The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, December 28, 1899, Page 4, Image 4

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    The flottf oik 4euus
IVipocrntlo lontlora Imvo not yot mndo
nsoof thu Jnoknnn olnli resolutions tin
nonncliiK PresiiUint MiKinloy iw a
bwclcRimnl mill n homo thluf
KittornriahiR hotwuium of Ntlirnaltn
nro iMiilouvoring to orniilM i ntuto rno
iiiRoircut Norfolk with lior fiwt Iioisch
mill rnooloviiiKcittons Hhouhl lint bo
loft out
Thorn ivro still n fow lmwliiiK politi
cians iihroml wlio insist thnt tho present
hnsiiiosH nitivity mill iMiiployinont of
lnhor nro mi indication of iUeimiso ratlmr
than HtroiiKth
Thoso jonrunlH which aro disturbed as
to what wo shall do with AKiiiiiiiltlo
should rotliot that that ontlonmn has
not yot plucod hinisolf in position to
Imvo anything ilono to him oxcopt boiiiB
MIhh Ilolon Gould has rocolvod
mnoiiR tho ninny tokens of Bmtltuilo
presented to lior by tho soldiors n bonu
tlfnl Kohl modal from tho Sixth Ohio
tho inomborH of which sho provided
with eott
Tho Salvation Army is an organiza
tion that always Kivott itH attontion to
tho poor on ovory holiday In Now
York this organization has propared 10
food iiftOOO poor oliildnm on OhrlstmaH
day It is such oharity ns this that
must moan in ovory sense of tho word
loaco on unrth and good will toward
An oxohnnjjo roports Hint A run of
counterfeit dimes is a disturbing olotnout
at Norfolk It is uneoossary to add
that Tun Nuws cotters nro not burdened
by this run and it is probable thnt this
paper would scarcely discover the fact
if tho entire circulation of tho town was
spurious What dots a dimo look like
Tho doatli of the redoubtablo lighter
General Lawton in tho Philippines has
awakened tho sympathy of tho ontiro
American pooplo and to show it in a
substantial manner measures havo beun
taken to provldo his bereaved family
against want and his home will bo
cloaiTil of indebtedness by popular
If tho ladies could realizo that tho
birds worn on their bonnets signify
tho death of sonio beautiful feathered
songster or at least one of mans best
helpers in tho destruction of insects
hnrmful to crops and all vogotation tho
stylo would quickly go out of fashion
An excellent Now Years resolve would
bo not to decoratowith birds
An enterprising Ohicagoan with an
oyo for trade proposes that tho Alas
kan boundary dispute bo settled by ex
changing Alaska for Jamaicu ThiR
sohemo would havo fonio advantages
Jamaica Ib moro in lino with ourrocont
stock of tropical possessions but as
Undo Sam prides himself on tho vari
ety of his goods as well it would seoui a
pity to loso tho stook of icoborgs ami
nvalanohoB furnished by Aim lea
It is not of ton that tho relations of a
great capitalist to sooioty at large aro
fairly ropresouted by thoso whoso chief
business consists in decrying against tho
wanton oxtravagaucos of tho wealthy
As a matter of fact it is not what a
groat wealth producer spends thnt men
have any call to complain of but what
ho hords up No man caul absorb in
aim mid yot it sustains S3 cities nntl
in woalth por capita and per aroa it 1h
tho richost of tho United States having
a tax wonlth Rroator than Toxas Louisi
ana Arkunsafl Mississippi Alabama
loorujlnntnl tho two Uarolinnn Tho
county of Mlddlosox hiw ir0000000
greater wealth than Louisiana This
wealth htho result of manufacturing
during tho hist -10 years
It is a woll known fact that a ponton
who climbs to a considerable hoighth
Immediately brcomiH possessed with
tho idiii that he ought to jump to
tho ground Tho wrltor has had ox
porionco of this kind two incidents
being remoinbered in particular one at
Niagara Falls while looking at the
ceaseless rush of waters as they foil into
tho whirlpool far bolowJand again whon
ho went to tho top of tho Washington
monument where ho felt that it would
roally bo qnlto a pleasuro to plungo
through tho f00 foot of atmosphoro
intorvontng botweon him and tho oarth
Anewthoiry has now boon advancod
as to why pooplo aro Impulled to jump
whon standing on high places It is
charged that tho sensation is owing to
tho electricity In tho air a circuit boing
forniod botwoon tho person mid tho
earth which attracts him to tho earth
