16 A SON SVVi Is there anything sadder tlinti to see the child you loc fail atid fade before your eyes Money is lavished xm doc tors nil that love can suggest and science can perforin is cnllud into reiuisition Hut the cough tears and tears at the tissues the cheeks grow hollow and yet more hollow nnd the little frame weakens until the limbs can no more support the body What ioy must come to the you lor saving our son of menstruation Thoy HlRlVlfo Saved lllm My wifoHlgoodndvico savodmylifo writes F M Ross of WiuQold Tumi for I had snoh a bad cough I could hardly brentho 1 stoadily grow worso nndor doctors troatmout but my wif o urged mo to uso Dr Kiugs Now Dls covory for Consumption which com plotoly ourod mo Coughs colds bronohitis la grippo pneumonia asth ma hay fover nnd all malndios of chest throat and lungs aro positively cured by this marvollouB medicine BOo nnd 100 Every bottlo guorantood Trial bottles freoat Kiosau Drug companys drug Btore A II our t us Sturily iih nn Ouk Bat what about tho blood which the heart must pump at tho rato of 70 times a minuto If tho heart is to bo sturdy and tho uorves strong this blood must bo rich and pure Hoods Sarsaparilla makos Bturdy hoarts boeauso it makes good blood It gives to men and women strength confluence courngo and on- duruico Hoods pills aro nou -irritating and tho only cathartic to take with Hoods Sar saparilla Try Qrnln 0 1 Try Clraln O t Ask your grocor to show yon a pack ago of Grnin O tho now food driuk that takes tho placo of conoo Tho childrou may drink it without injury as well as tho adult All who try it like it Grniu 0 has that rich seal brown of Mocha or Java but it is mado from puro grains and tho xuost dolicuto stomach receives it without distress H tho price of cotloo 15 cents and 25 cents por package Try it Ask for Grnin O CASTOR I A For Infants and Children The Kind You Have Always Bought Blgnaturo of Ouiyffl4ac I cannot name tho raro joys tho iufl nite delights that intoxicate mo since taking Rooky Mountain Tea IK cents Ask your druggist How Are Your Kidney f Dr IIobbsBparaRus Pills cure allkldney Ills Baro plo tree Add tJlerlmg Heniodr Co Chicago or N llucUlruti Aruiru MitUo Has world wide fame for marvellous cures It surpasses auy other salve lo tion oiutmout or balm for cuts corns burns boils sores felons ulcors totter salt rhoum fover soros chapped hands ekin eruptions Infallible for piles Cure guaranteed Only 250 at Kiesau Drug companys drug store Mnilu Young AkhIu One of Dr Kiugs Now Life Pills each uight for two weeks has put mo in iny teensngaiu writes D 11 Turner of Domseytown Pa Theyre tho bcBt iu tho world for liver stomach and bowels Purely vegotublo Never gripe Only 25o at Kiesau Drug com panys drug store Meu can bo cured privately and posi tively at homo of all weaklier and jHs ease Write for uew froo book Dr J N Hathaway 22 Commercial Block Sioux City Iu wrtn nf four Hnwel With rrnrrtii for i minim mkWmkm m patents who find at length a remedy which help and heals Dr Pierces Golden Medical Discovery has cured in hundreds of cases where doctors had altogether failed or given up the patients When the lungs have been weak and bleeding the cough obstinate the body emaciated Golden Medical Discovery has effected a perfect nnd permanent cure There is no alcohol in the Discovery neither opium cocaine or any other nnrcotic uiakcl you ktrunK mutaiiuntrf ana packet- UOUI M aBW s Do not be imposed upon by a substitute medicine in place of Golden Medical Discovery There is nothing just as good for weak lungs as the Discovery and all just as good medicines are made to fill the dealers purse and not to heal the diseased lungs Aftur usititf about five bottles of Dr Pierces Golden Medical Discovery my boy bccnis to be nil riht vrite3 Mr J V Price of OJirk Monroe Co Ohio lie was very bad when 1 commenced to give him the Golden Medi cal Discovery Tlio iloclor