The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, December 21, 1899, Page 6, Image 6

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    l 5 r UAjM SlMSiV M M J MV M f Hi W 1 Htf - tttf ft
15 i
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tVirftfW Mil Jul VfCnlixi inifiim
M V lf tr W tf r 5 V- - J J 4 V r W W S tf rm S rm -as rK f 5 rm
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vj It It H i 11 i It l1 A1 j It i rf s W j iV W s i t At At rAt A At I At t At At At V
UK iIiicIi
MS 111 lll Illicit
toiim nf the Hltiro
liKikcil up from
lliilr lunula iih
Squlio 1 o imI a ii
Iliinc In No oth
er riHlilciit if
TIkit Tn II could
liuvc illHlniclcil
tlicm lo Hint lie
Kivi TlKor Tall
Im Tciiiichhcc
vllory vol nluits uimiii KcntiicUy It Ih
not of cciiirsc down on iiny iiinpM not
even the local ouch To lie exact Its
moles anil lioumls arc known acouiiitc
ly only ly oiitluuil folic who say Iioho
of Tljor Tall live In mieh III conill
Honed i colons as Iosmiiu hollow
Vllilonl Texan ami ho Cooncy iiiiikc
Still the TnlleiM do not jullo
deny that TIor Tall oxIhIh Thoy are
nolnilous only iih to Its whoroaboiitH
Howdy Miulrc Want to play
Take my lininl Mm Wilson the store
Keeper said making iih If lo rise from
llio table The other three players
laughed uproariously Hes a beauty
boy thats what llniiny Is one of
iliom said lies Just nine under tho
iiible sipilio Of eoursu he wants to
lo polite
The mjulro laiiKlied Ill play and
pay If 1 lose out Ilnimy he said
but of 1 beat them rascals over liar
you must do me a little small ravor
Anj thing you say squire Tim
said handing over the cards The
Krjulro chuckled but masked It with n
scowl as he answered Hotter not
promise too brash son What 1 want
Is for you to thrash Tennessee Think
you can do It
Why that Is sorter Jubous llm
responded The others let fall their
cards looking slgulllcaully one at the
other Tom Turner the squires part
ner In the game whistled and said
ullll pursing ids lips
So I suppose Tennessees mind Is
net on Milams gal
The fiqulro nodded And mine as set
that he shant have her 1 reckoned
IM llnd that gentleman bore and come
just a piirposo to give him the word
with the bark on It
1 always said that boyd give you
trouble ever senee you went and give
lilm that Jography name an oldish
man who had just come In said
The squire looked at him and
chuckled again It had to bo Jography
or rlthniotle he said Illume
your skin Hill Ionian you know that
na well as me Soben brothers of us
nil In one poor neighborhood and tho
last one of us too lazy to move out
would put old man Solomon to his
trumps for names I didnt start as
soon as the rest of you neither Time
I begun to raise a family you had dou
bled and tribbled on all the handy
Scrlpeher names
Dont you reckon this Is sorter a
judgment on you squire Hemember
bow many runaway couples iouve
married nnother of the cinch play
ers began
The squire silenced him with a look
Do you think Im goin to belittle my
olllce by not doln what I was looted to
do he asked severely 1 have mar
ried runaways oh yes twenly hoben
couple rbut oven last one of em come
from Kentucky Up thar they have to
have written consents from the par
ents before they can git a license Is
It my fault that I happen to live on
the straight road from Kentucky to
Hellsboro Of course mines a handy
place to thein young folks All they
got to do is to hnc the license waltln
for em and theyre married hard and
fust as well us a preacher could do It
et I do say It uiyoolf time theyve beeii
half an hour on Teunessoo dirt
Sposin your Tennessee should run
way the squires hi other began
Wbered he run to tho squire In
fprrupted pointedly I hoar old man
Illttma about us shy its I am over the
matfih Thats oue thing makes me
bo niad ThinkV bCVjhat old klldce
mlglty nigh as mean ps a horje thief
lie Is darln to objejVtohsgls mar