with a forco that at tlinoa is nlinost
irroslstablo Ono who hns been giving
thin subject considerable study tried tho
oxporiniont of going up in a balloon
whon ho found that ho hail no inclina
tion whatovor to jump but viowod tho
panorama sproad out boforo him with
gonutno pleasuro Ho accounts for this
condition on tho theory that tho oloctric
circuit botwoon him and tho earth had
boon broken
ioncnil Imwlon
Tho lato General Lawtous charactor
and qualities aro exhibited in no hotter
way than in tho record of his Indian
warfare After ho and his small band
of lighters had boon put on tho track of
tho lawless rods his reputation ns a man
ot indoniitablo will aud onorgy quickly
rose aud his namo bocamo a household
word in topoes in tho wild laud iuhabitod
by tho Indians
In person ho was a wonder Stand
ing 0 feet it inohos high ns straight as a
rule with loin anus wido shoulders
deep chest and thin Hanks ho woighod
II pounds of bono and musclo whon 25
years old and whon ho wont to the
Philippines ho woighod 210 His head
was small aud set on a massivo nook
his hands and foot wero largo ho was
as aotivo as a cat and ns tireless afl a
wolf Under tho sloovos of his bluo
fatiguo jacket tho niusulos bulged like
cables Ho had never taken any care of
himself Tho soldiors rough and ex
posed life had boon his since youth but
ho was ns sound as a nut aud nblo to
tiro out a dozon younger inoii
It was Lawtous roputation for daring
mid tiroless pertinncity that led to his
becoming internationally famous His
characteristics wero known of courso
to his suporior oftlcers ns thoroughly as
they wero known to tho Indians whom
ho had beon fighting for a dozen years
For tho touth time tho band of Ohir
acahua Apuohos bended by Ohiof Nachos
aud directed by Gorouimo had jumpod
tho San Carlos reservation leaving bo
hind them the usual trail of blood and
ruin Ranchmen wero batohorod on
lonely ranges ohildrous brains wero
dashed out nntl tho smoko of burning
dwellings roso day and night to the
brillantly bluo sky Gon Miles a
trained soldier and au Indinu fighter
himself was in command and ho se
lected Capt Lawton for tho task that
social life tho 100000 and moro dollars I was sot boforo thorn
which some of our capitalists aro re
ported as spending annually but it
goes from him into gonoral circulation
and there helps to lightou tho burden of
many of tho trulospeoplo mid mechanics
who are dependent upon labor for tholr
daily bread and shelter
Abraham Lincoln was an earnest and
consistent advocate of free thought and
five speech in this country but he knew
as well us anyoiio that there wero certain
well deflnd Umit3 to at least tho latter
function and his actions during tho
civil war wore convincing ovidenco that
ho knew tho limit For instanco ho did
not accord tho right toanyono to go into
tho enemys camp and talk freely of tho
situation of tho union its intention its
powers and tho condition of its army
Such talk ordinarily if discovered led a
person to bo bruudod as a spy and a
traitor Ho submitted to tho talk of
copper head individuals and newspapers
but it could hardly bo said that he had
uu overweening love for them and they
were freely given appropriate and deserv
ing names by all loyal sons and daugh
ters sometimes boing accorded far worse
treatment than tho simple calling of
Hero in the north we aro burdened
with tho cry back to tho farms as a
pauacea for existing Booial conditions
But they do not take iiuito that view of
it in tho south Thero they havo given
their atteutiou exclusively for years to
agrioulture aud thoy havo found out by
a sad weary experience that a pooplo
who dopend altogether upon raising
produco can novor prospor Today
there is a great interest in promoting
manufactories A speaker in a great
mats mooting held in New Orleans for
the purpose of obtaining funds to start a
cotton mill in that city said Massa
ohusetts is one sixth tho size of
He started with
two troops of veterans taking a trail
that at its beginning was broadband
plainly marked Then followod tho
most roinnrkablo pursuit in tho history
of Indian warfare Day aftor day tho
ctniboless toil continued Tho men
speedily found themselves in a country
whero horses without claws were of
worse than no accouut Their Vflkor
