The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, December 21, 1899, Page 5, Image 5

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fMMwGfraOfw ttrlywS tEzr
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CopyrlRht 1899 by 1 JIoArtlmrJ
KCAUS10 Joan
w 11 s burn on
Chi islinas diiy nn
oni was sttrpriMil
at her ninny littlu
pucnliiiritkS Shu
cortainly wasiiit
lilto otlicr sirls
uinl althntiKli it
mny souin lilio
ninkiiiK too Kroat
11 conccHsion to
tliu siipuislitloiiH
it must bo n il 111 it
tod that Iilt most
Ftriking peculiarities were title to this ac
cident of birth Of course it hnd nothing
lo do with her unlilenes to other girls in
being more beautiful than any of them
but it certainly was the cause of a strango
moroscness that seemed to overwhelm
bcr every year when her birthday came
around It was first noticed when she
was a child and wise people said she
would outgrow It but they were mis
taken Every year her birthday brought
a period of discontent and hecnuse of a
strain of Scotch reticence iu her nature
she would not explain what was weigh
ing on her mind It is true that as she
grew older she changed somewhat but it
was in a way that made this peculiarity
more marked When she was old enough
to have admirers it was noticed that she
almost invariably broke off with them at
Christmas and when asked to explain
her conduct she quoted from an ancient
ballad she had read at the seminary
Who on Christ his day Is borne
Shall redo aright both lovo and scorne
Because 1 was born on Christmas
she used to say I have a power to
know which of my friends are true and
which are false but if I explain this
power to any one I shall lose it
Of course this sounded very absurd
in the last years of the nineteenth cen
tury but it was finally demonstrated
that her power had a thoroughly rea
sonable foundation But it compelled
her to weed down her friends and ad
mirers to a pitifully small group and
might have destroyed her lifes happi
ness when the real Prince Charming
came to woo but for the fact that
Cupid always looks after his own
From the time she wos 17 till she was
22 Jean dismissed from one to a dozen
admirers every Cliristmns without ex
planation and people were beginning
to believe that she was doomed to die
an old maid In the November of her
twentieth year she became engaged to
an attractive young man and some
thought the spell was broken but she
dismissed him so contumclioiiKly at
Christmas and with such outspoken
ncorn that it became a saying among her
friends that she would never get mar
ried until a young man appeared who
could hold her foney through the Clirist
mns season She admitted the truth of
this statement and continued to wait
the coming of the right man
When Harry Kinlay came to the town
to act as cashier in the local bank he
immediately struck up a wiirui friendship
with the beautiful but decidedly peculiar
girl Well meaning friends warned him
of her Christians habits but in his
eyes the touch of mystery only added to
her charm lie paid court to her ardent
ly and with such success that toward
the end of autumn she consented to be
his wife But when he nsked that he
wait for a year until he received an ex
pected promotion to the position of man
ager she showed signs of uneasiness
aud when iu addition he asked her to
be patient with him until he could af
ford to get her such an engagement ring
as he thought should be placed on her
linger she was almost moved to tears
but would not explain why The truth
was that fche reciprocated his lovo so
warmly that sho would gladly have mar
ried him out of hand and avoided the
Cliristmns test but now he was laying
himself open to it Indeed he was ap
proaching it with even worse prospects
thnu any of his predecessors Harry
suspected the caiibe of her uueabluesn
anil nslcd her to explain but much as
she would have liked to warn him of
the mimic into which all her previous
admirers liad fallen she could nut do so
for she hud legist eted a vow to keep her
secret She did promise however that
ir he escaped the danger she would ex
plain oer thing to him after Christmas
If you low me truly and are the no
ble geneious soul I believe you to be
