-- 12 Mfo frti Wb tivr Kxporleiico Is tho HcHt Toucher AVo must bo willing to leurii from tho oxporionco of othor peoplo Every tes timonial in favor of Hoods Sarsaparilla i8 tho voice of oxporieuoo to you and it is your duty if your blood is impuro and your health failing to tako this inediciuo You havo ovory reason to oxpeot that it will do for you what it has done for others It is tho best medi cine money cau buy Hoods pills euro gestiou sick headache ears tho A Kind You Hate Always Bought lignatnre of Ctffix What do the Children Drink Dont give thorn toa or coffeo Havo yon triod tho now food drink callod Grain 0 It is dolioious and nourishing and tnkos tho placo of coffeo Tho nioro Grain 0 you give tho ohildron tho more health you distribute through their sys tems Grain 0 is mado of puro grains and whon properly proparcd tastes liko tho choico grades of colloo but costs about yx as much All grocers sell it JO cents aud 25 couts CASTOR I A For Infants and Children The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Bignaturo llow Are Your Kidney f Dr HobbaSparaRus Iillscuroall kid tier Ills Sam pis froo Add tiiorllugllenicdy Co Chicago or N V ltuckleiiit ArnltH Snlve Has world wide fame for marvellous cures It surpasses any other salve lo tion ointment or balm for cuts corns burns boils sores felons ulcers tetter Baltrhoum fever sores chapped hands skin eruptions Infallible for piles Care guaranteed Only 25o at Kioeau Drug companys drug storo OASTOIIIA Bean the The Kind You Katf Always Bought Made Young Again One of Dr Kings New Lifo Pills each night for two weeks has put ino in w my toensjagain writes D H Turner of Demseytown Pa Theyre tho boat in tho world for liver stomach aud bowels Purely vegetable Never gripe Only 25o at Kiesau Drug com panys drug store Men can be cured privately aud posi tively at home of all weakness and dis ease Write for new free book Dr J N Hathawav 22 Commercial Block Sioux City la To Cure Constipation Fo rover Tako Cascarets CandvCutbattlc lOo orSBo If C C C fall to cure druggists refund money A WORD OF CAUTION The old -saying thnt n mnti who is linked cant give away his shirt is only nnothcr wny of saying thnt you ennt give what you havent got The mnti ennt Jive free medical advice or any other kind of medical advice who hnsnt got a medical education and a certificate to the fact in the fotm of n diplotun And in this tmr ticulara woman has no more privilege than n limn Khe cant give medicnl advice without medical education and medical knowledge The oiler of free medicnl nil vice mnde liv ffpQCV V V in Ur fierce chief consulting physician to it I jX CXjtMKLw Invalids Hotel nnd vSurgical Institute many who without any medical qualifica tions claim to give medical advice that a wotd of caution is necessary Dont write for medical advice to any one man or woman who is not a phy sician If they are physicians they will take the title of physicians or doctors so thnt you may recognize them If they dont claim thnt title it is heennse they dare not for fear of the law Io not forget that there is just as much difference in doctors na in artists Kvcry little town has its artist who draws and paints Hut these artists gen crally paint copies of the works of great artists like Millet There was only one Millet Theie is only one Invalids Hotel and Surgicnl Institute such as Dr Pierce presides over 1 iimisaiitiH 01 women come or write to Dr Pierce who havfc found no help at tile hands of doctois of lesser skill nnd narrower experience Any sick or ailing woman suffering from the distressing forms of disease peculiar to women is