The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, December 21, 1899, Page 10, Image 10

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in rn
More Than a Million Copies of
Hubbards Essay
lie lint Ulrrittnlfiil moro Hum 101001111
GnilPRltliiiKnH A liniinil for unOOOII
More Ttixtof Urn Hdiiiifkiililo Mi kkiik
With tlio luKinnln of tho now year
kiivh tho Now York Sim more thou olio
i i I c 1111 i
lllltl II qillinor million ropifH i nimni
Huhhimrs piunphlel A Mohmiko to
Chuvin will lmvo hoon InhiumI It is
oHtiinatotl t hut tho ossuy has boon re
lriuted in various forms 7n0000
times TIiIh tnUhiK into coiiniilnriilion
thoHhort tinio that Iiiih ehipseil nIiioo
thulittlohoolt was printed lli nt in un
doubtedly the inoit l omnrltahlo record
that has ever been niiido by any pub
lication Klbert Howard who wroto
tho le sano to Gaivlu wroto it
without any idea of the possibilities for
widooireuliitiouof the hernion it con
tained Ho is tho editor of tho 1hllin
tino IdiiKaino a snmll periodical of
protest published at l ast Aurora in
Krio county Ho conduots a printing
shop and a lino book bindery in the
name of the society of tho Philistines
of which ho is himself tho principal and
porvndiiiK nioiubur Ho wroto A Mos
Nigo to Garcia Tor last IMnrohH num
ber of tho Philistine His attention
had been attracted to tho act of
Lieutenant Brown in delivering a mes
sage from tho president to Goneral
Garcia early in tho Spanish war and
thereby keeping some 20000 Spanish
trooosoiit of Santiago until tho United
stidu nriiiv mill nivvv had taken the
city Ho mado tho inoideut the text
of u homily on prompt and intelligent
service of employes
Tho Philistine has a fair circulation
jus circulations go amouK magazines
Imt the entire March edition was ex
hausted in threo days Then Mr Hub
hard began to think ho had written
Koniothiug worth leading It is his
-proud boast that no number of tho Phil
istine ifi over reprinted after tho first
edition is exhausted and ho thought of
ropriuting tho Mossago in pamphlet
form Whilo ho was still thinking it
ovor there came a telegram from George
H Daniols tho gouoral paKsongor ttgont
of the Now York Oontral and Hudson
River railroad asking whothor tho
croftors as Mr Hubbard calls his com
munity of workmen could print him
one thousand copies of tho Mossago to
Garcia in quick timo Mr Daniels
had boon a reader of tho Philistine for
sovoral years and ho liked Hubbards
stylo of fun makiug and preaching As
ho was sitting in his ofllco at tho Grand
Control station ono day looking ovor
tho Philistiuo his eye caught tho Mes
sage to Garcia and it struck him that
tho sermon contained there applied with
particular forco to railroad employes
Ho whoeled around in his chair and
read it to his secretary
Charlie ho said when ho luid fin
ished thats good Wo know lots of
folks who need to read that Lots ask
Hubbard to print us ono thousand of
them to send around
Hubbard printed them and they wore
sent out to Mr Daniels friends on his
own and other railroad lines Before
tho train that carried tho first lot of
them had reached Syracuse Mr Dan
iels says requests for moro cojiies bo
gan to oomo in That night ho ordered
another thousand iuuI tho night after
that a friend a Mr Crano who has a
big business in Chicago came in and
said ho winted ovory workman in his
factory to havo a copy of tho pamphlet
and Mr Daniels ordered n thousand
moro for Mr Crano
It seomod advisablo that Mr Daniols
should ask Hubbard how long it would
toko to print 100000 copies of tho book
Hubbards reply which was consistent
with tho principle that all Hoycroft
work miiht bo beautiful and that beau
tiful work cannot bo dpuo in a hurry
tilled Mr Daniols with despair It did
not suit his railroad ideas at all He
called in his advortudng man and they
decided that tho best wnv to satisfy all
of Mr Daniels friends and all his
frionds friends wos to obtain from Hub
bard leave to print tho Message to
Oarcia This was done Tho Mos
sago to Garcia was mado ono of tho
Four Track Series a set of Uttlo
books part railroad iidrrrtiscmejits
part pictures and part historical geo
graphical and scientific information It
was put out as No 35 of tho series
Tho first 100000 was issued on April 211
Tho book was sent to everyono who
would send a postage stamp issuod by
uy country on the globo for it Tho
second 100000 was ordered on April 27
It appeared on May 10 Tho third
100000 appeared on May 2o tho fourth
on Jung 10 and tho fiftii on July 4
In the earlier editions Mr Daniels
