The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, December 07, 1899, Page 9, Image 9

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Report That Aguinaldo Offers
to Give Up
Force of IinurKiiit Allnrks tho Onrrlsnn
Mt VIchii mid llaril Kiigmcrliimit rllw
Jinny Aro llnttnrloil Woiinilril lVurs
for Surety nf Youinjfl Troops
Nrcw Yokk Doc 0 A Rpouinl cahlo
gram from Hong Kong to tho Evening
World says thut Filipinos thcro tin
nounco thut Aguiimldo is ready to sur
render if Consul Wildninn will receivo
him tit Manila Tho liiwatoh udds thut
tho Filipino junta at Hong Kong was in
communication with Aguinuldo lust
week and advised him to throw himself
on tho mercy of tho United States
Manila Deo 0 Last night a forco
of insurgents estimated at 800 attacked
tho American garrison of S00 at Vigun
provinco of South locos Tho American
loss was eight killed and many wounded
After very hard lighting tho Filipinos
woro driven off anil through tho moun
tains leaving 15 dead Colonel Uisboo
is now reinforcing tho garrison
Fears aro entertained regarding vari
ous small bodies of General Youngs
troops in tho provinco of Abrn
Hut Little News From Front Allowed to
Jrlcldo Through
London Deo 0 Tho censorship con
tinues to bo of tho strictest character
Virtually no nows is allowed to pass cx
copt diaries of ovonts with tho be
leaguered garrisons According to tho
latest accounts of tho battlo of Modder
River tho Boer fire was tho hottest on
record and will revolutionize existing
theories It was effective up to 1000
yards but the casualties among tho
Boer troopswero trifling It was found
impossible to bring tho British ammu
nition reserves to the firing lino Many
Boers wearing Red Cross badges woro
actually employed in serving out am
munition It is reported that tho mobili
zation of a seventh division will bo or
dered at Aldershot as a preparation for
Tho Daily Mail has a dispatch from
Maf eking dated Nov 28 which says
All Woll
Tho Morning Post complains that
thoro are plenty of cavalrymen at honi
but that parsimony prevents thoir be
ing sent to South Africa whero thoy
aro urgently needed
A Modder river special dated Nov
30 says Tho Boors occupy a strong
ridgo about six miles north of this point
Today tho Lauccrs camo into contact
with them
Totnl Losses ut Iiiclysmltli
New Your Doc 0 A dispatch to
Tho Herald from Pietermaritzbnrg says
lTows from Ladysmith is beginning to
como in mora freely Tho latest dis
patches state that from tho beginning of
tho investment up to last Saturday
Nov 25 thcro woro 823 killed and
wounded including both military and
civilians Tho Boers shell tho town
from all sides thoir favorite tinio for
opening being at midnight
Blowing Up Colenao HrlrfRO
Louenzo Mauqukz Dec C General
Joubert has retired from Estcourt and
is now blowing up tho Colenso bridge
Ho brings a largo herd of cattle and in
tends to concentrate his forces around
Six Day nikers at Now York Establishing
Many New Mark
New Yokk Doc C Tho plodders at
Madison Square Garden aro ridiug far
ahead of tho record as was anticipated
There has been some change in the rela
tive position of tho riders and soveral of
them havo loft tho track in tho past 24
Two oclock score Miller Waller
10010 Maya McEachorn 10012
Gimm Piorce 10018 Fischer-Chevalier
10008 Stoveus Turvillo 10000
Babcock Stinson 10005 Schinneer
Forster 0975 Thoma Dickorson 9400
The Pastairo 85U4 Walthour 51C7
Aronson 4717
Funeral of John I illulr
New Yokk Doc 0 Tho funeral of
iho Into John I Blair occurred at Blairs
town N J yesterday Many promi
nont persons wero present at tho serv
ices which wero also attended by dele
gations from soveral colleges Ouo
delegation representing Princeton col
lego and Blair Hall club at Princeton
was headed by President Patton The
pallbearers wero tho fivo grandsons of
Mr Blair Tho intorment was in tho
family plot in Blairstown