invited to consult Dr Pierce by letter free Such consultations are absolutely pri vate Much letter is treated as a sacred confidence and each an swer is sent in a plain envelope bearing no printing upon it In litis way offensive questions and repulsive examinations may be avoided Address Dr R V Pierce Buffalo N Y IIIh Wire Saved llliu My wifoVgoodudvico savod my lifo writes F M ltosa of Wiuflold Tonu lor I lind such a bad cough I could hardly brcntho 1 Rtundily grow worso midor doctors trcntinonfc but my wifo urged mo to uso Dr Kings Now Dis covery for Consumption which com plotoly cured mo Couglm colds bronchitis la grippo pneumonia nHth mn hay fovor aud all innlrulies of chest throat and lungs nro poaitivoly cured by this marvollouB modioiuo GOo and 100 Every bottle gunrautoed Trial bottles froo at Kiosau Drug companys drug store Dont Tobacco Sjilt and Miucko Your Ilfo Auny To quit tobacco easily nnd orovor lio mat netlc lull of lire norvo nnd vigor tnlto tho wonder worker Hint nialtcs wciilc men strong All druggists Moor II Curoguuran tccil Booklet nnd snniplo free Address Sterling Itouiody Co Chicago r Now York Invalids Hotel and Surgical Instituti DurrAio N Y Old Iooplo Mario Young J O Sltorman tho votoran editor of tho Vormontvillo Mich Echo haB dis covered tho romarkablo socrot of koop ing old pooplo young For years ho lias avoided norvouBuoss Hlooplossucss indi gestion heart troublo constipation and rhouumtism by using Electrio Bitters and ho writes It cant bo praised too highly It gontly stimulates tho touos tho Btomaoh aids digestion nnd gives a tplondid appotito It has workod wondors for my wifo and mo Its a marvellous romody for old pooplos complaints Only J50o at Kiesau Drug compauya drug store Rdnrnto Your llowols With Cusrarota Candy Cntlmrtlc euro conHtlpntlon forovor lOo 25c If C C C f all druggists refund money Whats ill a namo Everything when yon conio to mediciuo Wlieu you got Hoods Sarsaparilla yougot tho best money can buy Truo beauty comes from within in stead of from without A boautiful faco is tho outward sign Thats whny Rooky Mountain Toa makes womou boautiful Ask yourdruggist Chiiip Hilton On nccount holiday excursion the C St P M O Ry will soil to all sta tions in Nobraslca at ouo faro for round trip on Docombor 2 2i 2r JO HI 1809 and January 1 1000 return good on or boforo January 2 1000 F W Junkman Agont Makes rich red blood and muscle more rapidly than any known remedy Its food for brain and nerves Thats what Rooky Mountain Toa is Ask your druggist Beauty I Dlood Deep Clean blood menns a clean skin No beauty without it Cascarets Candy Cathar tie clean your blood and keen it clean by stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im purities from the body Begin to day to banish pimples boils blotches blackheads and that sickly bilious complexion by taking Cascarets beauty for ten cents AH drug gists satisfaction guaranteed 10c 25c 60c This Is Yuur Opportunity On receipt of teu couts cash or stamps a gonorous smuplo will bo mailed of the most popular Catarrh nnd Hay Fever Cure Elys Cream Balm sufficient to demon etrato tho groat merits of tho remedy ELY BROTHERS CO Warren St New York City Rev John Rcid Jr of Great Falls Mont recommended Elys Croarn Balm to me I can emphnsizo his statement It is a posi tivo euro for catarrh if used as directed Rev Francis W Poole Pastor Central Pros Church Helena Mont Elys Cream Balm ia tho acknowledged euro for catarrh and contains no mercury nor nny injurious drug Prico CO cents Itreita with you whether you continue tbe nero feimuif tuuiccu uuia n j rcinuTvi wie ueure lor