The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, December 21, 1899, Page 8, Image 8

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Hpimtor Omioln of Viriiitiu frnnlily
wiys Hint ho jiooft no ItirniiiitKiwiiiMit to
ilomocmts in the tocont flections
Who loon
A few yputrt iifto wo innmrtcd mi
iivornfie of lM0tX0 of liiiiinifnclurotl
Kootls ilny Now wi ixport moro t linn
that nmoiuit a day
Jlr lhyuti Iiiih nothing to say ulioiil
tho turllV Ho kuowH when ho is wull
olT Tin turill qucHUon is loaded
for froo trnilo nriitniM
A OhliDKo mini Iiiih n now ninno for
hn untomohilo 11 u cuIIh it I ho Kllilu
Ho numb bo a nooioty nmti fanilliar
with tho minion of tho lntont itiinoos
Klfty jtor runt of tho anplirantH for
plncos uudor tho ooiihuh Imroiui fail ho
causo as Suporititiinilunt Murrinm wiyH
thuy onnnot divido 100000 hy 1028
and iivo a correal nnswor
It 1h oonsidurud ihwlruhlu to luivo u
lurKor uso of noltl coin in our doniustlo
circulation Tho recont iimtanco in
Manila of 100000 in tronsury notes ho
iiiK outcii up hy uuIh is oortninly a strong
arnuinont in favor of this rofonn
All tho world lovos n lovor but no
ono boliovoH that any man can lovo
thrto woiiton at tho saino titno and bo
loyal to any ono of thoni Mr Holiuits
of Utah has no eoitcoilml privilogos in
this lino as liolnfr an oxcoptiou to tho
rulo oitlter
It is not statud whuthor lovoruor
Loary of Guiuii our now Purillo posses
sioii in limiting his ropontoil requosts to
tho Kovornmont for tin ioo inaohino
tmpplouioutcil it with a will upon tho
iiHriculturnl dopartincnt for livo mint
roots or slips
Japan foil into lino with tho othor
world powers very recently hy tho
completion of treaties with most of tho
European powers and with our govorn
mont and in a very short titno will
conoludo treaties with Austria Hungary
and Franco
President McKinley expresses his
willingness that tlm luturo and Cuba
herself shall determine tho character of
further relations but irsists that wo aro
entirely responsible for tho freedom of
the island and must see to it that tho
peoplo aro froo in reality and not
merely in namo
Dr It D Daniels of Now York who
is Dwight L Moodys family physician
says that Mr Moody is suffering from a
weakened heart causing dilation and
that his condition is duo to overwork
Air Moody walks about his room but
finds dilliculty in breathing It is
doubtful if ho ever recovers
Evon tho Btaid little town of Oakdale
four stations west of Norfolk which
has been quietly resting on its oars for
tho past few yonrs baa waked up to a
realizing sonso that prosperity is abroad
in tho laud and a movemont has bcon
mado by tho oitirous of that town look
ing toward tho building of a town hall
with a seating capacity of GOO in tho
near future
Sonator Hoar in 18iK at tho 271th an
uiverstiry of tho lauding of the Pilgrims
said in referring to tho growth of tho
treo tho Pilgrims had planted Its
boughs hang ovor tho Pacific mid in
good time it will soud its roots bonoath
tho waves ami rooeivo under its vast
canopy tho islands of tho sea This
sounds very oxpausiouy aud not stitlly
Tho reciprocity treaty that has been
rocontly siguod with France is on tho
wholo fairly advautagoous to this coun
try although the agricultural oloinont
umoug the Frouch have very koonly op
posed any concessions ou our products
Still our government gets tho bonollt of
tho reduction ou about 000 tirtiolos of
tho French minimum list while wo
make concessions to Franco ou over 100
of her leading lines of oxport
Tho 3000 Hint gloss workers the 1000
Pennsylvania miuors aud tho 1000
Fall River cotton mill operatives who
linvo received advances in wagos rang
ing from f to 10 per cent as well us tho
2r000 additional operatives who aro
promised an advauco of at least 5 per
cent aro nil located in that section of
tho country in which it is anuouueed
that Mr Bryan will givo his attention
this winter to making himself popular
Commauder Booth Tucker has ro
ceutly aunouuood that thero are a000
000 men iu tho United States out of
employment 05 per cent of whom aro