claimed lie Had consumption and we doctored with him until he was past walking It has been ten months since he stopped taking your medicine and he is situ in good health We are very thankful to Children appreciate Dr Pierces Pleasant Pellets They are easy to take and do not gripe They regulate the bowels and cure constipation IWIOTTS PENNYROYAL PILLS womanhood aiding development known remedy for women equals them They overcomo Wealc ness irrcgulurity and omissions increase ni nnrl linniuli nnlnn aro JLIFI3 SAVERS to irirls at of organs and body No ForSaloatKEONIGSTEINSJPHARMAOY Old leoplo Mado Young J O Shormau tho yotoran editor of tho Yermontvillo Mich Echo has dis covorod tho romarkablo socrot of ing old pooplo young For yonrs ho has avoided nervousness slooplessuess indi gestion heart troublo constipation and rheumatism by using Elootrio Bitters and ho writes It oant bo praised too highly It gently stimulates tho kid neys tones tho stomach aids digestion nnd gives a splendid appetite It has worked wondors for my wife and mo Its a niarvellouB remedy for old peoples complaints Only 0o at Kiesau Drug companys drug store Dont Tobirco Sit aud Smcko uur Mfc Anay To quit tobacco easily and forever bo mac nctlc full of Hfo nervo nnd vigor talto No-To-line tho wonder worker that makes weak men strong All druggists 0o or II Ouro guaran teed Uooklct aud samplo frco Address Pcrllnc Kemedy Co Chicago or Now Yoik TlutiiHumlH iiro TryliiK It In order to provo tho groat niorit of Elys Cream UiUiu tho most otrcctivo euro for Catarrh and Cold in llond wo liavo pre wared a geuoroiw trial siu for 10 cents Get it of your druggiht or send 10 eonts to ELY IJUOS no Wurron St K Y City I sntTorod from catarrh of tho worst kind ovor sinco u boy mid 1 novor hoped foi juro but Elys Oronm nlm hoeniB to do even that Mirny iicipiiiiulimcfH havo UKe 1 it with exoplloiit rosultH Obcur Ostruui tri Warren Avo Chicago 111 Hlys Crenm Bnhn la tho acknowledged euro for catarrh uml contains no cucuitio moroiiry nor any injurious drug Prico CO conts At drugcists or by niaiL To Cure Constipation Forever Talio Cuscarets Candy Cathartic 10c or 250 It C C C fall to euro druggists refund money Nora You cant expect to do awny with faco blemisos in a weeks timo Koop on taking Rocky Mountain Tea Youll have a lovoly complexion Ask your druggist oAsroiaiA eari the m hnu uu na mds DUUlinl Hgnature of CSjAflZSSu nenuty la lllood Deep Clean blood means a clean skin No beauty without it Cascarets Candy Cathar tic clean your blood and keep it clean by stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im purities from the body Begin today to banUh pimples boila blotches blackheads and that sickly bilious complexion by taking Cascarets beauty for ten cents All drug gists satisfaction guaranteed 10c 25c 50c BAD BLOOD OAHOAKETS do all claimed far them and aro a truly wonderful medicine I nave often nliliod fur a medicine ploasantto take and at last havo found It lu Caicarets Since taking tbem m blood liai been uurltled and my complexion Uai 1m prored nonderf ullr and I feel much botter In erery war AllUfc OAU1S Wi DftMlWiUHIVli ivuui CANDY CATHARTIC THAOI UAJtN Plpant PalatablB Potent Tatte Good Do Good Never Sicken Weaken or Gripe 10c 2jc duo CURE CONSTIPATION Stirliac Itcmtdf rnptI rklcal Motrttl Ht Trk 81 111 Tfl DIO Bold and guaranteed by all drug RU I UDAu kIU to CUUK Tobacco UabiU It rrsti with you whethfr you rmtlnur thr reuiuTv iuu uvHirts loruiucio witu ouinrrvuuuuireiejei line punutu iuo uioou lori a luk iiiKu THE NORFOLK NEWS THURSDAY DECEMBER 21 1899 Cannot do harm Hfo becomes a pleasure ftlOO I13Ifc BOX BY MAIL Sold by dniffgists DU MOTTS CHEMICAL CO Cleveland Ohio j ilii WKrti ru r K i jjuu UU VMS IAAJ drTlflilET UAB Iffl 1 J 1WI bk i m rm a v rm a in boiel 400000 iaterurtl Uujr Ill llA4frou r own druififllt who vouch forua TAke It with patlrntlyPfrIMrntly Onr I 