lODatx o wiwji DuioBrfuui uiaireae cipeis nicor list purines iuo uioou tores ion muiiDoiiTa mikea tou troDgT I with u torpid liver which produces constipa tion I found OASO AKETS to be all you claim or them and seourod such relief the brat trial that I purchased another supply and was com pletely cured I shall only bo too glad to reo ommond Cascarets whenever the opportunity Is presented J A Sumi tbtm ausquenanna Ave v uiiaaeipnia pa CANDV THAOIiUHH Mwamtco Pleaant Palatable Potent Taste Good Do Qood Never blcken Weaken or Gripe 10c 25c Wo CURE CONSTIPATION ILrllar RatJr twieuj Ckleif a Ualrol w Yerk 320 0aT0llR aDi CVBrBnteci1 br all drag- w w vnv lUUWVVi Jit Tobacco Habit THE N011FQLK NEWS THWRSDflf DECEMBER 28 1899 i f boi Old lOOaOOO rru ui inbetltnnerTeaa tfltl KVJJpcaiea rured But and jxcket fal fcMOTUll A V from vug zwMMwrMiioir own arurguiwno fl ml vouch foru Take It with Vi will patlrutlTperelitentljr One STUairtinteed topur or we refund mnniT BUrtltf lUatdC Cklt tt trI Trk Lazy Liver I liawo been rnllblr1 ercut ilxal iGDE IN HONOLULU Bubonic Scourge is Raging in the Hawaiian Capital ASIATIC QUARTER IB INFE0TBP X I llrtnil llltontn ilroncnt Tlinre ny from Onn of tho Ilncuo Slrlcltnn ofChton Sow IlrntiKht In flmi rlion hy Army Triumporli 8an FitANCibco Deo 28 Tho Vettol Porta at t army trniiHportn Ouututinial and Newport which arrived lutro Into lust night from Manila via Honolulu briiiK tho start liiiK noWH thnt tho bubo Uo plngur 1b niKiiiK in tho capital cly tt tho Hawa iian iRlandH It is uiiiorRooiV Mt tho Rcourgu wivh brought nto Honolulu by a vchhoI from ono of tho infected jorts of China Tho administration of Honolulu is on a very modern and Hciontillo basis AmoricaiiH nro in chargo and tho proba bility ifi that tho plaguo will not spread boyoud tho Asiatic quarters of tho city WAR CLOUD IN ORIENT Ilnatlllllns Ilkoly to Itrrnk Out Itetwoou Itunnln nnil Inpnii In tho HprlnR ViCToniA B O Dcc28 Tho Oityof Londou arrived lioro yesterday from tho orlont with news of a prospoctivo war between Russia and Japan Her olUo ers say that all Japan is now of tho opinion that hostilities will break out botweon those two nations in tho Rprinp Boforo tho steamer loft Japan the iiiRiilar kingdom was buying up great quantities of rico and oven going so far as to iiuiko arraiigoinonts for transports to make a demonstration in Korea Great activity prevails in Jap nncso naval circles A Shanghai report says that Russia bus dispatched a fleet of throo warships to Masampo tho bono of contention which is now causing straiuod relations bofcwoou tho two na tious niliaourl Itlvor Hhippnrs Organize Kansas City Deo 28 Tho Missouri Riyer Shippers association was formed horo yesterday at a mooting attended by 40 dolegatos representing commer cial bodies in Sioux City Omaha St Joseph Atchison aud Kansas City Tho mooting was callod for tho purposo of organizing opposition to tho proposod reclassification of froight ratos which tho railroads have ngrood to onforco next month and which is in effect a rad ical advance in ratos Tho meoting adoptod resolutions opposing tho chango and declaring tho proposod ratos to bo unreasonable and unjust Another res olution opposing railway pooling of any kind or under any conditions was unanimously adopted Tonohors Hard at Worlt Lincoln Dec 28 The second day ot tho convention of tho Nebraska State Teachors association opened with a largo incroaso in attondanco and tho prospects nro that tho 1000 mark will bo passed boforo tho convention closes Tho first general session was hold last ovouing at tho First Baptist church Tho afternoon