dismounted them Wo will walk
them down ho said grimly Tho walk
began It was white pluck aud endur
ance ngaiust Indian craftiness and on
nuiilty 0110 night just as tho sentries
wero sot thero was a faint hail and nu
imunu stooa Detoro tlium lio was
worn to tho bono but dnuntloss still
Ho said that his chief would talk to tho
vlito man but would tnlk to him
id ie His camp was somo miles farthor
on but tho messenger would guido
Lawton to it if ho cared to como Tho
uoncoms endeavorod to porsudo tho
captain against tho vouturo but ho
smiled sourly at thorn nnd told tho In
dian that ho was roady Thoy loft tho
camp 01 tno soldiers tho uoxt morning
I5y 10 oclock Lawton stood in tho
Apaoho horde Cavoruous oyes gleamed
at him Lips drawn back from dis
colored tooth grinned at him wasted
bauds wero wared at him threathiugly
Stern dominant tho living breathing
personification of tho great White Spirit
that bud beaten them back from tho far
oasteru verge of tho lund thoy had
owned ho walked straight to the modi
cine man and demanded his surrender
Thero was a brief parley Lawton
contemptuously refused to promiso any
thing or to guarantee anything except
that he and his followers would bo fed
Maybo you will bo hauged after
ward ho said I dout know about
that Anyhow you ought to be But
Ill foed you Id feed a dog in your
You had hotter begin to practico your
dnto lino with two 00n Instoad of two
Olts Tho tlmo for tho ohango Is vory
Thoro aro 107 banks and 00 untitling
and loan associations doing biiBlnosa hi
Nebraska Tho combined capital of tho
banks Is 8000000 Hut ono bank has
failed during tho year while ton now
onos havo boon oponod for buBlnoss
Many nowBpapors aro agitating tho
qtiofltlou as to whotlior tho fusion
party mado tho World Horald or tho
World Herald mado tho fusion party
Perhaps It Is six of ono mid half a ilozon
of tho other Tho main question is as
to whether either has cause for congrat
Up to this tlmo most of tho gold of
tho Philippines has boon scoured from
tho moro easily accessible parts of tho
island near tho coast and placor de
posits aro so far tho chief sources of tho
proclous metal Vory rich minos and
deposits of gold aro known to oxist in
tho iutorior of tho island but up to tho
presont time lack of yank 00 ingonulty
roads and transportation havo provontod
tholr boing worked
Tho Grand Island Itopublican is a
progressive shoot and scarcely a holiday
passes but that is honored by an oxtra
elTort on tho part of tho publishers
Its Christmas issno published last Sat
urday consisted of eight pagos full of
appropriate matter ami ttio wholo was
embellished by a handsome illuminated
cover It is this class of papers wliioh
should and usually do rocolvo a llboral
support from subscribers nnd advor isors
Tho Norfolk organ of tho fusion
party reports last Saturdays sales ns
undoubtedly the largest over mndo in
a single day in this city This how
ovor does not appear to signify thnt
thero is any prosperity in tho country as
thoro aro numerous fusion oxchanges in
ovidonce with articles to provo that this
much to bo dosired condition is a delu
sion and a snaro Just what could fill
tho void in tlieso papers estimation is
unknown To arrivo at tho root of tho
matter is probably only a democratic
administration with n stoon to ouonuti
oxpausiou auti iniporialism
that would fill the bill
Tho election of 1000 in Nebraska and
espeoiully tho Ninth judicial district
will bo a record breaker in the number
of important olllcors to bovotod for and
it is oxpocted that it will bo 0110 iutonso
onorgy with a hard fight all along tho
lino Thoro will bo electors for presi
dent to bo elected besides a state
tickot consisting of governor lieutenant
governor secretary of stnto state treas
urer auditor of public accounts
commissiouor of public lands and
buildings snporintondont of instruc
tion nttoruoy general aud a stato legis
lature tlmt will elect two senators to rep
resent tho stato in congress A judge of
tho Niuth judicial district will bo olected
while in tho county thero will bo attornoy
and commissioner In Norfolk noxt
spring thoro will bo a city tickot diffor
ont from any heretofore in that a chief
of polico will bo voted for In addition
