t K li1 I 1 YS AS TAISS ON NSW YSRSeve gVx BY reTK ARTHUR Tlic Now Yenr wnfl dun within nit hour ami the Inseparables wore sitting up to welcome Its arrival rho Inseparables woro three young muti of con genial tastes mul they owuil their tininc to tho fnet Unit they spout nil their leisure together They belonged to the sriue noclul set to thu snme societies nnd their friendship was so gener ally recognized that when a committee of three was needed at any gathering they were invariably ap pointed in a bunch So it was only natural that they should be sitting up together to see the Now Year in But though they were entirely congenial it would have been evi dent to any keen observer -that on this occasion thoy had something on their minds Moreover it would not have been hard to de termine what that some thing was They had each made good resolu tions for tho coming year and though they were the best of friends they did not exchange confidences for every man hates to tnlk of his good resolutions because they are so hard to keep and the breaking of them gives rise to so much chatting Still a careful observer could have made a shrewd guess at the nature of their reso lutions had he boon admitted to the charmed circle Charlie Hague in whose room they were assembled was coddling the cigar he was smoking with such lov ing caro and trying to get the Inst possi ble whiff out of it that it was not hard to decide that for a few weeks at least his consumption of tobacco would be materi ally decreased Tom Fielding was speak ing with biicli strained precision that an attempt to give up slang was hinted at and J nek Ilaslam was so morose that it was quite evident he hud promised to inn ke some grent sacrifice for his fiancee But though they would not talk about their individual cases the subject of New Year resolutions wns so present to their minds that it naturally colored their con versation Say exclaimed Ilaslam rousing him self We had some New Yenr resolu tions down at our place today Good ones were they asked Kidd ing Three of them were good in the ordi nary sense and one of them might per hnps be considered a good joke by one who was not vitally interested You know our old man is a good fellow and treats us liberally but still it is so natu ral to try to get an increase of salary on the first of the year that the bookkeeper nnd the head salesman and I thought it would do no harm to try to get a rnise out of him so we laid n little scheme When tho rush of business was over wo went into his private room in single file and saluted in military form so as to iliow that what wo were doing was half a joke and he couldnt get mad about it II C TnEnEl HK SAID I HAVK 11HOKEN TOB WHASTLEItS BACK Well what have you got on your minds said the old man We have been making some New Years resolutions said I nnd we thought we would like to tell you about them Tire nwny sold the old man During the past year said 1 I have managed to Introduce considerable disci pline into tho management of the otlicc ttnff and I have resolved to keep up the good work and get things running as nearly perfectly as possible during thu coming year And I said the bookkeeper hnve so Improved my system of working that I have resolved to keep the books during the next year without making a single mistake During tho past year said the head salesman I have increased my sales 10 per cent and have resolved during the next year to iucreasc them 10 per cent more Good said the old man Let us sbuke lunula on it and I will make a New Year resolution too In the post 1 have frequently caused dissatisfaction in the otlice by raising one mans salary without raising another and I have re solved that during the next year and a villainous twinkle came Into hid eyes to icfrnlt from raising nny snlnrtos When ho general laugh subsided Hague roinaikod Though 1 have hoard of many Now Yenr resolutions 1 have seldom hoard of ono being kept but ouo occurs to inn just now You know 1 was born and brought up in n Scotch settlement and you also know that tho Scotch have ninny peculiar custom Though they no longer have chiefs in this country thoy hao wise men who are looked up to by nil the community and asked for advice in times of trouble To one of those a pour woman wont in gioat distress Hor IruNhaud was n famous wrestler the champion of the whole settlement but ho had a failing for strong drink mid when the New Year came round when Scotch people are In tho habit of making calls and drinking to ouo anothers health shu feaied he might stmt out on one of his terrible purees She took her troubles to the wise man and he said Leave the matter to me A few days Inter McNab the wrestler received a lnessngu stilting that a groat wrestler had arrived from Scotland who had overthrown every one with whom lie had over contended and that McNab could find him at the house of the wise mail McNab accepted tho challenge at oiuv and went to seek his opponent Wlutur is tho wrastlerV he Inquired Let mo get hold of him and Ill break his back The wise