1 1M1 1 I MANILA MINING General Lawtons Death Causes Universal Sorrow BODY BROUGHT FROM SAN MATEO Tentlnrly ItnpnKltnd In Viiult In P I Pnro Tlilrlnon Ainnrlrnnit Inrlttil inn Thrrn Orllrnrft Womiilcil Alfilln nldo Join Mnrlqulnn Inreo Manila Deo 21 Major General Lawtons body was brought from San Mutco to Maiiilit yesterday his fitalF and a Iwdy ot cavalry acting aw eHcort It wiih found necosMiry to bridge tho rivor Tho funeral will tako placo from his lato resldonco hero a mansion formerly occupied by a Spanish gonoral Tho body hns boon placed temporarily in a vault in El Paco comotcry whore many of tho American soldiers havo boon in terred nnd a guard of honor will bo maintained When Mrs Lawton and her four children shall havo completed thoir ar rangements for returning to tho United States tho remains will be taken on a transport with an escort of olllcors for fliinl intormout as is thought probable here in Arlington cemetery Gonoral Lawtons death has caused universal sorrow in Manila No Ameri can olllcer had greater popularity among all ranks and in his dealings with tho natives ho commanded their respect and confidence to a romarkablo dogrco Tho mayors whom ho installed in tho neighboring townn aro arranging to attend tho funeral in a body Thirteen Americans including throo ofllcors were wounded in tho engage ment at San Mateo whore Gonoral Lawton was killed Captain Brockeu ridgos wound is not considered danger ous although tho bullet pouotratod his arm and sido It is estimated that tho insurgonts numbered COO nnd half of thorn woro armed with rifles Tho Americans numborod 11100 but tho command had boon much depleted by sicknoss Tho wagon train found tho roads im passablo aud was obligod to roturn Tho insurgents retreated to tho north east leaving six dead Thoy have othor forces near Taytay This regiou although closo to Manila has provod tho most difficult from which to dislodgo tho enomy It is now roportod that tho insurgonts intend to concoutrato at Santa Oruz Laguna province aud iu the district cast of La guna do Bay Tho American secrot sorvico reports that Aguiualdo has joined the Mari quina forco CONGRESS TAKES RECESS Both Ilouaea Adjourn Until January 3 lOOO Fcttlffrow Wnnta Facta Washington Doc 21 In tho final sossiou of tho eouate yesterday before tho holiday recess Pottigrew S D in a churactoristically incisive speech do maudod to know whether it was to bo tho policy of tho representatives of tho administration to suppress proper facts aud nows whou called for Ho bolioved an oifort was being mado to provent the testimony takou by tho war investiga tion committoo from being sont to tho souato nnd declared his purpose of not submitting to tho suppression of tho facts to whioh peoplo iu his stato woro entitled Taking Major General Brookos faro woll proclamation to the peoplo of Cuba as a toxt Halo Me briofly congratu lated tho general on tho work he had accomplished iu Cuba and said ho could now boo the dawn of the timo when tho Cuban pooplo would bo indopondont Morgan Ala offered an amendmont to Bucous resolutions guaranteeing to tho pooplo of Hawaii Porto Rico and tho Philippines a republican govern ment aud Hoar Mass introduced a resolution declaring how tho peoplo of the islands should bo governed Iroceilua in the House Washington Dec 21 No business was transacted at tho brief sossion of tho houso yesterday Tho timo was oc cupied in a filibuster against a motion to adjourn Tho Democrats and somo Republicans did tho filibustering in order to give Mr Grow tho venerable ox speaker of tho houso an opportunity to roply to somo statements mado Tues day by Gaines Tenn Mr Payne tho majority leader was defeated on two roll calls Mr Richardson chaffed him on his defeat iu n good naturod way After Mr Grow had mado his state ment tho house adjourned until 12 oclock Jan a 1000 Ilnll Kill In Seven Months Leavkswohth Kan Doc 