The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, December 21, 1899, Page 11, Image 11

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Hit a--a--a-a-
t t sir S km si il 5i J StJvSilfSt SSkSStiSIMaWSt i
I TSlrSlvyuTvl5 ftrvifif
Oirf0Jtt 1S09 hy Ofborn Stxnccr
a fork and tuff it into the carcass cut the ducks
neck reserving a piece of skin p sew up tho
aperture pack in the popes nose and sew up
likewise then roll the duck In a cloth and tie It
round and round with a string then plunge It
Into boiling salt water and cook 35 minutes re
move the cloth and serve on a hot dish with a
garnish of lemon Ancient Ilecipe
I celebrate the birth of the Divine
And the return of the Saturnlan reign
My songs are carols sung at eiery shrine
Iroclalmlng 1eace on earth good will to
Consomme Irlntannicr
Celery Caviare Itadlshet -
Fried Smelts aux Fine Herbs
Supreme of Partridges
wV French Peas with Fresh Uutter
Hum Iunch
Roast Canvashaek Ducks Currant Jelly
Lettuce Salad with Egg
Cream Cheese
Plum Pudding In Burning Brandy
Fruits Bonbons Coffee
dessert for Christmas Is the Iced fruit pudding
Seed quarter of a pound of Malaga raisins and lay
them in a stone Jar with a cup of good sherry
add lour ounces of candied cherries cut In half
two ounces of candled apricots cut in coarse bits
snd one ounce of candied citron chopped fine
Let this candied fruit stand in the sherry for 12
hours At the end of this time make one quart
of ice cream using one pint of rich milk mixed
tilth the yolks of four eggs and one large cup of
sugar Heat this custard over the fire for five
minutes stirring it constantly then add one lint
of crt a in and freeze
l -
lit i
v hs j
- - - j - - - - -- - - av - at a aa a tl
- - tJt
4 t ruTw 5W sis i rfW5 At35tNff at wt auaH aw aw w aw rw aw
II HY wore ell
iiiK ono uuotlior
u hull t first
iMirlHl in a h c h
ii ml tlio portly
prosperous bank
I or looked u p
wit n a proocou
plotl air when
some one asked
g yf Ii I m for his
- at- V Tlio first
4 - V Christmas that I
9 reiiieinher clear
ly ho snlil slowly as If gathering his
memories together after lighting a
big fat cigar was passed at the Ifomo
of old Deacon Mallory 1 was 0 or 7
years old and by the same token It
must have been 10 years or more ago
You must know that I was a coun
try ministers son My fathers charge
included u wooden meeting house
built on the Greek temple pattern and
half a dozen little red schoolhouses
perched on the steep hillsides and nes
tling In the deep valleys of one of the
most northeasterly counties of Penn
sylvania All through that region the
pater was known as the elder and the
deacons of the church organizations to
which he ministered took turns enter
taining the elder and his family on
Christmas As a rule our Christmas
visits included Christinas eve and two
or throe days thereafter and so it was
this time
Deacon Mallory lived ten good miles
away from the story and a half brown
house that stood in the edge of a tre
mendous big piece of pine and hem
lock timber where we lived and there
being two feet of snow on the ground
we had to cover the ten miles In a cut
ter hauled by Crookfoot as my father
called the ungainly looking young
horse he drove in making bis widely
scattered pastoral calls The day be
fore Christmas was clear and sun
shiny but bitter cold that year and I
shall never forgot the ride to the dea
At first our road was on the leo side
of a great tree crowned ridge Shelter
ed as we then were from the biting
wind we scarcely realized how low the
temperature was and the path being
well packed Crookfoot took us over
the snow at a lively clip the bells Jin
gling merrily with every step Here
and there the road passed through deep
cuts lu the drifts between pure white
frigid walls of snow sometimes eight
and ten feet high These walls had
been Inscribed with many curious in
scriptions and rude pictures which in
terested mo very much as we drove
along though I had never heard a
word of the newly named science of
I was Intently studying some of
the pictures and inscriptions when my
father told mo to look ahead and then
get ready for what 1 saw coming As
ho spoke he pointed to the brow of the
hill up which we were driving There
