K J vt a ft M rv BIfr BOER VICTORY Gatacres Force Meets With Severe Defeat at Stormbcrg HUNDREDS ARE CAPTURED Uritish Commander Asserts He Was Misled by Guides OATAOEE SENDS OFFICIAL REPORT Ont of Two Tliomnnil Men Upward at Sot hi Hundred Aro lleportntl Dead Wounded or Missing Suys Ifo Will Wire Farther Cnsunltles Later London Dec 11 Tho war ofllco publishos tho following diRputch from General Forostior Wulkor ut Capo Town Gatacro reports Deeply regret to inform you that I mot with a serious rovorso in tho attack on Stormborg I was misled us to tho cnomys position by tho guides and found impructicablo ground Casualties so far as known at present aro Royal Irish Riflos Wouudod Liou tonaut GolOuol Eager Major Eaton Captain Bell Captain Kelly Lieutonant Stovens Lieutenant Barnardatou Suffolk regiment Wounded Second lieutenant Maynard and 12 men IF if 3 oenehai sm W F oATAcnn zl Missing Captain Weir Lieutenant Christoe Second Liouteuaut Rodnoj and 200 mon Fourth Field battery Soverely wounded Lieutenant Lewis and three men Seventy seventh Field battery Killed Ono gunner Wounded Major Per coval Northumberland Fusileers Missing Major Stevens Captain Fletcher Captain Morely Second Lieutenant Wako Second Liontonant Coulson Three hundred and sixty fivo commis sioned officers and men Dorsetshire regiment Missing Lieutenant Radcliffo Royal Berkshire regiment Killed Ono private Tho remainder of my casualties will Lo wired as soon as ascertained How the Battle Was Fought General Gatacro loft Putters Kraal by train for Moltenoand then proceeded by forced march 12 milos toward Storm borg Ho hod 2000 men including tho Northumberland Fusileers the Royal Irish Rifles and two batteries of Hold artillery The British woro unmolested by tho Boers until tho Boer position was reached when a hot firo was unexpect edly opened upon tho advancing column Tho engagement began at 415 a m At 7 a in after a sharp artillery duel tho British retired They aro now inarching toward Moltono General Gatacre found tho ouomya position im pregnable It was impossible for the British infantry to got at tho Boers General Gatacros movement may bo termed a reconnaissanco in forco Its object was to ascertain tho strength of the position of tho Boers who were strongly entrenched all over tho Storm berg range Ho loft Putters kraal Bhortly after noon yesterday with a fighting forco slightly over 4000 men The column arrived safely within a couple of miles of its destination tho only incidents of tho march being an occasional suddeu call of halt under tho belief that tho Boers wero near Suddenly a terrific firo opened simul taneously on tho British front and right flank Tho Royal Irish Rifles which formed tho advanco sought shelter be hind a neighboring kopjo and woro speedily joined by tho remainder of tho column It was soou fouud however that this position also was covered by Boer guns which wero moro powerful than had been supposed Tho troops thereforo sought a 6afor position about half a milo away two batterios in tho meantime eugagiug tho Boors and cover ing tho troops in their withdrawal Tho action now becamo general at long rangoaud a detachment of mouuted infantry moved northward with a view of getting on tho enemys right flank Suddenly a strong commando was seen moving from tho north and tho Royal Irish Rifles and tho Northumberland regiment were sent out to meet it It was soon dibcoverod however that tho Boers had machine guns well placed aud tho British were compollcd to face a terrific firo Finding it impossible to hold tho position in tho face of an ouemy apparently superior in position num bers and artillery tho British retired ou Molteuo tho Boers following up tho re tirement closoly uud bringing two big guns to bear on tho retiring column Most Serious Defeat Vet London Deo 11 It is hardly too much to regard Goneral Gatacres ro pulso near Stormborg as tho most seri ous defeat British arms have yet bus taiued in tho whole campaign Already tho official advices show that two mon woro killed nlno ofllcors and 17 mon woro wounded and nlno ofllcors ond 5ifl mon aro missing But It is ovidont that tho worst is not yot known Tho pro portion tlf wounded add killed is so small when compared with tho missing who aro undoubtedly prisoners in tho hands of tho Boors that tho supplo montary list of casualties iH anticipated with sorioud misgivings It Ih nlno feared that thero woro sorious lossos of guns and onuipmont The most horioun