i HAGS OYMIOOLS Intelligence and Free Industries go Hand in Hand AN IDEA TJTAT IS APPROPRIATE II Id Imperially rillliiRtlmt the Slur nml fel ripen Slioulil Hunt Over tlir Neliool Ilotmefl of Ilie 1 1 tul An Interi nllnt Cnrreotiilenca Mr C V Chum Comity Siiporln tcntlont of Public instruction D ar Sir 1ho uutiursiffnuJ hive been up pointed by u commit oo of tlio W II C of Norfolk to communlcuto wltb you in regnrd to placing1 tings on the country scliool houaos of our county The city schools nru nil well provided for but the country schools nrc in the background We approve and appreciate tho ef fort of tlio county superintendent in Bending out appropriate programs for Lincoln Washington and Memorial day exorcises nnd wo wish to do all wo can in our power to rtaBlst in the good work We vtry much dtsire to have flairs raised on all tho scliool houses in our county on or before Lincoln day and wo ask your coopera tion nnd believing a roquost from you to school boards will bu of moro force that one from us wo bog to ask you to send out suet We pledge our aolves to make all Hugs and if any district is not financially able we will furnish such a tlag freo of chargo if tho district olliccrs will put up a Hag polo nnd arrange for the necessary facilities for raislcg the flag by tlio 15th of February 1000 Wllyou bo so kind as to correspond with the com mittee on tho subject and mako any btiggcstions yon may deem proper to further this work We shall be glad to hear ftom you at your earliest con venience Mils A O Siiout I MllH CI1IIDS Mits Moiuiow J Maihsom Nov 23 1899 Mrs O A Short Chairman of Committee ou Flags of the W R C Norfolk Nobr My Dear Madam and Committee Your communication regarding the matter of placing Hags on all school houses in this county is received and in reply to same 1 desiro to express my appreciation of your care and thoughtfulnoss in this important mat ter and pledge to you my hearty co operation in tho nttempt to carry your plans into eilect Tho founders of this nation under tood the principle that ignorance and free institutions never had and never can exist together and they laid down and established well the doc trine that the preservation and per petuation of our free institutions and indeed of our freedom in its broad senre depends upon the diffusion of education among the people Tlio public schools thus being the bulwarlc of the nation it is especially fitting that the ilig should float over these institutions No people on earth have moro or better reason for honoring their flag than do we The effect of the principles for which our flag stands upon the nations of the world fVr good is second in impor tance only to tho birth and life of the Christ I have often thought that we may be sometimes inclined to give too inuch prominence to thcflag and not enough to the principles of govern ment of which the Aug is the emblem It is stated that certain idolitrous peoples onco worshipped tho true God and that they prepared an image to symbolize certain of his attributes gradually they lost sight cf the Truth and worshipped the stone nnd the wood If us has been said Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty then it is important iliat every patriotic American understand and emphasize the principles for which our flag stnnds lest in years to come wo should forgot tho grand truths which the flag symbolizes and should blindly worship a picco of tri colored cloth after tlio principles of government for which it stands A government of by and for tlio people had ceased to exist in overything but name So in connection with tlio flag 1 would have every boy and girl taught a broad nnd grand patriotism founded in principle rather than in sentiment Every pupil should know what the stars and bars stand for We need to teach that loyalty to tho flag means that we must be true to our country and keep good faith with all nations All should know of tho eternal princi ples of justice righteousness and truth in government byrabolizjd by the flag Right rather than might should ho tho main ingredient of our patriotism It slioulil not bo forgotten nor ever counted u light mutter that in the darkncB and uncertuiuly of the past when tho despotism or force nnd might was contending in a death struggle against the now gospel of liberty and consent in both religion