Kaiser Consents to Itejieal
Bekuv Deo 0 Tho announcement
of tho ropeal of tho Prussian law for
bidding tho affiliation and coalition of
political clubs and sdcioties caused a
great sensation throughout Gornmny
Emperor Williams objections it ap
pears wero duo to his fear that repeal
would increase socialist agitation and
tho political power of the Socialist
Massacred hy Kurds
Constantinople Doc C Private ad
vices received hero report that the
Kurds havo avenged tho rocont incur
sion of Prussian Armenians into tho
Alashgerd district in Turkish Arme
nia by pillaging tho Armenian village
of Kostur and massacring 300 of its in
Major Armstioiig Dead
Kansas City Deo fl Mujor F O
Armstrong surgeon of the Thirty-second
regimont died at Manila yostorday
of lymphatio loukaoinia according to a
cablegram roceivod in this city by tho
father of Mrs Armstrong Major
Armstrong was about 40 years old and
was a woll known physician nud but
geou of Eldorado Kuu
Tlir Story of he Kleilintit Who Wn
Vrrj luunriwit
Once there was an elephant that
tiled of life in the jungle he decid
ed to Join a circus at the list opportu
nity Shortly after making up his mind
on this point he was strolling through
the forest cursing the Hies high and
low when he enine upon the agent of
a grent American circus who was en
gaging African talent for the following
season Although the agent saw him
coming he paid no attention to the dis
contented elephant who naturally felt
Hellol ho trumpeted Wouldnt
you like to have me grace your cir
Oh I dont knowl carelessly re
plied the agent What stunts can you
What ran I do asked the surpris
ed elephant
Well youre a bright one you aro
sarcastically replied the agent Can
you balance yourself on the tip of your
trunk or turn a buck somersault or
play the Intermezzo from Cnvnllerla
Itustlcann on a slide trombone or do
a high dive Into three feet of water or
conduct an orchestra
The poor bewildered elephant meek
ly acknowledged his Inability to per
form any of tho feats mentioned
I thought so remarked tho circus
man Now if youll attend a dramat
ic school for live or six years and study
hard about 10 hours a day Ill make
you an offer thatll Hut with a loud
roar of despair the stagestruck animal
took to the woods
Moral The professions are over
crowded Brooklyn Life
Ilrlcf From IlllMllle
We understand that all Dewoy needs
In his new house Is coal We hnvent
any coal but we have shipped him two
carloads of Georgia light wood knots
with our compliments
Brumby day was even more thnn we
expected All of our relatives swooped
down on ur and we had to hire a
fright train to take em to It
Blllville Is not represented In the leg
islature this year Our late representa
tive got a government pension for hav
ing his leg cut off while reading war
news and he has gone to Ty Ty to
spend It
We have no advice to give the Geor
gia legislature The members got in
there and they know what for At
lanta Constitution
IniiKhn Ilvtter Thnn Tcnrn
I bless all tho apostolic college of
humorists The man thut makes me
laugh is my benefactor I do not thank
anybody to mako mo cry I can do thut
without any assistance Wo all cry
enough and havo enough to cry about
God bless all skillful punsters all ro
purteeiBts all propounders of ingenious
conundrums all thoso who mirthfully
surprise us with unusual juxtaposition
of words Thomas Hood uud Charles
Dickens and Sydney Smith had adivlno
mission and so havo their successors in
these times They stir into the acid
beverage of lifo tho saccharine They
make tho cup of earthly existence
which is sometimes stale effervesce and
bubble They plucato animosities They
foster longevity They slny follies nnd
absurdities which all the sermons of
all the pnlpitB cannot reach T De
Witt Talmage
Moody Suffering From Heart Fnllure
East Noiithfield Mass Dec C
The family physician of D L Moody
after a consultation has issued a bulle