to this oftlco thoro will bo a mayor city
clerk treasurer polico judge attorney
and couucilmou from tho various wards
If this array of ofllcers is not suillceut
to whet tho appotito of all politicians
and causo thoni to shine up nnd bucklo
on their armor early in tho year they
havo but to roniomber that thoro will bo
from two to five political parties with
tickets in tho Held Tho ballot next
fall will bo of a sizo to frighton nil ordi
nary voters as its lougth is likely to bo
measured in ynrd3 rather thau feot or
The Now England Education league
has started a movement for u postal
arrangement by which books from
public libraries may be sent a reasona
ble distance for I cent per pound This
would prow u great benefit to the
pnt rons of public libraries and the
suggestion Is worthy of consideration
Russias estimate for naval expendi
tures for next year is 50 000 000 Tho
tzar evidently believes that diwinnu
uiont uuliko charity should not begin
at homo
The girls may be Interested In know
ing that there will bo 21 leap years In
tho twentieth century
Nun Mimner Utlrjuettii
Parties wishing to outer the printing
ofllco at this season of the year shoud
bo governed by tho followiug brief rules
Advance to the iunor door mid givo
throe distinct raps or kick thfi door down
but any alarm will bo attended to Tho
dovil will attend to tho alarm You
will give him your namo postofllce ad
dross and tho number of yeurs you aro
owiug for tho paper Ho will admit
you You will advance to tho center of
tho room and address tho editor with
tho following countersign Extend tho
richt baud about two feot from tho
body with tho thumb nnd lingers ex
tended tho thumb and index Auger
clasping a 10 bill which drops into the
extended hand of tho editor at tho samo
time saying Wero you looking for
mo Tho editor will grasp your hand
and tho bill aud pressing it will say
You bet After giving him the news
concerning your locality you will bo
permitted to retire with a receipt for an
obligation proporlydUchargod Marcus
Iowa News
Battle Creek Saloon Entered
and Cash and Goods Taken
Tool Hrciirnil lit Itlnckmnltli Shop nnd
Work Ilium In 11 lrofeaiiloiiiil Mminnr
Nn olnn to tlio Tlilnvm Olihtlncil lift Yot
Hurliim Cntercil Hunk Door
A telophono mcRsago from Battlo
Crook recolvod by Tine News this morn
ing convoys tho information that tho
saloon of 13 Volborblng of that town
was entered last night aud robbed in a
systematic and thorough manner tho
work of tho thieves having all tho np
ponrauce of boing douo by old hands nt
tho business
Tho burglars entered tho building
through tho back door First a holo
was cut through a panel with a pocket
knifo nnd nn effort was mndo to draw
tho bolt This boing unsuccessful tho
door was broken in and an entrance
Tho proprietor of tho plnco hail caro
f ully deposited his cash boforo closiug
inttio saloon safo but this proved to bo
no bnrrier to tho burglars Thoy pro
ceeded to mako a holo in tho safe and
load it with dynamite This was doto
tinted with tho result that tho safo door
was blown into fragments and easy
access to the cash drawer waB afforded
Tho thiovos then took possession of
tho cash which amounted to about G0
They also holpod thomsolves liberally to
tho bottled goods aud cigars and tho
ontiro value of their haul was probably
considerably moro than 100
Tho tools with which tho job was
douo wero secured from tho blacksmith
shop of John Kovolek which was broken
into for tho purposo of securing the
necessary implements
Tho burglars loft a bullsoye lantern
011 tho bar which will probably be
preserved by Mr Volborbing as a re
minder of their visit
Thoro was no clue to tho guilty parties
nt tho timo tho messago was received
bat an oarnest endeavor is being mado
to locato them
Tho odd part of tho entire transaction
wiib that no ono hoard any unusual
sound whilo tho result of the burglars
work would Beoin to indicato that con
siderable uoiso was mado in securing
their booty
Thero was probably no moro valuable
Chi is mas gitc mado 111 Battlo Creek
thau tuati contributed by Mr Volberbiug
to strangers but he can hardly cousolo
himself with tho quotation that It is
moro blessed to givo than to receive
Southern 11 torat lire
interesting literature regarding tho
