i Th floitlolkftGtas V N UUB1C PubllnUor Kvnrr wooWls COIll 1AIIV IKMnltlUliftl tWJ 1ny oxcniit Himtlny Ir ly mnil lor jour i onrrlnr 00 ior WKKKIY f ltMntillalwil ItWI YCTcry Tlmrnlny lly mull nn yonr IM Illtnlnrpil nt llin lWolllco nl Norfolk Noli no ofoml clnop inntlnr Tolopliimn No 22 Biltnnnln inny rulo Llm wnvo but the Boor republic bunions l Hcvcrul leagues remoto from Uio wnvo ltudytml Kipling romnrlts Hint lit once thought ho wiih born to bo iui no tor Tluvt Is tins feeling which uroopn Into tins lionrtH of n good innny pooplo In their callow youth but the trouble Is thnt lotH of tlicm got on tho singe before they II ml out thnt they were mistaken und then It Ih too Into In deed many NUpponedly born netoiH llle ninny born poets never realize their mistake though the public Ih painfully conscious of It Pooplo chatted and chattered ovor tho century question n century ago iu muck ns the present generation does to dny An old London publication Tho Ladys Magazine or Entertaining Companion For tho Fair Sox for Feb ruary 171H luiH boon liMcovorod which replying to a correspomlcuta inquiry as to whether Uio Inst day of that cen tury would bo Doc Ill 1710 or Dec 81 1800 says that tho llrst century of the Christian ora necessarily begun with tho yonr 1 and that century could only bo terminated at tho conclusion of tho year 100 In tho same mnnnur the year 101 began tho second century which was likowiao terminated by tho conclusion of tho year 200 Thereforo tho eighteenth century cannot bo com plete until Dec 81 1800 Thus do human iucortitudo and unman dullness manifest thomsolvos from century to century It Is related that Professor AgnsHh m response to a request to lecture for a very handsome fee declined replying I urn too busy to make money Such people hnve not yet died out Tho French explorer Mnrehnnd Is of the same kind Asked to lecture by an American he declines a munlllcent of fer My wants are few he says and bo adds that If ho could lecturo ho would give all tho money ho earned to benellcenco Then there Is General Leonard Wood who though offered many times more than the amount of his salary as governor general of San tiago to accept a position with a big New York corporation turned a deaf enr to the call of business and capital preferlng rather at a great financial Bncrlllce to answer the call of duty There are other such earnest and self sacrificing men lu the world but there Is room for many more Tho Two Glasses a Night club has been formed at Ulvurstoiio England a suinll town which Is said to contain more hard drinkers than any placo of Its size In the United Kingdom Tho club started off with a great flour ish of trumpets and nearly every mother and wife lu tho placo was Its warm friend Tho organization has mot with such success however that many of Its former well wishers are now anxious to have it discontinued for the very novel reason that while It Is a mighty good thing for the fel lows who were in the habit of taking n dozen glasses a night It has been a thoroughly bad thing for tho chaps who were wont to take not more than two or three glasses a week These latter seem to feel that they must now drink tho regulation two glasses a night with tho result thnt while It is divided through a greater number of interior departments tho liquid consumption nt Ulverstono Is snld to bo greater now than it was prior to tho organization of the famous club George n Cowles editor of Tho New South Wales 13 veiling News who it now in this country says in nn intor viow on tho grazing possibilities and livo stock maWkct of Australia that the finest sirloin steak in tho world is laid on his tablo for 0 cents a pound Tho most delicato of mutton only costs 4 cents and shoulder mutton 2 cents a pound Pork chops aro a littlo higher selling nt 8 cents for tho best grade Tho reasons for tho cheapness of meat aro tho finest grazing lands in tho world herds of cattle and sheep that multiply with little caro until their numbers nro enormous and tho absenco of trusts or combinations each owner boing for himself and thodomand nlono regulating tho price As to tho objec tion that Australian sheep and cattlo raisers cannot enter into tho Amoricnn market because of the distance between tho sources of supply and demand Mr Cowles says With tho great strides thnt havo been made in perfecting re frigerating apparatus both on land and