was devoted to tho vari ous auxiliary associations nnd in tho morning tho educational council hold an adjourned meeting to discuss tho best means of protecting tho froo high sohool attondanco law Will Uo Tried for Murder Omaha Deo 28 Acting undor tho instructions of tho governor Attorney General Smyth will today begin pro ceedings in Sarpy county charging Corporal Fear and Privato Jockius with tho murder of Private Morgan Tho two men acting under orders from tho proper ofllcers shot and killed Morgan while tho latter was trying to escapo from Fort Crook Kckela on Flnuncliil Inulca OmOAQO Deo 28 James H Eckols formor comptroller of the currency f yesterday explained to tho mombora of tho Commercial Teachors federation in annual convention his views on tho causes of financial panics Thoy were due largely ho said to tho govern ments tendoucy to let millions of dol lars lio idlo in tho various subtreasurios Want Another History Toikka Deo 28 Tho 37th annual convention of tho Kansas State Teach ers association began bore with 1000 teachers presont Reprosoutativo G A R meu aro horo to urge tho convention to adopt a resolution calliug upon tho stato text book commission to adopt a history which devotes more spaoe to tho events of tho civil war Telephout Coiupunlea United SiouxCity Deo 28 Tho Homo Tele phono company u local corporation has been absorbed by tho Iowa Telopliono company and henceforth Sioux City will only havo ouo telophone exchange Tho deal was mado yosterday botweon the majority of the stockholders of tho Homo company aud tho Iowa company ofllcialr Appeals to u Higher Court Lincoln Doc 28 Dr Charles W Little convicted of a violation of tho Nebraska health laws by the practice of osteopathy was grauted a new trial in the district court aud Judgo Holmes fined him 50 and costs Notice of ap peal to the supremo court was givon Striking Miners lurade St Etienne France Dec 28 The coal miue strikers marchod iu procession to several of the mines whero partial work iu proceeding but dragoons sta tioned at tho pit heads protected tho workers aud no disorder has occurred Tho btriko has spread to tho mines of Rivo de Gier Negroea Threaten Itevenge Four White Flu Deo 28 Tom White a negro while resisting arrest was shot and killed by tho town mar shal yesterday The negroes are excited aud ure making threats to barn tho town and kill tho marshal G160D STRENGTH IN WHEAT I Flrmueta of Ilvnrpool Ounintlnna nnil lcrnnin In VUlliln lrovn n Support CniCAao Dpo 27 Tha firmness of tin Liverpool nnd tho decrease In thn worlds vlv ibjo oatnn m a support to th wheat market to day May closed H dJda over yMtorday Corn closed 0 nnd outs iio lower Provisions 10i0 12Ko liinlnjr ClonliiK prlcca WllRAT May KIJitWo llllr 70o OouN DocOOJioi May irio Oats Uoo So May 24o PoilK lan 11017 Mny J10 V IiAiin 7nn fi02 May 1 80 UtlH Jnn l50aftSIR Mny 5f2 Cash iiuotntloiHi No 2 rol wheat C35lOfo No i Bprlni wheat flOBSJia S No 2 oorn OOJiS310 No 2 oats 22ir ClilrnRo Ilvn HI 00k ClIlOAno Dio 27 Cattlo ttncnlpti 18500 nntlvosteorn Udiio lowor Toxnni lOo lowur J slow cow mnrkok nnd cnnncrH weak to 10o lower food to cliolco J52VJi005 oor to inodluni 41MJ520 mix oil HtockcrH J300iJI80 snlocteil feeders 12Vtl75 uooil to cliolco ruOtfMO hclfrrH iiOO473 nulli 1200 BOO cows 2WK150 calves IOOJ72i foil Toxns lieevfa II1M515 IIors Hecolpts 22 000 unovenly lilRhor nnd lowur selling HtrotiR Kimdclenrnucus iuIxihI or lmtclmrn llOOfO tltti Rood to ohnlco hoavy f412ijiuij rouiih heavy 4 003ll0 ltit SlnVU bulk of sales tll5l2V Bhoep Hooolpts 20 OUO jjood to chotcu Rheup and lambs Btoady others slow fed