South is now being distributed by the
Southern Ruilway Southern Homes
folders large map folders Laud of the
Sky booklets Southern Fields Min
erals and Mines books etc mailed free
to any address Tho Empiro of the
South a very handsome volume of
about 200 pages profusely illustrated
also issued by tho Southern Railway and
sent to any address upon receipt of 25
cents winch amount approximates cost
of delivery Address
Wm II Taylok
Asst Geul Pass Agent Southern R
Louisville Ky
That cough
Hangs on
You have used all
I sorts of cough
dies but it does not
yield it is too deep
j seated It may wear j
I itself out in time but
fit is more liable to
5 produce la grippe i
pneumonia or a
I ous throat affection f
j You need something 1
I that will give you
strength and build j
up trie Doay
j will do this when everything
1 else fails There is no doubt
j about it It nourishes j
strengthens builds up and i
j makes the body strong and j
t hsalthv not only to throw i
1 off this hard cough but to
fortify the system against j
further attacks If you are J
f run down or emaciated you j
i should certainly take this
nourishing food medicine
Vic and 1 co all druggist
SCOTT U UOWNE ChcmUti Ktw Vork
L1M 111 IH J
will I WJf Ba ty tii 0 11 ta w I
00OO and then If convinced that you
tTK Til RKTtUN 1111 U Klll II KlAnV lllll
The greatest caro should bo givon to
any little sore pimple or scratch which
snows no disposition to ncai under oruln
ADDPAQCn AT EIDQT AQ ary treatment No ono can tell how soon theso
All LHllUU Al nnol t0 will develop into Cancer of tho worst type
So many peoplo dlo from Cancer simply bc
MFflF PIMPI FJ cause they do not know just what tho dlscaso is
Hi Li I L I HTM LLUi thoy naturally turn themselves over to the doctors
and nro forced to submit to it cruel and dangerous
operation tho only treatment which tho doelois know for Cancer Tho disease
promptly returns however unit is oven more violent and destructive than
before Cancer is a deadly poison in tho blood and an operation plaster or
other oxternat treatment can have no clled whatevor upon it The euro must
como from within tho last vestigo of poison must bo eradicated
Mr Wm Walpolo of Wulshtown S D says A
little blotch about tho sizo of a pea camo under my left
eye gradually growing larger from which shooting pains
at intervals ran in all directions I became greatly alarmed
and consulted a good docttr who pronounced it Cancer
and advised that it be cut out but this I could not con
sent to I read in my local paper of a euro effected by
S S S nnd decided to try it It acted like a ohnrm tho
Cancer becoming nt first irritated and then dlFchnrging
very freely ifus gradually grew less nnd men discon
tinued altogether leaving small scab which soon drop
ped olT and now only a healthy littlo scar remains whero
what threatened to destroy my life once held full sway
Positively tho only euro for Cancer is Swifts Specific
KFUY 10111 rillM OP ElKllY 111111
lilUIIK IlAflllM likUtf M1TII TIIK
IIK1H TH OK MIUF Made by the
ncflt niiucr In America
train the bent inuterlul moneT
enn buy
TnNT tivt AV iRpara Roebuck A Co are thorouchlv reliuhle i
lorMitmllj conduct
ed linns tluouKh to
I os Annulet mill San
iii Now
Orleiuis in connection
uilli tlioSoiitliern la-
cillc lnniiin IhiciiKo
on tlio Coiitrnrn nut
Now Orliiaim Sun
rliil ciinniction iiIki mniln by this train with
ilaily truliib out of Nuvv Orleaiih for tlui Iacillc
Coat t Tlifi Limited from Chinitfomory men
hiK connects on Mmnlii8 and ThurMlavb at
New OrliiuiK Inftor Deconibor lh lSWJ with thu
of tlio SmitliuniJnciilc kMiik special tlirouili
ecmiu i puu
Ifoulilo ilaily fcerv
ice in maintained out
of St Louis Wa tlio
Illinois Central and
roanectuiK Hues to
Nat liilltilliiittanoo
Til and Atlanta tliro
klciiiini car to Jacl
bonvillu Florida IioIiik carricil on tho
leaving St Louie mory ueiiinn Tills train lie
well as tho Day Express leaving St Louis in
tho tuoriiiiiK nro Isilh solid trains to Nashwlle
ha vim throiiKh coarheH anil sleepinK cars run
iiIiik throiiKh Martin Tenii anil tho N I A St
L Ky loniuction ia tins line inr nil tiriuci
pal iMiints in tlio Southeast such us Charleston
VViliniuKton AiWln antl Savannah and for all
poiutti in riorldu