rylnti Jordan
I nlwnyftpldyflH WwW sin In
quarter rucliu ypuand old man Milam
quarreled dveTMtUO yeartf bnek
linn J9Wlsrfji SnmfrT
The sftulr4iJ8HprteduaJmtT ne bet
rae 10 oai4tia Blcowbaldi of bls ana
then cltIlmbdih6ilVttite6ause my
Baddle turned he said That shows
the plzen meanness of the breed
Well Betty cant help that Shes
good look n and a mighty tine house
keeper liin Wilson said soothingly
You coutdnt have a bettor squire I
cant hardly blame Tennessee A big
house Is mighty lonesome with no wo
man In It Ill bet money you wont
blame him neither time shes been
thar a year
Ill bet the house ami farm she dont
ever come thar not while my head Is
1ml the squire roared
Ill take the bet Shell come and
for your uskln a voice said from
tho door Tennessee stood there laugh
ing heartily He was a big follow as
tall and well muscled as his father
was slight and withered yet tho pair
wore curiously alike Thoy had I ho
same obstinate chins the same bright
dark eyes exactly tho same level look
Tennessee made a dash at his father
caught him under the arms and drew
1 t in to his feel saying as the squire
fumed and writhed In his hold Im
you aint nigh as mad as you think
Anyway les stop quarrolln till after
Christmas Its Jest two weeks off
iKit oivwoitsi
I want a big party Christmas eve
Youve always promised me I might
have it when I come -
So I have but you dont deserve It
you young rascal the squire said
1ronilse mo what I ask and you may
have n parly as long ns Christmas
dunce and frolic the whole week yes
till old Christmas if you want to
You mean about marryin Hetty
Tennessee asked airily Im just
bound to do that Marse Squire but
Ill promise this I wont never do It
unless you are thar to see ami wtllin it
should be done
Hurrah Youre glvlu yourself a
long time to wait sir the squire said
eagerly then beginning to cut a pigeon
wing in his Joy Now get about your
party sir Well make It a rouser the
biggest thing that ever come off In Ti
ger Tall
Notwithstanding Christmas eve fell
rainy and dark as the proverbial stack
of black cats everybody came to Ten
nessees party The Jordan house was
big and square with tall outside chim
neys and a makeshift gravel drive
lending in scmiclrculnrly from the two
gates upon the big road a hundred
yards away lor the party both gates
wore bet open Kverybody rode or
drove oven the nearest neighbors Peo
ple began coming at dark and kept
coining until 1 oclock
liven before supper playing began
with great spirit There was a room
given up to It Indeed since not a few
of tho company had religious scruples
against even a reel By and by when
the tables were cleared there would bo
Tennessee was tho life of every
thing His father eyed him as lie went
about smiling shaking bands setting
every one at lively ease seeing to ev
erything and seeming to make friendly
service a pleasure with ever growing
pride There were no hostesses
We cant ask one of our kin women
to help without madding all tho rest
the squire had said to Tennessee
Still the supper was miraculous
Black Peggy rose to the opportunity
of her life You gwan way Marse
S irve Ioabe dls yore tor me and
Tciossoo she had said
J he result was a table shaped like
ho letter Z draped In white garlanded
with evergreens lighted with many
caudles and showing all down the mid
dle a row of big Iced cakes brave In
holly and cut paper trimmings Be
sides all that pile of cut cake at least
a dozen sorts there were nuts candles
fruit In pyramids big bowls of wine
Jolly other bowls of ambrosia and
all merely as supplement to hot oys
ters roast turkey roast pig steaming
roftoc and beaten biscuit
Say squire no wonder you aint
keeu after a housekeeper Tom Tur
ner said as he took his third help of
roast pig
Jim Wilson nt his elbow nudged him
sharply saying In a stage whisper
Aint you got sense enough to know