anxious to work Wo thiuk Mr Tucker
must still be referring to labor statistics
published during tho last democratic
administration With the number of
enterprises which aro now suffering be
cause sufficient labor oiunot be obtaiued
to push them tho majority can find
work if they want it
Tho terrible afllictiou of famine in
Russia has been overshadowed by an
even moio far reaching disaster Tho
universities of the vast empire havo
through a train of unfortunate misun
derstandings and mismanagement been
closed Tills will have tho disastrous
effect of not only cheeking the educa
tional development of tho country hut
also of of sotting the youth nf tho nation
against tho oinpoior who is their only
hope for I ho future and who should bo
iu sympathy with them
Tho most oonspioom example of an
industrial monopoly which has been
mado poisihlo and actully protected and
nourished by the tarilf is the tin plato
combination Since lSlio iim ii direct
result of tho McKinley tarill thoro havo
scores of mills for the matiufactiiro of
tin plato which had previously all boon
imported from Europe Tho tarill mado
it a paying business to manufacture tin
plato al homo It is now being urged
that tho duty on foreign tin plato be
repealed so that the homo monopoly
may fool tho pressure of competition from
othor countries Tho fact is that Ibis
industry has matured far beyond tho
expectations of the most sanguine and
has no longor any claims to special legis
lation ou tho ground of being an infant
It was not nocossary for tho prosidont
to make the tariff question paramount
iu his mesiago Tho Dingloy tariff
law has redeemed all its pledges It
speaks for itself aud speaks so forcibly
that thero is little need for its friends
to talk for it and for its enemies to
opposo it is more than useless Iu a
titno of poaco tho Olovelaud administra
tion with its Wilson tarill borrowed to
an extent which appalled tho nation
Iu spito of tho iuimouso importations
which woro mado just provious to tho
outlet mout of tho Dingloy law to escapo
tho highor rates of duty in spito of tho
liniuenso oxtra expenditures caused by
tho Spanish war and tho Philippine
insurrection tho expellees of tho navy
and the increased demands of a suddenly
enlarged transport sorvico tho country
facod tho opouing of congross solvent
Thoso who opposed tho law mid
were rocontly prophesying a deficit in
tho treasury of ir000000 at the be
ginning of congross are completely
Tho demand for iron and stool has
reached a condition that is almost pho
nonional Ordors aro fnr ahead of tho
supply Many of tho larger factories in
this country havo sutllciont work now
on hand to keep I horn busy for a year
without another order Prices havo ad
vanced at a rapid rato It wasnt many
months ago that tho Russian govern
ment wanted to place an order for 180
000 tons of steel rails At that time
thoy woro olTorod them at 1000 a ton
but they dilly dallied triod to buy
thorn iu Germany and Anally not long
ago purchased them of an Amoricau
linn at 2000 a ton an advauco of
1800000 over the prico at which thoy
woro first ottered It is a recognized
fact that tho condition of tho iron aud
steel trado is tho baromoter of gonoral
business Tho oxport domaud for this
Hue of goods is constantly increasing a
condition brought about by tho splendid
protective features of the Dingloy tariff
bill Is it auy wonder as Mr McKin
loy says that tho peoplo havo stopped
talking about tho tariff
It is moro and moro ovideut as tho
woolen go by that war in South Africa is
not easily settled At first thought
when it was announced that Groat Brit
aiu has entered upon a war with tho
little Transvaal republic regardless of
tho moral aspect of tho conflict it was
not to bo supposed that this Bparsoly
sottlod country of the Boors could suc
cessfully dofy tho military power of tho
greatest ompiro of modorn times oven
for a limited timo But tho foots aro
stonily against any suoh conclusion
Thero havo alroady boon sent thither 12
000 whito soldiers from India bosldos a
wholo army corps aud tho reserves with
it from Groat Britain These with the
