The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, December 14, 1899, Image 1

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1 Un
10 tho appointment of somo one to this
placo It is currently reported that tho
Democrats have demanded that in caso
Allen was appointed senator his suc
cessor on tho bench should bo a Demo
crat and that tho governor had assented
to this view In this connection the
naino of Douglas Coues of Pierce has
been prominently montiouod
Senator Allen left last ovoniug for his
home in Madison and from thero will
go to Washington leaving probably this
afternoon He received his commission
from Governor Poynter yesterday after
It is generally Doliovod at tho state
house that Benton Maret will be ap
pointed private secretary for Senator
Governor Poynter expressed himself
as well satisfied with the action ho had
taken Ho said I stated at tho begin
ning of tbfi agitation that I would ap
point the man recommended by tho ma
jority of tho people of tho state Sena
tor Allen was that man and I appointed
him I used every means at my dis
posal to get expressions from tho peoplo
I sent telegrams and letters to tho great
and small in the party By far tho
greatest number of those from whom I
heard wero in favor of Allon I have
nothing but the kindost of words for
Mr Hitchcock He mode a good show
ing but ho was not the ohoico of the
people If ho hod been I would have
appointed him just as readily as I did
William Vincent Allen of Madison
was born in Midway Madison county
O Jan 28 1847 removed with his fam
ily to Iowa in 1857 was educated in tho
common schools of Iowa and attended
tho Uppor Iowa university at Fayette
for a time but was not graduated was
a private soldier in company G Thirty
second Iowa volunteer infantry during
tho war of tho rebellion the last fivo
months of his service being on tho staff
of General James I Gilbert read law at
West Union la and was admitted to
tho bar May81 1809 practiced law from
that time uutil elected judgo of tho dis
trict court of tho Ninth judicial district
of Nebraska in tlio autumn of 1891 was
married May 2 1870 was permanent
president of tho Nebraska Populist state
convention in 1893 and was electod
United States senator to succeed Alger
non Sidney Paddock Feb 7 1893 for
tho full term of six years commencing
March 4 1891 His term of sorvico ex
pired March a 1809 Ho was tho avowed
candidate of tho fusion forcos before tho
people to succeed himself but the legis
lature had a Republican majority and
Hay ward was chosen Ho was tho cau
cus nomiueo of tho fusion members of
tho legislature and they voted for him
from first to last When John S Rob
inson resigned from tho beuch to tako
his seat in congress Allen was appointed
to fill the vacancy until an olection
could bo held At tho olection this fall
ho was chosen for tho full 4 ycar term
which ho resigns to take tho sonator
Illlrlicoek Is DUnjijioIntml
Omaila Deo 14 G M Hitchcock
publishes tho following card in his pa
per tho World Herald
To tlio many earnest friends who so
generously and enthusiastically sup
ported mo in my rocent candiduoy for
tho senatorial appointment at tho hands
of tho governor I herewith tender my
thanks I cannot honestly deny that I
havo been deeply disappointed and I
feel keonly tho sting of ingratitudo but
above all I havo boon deeply moved by
tho unexpected and almost unanimous
Mipport of tho peoplo of Douglas county
and tho gonerous indorsement of repre
sentative men in all parts of Nebraska
A special to Tho World Herald says
Tho governor was finally induced to
como to this decision by tho receipt of a
telegram from William J Bryan who
Governor Poyntcr Gives Him
His Commission as Senator
IlmlctiH lilt Ircnpnt IInro n District
Iui1ro nml Arcrjitu It nil of llin Contest
fur thn Siicrennornhlp to tlio IMm e Vn
cntcd by tlio Donth of M I Hnjwuril
Lincoln Dec 14 Governor Poynter
yesterday named William V Alien to
