The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, December 21, 1899, Page 7, Image 7

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By George I CrccL
OJiji W IW ftolc J Orel
THE GIRL 6PJUSO lightly from thk car
returning from a civic celebration It
was more by accident than anything
else that he turned his head as he
passed a carriage and saw the girl
Things didnt swim before his eyes
nor did the landscape grow black lie
Bimply lighted a fresh cigar and fol
lowed In the wake of the carriage
The back view was every whit as
charming as his glimpse of her face a
coll of bronze hair above a shapely
nape pink tips of pretty ears and beau
tifully rounded shoulders incased In
tailored blue
Along Riverside drive over to Fifth
avenue then down and across stop
ping at last before a brownstone front
in what had formerly been the swell
residence portion of the city but now
given over to high class boarding
houses the primal owners having re
treated before the surging Mde of busi
ness that thundered all around and
was already forcing its turbulent way
into the quiet block a florists shop
flaunting its sign from the former
drawing room of a society leader
The girl sprang lightly from the car
riage and ran up the steps and Thome
rode away after making a mental note
of the number and location
The next morning he put a rose In
his lapel Thorne always wore roses In
times of great moment carnations suf
ficing for commonplace use When a
struggling starving artist he had spent
his last quarter for a rose with which
to greet the coming of a patron That
patron had started him on the road to
fame and fortune and Thorne attrib
uted it to the rose
After the rose he took a lingering
look around his rooms lie possessed a
beautiful suit of apartments a beauty
of bis own creation too for he had ex
ercised a loving care In the purchase
and arrangement of everything from
the Algerian water bag picked up for
15 cents at an auction to tho 300
prayer rug To give them up even for
a time seemed hard but Thorne had so
decided during the night
Faultlessly arrayed ho sallied forth
to the brownstone front In the business
locked street and within the hour had
engaged room nnd board
He was punctuality itself at dinner
and gave n stnrt of relief when the
girl entered the dining room for the
awful thought had come to him that
she might have died or gone nwny lie
sat at a table quite near her and an
hours stealthy survey made him at
tribute divine Inspiration to what he
had been terming foolish Impulse In
tho waiting moments before dinner
She had nil the beauty and freshness
of n morning glory at the suns first
peep the wit and wisdom of a woman
with a childs joyousness of demeanor
and the soft elision in her speech told
of a southern home
As for the young man with her he
was an unmitigated ass Thorne
mentally enlled him so every minute
of tho hour and wondered what It was
women saw In buch fools
The brownstone front was presided
over by Mrs Serenn Hill a dear old
lady with a still beautiful face al
though tho struggle with post helium
poverty had scarred Its rose leaf oval
with many a careworn line
But as for tho colonel her husband
he was still In mind the owner of a
great plantation and lord of slaves and
bore himself with so stately a grace
and such line courtesy that It never
occurred to any one ho should do other-
wise than drink Juleps In summer and
eggnog In winter while his wife sup
ported him
The girls name Thorne found wns
Juno Carter a distant cousin of Mrs
Hill but belonging to a branch of the
head than the colonel She and her sin
ter hat come to New York for a stay
of several months but the sister had
been called back home by the sudden
arrival of her soldier llance having left
the very evening prior to Thomes
Three days passed and Thorne hadnt
met Miss Carter yet
The fourth day found lilm in a state
of desperation The unmitigated ass
had been quite attentive the night be
fore and she had looked moio than
ordinarily charming Thorne spent the
forenoon at tho club but hurried home
to lunch for even seeing her with the
unmitigated ass was better than not
seeing her at all
The storm that had been threatening
broe as Thorne got oil the car and
glancing around to see that nobody
was near he knew be started off at the
pace that had so often won him the
candy stick In boylslf races lie nego
tiated the corner beautifully but It
wasnt a subject of congratulation for
he came within an ace of running
down a young lady What with the
wind umbrella and bundles she was
finding life anything but a grand
sweet song