had announced that he intended to keep
on orintiuff tho booklet in editions of
100000 until tho demand was met if it
took tho whole of tho twentieth century
to do it But it has become manifest to
him that 100000 editjons are toovslow
ond thero is now in preparation aii edi
tion of 600000 It wil have a cover in
colors and tho Message will bo appro
priately illustrated and will contain bi
ographical sketches of Mr Hubbard
Lieutenant Itowun and Goneral Garcia
Tho demand for tho book has not
come altogether from manufactures
railroad and othor business men but
they have taken to it vith a unanimity
which proves that it appeals to some
thing down at tho bottom of every suc
cessful business character Mr Daniols
has received thousands of lottors from
such men up and down the land thank
printed special editions of 10000 for at
least eight big business concerns Tho
demand on them for tho hook is still as
largo as it ovor was
Beside the 1000000 copies printed by
Mr Daniels Hubbard has printed Bf0
KM at the Hoycroft shop to fill orders
that have oomo thoro for tho book in
numbers from I to 1000 In a recent
letter to a friend ho says
One peculiar feature of this Garcia
thing is tho number of people who have
ordered us to nut tho message in a lino
binding say to cost T or 10 to give to
some particular Individual who espe
cially needed awakening or was sup
posed to need awakening I suppose
tho idea was that in Its cheap form thv
mossago would bo thrown aside
Mr Daniels sent the book to all the
representatives of this government
abroad As a result tho Message to
Garcia has already boon translated
repeatedly into Krcnch German Hun
garian Italian Itussiau mid liipmiese
Tho editor of tho Uevuo Mono which
llrst translated it into Vroneh was hor
rified beyond expression by tho combi
nation of the advertising of Mr Daniels
railroad with such lofty philosophy
but the editor of tho Hallway Times of
Tokio thought the combination most
appropriate and pleasing and lauds tho
American railroad man for having un
dertaken it Tho Japanese translator
wroto a little introduction for the essay
in which ho explained how wide and
deep was tho inlluencu the book was
having in America and apologized most
humbly to Mr Daniels for not translat
ing it better Much of Hubbards lan
guage ho acknowledged may hardly
be translated into Japanese
Mr Daniels has tried to keep track of
most of tho publications in which tho
essay has been reprinted So far as ho
knows it has been printed altogether
hero and abroad sovon and a half mil
lion times There are doubtless other
reproductions of which ho never has
Hero is tho Message to Garcia
A IMitKHHK to Oiirolit
Ill all this Cuban business thoro is ono
man stands out on tho horizon of my
memory like Mars at perihelion Whon
war broke out between Spain and the
United States it was very necessary to
communicate quickly with tho leader
of tho insurgents Garcia was somo
whero in tho mountain fastnossos of
Cuba no ono now whoro No mail nor
tolograph mossago could reach him
The president must secure his co-operation
and quickly
What to do
Somo ono said to tho prosidont
Thoros a follow by tho name of Rowan
will find Garcia for you if anybody
Rowan was sent for and givon a lottor
to bo delivered to Garcia How tho
follow by tho nnmo of Rowan took tho
lottor sealed it up in an oil skin pouch
strnppod it ovor his heart in four days
landed by night off tho coast of Cuba
from an an open boat disappeared into
tho Jungle mid in throe weoks camo
out on tho other side of the island hav
ing traversed a hostilo country on foot
and delivered his letter to Garcia are
im him for sending out tho book and look it up younelf
asking for more And his incapacity for iudopondout
A hundred other instances of ilia ways action this moral stupidity this infirm-
I 1 - Jwo i rfnll Ihi of the will tlllR IHlWtUlimueSS 10
I THE tf61tft tfjBWS f rfUIiSDAY DECEMBER 21 1899
things I havo no special dosiro now to
toll in dotail
Tho point I wish to mako is this
McKinloy gavo Rowan a lottor to bo de
livered to Garcia Rowan took tho lot
tor and did not ask whero is ho nt
By tho Etonuil thoro iB a man whoso
form should bo cast in deathless bronzo
and tho statuo placed in every college in
tho land It is not book learning young
men need nor instruction about vorte
brao which will cause them to bo loyal to
a trustto act promptly concentrato thoir
energies do tho thing carry a mes
sage to Garcia
Gonoral Garcia is dead now but thero
are other Garcias
No man who has endeavored to carry
