The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, December 28, 1899, Image 1

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The Norfolk Weebxy News
Report That England Will Sc-
cure Control in March
Herliu lltprrSitjs IroilitntiL KriiKur Slny
Dorlmo Wiir Anhint Iortucnl nt Onrn
j PrmlilntiA oT Secrot Ttcnt Itatween
1 Oorinnny mill niiRlnint
UiciiLiv Doo 28 Tlio Loltnl Anzol
fjcr publishes tho cnutotits of tlio
secret treaty
This double- treaty will havo executive
force ns soon as the Swiss jurists havo
Rivou a decision in tho Dolagoa arbitra
tion Tho decision it is oxpcctctl will
bo givon in January or February and
will probably bo in favor of KtiKland
in which cao Portugal must pay to
England and America an indemnity of
England obtained iu 1 80 1 from Por
tngul tho right of pre emption in Dela
goa bay Tho cession of Dolagoa bay to
England may therefore- bo expected iu
March next
It is possiblo that President Krugor
may now declare war on Portugal and
attack Dolagoa at onoo In order to
prevent any interference by Franco or
Russia England concluded a secret
treaty with Germany regarding tho
t complete partition of tho Portuguese
colonial possessions Germany is to ro
ceivo all Portugals Asiatic possessions
i Germany further rocpives in Africa
all Portuguese territory north of Zam
beso oxcopt a strip of land throe miles
wide for Occil Rhodes Trans African
railway For this tho Gorman govern
ment will pay Portugal 25000000 marks
Strengthen Their Intrcnolinicnts Until
lrnrtlcally Iiiiprpgiiiible
London Dec 28 Winston Church
Ills uow arrival at Ohioveloy camp is
perhaps responsible for somo over-coloring
of tho gravity of tho situation but
all todays news convoys tho impression
that Buller may bo intending another
attack upon tho Boor position
Certainly tho Boers are not inactive
At both Moddor river and tho Tugela
they are said to bo strengthening their
forces and extending tho defenso works
which in both cases aro seemingly al
most impregnable
Dispatches from Ohioveley indicato
that General Bullers forces will romob
ilizo at Frero before attempting another
advance Doubtless ho would be glad to
rotriovo tho Colon so or- hefo tho
arrival of Lord Roborf s yot ho is hardly
likely to attempt another frontal attack
It is more likely that ho is preparing to
strike should the Boers mako any of
fensive movoment
1 Mr Churchills reference to Lady
smith may imply that tho situation of
tho garrison is moro desperate than had
been supposed Tho Boers continuo
fortifying the hills commanding tho
town General White however helio
graphs that all was well in Ladysmith
on Deo 26
Competent military critics in London
regard tho campaign as at a comploto
deadlock for the present owing to tho
dispersal of tho British forces and owing
to lack of adequate transports Thoy
think it will bo many weeks before
Lord Roberts is able to reorganize and
mako an effective move
The Boer trench work is so good that
it enables tho enemy to hold a long lino
with fow mon and to travel great dis
tances under cover so as to rapidly re
inforco any point attacked
i The Times says It is difficult to
avoid tho conclusion that our troubles
are duo to the unreality of tho presum
edly practical lessons given in tho ma
neuvers at Aldershot
Dispatches from Modder River repre
sent Dutch disaffection in Gnnuilautl
west as growing very serious In somo
towns the entire Dutch population has
joined tho Boers The rebols havo
formed a laager at a point about 30
miles west of Modder River camp
It is also announced that tho Boors
have raised tho seigo of Kurumau and
havo all withdrawn to Magersfoutein
The Capo Town correspondent of tho
Times under dato of Friday Dec 22
6ay6 Anxiety regarding tho attitude of
tho colonial Dutch is steadily growing