und government that the btars and stripes wore unfurled representative and emblematic of the principles for whbh our fathers contended I would hnvo every pupil taught that tho white lu our Aug represents tho purty and justice of the principles for which our fathers fought that the red is representative of tho blood it cost to incorporate those principles lu forms of law and government nnd that the blue is representative of tho approving smile of Hod at the con Biimmatiou I would havo every citizen under stand ttiat tho flag stauds for that Idea of freedom to worship Hod nc cordlig to tho dictates of ones own conscience instead of at the dictation or command of some despotic or dog matic force In civil or religious govern ment and that It embraces within its protective folds all men of whatever denomination and tho agnostic and iulldel as well The pilot and peace ful assembling of men differing in their religious opinions in their re spective places of worship in a silent practical oxampllflcation of the bless ings of that prlnelplo or religious lib erty for which our ancestors struggled and of which our flag Is an emblem Everyone should bo taught that the flag stands for tlio principles enuncia ted in the Declaration of Indopend once that all persons are by nature free and Independent that all aro en dowed by their creator with cortaln Inherent and inalienable rights among which aro lifo liberty and tho pursu t of happiness That to secure these rights and tlio p otcctlon of property governments nrs instituted among man dorlvlng their just powers from tho consent of tlio gov erned A century nnd a quarter ago these wero new truths and strango truths in government At that time Forco was tlio principle upon whish governments wero founded and on which they rolled For one hundred nnd twonty lhroo years our flog has said to ull the world that force aud might do not in tliemselvcB mako the acts of government or individual right That just powers of govern ment can bo derived only from tho consent of the people who are to be governed That government founded upon forco or by forco is despotic and tyrannical That lifo and liberty nrc Hod given rights and arc not con ferred by king or potentate In defence of thespprinciples our flag lead us through the Revolutionary war for our liberties on the land and the war of 1812 for our liberties upon tlio seas To give force and effect to those principles it lead our soldiers through the Civil war for the liberties of an oppressed people at home and in 1898 through tho Spanish war for the liberties of an oppressed people away from homo Our flag is yet on foreign soil After having accomplish ed the beneficent object for which it loft our shores may it return again as pure and spotless as when it left and representing the same high and holy principles in government in the future as in the past I will be glad to send a copv of your communication to school boards and teachers together with a letter of my own urging them to tako steps to carry your plan into effect Also if yon desire to communicate direct with school oflicjrs and teachers I will bo glad to furnish you a libt of their names and addresses Any suggestions which you care to give will bo gladly received and considered I beg to remain Yours very truly C W Crura County Superintendent Other county papers plcaso copy and oblige the Relief Corps of Mathowson Post TodhtH to Firemen The committee on toasts and responses to bo given at the banquet of the State Volunteer Firemens association ou the evening of the 18th of January next met at the parlors of tho Pacific hotel yesterday afternoon and alter selecting W M Robertson nB chairman of the committee aud toastmaster and G E Hartford secretary of committee decided on the following toasts Our Guests John It Hays Norfolk Our City Couuoils J O Clelaud Fremont Nob False Alarms Dr A Bear Norfolk Our Soldier Firemen Major J N Kilinu Columbus Our Annual Convention Judge E Frank Brown Kearney Tho Life of a Fireman George P Marvin Beatrice Our Volunteer Firemen J 0 Elliott West Point Chemical Extinguishers Willis E Reed Madison Letter Lint List of letters remaining uncalled for at tho postofllco December II 1809 C E Grisinger W II Cook Chris Cook C E Duulap Anna Dnukiu Jacob GrotT Will Graves Daniel Hill F O Huso Fraukio Lee A M Leo