succeed the Into M L Ilnywnrd us
United Statos senntor
Tuosday night tho governor wirod to
Judgo Allen to como to Lincoln Upon
bis arrival yesterday ho was informed
by tho governor that bo bad boon ap
pointed to succeed tho lato M L Ilny
Judgo Allon has resigned his placo on
tho beuoh and tho resignation has boon
accepted Tho noxt thing in order will
is at Austin Tox urging the appoint
Diont of Judgo Allon This settled tho
Mr Bryan statod in his tolegram that
good faith demanded Judgo Allens
nppointmont and that Mr Hitchcock
should stand nsido
rionds Not i lo III ChnrRO of KIM
O ine
Kkaiinkv tob Deo 14 Tlio pre
liminary ex iilimtion of Frank L Dins
moro was livid before 13 Frank Brown
county judgo yesterday
Tho complaint was read charging him
with deliberately shooting and instantly
killing Fred Lauo at Odessa on tho
night of Dec 4 Dinsmoro pleaded not
guilty and waived further examination
No complaint was filod iu roferonco to
tho murder of Mrs Dinsmoro as tho
Btato 1b waiting for tho report of tho
chemist who is analyzing tho stomach
liver and tonguo taken from hor Mrs
Lauo is held under 10000 bond for hor
appoaruueo as a wituoss for tho state in
the district court
Dinsmoro will remain in tho county
jail until his trial in tho January term
of tho district court At tho prelimi
nary examination ho maintained his
characteristic indifference and calm
National Convontlnu Will lis Hold Thorn
mi Juno 37 of Noxt Your
Oihcauo Dec 14 Tho Prohibition
national convention will bo hold iu Chi
cago on Juno 27 of noxt year This
was decided on at tho meeting yostorday
of tho national committee of the Pro
hibition party held at tho Palmer houso
nt which 20 national committeomou
wero present representing 10 Btatos
Tho contest for tho convention was
quite a spirited ono South Bend Indi
anupolis and Columbus sending repre
sentatives to urgo tho advantage of
thoso cities ns convention points but
nfter a lengthy debato tho offer of Chi
cago prohibitionists to pay all tho ex
penses of tho convention provide a
hall with oomfortablo seating capacity
of over 10000 and secure reduced rail
road rates was uccoptod
FiirinoN Hold Their iraln
Omaha Dec 14 Officials of railroad
freight departments havo discovered
within tho past few weeks a romarkablo
disinclination on tho part of western
farmers to dispose of their grain and ns
a result tho grain traffic at this timo is
oxtromoly light This is somewhat out
of tho common at this season whon the
movement of grain is usually the larg
est Explanation of this condition is
found so railroad officials assert in tho
low prices prevailing and the falling off
in the export domand
Irish 0T to Join tho lloers
Cleveland Dec 14 Tho Plain
Dealer says A party of young Irish
Americans havo loft this city to join
the Boers iu their fight against Great
Britain At Now York tho young men
who are mostly veterans of tho Spanish-American
war will join about COO
other Irishmen and tho entiro party
will sail from New York on Saturday
for Paris In the latter city tho men
will join an Irish regiment being formed
to go to tho assistance of tho Boors
No Prison Twine Factory
Des Moines Dec 14 Tho board ol
control and the superintendents of tho
state institutions at tho quarterly meet
ing yesterday discussed the question of
convict labor and particularly tho es
tablishment of a twino factory in con
nection with the penitentiary at Ana
mosa Tho sentiment of a majority of
thoso present was that tho state should
not enter upon tho scheme
Cincinnati is now shipping large
quantities of beer to Manila
Congress will bo asked to appropriate
20000 moro for tho negro exhibit at
tho Paris exposition
Cubans are complaining that the
Americans aro tryiug to run tho Wid
ows Homo nt Havana
Tho British steamer Saltram Captain
Owen from Philadelphia Nov 28 for
Havana has been posted as missing
Sir Georgo R Kirkpatrick
governor of Canada and ex speaker