innn smiled and set n bottle of Scotch whisky on thu table There he said is the only wrestler I know of that can overthrow you and as 1 was nfraid you might moot him while going around nt the New lenr I thought 1 would warn you At first McNab was inclined to no an gry but realizing the truth of tho re buke he picked up the buttle and with one powerful twist broke it in two There he said I have broken the wrastlors back and no one can say that he can ever overthrow me again And that New Years resolution was kept I once knew several resolutions that were kept said Kidding and the con sequences were sad I once had several chums who wore ambitious but indolent and it was their delight to get together and tnlk about the great things they hoped to do One was an embryo author who mapped out books no man could write another n scientist who had dreams beyond the conceptions of Tesla and Edison and yet another a growing statesman whose schemes would have dazzled Hanna It used to be delightful to listen to them talk but one New Years eve they foolishly resolved to try to materialize their great ideas Where are they now asked Ilas lam The statesman has disappeared from sight the scientist is a lineninn for a tel ephone company and the would be emi nent author is a police court reporter and all of them arc unhappy because thoy have discovered that they are fail uios like most other men whereas if they had never tried they would still bo convinced of their native ability and bo happy As you can bee New Years res olutions are sometimes dangerous Just then the chimes began to ring out the old year and to ring in the new The Inseparables opened their windows for the New Year to enter and shook hands on the resolution thoy had made al though none of thorn knew the resolu tions made by the others THE DRUMMER FOR 1900 The briskest drummer on the road Has come to town today Upou his back he bears a load Come look at his display Here inniden is nn honest heart Tush No coquettish wiles Its pierced by Cupids choicest dart The price is winning smiles Here youth are honor glory fame And all thnt you desire The price to every one the same Toil nnd ambitions fire Here statesman Is the prize you crave A chance to rule and guide The price is toiling like n slave And trampling on your pride Ileie poet is your wreath of bays Thats bought with tears and pain Here painter bought by weary days The honor you would gain Heros happiness to some a gift To others past all price Here clouds of grief that show no rift Then scatter in u trice But though both griefs and joys nre dear Theres much he gives awoy And yet for all you get I fear Youll Eadly oveipuy Most whimsical of gripsack knights He tumbles down his wares And laughs to see his choice delights Oerwhelmed by foolish cares But who can blame this youth sublime No rivalry he fears Up travels for the house of Time The youngest of Its years Bo welcome him with pomp and pride Come make n joyous din Ihrow both your doors and windows wide And let the New Year In I McAnTHUii A New Years Call The Hid Years Itctlreiuent Youre retiring rum bustnrn Old Year And e all of ua give you your dur And ai dire e lite Will our patronage trite To your unaii tucctuor the New THE NOHFOLK NKWS THUKSDAY nhCKMHKU 2R 180 mmmmmmm T77WW wwvANVxvinitiHiii i if i a 7 smsmmsmmmmwmwvL t - v- - IB urn UJr WllilM V 1 I vo a New a WOMANS New l e a f BY ROSA C S1CHORN lurYRlillT ISVV DY H0SA C IICIIOPI Slowly but surely and withal regret fully Anna Allen reached the conclusion that there must bo a radical change in the domestic situation and the sooner the better The 1st of lanuary wns but a few weeks ahead when the climax of un iluiance cauio as the last straw upon overburdened sensibilities She noted on her memorys diary the Now Year as the day for the turning of a new page In the marital experience of Anna and John Al len The intolerable element of the situa tion was n Not that An na objected to the fact thnt hor hus bands mother enjoyed good health with every prospect of n long life Oh nol Mrs Allen was n good woman and nn exceedingly devoted parent duly consid erate of the necessities of her sons wifo as well us her son When Johu Allen IT IS 1OSITIVKLY KCAOTALOUH found himself set out in the street through the rascality of n bank cashier his mother was the first to appear on tho scene with a hearty welcome for tho ills trncted couple who were invited to con sider her home theirs forever That had happened more thnn a year before just about Thanksgiving time Sad day of thanks it was too for the young mer chant and his hopeful bride but tho next just past hud been little bettor for the happiness it brought to Anna Allen No the year had less than half slipped by before she regretted that her husband had not taken the hard headed advice of certain people to seek a position that would bring in enough to supply boaid for two Instead John Allen rented a window and store near his old stand and tried to hold his head up as a principal until the day of settlement When