Thoy make no effort to conceal their
sympathy for tho two republics and tho
only question now is whether if tho
military situation is not changed will
thoy keep from open rebellion Even
in districts not visited by the Boers in
tho eastorn part of tho provinco tho
Dutch farmers aro riding about armed
This is tho caso also in districts only SO
miles from Capo Town where a seditious
movement is busily propagated Tho
British forces aro iuadequato to guard
1000 iniles of communications
A dispatch to tho Timos from Mafokiug
eays that Lady Sarah Wilson who was
tsaptured by tho Boors while acting as
correspondent for a Lopdon paper has
arrivod thero having beep exchanged
for Viljoen a notorious horsethief and
A special correspondent of tho Daily
Chronicle Inh rapliug from Stork
stroom Capo Colony says Strong
measures are nocossary to check tho hos
tile fooling among tho Dutch colonics
whoso sedition is shown in the removal
of railway bolts tho obstruction of
bridges and culverts and attacks upon
fcolitary horsemen Disaffection is bound
to increase unless immediate reinforco
ments aro forthcoming Tho loyal
Dutch and British settlers aro becoming
ularmingly impationt
tlinruliill 1VIU of Luilymulth
London Dec 28 The Moruiui Post
1 has received tho following from Mr
Churchill undor dato of Duo 20 telo
graphed from Chiovoloy camp where
ho has arrived All ranks havo com
I ploto confidence In Sir Redvera Buller
and there is a stem determination to
succeed next time nt all cost A pain
ful impression was caused by tho ohuugo
of and tho soldiers
hero aro resolved to vindicate their
trusted leader Tho situation neverthe
less is dilllcult tho Boor position being
ono of extraordinary Btreugth with
high hills lined tier on tior with trenches
and galleries rising from nn almost un
fordablo river and with a smooth plain
in front Tho oneiny havo ull tho
ranges marked and many powerful
guns dominate tho various points on tho
river while tho drifts aro commanded
by converging musketry flro from prob
ably 12000 Boers Thero nro 10 miles
of wild broken country before reaching
Ladysmith which demands early ro
NkviiI Onin Shrill lloor Position
OiiiKVKtKY Camp Natal Deo 28
Tho naval guns began shelling tho Boor
position at fi oclock this morning using
lyddite Tho shelling continued about
two hours Ever since the engagement
at Colensn tho enemy havo been ener
getically improving their intronchiuents
Thoy can bo soon galloping freely from
hill to hill Ladysmith also had a busy
morning today shelling tho Boer posi
tion on Umbulwaua mountain Tho
bursting shells wero plainly visible at
rcfttlmony About Combination to Jncrcnso
rrciilit ItntiM Submitted to Him
Washington Deo 28 Tho interstate
commerce commission has decided to
comply with tho request of tho shippers
of freight to transmit to the attornoy
general of tlio United States a transcript
of evidence taken boforo tho commission
last week on tho increase in rates on
classified froight by tho oillcial classifi
cation commission
Tho shippors in thoir petition urged
that tho testimony taken showed a vio
lation of tho Sherman anti trust act
Their desiro is that tho attornoy general
shall take action by injunction or othor
wiso to restrain tho roads from putting
the classification into effect on Jau 1
Phelps Succeeds Pock
Chicago Dec 28 Tho oxocutivo
committoo of the National Business
leaguo met horo yesterday and olectod
Erskino M Phelps president of tho or
ganization to fill tho vacancy reoently
caused by tho resignation of Ferdinand
W Pock Among matters discussed
wero tho departmout of commerce and
industries which it is proposed to add
to iho foderal government tho rovision
of tho intorstato commerce law und
measures to remedy tho defects in tho
United States consular service