out an entornriso whore many hands
wore needed but has been woll nigh ap
palled at tinios by tho imbecility of tho
nvorago man tho inability or unwilling
ness to concentrato on a thing and do it
Slipshod assistance foolish inattontion
dowdy indifference and half hearted
work seem the rule and no niau suc
ceeds unless by hook or crook or threat
he forces or bribe other men to assist
him or mayhap God in His goodness
performs a miracle and sends him an
Angel of Light for an assistant You
reader put this matter to a test You
are sitting now in your ofllco six clerks
aro within call Summon any ono and
make this request Please look in tho
encyclopedia and make a brief memo
randum for mo concerning tho life of
Will tho clerk quietly say Yes sir
and go to tho task
On vour life ho will not Ho will
look out of a fishy eye and ask ono or
moro of tho following questions
Who was ho
Which encyclopedia
Whore is tho encyclopedia
Was I hired for that
Dont you mean Bismarck
Whats tho matter with Charlie doing
Is he dead
Is thero auy hurry
Shant I bring you tho book and let
you look it up yourself
What do you want to know for
And I will lay you ten to ono that
after you havo answered tho questions
and explained how to find tho informa
tion and why you want it tho clerk
will go oil and got ono of tho other
clerks to help him try to find Garcia
and then come back and tell you thero
is no such man Of course I may lose
my bet but according to tho law of av
erage I will not
Now if you aro wiso you will not
bother to explain to your assistant
that Corregio is indexed under tho Os
not in tho Ks but yon will smilo
sweotly and wiy Never mind and go
put pure socialism so far into tho future
If men will not act for themsolves
what will they do when tho benefit of
their ollort is for all A first mate with
knotted club seems necessary and tho
dread of getting tho bounce Saturday
night holds many a worker to his place
Advertise for a stenographer and
nine out of ton who apply can neither
spell nor punctuate and do not think
it necessary to
Can such a ono write a letter to
You see that bookkeeper said tho
foreman to mo in a large factory
YeH what about him
Well hes a lino accountant but if
Id send him uptown on an errand ho
might accomplish tho errand all right
and on the other hand might stop at
four saloons on the way and when ho
got to Main street would forget what ho
had been sent for
an such u man bo entrusted to curry
a mossago to Garcia
Wo have recently been hearing much
maudlin sympathy expressed for tho
down trodden denizon of tho sweat
shop and the homeless wanderer
searching for honest employment and
with it all often go many hard words
for tho men in power
Nothing is said about tho employer
who grows old before his timo in a vain
attempt to got frowsy to
do Intelligent work and his long pa
tient striving with help that does
nothing but loaf when his back is
turned In every store and factory
there is a constant weeding out procoss
going on Tho employer is constantly
sending away help that have shown
their incapacity to further the interests
of tho business and others aro being
taken on No matter how good times
aro this sorting continues only if
times are hard and work is scarce the
sorting is done finer but out and
forever out tho incompetent and un
worthy go It is tho survival of tho
fittest Self interest prompts overy om
ployer to keep tho best those who can
carry a mossago to Garcia
I know a man of really brilliant parts
who has not tho ability to nianogo a
business of his own and yot who is ab
solutely worthless to anyouo olso bo
ciniso ho carrioB with him constantly
tho insano suspicion that his employer
is oppressing or intending to oppress
him Ho cannot give orders and ho will
not rccoivo them Should a mossago bo
givon him to toko to Garcia his answer
would probably bo Tako it yoursolf
Tonight this man walks tho streets
looking for work tho wind whistling
through his threadbare coat No ono
who knows him doro employ him for
ho is a regular firebrand of discontent
Ho is impervious to reason and tho
only thing that can impress him is tho
too of a thick solo No Oboot Of courso
I know that ono so morally deformed is
no less to bo pitied than a physical crip
plo but in our pitying let us drop a
tear too for tho uion who aro striving
to carry on a great enterprise whoso
working hours aro not limited by tho
whistlo and whoso hair is fast turning
whito through tho strugglo to hold in
lino dowdy indifference ship shop im
becility and tho heartless ingratitude