aspect of tho affair is tho offcot It is likoly to havo on tho Dutch In Capo Colony who havo boon wavorlngas to whether to throw In thoir lot with tho Boors Hosts of tho northern farmers aro now likoly to join tho robolllom Defeat Is also sorious because it will delay tlio junction of Goneral Gatacro with Gonoral French at NuuuwpoOrt Tho plan was for thoir combined forces to rcllovo tho pressure on Lord Mcthuons column Tho dlbdosuro of such a strong forco at Stormborg was quito unexpected Doubtless Goneral Gatacro waB tho vic tim of treacherous guides But tho ro suit points also to tho absonco of proper cavalry sc6nting Tho British troops who recently occu pied Arundol aro advancing They havo had sovoral skirmishes but no casualties Three miles north of Arun del they found tho Boors In a throng Tho Pretoria Toports of renewed fight ing at Mofldor River originated from tho fact that tho British with a team of 32 oxon haulod a naval guii to tho top of a high ridgo north of Moddor Rlvor town wheuco thoy firod lyddlto sholls on tho Boer position at n ningo of 0700 yards Tho lyddite sholls appoared to do immense damage Tho Boors re tired but tho incidonfc is Interesting as showing that the Boors uro still in pos session quito closo to Modder rivor Lord Mcthuon Is still compollod to rido about in a dog cart as his wound proventB him going ou horseback It is reported that tho Boors aro busy making entrenchments at Spoytfontoin Klmberloy reports all quiet thoro up to Dec 7 and that tho prossuro ot tho in vestment is diminished Cape Town Dec 11 It is rumored hero that tho Boors attacked Kimbcrloy at closo quarters last night but wero ro pulsed with heavy loss BOY STABS A TEACHER An Unruly Scholar Seriously Wounds a Schnrol Irlncliml at Lehigh la Fout Dodqe la Dec 12 A serious stabbing uff ray took placo yesterday at a public school at Lehigh 12 miles south of here Principal OMalloy or dered James Elbbury a troublesomo pupil to chango scats when Elsbnry impudoutly refused OMalley wont to tho boy nnd attempted to tako him out of tho sea Tho boy grow violout drow a lurf pocketkuifo and attacked tho teacher In tho encounter tho teacher was stabbed three times inarm shoulder and side Immediately thoro was chaos Pupils ran out of tho building aud gavo information of tho affair about town Tab boy was ar rested Principal OMalloy was carried to his homo where ho now lies in a serious condition OMalloy is a well known Iowa educator and was recently candidato for county superintendent Reorganizing FHty Flrst Iowa Des Moines Deo 12 An election of major in tho Fiftieth Iowa regiment has been ordered by Adjutant Gonoral Byers It will bo hold Wednesday Dec 20 to fill tho placo made vacant by tho resignation of T O Dalzoll of Dav enport General Byers left yesterday afternoon for Knoxvillo to muster in Company D of tho now Fifty first Iowa From thoro ho will go to Shenandoah to muster in Company E and will stop nt Vilisca on Mb return to look after Company B Magnetic ITealer Goes Free Shenandoah la Dec 12 Word ii received from Olarinda that tho indict ment of Professor H B Yates tho mag netic healer has been quashed This is tho second effort to secure a conviction aud both times tho proo codings havo ended without a trial Killed by an Overhead Trestle Boone la Doc 12 William Cope land a brakemau on No 10 of tho Mil waukee road was struck by an over head trestle in this city and instantly killed Drowns In a Well Muscatine la Deo 12 H L Wag oner aged 24 while watering cattlo at a well fell in and was drowned CHARGED WITH A ROBBERY Former Employe of the Pacific Express Cuiupiiuy Under Arrest nt Uheyeuue Cheyenne Deo 12 Ed Noptuuo an ox employo of tho Pacific Express com pany was arrested yosterday charged with robbing tho office of tho company in this city Noptuuo who was formi erly an express messenger from Omaha to Ohoyouuo denies tho charges against him and says ho was at homo at tho timo tho robbery was committed on Saturday night It is now officially reported that tho robber carried away f 2000 in cash and 1000 worth of monoy ordors aud other valuables Woman Ituu Down Ily Cars GitANO Island Nob Doo 12 Mr O A Baldwin was struck at tho Lin colu avonuo crossing and instantly killed yosterday by tho St Joseph and Grand Island train Her body was thrown 40 feet and horribly mutilated She was a well known womau tho wifo of an ex couuty survoyor Engiueor Harry Dunn was arrested and hold for investigation Death of Captain