
mont It is also assorted that fover is
raging among tho Boers
Tho tests of wireless tolcgrnphy at
Moelder river huvo been highly success
ful communication over a distance of
over 70 miles being perfectly estab
A dispatch from Chioveloy camp
dated Dec SI says Lyddito sholls aro
daily thrown into the Boer camp to pro
vent them working at tho trenches
Tho firing of big guns is heard daily
from tho direction of Ladysmith
Commandant Demeillou has boon re
Jit Derm lorre at 1retorlu
Tho Capo Town correspondent of tho
Daily News telegraphing Wednesday
Doc 20 says Lord Mothuon I under
stand intends to remain at Modder
river nbout thrco weeks longer From
Boer sources hitherto singularly well
informed I learn that thero tiro 8000
Kuropenn ofllcers and men skilled iu
1 modern military tactics particularly ar
tillery now in Pretoria as a reserve An
ofllciul iu tho Capo service who has
just returned from ofllciul rolioviup
duty iu thu Dutch district says tho
news of tho British reverses has been
I recoited with great joy oven iu local
ities where thero is no open rovolt
Kovor leucine in Iuilniltli
Niw Yomc Deo 27 A dispatch to
I Tho Tribune from Loudon says Tho
I JidyHinilli list shows thai typhoid fovor
and dysentery are more effective Ihnii
tho Hours nrlillory in reducing tho
strength of tho garrison day by day It
is clear thai Inneral Buller will ronow
tho attempt to relieve Ladysmilh whibif
liord Roberts Is on the sou lie In roA
coiving reinforcements and fresh bat-
lories nnd ought to hn iu u position to
reopen hostilities In a week or ton lnyn
unless he waits for the siege rain
Olilil linden Itiliilum it UpiiUlnii it l
Itlulil nl Nlillilnit Wiirknimi
Toiiuio Dim1 27 Judge Morris
iu common pleas court yesterday ren
dorod an unusual decision as to tho
rights of striking wotkmon The mom
burs of tlie Hioyolo Workers union
struck at thoMlnndird Tube works A
temporary injunction was grunted ro
straining tho strikers from pU rolling
tho works nnd lucosting uuil iutimi
dating employes who ttmk their places
This injunelion Judge Morris dis
solved holding that tho strikers had n
perfect right to keep pickets about tho
works and to talk to workmen and urgo
them to coiui out Ho hold that thero
was no positive evidence of throats and
that tho number of men employed at
the works exceeded the number or
strikers usually kept on picket duty so
there could he no danger of personal
violence The case will ho appealed
Jseiln iikIiii TiiiiIiiIh Miul
Lincoln Dec 27 A brief session
of tho educational council last evening
preceded the Itlth annual convention of
the State Touchers association which
opens today Incoming trains woro
crowded and tho attendance promisca
to reach lfiOO An auxiliary associa
tion comprising tlie IYdorutioii of
Womens clubs W O T U and tho
Hlalo Library section will bo in session
nt tlie same time Two notable ad
dresses one by President Tliwing of
Western Reserve university on educa
tional topics nnd one by Mural Hul
steud on Dewey Manila and the Phil
ippines will ho delivered during tho
Nmv DWIkIiiii iiMIiii WhIiiinIi
St Louis Doe 27 Vice President
and General Manager Ruiusoy of tho
Wuhash system today uuthoriod thu
announcement that on Ian I a new di
vision te bei known as the Detroit di
vision comprising the lino hulwecu Do
troit anil Chicago the Ileliner brandi
and Montpolier yard would be created
uuil placed under the superiutendenoy
of George M Burns with headquarters
at Detroit
Miijiir TiiIiIih OiIk Tun Veil lie
Siocx Falls S D Dec 27 Beforo
Judge Curluud iii the United States
court yestenluy a motion for nrrust of
judgment and a now trial in tlie caso
of Richard A Tuhhs mayor ef Aloestcr
convicted nl I ho term of court of soml
ing obscono literature through tho mails
was argued Judge Garland overruled
both motions nnd sentenced the do
fonilunt te two yours imprisonment
ClmUfil IIU Vlr to Ditutli
Baltlmoiu Deo 27 Franklin B
Livingstone a blind man aged Til years
choked his wife Rosio Livingstone to
death at their homo iu this city and
then gave himself up to tho police
Livingstone claimed that his wife tried
to smother him with a feather bed but
that ho succeeded in choking her and
put her body iu the bath tub
fiul Morton Miiy llm omit 1rcHlilnnl of
tlin IMttHliiiri mill Jnlf
Chicago Dec 27 Tho Times Herald
says Paul Morton third vico president
of tho Santa Fo road may bo asked to
accept tho position of prosielentof tho re
organized Kansas City Pittsburg and
Gulf system His name was seriously
considered at a meeting of tho executive
committee and plans wero discussed
which if carried out iu their entirety
will result in a now railroad systoni
which will roach from tho Atlantic to
tho Pacific seaboards and to tho Gulf of
Mexico on the south The proposed
transcontinental system necessitates a
combination b tween the Harrimau
syndicate and James J Hill
Tho plan is to huvo Hill como into
Oniuhii with tho Great Northern and
make connections with tho Omaha and
St Imis railroad which in turn con
nects with tho Gulf at Kansas City
thus giving a complete lino from tlo
gulf to tho Pacific coast
Illo Aiilinitlmi fur 1iirilon
Washinuton Deo 27 An applica
tion for pardon of Joseph Wilkius mid
Howard Butler now serving terms in
tho Mejynniensiiig prison Philadelphia
for violating tho oleomargarine laws
has been mudo to President MoKinley
and the attorney general now has it un
der consideration All tho personal and
political pressuro wielded by tho oleo
murgurino interests of tho west is being
used iu behalf of tho convicted men
Decision upon tho pending application
for pardon is awaited with great con
cern by tho dairy interests
Call For StoiUniiiin Coiiientlon
Dknvkk Dec 27 President Springer
of tho National Live Stock ussoeiiition
hits issued tho ofllciul cull for tho big
annual convention of his association to
moot in Fort Worth Jan 16 and con
tinuo iu session four days Tho con
vention will bo composed of delegates
representing till of tho largest livo stock
associations in tho country all tho big
stockyards companies and many of tho
big railroads It is oxpectod that thora
will bo over 1000 delegates iu atteud
nnco representing every stato and ter
ritory iu tho union
Ml ii urn iariloueel
SiuiNaKiELi Ills Deo 27 William
Conslor James Galloway and Rudolph
Boltz threo mou serving a 6is mouths
jail sontenco hero for participating iu
tho Oartervillo miuiug riot woro dis
charged yesterday by Judgo Allen of
tho United States court after serving
threo mouths Tho court extondod
lonioncy at the urgent requost of promi
ueut labor officials