squjre and Tennessee nlnt namln that
subject iiqmore until New Years
J mighUr a kuowed I never
thought Tom sald
Tho squire ihuil vralkncli away with
oiituuKweriiuM J hit locefll after him
be rlconclled to Betty Milam but
worse I believe for him and Tennes
see to git at cross aud pile Theyre
fio mighty close lo one nother them
I wo Whnrvvcr you see or hear the
ono youre mighty apt to see and henr
the other
Hound to be hat a way Tonnes
rocs all the child his pa has got Tom
said Hut hark Whats that Some
fellow must be shoutlu his Christinas
guns early
Them nlnt Christmas guns Theyre
loo elosi together the squire said
walking to u window open In spite of
the rain Hosltlos thoy aint coinin
right They sound up towards Ken
1 bet Its a runaway couple Jim
Wilson cried dashing out upon the
pla7a with the crowd pcllmcl at his
heels I hoar horses and wheels and
folks hollorln he shouted bacjj over
bis shoulder as he darted down the
stops Tennessee was close behind
him so close that the darkness swal
lowed them at the same Instant All
the rest could hear now out upon the
big road a confused and strengthening
medley shouts cries curses gallop
ing hoofs whirring wheels sharply
punctuated now And again by a drop
ping shot
Runaways Theyre coinin In Hear
em Theyre through tho gate Hero
squire Set on the bottom stop with
your lantern ready Youll have to do
a quick Job this time sure Tom Tur
ner cried shouldering the people aside
and setting Hie tittle squire In the
forefront of them lie was scarcely
steady upon his foot when a horseman
upon n panting and foam covered beast
dashed Into Hie elnir obscure of the
lantern light crying out Peteh the
squire Quick He knows me George
Iordtio Heros the license squire
Follow I know stole his gal old
mans right behind got a Winchester
and the sheriff Tie em quick as you
can Thar aint a minute lo lose Its
nil right I tell you Thar thoy come
that couple in the buggy ahead
The squire seemed to swell to stand
an Inch tailor IIo could hear above
the labored panting of the two horses
which drew the buggy the noise of oth
er horses coining as furiously cries and
curses too and the crack of a rillo
the sharp report heralded by a lurid
glancing glare Steadying himself on
Tom Turners shoulder he said In his
loudest most olllclnl voice to the pair
hidden In he buggys cavernous re
Do you and each of you solemnly
ngreo and covenant before Almighty
God and these witnesses to take and
keep each other for bettor or for
We do came In smothered tones
from the eloping pair
Then by virtue of he nutliorlty In
me vested I pronounce you man and
wife the squire shouted making n
dart nt the buggy and Hinging back
the robe Come In come In you
young people he said Leave me to
talk to the old man
Youll have to pa Its you hes
mostly mad with Tennessee said
springing out ami hnndlng down his
bride a nil pretty girl mud splashed
disheveled ami smiling through her
Tho squire after one long gnsplng
stare was fully himself It Is my
custom and privilege to nhoin kiss
the bride in such cases he said pi ess
lug his lips to her forehead then to
his son Take her Inside young man
I dont forget you won the farm In
winnln her
No you dont take her Inside some
ono cried from ton yards down the
drive u second after Old Man Milam
had Hung himself off his horse and
was trying to lay hands upon his
Squire Jordan stepped In front of the
angry man I reckon our old grudge
Is settled for us Henry be said hold
ing out his hand Say aint you
rldln tonight some of that bime old
skewbald slock
Old Man Milam nodded He could
not trust himself to speak
And it was boat in this runaway
race by my snmo Hlackhawk blood
1 oughtor a known thnt was Ten
nessees span the squire went on
judicially then with a whimsical
chuckle Henry dont It strike you
weve been a couple of fools
It does look sorter that way Old