Iiitor Scliolimtlc Athletic Aiutorintlon
St Joseph Mo Dec 28 Dolcgatos
from all cities in tho Missouri valley
met here yesterday and organized tho
Inter Scholastic Athletic association the
object of which is to promote athletics
in public schools Field day contests
will be hold hero in Mav
Loudon papers say thoy soe a slightly
bettor financial condition ahead
Tho torpedo boat Stockton was suc
cessfully launohed at Richmond Va
Charles Bayliss of Templo Mich
died in a dentists chair from tho ef
fects of chloroform
The Peopoko Leicht Lumber company
of Chicago lost 175000 in burned build
ings Wednesday night
General Otis has issued a docroo au
thorizing tho celebration of civil mar
riages iu tho Philippines
Josoph Rhodes Buchanan a woll
known writer upon medical and occult
sciences is dead aged 85
Half tho businoss portion of Fosson
den N D was consumod by flro
Wednesday Loss 25000
In a difficulty at Whito Oak Ky
James Patton shot aud killed Harlan
Cisco Patton was badly cut and will
George McCreery a farmer living
near Oharlotto Mich was found dead
in bed with a bullet wound iu his loft
J B Greouhut who organized tho
prosont whisky trust says that the trust
is nroperous regardless of tho drop iu
prices of stocks
Tho cruiser New York flagship of
tho North Atlantic squadron arrived at
San Juan Porto Rico on Christmas day
aud then left for target practice
Tho viceroy of India Lord Curzou
telegraphs from Calcutta that thoro has
been no increase of rain aud that 23
451000 natives suffering from famiuo
aro uow receiving rolief
At Trenton N J tho Standard San
itary Manufacturing company capital
5000000 to manufacture plumbing
and sanitary fixtures aud supplies was
incorporated Wednesday
Emily Hilda Blako a domestio was
haugod at Braudon Mau Wednesday
for tho murder of Mrs Lano her mis
tress The execution was private
Only a few porsous witnessed it
Alexander Fisher was shot and killed
by his brother Pies Fibhor in Clay
county Kentucky Pies Fisher es
caped Tho brothers espoused oppo
site sides in tho Philpot Grifllu feud
General Otis has notified tho war de
partment of the arrival at Manila of the
transports Duke of Fifo and St Paul
carryiug tho Thirty oighth volunteer
infantry aud tho transports Ohio and
Indiana carrying tho Fortieth voluu
teer iufantry
Sydney A Paget of Now York sailed
for England Weduosday to join Lord
Oheshiros rough riders This regiment
will bail for South Africa in three weeks
Smallpox among tho Indians at Crow
Creek agency and other reservations has
assumed serious phases Congress im
mediately uftor reconvening will bo
asked for an appropriation of 50000 to
btiunp out tho epidemic
Colonel Lockctt Routs Strong
Force of Insurgents
rillplno Iiim I turcn in tho Knnull of
Tlirro Hntun Shelling tr tlio Tiotittic
Hnpioed to Ho Sumo Korea Dillon Out
ol Sun Mut en by lmtton
Manila Doo 28 Colonel Lookott
with a force of 2500 including artillery
attacked a strong force of insurgents in
trenched in tho mountains near Montal
ban about five miles northeast of Situ
Mateo Tho enemy wero completely
routed tho Americans pursuing them
through tho hills amid which thoy fled
in every direction Four Americans
wero wounded Tho Filipino loss was
largo resulting from a heavy infantry
and artillery flro for three hours into tho
It is supposed tho insurgonts tiro those
driven out of San Mateo on tho day
General Lawton was killed Thoy
numbered probably 1000
Tho insurgent organ ludopoiidoncia
which wits suppressed by tho Ameri
cans resumed publication on Nov 21
in Bonteo province
Senator Pett lireiv OrKUlilru uu American
lenue nt Sioux Pulls
Sioux Falls S D Deo 28 Under
tho direction of Senator Pett igrow about
200 fusionists met horo last night and
organized an Ainorican leaguo as a pro
tost against Imperialism militarism