there is no danger she said to him
I am nut so sine of my nobility and
generosity he said but I am very sure
that I love you and 1 will walk as cir
cumspectly as I can
As the Christmas season came around
Jeans anxiety increased but like the
healthy big hearted soul he was Harry
practically dismissed the whole mutter
from his mind and went his way as if he
were not undergoing a test on which his
whole future happiness depended
As the little jeweler in the town did not
have a very large assoitmont of presents
Harry found it tlillicult to select a suita
ble one for Jean lie wanted to give her
something out of the common run but as
he felt that in view of the necessity for
snving money toward housekeeping he
must not spend more than 10 his
culty was greatly increased In order to
help him out the jeweler gave him an il
lustrated catalogue and told him to select
the design he wanted aud he would send
to the city for it Harry acted on the
suggestion and worked over that cata
logue for almost a week He marked at
least 20 designs of pins brooches brace
lets and such trinkets before he decided
on n brooch that took his fancy He
then took a rubber and erased the marks
he hnd made before designs he had re
jected and then sent back the catalogue
by a messenger with n note saying Jet
me what I have marked
On the day before Christmas the jew
eler sent him a package nnd with it a bill
for 20 Harry expected a bill for only
10 so he opened the parcel to find out if
possible whnt was the cause of the extra
charge He then found that besides the
brooch the jeweler had sent him a brace
let he had admired very much and which
he at first thought of ordering Hut he
didnt order it and besides not being
able to afford it he had no intention of
being imposed upon in this wny Taking
the jewels with him he hurried to the
dealer aud asked him to explain
Why I sent you only what you order
ed protested the jeweler
I ordered only the brooch said Har
Pardon me said the jeweler You
sent me word to order what you had
marked aud 1 did You marked both the
brooch and the pin
Oh no I didnt replied Horry I
rubbed out all the marks I made except
the one for the brooch
Instead of pursuing the argument the
jeweler went to his desk and brought
out the marked catalogue Sure enough
the two items were marked He had evi
dently overlooked the mark before the
bracelet when craning the others
But I dont want the bracelet he
I cant help that replied the jeweler
You ordered It and I simply filled your
But you surely are not going to insist
that I take it
There is nothing else left for mc to do
The mistake was your own and I cant
be expected to bear tho loss The jewel
is a very pretty one but I could not hope
to bell it here within a year and I must
pay tho New York house for It
Well I call that a bkiu game snld
Harry losing his temper The jeweler
promptly lost his temper also aud they
indulged in a rather undignified quarrel
Finally Horry paid the bill and exclaim
id as he did bo
If I live in this town t0 years Ill
never buy another thing here
Well Ill not be losing my best cus
tomer replied the jeweler with a sneer
When Harry reached his room he took
out the two jewels and looked at them
They were both very pretty and tasteful
but he felt that they were more thau he
could afford just then
Why he bald to himself I might
as well hove added i0 more to the
amount and bought her the engagement
Having the jewels he decided of
A Ml iRSvMr t
1 I Off VI W I NT f W
mmsri jifms i jjprMXji
I oflen he umm o o jllJInj t ind free -
Wh k1 th Atlmnl IhM rnH h Hi menhjerle f
ni nnlJ ti Itnl summer lime n nol clrcu come
jik iiL mlr nd wllh otttlchc with trumrclf m0 with ln
TIs now Ibt wlndlnj wlnlet Irnln tht cllmtlt op the hill
A full of toy mcnuecrlct the tocmo iodj 10 mi
And ni5he rny ChltmM merry when M morn I rlw n drci
DecAuae Im pretty sure II l ItK S nt Cu Cprc
TBPaarogBPeCg - iJSPflasiJ
course that he must give them both to
Jean even though she might think him
extravagant in spending so much 011 them
when lie was saving up for their homo
While thinking the matter over it sud
denly ucciii led to him lluit he could make
tilings I1111I more leasoualile ir he scut Ihc