I saw the snow drifting in a line
white sandlike state
The wind Is blowing up there
sonny and It wont be as pleasant
when wo get to the top as It is by any
means Wrap your comforter closo
about your ears my boy or theyll bo
frozen sure
By the time I was ready for tho
drifting snow we were In tho midst of
it and for tho next three quarters of
an hour wo all including Crookfoot
had plenty to do to keep tho breath of
life agoing Tho snow was drifting
wildly and of tho track so well beat
en In the sheltered part of the road
not a vestige was to bo seen By tho
time wo had got over tho broad back
of tho hill and down Into the valley in
which the deacons house was situated
tho human beings In the party were
more than half frozen while Crook
foot was nearly exhausted Once In tho
shelter again however wo quickly
jprr D I
t mxA I T
thawed out and by tlio time we reach
ed the deacons wo were all lu fairly
comfortable shape again
Our stay at the deacons made quite
as great an Impression on my memory
as tho Journey there Tho deacon
owned a sawmill nud did a gcueral
lumbering business not one of the
great steam mills with circle saws of
later years but a primitive mill with
upright saws operated with an old
fnshloned undershot water wheel I
spent tho afternoon lu the mill watch
ing tho logs as they were fed to tho
rasping saw which slowly though
stvadlly ate Us way from end to end
producing a bright fresh new plank
with every Journey of the carriage
That night 1 slet with two or tho
deacons boys and in a trundle bet for
the llrst and last time of my life Wu
boys talked about what we should
Hud In our stockings till late In the
Kxamlnatlon of the stockings In the
morning riding down hill and out on
tho Ice of the deacons frozen mill
pond snowballing and other Incidents
made Christmas morning pass fast
enough I assure you And after that
came the Christmas dinner
All the deacons mill hands and
some of his neighbors partook of that
dinner There were two big tables and
one little one We boys and some little
glrln sat at the little one and there
were more folks at all three than I
had ever before seen together any
where except at meeting
The main dish of that dinner was
chicken There were enough wish
bones for all the children to wish two
or three times over and the fun every
body had was Immeasurably satisfy
ing even if the manners of every one
present were homely and tho talk more
hearty and wholesome than graceful
and clover
When It came my turn to wish
Darwin Mallory the deacons 21 -year-old
son told me what to wish That
Sarah may say yes he whispered In
my ear Sarah Wilson was the pret
tiest young woman in the room and 1
liked her a lot Later I told her what
Darwin had whispered in my car and
I couldnt understand why she Hushed
so vividly Hut she seemed pleased
because I gave her tho long end of my
wishbone for 1 had got my wish and
one day in the following Tune I was
present when my father pronounced
Darwin and Sarah man and wife
Then I was told what my wisii had
Bless me said the banker Ive
let my cigar go out
OsnorN Spivcek
mk 3 Le t i
tiling on
Tho average mortal
ou looking over a col
lection of Xmas me
nus has a fellow feel
ing with the hungry
traveler who went in
to a restaurant and
told tho waiter to
bring him
the bill of faro But the
reader must remember that the follow
ing feasts have been planned for tho
day which comes but ouco a year and
that there is a limit to human capacity
for assimilation Surely tho best
things in all of the lists If there be
any degrees In goodness should satis
fy the most exacting gormnud
What neat repast shall feast us light and choice
Of Atlic taste with ivinc whence wc may rise
To hear tho lule well touched or artful voice
Warble immortul notes and Tuscan air
John Hilton
Cream of Spinach
nous dokuvkes
Sardines Tunny Herrings Gherkins Tickled
Mutton Cutlets Dreaded with Cheese
Iotato Croquettes
Roast Coose Apple Sauce
Laitues a la Creme Sweet Potatoes Fried
Lemon Iunch
Wild Duck a la Portugalse
Creen Ieas a la Francaise Salad
nrandled Fruit Ice Cream
Jloiuefort Cheese Coffee Uiscuits
DUCK A LA IOnTUGAISE Tako a wild duck
chop the heart liver and gizzard very fine with
three bhallots pepper and salt liberally add a