which but for thoir ontorpriso would
bo both hungry and homeless
Havo I put tho matter too strongly
Possibly I havo but whon all tho world
has gono a slumming I wish to speak a
word of sympathy for tho man who suc
ceeds tho man who against grent odds
has directed tho efforts of othors and
having succeeded finds theres nothing
in it nothing but baro board and
clothes I havo carried a dinner pail
ond worked for days wages and I havo
also been an employer of labor mid I
know thero is something to bo said on
both sides Thoro is no excellence per
so in poverty rags aro no recommend
ation and all omployers aro not rapa
cious and high handed any moro than
all poor men aro virtuous
My heart goes out to tho man who
doos his work when tho boss is away
as woll as when ho is nt homo And
tho man who when givon a lotter for
Garcia quietly takes tho missivo with
out asking any idiot io questions and
with no lurking intention of chucking it
into tho nearest sowor or of doing
aught elso but to deliver it never gots
laid oil nor has to go on a striko for
higher wages Civilization is ono long
anxious search for just such individuals
Anything such a man asks shall bo
granted his kind are so raro that no
employer can afford to lot him go Ho
is wanted in overy city town and vil
lago in overy ofllco shop store and
factory Tho world cries out for such
ho is needed and needed badly tho
man who can curry a mossago to Garcia
Attend CullfKeThU Year
Never in tho history of our country
was there a grander opportunity than
the present for educated youug menuud
women What an auspicious moment
for those who are just now on tho
threshold of life
Grand Island Business and Normal
college has for fourteen years been tho
lending institution of its kind in tho
wostoru stntes aud last year more thau
twico as many calls wero recoived for
its graduatos as could be supplied
Everything necessary for a successful
start in life is taught business normal
and shorthand courses Expemes low
Board only 150 per week One years
timo given on tuition if desired Col
lege record sent free or for six cents will
send elegant catalogue
A M Hakcob President
Grand Island Neb
Dr Humphrey Spuelllo Manual
A book of 100 pages on tho treatment
and caro of all diseases mailed free on
application Address tho Humphreys
Medicine Co PO Box 1810 N Y
Ono two-years-old red Polled heifer
without horns and with hole iu left ear
Weight about 050 pounds
Ava Raascii owuer
A Mtipnrlor Through Sleeping Cnr 11 nn
llolwiTii Ml toum anil IncknotiTllI
Commencing Novembor IRth tho
Jflorida Air lino consisting of tho L E
St L Ity St Louis toLouisvlllo So
Ry in Kentucky LouIbvIHo to Lazing
ton Ojtiooii and OroBont Houto Loxing
ton to Ghnttanooga Southern Ry
Chattanooga to Jostip and Plant System
JoHsup to Jacksonville Fin will inaugu
rate for tho season tho great Through
Sleeping Car Rout o to Florida Through
sleeping cars will leave St Louis 015
p m daily passing Louisvillo 7 00 am
Lexington 10fi0n m reaching Chatta
nooga fi 50 p m Atlanta 10 110 p m
nnd Jacksonville 8 0 a m second
morning Stop overs allowed This
route is through largo citios ami inter
esting country and is operated ovor
most supciior and well established linos
of railway Tho Nihedules aro fast and
most convenient
In addition to tho above schedulo leav
ing St Louis at night train leaving St
Louis 8 0S a m willarrivoJaoksonvillo
the next night 1000 p m making only
ono night out from St Louis to Jackson
This lino also affords passengoro for
Florida trip via Ashovillo N 0 tho
greatest American all-year-round resort
Correspondence solicited and informa
tion promptly furnished
R A CamiUEMj
General Pussongor Agont St Louis Mo
This is also tho host lino to points in
Kentucky Tonncsseo Georgia and
North and South Carolina
Iloml Notice to ltuul Owner
To All Whom It May Concern Tho
commissioners appointed to locate a
road commencing at tho northeast
corner of section one 1 in township
21 north range 1 west in Madison
county Nebraska nnd tho northwest
corner ot section six towusnip itt
north range 1 east in Stanton county
Nebraska running thence south on
county lino one 1 milo and terminat
ing at tho southeast comer of said sec
tion ono 1 township 24 north range 1
wost and tho southwest coruor of afore
said section six 0 township 24 range 1
oast havo reported in favor of the estab
lishment thereof and nil objections
thereto or claims for damages must be
filed in the county clerks olllce on or
before noon of tho ICth day of February