the bank comes to my relief he would buy cheerfully even If its only 50 cents on the dollar 1 can go right ahead from where 1 left off But if I take a clerkship now 1 will have to diop all my trade and then Id have lo begin at the very bottom again I think you arc right John and your Uncle Henry says so too was Mother Allens stereotyped comment whenever this argument was urged in tho family counsels This dependence had seemed all right to the young wifo for a few weeks but nt the end of three or four mouths when the bank officials offered no bcttleiucut nnd the return of fortune seemed as far off as ever before she began to feel her position keenly She had taught school u short timu before her mnrriago nnd knew whut it was to be independent John Allen had always lived ou his peo ple and was bet up in business ou capital furnished by the family Thu country folks where Anna hnd taught and board ed round said of the match Shell ba the gray mare of that team for she has gumption enough for two So it was neither a sudden nor nn ex travagant notion which Anna Allen held poised in mind during those eaily De cember days The summer holidays just passed had brought to Anna Allen a chnuce for es cape from the mental tortures of her po bition The editor of Tho Daily Monitor engaged her to take charge of n binull department while its rightful head was nway on a vacation The pay was mea ger nnd much of it went for car fares and luncheons while the amateur was searching for material to use in her cob uuius but she hud worked heroically for biiccoss This she achieved ami when bhe drew her last pay for work tlono us substitute the editor turned to her kind ly and said Mrs Allen we dont want to lose you You have done this work well and if you jit nk it worth while you may keep this childrens page for the present MUa Merrill cuu have other work Thus it happened that Thanksgiving had found her still filling the place ac ceptably and when everybody wns look ing forward to the chauges of thu com ing year u dream of what a new woman oud a slender cnpltal can do took lodg meut in her brain Having once enter- tallied tho Idea to think with hor wns to act and hIiu backed the icsolutiou by hard work She was often Into to dinner a fact that called forth woudciing looks fioin Mother Allen But the simple woid Detained by business spoken in hor frank and Inmost way shut oil all com ment John was duly anxious that his wife keep what his mother called pioper hours even though she worked at an un coil volitional calling The mother hud hud her sny and in truth her winds formed that Inst straw In Annas bur deiiH already hinted at After the first two or three Inpsos on the part of the young wife Mother Alien hnd said to hor sou This stnying out after fl oclock is not only uurciboiiablo it is positively sonii dnlous I would not permit a daughter living in my home to do so yet my sous wife does so and she lives in my home John Allen But mother It has only been once or twice and besides hor work is not like business or ollice duties that utuil and stop by the clock Dont toll me young man In my day well in my day women never went on in that fashion never Of course Anna had honrd of this col loquy but it only tnude her more deter mined to turn over a new leaf in the fam ily history New Years week eanio and Annas anxiety was almost unbearable It was hor first secret from which she had ex cluded her husband during their few hap py yeais of married life She dodged about in mortal fear of discovery The duy before Now Years Anna loft her hoiuu feeling thnt she could not cuter it again burdened with her secret He must know today she kept say ing to herself At last she ndilcil And he shall know for this is tin New Years eve 1 cant wait until tomorrow After dinner she asked Johns company for u walk to look at thu shops lie read ily consented The pair chatted on com monplaces until they came to the corner of High street Now John snid she we nre close to those cozy apartments which have just been opened up Let mo show you ono that I huve set my heart on for u future day John Allen slackened his pace as if about to protest Suddenly ho said Well dear since its New Years 1 dont mind Of course that stop is a long way off for us Here we me exclaimed Anna after they had gone n few paces from the ave nue and stood before a row of new lints Wnlt until I get n key from the jan itor and Ill let you in at tho front door She disappeared down tho steps to the janitors ollice and n few moments Inter the door swung open She led the way to the third fioor While John wns ad miring the neat nnd roomy hulls n second door flew open electric lights flashed out and he mechanically moved into thu par lor nnd on through thu six room suit newly and completely furnished Anna allowed him to look without in terrupting hoping that when lost In ad miration he would the more easily fall in with her plan but he only showed a cyn ical interest which was exasperating Losing her self control shu blurted out Kor heavens sake John