Wood Manskield O Deo 12 Tho an nonucemeut of tho loath of Captain Wood oonnnauder of tho Petrol in Dowoys fleet was receivod horo with much sorrow Captain Wood was born in this city Aug 10 1848 His sister MrsW E Loughridge resides hero and she loft last night for Washington to attend tho funeral THE NORFOLK NEWS TRUllSPAY DKCKMKKR H 1890 CATCH BANDIT BAND Party of Insurgent Guerrillas Captured by Colonel Smith WILL BE HANGED A8 EXAMPLES No Urtr Will tin liven Hands or AruU tin I tins DlaorganliAd Army When Taken Hate Koit Country In a Stale or Terror for Several Weeks Manila Doo 18 Colonol Smith with u detachment of tho Seventeenth infantry surrounded niid cnhtnr6l in u vllliigo near Mnlasqul a parly of guor rillafl who had nmdo thoir headquartorH thoro The party Included tho band which assassinated no von officials at Malasqul for friendliness to tho Americans All aro JinsurgontB who becamo bandits whon tho disintegra tion of tho Filipino army began Thoy kept tho country around Malasqul in u Btuto of terror for soveral wooks and committed 25 murders in that number of days Whon thoy woro caught thoy wero promptly sent to Gonoral Mao Arthurs headquarters at Bayombong by train It is expected thoy will bo speedily tried and cither shot or hanged as an examplo if couvicted Tho wholo country north of San For nuudo aud botwoon San Fernando and Manila except within tho pormanont lino of troops around tho city and tho closely patrolled strotches of railroad swarms with similar bands Probably thoy will bo iucroasod by mon from Pilars of my many of whom aro mak ing their1 way south to join tho iusur gonk forco in Cayito proviuco Those pooplofor tlio most part sucqeedod in dodging Goneral Grant Colonol Boll and Colonol Hoods troops who aro scouring tho country for them Thoy dovoto thoir energies to ambushing com missary wagons and to picking up sol diers who loavo their commands Every day sonio wngon train is fired upon or Bomo soldier disappears Tho policy of theho ruffians is to make tho country uninhabitablo for Ameri cans Only a small proportion of tho iusurgont arms havo been surrendered and tho problem of suppressing this guorrilla warfaro is anything but easy of bolution Some of tho Amorican of ficers think it worse than fighting In dians owing to tho difficulties of the country and tho troublo in locating tho onomy who resort whon hurd pressed to tho ainigo dodgo and hido their guns Somo of tho Americans favor tho is fiuauco of a proclamation declaring all natives found with arms to bo bandits punishablo as criminals instead of being treated as prisoners of war FUNSTON TO FIGHT IT OUT Says lie Will Call Men to Account For Slander on His lleturn Chicago Dec 18 A special dispatch to the Rocord from Honolulu says Brigadier General Funston accompa nied by his aido Burton J Mitchell arrived hero Dec 3 on tho trausport In diana It is a coincidence that it was on tho Indiana that General Funston thou colonol with tho Twentieth Kan sas wont to Manila a little moro than a year ago WbUo hero tho Amorican troops hold tho first Amorican election ever bold in Hawaii I regrot now said General Fun ston speaking of his dispute in Amer ica that I allowed myself to got into this controversy But my fighting blood was up at tho malicious statements nmdo reflecting on tho Kansas troops and tho American soldiers genorally oa well as upon mysolf But now that I am in it I shall not back out As soon as I can got back from Manila I shall tako tho matter into tho courts reck Talks at St Louis St Louis Deo 18 Ferdinand W Peck 6f Chicago commissioner goneral of tho United States at tho Paris exposi tion delivered an address last night be fore tho Contemporary club in tho ban quet hall of tho Mercantilo club on tho great French enterprise While tho commissioner generals addross was do voted almost exclusively to Paris exposition of 1000 ho fouud timo to in cidentally refer to tho St Louis Worlds fair and gavo a good deal of valuable ad vice to thoso interested in that under taking from tho standpoint of ono who carried a portion of tho responsibility of tho Chicago Worlds fair Mr Pcoks remarks woro frequently punctuated by applause Sequel to Hank Wrecking Omaha Deo 13 Tho bank wrecking caso of tho United States against G A Roimers former president of tho First National bank at Noligh was called for trial iu Judgo Mungors court yesterday Tho caso involves Charles R Alldor tho cashier and Edward O Roimers assistant