21 Cor poral Frank Sample company O Twen tieth Kansas volunteers died horo yes terday from tho effects of a bullet wound in the head received iu a battle at San Toman Philippines May 4 The bullot entered noar tho templouud went tluough tho brain Whou removed from tho field ho was supposed to bo dead but revived and was sont homo on tho hospital ship Roliof Up to last Sat urday ho was ablo to walk about IluiliiiiUt Wins Foht Dodge la Dec 21 Tho ex isting I olection contest between J A Lindqiyist Republican and E H Cox Democrat for tho ofilco of county treas urer wifci settled yesterday Lindquist and Cox iad tied for tho ofllco and Lind quist wai later declared elected upou a narrow margin Tho cloction was con tested anu tho board which has boon at work on tho case finished yesterday giviug thu election to Lindquist by 81 votes Ailinliitl Von DltulrU hs Promoted Rnituv lec 21 Admiral von Died- richs hns btien appointed chief of tho naval mmrYal btaff Vico Admiral ltaiirimniiuiiihuH been annoiutod to com maud tho cruiser squadron in succes dun t i Pml Mi nrv f IVii i r tl v MENEulK WORRIES ENGLISH Clulmn Territory Which Is Gnnnlilarnri Vllil to llrlllsh Interests New Youic Dec 21 London papors just received display much anxiety over tho attitude of Monolik emperor of Abyhsinia toward England Atprcnont thoro is a dispute between this potontnto und Great Britain as to tho boundary between Egypt and Abyssinia and it is feared that Mcnollk may consider tho present an excellent timo to miiko a demonstration against tho British Tho Kchomo of Cecil Rhodes of a Capo-to-Cairo railroad or rather tho plan of a British empire extending without any break from tho Mediterranean to Capo Town would bo spoiled if Monolik filially succeeded in planting tho Abys Blniun flag over a point on tho White Nilo Monolik has sent troops to oc cupy tho countries which ho claims as his own In view of an approaching conflict with Great Britain tho nogus has acted liko President Krugcr of tho Transvaal nnd has mado oxtousivo warlike prepa rations Tho number of Abyssinian soldiers who could bo called upon to make- uso of theso weapons is somewhat difficult to estimate correctly Still Count Ail touelli diplomat and traveler estimated at nearly 200000 men tho forco that Menolek could put in lino somo years ago GRAIN PRICES SLIP OFF Wheut Icndu In tho Decline Provision Close Unrhuiirel Ciiioaoo Den SO A slack demand nnd HiniiU cl virnncfsJiittlLOHcabonnlltookthii Htnrcli out of wiNjt today May closing o under yns turdny Corn was jJaJio down nnd onti Ja lowur Provisions closed unclmngod Closing iirlccs WllKAT Mny ni0lo Tulv OflJo CoitN Due Ml ju May U2c Oath Dms Ja Mny HiSJc PoitK Tan tOWO May tl03 Riim Jan 5J3 May 5a7 LAUlJ Jnn TliX582H May 565 Cash quotations No 3 rod whoat 68G9o No JlHprliiK whoat C3i08ii No 2 corn 3X UlojNo a oats 2 0 Chicago Live Stock UltlOAOO Doc 20 Cattle Kocelpta 14500 good to cholco native Htoers Htendy common hIow good to choice JB10308o choice to medium 423520 mlxod Btockurs J300 U75 solected feeders J4 2ft 400 Rood to cholco COW8 ia4aS440 heifers J 3 008490 canners 2O0200 bulla 1260 480 calves 400700 fed Texas beovos 1426fi25 Hogg Boceipts 83000 strong to shade higher closed firm fair clearances mixed and butchers J305415 good to cholco heavy 40S415 rough heavy J890400 light a05410 bulk of sales 406412i Bheep UecelpU 18000 strong and active nativo wothors W90O450 lambs 400600 western wethers 40O440 western lambs 405545 Kansas City Live Stock KAintAS Crrr Doc 20 Cattle Receipts 6400 cholco heavy cattle 1015c higher all others steady to triflo higher heavy nativo steers t5C0fl00 lightweights S440580 stockers and feeders 886500 butchers cows and helf ers J800O460 canners 260300 fed westerns 420505 western feedors 1800 480 Texans 13758000 Top price for Tex ana highest ever paid on this market Hogs Boceipts 14200 opened activo 2J5o higher few