lump of fresh butter knead the whole well with
Ilnm IMiiIiIIiik tJlntM Irult Snlml
Mllll IMllllkflH
For plum pudding glace scald one
pint of milk with a small piece of cin
namon In a double boiler Beat he
yolks of six eggs and one cup of sugar
until smooth and light Stir the milk
slowly Into the eggs and sugar and re
turn to the double boiler stir constant
ly until the mixture coats tho spoon
Have ready four ounces of chocolate
melted over hot water add a little
of the custard and stir until smooth
then beat It Into the rest of the custard
add one pint of cream and when well
mixed pass through a tine strainer Into
the can of the freezer add a table
spoonful of vanilla cool and freeze
Cut catulled fruit apricots cherries
citron etc In thin slices to these adil
sultana raisins cleaned currants and
tigs llnely sliced There should be
three fourths of a pound one cup and
a half In all Moll the fruit In half a
cup each of sugar and water until It Is
tender and plump drain and add to
the frozen mixture Mix thoroughly
and pack In a bombe mold Let stand
packed in Ice and salt an hour or more
Serve surrounded with a ring of whip
ped cream sweetened and llavorod or
with a frozen punch
Tho amount of chocolate may be di
minished one or two ounces as desired
One tablespoonlul of Hour may be sub
stituted for the yolks of two of the
Christmas Fruit Salad Peel two or
anges With a sharp knife cut between
the pulp and skill and remove the sec
tions whole Slice the meats of half a
pound of Kngllsh walnuts Of half a
pound of tigs reserve a few for a gar
nish and cut the rest in thin slices
Slice four bananas Toss half of the
Ingredients together with two or three
tablespoonfuls of oil and If tho or
anges are sweet toss again with one
tablespoonful of lemon Julee Arrange
In a mound on a salad dish Put tho
rest of the fruit each kind separately
ou tho mound in sections garnish the
1 v I
wSmH vV MfS
ILUM runnixa oiack
edge and top witli heart leaves of let
tuce and add stars of mayonnaise
dressing and candied cherries here and
Plunkets Cream one cup of butter
add one cup of sugar gradually Beat
tho whites of six eggs to a stiff broth
the yolks until light and add to the
whites and beat again Sift together
twice half a cup of Hour three fourths
of a cup of cornstarch and two tea
spoonfuls of baking powder Add the
beaten eggs to the butter and sugar
gradually then add the dry ingredi
ents and at the last a teaspoouful of
vanilla extract Bake in a moderate
oven in Individual tins buttered De
licious to servo with ice cream Tho
cut and recipes are reproduced from
tho Boston Cooking School Magazine
XervoiiH IroHlrntluii Defined
Wont you tell mo what Is really
nervous prostration queried a man
of a woman I hear of this one of my
acquaintances chiefly feminine and
of that being victims of this fashiona
ble disease but I have not the slight
est idea what tho symptoms are
I do not know how to describe it ex
actly she answered It Is when you
order a poached egg for breakfast for
instance and they bring you a fried
one and you burst into tears or when
you go iuto hysterics because the cook
sends you word sho wants a new
saucepan or when you consider your
husband an unfeeling brute because
he tells you to cheer up and asks you
to go to tho theater These or some
thing like them are the premonitory
symptoms Tho next stngo Is mild
lunacy Exchange
Tlie Cheerful Opni Fire
The open lire does make heart and
hand lighter and solemnity is not ab
solutely essential to good management
as our Puritan ancestors thought Tho
lire Is company and cheer and hospi
tality If you are alone you are not
so apt to be lonely as If your only
friend present were a steam radiator
If the room Is full and you feel pen
sive you can Indulge In the feeling
without rudeness whereas there Is
something about a room without a
fireplace or one in which tho chimney
is blocked up thnt makes a great deal
of polite chatter necessary House
FiikMoii inn PmicleM
The crepe tie chine scarf with fring
ed ends coming through the left side
of th6 corsage represents a new fancy
Blue plumngo hats or rather toques
are the dernier crl of French elegance
in the matter of headgear They aro
composed altogether of soft pale blue