western1 firm to n shndo lilKliur nattvn wothurs 42y4PO lambs MOOiO00 western wuthors 400i47fi west rnlambs f640500 Uaniaa City Ilve Slook Kansas City Deo 27 Cattlo Ilooelpts 4000 Improved demand slaughtering stores strong i 10a higher other steady heavy na tive steers 4lV58 lightweights 460 CK5 stockers nnd feeders a50505 butch ers cowm nnd heifers B2O450 fed west erns 42KJ40 western feeders 323440 Tuxniis U10WM Hogs Iloceluts 7800 trndo opened notlvont strong vnlues closed sternly 2o lower heavy nnd mixed 415rtj 423 light 4UO4 pigs W40l80 Sheep Receipts 100 trndo netivu strong to lOo higher lambs J175525 muttonsWOOftJ 400 Htooliors and feeders 100450 culls J1DO300 South Omnliii llvn Stork South Omaha Doc 27 Cattlo Receipts 2100 slow to 10c lowor native beof stoers J4253000 wostern stuers J40OS475 Texas Htours a70l2i cows and heifers JU10 GJ440 ounnors J22Xgi3O0 stockers nnd feed ers JOOO470 calves 13504076 bulls stags etc 276 400 Hogs Heceipts 0600 shndo to 5c lowor heavy J4O350412K mixed J405 410 light J405415 pigs J895403 bulk of sales J405GR10 Hhcop Iteccipts 2400 active stronger native muttons J4304GO western muttons J4O04U6 stock slioep i750415 lambs J42552a AlniHiinu of tho Day Thursday Sun rises at 723 sets at 430 Moon rises at 321 a m The Weather Iowa Fair continued cold Thursday and Friday fresh west erly winds Nebraska Fair continuod cold Thursday and Friday vuriablo winds Klka Form a New Lotla c Council Bluffs Doc 28 Lodge No B31 Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks was instituted in the Masonic templo last evening Tho new lodge begins existence with a membership numboriug nearly 250 and including a largo proportion of tho business and professional men of tho city Elks were presont from Sioux City Dos Moines Perry Cedar Rapids and othor Iowa cities as well as from Omaha aud other places in Nebraska CInrk Appointed Ouueriil Malinger Makshalltown Iu Dec 28 The appointment of Thomas E Clark at general manager of tho Iowa Central railroad will bo oflicially announced to day effective Jan 1 Clark has been trainmaster and geuoral superintendent of tho Minneapolis and St Louis road for the past 18 yours with headquarters at Minneapolis WHY HE CURES Tho Greatest Specialist or tho Time Gives Kvery Case Ills leraoual Attention Ilnntnn Mont doctors havo a certain number uulur ofGtock remedies which thoy uso In llathaways all cases which seem at all similar yij This is not Dr llathaways method moinou Every case with lilm la moBtcarefullv uiuunoKeu ana lue exact position ot tho dUensod con dition determined Thus ovory enso la treated separ ately and medicines nro id mlnlntered nhlch nro siKJCInllr prepared under Ir Hatha wiijh personal supervision fureacb cusu ho two peoplorro affected brapartlculardtseasolntbe same manner consequent ly no two people should bo treated In tho pimo way even for snmo complaint Dr Haitian ay lsu special ist In tlio best sense of the word ho treats special dis eases In asoecluluiunner ot of Ills own a system studlod nut years aco while in ar Onuo collego anil iiopltul practice and Ira- cvory provedniideulurgeduiMmconstantly Sneolally during tho twenty 3 ears since r j twenty yours of tho most extonslvo 1 roaiou practice enjoyed by any specialist In thlscountry Dr UalhawayH groat and uniform sue coss is due to this Individual system of troutmont T inivn In splto of hundreds of reipiestH t ti t yearly from doctors In all parts of tha Treatment world asklnu for the nrlvileiro of iislnsDrHatba waysmotliocl of treatment ho behoves It wlsor to allow none besldo himself tho knonledno ot Ills remedies as