Mnmio Kennedy Elsie Michaelsou O E Powell Rex Pollock Grace Pol lock Sol Rice G II Sanderson Seliun Swuiieou Anua Sohwade If not called for in 10 days will be sent to the dead letter oilicu Parties calliiig for any of the above please say advertised P F SlKECHKK P M Wanted Several bright and honest persons to roproseut us as malingers in this and close counties Salary XX u year and expenses Straight bona fide no more no less salary Position per uiaueut Our references nuy bank in any town It is mniuly ofllce work con ducted at home References Enclosed self- addressed Btamped envelope The Dominion Company Dept 3 Chicago THE NORFOLK NEWS THURSDAY DECEMBER H 1800 mnn i Ij inm 11 JU Jl 1NG Articles of Incorporation Adopt ed and Trustees Chosen AFFAIRS LOOK VERY PROMISING StiMrlent Money Hulxerllieil to Inrnrtnvn tlio Hullitlng Coiilemplittoil mill Irotlite Furniture nml lloolTrunlee Will Or Kiinlro Sitttmlny Prom TuomtnrH Dnllv Tlioro was not a largo turnout to tho liiuiiry ineoting hold last evening in tho I ligli school building but enough wero t hero to proceod with tho business in hand und good progross was iimtlo In calling tho meeting to order Col Simp son outlined tho plans of tho OHHohition and stated what had boon done Tho tinanco oomniittoo through him reported that there wns enough inonoy Hiilncrihud to pay for tho building tho purchase of which was contemplated nnd enough more lu night to purchase furniture to prepare it for oeotipuioy Tho ladies representing tho Womans club reported that thoy had raised about if 10 for tlio purchnso of books and would coutinuo to raiso money for tho purpose Prof OConnor superintendent of boIiooIb reported that tho school children had also about 111 on hand with which to purchaso books ThiB with tho contri buttons of books that havo been promised provides for a good start n far an a col lection of works necossary is concornod Tho committoo ou articliB of incorpo ration preEoiited their report and tho same was adopted tlioso providing for n hoard of ton trustees whioh shall havo tho work in chargo but aro bound by laws which requires a voto of tho association boforo nny move Bhall bo made of groat iniportauco as tho purchaso or sale of buildings or real ostato or a contemplated indebtedness of tho association Theso questions shall bo docide 1 by a majority voto of tho nctivo membership now consisting of thoso who havo sub scribed or paid 2 to tho association aud it will requiro 70 voters or their proxies to act on a question of tho character above outlined All ministers and editors of tho city are accorded the privilege of voting whether they pay tho stipulated sum or not Tho honorary membership will havo no voice in tho proceedings of the as sociation but will bo accorded tlio free use of tho library and the building An honorary member will be uny person who haB contributed in any way to tlio support of tho library The outlook is most encouraging for tho enterprise nnd it is believed that by the time spring opens the Norfolk public librnry will bo thoroughly organized on a basis from which great results may bo obtained The board of trustees was elected last evening and consists of Mrs M A McMillan J E Simpson D O OCon nor John R Hays Mrs II O Matrau 13 O Mount C G Souiers II 7 Colo Mrs W M Robertson and MrB A 7 Durland A meeting of tho trustees will bo hold Saturday evening at 8 oclock in tho High school building when the board will bo organized by tho election of a president secretary and treasurer The board chosen is a good one contain ing representative citizens of both soxes and if other transactions by the as sociation are as satisfactory it may ex pect the hearty approval and support of all good people of the city See tho largo assortment of popular bargains in holiday goods at the Variety store To Cure Iii Irlppo In Two Dhjh Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets All druggists refund the money if it fails to euro 13 W Grovos signature on ovory box Ufa Notice Charles E Olnoy Joreminh Olney aud George II Nichols will take notice that on the 24th day of October 180 T C Cannon plaintiff herein filed his petition in the district court of Madison county Nobrabka against said defend ants and John 13 Oluey and Charlotto E Olney tho object nnd prayerof which aro to foreclose certain tax lions ngainst