say some thing I wns just thinking how I should like the comfortnblu salary of n first clnss bank clerk and his leisure to cujoy this with you You dont hnve to be a bnnk sponge to livo here One of our editors is here and there is n school principal or two nil beginners in their professions But they have incomes And havent we Yes such as they are Mine goes into n nest egg for future extension of bus ness and yours well you know what It is and that journalism is u very uncer tain business at best Mine is not large but I can meet half the cost of this and for a time while wo must economize we can let tho front room to a congenial couple Kor tho oth er half surely you cuu supply the table John Bent rooms my dear with the crushing frankness of a man iu touch with markets Why there nre Booms to Let signs on about every house in these quarters of the town Booms nre begging for tenants Anna Allens confidence deserted her with a thud The indefinable something which characterizes the new woman on projects bent lay floundering iu a bt range ben She sank into her chair her head upon her bosom her hands dropped in sympathy 1 never thought of that John or 1 would not have taken the Hut bhe wailed Taken It shrieked John like n mun who hud boon buukoed out of his lust dollar Anna Allen you dont menu to ray thnt you hnve taken IiIh without eon milling mo I huo John Since when Atiuii am i ouo to be feaied or Igutued or or defiaudcd Kcar theie was none John fiuud tlicio Is none Anna said slowly and cnltnlj I only mount to gio you a New Y ars suipilso Well you hno done that all light Now wilt you suiprisn I ho hiudloid by turning it hncl ou his Studs John Allonl Well iiij dour 1to leased Ihls place for a your Oh j ou Inn el And I have bought I lie out fit on tonus 1 can meet out of my piy from The Mon itor Ifwoouul leilueo our lelil by sub lolling wo must wink the harder Am I to go out tilt Ill digging lo ilo It You need mil go to dlleh digging Wheio theres u will IIioioh a way A will Ah If I hadnt tho will lo do my best Yes lu jour own uuinuer nnd time Mr Suuudiuun of Soundman V Kali play has spoken to mo scwial times about you lies a dlicctur Iu the bunk I wMi hodpny mo my money But ho Is only ouo II will coino tight In tho ond I hour the linn wauls a head clerk and holes u chance of his becoming a pail nor Too slow for tin I wnnl my money and then for a hustle to male up for lost time And while you wall for ho Ideal thing lu turn up whut or mo Why Anna nio not you all light at home John Allen I have no homo hut Ibis or some other hoI npuil for you nnd mo What do you mean said John Allen staring al his wifo lu blank siirpilse I mean that no house is lutgo enough for two women having separate family Inioiosls You refer to my mother To your wifo nnd your molhci You put it that way out of politeness but the fact loinuiiiH that you cant n duio my uiithor I cannot onduio clinging dependence and will nol another day Thou l four its a struggling authors attic and a ciust and u pallet of hIiiiw Bettor thnt than dependence and when hut fails Ill go whoio 1 mil un known nnd take up leaching I lor oieo dropped and the lours eaiue You menu lo dosoil mo Anna Allen said John seizing Ills lint 1 mean o have my own homo by your aid or without It said she looking him btraight iu the face with dry anil searching eyes The temper of both was aroused John Allen hnd thought only of his business ambition not of a womans natuie A moment Inter nnd ho rushed out Anna Allen collapsed the instniil she ionliol by the closing or the door upon John that an ugly chasm yawned between her iiixl hor liiisliainl Having winked ou witli blind faith iu his love mid genial temper the louclion was clashing Wo manlike she quickly turned the blame upon herself mid long she sat icvicw iug the slops which led up to the picscut di lemma 1 hnve mndi n mistake a sad sud mistake she said nnd ho shall know that I acknowledge it lathering hor hut and wraps which hail been put aside to heighten lie illu sion of being at home she determined to seek John whoiover he might bo anil un do tho mischief Suddenly tho bell was sounded by sonio one in the hall and as she turned the knob the door flew forci bly ngainst hor Iu rushed John breezy and jubilant like a man elated witli Niv Years wine Anna wns startled bo a pair of strong arms caught her as she swayed under the double surprise of his return nnd the demeanor mid the vio lence of his entrance John Anna The reclining ehnlr which she had cho sen especially for his nfter dinner loung ing wns large enough to hold husband and wifo while he smothered hor hyster ical confession nnd retraction iu his im patience to get in his own Dearest snid he Ive come bnck to place my record on the new domestic leaf you huve turned She Interrupted him by trying to mur mur I dont deserve it but Johns lips weio powerful suppressors of the quiver ing rebellion Yes he continued the moment 1 wns well out of heiu I realized what it IN ItUSIIKD JOIW would menn to hnve this home to our selves