late sales 67J c hlghor heavy and mixed W95407H Hcht 8O04O5 pigs J355380 Bhoep Boceipts 1800 fairly active steady lambs 500540 muttons fl 80500 stockcra and feeders 200417J culLs J150300 South Omiiliu Live Stock Routr Omaha Dec 20 Cattle Receipts 2800 steady nativo beef steers 420000 western steers 400475 Texas steers J3 75 4U0 cows and heifers 800440 canners 225300 stockers nnd feeders J300470 cabes 4O0f7O0 bulls stags etc 280ft400 Hois Receipts 11000 shndu higher heavy J3BO3 05 mlxed8WJi305 light 805400 pigs 38a3 0j bulk of sales 8OJJ4305 Hheep Receipts 2000 steady native muttons 4 8Vi4Q0 western muttons J4O0485 stock sheep 37ycp4M0 lambs 425526 CATARR The Motlier of Consumption How this Dread Disease May be Prevented and Cured The Greatest of Specialists Writes on the Subject Cntnrrh Is tbo mother ot consumption Uy this I do not mean tluttoiory cuuof mm UlllITn I1IUI UMIIPUUlllMIIJ Ullb A do moan Hint cnlarrn nlicn un cliocknd uml Nlien glvtn tlie propiT opportunities fur extent-Inn from It s plucunt bilnnlntr nlilrh Is the niii al diPIMi mill ilpt por along tlio lirciitlilng lriict invnrliilil enilH In OniiHiiuii lion of tin Limes Citirrh i clilnm di Ktrojs anr coiislili ralilo tiurt ot Uieiniicoui Biirfuco of the upper ulr It InilaiiHP uml conuesm tliem cmicliig utimlly a tupiT nlituulant nnd oiletiflTU clinrgo but wbon It rpaclies Urn lnteiiM ly ilellcato llnlug of tlio hilr Ilk lung tubes and Utile lung cetle tlio tiitlaiiiitloii mid inngeMloii ulilcli It cuiim h rlnrestlioso small air pusHageM anil allotting the iutrldillKcliirgoil luatUr U uccuniulite ciiuh hu n t ting iiuiiy of Urn uieniliriiHS In vthut we cull lonsumptlon of tlio Lungs TUB TENDfiNCV OF CATARRH v Tlio tonilnncy of catarrh wlion ittiusoncenbtalned nfontliolillnnny portion of tlm lmicouKjueuibrano which llmn every cavity of the bod la to conttuntly extend In orery direction Uatarrli In uhunst every Inttance Ptnrts with what In commonly known us cnlil In tlio tieaj Ililscnld Is aiMeil Ui by anotljnr because of pome extru exposure or weakening of the system nnd Lecomes clironic Nasal catnrrlils the result Unless u raillculcuroof UilsconilltlonlselfectiMl tbo UIm oso passes rapidly to the throat to the brim chlal tubes und then to the NEW LUNdS Consumption ennnot bo cured New lungs cannot lioiiiiilofora iniii uny more tlinn new lingers or a nwnosntiut cstarrli run bn cured lu cults stages except Uus Unal unit always fatal one A CERTAIN CURE In nn experience of twenty jears during which tlmol lmvo treated many tlimifrinilj of cases of all forms ot catarrh I bare novervet failed to effect u nnllcul and ponnunont cure Tlio method I vninlor liono exclusively my own uml tbo rctnedlesnblchl uso urn prnpareii under my pertounl direction In my onrn laboratories Many peoplo Imagine tliey biivo Consumption when In reality tho disease lias not milto rt acheil that Btano I nn treating and curing cases of Uils sort everyday So louir us the process of decay lias not begunlnUio lungs tliemselves Icuu make the putieut perfectly well und strong again IJEOIN AT ONCE Let me once moro urge all cutarrlml sufferers to begin treatment at once for a month of treatment now is lietter than the three months later on I shall makn for tbo next month a specially low fee for the treatment of catarrh not ciimnllcated by otberdlcoastw making no extra charge forullxned Iclnosetc that way bo reiiulred J NEWTON HATHAWAY M D Dr llutlmwuy Co Commercial llloclt Sioux City Iowa MENTION THIS IAIKIl WHKN WMIT1NQ mtmmmmgm fV4aBBBHll - - CASTORtt iiiiimihiii ii ii i in Tr AVttJclablcPrcparationrorAs stmtlatlng IhcFood nndRcguIa liiig tlic Stomndis antlDowcls of EromolcsDigcsdonChccrrul tvcssandRcstCtfntalns ncllhcr OpiumMorphino norlllneraL MOT NARCOTIC jntvarausrsmzzLauas JKmph SfJ jlxSmna jfrutcStrd Jlpprrmint dh Cirianattttla flimSrrti Sugar WUtnyfUf Hnr Accrfccf nemedy forConstipa lion Sour