A D 1000 or said road will bo opened
without reference thoreto
E G Hkilman County Clerk
losltlou on Judicial llench Given to
lMerco Attorney
Lincoln Dec 15 Governor Poynter
yesterday appointed Douglas Cones of
Pierce to succeed Senator Allen as judge
of the Ninth judicial district Thero
was very little competition for tho place
and as soon as the resignation of Sen
ator Allen was recoived the appoint
ment was announced Mr Cones is a
democrat and has a good reputation as
an attorney Tho nppoiutmont is quite
satisfactory to his friends
Southern Literature
lntorestinK literature regarding tho
South is now being distributed by tho
Southern Railway Southern Homes
folders large map folders Laud of tho
Sky booklots Southern Fields Min
erals and Mines books etc mailed free
to any address Tho Empire of the
South a very handsome volumo of
about 200 pages profusely illustrated
also issued by tho Southern Railway and
sent to any address upon receipt of 25
cents which nmount approximates cost
of delivery Address
Wm II Tayloe
Asst GenIPass Agent Southern R
Louisville Ky
Wanted several bright and honest
porsons to ropresent us as managers in
this and closo by counties Salary 900
a year and exponsos Straight bona fide
no more no loss salary Position perma
nent Oar reforoucos any bank in any
town It is mainly olllce work con
ducted at homo Roferonco Encloso
self addressed stamped envelope The
Dominion Company Dopt 1 Chicago
To Cunt lu Grippe In Two lay
Take Laxativo Broino Quinine Tablets
All druggists refund tho monoy if it fails
to euro E W Groves signature en
overy box 25o
Superintendent Hoxio has at last con
sented to resigu his job in tho state in
dustrial school at Kearney and J N
Campboll of Fullortou has been appointed
to tho position
Ed Joromo was found guilty at Fre
mont at 2 oclock Saturday morning of
shooting U S Pope with intent to
wound The case will bo appealed to
tho supreme court
Harvard is to havo a now opora house
citizens having contributed 1500 for
tho purposo It will bo in tho second
story of a building to be erected by H
O Stokes whoso building was recently
Robert T Alyea of Meadow Grove has
beed granted an iucroaso in his pension
now roceiviug 8 instead of 11
Senator Allen left Madison for Wash
ington Saturday and was accompanied
to the train by a large number of citi
zens of that town He hopes to reach
WnshiuLton in timo to assumo his du
ties before tho session closes for the holi
days On accouut of the ref ufjiI of Ben
ton Maret of Eddvvillo to accept the
private secretaryship tho souator will
defer tho appointment for a few days
Omaha Bee Governor Poynter ha i
been asked to lend oflicitil aid to the
travollng fair consisting of about oight
trains of stock and sovoral trains of mis
cellaneous oxhlbits This fair will bo
moved from placo to placo and nn ad
mission feo will bo charged all visitors
A Columbus dispatch to tho Beo says
At tho laBt meeting of tho Board of
County Supervisors a resolution was
adopted instructing tho county attorney
to collect all tho outstanding notes taken
by tho county in tho spring of 1805
Following tho crop failuro of 1801 mnuy
farmers in this county found themsolves
in very straitened cirouniBtnuccs and
unable to buy seed Tho county ad
vanced tho nccecssary monoy to nil who
needed it taking notes for security
Thoro are still quito a number of tho
notes unpaid anl tho board is inclined
to boliovo that tho debtors aro amply
able now to pay
Itro Ddpurliiieiit
Tho Norfolk lire department mot in
regular session nt liromous hall on tho
ovonlng of Decomber 11 Tho mooting
was called to order by O E Hartford
After tho minutes of tho last meeting
had been approved tho bill of 7 Docker
1 00 for printing tickets was allowed
Bills of Otto Buckle r0 C 13
Hartford 515 wero allowed
Hoports of committees ou printing
hall and music wero read and upon
motion tho same wero accepted and tho
committees continued
Report of tho treasurer was read and
placed on file
Tho chief of tho dopartmont was
elected by acclamation to represent tho
dopartmont at tho Nebraska Stato Vol
nuteor Firemens association to bo hold
in this city on January 1G 1900
The department amended tho resolu
tion adopted at a meeting of the depart
ment a mouth previous in regard to re
stricting all meetings excepting those of
tho city council and firemen and in
structed tho trustees of tho department
to permit tho business mens association
to hold thoir meetings in the firemens
room when not occupied by the firomon
or city council
Mr John Beck left home last evening