A glance at her face and with an In
ward cry of thanks to all the gods
Thorne mnde one wild leap to her side
Ii let mo nsslst you Quite windy
Were at tho same house you know
he blurted out a schoolboy eagerness
displacing nil his savior fa Ire
Oh Im so glad youve come she
breathlessly exclaimed her eyes full of
gratitude through wind blown curls
Its ifs awful
Let me carry your bundles too
begged Thome as ho possessed himself
of the umbrella
But I thought men didnt like to
carry bundles
Only their own By the way my
names Thorne Carlon Thorne
Dear me she laughed gayly I
know that the first day you came
Cousin Serena considers Mr Thome
the artist and the colonel tho two fea
tures of the house My names Juno
I knew that too smiled Thorne
My source of Information Is hardly
unimpeachable though I listened nnd
heard It Strange we havent been In
I reckon nobody had time Thero
was a plaintive note in Miss Carters
voice You Yankees are always In
such a hurry Why honestly Im
nfrald to say good morning to people
for fear Im keeping them from busi
ness Oh dear I seem to be the only
one with leisure time
I dont know about thnt My hands
are weighted down witli time
But your work
Complete rest doctors orders
Thome glibly lied
You know Im nn artist too con
fidentially admitted Miss Carter At
least I came here to enter art school
hut havent yet I wrote mnmma It
was best for me to run around nnd see
everything and then I could settle
down and have my mind on my work
Well really said Thome trying
to keep the eagerness out of his voice
a clearer and better conception of art
can be obtained by visiting tho galler
ies than in the school that Is If you
have some one with you who under
stands and can explain Now Im go
ing to make a tour of some Fifth ave
nue art rooms tomorrow nnd If
Thero was a world of de
light In Miss Carters face but then it
died away But
Ill fix it all right with Mrs nil
confidently exclaimed Thorne
And he did for his name and position
nnd what was far more potent honest
eyes and deferential courtesy com
pletely won Mrs Hill so that she de
cided the trip eminently proper and
next morning found Thome sallying
forth with Miss Carter by his side
L nrr mk assist you
Tho unmitigated ass stood forlornly
on the bteps and to save his life
Thorne couldnt help a triumphant
squaring of his shoulders
Tho morning went by like a dream
but It wns simply the gay herald of a
glorious company of days that follow
ed Miss Carter had never been In
New York before nnd her delight In
everything Invested the familiar ob
jects with fresh Interest for Thorne
He hated slghtbeelng and could never
understand why people tolled to the
t e menMptin t tcilU inXJ
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Cnrloii Thome believed ns Implicitly
in lovu at llrat sight ns lie did In lotting
colds nlotiu and that meant a grout
deal for ho had been nearly killed oiicu
by following tliu thousand and olio
remedies prescribed by friends Wheth
er It was a born or bred belief Thorite
didnt know maybe a little born and
then a little bred Anyway hu went
through life convinced that some time
love would dawn upon hint In the bat
of an eye not that he went about
hunting for his nihility oh no In fact
bo was really passive In the matter
and looked forward to the meeting
only with a matter of course accept
nnco of a condition
So as he rode down Riverside drive
all packed and jammed with the crowd
when they could stnnd on the ground
and see them but when Miss Cnrter
thought It would be nice to climb up In
tho statue of Liberty be chimed In at
once with the assertion that It was a
most delightful trip
Three mouths went by during which
time his old haunts saw little of
Thorne sightseeing nnd sketching
trips during the day and theater or
some other form of amusement at
night all with his illness and need of
recreation as an excuse
Between Mrs Hills gentle Joy over
the antics of the comedians she per
sisted In calling them clowns and
limber Miss Carters open
delight Thorne cMrnetcd an amazing
quantity of pleasure from plays be had
formerly voted rot and bores Colo
nel Hill seldom went with them
My deah sub he would say aftah
seelu th eldah Booth an Ih peahless
Matilda Ileion I feel that atteudiu th
tn dry diainii of inodun days would
be a desecration to theah memories
Miss Carter however held that the
dislike was because they passed water
around between the acts
The end of the three months found
her preparing for Christmas home go
ing much to Thomes distress livery
body In the house knew and comment
ed upon his devotion to Miss Carter