of tho houso at Ottawa died Wednes
Violations of tho Ohineso exclusion
net during tho last year numbored 000
according to the number of thoso ar
Boforo closing tho extraordinary ses
sion tho Peruvian congress approved the
oxtradition treaty with tho United
Louis A Goldsmith tho defaulting
assistant cashier of tho National Bank
of Port Jervis N Y has disappeared
His defalcations will aggregate over
Jim Godding and Wash Powell wore
hanged at Valdosta Ga Wednesday
for tho murder of a storokoopor named
Edward F Leland a Chicago broker
has been expelled from membership iu
tho Chicago stock oxchnngo for alleged
bucketshop practices
Georgo and James Herring nogro
miners at Birmingham Ala wero
killed from ambush by two white min
ers us tlio result of a teud
Irving Shaw 14 years of ago of
Providenco N Y convicted ot mur
dering his playmate Jeso Blanche lust
October was sentenced to life imprison
ment at Dauuemorri prison
Miss Olarn Barton has received a
cablegram from Marquis Yillabos Mad
rid expressing thanks of the Spanish
assembly for her work in trying to so
euro release of tho Spanish prisoners iu
tho Philippines
A salo and show of short horn cattlo
in Kansas City next year has been de
cided upon by officers of tho Central
Short Horn Breeders association An
ullowanco of 5000 for prizes isexpovted
trom the national association
Ten Thousand Captured at
Itrport Correct ns Stocks lime
Illsnii In Loiuloii Toliil Unsmiltlrs on
ModdrrItlvorX7 ltrltlli Mot it Second
Defeat Wednesday
Ixndon Deo 14 Spoolal to Tint
Nhwb A special from PletorinaritS
burg btatos that Generals Bailor and
Clorgy havo entered Ladysmith after
capturing 10000 Boers
Tho report is ovidontly correct ns
Afrionu stocks havo risen rnpldly in
tho London exchange If truo this ono
victory menus moro to tlio British than
all their losses
The total killed missing and wounded
in tho Modder river fight of Sunday and
Monday is now reported to bo 817
Meet Hecond Dufent
London Deo 14 Each important
battlo seems to bring a worso reverse
for tho British and tho papors thin
morning sorrowfully admit that Gon
oral Mothuens chock at Magorsfontein
is tho most serious affair tho war has
yet produced
It is estimated hero that Lord Mu
Unions forces amounted to 11000 moil
and perhaps more No reliable esti
mate of his losses has been received
Thoy are believed to havo been at least
Tho British casualties included the
Marquis of Winchester major of tho
Second battalion Coldstream Guards
who was killed and Oolonol Downham
of tho First battalion Gordon High
lnndors who was mortally wounded
All tho papers commout upon tho ex
treme gravity of tho situation and upon
tho momentous decision Lord Mothuon
now has to take whether to remain at
Modder river or to retire on Orango
river Tho Times says At least 30
000 additional men must bo sent out
Tho entiro availablo roservo must be
called up and tho militia and volunteers
must bo turned to account Efforts
must bo mado to incrcaso tho local vol
unteers and offers from Canada and tho
other colonies must bo sought and ac
Tho Standard which comments upon
tho seemingly astonishing numbers of
tho Boers is driven to tho conjecture
that a substantial portion of tho Boer
commandoes has been recruited from
the Capo Dutch
All eyes aro now turned hopefully to
General Bullor who taking into ac
count tho troops with General White at
Ladysmith has altogether JO000 men
A dispatch from Boer sources says that
Kimberloy remained quiet during tho
battlo at Magorsfontoin
Tho special correspondent of tho Daily
Mail at Modder river describing tho
fighting says Wo raked tho Boor
trenches with an intense well directed
fire of 0 guns including a naval guu
and a Howitzer battery both using lyd
dite I believo thoy effected sovero
damage Tho Boer prisoners report
that ono lyddito shell fell among 40
men only five of whom escaped unhurt
Other shells burst in tho enemys