voluuteors who havo enlisted in South
Africa number more than 00000 men
Aud now it is announced that tho Lou
don war ollloe will dispatch still auother
army corps with tho rcsorves This
will givo General Bailor over 140-
000 mou minor his command It sooms
au astonishing statement but it is never
theless a true ono that this will bo tho
largest body of white troops which
Great Britain over placed uuder a single
nmmandor Tho English claim that
I noy aro confronted by au army of 00000
lighting uudor tho lag of tho Boors
Tho latost cousus gives tho ontiro popu
lation of tho Transvaal aud tho Orange
Free Stato at 100000 This menus that
thoro cannot bo moro than 40000 fight
ing mou among them Whence came
tho other 20000 troops Thero is only
oue explanation It must be that recruits
from Capo Colony Natal aud othor
points aro numerous and that many
Outlauders havo allied thomselves with
tho Boers The latter have tho great
advantage of being at home They
kuow tho country thoroughly and cau
in largo measuro choose their method
and place of fighting Sixty thousand
men who are born fighters enthused by
a determination to defend their own
laud put at a great disadvantage a force
of soldiers twice aa large even when
they aro superbly equipped and well
trained ns British soldiers aro It is
probable that England will flually win
out but the outlook for her doing so
without continued humiliations aud dis
asters is not at this writiug encourag
There mo thoso who question tho need
of tho United Htutos navy being in
creased but our navy is no longer moro
ly an affair of the naval dopartniont or
a subject In which only tho Atlantic
coast cities aro interested It has be
come a matter of interest to the whole
country from ocean to ocean not merely
as a coast protection but as au ndequuto
protection to our merchant niiirinii
Our markets are moro and more across
tho seas and this makes mi imperative
demand for a larger naval force Tho
United Stales builds tho best ship that
lloat and tho events of tho past two
years have amply proven their superior
ity hut wo havo only sovon battleships
in active service whilo Groat Britain
has fill and tho othor European powers
a proportionately largo number When
tho vessels now under construction are
completed thero will bo added to tho
navy nine battleships and eight armored
cruisers Tho naval board of construc
tion havo recommended tho building
this year of three armored and protected
cruisers like tho Brooklyn threo pro
tected cruisers liko tho Olympia and 12
unprotected cruisors Whilo it is truo
that our navy mado very short work of
the two Spanish Hoots which crossed its
path and while it might hold its own
with fleets of equal sizobolonging to any
nation it is also truo that should auy
trouble arise with tho great European
powers thoro are sovoral of thorn which
could singly sond a simply overwhelm
ing navy against us No ono anticipates
this at prosont but no ono over antici
pates such complications long onough in
advance to provido adequato dofonsos
for it takes under tho ordinary process
of construction about thrco years to
complete ono of tho great battleships
Thoro aro enough of tho cruisers now in
comparison with tho rest of tho navy
but what aro sovon battle ships against
Englands fS and Frances -10 Lot us
havo more of tho grand battlo ships liko
tho Oregon and Iowa Thoy aro im
mense towers of strength in thomsolves
and their famo has spread all ovor the
civilized world and no navy would
lightly attack them
Thoro aro things ovon in thoso days of
marvollouB prosperity and gouoral con
tontmont that compel our sympathies
Of all sad spectacles that tho American
people aro called upon to witness is the
demoralization aud ruin of an organiza
tion which iu tho oarly days of tho re
public uudor great leaders and repre
senting great principles of government
loft its mark upon history and did much
oxcollont work Iu view of recent
ovouts viewing tho democratic party
from a philosophical staudpoiut one is
led to oxclaim How aro tho mighty
fallen Evor siuco tho days of James