the following described real estate sit uated in Madison county Nebraska to wit Lot six 0 block one I and lots fifteen 15 and hixteon 10 block six I of tho town of Norlolk lots twelve and thirteen 12 nnd 18 and tho 60iith 112 feet of lots fourteen 14 fifteen J und Bixteeu HJblock two 2 lot six 0 block threo I and lots three H four 4 uiuo 9 ten 10 eleven 11 twelvo12 aud fourteen 14 in block four 4 all of MntlinwsonflHecond addi tion to tho town of Norfolk by virtue of tax sale certificates issued by tho treas urer of Madison county NobniFka dated November fi 1894 for tho taxes of 1890 1891 1892 aud 180U and sub sequent taxoH paid by tho plaintiir for tho years 1891 nnd 1895 and a tax deed issued therefor dated March 18 1897 and recorded in tho ofllce of the county clerk of Madison county Nebrnskn March 18 1897 in Boole 27 of Deeds page 225 and certificates of tax sale for tuxes 1895 dnted November 1 1897 nnd subsequent taxes paid for tho years 1897 aud 1898 and plaintiff prays for ado cree that defendants bo required to pay the name or that filid jirmniBos may bo sold to i ntisfy the amount found dno with costs intercut and attorneys fees aud that defendants bo oxcluded from any and all title claim lien or interest in or to said property or uny part there of You aro required to answer said peti tion on or before the lrh day of Decern bor 1899 Dated October 25 1609 T O Cannok PlaiutifT By Mapes Hazen His Attorneys LABOR CONVENTION OPENS Dolegnte Pi nin Cinuilii nml Irent llrlt filn Mnkn It AiiRlo Allierlrnii DitTltoiT Deo 12 Nearly 2H dele gates representing all branches of trado unionism witli an estimated total mom biTHhip of nearly 800000 were piwotit nt llariuonio hall yesterday when tho 19th annual con volition of tho Atiiorinui Federation of Ijiiborwas en Hod to order In tho absence of both President Ooinp crH and Vieo President McGuire tho gathering was called to order by James Duncan of Rittitunro second vice presi dent Mr Duiuviii announcod that Mr lumpers was still sutlering ovoroly from injuries resulting from a bloyolo accident in Washington nnd possibly might not bo able to attend tho eon- vent ion Vieo President Duncan said that the convention is tho largest meeting of or ganized labor rhpioscntnUvoH ever hold in tlio United States besides containing nillliated delegates from across the sea and from Canada A presentation of dMlciilHes existing between theatrical stage employes and tliiiatcriuiisicitiiis was the most interest ing feature of tlio days session Tho sit uation in Detroit where tho stngu hands have been locked out for some months with their union uiirecognizod by tlio malingers is tho primary cause of tlio disturbance It developed during tlio afternoon h proceedings that tho action of tho Detroit Central Libor union in expelling the Detroit theater musicians nfter they hud declined to strike nnd join with tho stage employes is strongly uphold by the Stage I lauds alliaiieo and is heartily condemned by tho Mu sicians National union A special com mittee will endeavor to bring about har mony CARTER NOT THE ONLY ONE 1lvo Otliem Imllcteil Kur lrriinl In Gov eminent Work In Hnvnmuili Harbor Savannah Ga Deo 12 Tho United States grand jury has up to this timo in its present session returned six in dictments against persons charged with conspiring against tho government in connection with tho work done in tlio Savannah harbor Among them iH Cuptain O M Cirtor already con demned by court martial Others named aro D II Green J F Gaynor B II Gaynor W T Gaynor aud M A Connally According to the indict incuts 575719 was beoured by con spiracy Anti-Oil- MiiiiireHto Philadelphia Dec 12 The Itopub lican leaders opposed to tho leadership of M S Qua v who have been linlilin conferences in this city within tlio past month gave out as a result of theso de liberations an address to the Republic ans of Pennsylvania in whioh thoy de clare that a condition of a Hairs now oxihts in our commonwealth which is ropiigiiant to republican principles and destructive of republican government and that unless theso conditions meet with prompt effective and disinterested action our party will cease to command tho confidence and support of the peo ple Hold a lloer Meeting at O mil it Omaha Dec 12 A big was held in this city last night for tho purpose of expressing sympathy