laager causing its complete destruction
Tho Boers are in still larger force than
wo found them at Modder river out
numbering us almost threo to ono Tho
Transvaalors aro apparently dominating
in their military councils although iu a
Threo hundred and twonty wounded
British havo arrived at Orango river
from tho Modder river
Tho Boers aro still shelling Lady
smith Tho heat is terrific
Story of tho Iluttlo
Moddbk Riveii Doc 14 Boforo day
break Monday tho Highlanders arrived
within 200 yards of tho Boer intrench
ments at the foot of a hill Unsuspect
ing that tho Boers woro in tho vicinity
tho British wero still niurching quarter
column in closo order when they mot a
terriblo firo from tho flanks and wero
forced to rotiro with heavy loss
When tho Highlanders mot tho mur
derous point blank firo of tho Boers
about 200 wero mowed down Tho
Black Watch regiment on reforming
was ablo to muster only 100 mon Tho
Boors lost heavily in tho trenches and
also in tho wire entanglemonts when
thoy carao into tho open iu an attempt
to make a flank attack on tho British
Tho terrific British artillery firo pro
voked no response excopt from tho
Boers rifles until 4 oclock in tho after
noon whon tho Gordon Highlanders
formed to renow tho attack on tho in
trenched kopjo They advanced with
tho utmost gallantry to attack tho Boors
closo to tho placo where lay their dead
and woundod comrades of tho Highland
brigade Tho enemy opened witli a
heavy shrapuol firo as tlio British ad
vanced and it was found physically im
possible to tako tho Boor trenches Tho
British got within 200 yards but could
not get nearer
Tho Boers had frco recourse to barbed
wire entanglements which offered great
obstacles oven after tho damugo in
flicted by tho British artillery fire
Tuesday morning both sides occupiod
tho positions thoy hold before tho bat
tlo Tho greatest bravery was dis
played by officers and men A detach
ment of Boers posted among some thick
bushes to tho cast maintained a most
destructive firo on our right With tho
romarkablo talent for taking cover
If so we will tako our chanms of your
landing at our store where you can see a
greator variety of useful and beautiful Holiday Presents
in live minutes than you can iu five hours shopping
around J know us if we dont sign our former name
TES Follow tho Crowd
which tlio Boer always displays Slwy
wero generally speaking virtually in
visible and although the enemys ar
tillery was practically silenced his rillo
firo was so persistent and concentrated
as well as usually well aimed that it
was absolutely impossible for tho Brit
ish infantry to take tho position by as
Itonr Svniiiit IiIcih ut Lincoln
Lincoln Deo 14 A meeting of Boor
sympathizers was held hero last ovon
iug to arrange for a mass meeting noxt
Monday or Tuesday evening A com
mittee of fivo was appointed to draw up
resolutions of sympathy
Iteur cncl Lolllnloii on the lemny Orntral
Nnr Allriitown
Amkntowv Pa Deo 14 Passenger
train No 18 on tho Jersoy Central rail
road eastlxmnd duo hero at 857 last
evening ran into tho rear end of extra
coal train No 420 also eastbound op
posite Laurys Engineer Fred F Yeo
mnns Fireman William H Smith and
Baggagemen Hcrth of tho passenger
train all of Easton Pa and Flagman
Georgo Harm of tho coal train of Ber
gen N J wero buried under tlio wreck
and killed Tho bodies havo not yet
been recovered Tho wreck caught firo
and tho engine baggage and smoking
enr wero burned Tho day coach es
caped the flames Tho passengers woro
severely shaken up but nouo wero bo
riously injured
Omnlin Italrgatn Dubitrrtid from Iednra
tlnn of Labor ConTontlou
Dktkoit Dec 14 Most of the
speeches of yesterduys session of the
Federation of Labor wero devoted to
expressions of fraternal greeting be
tween tho British Cunadiuu and Ameri
can organizations Tho speeches wero
earnost eloquent and ablo and wero
frequently applauded throughout There
wore no references to diplomatic al