for Iowa
Mr Fred Hollingsworth is still on the
siok list
Mrs B Pippin though better is still
far from well
Fraukie Heckmau son of Conductor
Heckman is not well
Tho carpenters havo nearly finished
their work on Mr O Hydes house
Miss Nina Moolick daughter of Terry
Moolick is suffering from inflammatory
The Sunday school of South Norfolk
is preparing a highly entertaining can
tata for Christmas
Mrs C H Chapman and Mrs Imlay
left on tho early train for Omaha They
will be away for several days
lloyg Wanted Huntlerx
Bright active honest boys aro wanted
nt once by the St Louis Sunday Star to
act as agents for this great paper which
sells readily wherever presented The
agents obtain tho papers on most favor
able terms and hundreds of boys all
over tho country are making good monoy
handling it You can do tho same and
havo money for the holiday season
The papers are sent to you postpaid and
you run no risk as you get credit for
heads of unsold papers returned Write
at once to Manager Circulation St Louis
Star St Louis Mo
Wanted Sovoral bright nnd honest
persons torepresont us as mauagers in
this and close counties Salary C0 a
year and expenses Straight bona fide
no more no less salaiy Position per
manent Our references any bank in
any town It is mainly ofllco work con
ducted at homo References Enclosed
self- addressed stamped envelope The
Dominion Company Dept Chicago
Best canned goods ut tho Norfolk
Cash store
Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable
Almost everybody who reads the news
papers is sure to know of the wonderful
if 1 1 cures maae oy ur
- II I 4- I
w wt ww
the great kidney liver
and bladder remedy
It is the freat
J caj triumph of the nine-
century dis
covered after years of
scientific research by
XQ Dr Kilmer the
nent kidney and blad
der specialist and Is
wonderfully successful In promptly curing
lame back kidney bladder uric acid trou
bles and Brlghts Disease which Is the worst
form of kidney trouble
Dr Kilmers Swamp Root Is not rec
ommended for everything but if you have kid
ney liver or bladder trouble It will be found
just the remedy you need 1 1 has been tested
in so many ways In hospital work in private
practice among the helpless too poor to pur
chase relief and has proved so successful in
every case that a special arrangement has
been made by which all readers of this paper
who have not already tried It may have a
sample bottle sent free by mail also a book
telling more about Swamp Root and how to
find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble
When writing mention reading this generous
offer in this paper and fCNL
iinVuirnkiri tn nn sendvour address tortO
Dr Kilmer
auverusmg irmu wira ib udiub hamton N Y The
Jtt a TXT
ITfT itMlauK
ranged by Jouu uiiumu 01 regular fifty cent and nomeof Bwunp uoot
ii tnnotmnpnnriimim dollar sues are sold bv all pood druppists
Cut this out and send to us nnd wo
will sell you tho host quality of
Binding Twine
Wholesale Prices
Sisal or Standard 9o
Manila 0o
Frto on cure Oinnliii
Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Re
Wo Imvn IiIr Mock iiml enn tniilo prompt
MiipmiMitH tlio ilny onliir Is received potlnnt
tiiUii cliuiiriH on ciiiiliiiK ulpuulipru Wo
iHiinintro that oiry bull of our twlno lint
lii iii iiiiulo on uiWhpliullPH within llio Inst
ninety iliii SriiKTiY t iits i fl ss No
curried over twine hero Will ship O 1
subject to oxiiiiiimititin If ilcMreii Will run-no
twine upon pnymciit of II port cut
iIiiwii iinil Miip Inter Itcfcrcnccs Nehrnc
kit National liinV thin paper or nny ono of
our20U0ciiMomuiot 1SW Aildiesa
The Western Ifeeantile Go
lOlli anil Karmim SIh Oinahn
Tho House Unit Snes You Money
Get Away a Couple of Months
and visit
Asheville or
Hot Springs N O
Aiken S C
Augusta or
Savannah Ga
or the many
Tourist tickets on sale via
Southern - Kaitaay
by all Ticket Agents
For schedules or further infor
mation write or call on
Wm II Tayloe A G P A
Louisville Ky
J O Bkam Jr N W P A
80 tidams St Chicago
Located on tho Illinois Centra 1 B E in
And also located on thn Yazoo and Mlseiseip
Ynlley K K in tho Famous
Of Mississippi Spcciallly adapted to tho ra e1
Corn and nogs
Soil Richestin the World
Write for Pamphlets and Maps
Land Commissioner Aest Lund Comr
111 Cent H R Co Park Itow Hoom57
Louisville 8 Nashville
Wrtlc for Information to
of Best Varletiei at Hard Times Prices Small
fruit in largo supply Milllnns of Strawberry
plants vory thrifty and well rooted Ootthe
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