brooch as a Clnistiiias present and tho
bracelet as a birthday gift That would
justify them both Replacing the jewels
in their boxes with appropriate cards he
took them to the postollicc mid mailed
them so that she would gel them thu
first thing in tho morning
When ho wont to Joans homo lo have
his Chiistmas dinner with her ho found
her radiautlx happy The gloom that he
was told always oppjessod her on Christ
mas was nowhete in evidence I lor greet
ing to him was more alTcctionato than it
had ever been bofoie and he felt that be
sides wishing him a merry Christmas
sho was doing all in her power to make it
so for him When they wore finally left
alone iu tho parlor after dinner she said
she wanted to thank him again for his
Christmas present and birthday gift
There is only one way for lovers to ex
press such thanks and after n furtive
glance toward the doors and windows it
was so expressed After the customary
pause of happy silence Jean whispered
as she hid iter face on his bosom
I felt sure nil along that you would
pass the test all right You are so noble
and so generous I loved you so much
that I wanted to tell you all about it but
if I did there would be no tost I know
It was silly but I vowed once that I
would test all my friends this way as
well as any one who made love to me
and you know it has given me the repu
tation of being odd
But what is the test asked Harry iu
surprise at the same time rejoicing that
ho had passed it successfully
Cant you guess No no you could
never guess for you nro too thoughtful
and generous over to think of doing any
thing else than what you did
Harry puffed out his chest nnd felt
good while he waited for her to proceed
You see it is just like this I was
born on Christmas day and superstitious
people say that Is what makes me differ
ent from every one else but no one has
ever guessed the leal reason All the
other children had 11 birthday as well as
Christmas every year but I had to be
satisfied with one day for both Besides
I usually had to be satisfied with only
one present When I was n child that
used to make me feel cheated and I
brooded over it till I wob morbidly sensi
tive on the point but as I grew older it
occurred to me that it gave me n chance
to find out which of my friends were
really thoughtful and cared for me very
much They wore the ones who remem
bered my birthday and Christmas just
as you did and the ones who beat me
out of a present I just had very little
more to do with Of course it is not the
presents I think so much nboutbut the
thoughtfulness though when I was youn
ger the presents used to count too
And so that was what was at tho
bottom of all the endings of friendships
that have happened with you every
And was it because Tom Harland did
not think to give you a Christinas pres
ent and birthday gift that you broke off
the engagement with him
Dont let us speak about that crea
But I want to speak about him You
have never explained why you broke off
TTTWwf i
the engagement with him Surely if
you loved him you didnt break off jubt
because he was one present short
I never loved him
But you were engaged to him
Yes but I didnt know then what love
menus Ivcn if he had passed my fool
ish test I would still hate parted from
him for I did not know my own mind
when I consented to be engaged to him
But it was at Christmas you broke oft
with him Wasnt that because of the
Well yes it wos but he failed in his
requirements iu a way that I had not
previously drenmed possible Why that
man actually brought me an engagement
ring for Christmas and it was to serve
as an engagement ring Christmas pres
ent and biithday gift all iu one That
was beyond anj thing In the way of true
rcunomy that 1 had over heard of mid it
opened m eyes to the kind of man he
was But you must always remember
dear that it is uot the presents I value
arw nmii
H Ji U
u f1 i
I Know IhM on thht lovely Irnln tht eom from rlryrn4
The hobby hone li full of mlle the eltphMTt l rr4
The cme brown the turtle yrceo the coctloo It vhlto
The monKey on ttre ychow stlcK l trlnnlnt with dcllebt
I her the whittle blow as throuah tte frosted pnne I trc
And In roy Joy upon the chulr I wv my hnnd And dance
nd to the locomotive shout wlih vlnv I motl confett