in ships distnuco is not what it used to bo and consequently tho market ftr fresh refrigerated moats has been ex tended over tho world wherever a vessel can touch port I havo looked into tho cntiro question of transportation and find no reason why wo cannot coino in to this market and find a good wido and profitable margin in tho salo of Australian meat There is a future possibility in this competition which may give the combinations which re cently put np tho prices of American meats something to think about IOWANS BUYING RICE LANDS Uomnntiy With llnU n Million Unpllnl ItnrU of tlm Hnhmnn Houston Tox Deo 28 An Iowa syndicate hoadod by D II Hurd and A N MoVoy has socurod options on 10 124 acres of rloo land in leirorson coun ty for which thoy have agrood to pay 185000 Tho Hiimu parties have nlso Roourcd a 00 day option on nnothor traot which makes tho total transaction amount to tho purohnso of 1 -1201 aoros to cost 225000 Tho Kontlomon act as trustees for a syndicate now being or ganized in Iowa to go into tho rlco busi ness on a largo scale Tho syndlcato is nroiected with a imid up capital of ffiOO000 and in addition to raising tho licoitlsto bo cleaned and graded on tho farm Farmers from Iowa nro to ho brought to Texas to do tho work and thoy will bo stockholders Iiirnm Mulin i Ciiiiiplnlnt Nnw Youk Deo 28 Somo of tho jurors in the case of Roland B Moliuoux on trial for tho alleged murder of Mrs Kate J Adams hnvo complained to Rccordor Clou about being under tho constant and almost painful nnco of iloteotivoH Thoy say that ovor siuco tho selection of tho jury n detoo tlvo Iuib boon assiHiiod to each mombor of tho iurv and this dotoctlvo has shad owed his man with annoying persist onco Tho complaining jurora say thoy nro not only dogged but that their busi ness places aro invaded and ovon tho privacy of homo life is disturbed by tho detectives Timing Tulkii to lown Tenolinra Dies Moinkh Doc 28 Prosidont Charles F Timing LL D of Wostora Rosorvo university and Adolbort college Oloveland is now in tho west address ing mootings of teachers associations Last evening ho spoko hero on Tho Teacher as a Foroo in Civilization In his address ho roforrod to somo of tho reasons for bolioving that tho higher leadership of tho community is passing from tho church to tho school and tho collego from tho clergyman to tho in structor Innu Comouny Uota IiiilKinnnti Sioux City Doe 28 Tho Farmers Loan and Trust company of this placo has sued Woodbury county on 180000 in warrants No dofonso will bo mndo Tho company recently triod to fund tha warrants Whon tho attempt was nitido a question was raised as to tho validity of some of tho warrants and tho issue proved unsalable By plaolng tho war rants iu judgments all causo for uueasi uoss will bo removed ami tho funding operation allowed to proceed Volknuir Will Go to Culm Washington Deo 28 Colonol Will iam J Volkmar assistant adjutant oral has boon roliovod from duty in tha department of Colorado and ordorcd to temporary duty at Now York iu tho de partment of tho cast on tho oomplotion of which ho will proceed to Havana for assignment to duty as adjutant gonorai of tho division of Cuba DunliMi III Honda Suspend Boston Deo 28 Edward O Hodges Co bankers and brokers at 53 Stato street suspondod Imsinoss yostorday The firm is one of tho largest in tho city Its dealings havo been principally in municipal bonds Tho firm is a mom bor of tho Boston and Now York Stock exchanges and Chicago board of trade lltuloii l uud In til owing WASiiiNaToxDoe 28 Adjutant Gen eral Corbin lias received in actual money and checks 1712J45 toward tho Law ton homo fund aud has recoived notices of subscriptions from individuals and others iu cities where funds nro raising for tho relief of Gonorai Lawtons fam ily sufllciont to bring tho total up to 140 145 ConiiiilHloiiorit Proceedings Madison Nun Doc 10 1899 1 p m Bovrd of county commissioners mot pursuant to adjournment Christ Sohmitt H W Winter and John J Hughes present On motion tho minutes of last meeting were road und approved G T Sproohor ropresonting tho Ne braska Tolophono company appeared Willi a proposition to the effect that said company will placo a set of puouos in cue county court liouso at a routal of 2 00 por month payable quarterly and ou motion said proposi tion was accoptod aud tho long distauco tolophotio ordered replaced Charley Knoll