feathers with tho brims curling up
ward and no trimming save an owlish
head lu tho front White cloth toques
nrq worn by Parisian ladies
Stitchlngs aro now being applied to
what would seem to be the most un
likely materials For example velvet
for millinery nnd for dresses where It
acts as handmaiden to other fabrics
Is pretty well covered with close stitch
ed or Inch wide lines of white stitch
Gray castor and beaver are favorite
costume colors this season
Long transparent laco of chiffon
sleeves Hud favor In dressy wntsts for
tho theater etc
The loollo Trmlltlnti of ClirUtinnn
tJrfcim A tliiirinliiK tt it it iny
NelnMiu litir Uiiurwnr Trlmtiilnir
tliilitMlln tViii rilir
Tln ilanivl ilotinril lirr kltllc ulironj
Tlio linll una ilrrmM ullli holly Krrrni
Tortli to tln utiuil dli nirtry iiipii k
To atli r In tlio mWlrloo
It was a poetic old notion that kindly
sylvan spirits repair to the houses that
are docket with evergreens lu Decein
Iter there to remain uunlppcd by frost
r t rr
liJ tr f
I f
and cold winds until a milder season
renews the foliage of their favorite
haunts The pretty tradition has van
IMied but we still feel the need of an
outward and visible sign of good will
and Jollity at Chrlstmastlde So up go
the holly and lie mistletoe or whatever
green things are most available though
wo seek them perhaps ottener in the
market place than the wood
Many people deem a spray or two
stuck Indiscriminately behind the pic
tures sullicleiit to servo their purpose
in view of tho fact that these do not
last long But oriener young and old
alike enter into tlio Christmas garland
ing with a right good will mingled
with a serious Intent which results In
a festival of fun and triumphs of deco
rative achievement besides
Nowadays holiday decorations call
for most tasteful consideration and
tho od fashioned promiscuous scatter
ing of greenery and frosted finery Is
quite out of date
Tho hall as a general thing offers a
special opportunity and a free hand
to the decorator Tho llrst sketch
shows a doorway therein with a simple
scheme which Is very attractive and
within the skill of oven the beginner in
this decorative art The framework
must first be constructed and for their
purpose cane round rods or light
sticks of any kind may bo used These
aro fastened together with wire the
frame Is then covered with Holland and
painted all over except the star and
the motto which should show light
through Holly laurel cedar arbor
vibe ground pine bay leaves etc any
of them furnishes appropriate greens
for the trimming
To get a good transparency a light
would have to be specially placed be
hind the holland or other material Tho
best material to admit of the light
showing through is the tracing linen
used by architects for making largo
tracings But ordinary window blind
material which Is cheaper answers
very well
To those who can do loitering with
facility tho somewhat hackneyed Mer
ry Xmas may be dropped to make
room for a more pretentious couplet
SUCh as
Come let us play ami make good cheer
For Christinas comes but once a year
In the device of the second cut
which is designed for clothing a hang-
ing light preferably electric recourse
is hod to tho convenient framework
of a Japanese umbrella Its reddish
tints would look well against tlio ever
greens and tho festooning round the
rim might bo made very effective
From its handle hangs a cluster of
mistletoe reminiscent of the kissing
bunch of tho olden days
Coffee Jell-
Coffee makes an excellent Jelly Soak
one package of gelatin lu one pint of
colt water then pour over It one quart
of boiling water add ono pine of gran
ulated sugar and the same amount of
very strong coffee Strain this Into n
ring mold nud put lu a cold place
When serving fill the center with whip
pet cream sweetened also put the
cream around the outside
Irruoh rmullen lliMv lo Miiliei tlin
roiiiliuil Nh n in Outer Uln
There are three steps In the proeosn
of making French candles viz pre
paring the fondant shaping the ecu
ters ami dipping Ihetn These slops
tho llostoti Cooking School Magazine
explains as follows In connection with
recipes for different varieties of lion
botis that can be iiiade from foiulaut
and which need be limited only by the