StomachDiarrhoca Worms Lonvuisionsrcvcrisii css andLoss OF SLEEP- ac Simile Siynnturc ot fEW YORK EXACT COP OF VEAHPEB UWw jISJ CRSEILER Sale and iw BoardingBarn Horses Bought and Sold on Commission Braasch Avenue and Tnlrd St 0 ul0 FREE ot 114 pages treating If clruiTklsts do not for thoy havo No Eq us Dr Kays ltenovi lli irJlTTTJ PHONE 44 L L REMBE Practical Plumber and Steam Fitter Agency forftiie Myers Force and Wind Mill Pumps Prices Right Satisfaction Guaranteed on all Wink First door West of Post Ofllce Mrs HHHull wnjiarvi Facial Treatment MaoicnriDg and Shampot i Will gladlr call t jronr homoa and do any of thl work Orders taken for fine hair awltohei Perfeot matoh craarantoed Bosidence on First street Jnnotlon Orders mar be left at thr nnotion Drns Btore Telephone 16 M C WALKER DEALER IK FLOUR - FEED Oil and Gasoline TELEPHONE NO 33 THE North Western LINE F E ffl V R I is the best to and from the SUGAR BEET FIELDS of North Nebraska VHSSSi Fortnfnnte anrl OliDdrcn mmmmam mMM7TX M1 tiMfTm ihjmmm The Kind You Hav Always BPDght Bears the S a Signature RW of AXy y you M ttlU c n The Kind Have Always Bought TOBBA THC CCNTAUR COMPANY CwrOSK CITY svmsammmmm California and Orego Excursions SpktoSv ffc Leave tho Missouri River and Nebraska Points EVERY WEEK Also Daily Ordinary Sleeping Cars for Tourists and Homeseek ers THE ONLY DIRECT ROUTE Daily Service Quick Time- fcT Low Rates Picturesque Route W aud the Greatest Degree of Jomtort V 1 aro tlio nttrnctivo features which comblno to render pro omlncntly popular Uicbo Excursions n urtiiunry bieepinn unrs to tlio rncinc uonsi Steam Heat Pintsch Light For Timo Tiiblee Foldors IlIiiBtnitod Rooks PnmphlotB desccriptivo of tho territory tra versed call on F W JUNEMAN Agent r Thfi Kind You Hnvft Alwavs Rouirht t jjwu mo y - 0- j oignaw f jr of Z1 OASTORIA Bear tha YoU AlwafS W - or Ml WVTjA tRtwvaiirr LTJoi L hi A ETivj 4ll m CaXcm - NtS sever REVIVO BEST0RES VITALITY wvyn fix1 nf w JEMS it W the 4mwhmt CoU Aa nYS CUEAM nATTM 1h n poaltlvocuro Apply Into the nnstrlla It is quickly absorbed 30 cents at DrncirietH or by mitll pninpes 10c by mall ELY llItOTHKUS 60 Wnrrcn St New York City rhatagrapVea irun u Made a Well Mar A of Me KEnnm prodaceatbeabovoreinltsln30daTf Itactl powerfully and quickly Curea when all others talk Young men will regain their lost manhood and oil njenwlll recover their youthful vigor by utlnj KEVIVO It quickly and eurely restores Nervous ness Lost Vitality Impotency Nightly Emissions Ust Power Falling Memory Wastitur Olseaseaand i66 ot so ibnao or excess and Indiscretion which unfits ono for study business or marriage II pot only cures by starting at tho seat of disease but la a great nerve tonlo and blood builder bring lyg back the pink glow to pale cheeks and re storing the flro of youth It wards off Insanity OranpUon Insist on having REVIVO no i other It can bo carried In vest pocket By mall 10O per package or elx for 9SOO with at posi tive written guarantee to rnre or refund the money Olrcularfree Address Royal Medicine Coffira Forjsals In Norfolk by Qoo B Christn mgrniTm Rev D C HoDSon Pastor M E Church Wauneta Nob writos Aft years of constipation ami stomach disorder Dr Kays Renovator lias removed tho constipation and mado my stomach almost new I could not hear a watch tick with it closo to my right ear and hut a very short dlstauco from ray left ono I can now hear ono quito a distanco from my rifjht ear and a lontr distance from my left one and tho thick heavy feeling between ay eyes to my iuvV Dr Kays Renovator is cone Dr Kays Catarrh Curodid It It ih tlm la t ti ADVICE and send froo Dr Knva m rnrtnn t f V1 uirdilraents common to the ThumVc Tfamlly Writousa 1 Uavo our remedies dont tnkn nnv Kiiaiitifn ururour case ni - -v itici Dj UIU l i nu nvu ual - Just pood vii jig uu iioiiaiu oy return mall bv oneloslnir nrlrn i WWi Vj 5 iPh Pj k y r r i m 4 vj I 5