for the Boers in their struggle against En gland Governor Poynter presided and addresses wero mado by prominent speakers Letters expressing sympathy with tho object of tlio meeting wero read from Judge William V Allen and ox Congressman Samuel Maxwell Legal Notlee Maria L Avenll dofondout will tak notice that on tho 4th day of November 1899 T O Cannon plaintiff herein iilod his petition in tho district court of Madison county Nebraska against said dofondout und D A Ommerman tho object aud prayer of which aro to foreclose certaiutax lions agatiiBtJ tho northeast quarter of section twenty threo2l in township twenty four 21 north of range two 2 west of the itu p m in Madison comity Nebraska issued by tlio treasurer of said county dated November 7th 1892 November 4th 1895 and November 7th 1808 re spectively for tho delinquent taxes levied and assessed against said land for tho years 1891 1891 und 1897 respective ly and for subsequent taxes paid for tho years 1892 1898 1895 1891 nnd 1898 and a tax deed issued therefor dated February 18th 189 aud recoraed in tho oilico of tho county clerk of said couuty in Book 25 of Deeds at pago 259 and pluintiir prays for a decree that defend ants bo required to pay tho same or that said promises bo sold tocaiisfy tho amount found duo with costs interot and attorneys fees You aro required to answer said peti tion on or betoro tho 18th day of Decem ber 1899 Dated November 4 1899 T O Cannon Plaintiff By Mapes Hazen His Attorneys Lefrnl Notlee Catharino Dicey defendant will tako notice that on the 4th day of Novomber 1899 T O Cannon plaintiff heroin filed his petition in tho district court of Madison couuty Nebraska against Baid defondaut tho object and prayer of whicli are to foreclose certain tax liens against tho northeast quarter of the northeast quarter of section ten 10 in township twenty four 21 north of rungofour4 west of tho 1th p in in Madison county Nebraska by virtno of tax Bale certificates issued by tho treas urer of said county dated November 5 1894 and November 1 1897 respectively for tho delinquent taxes levied aud assessed against said described premises for tho years 1898 and 1890 rospeutivoly nnd for subsequent taxes paid for tho years 1891 1895 1M7 aud 1898 and a tax deed issued thorefor duted March 18 1897 and recoidtd iu tho ofllco of the county cleik of said county in Book 27 of Deeds at page 225 nnd plaintiff prays for u decree that defendant be required to pay tho sanio or that said promises may bo sold to satisfy tho amouut found duo with costs interest and attornoys fees You are required to answer said pf ti tion on or betoro the 18th day of Dtcoin her 1899 Dated November 4 1890 T O Cannon Plaiutiff By Mopes Huzeu His Attorneys SLAIN By AN EDITOR Charles H Harris Shoots a Prominent Stockman TRAGEDY OOOUHS AT BELDEN NEE J II Itlenlilroii nf Attilnmin la lie Victim Took ieetloti to Statement Mmle In Nat unlay laer Sliijer at Duee lite lllnmelt lip HkiIin Neb Dee 12 J 11 Monk iron a resident or Atkinson Nob nml a prominent stockman was shot and almost instantly killed last evening by unarms ji Harris editor of the Uelden News The trouble oi iginated overall article published in the News Saturday and to which Hlcnkiron took oxcopt inn Tlie moil became involved in an alter cation about the mutter in the News of llce and a light ensued The bullet en tered llleiikirons hicast just above the heart and lie only lived a few minutes Harris at once went to Hartlngton Neb and gave himself up to lie au thorities Ho says ho committed the deed in self defense Both men are very well known in this section llairis also runs a pa i mi nt Randolph Nob and is considered to bo a quiet peaceable man Blenkiron owns large Interests around Belden and conies hero frequently in connection with his business affairs nroriier luri Venllet IlutTiNdTON Neil Dec 12 At the cororners Inquest hold Inst evening over the body of Hark Hlenkiron who wns shot by Editor Harris at Huhlen Sunday night it was tound that the shooting was done in self defense Aeelilenl to lfn Trnln GiiAUD Island Neb Dee 12 Union Pacillc train No 5 the Colorado special westbound was slightly wrecked in tlio yards here yesterday Tlio wreck was caused by an open switch Tlio engine of the special crushed into engine 181 whicli was standing on the sidetrack Both engines