Imagination of the maker or tho mate
rials at hand
The Fondant Put two cups or ono
pound of granulated sugar half a cup
of water anil tine fourth of a teaspoon
ful of cream of tartar In a saucepan
over the lire and boll without stirring
Dip the hand or a sponge in cold water
and wash down the crystals that ad
here to the sides of the saucepan with
out touching the sirup below Do not
Jar or move the saucepan about on tho
sieve lest the sirup become granular
Test the sirup often by dipping a Utile
woollen spoon In cold water then lu
the sirup and then again lu cold water
When the sirup thai adheres to ho
Hpiiou can be worked Into u soft ball
II Is conked enough Turn the niiiss on
to an oiled marble or platter and let It
stand until a dent Is left ou the sur
face when the mass Is pressed with tho
linger If a crust forms upon the out
side It indicates that the bulling Iiiih
been too much prolonged and the crust
must be entirely removed or the whole
mass may lie relumed to tho saucepan
with two tablespoonfuls of water and
boiled again Now work It with a
wooden spoon or paddle till tho mass
becomes a soft smooth creamy paste
Mold as yon would bread for a few mo
ments then pack the fondant solidly lu
a glass or earl hen Jar cover closely
Willi oiled paper and let stand at least
I hours before using
Shaping the Centers Put about half
a pound of fondant on to a slab work
Into it half a teaspoouful of vanilla ex
tract then form Into balls egg shapes
or cones and set aside ou pariilllu pa
per for several hours to burden The
fondant may also be wrapped about a
hazelnut or almond blanched or about
a candled cherry or other fruit cut In
small pieces
Dipping the Centers Molt the other
half of the fondant over hot water
double boiler adding a few drops of
hot water and flavoring lo suit the
taste Tho fondant may also lie color
ed very delicately with color paste
The quant Hy of paste taken up ou tlio
point of a wooden skewer will be sulli
cleiit Stir the fondant while melting
and before dipping each piece of can
dy also Keep It hot over hot water
and reheat tho water as It cools Thin
the fondant with a few drops of hot
water whenever It Is necessary Drop
a center Into the fondant take out
with a candy dipper removing all su
perfluous fondant by scraping the dip
per on the edge of tho saucepan Drop
the cream on to parallln paper
Culoreil Stone KiiKfiKriitent ItiliKN
The Tad for color has affected even
tho engagement ring and while the
diamond solitaire remains always
fashionable the betrothal of two fond
hearts Just now calls into requisition
as Its symbol the brighter hues of ru
bles emeralds sapphires and tur
quoises Tlio pearl too enormously
popular for every purpose presents
Itself In this guise Tho cut shows
prevailing styles No 1 the ruby and
diamond double heart surmounted
with a true lovers knot appeals to the
very sentimental The girl who likes
style will unhesitatingly choose No 0
tho diamond and ruby marquise which
Is the latest and most chic of all
King No 2 representing a ruby and
sapphire double cluster with tho
shank Jeweled with brilliants is very
handsome No t ruby nnd diamond
is one of the most fashionable rings of
tho day No 5 shows the esteem lu
which the emerald Is held Deep in
the heart of every girl Is an affection
for the turquoise though it be less
costly and rare than some of tho other
stones nnd ring No 4 sntlsUes this
while No 7 responds to tho traditional
feeling thnt associates pearls with be
trothal ami tho wedding ring Tho
side stones of tho last two aro dia
Note From the Jewelers Clrculnr
Charming now enrdcascs and pocket
books depart from tho commonplace of
their kind for they are all In soft un
dressed skins usually of a delicate
gray tone In chamois reindeer lizard
Benutlful gray suede purses nnd
small bags aro oblong with flat alitor
or gilt frames omnmented with unlquo
designs such as a snake or a trailing
vlue The fastening Is tho ball clasp
The corners of the tint purses lu un
dressed leather show cxquislto tra
ceries of brilliants nnd olivines A real
buttouholo worked with silk nnd a
Jeweled button oftenest n pearl or dia
mond serve for n fastening
Fob chains continue much lu fashion