and tho control of all industrial institu
tions and govoriimont itsolf by organized
capital All the ollloials aro fusionists
and supporters of Mr Pott igrow in his
fight for ro election Govornor Loo
spoko briofly against trusts Senator
Pettigrow mado tho principal speech
Ho said If I wero a Filipino I would
fight until I was gray if I was not killed
sooner Ho declared that President
McKinloy was oloctod and owned by
trusts lie denounced tho ponding cur
rency bill as tho groatost outrago of this
To PurIi Canal mil
OincAOo Dec 28 Congressman
Hepburn of Iowa has assured everybody
that ho means to press tho bill for tho
construction of tho Nicaragua canal by
tho govornmout for ull it is worth this
session said former Senator Warner
Millor yesterday It will go through
congress this sossion if Mr Hepburn can
do it This providos for building the
canal rogardless of tho appropriation
mado last winter for a committoo to in
vestigate and roport on tho most favor
ablo route for the canal That appro
priation was merely a subterfuge de
signed to sidetrack tho canal for a year
at least aud if tho Hepburn bill becomes
a law it will bo ignorod aud tho canal
immediately begun Speaker Reetl
killed it last year through tho oommittoo
on rules But uow Reod is no longer
thero to block tho project
Sale oT Plpeitonn Roiorviitlnn
Minneapolis Dec 28 Colonel Jamos
McLaughlin tho United Statos Indian
inspector recently negotiated with tho
Sioux for the purchase of tho Sacred
Pipestone Minn reservation Ho
gives an interesting account of tho nego
tiations for the reservation which be
longed to the Yankton Sioux This
band has its agency at Greenwood on
tho Missouri river about 40 miles above
Yankton At first tho Indians wautod
U000000 but after a long dickering
tho final sottlomont was mado on tho
basis of 25000 in oattlo and 75003
cash tho Indians retaining tho ex
clusive right to marry tho precious
pipestouo which is the only doposit in
Amorica and contains a practically in
exhaustible deposit
Urge Public Sohoola for Indian Notion
Jefkekson City Mo Dec 28 Tho
Missouri Stato Teachers association iu
session horo with 1000 members pres
ent unanimously adopted a memorial to
congress to establish in tho Indian Ter
ritory a Bystom of freo public schools to
bo administered by tho proper authority
at Washington aud supported out of tho
United States treasury until conditions
phall permit tho peoplo to do so by tho
taxation of real and personal property
Itryuu ut a Pnnthor Uunt
Austin Dec 28 William J Bryan
was tho central figure in a big panther
hunt iu tho mountains near this city
Tho hunt had been especially arranged
for him aud somothlug like 500 sports
men headed by Mr Bryan and ox-Governor
Hogg loft tho city yesterday for
tho scone of the proposed hunt They
returned last ovoning with a livo pan
ther in thoir possession having captured
tho animal during tho day
Monument to Iuwton
Indianapolis Deo 28 A joint com
mitteo of tho commercial club aud tho
board of trado mot last night to organize
for raising a fund of 25000 or moro to
ereot a statuo to Goneral Lawton hero
It was resolved that an Indiana Lawton
monument committee be organized
whoso purposo should bo tho erection at
the capitol of a monnment iu memory
of General Lawton
Sorjjeout In ScphIoii ut Uui Molnet
Des Moines Doo 28 The Western
Surgical aud Gynecological bociety met
in its annual session horo yosterday
About 150 membors from all ovor tho
middle western states aro in attendance
Tho afternoon was devoted to scientific
papers by various mombers and iu tho
evening tho society was banquetted at
tho Savory hotol Otllcors will bo
elected and committees appointed today
Ill I iiuirs ntnl Cattlemen ICeeteil from I tin
Pkhhy O T Dtm 28 On Jan I
every lessee of land in tho Indian Terri