Three chcert And toy tljer for the 5ritA Clu Ctprett
JJLSfi OimrasicKam
v cysa iM
ayt j r - - - -- ----
afWAW imM uiF9 umzwsr iaw
uiswi l rvsviv iiwai iiiAU i ri n ibs r rur n i isw u
rasa j oasL i m iu -5 lv vtV re
fflir w vi 4 iwy r
- Sr- P V NiS vr
Cf Jrt CV Cu w
uMiiMinm rnMta tr pjucrLLir rrrr dcnlzL fM
ti i
but ho thought fulness that prompt
As Hairy loonlled his quarrel with tho
jeweler ami his regie that ho had not
spout I mute and got an engagement
ring instead of the two pioscuts lie
didnt Tccl quite so pioud uT hitiisoH as
bo did at lirsl but lie wisely cuucliidod
to accept tho guud that the guds had
soul to him ami ho let Joan piaiso him
to her licaits content
lie felt liowexer that something
should bo dune iu tho way uf atuuojiiciil
so ho wont 111 omul to tho jewelers not
day and after apolugiiug profusely for
tho many unkind things lie had said
when they had qnai icled asked fur a
catalogue fiom which to select an on
gagemcut ting witli a solilaiie in it thai
lie can older as suou lis ho has saved up
enough money or seciitcd the pioiuution
to the position of manager that he is
waiting fur Joan of course Is very
happy and thinks after all that it was
not such a haidship to have been born
on Christmas as it enabled her to dis
cover what a noble thoughtful and gen
erous follow her fiance is and ho hav
ing had such a narrow escape will
doubtless bo very careful to show the
qualities for which he accidentally
though perhaps justly gets credit
Iulirrrrt In by SIiikIiiu of Itlriln
With hlimcri In IrtifnHloii
One can hardly conceive a liner cli
mate than that of the northwestern
provinces uf India at the Chrislmastide
lluiu sometimes falls at that time and
about Christmas and New Years It is
greatly desired for tho crops but ordi
narily from week to week there is an
unclouded sky A cool pleasant breeze
blows from the west In the house it is
not only cool but cold so that a little
sunning is pleasant nnd at night espe
cially far up in the country fires are
welcome Cool breezes during the day
sweet scented lloweis birds singing and
rooks cawing in the trees add to the
charms of Indias most agreeable sea
son Then lCnropeans so far os circum
stances permit got into the open air and
move freely about with everything In
tho climate to favor their traveling
Kuropcaus usually observe the festive
season somewhat in tho same way ns we
ilo in America but a Chrihtmns day iu
the tropics is a fact hard to realize The
scenes climate and general suriouudiugs
are so very different from what we are
used to here Picnics tenuis shooting
parties on elephants and rides and drives
thriugh country avenues take the place
of sleighing skating and coasting
There are Christmas decorations pecul
iar to India for the natives dearly love
all tokens of feasting They place tall
plantain leaves and bunches of fruit in
the gateway as symbols of plenty and
hnng up wreaths of laurel and Indin Jos
mine or strings of small lamps and of
those great orange marigolds which they
offer at the shrines of all their gods
An attraction for the little folks is
found in the great btnnds of Christmas
cokes and trees Ornamental cakes
which nro supposed to bo especially dear
to Kuglish hearts nro made by the na
tives The number of these that are pre
sented on Christmas morning by nntbe
tradesmen to their employers is startling
As many as a dozen have been seen 011
one Indys table Besides these troys of
nil manners of candies fruits vegetables
and llowers are presented sometimes by
the servants themselves who conio to
moke their salaams and generally expect
to receive some Christinas backsheesh
money or Christmas boxes Notivo
princes and nabobs send presents of n
like nature to their Itiglish friends The
contents of the trays are often most ar
tistically arranged
The churches are decorated but what
an upheaval of all ones cherished senti
ments and memories In the place of the
holly and ivy lowers of brilliant hues
are seen instead of furs and plaids sum
mer gowns and hats are worn iu the
pluce of rosy frost kissed cheeks there
are pallid and sun bleached ones
The roast turkey and beef and blazing
plum pudding are generally forthcoming