Buchauan it has boougoing from bad
to worse During tho days of a great
civil war its sympathies woro openly
with thoso who woro fighting against
tho flag aud its activities woro all exer
cised in opposing tho prosecution of the
war When the war closed and tho vox
atious problems of reconstruction woro
to bo settled it coutiuuod to irritate
and ombarrass tho proper Bolutiou of
tho quostiou Gon Grant stood for
tho union us had Lincoln during tho
days of coullict Its battories wore all
directed against him aud they projected
porsoual abuso and unjust criticism in
immonso quantities against his charac
ter and policies but without avail
Tho peoplo woro loyal Whou tho
American workingmon becamo prosper
ous under a system of tariff which eu
couragod and built up tho industries of
tho nation tho democratic politician
true to his iustiucts urged freo trade
Tho pooplo gavo thorn a chauce to try
theso theorios aud ruin aud disaster
followed No sooner had tho country
recovored from this blow than thoy at
tacked the lag itsolf and took imper
ialism as thoir war cry Tho pooplo
havo been heard from Ohio Iowa
Kentucky New Jorsoy and othor states
ropudlato with scorn thoir iuvitotiou to
dishonor Poor old party Its race is
almost run
Oaklahoma wants to bo admitted into
the uuiou as a stato It is worth whilo
to havo iu our minds a more definite idea
than most of us havo of this now part
of tho uuiou Wo say now for it was
only flvo short years ago that tho great
rush of peoplo went across tho border of
Kansas to obtain govermnont lauds
thrown open at that time to settlement
Oklahoma will bo ten y ear sold Jits a
territory in 1900 It is 200 milosKlong
and GO miles wide It has 2000 loss
squaro miles than Ohio aud claims to
havo nearly half a million peoplo
There are 5U organized counties Tho
largest cities aro Guthrie t noncapital
aud Oklahoma Oity each claiming a
population of 25000 Thoro isnt a hill
of auv size nor a bolt of timber of any
size within ita limits Thero is plouty
of bituminous coal It is well watered
with uumerous streams The surfaco
of the couutry is oue vast undulating
prairie covered with buffalo grass
Moro than a thousand miles of railroad
are alreadyjhuilt Wheat corn and cot
ton aro the chief productsfclts popula
tion Is wholly made up of farmers aud
small tradesmen Schools churches aud
good order abound
The Sioux Oity Journal of this morn
ing is a magnificent editiou of 44 pages
devoted to an illustrated description of
tho Sioux City of today Jwith a history
of the citys growth aud progress It
shows great enterprise on the part of the
publishers as well ns those livo business
men of Sioux Oity who havo helped
make posihle tho presentation of its
industries and attractions in so favor
able a light before the world
Tho gold output of tho Klondike fir
tho current year is estimated at about
California Colorado Ore
gon Montana and tho other mining states
are doing their full sharo to keep tho
yellow metal pouring into tho mints
It begins to look as though tho fteo
silver men woro losing their last argu
ment in favor of free coinage anil would
now havo to depend solely on Mr
Bryans lung capacity
Mr Canutes public library endow
ments uro becoming so numerous that
the towns which aro missed iu tho dis
tribution will feel slighted In tho
dispensing of his public library fund
Mr Carnego should not forgot that Nor
folk is just starting an institution of
that kind and that wo can uso a few
hundreds to good advantage
Senator Allen has reached Washing
ton and will take tho oath of ofllco as
senator today This dees away with
tho idea that thero will bo any contest
ovor the right of tho govornor to np
point a successor to tho late Sonator
A roront decision of tho first assistant
postmaster general rules that married
women cannot servo aa clorks iu a
Li Hung Chaugs wealth is estimated
at OOOOOOOO and ho has uovor boon in
a Standard Oil trust either
Congressman Robinson has boon as
signed a placo on tho coiumittoo on
revision of laws
A Nululilorlii Iool
Evorybody may not bo awaro that tho