cashier in an alleged attempt to wreck tho bank of which thoy woro officers Falsifying the books and other dishonest methods aro charged Both of tho Roimers aro on hand reay for trial Alldor is a fugitive from justice and is said to bo iu Moxico Ioynter Hesleged by Politicians Lincoln Deo 13 Governor Poynter returned from Omaha yesterday and went directly to tho oxocutivo mansion whero ho was visited by sovoral politi cians Governor Poynter began tho consideration of tho soveral hundred letters telegrams and petitions bearing upon tho senatorial vacancy and only succeeded iu getting fairly uuder way in tho work by evening Ho announced that ho might postpone making an up pointmout uutil tho latter part of tho week Street Cur Conductor Hobhed Omaha Deo 13 D M Huso con ductor of Faruam motor car 101 was -hold up aud robbed last night by two musked mon with guns at tho south end of tho lino ut Tcuth aud Bancroft streets nbout 1030 oclock lust uight Tho robbers secured 1520 in small chango uud a vuluablo gold wutch YAQUIS ATTACK MEXICANS Itattlr In ilrli Targn Number Are Klltod on Until Rido Austin Tox Dpo 1 Information reaohing hero is to tho effect that ou Dpo 3 the Ynqul Indians nnd tho Mox lean forces under General Torros hnd n pltohod hattlo near Hio Chicago on tho Yaqni rivor Tlio oiigagoimmt was bo twoon tho main body of tho Indiana tho Mexican foroo numbering some 4000 men Tho Indians pushed tho fighting thcinsolvoB by attacking tho Moxinm forco in their camp Tho onslaught was vigorous but not vory offectivo ns tho Indiann did not ndvanco in u solid body preferring thoir old warfaro of man for man behind boulders and trees In thlrt mannor thoy began thoir nttuck on tho soldiers wimp and according to roport tho fighting was most sovoro and lusted for a day ond night whon tho Indians withdrew hav ing MiRtalncd considerable loii Tho militia nmdo several attempts to dis lodge tho Indians from their retreat In tho rough woody country during tho on gagomont without mitcosn and upon each deploy tho Koldlors lost quito a number of mon in killed and wouudod While tho troops aro engaging this main body of Indians thero aro a number of smaller bands of Yitquls roaming around t ho tmmutuiumiH country laying ranches in wusto and otherwise playing huvoo It is learned that tho Mexican forces havo tho Twentieth infantry marching to thoir asslstaneo whon thoy hopo to follow tho main body of tho Indians aud either cup t uro or annihilate thorn TAYLOR NOW GOVERNOR Declares Intention to Work for llepeal of the Oneliel Kindlon Inw Fiianktokt Ky Doo 13 William S Taylor was inaugurated governor at noon yesterday Tho crowd was niuoh smaller than in past years duo to a bliz zard Tho inaugural coromouies woro simple Retiring Governor Brudloy in tho coui ho of his speech baid that ho hoped that tho Goobel election law which had brought so much turmoil to tho stato would bo wipod from tho stat ute books Governor elect Taylor in his inau gural address buldouo of tlio chief aims of his ndmiiiihtratiou would bo to secure tho ropcul of tho election law Tho oath of ofllco was administered to Governor Taylor at noon by Chief Jubtico Hazel rigg The lately dofoatcd Democratic can didates for stato offices began serving notices of contests against Republican candidates who woro given certificates of election last weok Several havo boon Berved TWO AMERICANS SHOT Captain Inibndoh and William Oold Mur dered Iu lloudiirus New Okmsanh Deo 18 It is re ported horo from an apparently reliable sourco that two Americans of promi nence woro shot and killed last Monday in San Pedro Spanish Honduras tho same inland city whero Frank Poars was murdorod Tho killing as re ported was a particularly aggravated typo and this fact togothor with tho prominonco of tho victims will doubt loss lead to unotbor official inquiry As tho story reached this city Captain Im boden and William Gold wero iu thoir room at San Pedro when a native of prominence walked up to the door and without tho least provocation oponod fire Captain Imbodon was shot onco aud Gold throo times Both diod in a short timo Fight Over Omaha Delegate Detkoit Doo 13 Tho question of tho sitting of a siuglo delegate occupied tho Amoricau Federation of Labor con vontion tho greater part of yesterdays session Tho importance of tho action to bo taken in this matter is in tho fact that by it tho federation expects to establish a prccodont either of strict up holding of its constitutional