tin to tho effect that Mr Moody is suf
fering from a weakoned heart and that
tho condition is due to overwork Ho
suffers at times from difficult breathing
Mr Moody eventually will recover Ho
receives very many letters of sympathy
from friends in all parts of tho country
and often expresses gratitude for tho
thoughtful remembrances which thoy
The Wine Man
The wise man will not expect too
liucb from those about him Ho will
ear nnd forbear Even tho best havo
olbles and weaknesses which have to
e endured sympathized with aud per
uips pitied Who Is perfect Who
oes not need forbearance and forgive
less Samuel Smiles
Novel Means of Suicide
CkdiU Rapids la Dec 5 Mrs
Lizzie Sovera an ugod woman an in
mate of the county homo committed
suicide yesterday by hanging Sho tied
a pieco of string around a door knob
tho othor end around her neck aud
lying down on tho floor strangled her
self to death
Motor Cars Collldo at Cleveland
Cleveland Dee 5 Two motor
cars collided on Willson avenuo near
Woodland avenuo yesterday owing to
an open switch Tho passongors woro
badly shaken up but only three porsous
wero soverely hurt Thoy woro John
Vinsol Bruno Young and Nicholas
Kill Meat Inspection 11111
Beklin Deo 5 Tho moat iuspectioa
bill which tho reichstag commission
hobtilo to tho United States wab to havo
taken up yesterday has beou postponed
indefinitely at the instigation of tho for
eign office
Herd of Cuttle Poisoned
Oulukutson Neb Dec 0 J J Si
doll lost 19 cattlo tho latter part of last
week by poisoning It is thought some
one put nrsoi io in tho salt that was fed
them Sixteen died ill about au hours
Death of Josih Swim
Sioux City Doc 0 Joseph Swan
ono of Iowas be3t known lawyers died
yesterday of heart failure He luid
practiced hero sinco 1871
llolln Case Argued Today
Washington Dec 5 Tho caso of
Henry Bollu plantiff iu error state of
Nebraska will bo argued in tho supromo
court today
0iommI to lumen In llip Much Unit
Mndi I iv Itnlli oiiN
Omaha Dec 1 tttleinen through
out the west arc aroused to a consider
able extent in opposition to the recent
change inaugurated by the railroads
west of the Missouri rier whereby tho
transportation of cat lie is charged for
by weight instead of by the car as horo
tofore They assert that this change
will result in an increase of tho charges
of the railroad companies Especial op
position to tho new method of comput
ing freight tariffs on tho movement of
live stock is manifested in Kansas and
it is assorted that suits will bo insti
tuted in the courts of that slate to de
termine whether or not the railroads
have tho right to make such a change
in their tariffs
loiutUfl Io lo IHitniiinilvllIn uud Stilk
v Winn lo FlKhl
CiiKVKNsn Dec 1 Tho citizens of
Diatnondvillo four that a crisis is ap
proaching anil many of them are leav
ing tho coal camp Sixty deputies ar
rived at Diamondvillo today from
Eviinston Fort Bridger Cokovillo
Konunerer and Big Iniey to
gether with several cases of arms
and ammuiiitioii from Evauston This
gives Sheriff John Ward a force of about
100 well armed and experienced men
The strikers are not idle and aregotting
everything ready for battle Tho com
pany is determined to operate its mines
and the strikers an equally determined
that it shall not It is believed that an
attempt will bo niudo on Thursday
morning to resume
Nivt WtKlern liiiie
St Tosriii Mo Dec I From a
creditable source it is learned that Min
neapolis and St Paul will probably be
represented in the new western league
of professional baseball clubs The
promoters of tho new league liuvo as
surances from tho magnates of the
National and American leagues that
Louisville will bo dropped by tho Na
tional league and will bo included in
tho American circuit in plnce of St
Paul Minneapolis it is said will also
be dropped by tho American league
Sheriff to DIhciihs Cum let Iulior
Drs MoiNrs Dec 0 Tho sheriffs ot