borved by native waiters iu their white
raiment and bare foot The festivities of
the day are usually wound up by a dinner
pnity iu the evening
TiA1 - V
rsvs T5t
i 1 tl if ssstwsVy t
w J
ItolluloMM Si im loos III Ill nip anil ill
Hie t tiiii cltON n Mtllll IJmiil
Im llio ICIulilli Ailuj Corps
Illiliill I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n IVllslcil llluli
fYJJSll a3iv
IS il o II ll f II I
whether the oil
out oxer before
hiiw an Amiiican
ClirisliiuiN and it
is coi lain dial the
capital city of tho
Philippines eele
liiated its fit m t
A nil 11 1 11 fliilul
If 7 mas this tear uf
Y our hoid lHS
-U ll It Is also 001 tain
that In suite of
tho dillicultlos the day was rightly cele
brated for American soldiers especially
those engaged hi this war do nut do
things by halves This first Amciican
Christmas celebration here iu Manila will
he long remembered by those who pal tic-
Ipated iu tho festivities uf the day I it
will not bo the last by inanj unless pics
out indications belie themselves for
American customs 1110 fast becoming im
planted hole
While the men of the Kighlh army
corps the army of occupation in Manila
had boon looking furwaid to the Christ
mas season for a long time it was not
until a week liefoie Christmas that the
real picparalious fur the proper observa
tion of the season In the army weio tak
en When on Thiiisday define Christmas
the St Paul came iu and brought from
tho friends and iclativos uf the men at
home so many kind louicmbraiicos it was
at once decided to have a big Chiistmas
cclchratiuii All kinds of pioscuts wore
received iu the mail ami nearly every
man received a box of eatables At unco
prcpnratiuiis for a leal Christmas obser
vation weio begun and there was feast
ing throughout ho army
On Christinas day nil business was
suspended in Manila and all observed
the day In the morning Ihcio were re
ligious services hold in the ililTciciit com
mauils by the chaplains and these weio
largely at tended by the soldiers Those
services recalled to the men tho many
things which they have to be thankful
fur Althuiigh they have undergone all
tho trials and haidships uf a campaign
in tho rainy season of this tropical cli
mate tho death list has been very low
and I ho men have endured the hardships
remaikably well
Aside fiom the services held in the
several commands of the tinny there
was n special service held in the great
Cathedral of Son Ignatius for the sol
diers of the American nrmy There was
a grand solemn high mass and Itev Po
ther McKiuniu of the First California
conducted the services The great
cathedral was crowded Thero were
profuse decorations for the occasion and
the great paintings nnd fine statuary
which siuco tho surrender of the city
have been stored nway owing to the oc
cupation of thu church us barracks by
the Spanish prisoners were brought
forth There were services in the dif
ferent other churches nnd these were
also attended by our soldiers
The principal feature of the day how
ever was the dinner nnd every com
mnnd had n change from the plain bill
uf fare provided by Cuclo Sam to some
thing more palatable and nppotizlng It
had been a long time siuco the men hnd
partaken of a meal under something
like civilized surroundings and thero
were many things to make Christmas
dinner enjoyable
Christmas day here in the Philippiies
could not hne been more perfect The
weather was line In the morning there
were cooling breezes nnd Inter the suu
pour ts rays straight down The
sentineli were kept busy in dodging fhe
heat mid hunting the bhndf All duty
not absolutely necessary was disrcused
with for the day There were all Uiids
of sports in the different commands A
great Held day had been nrraugod tu
be held out the huncttu but owitiarto
pkj r zis
j - v WAT
Good Snl Clftkm U up U dla snd so btncRth th ttArt
And rMlb the sua he send round hi rtooh K In CArti
And w ciiprTsanAn oomlni op the rth with looh forlorn
Drtiret In a bundle I must not untk till Chrijtnmt morn
Of course I dont Know wbAl It Is but I m tur tit fin
And tome of It Is brother Toms And tome of II Is mine
And I am tun twill tome up to And bel my blegrst euctt
Dccaux twi brouttlrt t ut uko thn nl Clftut Cprott