were pretty badly wrecked hut no dninage was done to the train Engineer Myers and Fireinrin Murphy of the special wero injured but not dangeiously so Tho right arm and foot of Engineer George Myers were crushed Fireman James Murphys face was badly cut Tho accident was caused by a switcli boing turned for a sidetrack by some one not known Iilltor Hone Muter luilleleil Ommiv Dh PJ Edward Victor and Charles Koitiyntcr respectively editor-in-chief managing editor and hiisuicsi malinger or The Bee were indicted yes terday by tho icdcnil grand jury for violating tliu lottery law in connection with tho ADO club of ineioUaiits j No matter what J you pay for it J AuerS j Cherry Pectoral j is the cheapest S cine in the world for S that cough of yours mill iiy i Hiimilir ya Now BfEvs 5 Dr Humphreys Hprr IflrR cure by nrllng directly upon tho disease without inciting disorder in any other purl of the oyHiom no cmiim i nicM I Vingnfillnnfl InnAtmnntlmit 113 i Uiirmi Worm Knver Worm Colic US l TectlilrnienlloCrjrliiKWnkifiilnMU US of Children or Adult US 7nnt ha CoM llronrlitt la ui H IVenrnlala Tootlinrlm Kaeenrlm US ll llrmlnrlir lllck llrnilfiehn VitIIko US 0 ltnirtaliiliullKiMtniiWenlBniiinciUS I I Hiiirrrl or Inliifiil Irrlmln US IU Vliltm Ton rroruno rnrloiln US ii rniii lnrv tiullla Ilonrmtiiin US I l rnlt 111 ruin irnlM Inn rruptloiu ujj I A llheiuiinllain llliemnntlc rutin US Hl Mnlnrln Chill Peter nml Akiio US lllnlnrrli Inllucnm Cold In llm Hr ml US Ul Vliiniltiaoinili us U7 llleiim us UH eron llelillllv 100 10 UenUneoi WellltiK llel US 97 Jrlp liny Pnver UB llr lliuiiiliren Mnininl uf all llliennii nt your llriliilalaii a 11 iiMHnn jiiiitii r TI ilruimlntn or m nt on riiliilnr tirlre Meil Co Cor Wllllntn A John HU York PATENTS tl S AND IOIHKIN PKOCURIU EUGENE W JOHNSON Solicitor and Attorney In Patent Causes 17 JO Nfw VorK Ave WAMIINOION I C lllreeHlutillnlieil f HS ClmrciMltiiiilorult Cor reHioiiileiirn reiiurnleil i Free Reclining Chair Cars on all Trains HVIVK KKIIVICK CLONK CONNKCTIOiNN I WO DAILY KaST tiiains icaoii way IIPTWKKN OMAHA AND Atchison Kansas City and St Louis Willi llicet connections to all South em and Iftihlcni points Unexcelled lime on iicrniiiiiiiiilatiniiH to till Famous Hot Sorines of Arkansas BE SURE TO SECURE TICKETS VIA THIS LINE For moro roinplete Information dracriptive iuiiililiftH etc fulilroHB J 0 IHIIiLllWI W CJ HAKKKH AM P nuriPA TI A Koutliiiikt Cor 14lli nml DuiiKlnHHts OMAHA NKHHASKA 275 BOX RAIN COAT fill ir a m J AitmiiiJLU ssoo atik 0 7K IIMIIII UAllil VlOMI l fiill SEND NO MONEY ft till jour liHifhl and nrliflit Ute onnibrruf wmv inriir ftmuiiil immij at urrtblt lakrittitrr un r nut rlfr up umlrr irm ami we will h lid ou thtr coat hyux pi tttt MM kuVJffl lo viitnlnittun Kx Miuluti nufj ii Jt oiihI jnurnearot VMinvt H ofTiri and If found rtarlj rtjirrftraita ana inr nun ttonurrihl taluv juu tr aiw or htard vTt ami iuat lo an ruat nu can Ijhj fi r I tut the Ixwoiitiukcrit M ll BrfclUl OrHtli ruuts275 and i xnrert rharLM tt lIllhMA UKNTOKII 1 Utett 1W rt It ary fltllrif mmlo fro in tirar watrrrtft laa rlurt genuine DaiUlevrrl Joint foil length doublt bmiMeiJ t nKur velvit cellar famypluld lining twittrfirnot MJwcdt enm Hut In life for ImiUj Itala w UtrtiU ant Buaraatrrd MtPAIfchT Till K rtrr uRVrrd hy uh or OJty nth r lloilMt fr irrmi lotli banpla at MfnA 1hc ktnlncJiPH up to tAWJ t and Maitivto MffiPurvhiiltHaiKl Over- 17 f narHutfrmiitAWtollOlin write for Hll K htnillIIUMlK No 0K Iddrvaa I SEARS ROEBUCK Co Inc CHICAGO 9 ttfc Hot buck lo arc Uxiraafai rtlUMt fcdltr a rnfjlll m T J 1 Iil i lUi I -T - M - i ijii S- 1 IT t uj WT v- iiiU Xi SMIL WAS BLIND A blindness cc nies to me now and then I have it now It h queer I can see your eyes but not your nose I cant read because some of the letters are blurred dark spots cover them it is very uncomfortable I know all about it its DYSPEPSIA TaIe one of these it will cure you in ten minutes What is it A Rinam Tabulo 117 ANTED- A ce of bail health tint 8 wilt not bnnt Tbf J hauUh pain and Prolong llfa Y Oue Kli ti relief Nolo Hie onl Ull ANb on llie ickiige mid acceiit no ubitltute 10 for 5 cnl or twelve packet for ceut may be Imd at an driut iton Ten ample and cue thou and trttlmonluli 111 bo mulled to aur addtu for 5 iuu forwarJd to tn BluaiuUtauiloal Co Mo W Bprutbl hvr York i -