he is too well uwuro of the mis chief which may bo done by tho unskillful uso of uny systom novormlndhowporfect j cit UlOOdand bKllt Dr Hathuways treatment for fllanaans blood diseases In wliaterer staito cures all forms ot ulcers sores blotches pimples etcand not only restores thu skin niidscalp totliRlr natural condition butso purines the blood that the disease la permanently and com pletely driven lrom the system and all ibis without adnilutsterlntf poisonous or danirurous dnies His treatment of Varlcoceln j VariOOOOlO and and Stricture is a method osclu Strloture slvelyhis owuund In 80 per cent m ot all cases results In u perfect and permanent cure No operation la required anil no pain or Inconvenience are experienced by tho patient The expense of this treatment Is much less than that of any operation or hospital or Institute treatment and Is both safe and sure rostnrlni tho organs to a condition of orfect normal health iij DrlJatliawayhasluBtnreparedanew Kianoy tost question blank for those who havo Disease rf I1 IPPefA Kidney trouble and this blank ho will Rladlysend free to everyone who soiidg blm his name and addrtw s rhe rieiuand for Dr llathaways now Mu Rnk NOW BOOK book Manliness VlKor Health has FREE ir5SduxLted he first edition of rTiT iOO000 hut for a limited tlmo h couy of this book will bo sent free to anyone who sends Ida Consullnllnn nam0 nd address to Dr Hathaway uonsuuniion Dr Hatliaway makes no cliarKO FREE forconsultutlnnandadvlceatelUior Ids olllre orby mail J NEWTON HATHAWAY M D Dr Hntluiwny Co S3 Commercial Work Sioux City Iowa JUV iltnnimnitmiSr I lit hh iilltt - II m lii cectablcPrcparationfor As similating uicroodfltulRcgula tinrj tic S lamachs andDowcls of Promote9TigcsllonCIucrrul ncssandRcstConlains nellhcr OpiutnMorphinfi norIincraL Wot Narcotic upofOUIIrSttiUnJnCBEa JmrfJcm Sail j4lxScnna JfAUtSltf ftlmSttd Sufar hiiyrron fltmri Atjcrfcctncmcdv forConslipa lion Sour StomachDiarrhoca Worms ConvulsionsFcvcrish icss and Loss or SLEER aoc Simile Signniurc of NEW YORK EXACT COPVOFVBAPPES BBBBBBVBBBBBBBajV AFTER USIKB - We Klo FREE ADVICE - i m strong well fitted to grow to ma turity in perfect health The mother too passes through the trial with little pain and no dread Wine of Cardui is truly a wonder Ask your Druggist for a generous 1 10 CENT TRIAL SIZE Elys Cream Dslm contains no cocaine mercury nor any oilier InJtiriotiBdrus It is quickly Absorbed Gives itellcf at ouco jl opens and cleanses tlio Nasal Passages Aliava Inflammation COLD N HEAD Heals and Protects the Membrane Restores the flenses of Taulo and Hinell Pull Size B0 Trial tiizo 10c at DriiKUts or by null HLYUKOHEltK66 Varr T -- Had Catarrli JG Years Josiah Bacon conductor on the P W B R R savs I had suffered with catarrh for 36 years and regarded iny case as hopeless One clay I saw the testimonial of Geo H Hearn in a Braz ilian Balm circular Hearn was the engineer on my train aud I knew his case was desperate I talked with Hearn and his cure gave me hope I began the use of the Balm at once There was not much change for the first two months but then I began to improve and iu sis months to my inexpressiblesatisfiction I was entirely cured m GASTORI For Infnntg ancl ChiJdron Tho Kind You la Always Bpght Bears the Signature jyt J You THE CCNTAUn COMPANY KW YORK CITY For advice In cases requiring special directions adilreaa plYlnp symptoms AiiiorriFpi laaniAi iuuuu medium CO Chattanooga Tenn ful medicine lor women Large Bottles for 100 at Druggists The Kind Have Always Bought HEALTH AND VITALITY m m irXIZlVZlXUCIVXl ZPXXjXiS Tho great remedy for nervous