Mow Ill be Jutl as very pood a ever I ctn be T
Ttisl der old SaMs my t ecmoe frlcrd of lltll me
And souk dy Kit m 90 wllh hm upon his Jolty train
Vhocs IrtM deer it tlldliri now mmi tlx tnowy pllo
Arvl After thAl detlehtful lrl I thlnK my Ml plo
Will tutvly he to RK litru when I m srcAt bit rn
To flw nje woiK nd Ul n worK till I bve wn suecr
And Am the ptotid tomtotlor o fje Mirta lus Cpte
n k AAUMKirmicK
v I-
tin- tni cltlcd stale of alTairs it was
ll Ipolllll
The natives celebialod CluislmiiH
with mini queer ccieinouies and wllh
Ihclii tho jiijlul Iascu Dins was 11 gicat
dii The Hlipiiius know how to en toy
a holiday as do no other people They
line their hulldiljs cci week but the
gicalest uf all aie Pasco I lias and hulv
week Iii the Killpinns Clnislmas wa
il week lung and ihcio was nuullicr week
id piclimitiiio icjniciug For inoie than
11 week liofiii I Illiniums I ho en 1 ly morn
ing bonis hcic in Manila weio tilled wllh
music Hands painilcd tho sliccls iu tho
ilillcicnt pails of the city Tho bells of
tho gleal calhcdtnls rang nut their liicl
low llionololies to nwilkcll the people fill
eaily mass
Music was uuo of the piinclpal features
connected wllh the unlive observance of
Ihc holiday season Thoie are few peo
ple hum 1 musically inclined I tin 11 llie Kill
piiios ami on all occasions music is 11
piinclpal fealine wllh the natives They
have all soils of brass Htlilig and reed
lustiuiucuts and sumo uf the latter are
most rude cnnlilvanccs They moke
iced iustiumeiits fiom sections of bam
boo and those 1110 uf all sizes and enn
sequcntly of oil pilches At the holiday
season one has a chance tu see mure of
the musical instinct than at any other
season uf the year All day Christmas
these native bauds played in tho street
They lout their aid tuward making the
festivltioH of Christmas eve and Christ
mas night enjoyable All through the
holy week Manila was tilled with music
Chiistmas or Pasco ns the Spanish
is had Its good things for old and young
TI hihlien w at the height of their
Joy fur Juguotos the Santa Clous of
the Filipinos came thiuughnut the land
and every whole ilisti United guud things
For 11 week befoio Christmas liguies
fantastically dressed lo represent Ju
guetes weio hauled through the streets
on decorated caits Hvery where those
were followed by crowds uf native chil
When the people of the Philippines
turn out to enjoy 11 holiday they are
dad in their best and oiliest attire and
especially is this the case at Pasco sea
son ICarly on Chiistmas morning the
streets weic tilled with natives uf all
oges and both sexes The men were clad
in tho customary ciminc garment and
the women in bright colored frocks with
an embroidered piece of plna around the
nock The little pickaninnies were
dressed In lusty stylo oh Filipino styles
go ond weio os happy os the rest
The natives oil attended the church
ceremonies for with them as with us
these are the real feat men of tho day
All through the holy week tho church
festivities continued and ended only with
the advent of the new year
Wllh our soldieis the principal ques
tion at Christmas time was as to going
home fur all wore thoroughly tired of
soldiering in the tropics The bright
prospects for the speedy return of the
volunteer foices was another cause uf
rejoicing and making merry When
another year has passed and another
Christmas season is celebrated in Ma
nila this city and the Philippines will
have been brought more fully under
American iiillucnccs and will hove em
barked upon a new era
Menu Inr Christ 1111m liny
To IiimI uric In i I 11 I nine
lroin lln iiir tin Mine to me Is ceremony
Mei linn ii lin uitliout It
Mil r
Jjf J Cream tl Cilery
Sl rum
jrl Frli il SoIih Kuice Tart are
Miiklirbomft un Ton
Wild Turkey Wild Plain Sauce
Quails in Iurie ul Chestnuts
sl a 11
Lettuce Sal ml wllh Small llulld of Cream Cheese
Mince Iirt Ilma IuiMIiik In Dunilnf Brandy
unsl HT
Pktachc he Cream White CaVe Ilrandietl Fruit
rruit and Coffee
I if
A Culltla Query
sr r A
I ii i
ll 1
on h jTi 4
Whin trtle cHlfdreiWriTtf
V lUAVrdr1Wndvyilalti
Ujh tlw41 Pi UlirijiJOM n 11
Anil eapta trliig Ikrin preterit
l TomketlUnitUlhdjIhop1
r Ikite liwanto ttieir itotVings 1
P Adqwitf WpAtBlic lsl iv j