neighboring town of Winsido possesses
among its inhabitants a poot of marked
ability in tho person of Bello Willey
Guo Sho has written contributions to
many of tho leading niagaziuos aud
newspapers Among hor Into contribu
tions is tho followiug eutitlod War
printed in tho Mondays is no of tio
Omnha Bee
Tho glory of mi hour
To the hravo who darn ami ilo
Tho prido of placo ami powor
For tlio fortuno favorotl fuw
A pooplo wildly prnlgiiu
Tho proud banner of tho froo
Whilo blood stained hands aro raising
That fair llagoor laud and son
Knch sido with lifo dufomliug
Tliu ono cmifco each mijs is right
Whilo fato is florcoly bending
Tho iiiybtory of tho night
To tltOfO who mailing grimly
Turn thoir faco toward tho foo
And through Wars mnbk boo dimly
Tho dark- loath to which thoy go
Tho widows bittor sorrow
Mourning for hor alaughtorod dond
Young lioarts that foar tho morrow
With tho holploss orphans droad
Strong moil whoso souls woro tondor
Changed to cruol beasts of proy
Sookin bow boat to rondor
Victims to Wars glory nway
Mans highest skill im outing
Crafty moans of taking lifo
Hands atom and unroloutiug
As thoy turn tho tortriug knifo
This swift uncertain savago
Whoso moro mighty musclo rules
Still roams our world to ravage
Finding us his willing tools
War Department lncln Controvemy Be
tween Stato mill Military
WASinxoTON Dec 10 Tho war de
partment has sottlod in advanco an in
teresting qnostion as to tho application
of civil or military law in the caso of a
soldier killed by two sentiuols of tho
Tonth cavalry whilo trying to escapo near
lort Orook Neb Tho stato authorities
wero about to step in boforo tho court
martial when AttornoyGenoral Griggs
at tho iustanco of tho war department
yesterday telegraphod United States
District Attorney Somers at Omaha to
appear for tho defense and placo his
services at tho disposal of General Mer
riam This menus that tho United
States courts will tako actiou aud tho
caso cannot bo tried by tho stato of Ne
Farmer Lose Hands and leet
Menxo S D Dec 19 Olo Ander
son a prominent farmer loft Meuno
last evening on horseback for homo
Ho failed to arrivo whou oxpected
Soarching parties this morning found
him lying near tho highway His horse
had thrown and injured him so badly
that ho was compelled to lio ou tho
ground nil night with tho tomporature
hovering around zero When discovered
ho was uuablo to utter a sound His
bauds aud feet woro frozen and will
havo to bo amputated in tho event that
ho lives His recovery is doubtful
KemlrirkUhei Hlnuelf Up
Sioux City Doc 10 Defaulting
Cashier Kendrick of tho Citizons bank
of Sioux Ceuter la has returned aud
surrendered to the officers Ho was at
onco bailed uuder a 2500 bond which
had been signed by a number of Sioux
Center citizens Tho bauk has received
a draft for 10000 from the American
Suroty company of Now York iu pay
ment iu full of tho boud of Kendrick
Kondricks defalcation is not fully
known but it is said to bo iu tho neigh
borhood of 1800
Scott Is After Ilarues
AIMA Nob Dec 10 K L Barnes
of this place was ordered to appear be
fore Judge Scott aud show causo why
ho should not be punished for con
tempt of court As near as can bo
learned Mr Barnos has taken the Dodd
girl to Kansas Tho case was triod horo
some months ago aud Judge Beull took
it uuder consideratiou but has uot
given a decision
mi rpizoot inims you cam
He PI ml n lJterj IiIiik in In lie n n
Illiiilernt lliml Wit tit It Hi lint
Tiile Ciniriuvi Trutn a Noo IMcm
ti v riKlterln
Tu the lMitur
Lver senco kongrcss hez bin In srs
Rhiin Dlmlcratlc bitterness and conteii
shun hez bin I he order uv tho day
Mir peeplo hov bin strugglln tu keep
up nn nppeeiance uv lmrmuny iloorln
tho daytime only tu be tinned Intu a
roarln Mabel uv discord at nlte wen
tha met tn exchange cuss words at
these hedqiiarteis and renoo their al
legiance tu tho Noo Gersey beverages
wleh ml forethought and nollego uv
Dlmlcratlc needs hez provided for slch
oeeashuns Nowadays about every
thing perlitlkal seems tu be golu In the
wa a Dlinlcrat dont want It tu The
organlzashun uv the house wuz nglu us