complained that his uoighbor had drawn wires across tho road running to tho school hoiiBowhoro upon instructions woro mailed to Sau ford Miller rond ovorsoor of district No 18 Tho stntoment rendered by tho supor intondout of tho institution for fooblo hided youth showing that tho annual rem ttanco from this county has boon rtc lved and that thoro is a balance of l0S to tho credit of Madison county for tho support of Albert Wood was received aud ordered placed on file On motion board adjouruod for supper aud mot at 7 p m Ou motion olaims were allowed as follows J Jensen repairs iu jail building 115 Dr A Bear medical attendance on Christiuo Jeusen Norfolk 2000 less personal tax 465 balance 1545 Mrs N A Dauiol use of store for election 350 applied on personal tax T W Wheaton uso of planing mill for olection 200 applied on personal tax John M Jostes cariug for election booths 200 H O Lulow repairing and coring for election booths und material furnished 870 Anton Bncholz uso of room for elec tion and furuituro rented to other wards 850 Geo Davenport livery hire for THE NORFOLK NEWS THURSDAY DECEMBER 158 MHO county 375 J O Htitt counting safekeeping and distributing election ballots in Norfolk city and precinct 1000 II Miller distributing collooting and storing oleotlon booths Norfolk city and precinct 100 Goo B Ohristoph modicino for sick paupers 285 H 13 Hardy coal for election 850 Somers and Randall nails ami bolts for bridges 1715 tippllod on personal tax Michaol Ilalplng hauling lumber 100 Chittenden and Stridor uro of shop cariug for election booths fuel and light on account election 000 OShoa ami McBrldo coal for county 1505 M W Carmody work on road 0100 Edwards Bradford Lumber Co coal 1588 Frank M Young mowing woods in public road 800 nppllod on porsonnl tax J II Kiorstoad hall rent and caring for oloctiou booths 500 applied on personal tax Goorgo Fish work on road l17i O W Darlington two wolf scalps 100 Hotiry Borchors thrco ncros land for public highway 8000 less porsonnl tax 1018 balanco 1882 Cyrus Ward work on road 7 50 August Borgmoyor oxtra work on roads 15 50 On motion tho application of Gust Kaul for tho position of janitor of court hoiiflo for tho yoar 1900 at 8000 por mouth was accoptod On motion official bonds woro approved as follows J L Avery justico of tho poaco Battlo Croak precinct A II Gardols constablo Battlo Creek precinct Win Bates county judge Madison county S W Hayes justico of the poaco Norfolk city Honry Nouwork justioo of tho peaco Battlo Crook precinct R B Otis justico of the poaco Em orick prociuct Ohr Schavland clerk of the district court Josoph L Dauiol justico of tho poaco Norfolk city Goo W Losoy county sheriff Madi son comity Edward Tanner coronor Madison couuty John Crook assessor Door Crook precinct Fred D Krautz assessor Norfolk precinct JohnMalono assessor Union precinct Theodore Boltz assessor Kalamazoo prcoinct 7 F Osborn assessor Schoolcraft prociuct J H Massmau assossor Valley pre cinct Fred L Dognor assessor First ward Norfolk J H Thompson assessor Fourth ward Norfolk J W Ransom assessor Second ward Norfolk John Simonsou constable Shell Creole prociuct L Huycko constablo Burnett pre cinct W F F Wiutor road overseer dis trict No 1 Wm Brunimuud road ovorseer dis trict No 8 B I Reed road ovorseer district No i Saml Kent road ovorseer district No 10 Jamos Clark road overseer district No 11 William Low road oversoor district No 14 Michaol Halpiu road overseer dis trict No 15 On motion board adjourned until to- morrow 8 a m Board mot at 8 n in December 1899 On motion board docidod to advortiso for bids for the construction of bridges that may bo needed for the year 1900 and clerk was directed to advertiso in tho official county papers aud also iu tho American Contractor timo for filing given until 12 m January 24 1900 On motion claims woro allowed as follows S W Hayes justico costs iu case of John Doe alias A F Wilson 505 J B Donovan priuting postal cards for comity superintendent 125 Carl Wildocouuty treasurer oxchauge on stato funds postago and commission 1010 0 13 Gossard M D treatment to O O Borry and O F Wilson 875 Perkins Bros Co supplies 900 Fremont Tribune justico dockets 1050 State Journal Co marriuge liceusos 1250 Win Bates postage express etc 1510 Wm Bates county judge costs in state cases 0075 School district No 10 cloaning aud fuel account of election 250 Board