liances or other political questions ex
cept as relating to securing of labor leg
islation The new movement for organ
izing tho farmers was encouraged by
the appointment of a committee to as
sist it W H Boll tho dologato of tho
Omaha Central Labor union was re
fused a seat in tho convention
To Havo it Nnw Court limine
Dis Moinkh Dec 14 An opinion
was handed down by tho supremo court
yesterday favorable to tho river frontors
in tho famous court houso sito contro
versy Tho opinion is tliat the board of
supervisors has tho right to soil tho old
court houso sito It is based on tho as
sumption that tho Polk county commis
sioners never dedicated the present site
to tho city of Des Moines ns contended
by thoso who brought the suit It ie
proposed to build a 1000 court houso
Wolmtor County Coal Mine TIimI Up
Dks Moinhs Dec 14 All tho bife
coal mines iu Webster county aro re
ported to bo tied up by tho striko ol
about 500 men atKulo Coalvillo Lehigh
and Carbon Tho mon went out because
of tho unwillingness to grant advance
of wages which tho mon thought just
iu view of tho advancing prices of coal
Tho struggle promises to bo long The
Boono county district immediately ad
joining Webster county is likely to bo
drawn into tlio trouble
Want Protrrtlon AKlit San Jono Hrnle
Dns Moinks Dec 14 Tho Iowa Hor
ticultnral society yesterday passed reso
lutions calling on congress to prohibit
tho importation of foreign nursery
stock except nu rigid conditions calcu
lated to protect tho homo nursery man
and fruit grower against tho San Joso
scale Tho post despito legislation is
reported doing much damugo iu tho
Mississippi valley states and Iowans aro
fearful it will ruin their orchards
Hlinttiik Ml on ICubiTU IVIIniony
Maiuiiaii Mich Deo 11 Tin
cross examination of Miss Mario Robert
son was resinned iu tho Sanderson
murder caso yesterday and tho defend
ants attorney picked most of her testi
mony to pieces It developed that sho
had never actually been the defendant
place tho glass in tho mill to bg
ground up t
Graceful Hnsy and Long Wearing
Olga Nethersole 250 Shoe
roBSPBftoa tliumnrllof porfoct Btylo lit comfort nml dnrnbllllj
Nn brciillnit in uecoMiiry ninilo to conform to tho llmix of thn foot
Bolu ury lloxllilo Cliromo Kid Block Hint Ib Boft nn a rIovr jot
wnnrx liko iron EicoIh miy tr0ulioo for woar nnd comfort
Nn 100fhrntim Kill ultli till f if llin lamit tnptlhitii wnlilit Hull
V tniitliovtliUlinf uMlviir linlf ilnlliir low I mo I iiiiil uolr imtliini
Vim will Unci lliln ulioiiu combination ofntyliiulu romrort
HunufacMircd by The Uock Uland Shoe Co Rock Inland III
onu oil exclusively In Ihli city by
H 7
iyi J
sszs f
In days of old and Knights so bold
When Barons held their sway
Folks loved the Silver and the Gold
Just as they do today
In nil ages Silver and CSold havo swayed tho world and rnlcd tho hearts nnd
minds of mankind While gold is of more intrinsic vuluo in tho hearts of tho
peoplo silvor articles of merchandise are just ns much to lo dosirtd Our display
of gold and silver goods is tho finest over shown in Norfolk Wo havo all kinds
you will admire at prices you will regard with favor Just u few suggestions
Ladies and Gents Gold Watches
Clocks Diamond Rings Opal and
Other Stone Rings Plain and
Engraved Rings Scarf Pins
Sterling Silver Novelties
Silverware Chains Charms
Lockets Brooches Buttons
Ear rings Bracelets
Gold Spectacles
Gold Pens
and many other fine articles too numerous to mention them all Wo are proud
of our now stock ana pleaseu to snow it visit onr store you are welcome
CRAVEN HcCOY Proprietors
FirstClass Work Guaranteed
Prompt dolivory Work called for and returned
Your patronage solicited
Telephone 83
Norfolk Nebr
All Kinds of Hard and Soft Coal Thoroughly Bright
and Clean at
AD Coal Screened Choice- Smithing Coal
Your IlitroiiiiLelfeFpectrully Solicited PHONE 541
The Norfolk Building and Loan Assi
C B DURLAND Secretary