Iowtt meet in annual convention her
today Tho feature of tho meeting will
be u discussion on convict labor L G
Kiiino of tho state board of control will
read a paper on convict labor
The fight between Erno and OBrien
at Now York Monday was declared a
a draw at tho end of tho 25th round
Tho German reichstag Monday dis
cussed tho governments currency bill
providing for an increase of silver coins
until tho amount reached tho propor
tion of 14 marks per head of the popula
Tho state dopartment has rocoivod a
Cable messago from United States Min
ister Loomas at Caracas Von confirm
ing tho press report of tho capture of
Maracuibo by tho iusuigont general
Captain Blocklinger commander of
tho naval recruiting station in Chicago
has been instructed to enlist 10 lands
men for tho cruiser Hartford which
will leave S a Francisco Dec 20 for a
years trip around tho world
There was a terrific battlo in tho do
mons cago at the Ohio penitentiary
Monday in which Frank ONeill the
Clevelund prisoner who killed Guard
Laudorback a year ago was nearly
stabbed to death by Otis Hurley of Day
ton Both of tho men have been con
fined in tho cago because of their mur
derous disposition
A Good Practice
Noutii Platte Nobr Nov 20 1899J
Mrs W E Goodwin box H7J this
place says she always has tho very best
of health but sho attributes it largely
to the fact that they make a practice of
keeping the blood pure with Hoods
Sarsaparilln It has boon used in tho
family for years and is believed to have
no equal It is the best medicine money
can buy
A Cheerful Look
Makes aDishaFeast
44 Cheerful looks depend
just as much upon physical
well being as upon natural
disposition and temperament
If the blood is disordered the
brain is starved and no
4 dish is a feast for the
reason that the vitalizing ele
ments do not reach the proper
spot A step in the right direction is to
purify the body by the use of a natural
remedy Hoods Sarsaparilla is Natures
remedy It acts upon the blood and
ivhether the seat of the disorder is brain
stomach liver or kidneys the purifying
process of this medicine is equally sure
and successful
Pain in Back Stone cutters like
myself have pains in back and kidney
troubles Since I took Hoods Sarsaparilla
I am all right and I recommend it W
F Morton Brwrrwood Texas
Broken Down was broken
rfowi and in poor health for tivo years
Hoods Sarsaparilla made me in better
health than for years Have no sick
ness noiu A C Montgomery Henry
vtlle Miss
N B Get only Hoods because
iocd6 SaUalaitfa
1IimmIs Jills curelher HUtlie nou Irritating ami
only cathartic tu take with Howls Saraurlll
I if
Wide fluiake Glothin
-4 SSlSlSlSlSlSlSlSlSlsHVsSlSlSlSlSlsBslsiSlSTSlSlSlSlSlSlSlSlSm
IfjBUHsWBssirff XBalsssMwk
1 t
Store S
Unbroken Lines in
Mens and Boys
Suits and
Caps and
On account of tho unusually
warm fall wo havo dcoidod to
mako prices that will inovo all Vf
winter floods
Not be
in the City
p k
This advico is to tho few who havo not yet visited us Afternoons and
c von hi us you find a JAM
Wo simply press tho button Tho Novelties Variety and Low Prices do the rest
Uhle the Groeer
is preparing for a
Ho has
Christmas Trees
and everything to trim them with
Christmas Candies
Nuts and Fruits
For Plumbing Stem Fitting Pumpi
Tanks Wind Mills
And all repair work in this line oa
BatUfaetion laarantead
Klrtt door south of Dally Nsws office
Everybody wants the best of
moats We make a special
effort to pleaae our trade
Oar Shop Is the Neatest
in the City
Reblnding old Books
and Hngazlnea
1 Next to Demis Point Store Fifth Street
Sale andL
Horses Bought and Sold 01
Braasch Avenue
and Tnird St
Mrs HHHull
Facial Treatment Manicuring and Sbinpot
W1U cladljr oall at your homes and do aojr of thl
work Orders taken for fine hair switch
Perfect match guaranteed Besldence on Firat
street Junction Orders mar be left at th
Junction Drugstore Telephone 10