adjourned to meet January 2 1000 at 1 p m E G Hkilman County Clerk If strong tho frame of the mother the son will give laws to tho land All mothers should tako Rooky Mountain Tea Gives life and strength Ask your druggist Inttor Mat List of letters romainlng uncalled for at tho postolllco Docombor 28 1899 Goorgo Allaborgar F 13 Barnard 13 W Oraino Christina Gardonor W GorntiH Mary Hillmau Geo Lyman G 13 La Suro 13 N Mosslok Box 401 R F Smith Blanch Smith Rosa Shor man If not called for in HO dayfl will bo sotit to tho dead lottor office Partios calling for nuy of tho abovo ploaflo say advortlsod P F Siukciiik P M Fresh oystors in any Ton V K A M V stylo at tho Bon II Il llolldny Kxcumlon IIhIch Excursion ticketB will bo Bold on Decombcr 28 21 25 80 nud 81 and January 1 at ono faro for tho round trip to any station on tho lino within a distauco of 200 miles good to return until January 4 1900 II O Matkau Agont Board by day or week at tho Bon Ton New Poittoflloo Itulo A now postoflloo rulo has just gone into effect imposing a flno of 500 or ono years imprisonment on nny ono who through carolessHoss or otherwise takes mail not bolouglng to thomsolvos from tho postofllce aud fails to return it at ouco This applies to uowspapors as well as moro vuluablo mail Pooplo when taking thoir mail from tho office should exauiiuo it boforo loaviug tho 0 building Nebraska City Press Short ordor moalB at tho Bon Ton Tnosday wo bogau a big out in price of all holiday goods Wo have a large stock of collar and cuff haudkorohiof aud glovo boxes traveling cases work boxes cigar boxes toilet cases and many othor novelties which wo will make big reductions on Mus J Benson 210 South 10th St Omaha Neb ltonl Kmoic Trunnion Tho following transfers of real estate aro reported by Ohostor A Fuller man ager of tho Madison county abstraot offico at Norfolk Andrew Miller wife to Emma Kaul wd sj of uw of 8-22-1 - 1800 00 William Brummond wife to Frederick Schilling wd so 341 221 100 If Your Watch Slops Go to Fritz Hoehno in Koonigsteins drug storo Ho is tho best and choapest watchmaker and jowelor in town All work warranted DeafnoHH Cnnuot be Cured By local applications as they cannot reach the diseased portion of tho ear There is only ono way to ouro doaf noss and that is by constitutional remedies Deafness is caused by an inflamed con dition of tho mucous lining of tho Eustachian Tube When this tube is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing and whon it is on tiroly closod deafness is tho result and unless tho inflammation can be taken out aud this tube restored to its normal condition hearing will bo destioyed forever uino cases out of ton aro caused by catarrh which is nothing but an inflamed condition of tho mucous sur faces We will give ono hundred dollars for any caso of deafness caused by catarrh that cannot bo cured by Halls Catarrh Cure Send for circulars free F J Orkney Co ToledoO Sold by druggists 75o Hulls Family Pills aro tho best Notice of Administrators Sale Iu tho matter of tho estate of Jauo LFurge dooensed Notice is hereby piveu thnt in pursu ance of an ordor of Hon Doupliis Cones judge of tho district court of Madison couuty Nebraska made on tho 21st duy of Docombor A D 1890 for tho sale of the real estate hero in after described thero will bo sold at the front door of Leonards Drug storo ou Norfolk avenue in the city of Nor folk in enld county on tho lath day of Tauuarv 1900 at one oclock p in nt nublio vendue to tho highest bidder for cash tho following described real estate to wit lots thirteen 1J and fourtoon U in block seven 7 lot twelve 12 and tho south half of lot thirteen 1J in block six 0 of Koeuigsteins Third addition to the town of Norfolk iu Madison county Nobmska Said salo will remaiu open ono hour Dated Decomber 23 1899 M O Hazkn Administrator of tho estftto of Jauo Ln Fargo decoasod Headache Is often a warning that tho liver Is torpid or Inactive Moro serious troubles may follow For a prompt cillctent euro of HeaUacuo ami ull liver troubles take Hoods Pills While they rouse the liver restore full regular action of tho bowels they do not grlpo or pain do not Irritate or Inllametho Internal organs but have a positive tonic effect 25c Bt all druggists or by mall of C 1 llood t ro Lowell Mass FRANK AMBROSE HARPIST Will furnish music for dunces and ties Prices reasonable par- Graceful I asy and