tory will bo compelled to leave tho terri
tory or submit to ejeotnient by tho
United States authorities Tho number
of farmors who aro leasing laud ou tho
five civilized tribe reservations will
reach into tho thousands and all will
havo to vacate Tho exodus from tlio
Indian Territory began somo days ago
150 families having left Wliitllold 1 T
iu one day for Oklahoma
Recent laws passed by congress debar
tho Indians from leasing their lauds for
any purposo and this will shut out not
only farmers but tho cattlemen Tho
merchants in tho many towns iu tho
Chickasaw Cherokee Seminole Creek
and Choctaw nations are inunh alarmed
over tho prospects of thoir business being
ruined In communities which hereto
fore havo been thickly settled every
family will bo compelled to move leav
ing tho count ry to tho Indians who
livo in bands and u few Hquawmon
Thoro aro several towns iu tho Indian
Territory that have nearly 10000 popu
lation and if this now law is carried out
they will dwiudlolo almost nothing
Congress will bo asked to repeal I ho law
Pieildent Cabinet anil Nuiul Ofllctim i
peeled to Attend Cei emimlen
Washington Dec 28 Captain Sign
boo and Chaplain Chid wick called at tlio
navy department to consult with As
histant Secretary Allen respecting tlio
ceremonies to take plaeo today at Ar
lington in connection with tho
of tho bodies of tho Maines vic
tims The roinains of 151 dead sailors
arrived horo yesterday ovor the Ohesa
pcako and Ohio railroad on a special
train of six cars Thoy wero escorted
by a guard of honor composed of 12 men
from tho Texas including among them
one of tho members of tho original crow
Jerry Shea Tho body was in com
mand of Lieutenant Bonham Tho cas
kets havo been placed in open hospital
tents and tho guard of honor will bo
maintained over thorn until thoy aro
buried today
Tho exercises will bo as simple as pos
sible Tho president aud mombers of
tho cabinet and a numbor of naval otll
cors aro expected to attend tho funeral
Ohio Fa tln In tho Toll
Lima O Dec 28 James Poorman
arrested hero today has boon conduct
ing a school of crime according to tho
stories of Aggio Scanlan aged 8 and
others to tho police Tho Scanlan girl
said that Poorman iustiuctod her aud
soveral others to mingle with crowds in
rotail stores and to pick up articles
from tho couutors How woll ho
Hchoolod them is ovidonced by tho fact
that uouo wero doteoted but when tho
polico searched Poorman s room thoy
found two trunks full of plunder jow
elry and small articles of value
Confronted With Serloim CiarRO
Ceijak Rapids la Deo 28 At Con
tral City in tlio northern part of this
county J L Jenkins tho mayor of the
town was yesterday hold in bonds of
2000 to await tho action of tho grand
jury It is charged that ho attempted
to criminally assault his 14-year-old step
daughter Jenkins has boon prominent
in politics
Find Morn Nnbrunkn Coul
Sioux City Dec 28 A man rcpro
senting ono of tho big linos operating
in this section of tho northwest was at
Jackson Nob yesterday trying to buy
up tho nowly discovered coal Holds A
third strike was made ou the Goodfel
low farm A vein of coal six foot thick
was found at a depth of 102 feet
Dn Moliifi Man Appointed
Washington Deo 28 William II
Ponu of Dos Moines has been appointed
uu assistant superintendent of tho rail
way mail sorvico Ho is now chiof
clerk at Dos Moines
Tho proposed combine of British Co
lumbia salmon canuerios has fallou
Soneca E Truesdoll ono of tho oldest
nowspapor mon in tho northwest diod
at LaCrosso Wodnesday
Admiral Schleys flagship Chicago has
arrived at Buenos Ayros and will re
main thero uutil further orders
The British steamer Beuedicta has
been chartered nt Philadelphia to load
coal for Portugal the first occasion of
tho kind
At a meeting of tho directors of tho