She alone seemed oblivious to the fact
that he was In love with her
It was the day before her departure
and hey were out for a last walk
for I may not come back you know
she had said and Thomes heart bound
ed at the quaver In her voice
See this church he suddenly de
manded stopping at the corner of Fifth
avenue and Twenty ninth street Well
this Is the Little Church Around the
Why what do they cnll It that for
asked Miss Carter Its quite large
1 dont know exactly but I think Its
because two theatrical people once
went to the rector of a rich congrega
tion near here to get married and he
said he hadnt any time and for em to
go to the little church around the cor
ner And Hints what It has been call
ed ever since Its a great place for
people that want to get married In n
They had entered the gate nnd stood
In the dark doorway behind which
yawned the dim recesses of the audito
And I want to bo married In a hur
ry he cried In low passionate tones
You are going away tomorrow I love
you I love you And you love me
too dont you
From the depths of his lapel In
inuHled tearful accents came I 1
r reckon I do
Thero was no hitch in the marriage
preparations after Thorne hnd told his
name Fame has some compeiiHii
tlons after all be answered with a
grlmnce And as for tho ring the
groom slipped his mothers time worn
wedding circlet on tho brides slim
They walked homo slowly silent and
thoughtful lu the presence of the great
mystery a mystery too sweet for
The Hills were told nt once and
while the women wept in each others
arms as women will Thorno and the
colonel pledged healths in some very
flue Bouillon sent by a friend from
its native heath sub
Their only regret In tho matter was
Thomes Yankee birth but the colonel
came to the rescue with an optimistic
assertion that a few yeahs life lu th
south will fix thnt as Majah Thorne
Is not deeply and Irremediably tainted
with Yankeelsm
They left for the south that night
Juno already experienced pangs of con
science and couldnt get to her mother
fast enough
As they sat In their compartment
her head resting naturally on his lapel
she suddenly asked When did you
first commence to love me honey
Tho very first minute I saw you
Nonsense Thats just u stock
Not In this case I saw you riding
down Blverslde drlvo the day of the
big parade and
Saw mo coming down Itlversldo
drlvo the day of the parade
She was sitting bolt upright now
with an expression of horror on her
Why yes dearie said Thorne In
an amazed tone You had on n blue
dress and
With one heartbroken cry Thomes
bride burled her face lu the cushions
and wept convulsively
I I was s slek that day and didnt
out 1 lt was my Bols
ter you saw
An old woman In St Georges work
house of Kuglnnd lost her sight entire
ly ut the age of 03 She has since
KiiHtliiiitlntr KITciln In cv ClutliN
Art lllcliil Ilinur Tt ltiiiiiluu ilio
liiiii llnlrrit of liiiiirMl
A Iltii riilnu ClttitU
It Is gowns for the street nnd gowns
for eery sort of f unci Ion u New York
season can produce which are agitat
ing the feminine world iitul dress
makers In particular and there Is no
limit to the demands for elegant effect
It would seem that the seeiet of
ixyivr jr x s t x
tlnctlon In dress this season must be
a large measure of extravagance and
most claiming decoration If the new
evening gowns are any criterion for
they are certainly the acme of ele
gance In combinations of materials and
skilled hand work with artistic em
broidery and hand painting at the
head Satin finished crepe de chine
brocaded panne lace gauze and hand
painted silks are the favored mate
rials of fashion for evening dress
Cloth has been brought out by the
dressmakers as a desirable fabric for
evening dress once In n period of years
for a long time hut never before so
attractively as it Is shown this season
It Is extremely fine In quality with n
gloss like satin and the dainty pale
tints give It special distinction The
cameo Huts are beautiful but the
white cloth lu the Ivory tint rather
has the lead In any color fur should
be a part of the decoration to give a
warmth lu effect which cloth in pale
tints especially needs However it is
hardly possible that cloth will become
generally popular for evening dress ns
the lighter materials are so much bet
ter for dancing gowns and so much
cooler to wear
Pale pink pnnno with lace applique
and frills of pink point desprit express
one of fashions harmonies In dress
Artificial Mowers play a very Impor
tant part among the new evening
gowns and none but the very best Is
Jn wL
W w
tl V
used Smnll Mowers are the thing
when tho skirt has this decoration and