provisions iu regard to udmission of delegates or of leniency iu seating in its conventions members of labor organizations not af filiated with tho federation Tho case in point is that of W H Boll a mem ber of a nonaffiliated labor union who seeks admission as dologato from tho Central Labor union of Omaha Librarian Hates Is Dead St Louis Doo 13 Edward Bates librariau of tho treasury dopartmont at Washington is dead nt tho homo of his father Dr Julius Bates of this city Mr Bates was about 25 years old and prior to his appointment as librariau of tho treasury department was curator iu tho public library of St Louis Tho up poiutmont was mado last summer Tho work and tho climate of tho capital af fected his health so aggravating a throat troublo that two weoks ago he was obliged to givo up tho position Weather Stops Itlver Work Mauyviije Mo Doc 13 Tho weather of tho last fow days has mado necesiay a temporary suspension of tho work of straightening tho chaunol of tho river in Nodaway county which has boen in progress binco tho early part of last summer Up to this timo eight cuts varying in longth from 20 to 140 rods havo boon mado botwoon Maryvillo and Piokoring Tho river huB beeu turned into two of thorn with highly satisfactory results New Straw box rd Trust Indianapolis Dec 13 A now straw- board trust will bo launched tho firbt of the year iu opposition to tho pld trust Tho promoters aro Crawford Fairbanks of Torro Haute M N Williams of An derson and Colonol W T Durban Re publican national commiiteomnu from Indiana Tho flrot two wero uutil coutly connected with tho American Strawboard company Tho mills in tho new combination aro ut Terro Haute Auderbon Joliet uud Lima Boone Iu Deo 18 Au Indian from tho Tsuna reservation was htruck by a Northwestern train four milos oast of Boono and iiibtantly killed Ho was walking on the truck and soomlngly did not hear tho waruiug whistle WOMAN AND FASHION Toilet In Antnntohlln lied Cloth Vnahlnn For Children Mnnvo Tnftrtn rnttlcont Tht Illustration shows nn up to date toilet In niitomobllo red cloth The long straight hUIiI hIiown the fashion able box plaited bnck enriched with ditching nnd like alt tho now sUlrlH Is hung separate ftom tho lining The bolero Jneket In nhort nt tho bnck hau the edge cut hi deep neallopH 1 I I ll H i this is ur to date nnd dip bolow tlio waist lino In front being enriched throughout with iowk of Hlltclilug Many rows of stitching adorn the middle of the back and en circle it half way between neck and waist The wide belt Is of black satin nnd the high collar of cloth covered with n Heli lug Tho long tailor sleeves are ndurncri top and bottom with rows of stitching Philadelphia Ledger Childrens Fashion Childrens fashions aro miniature re productions of tho modes for grown up people just ns far as small gowns can represent the vnrled details of fashion within their limited space and tho hounds of good taste There arc double skirts skirts with a circular flounco and skirts with plaits in tho back variously finished with tho Inev itable rows of stitching Then there are gimps yokes and vests of all kinds not too elaborate for childrens wear Tucked tnffetn silk yokes seem to be n special fancy nnd yokes of white cloth striped with doublo rows of son tnclio braid ono of white nnd ono of black sewed closo together aro very effective Tluld silk Ib useful too for the yokes of sergo school gowns and n plaid silk waist trimmed with nar row braid and made with a velvet vest Is another useful adjunct to tho school girls outfit Mnnve Tnffetn Petttcont Tho engraving represents a mauve taffeta petticoat very close fitting or namented with applications in black acP tEaus sasW aH Mat saTi fel 1 V petticoat fkom pahis chnntllly lace extending nbout half wny up the garment Itouud tho bot tom arc two small flounces of chantllly aco over flouuces of taffeta Paris Herald Laces and Fan Having clung to luco during the sum mer season we aro loath to leave it nnd softly tinted laco Is lavishly ar ranged midst our sables aud other brown furs Chiffon Is also used to form dainty Jabots und frills which fall out from full fronts and set iu full plaits round fur collars and form cas cade plaltlngs on either sldo of our muffs Brown furs aro to be much worn this winter but where tho small coat or tailor made costume Is not con cealed by n wrap the complete white fox muffs and boas are Iu the ascend ant nnd are Intlultely becoming and uncommon 3 HOLD