Long Wearing THE FAMOUS Olga Ncthcrsolc 250 Shoe FOR WOMEN Poeseses llm moritef perfect sljlo fit comfort and durability No bronVlnff In uocwwnrj tnado to conform to tho linos of Ujo fool Solo tory floxlbloj Cliromo Kid stock that la soft ns a glove jot woara liko Iron Excels nny 050b1ioo for woar and comfort L iirnihrlnoilwuhiunolhofni medium woIrM wilo - tcu viuiuiiiiiiuu uieiiufuiij curmori rtanufacureu by The Hock Island Shoe Co Hock Island III nm old exclusively In this city by nm DIRECT F A HUSTON Your Patronage Respectfully Solicited G A IjUIKART Prkhidknt CHA8 8 lmiDUK Vice Imbidknt R R TIME TABLE Fremont Elkhorn Mo Valley BABT DEPART Omiilin PaseenRor 005 nm Cblcaao Express 1210 pm EAST ABBlVn Chlcapo Exproas 7fflcm Omalia IliBsengor 1240p m WEHT DEPART Illnck Hillfl Exprooe 720pm Vortiigro PnpRciiRor 13 -40 p in VonliKro Accommodation 9 00 a in went AnniVE Hlnck H Mb Express 12J0p m Vcntiirro PnsaonRer 605 um Vordigro Accommodation 740pm Tho JliiciiRO nnd Hlnck Hillfl Express nrnvca and departa from Junction depot Tho Omalia nnd Vordigre trains arrivn aud depart from city dopot II O Matkau Agont Union Pacific BOUTn DEPART Columbus Accommodation 130 p m Oumlui DoUToraud Pad lie Const 11 00a m nomtii arrive Columbus Ace mmndation 1030 pm Omnlia Vonvor and Pacific coaat 000pm Connecta nt Norfolk with F E M Vfroing west and north and -with tho C Bt P M O for points north nnd past F W Junkman Agent Chicago St Paul Minneapolis Omaha EAST dkpabt Sioux City nnd Omalia PasBonger 705 am Sioux City Passenger 125 pm WIST ARRIVE Sionx City Pnaaongor 1035 am Biocx City and Omnhrt Pasaengor 555pm Conuocts nt Norfolk with F E k AI V going west and north and witli tho O P for points south F W Juneman Agent iJaly oxcoptSnnday ROUTE PACIFIC COAST DENVER SALT LAKE CITY SAN FRANCISCO PORTLAND VIA THE Union Pacific from the SUGAR BEET FIELDS of North Nebraska Mrs HHHull will ai vi Facia Treatment Manlcuriug and Sbspoi Will gUdlr call t yonr hornet and do tuy of thl work Ordeii taken for fin hair ewltohei Perfect match guaranteed Hetidence on Fltit street Junotlon Orderi mar be left at th Junotlon Dm Store Telephone It HS 7 17 I iSrS f O A Li - All Kinds of Hard and Soft Coal Thoroughly Bright and Clean at SALTERS GOAL YARDS All Coal Screened Choice Smithing Coal PHONE 54 W II JOHNSON Cabhieb W H UKAASCII Asst UAsmia The Citizens National Bank Capital 50000 Surplus 5000 Bny anil noil oxcIiruko on IIiIb country and all parts of Europe Fnrm Loans Directors Ahmub V II Johnbon Ciias S Uridok C W Udaasch Swank U A Luikaut T F Memminoeb L Bebbions ALL AND RRJNCIPAL WtS tKN POINTS C M Railroad and Business Directory s - Z CO M u J u s e CBQ H c - a g 1 i 13 u O GO g 2 Hi g D C j W u m M O S HAYES Fine Watch Repairing Spetioor Ovelman Boots and Shoes Repairing Neatly Done JBHERMANN Contractor and Builder I 7 Fourth Street HCTRUMAN Paints and Da 1 Paper House and Sign Painter ItfSKEEPS 1BILLIHERY Cheapest and Best Norfolk Avenue J W EDWARDS The Norfolk jlorseshoer All Work Gitaranteedi Cor 4th St and I3raascb Avo FOR QOOD LOANS AND EASY PAYMENTS The Norfolk Building and Loan Assn C B DURLAND Secretary Splendid Train Service TO AND FROM ILY MEALS SERVED A LACARTE SIEAMLHEAT PINTSCH LIGHT Two trains daily to aud from Denver nnd Colorado poiuts Two traius daily to and from San Francisco nnd Cnliforuia points Two traius daily to and from Salt Lake City nnd Utah points One train daily to and from Portlnnd aud North Paciflo Coast points with direct connections for Tacoma aud Seattle Double Drawing Room Palace Sleeping Cars Buffet Smoking and Library Cars Ordinary Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Uhair Lars For Timo Tables Foldors Illustrated Books Pnmphlets descriptive of tho territory traversed calljon your nenrest agout or address E L L0MAX General Passonger nnd Ticket Agent Omaha Neii THE North Western LINE F E W V R B is the best to and CALIFORNIA The Land of Sunshine LmVMJd m rkBH THERE IS NO CLIMATE LIKE IT ON THIS CONTINENT WlM u a fe ITTTXTmTT y ijVay yjivjuiv PICTO RESORT Fino Train Servico via the Union Paciflo Palace Sleoping Cars Diniug Oars Free Reclining Chair Cars Buffet Smokiug and Library Cars Ordinary Sloepiug Cars Pintsch Light Steam Heat Fivo Daily Traius from Missouri River For Timo Tabled Folders Illuetratod HooWh Pamphlets Uekcrlptlvoof tho territory travers ed call ou P W JUNEHAN Agent ri It w