National Board aud Paper company it
was decided that pastoboard would bo
udvaucod 250 per ton
Tho cigar loaf tobaooo board of trado
will ask congress to provide that tho
duty on imported tobacco bo not duo uu
til withdrawn from tho bonded ware
Spiolmanns vinegar and yeast factory
at Chicago was almost totally destroyed
by flro Wodnosday Tho damage is es
timated at 100000 which is covered
by insurance
Lobeck Corin proprietors of tho
Leader dopartmont store at Scrauton
Pa mado an assignment Wednesday
for tho benefit of thoir creditors Lia
bilities 150000
Tho Cincinnati cigar manufacturers
are much concerned over tho announce
ment that tho Amoriean Tobacco com
pany tho trust is going into tho cigar
making bubiuess
Tho Mexican government has abol
ished tho export tax on coffee This is
expected to nave a considerable effect in
tho United States by increasing tho re
ceipts of Mexican coffee
The Illinois elate teachers iu session
at Springfield Ills discussed tho ques
tion of ono man power in tho schools
with particular reforenco to Professor
E Benjamin Andrews of Chicago
Do You Vant
Wo nro Hiiro you do not Nobody
wants It lint It cornea to many
lliuur anils every year ILcumon to
thoso u ho liivu liml concha nntl rolilit
until tlio throat is raw nml tlio lin
ing momlirniiort of tlio liingn nro In
llainoil Stop your coiiijli wlion it
first nnnonnt nml von remove Mm
groit tlniiur of future trouble
Cherry Pectoral
slops rotifdin of nil kiwla It does
nn fiixvnma It In n nnntliliiir nml Wil
ing ronioily of grout power Tlii
mnkort it llio groaloiit prooiitlvu to
consilium on
Maillcnl Advloo rroo
ttli rAI II llit iinrtl ii u1 nr In tftiir
I III UVlir II t I I III ll I MMlin
cno You will timm Ui n rnit rniiW
without cuil AthlruBH PiuT AX11
iitmiii munat
I M Dlvlm
Attorneys at Lnv
At Iinicn Vt MoiiiIh
Mast Block - - Norfolk Nel
n 11 T 1IOLDEN
Physician and Surgeon
Olllco Cilimm National Hunk llultiliiiK
Tolnplionn 111
Simlt ii riiini mill HohIiIiiho Main nml lflli Si
Toluiainno I
Norfolk - - Nebraska
lilc fi OTor Oltlronn Nntl ilnnk llooldonon nui
blook north of C ngronfttlonal oliurcli
Fashionable Dressmaker
UpiUlroln Cotton olook OTor linnmf tore
Flrtt claen work rfuarautoail
Attorneys at Law
Boom 10 11 and 13 Unit Hlook
Norfolk - - - Nebraska
Undertakers and Embalmera
Benionj Blk Norfolk Ava
Norfolk - - - Nobrajika
Attorney nt Law
Rooms 1 and 2 Robertson Wlglon
Block Norfolk
Rehlndlng old Books
and flagazlnes
Noxt to Dcana 1iilnt Store Fifth Struct
I am now prepared to tlo rapid and
oieutiflo drcHfi cutting and fitting Call
and seo mo for particulars First house
west of Htaudpipo Terms Reasonable
Mks Eva Pi ack
For Plumbing Steam Fitting Pumps
Tanks Wind Mills
And all repair work In thla Una en
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Klrat door sontb of Dally New offles
I nin propiirod topnonrpot to tlio mtih
fjict inn of nil roncorniil Cliockor Hoard Hon
ey Comb nml other fancy work n tpe
dally llitviiiK tlio Intebt improved loom I
Kuarunteo llrxt cluBb work X
9th St second house South from Main
Livery Feed and
Sale Stable
Hack Line In Connection
Telephone 68
Money to Loan
Real Estate
If fli v
3 Mm
i V 4f If I
Kecojjnizwl ns tlio or Musi
Skiiles on fho market
For Sale by
Are essential to health
handles only pure groceries
freo from adulteration find
sells them at
You Lct what you ptty for
at ihlcs
Everybody wants the best of
meats We make a special
effort to please our trade
Onr Shop Is the Neatest
in the City
Sale and
Boardings Barn
Horses Bought and Sold on
Uraasch Avenue DUfiWE A A
and Tnlrd St rHUNt 44
Practice Plumber
and Steam Fitter
Agency for ftlie Myers Force and
Wind Mill Pumps
Prices Right
Satisfaction Guaranteed on all Wtukj
First door West of Post Olllce
-111 XHLT fTg
Oil and Gasoline
W D Halls Barter Shop