NIGIITSIBS10NS More Time for Money Debate In the House QR0BVEN0R TALK8 FOR TUB BILL Uoehran and Newlalids Make Hpeenhes Aitnlust II Ietlljjrew Introduces Heso liitlnn Iu the Aminte Asking If Philip pine Itepulilln Was NotOnco KennRiilsed Washington Doo 13 Thoro Is nuoli groat prossuro for timo on tho part of memborn from both utiles who dosiro to participate iu tun currency dobato of tho house that throe night sessions will bo held this weok Tho members listen attentively to tho spooohoi Only one Dnimkiriit limn far has spokon iu fa vor of tho hill Drlggs N Yf who had announced that ho hud pledged himself before election to support tho gold standard and proposod to rodoom that pledge Ho will bo joined by sov oral of his Brooklyn colleagues and probably biivoial others Tho features of the dobato yosterday wore tho speeches of Grosvenor O for tho bill and of Uoohtati Mo and of Nowlauds Nov against it Tlio other speakors wore Parker N J William Aldon Smith Mioh Prince Ills Lawronoo Mass and Powers Vt for tho bill nnd Shnfroth Colo and Sims Tonn uguinst it Ieltlerew Wauls to Know Wahiiimiton Deo 13 Whothor Ad miral Dowoy acting for tho United States government formally or infor mally recognized tho Phljipplno repub lic at Manila is a quostiou which Pot tigrow of South Dakota desires tho navy dopartmont to answer no introduced a resolution yosterday directing tho sec retary of tho navy to supply tho sounte with information ou tho subjoot but Chandler of Now Hampshire objected to its immediate consideration Following this objection Pottigrow and Chandler had a sharp tilt over tho resolution offered by tho former de manding that tho secretary of warmako an explanation of certain charges against General Merriam iu his conduct of tho Conor dAlono trouble which Pottigrow declared was a ilisgraoo to civilization Politics woro injected into tho controversy and tho porsonal references made by each senator against tho other lent somo liveliness to an otherwise quiot session No Chancellor Is Chosen Lincoln Dco 13 Tlio board of ro gouts of tho Stato university niotyostcr lay but mado no selection for the chancellorship Aftor somo routine business hud been transacted tho re port of Aoting Chancellor Bessoy was submitted aud read and tho board ad journed to mootj again today Making n Plcht ou Ilynlmi Wasiiinoton Dec 13 Somo pf tho Damocrutic senators havo intimated to thoir friends that thoy will resist the confirmation of William D Byuum to bo a niomber of tho board of genoral ap praisers at Now York Byuuin partici pated iu tho campaign with tho Palmer and Buckuur Douaocruts WssessM 1 7 w HEADACHE is only a symptom not a disease So are Backache Nervousness Dizziness and the Blues They all come from an unhealthy state of the men strual organs If you suffer from any of these symptoms if you feel tired and languid in tho morning and wish you could lie in bed another hour or two if there is a bad taste in the mouth and no appetite if there is pain in the side back or abdomen BRADFIELDS FEMALE REGULATOR will bring about a sure cure The doctor may call your trouble some high sounding Latin name but never mind the name The trouble is in the menstrual organs and Bradfields Female Regulator will restore you to health and regulate the menses like clockwork Sold f druffliu for 1 1 a bottle A 6ee llliutrued book will be kDt to any woman Ifrcquelt be mailed to THE BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO ATtAHTA CA mmmmmmtmmmmmtmtmmmmm A TRUSSES 65c SI2S AND UP fiRn fcjjHW fJat W IT mrm Himv Iba r Btl Madt at niToui narks f tbsa oue tbim tin urloo cIiAtveil by otliera slid Hl JiTiADiyTir TO UT VOU EBfCCTLV bar vsii wrlIi our OLm fraarbTruaa or our klti law Jr - - 7 i7 t Tara KltrIola mihw iiaa iuuibou ifliiniutHti id out aud KiidtouxltUOlB bTKUU mitlsaiMa ute ourlWlfU Wtiaat i howlomt you bve boea vbelher rupture Is largo oisniaUi wUt lumber lncbos smund tbe on line with the uitureaay whether ruHurela on rltfht or lei t side ml we will end ritburlruas to you with the under lain IMI It Mis rtWl St sad raaall IraaaaaUsi Hall at three tliurs our price joutaa return It and wt will return yotir money h VRITE FOR FREE TRUSS CATALOGUE riVisifri Itai f irui includluic the sw WJio Ua Ttwas o IC fcelcurea alawl aay rw aad wkltb w arlllr l I J CO CHICAM PARKER UAIR BALSAM rnn ami IttauLlflea tha hale Promotes a lusiulast growth Never rails to neaioro urajr Curc acalp diaraK k hair lalllnc me and I iU at HruylUj