Man Milam said and then and there
the pair shook hands and a feud ended
i lvwi wK s W
lis w Lit lyy
S S S is a Great Blessing to
mMw mmmmmmxMV x sm
fllrl PDnnlo It HlUOO Thom older people can bo avoided
uiu I uUUIUi II UlluO I llulil people
New Blood and Life
Ago docs not necessarily mean
feebleness and ill health and
nearly all of tho sickness among
Most elderly
are verv susceptible to Illness
but it is whollv iiniipcessarv Bv keen
ing their blood puio they eiin fortify themselves
so as to escape tluee fourths of the ailments
from which they sudor so genctnlly S S S is
tho remedy which will keep their systems young by purifying tho blood
Kwv wtrA 3
thoroughly leinoving nil wiisio accumulations ani impart
ing now strength and life to the whole body It increased
the appetite builds up the energies and studs now life
giving blood throughout tho entire system
Mrs Sarah Pike 477 Broadway South Boston writes
I am seventy years old and had not enjoyed good health
for twentv veins 1 was sick in tliuciuit ways and in
addition had Eczema terribly on ono of my legs Tho
doctor said that on account of my age I would never bo
woll again 1 took n doon bottles of S S S and it cured me
romplotoly and 1 am lnppv towiv that
1 11 I l l i Uf
L leii us wiii un uii uiu in mj un-
Mr 1 W Loving of Colquitt Gn says For eight
een years I suffered tortures from a tlory eruption on
my skin I tried almost every known remedy but thoy
failed one by one and I was told that my nge which is
sixty six was against me and that I could never hope
to be woll again I finally took S S S and it cleansed
my blood thoroughly and now 1 am in perfect health
o r f r TUI f2 I fk T f
O 2m EkSrc U n ElkW r
is tho only reniedv which can build up and strengthen iy
OKI people oecllUHO It IS lliu umy wuu vuuu in Kiiiintiiiycu
W vwrZ 13
tree irom ponibii mercury awiui u uiuer uaiuiui
minerals It is made from roots and hot lis and has no chemicals whntover
in it S S S cures tho worst cases of Scrofula nncer Eczema Rheumatism
Tetter Open Sores Chionic Ulcers Boils or any other of the blood
Books on these diseases will be sent free by Swift Specific Co Atlanta Ga
KuitiihAitiiut pj Special Offer Price SI550
itiur rrrliMit asm I nil I
nml fro I Lht ihiirip Mitel lino wc itll IM txumriHnntl tlio freight
uvcruLreTAccnLHlDi ottch WOnilUn GIVE it THREE MONTHS TRIAL in
yimrownliiiiucaml wu will return jur1ru any iliy jou uru not
Bntlslletl MrM ll illtTrrnit nmkri nml frralfor Hrnlntr Jlrlitnrl SM
1000 11 0J llJ0 nml ii all fullv dicrlbed In nor l rrp String
3IarMnUulivur buUISGU for this IK1 Disk AIIINKT IllUMlk U
llio irciitrt iiitie rtr out mi i him ihiiimd
tl ONlcntotTcrln milium marlilm unit r tarlmlBtminos with tnrimisln
diirrtn nln M unift frlontl In lilraito and loam m hn nrr n I lalilf anil w hn n rp nnt
S triSC Ei J rt tJ I v IrV turn mil imiimiif mho iiiiiii
iimn muik nun 1111
j Ill HITS III MIM Mini y c
n m Iml iiiiitnklnl n
- 1WWC3 unv iuhiviihiiuuiivj
Ion Vmi can ctiimlne It at your nutrc et might depot mill If fiiunJ U Rlsoi D H 11
iirrrMlljllrHiprjoxactl iwrcpri rntcd il tnrarhlnrtnllirrafllBJLirIlllj l KeSr I fiLtnO
uhlchn fftUIIl nll 1IIK lllttTIST IltHIJin lOL V u
mH i i -
win rariOTirBs ffej
3 ttvBrn fx 3
nil v JJiv 5 5
iW - at
S v I il OCZ srll tWr WVAW HrKV I 5 i PA1 rf O i 0 If MM0 mswIiib 4 CacTdrartlalrktlhJ9 llfionrramrcanedraneledem
- Ii jiL Wvk AVV l I li A VRs 4 a rf V H 9 iOWLtKll tos ed and decorated cabinet llnWh tlnest nickel drawer pulls rests on foui
A S V iTV th l vi M I1 SvT J l vD P Oxm HftH I tatters ndjiinahle treadle enulneSiiiTtli iron stand Hnci large tllpli Are
I 77 JjJ I 5jrH Vxv rT 1 Si J T M Rm1 I head poslthefourmotlonftedK lf tliieidiiik ibrntlncr Rhutlleautoiuitli
k Tb beta Id ef Mr cot sa iIk WT I J X lA Jls o o I A El K Jvt N Imlbln wlnderiidjiitablebearinir8iatenttensioiiilbenitoriinirotdloosi