tho larger lioweis when there Is only
a bunch on the bodice A single Mower
In the hair with a twist and two loops
of white tulle is a fashionable addition
to the evening costume and then there
are all sorts of Jeweled nlgrets butter
My wings and bows of lace and velvet
wired Into place
Little boleros of Renaissance and
brussels applique lnco are seen on
some of the Imported evening gowns
especially those made of panne
The Idea of using two materials for
the skirt seems to prevail In nearly all
the dressy costumes and when the
same fabric Is employed for the entlro
skirt It Is nrranged to give the effect of
Silk lace very similar to the blond
laces worn so many years ago has been
revived again
Elegant and useful In evening clonks
Is one of cloth satin lined and complet
ed with one of the new hoods lined
with shirred lpp and trimmed around
the eclce of tr frill with velvet The
Hems and Illustrations here given are
selected from the New York Suns re
sume of rich fashions now prevailing
To Cliiui
If n marble bath or basin has been
discolored by drippings from the fau
cet scour It with pulverized chalk
moistened with ammonia Another
good way to clean mnrble Is to use a
strong solutlou of washing soda Into
which a little whiting has been dls
solved Cover the mnrble with the
mixture and let It remain on for about
nn hour Then rub It off nud polish
n m
c m
ivnim vm
You GaT
Make sweet butter in a hour chum
The Mommii is a churn A foul
stomach fouls the food tail into it
When the food Is fouled the blood
made from ll 1m fouled also Ioul
blood means illseaM Cleanse the
chui u and you have sweet butter
Cleanse I be Mommii and yon have
pine blood The lui reaching action
of 11 Iicices Colden Medical Plt
coveiy is ilue to its effect on the
stotu nil and olhci oigaus ol digestion
and tllltlittiill Disease1 which begin
III Hie slotiiach ate etiied thtoiigh the
htnuimh because the stomach Is the
mil it if l1litil liimiii ttiiiitiil
IrbS ifMlilVtf 1 u ly linMrM wleii that
TTI TrrwWJI lI8SMef Sili oig iii iMiiiscascii wnen llle stomal 1
WUKJJRa i went- it cannot extinct mm
V21i m r11 It leeches the noiuisllllielit
V itM necessity toMislain Hie body ill ugm
H ut SottUtiilles the whole
bod sillTets and is enfeebled Some
times the weakness of some pntttcttlai oigan alltaels disease
lt Pieicen Colilen Medical Discovet cuies diseases of heail lungs live t
lletves etc which seem leiilote liotu the stomach by eitling Hie diseased
atomach and otbei otgtus nl digestion and iiutiitioii in whn h these ailments
have their otigin it eliminates the waste and poisonous substances whit ll
comipt the blood It iucie iscs the blood Hiipply by inn casing the atllll
of the blood making glands ll strengthens ihe stomach iiouiishcs the
neives and heals the lungs
Tlieic is no alcohol in Oolilcn Medical Discoveiy neitliei does it colli in
opium cocaine i any othei niieolic
Thete is nothing just as good as the Discovery Do not lie imposed
upon by deilcis who sell iiuieliablc tiietliiittes for the sake ol an excessive
lit 1ieicr s oltlcil Medical Discoveiy lias piovcd n cietit
blcssilii to inc vvntcH Mis KIIimi 1C IDenii of Slintcslmi v
itiii i1 muu tttij i i l uM i 11 i i
i iiiiikiiii i iii i iiii in ii jiii iiiij i ik i Him init iiiii i
fot toy Htoinicli tumble tn si vcial vciiih ioing tlimiUli a
coinsc of lUMtiiiiiil without any teal benefit In Siptiinbit
I Hi iii
i nKi vt iv hick Htii iiH mill Ilevv vvoise iniiiii i at mil
I eonitiietieeil to lake 11 lietifs tiicilieinc ami in a
slititt lime 1 could eat and vvoik
in two mouths
I have gintiid twenty pimuiN
111 Oil ii ll I llltitn StMi tilii 1 A It ittr ti il ft
ivt xiiii i ii n ivii iimi i ii i ri in iiii
on icceipl of stamps to ptv expense of mailing oiilv Send
r i i i i
1 lllll l VIII 1 llll liliei WMWIIIC ill l It 111
cloth binding to Di K V 1ieice lluffdo N V
1 wiM
lis loi
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U - - -- - - -- 2L
A blindness comes to me now anil then I have it
now It i queer I can see your eyes but not your nose
I cant read because some of the letters are blurred dark
spots cover them it is very uncomfortable
I know all about it its DYSPEPSIA
Take one
of these it will cure you in ten minutes
What is it i
A Ripann Tabule
r ANTED A one of bad health that will not btnent Thjr banUh rain i and prolong We
V i ifrTlief Kola tlu word HI iA KB ou the package and accept no tuUtitute
10 tor Sciuti or twi le racket for 48ceuU may lw had at auy drug atora Ten MmMMuaoDi i tnou
taiid tcitlnionUU will he inatled to any addrcn for i ctifat tomarjad to tha Blpani lhamlcal Co Mo