and what cruelty it would be to rob you of It Before I renched the cor ner I vowed thnt the business nest egg should go even if 1 hnd to tnke to ditch digging Walking off my excitement I brought up iu front of Soundmans home on the avenue He was just going iu nnd witb the New Years greeting in sisted upon my joining him Judge how it tnxed my patience to keep from talk ing bank affairs and liquidation but he neatly forced the conversation into un other vein and when I left followed me into the lobby Shut in there by our selves he said Mr Allen come and see me tomorrow Ive hnd it iu mind to speak to you for some time We need a heud clerk and there Is a future with us for the right man Good night Didnt I tell you Yes dear you did but you nlso put me in a box which makes me jump at the chance But that is the least of all Ill pay the whole rent and for the fur ulshiugs cash down uud start anew with u gem of a home uu income to watch it and a winuer for a wife r Ar A HevYeAi A norH6MTijm I w Now Years day mioly appeals in tho calendar of bullies in modern times Winter campaigUH 111 i molded lu III IiiiiIoh except when elr cuuistuuccH I in ii- tho coiiihalanls to notion ICx on thou wilh ill Miles set lu niiuy the day of unlx ii sul jollity ami niicililllloll bus been spilt Ill a lociild of blood Ill Auicilinu auiiii ono ii M nil of anus stands out not so linn h by ten son or suugiliuuiy lesults us ou account of he many pieluiesquo anil tragic episodes which marked I ho day New Yoiii h illuming Ihllt was selected by the fodcrulc commander or the ilopill tinelit or Texas for nn attack by land and sou upou the IVdoi nl lieot which held tile city of Inhesion under lis guns This Hoot con sisted of the wooden guu boals I Ian let I line Clif ton mid Own sco nnd the ironclad llagHhip Wost field omuinmlcr W B Itensliaw wns chief of lie llolilla The Confedointcs were not so well supplied with f f 1 I H tftL v M I serviceable ships us I heir enemy but n sea foieo for this occasion was improvls oil from some liver uteaineis tho most formidable being the collon chills Nop tune ami Bayou City Prince Magru dor ono of tho miny oharaeters of the time wns I he onroiloruto coiniuniider nnd his plan wns as bold us his social habits wore unique nnd dashing Tho Kedetul vessels Iny close in lo tho prineipnl wharf of iiilveston the nouiest being the Unmet lane notorious in the eyes of soiithoi nets especially for her r v - ruwkV ir WAINWKHIHT WAB CUT DOWN connection wilh nlleinpts to relieve Kort Sumter emly in he war Long before daylight the attack began under the per sonal leadoiship of Magruder Six heavy siege pieces were hauled up as close ns was safe to the whnrf opposite the liar riot lane and some lighter gnus moved fai tiler iu with u picked column of fiOO stunners who were to dash upon the Federal regiment giiaidiug the wharf Magruder tiled the siguul bliot and nil his gnus opened the enemy responding from on shipboard in due time Instant ly there was desperate work on the wharf The Koderals there had removed the planks and piled them up for u barri cade After attempting to relay the planking under lire and to place scaling ladders in position the assailants were drixen off by the terrible rilies of the guard aided by ennistor from the Har riet Lane which swept the shore lateral ly The gunners of the urtllleiy on hind weie driven fiom the pieces by the bitter lire of the tumd Turning from the land nttnek to nn en emy at close iiarters the Harriet Lane found the Neptune uud Bayou City alongside sweeping her decks with mus ketry A 02 pound shot from the Bayou City knocked nn immense hole iu the Lane and Captain Weir of the former ship booing thnt n good shot bad been mude stepped to the nearest gun say ing Here goes n New Years present nnd pulled the lanynrd The piece ex ploded killing him Instantly A shot from the Lane sent the Nep tune to the bottom nnd the Bayou City in ramming the Lane got fnst so thnt the vessels btuck together Captuln Leon Smith who led the naval end of Magru ders expedition leaped from the Bayou City upon the decks of the Lane follow ed by his men Commander Wninwrigbt nnd Lleutennut Len of the Lune milled their snilors und nfter a buttle of U0 minutes with revolvers uud cutlosses ngaiiist the Confederate ritles Wnin wrigbt was cut down by n sweep from Smiths sword and Leu fell mortally wounded The Luuo instantly surrender ed und the father of Leu who wns net lug as aid to Magruder boarded the prize and recognized his sou among fallen enemies When the fight began the flagship Westficld was aground and couldnt be moved Commander Iteiibhaw was sum moned to surrender with the privilege of removing his people from the harbor but he refused sent his men ashore and fired the ship The lames bpreud so rapidly that the magazine exploded before Ben shnxvs yawl had put off from her side and he went down with the wreck Aft er the loss of the Luue nnd Westtield the Ownsco und Clifton put to sen leaving Galveston u New Years prite in grasp of Prince Magruder