ZJMrrfmk0inhtmt from the Vf SSVj 3SJ i pj grJeWfv3
And tbWPt slri4frd froVn vision rjolyAl Kff J i jS ir rfBESSKP
vioTt y ffl usays
-T T i JT TStiWJlIBi Vi aU
the jmmm MO -
XMwillimWx r - SEND US
nirLrllrlmtnril GUARANTEED IhclluhlrKt running most durable and nrarril
niitalah mnrhlnp tuailr Lprr Lnnwn attnrhmi nt l rim1kltfl mill nur 7rnn Tn
structlon Uook tells just howaiiyoncpanrunltand do cither plnln or nny
II kind nf lancy work A is nentwlthcveiy machine
- Y it PHQTQ Yflll WUIHiriU toifeandnanlnfihlamatLlne compare It with
h ntorekcencr sells at 1111 to
fiOno and then If convinced that you arc Raving K5U0 to JIOOO pay your freight aucnt tho 1660
nit TO IlKTlILN YOIlt I5DI if at any time within three months ou Kay you are not tatlslled OIIUKU TO 11 V
DONT DELAY Seurs Itoebuck Co aro thoroutrhU reliable Kdltor
Address SEARS ROEBUCK CO Inc Chicago III
ifteV 7rTMtnmYn WMk wonder jfflf
wrp 77 l l Mmmm
r aMl 1 1 And tfK flObtdysKvBfd Jltnlb tr of mornloi mlMWJSmS
Aodlttat iwhlcbedtrHAMl wy MgMfllSSPmX
iArT Til II I iKg aiaway imwFViWf Ffgaga
III J A L yCRme tut nirnincer 01 peace aou slJtss IAB9 lKFlysSiw If
Ww t svvds lpower r nd weBb aid WBrfMes liifvm fetrMgKl
Bv WBi 7 i MA fflHnCTMxvl
iyyn mKaYil C C s 1MB m9vyJr
WflliPK1 Alaslcwill fetr come tbt Urijbl tomorrow HuHi MSmffi i9
IllllVb lVfftT5toS Q en vC3ol Joy shall reir oer All tbf cartb lliHjJwAn
liP laillivtJPJIli nB l0 loer will brlo sorrow I IliHR KlH
MjSrf tl i rp5yece shall le 65 prorriiied at HI birth I l fE M lz H
jbjq x p rr
Novel Idea Ior a CIirlxlniHN Inrty
With Suiitit ClaiiN In IlvlUence
The following dobcrlntlon of a Christ
mas luncheon will he welcomed I am
sure by those who desire a novel way
of entertaining their friends at Christ
mas time It was given last year by
a young woman to the members of her
club and as all were full of the mer
riments of the Christmas season they
thoroughly enjoyed the fun prepared
for them
Tho decorations In the dining room
more especially of the table were ns
original as they were appropriate to
tho occasion Stockings were here
there everywhere the cakes cream
and decorations as much as pobslble re
peating that form
Covers were laid for 15 In front
of ench a jolly old Snnta Claus made
of confectionery wns weighted down
not by his usual pack but by a red
stocking containing delicious candles
The name card consisting of a square
whlto card edged with gilt had an ar
tistic sketch of a chimney hung with
stockings below a suitnblo greeting
and on tho other 6ide a nnmo and date
Suspended from the chnndeller by gay
ly colored ribbons were favors shaped
like stockings made of pale green silk
with lace about tho top and exquisite
ly painted sprays of holly adorned each
one Upon close Inspection these lit
tle beauties proved to bo sachet bags
Rising from a mass of green In the
center of the table was a shapely but
dlmluutlvo Christmas tree lighted by
small wax tapers ami loaded with doll
size red stockings Thdy contained a
blmple gift of borne kind for every girl
present either a thimble letter opener
pearl handled knife or a stickpin He
twoen red candles burning under red
shades low glass vases held two or
more carnations placed nt diagonal
corners wreathed In sinllax Large
sparkling cut glass bowls were plied
with fruit and lowers and In nests of
green spun biigar baskets resembling
stockings were tilled with bonbons or
sailed nuts
Later after the delightful repast
the girls gathered In the parlor ami
had a darning contest They were
given needles darning cotton and
stockings with holes cut In them aud
told that they could hnvo 15 minutes
to show their skill In darning When
the time wns up a vote was taken
to see who merited the prize the lucky
young woman receiving a beautiful
calendar Kor the knitter who did the
poorest work there was n photograph
of a stocking with a big hole in the