and the senate gozo fruui bad tu wuss
jeer hi yecr There aint enny olllscs
at our disposal and nothin for a Dlml
cratlc staitsman tu dti but tu wait for
Humtliln thut aint likely tu turn up
Sum uv our kongressnion put on a bold
front Jest for a blulV and pretend tu
bo very gay over the Dlmlcratlc pros
pecks for next yeer Tha say thet
whnrc tho Hepubllklii vote In n stalt
hez bin redooced and whuro tho ma
jority Iz only sixty or eighty thousand
It iz a grate Dlmlcratlc victory 1 wuz
never good at llggers but I cant see
how thare lz enny Dlmlcratlc victory
If thare lz enny Hepubllkin majority at
all If I cood hev my own wa about
It I shood prefer tu see tho majorities
on our side In order tu avoid so mutch
rasslln with percentages
I got all tangled up bl a glib and cn
thoosiastlc Dlinlcratic kongressman
boo dropped In one cvenin last week
and prosccded to lgger out sum big
Dlmicratlc victories on a blackboard
with a peeco uv chock He called the
nttcnshuu uv those present and sod I
am a Dlinlcrat ez you kin diskuvcr bl
ml breth but I aint like sum uv yu
boo sets down aud give wa tu violent
cmoshuns uv greef and dlspare We
aint licked we aint bin licked and
we aint golu tu be licked ez I kin
prove bl a coinbinashun uv figgers
wleh I use and wleh I hev mailed tu
all the Dlmlcratlc noozepaper olllscs in
the kountry tu bo used hi Dlinlcratic
cditurs in oxplanin awa what sum
peeplo hov thot wuz a defect fer us in
sum uv the staits thet held an clecshun
In November This nttracted the nt
tcnshuu uv a lot uv Dlmlcratlc mem
bers boo hod found the iiggers agin
them in their deestricks and the feller
with tho poeee uv chock went in tu sa
I will take tho wust case fust I
will tako Pennsylvany that boss rid
den Quay struck stalt that alwazo
gives a barrel uv votes agin us at ev
ery clecshun McKinley bed about
threo hundred thousan majority in
1890 didnt he
He did he did groaned neerly cv
crybuddy present
How mutch majority did the Itcpub
Uklus hev in November he askt
Less than one hundred and fifty
thousan sed one member hoo bed
found tho nerve tu read em
Exactly Now whut percentage did
the Kepubliklns lose
More than fifty sed a member
frmn Noo York
Itite yu air agin Now hi spllttln
tho Republlkln majority Iu 2 we hev
haft llckt em In Pennsylvany haint
we sed the member confidently
We hev we hev sed several uther
members moar cheerfully
Then If wo tako awa anuther haff
wo wipe out the whole dout we
We dn we du sed everybuddy
Itlte agin ml bretheren sed tho
mau at the blackboard Fifty per cent
uv threo hundred thousan took awa
haff and fifty per cent uv tho remulnln
one hundred and fifty thousan must
take awa tho uther haff so the Hepub
llklus woodnt hev enny majority at all
If we kin cum within seventy live
thousan votes uv cm See
Thare wuz a difference of eyesight
then Sum thot tha cood see It plane
enuff and uthers thot tha coodnt I
wuz stumped mlself and after ghin
ml lntelleck an overhaulln I reluctantly
cum tu tho conclooshun thet I coodnt
sec It In exactly thet lite So I sed
Woodnt thare still bo seventy five
thousan Hepubllkin majority In Penn
Bvlvnny under tho condlshuns yu men
Perhaps thare wood bo on tho face
uv tho returns sed he but It wood
all bo gone wen we llgger It bl mi noo
method uv reckonlu percentages wleh
I hov Invented ez a sort uv a mathe
matical consolashun wen tho clecshun
returns dont afford us no cunifert It
Iz tho sumo slstom wleh Mr Bryan
used soon after tho elecshuns tu sho
thet Dlmlcratlc victories bed bin won
iu staits wleh bed given heavy Hepub
llkin majorities In a tussle with the
inultlpllcashiui table we alwazo feel
coufldent uv wlnnln and oz nn nntl
doto fer Dlmlcratlc despondency It lz
without an equal Wen we air the
most deprest and onhlnged by tho size
of Hepubllkin majorities we kin lgger
out glowln results and tho Dlmlcratlc
cditurs kin square themselves with
their reeders hoo hev bin misled bl the
predlcshuus made befoar clecshun It
lz a grate slstem wen yu cum tu on
dcrstand it and capable uv iufllctiu
mutch satlsfacshun tu the dlsapplnted