prostration and all diseases of tho generative organs of oithcr sor such as Nervous Prostration Falling or Lost Manhood Impotcncy Nightly Emissions Youthful Errors Mental Worry eicessivo uso of Tobacco or Opium which lead to Consumption and Insanity With cvory 5 order wo Rimrantco to euro or refund tho money Sold at 8100 nor box C bozos for 500 UK MOTTS CUVM1VAV CO Cleveland Ohlita ForfSale atlKEONIGSTEINSPHARMAOY cmVi I I gl JWl rl ml j Wi THE LINK THAT BINDS Jackson Tenn Nov 23 I was inbject to miscarrlagu for three years and suffered constantly with haclcacho I wrote to you for advice and after using three bottlts of Wine of Cardui according to your directions I am strong and well and the mother of a fine girl baby Mrs E N JOWEUS infGiaa There is no use talking a baby in the house is the link that binds husband and wife together Nothing is sadder than fruitless wedlock The prattling and cooing of the little ones offset a thousand times the occasional worries and trials of life When a wife is barren there is a derangement somewhere in the genital organs caused by one or more of those common disorders known as female troubles Wine of Cardui is the remedy It puts the organs of generation in a strong and healthy condition fitting the wife for the sacred duty of reproducing her kind During the period of gestation the entire system of the expectant mother is built up to withstand the ordeal of labor and when the little one makes its advent it is lusty and UOIES ADVISORY DEPARTMENT CATARRH OASTOHIA Bean the TtlB Kin1 You Have AlwalfS BOUgW Ibotojrtplnl iron Uu ESiswT rmfa EEVIVO RESTORES VITALITY mPjil ft VW sSaV the - v m jfsAW JTJrK Wl rAcW Made a Well Mai v of Me prodaeea the above results ln30 days It act powerfully and quickly Cures when all others talk young men will regain their lost manhood and old men will recover their youthful vigor by using RKV1VO It quickly and surely restores Nerrou ness Lost Vitality Impotency Nightly Emissions Lost Power Failing Memory Wastlnu Diseases and all effects ot solf abuso orexecrsand indiscretion which unfits ono for study business or marriage It not only cures by starting at tho seat of disease but is a great nerve tonio and blood builder bring ing back the pink glow to pale cheeks arid re storing the Are of youth It wards off Insanity and Consumption Insist on having KEVIVOna other It can ba carried in vest pocket By mall LOO per package or six for 8SOO with av posi tive tvrlttea fruarrntse to euro or refund tnemaey Circular fce address Royal MedicJso Co3 Formula in Norfolk 1 y Geo B Christn B HpM h H m Rev D C HoDson Pastor M E Church Wnuneta Net writes After ycaraof constipation uud stomach disorder Dr Kuyn Kenovntor has removed tho constipation and mado my etomach almost now I could not hear a watch tick with it closo to my right ear and but a very short distanco from my left one I can now hear ono quito a distanco from my right ear aud a long1 distance from my left one and tho thick heavy feeling between my eyes to my Dr Kays Renovator is cone Dr Kays Catarrh Curodid it It is tho best thine I over trlwl and send frco Dr Kays Ilomo Treatment an Illustrated haolc rH of 114 pages treating ull ulunents common to tho human family mmmmmwmmmmimmtiaBBm x- p fr m lJ write ua uu uuoui your case F ll urugcists uo not liavo our remedies uonl lane any substitutes they say nro lust as trood r for thoy havo No Equal They can bo had propaid by return mall by enclosing prlco to us Dr Kays Itenovutor i5 cts and 1100 or MUO worth for 1500 Catarrh Cure fcOcts Addreta r Dr 11 J Kay Medical Co Saratoga gnrlngs N V ffflfflffiM Ii