heel and a man gazing nt it with up
lifted hands plainly showing his dis
gust at the sight
Tho guessing game was extremely
nmuslng A grotesque looking stock
lug stuffed full and immense In size
was laid upon the table aud the guests
were informed Unit they were to tell
what was Inside by merely feeling of
It Each oue was given a sheet of pa
per and pencil and wns allowed 15 min
utes to record guesses The prize for
the most correct list was the stocking
nml contents and as the stocking wns
full of comical toys of all kinds the
opJnlug of It caused peals of laughter
Ruth Virginia Sckett
and wo will
send you our
by freight V O
10 IS niTII
J nubject to vxuiiihiutlun
YOU CAN EXAMINE Tatyurnttrc rtw - tfeIKlt
nllll round
perfectly natUfmtory exuetlj um represented
An Extra Fine High Grade Saddle
and the equal of saddles sold evervwheie at from
pay the frelirht airent OUR rnlUCi 00bJ
le tho a100 depoult or i50 and I J eight
This Saddle Is made on a l5or
16 Inch Cenulno Ladosma or
Nelson Hoavy Stool Fork
cAitrFRMY 8iiectii kawiiiiii ovritii
TltKK bound or roll cantlesteel leather covered stirrup
or 2 ineh oxbow brass bound asdclrcd mil acini bouaJ
eaotle unlcat olhrrttLe ordered
lined alnili whlelacobtlrrup Iiitlicrs l ineh Uotnin
extra long on near side 2 Inch to hucklo on oHtdde htaty
cotton twisted Mexican S inch front cinch heavy cotton
heltlnK Hank cinch conntctliig strap Loop beat ecat and
jockey all one pieco
ns Illustrated Weltrbt uf Huddle uliout 115
no il ml l
parked for shipment 45 pounds tKMUlll IS U1LY AUDIT
Cioo roil kacii ttuuimiks
CATALOGUE showing a lull line ol Cowboy and Rancher
Outfits at the lowest prices ever quoted Arid ess w
bran Hoetmck Co arc llioroughlj nllablr Edllor
lAIlj TICIXTI Onnnq Mnnd V mnrnlmr a- tit Q iikMf - r -I ii
Ktiiilunts nlili pliKV in work fot ho inl Von iittond this rollcn foi lnlf Hie mum y
remiliml in ao o sowlmru Muni us 2r muuix mill uiHIiosmr nf joii iipoi In cm sled in
Du lnihSirtuciiUoil mid tut our rollcn WrMv i lie yinr fid- Om ni fhtiili - In -in
until ad out and aDd lo ui alih tlOU d a Millarud uu lull MiW
lUfllUtKU IAIILUK UkKIIIUlN br frelabl I II I aublrrt lonamlna
ItIIIIIEI I It IIHI r MM lilt lj r
Iloa You esn examine It at your iiiureit frelcbt deput and If
you udu it exatllj ua rtlireaillltu lua grraicii vaiua jou airr law
aud far brtlrr Ihaa orvaai adit rllird bj uturra at mora noof j nay tha frrlrlil
atfal OUR PRICE 3550 Itaa lhe100dfpill or OUIrO aad
frtltklrhariM THE PARLOR OEM aooe or Ua noil UIKAULK
AU BttKLTtbTTONrl ImtrunraU cirr made From the llluitratlon
obown vhlcu is engraved direct from photograph you can form
someldeaot iti beautiful appearance Slude fromaolld quarter
aanrd oalcr walnut aadealred parforaied kry alip fuU paarl bod
beaudful marquftrr dcilca panrli and naay olhtr haadaoise drcoradooi
aad oraaaitali mallar ll the Till UTtST HTfLK 1 UK lAltllllt
UKMlaefeet hlirh42 inches lnni2a ltichea wldeand Welch 3tt
------ - r j
uoniaina oociavea ll stops as loiiowai iftipaioB inacipsi
tiuunua Hrledla rlrita Crrmuoa Uailtouplcr Trfbla Coupler
uiapaiou roria ana 01 iiumsaai suciatsioupitre a im bui
lUraad Orzaa Swell 4 Htla of Ortkritral Toned Krtonaton Ilp
Uualllr Hreda 1 Bel of ST Pure Hucet Belodla Keedi I Brlof SI
tbinlnlj Hnlllaaireleile Hreda 1 Kel oflit Bltb ktellaw SauoU
uiapaaoa neeai 1 eel or Dofl neieoioui rrioeipai
Heed THE PARLOR OEM action conalata of the
Celebrated hewell Heedi which are only used in the hi ill
est prade Instrumental fitted with Hammond louplera and
fot Humana also beat llolje fells Irithern itc billows
of the best rubber cloth 3 ply bellows slock and finest
leather In calves THE PARLOR OEM IsfurnUhed
with a lOilibereled plate Vreneb mirror nickel plated
pedal frames and every modern Improvement Wo
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