Daily from ChicuKo to Memphis anil Now
points in the South uu the lines of the Illinois
Central and Y A II V railroads will ho run ou
tho first and third Tuesday of each mouth dur
hit the winter season
Full tinrticulnru concertiltiir all of the alxno
can Imi liiul of UKfiiUof thu Illinois Central or
by addressing A 11 Hanson U I1 A Chicugo
because it is tho only remedy which can go deep enough to reach tho root of
tho diseaso and forco it out of tho system permanently A surgicnl operation
docs not reach the blood the real seat of tho disease because the blood can
not be cut atcay Insist upon S S S nothing can take its place
S S S cures also any case of Scrofula Eczoma Rheumatism Contagious
Blood Poison Ulcers Sores or any other form of blood disease Valuable
books on Cancer and Blood Diseases will be mailed fieo to any address by
Swift Specific Company Atlanta Georgia
ad outanilHCiiu Inuqaml
we will soncl j ou 0UH HIGH
Uun Youcaii oxatnintMttu your nearest ireiKntucpotanu it rouna
ptrfff llj ilUrtfloryoxftctly as represented qual to mc blnr wolhe m II
U hliibm flillOO llllll IIIK IIIIKATKSr UAIIIUlt IIIU
KTKiiiiKAUiMir pj Special Offer Price 1550
tour Irrlirht urrnt our
and freight eharses Jlaclilno wclglisiw potindsaml tho freight will
areraitu 75 cents for each 600 miles JIVE IT THREE MONTHS TRIAL in
your nwn hiiiue ana e will return your tl5u any day you are not
SAllSIICtl nf Wll aiDFrrni mn inu Knurioi Dewin Jiftriimri Kl rsu
10011 1100 f 1400 nnd op all fully ile crihcil In our Ire Nrnln
flachlnt lLlojup ImttUSaO for this IIIIU1 llKSk VABlMvT IllUMCK U
the nrratent mimic cicr oncred by nnr hnunc
- w UliJL jM
m ii
I MifrSiiB
nam iyM
titnpntnoiTorini uuLnonn tntehlne under various names itli tiriouilo
dntrmrntt rite imt frlf ml In Chicago find ltarn ho arr rHIilile anil nhrt nrr not
lifts every hiiiihi inritmhBKM
mirl is m m xnVAYRm h
i luVLtli
va vr7rru imjti a-
hi - tk 4
ii illustration bliows niofhlno
closed head dropping from bllit to bo used a a rrntrr table aland
nrdeik tho other open lth full lenntli tnlile and head In place for
Kewintr 4 fftnrTdraneri latent 18JD abrlrlon frame carted naneled cm
tios ed and decorated cabinet finish ilnest nickel diawer pulls rests on four
casters adjustable t re mile genuine hnnth Iron stand Hnmt large High Arm
head pollute four motion feed leir thrcadlnK vlbrntlnp shuttle automatic
bobbin winder ndjusta bio bearings patent t elision liberator Improved looen
tt heel adjustable pressure foot improt ed shuttle carrier patent needle bar
patent dress guard head U handsomely drrnrntid and ornamented and beautifully
nlrkel trimmed GUARANTEED thellvlilebt runnlnir moat durable and nearest
nolselrM machine made btery known attainment is furnlithed and our Frco In
atructlon Book tells Just howanonecan run ttand do either plain or any
kind nf lanev ork A SO Veani IllndlnitCuaranleeii sent with every machine
IT PflCTC Vflll rJOTUINH o see and examlnelhlf marlilne compare Ittvitll
II LUOIO IUU llUiniUU thoi e vour storekeeper t1i nt Jill III In
tlmo ulthln three months you pay you uru not batlsfled
are saving WOO to 11000 pay your freight ajtent the SlSfSO
Address SEARS ROEBUCK CO Inc Chicago III
Illinois Central R R
Tlio Illiiioi Central diririti In call iittuntiou
It tho unnxeulliil t eriiro that ib olTcrotl li ita
lints to tlio muth for tlio puiimjii of IbM IKtO
Pullman Tourist Sleeping Cars
are the long time users of
Smith Premiers The more
hard work turned out the
more apparent is Smith
Premier durability Repair
bills reduced to a minimum
Smith Premier capacity for
good work all the time is
Catalogue Free
Ask for it
Smith Premier
Typewriter Co
afc a8 RW2EtH2iS
r win lh tri flueil Trollfa made
at FACTOHY 1ltlliS less than one tlilrl
the nrlco cimritoa uy oiiierB ana kl
WlieillPr YOU WIBI1 UUl i riru ru ui iui w
York Kitrllil blallc Irui Illustrated nljove tut till
ad out and aciid to uiwltli Dill HIMUL rial norl
itutoyour llelfht IHIalit Arr liuwloni jnu liuvu lncn
ruptured whttlier rupture Ulartreui mmll ali neluto
number lnclios arouml the Ixuly on a Ilnti with tlm
rupture nay whether rupture Is on rlttht or IcttBlile
mid e lll neud ritber train to you with the tinder
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