nud dowuharted I wood recommend
this slstem uv llggerln wen we mnke
predlcshuns fer next yeer and air oblig
ed tu refer tu whut we did In Novem
Fruui Applejack Tarm wick iz next tu
Grover Clevelauds Iu the stalt uv Noo
Mm The
Did you ever try to dodge the
rain drops Did not succeed
very well did you Its just
as useless to try to escape from
the germs of consumption You
cant do -it They are about us
on every hand and we arc con
stantly taking them into our
Then why dont we all havo
this disease Simply because
these germs cannot gain a foot
hold in a strong throat and
lungs Its when these are
weak that the germs master
The body must be well supplied
with fat The danger comes
when the blood is poor and tho
body is thin If your cough docs
not yield and your throat and
lungs feci raw and sore you
should not delay another day
of Cod Liver Oil with Hypophos
phites at once it will heal the
inflamed membranes and greatly
strengthen them as well The
digestion becomes stronger the
ap5ctite better and the weight
increases The whole body be
comes well fortified and tho
germs of consumption cannot
sain a foothold
Its this nourishing sustain
ing and strengthening power
aas made it of such value in
all wasting and exhausting
50c and Jioo 11 druggists
crrTT DUWNL Chemists New York
Dr Humphreys
Specifics cure by acting directly upon
tho disease without exciting disorder in
any other part of tho system
l Feiern Congestions Inflammations 35
VJ Worms Worm Fovw Worm Colic 35
3 Teethlna Colic Crying Wakefulness 35
1Dlnrrhcn of Children or Adults 25
7 Cousin Colds Bronchitis 25
8 Ycttrnlsta Toothache Foccocho 25
9 Headache Sick Headache Vertigo 25
10 II vspepsin Indigos tionWeakStomach25
11 Sur prcgaed or Painful Periods 25
12 Whites Too rrofnso Periods 25
13 Croup Laryngitis Hoarseness 25
l l Salt Ilhcum Erysipelas ErupUons 25
15 niieumatism Rheumatic Pains 25
16 Malnrla Chills Fever and Ague 25
10 Catarrh Influenza Cold In tho Head 25
20 Whooplne Cough 25
27 Kidney Dlscnses 25
28 Nervous Debility 100
30 Urinary Weakness Wetting Bod 25
77 Grip Hoy Fever 25
Or Ilumphroys Manual of all Dlsoases at your
Druggists or Stalled Free
Sold by druKglstH or sent on receipt of price
Humphreys mod Co Cor William John St -New
Cltuuci anil btautinci the hair
Vromotei ft luiuriant growth
Never Falls to Itestoro Gray
llair to ita Youthful Color
Curci acalp dLrafics hair falling
JOcarKlSHJUflt DnijrRUU 1
Illinois Central R R
wiisraEjR totjrists
Tlio Illinois Contnil ilosires to call nltniitinti
to tlioiinoxcclloilt orvico tlmt is olTureil by its
Hiiud to tho south for tliu eeiibon of lbW 1900
Pullman Tourist Sleeping Cars
Porsoimlly conduct
fit Ituiib through to
Ios Angolcs mill Sun
Kraiicibco via New
Orhiiiih in rnniifpt inn
EVERY with tliiiSiiullioni Iii-
WEDNESDAY fr viim hiciiKo
MrDMiMn on tliu nutrals fatt
MORNING smv Orleaiib Simi
clnli connection iiImi niaitii hy tliih train with
daily traiiib out of Now Orloaiib Tor tlio Pacific
foubt Tim Limited from Chiraco nory uiii
Iiur connects 011 Mondub mid Jiurdab at
Sow Orloaiib after December IK isM with tlio
of tlio Soiithorn Iacillc kUIiib special thruiiKli
torvlco to bun Francibco
Double daily sorv
ico is iiiaihtalued out
of SI Louis ia tlio
llliimih Central and
couiioctniK linos to
vl I nillC
Ol L U U I O Ku and Atlanta thro
bleupliiKcar to Jack
touville Honda boiim carriod ou tliu
loaviiiK St Louib ovory owmlni This train ab
woll as tlio Day Kxprcss leaving St LouU in
tlio iiuiniiiiK nro lxith bolid traiiib to Nablnillu
Imwiik through coaches and bleopinK curb mil
ium through Martin Teiiu anil tho N St
1 Ity Connection in thib lino for all princi
pal jHiiuts iu tliu Southeast buch as Charleston
Wilmington Aikiu and Savannah and for all
IKiiuts in lloridu
Daily from Chicago to Memphis and Now Or
poiutb iu tho South on the lines of the Illinois
Central aud V M V railroads will bo run ou
the first and third Tuooday of each mouth dur
ing tho winter itrubou
Full particulars concorniup all of the alxto
cuu bonuduf UKUiitsot tho Illinois Central or
by addressing A II Hanson U P A Chicago