for men
A Word
to Doctors
Wo hnvo tho hlRhoat rcfjard for tho
medical profession Our preparations
ato not sold for the purptmoof antagon
izing thorn but rather ns an aid Wo
lay It down ns an established truth that
internal remedies mo positively injuri
ous to expectant mothers The distress
nud discomfort experienced during tho
months preceding childbirth can bo al
leviated only by external treatment - by
applying u liniment that softens ami re
laxes the over Htraiiictl muscle1 We
make and sell such a liniment com
bining the ingredients in u manner
hithotto unknown and call it
Mothers Friend
Wo know that in thotiuiitiitc of rviu
it hits proved inoio than n blessing lo
expectant motheis Itovoicomes morn
ing sickness It relieves tlio sense of
tightness Headaches cense and dan
ger fioni Swollen Haiti and Uising
llreasl is avoided Labor itself hi
nlmi tenet ami shorn of most of tho pain
Wo know that many doctors tecum
mend it and wo know that multitude
of women go to tho drug stolen and buy
it because they nio suio their physicians
hnvo no objections Wo ask n trial
just a fair test Tlicio is no possible
chance of injury being the rusull be
cause Mothers Prlcncl is scientific
ally compounded It is sold ati a bot
tle and should be used during most of
the period of gestation although great
telief is expetienced if used only a short
time before childbirth Send for our il
lustrated book about Molhcis Friend
vir Jsy B i i
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JBB MtoyB lit ollr
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M ffidSSES
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nttiiit mill tr It on
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H H 111 ft I irnrt
will M HlMK M In
rai iriiln fur iiiii
Iikhi milt THIS
finlll till rtlr flnr nnd
ifiti nil Mtxtl Markorlmi
n ciMiliic ItiirlliHi Itru
rr rlntli -7 Inclicft lolic very full nwcii Il Inch iijiit
in j it extra Till I I rr mit ninl Urgf fctorm rullur In null
fully I Mini I wllli UUtv lUIHf hrnl furt upper rupo
trliniiMil with tluto ruwH and rnllur wllh IwuniwHiif
fill mohair lirnM Ilulti liilttntl m mtltuMtft 1M Ii
fWtiiltiir iiintlt llirnuxlimil ittul i niliil tu nipt H that frllnt
iNinn t tin M ilniililu llm lr rv for frr I lnnk nliilfiiriiF
Hnr Ilurlmt to arn llioruuihlj rrllttile Kdllor
AllMllltll 3300 ATiin
Ul Mllll tO IIM
UIa jur lirlRliI nnil mcIkM ilalr number nf
Inrhf aniuiid Imd l lirtakl ULrn otr
rl iiitdfr ruati rluof tip utiilrr aria uml
wt will Mliil ou UIih hU by tu pi urn
CO l anlijrrl lu rumination Kx
uiiiliMiiitnl ti It niiat jJiirMniftl
iiiihh oMItT nnil If found viarllr
aa rrirrblt1 and Ihr mint nJrful
afu jiu rr aaw or hmni of and
rnnal lu any foal jihi enn buy for
tftOO n tin MtMHPtlvIlt 01 It
t ---- iiniii n
Ptylc rnry fHtliiK tnuilo from lira
walrrtrrif tan color tcrnuliir PaiMotrrt
loilil fuN 1 mirth tlouhl
hitfi r wlvot iMillnr fancy pluld lining
wnterprool rmwrt mania Kuttahle for
limit llaln or Oirrroal ami Kuaantrrl
UKKalrNT VlMK ftrr orTrcl hy ijk or
uny other Iiouhv r rrr ilutli Ham pi r
of Mctin Markfitoihurt lip to 9600
from fMn totlOoo wrlto for
HrK NiniIKIHmiki 1KIK AAdrmm
beara Koebuck A C are tboruugblr rrHabla JCtfltofV
cut ItiU a ijiiI nd nd In
u it ml o will tend you
CUtTER iy liciKlit U
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Vuuivhi 1imiiinr
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auu ii fouoti fquftiio mny
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nOIIK miKV nnil nno Of Oin lindiiml tlrmiKft and
mitkttillli rullrr ynti Ivi rxnw wiy tlio frilulit agim
less thi iilm Mlitwllh iiiilifrIM TSaml Frfllrlit
1hlllhmSTMIVIr H 11 MZKrnUIUMHmui
flKAK iiiittlu from Mlctfl Mlouii KruwOi lilcknry
Iruniii throughout with lt w Imn IIIc kIii Ii
nnd lurilriird li rl UOIIY muilu of IriHt ulr
nlismn it IMtlcr rtoclc willd iarli all joint rurcfully
llttiilKluwl Mrrwt ilaiHl Iluiwd IAINIKII In lht
pobHlblu iimuniT thoroughly riihliiMl out with iuiiiIci
tono liiulily iiollitiicilniutly itlrlil uml ornumeritnl
UIIIOISTimil In fullMirinir ri inovahlu
riikhlonH lii nvyiUrkimfiflxKly cloth NHAKTS well
ti inmliinil tliiUbvd Wclclit utxmt KMIm
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