The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, December 07, 1899, Page 7, Image 7

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Juilfco anil Mm J Hi Karnes Celebrate
Tlnppy ETcnt
From rrlddjn Dally
Tho ploasant homo of Judgo and Mrs
J fi Barnes was tho sceno of n moat
enjoynblo gnthoring Wednesday oven
ing when botweeu 7f and 80 guests as
sembled to do honor to tho 2fith wed
ding anniversary of tho genial and ro
injected conplo Tho britlo and groom
of 25 yoars woro in their most happy
mood and tho honrs fairly scorned to fly
so successful woro thoir efforts to enter
It was at tho villngo of Pouca that J
B Barnes aud a Miss Ida Hanunaut full
quarter of a century ago plightod tho
tows of lifo long companionship and
lovo that havo ruled a homo of moro
than ordinary happiness Throo sons
of whom any paronts would foel proud
havo since then boon rocoived into tho
family all of whom woro prosont to as
sist in celebrating tho anniversary
The five form a family of whichfor lovo
and good fellowship tho equal is seldom
found and all ean bat wish many happy
returns of the occasion so auspiciully
observed Weduoidoy night
In tho work of entertaining tho host
obb was most efllciontly assisted in tho
dining room by Misses Edith McOlary
Edith Morrow Mattio Davenport BcbbIo
Cooloy Anna MoBrido and Fannio Dav
ehport whilo Miss Mabel Cooloy pro
sided at a punch bowl from which the
refresunnut va3 dispensed
Delicious rofreshments woro daintily
served whilo tho beautiful flowers in
tho dining room mingled their fragranco
and loveliness with the feast
Tho popular couplo in whoso honor
tho entertainmont was given were tho
recipients of many and valuable gifts in
silver which will bo preserved with
happy remembrances of tho donors
Mr and Mrs Barnes have spent 1 1
years of their happy married life in
Norfolk and have a hoBt of friends who
will join The News in wishing that
these events may not stop short of tho
diamond wedding celebration
N A Rainbolt started last night on a
business trip to Deadwood
Tho Gentlemens whist club will meet
tonight with A J Dnrland
H J Huston went to Piorco and ob
served Thanksgiving with friends
Mrs McBride and Miss Anna observed
Thanksgiving with Madison relatives
Sol Mayer spent Thanksgiving with
friends and relatives in Lincoln Ho
will return tonight
Mr and Mrs O H Reynolds returned
Wednesday evening from their sad mis
sion to Springfield 111
Misses Hattie Allbery Edna Stafford
and Edith Bachelor went to Omaha to
spend Thanksgiving and see Modjcska
Miss Irene Dexter came homo from
Omaha where she has been attending
Brownell hall to spend Thanksgiving
H E Gregory postnl clerk on the
Lincoln branch of the P E M V
spent Thanksgiving with Norfolk
Mrs Belle Pheasant expects to leave
tomorrow for Albertine Wash to
spend a couple of months with her
The saloons in which turkeys were
raffled and free lunches served were
liberally patronized yesterday and the
evening before
A brilliant sun dog which is consid
ered by many as an indication of ap
prociohing cold weather appeared in
the heavens this morning
While in the city Bishop Williams
will bo tho guest of his old friend Dr O
A MoKiin where all desiring to do so
are requested to call on him
A B Lane of tho Order of Railway
Conductors and Thomas Magnoy of
the Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen
ore in Omaha attending to lodge busi
Mr and Mrs H G Correll returned
to Plaiuviow today noon Mr and Mrs
Ohas Mapes parents of Mrs Correll
will remain a few days to visit Norfolk
Miss Nellie Williams entertained a
company of young people at her home
44 Actions of the Just
Smell Sweet
The fragrance of life is
vigor and strength neither of
which can be found in a per
son whose blood is impure
and whose every breath
speaks of internal troubles
Hoods Sarsaparilla purifies
vitalizes and enriches the
blood gives a good appetite
and makes the weak strong
Run Down -My husband was run
down in health and all tired out Those
excellent medicines Hoods Pills and Sarsa
parilla built him up again Mrs H L
Mowry Towanda Pa
llooji IlIU cure liver lllijthe pon IrrlUtlni nd
ouTt cttlurUc to take with Mood 8ttprtlU
west of tho city in honor of a frioud
from Humphrey who is visiting her A
very enjoyable tituo was spont by all
Tho union soirees hold at tho M E
church yesterday morning woro vory
woll attended Dr Fletcher M Slsson
dolivored an appropriate sormon that
was repleto with good thoughts and
Tho men working on tho oporn honso
observed Thanksgiving not protubly bo
otuso thoy particularly wautod to but bo
causo tho weather enforced a lay off
Work on tho building was rot uniod this
morning and is progressing uicoly
About 25 frionds of Mr and Mrs J
W Gibson cnllod on aud surprisod
thorn last evening A very pleasant
evening was on joyed tho timo boing
taken up with dancing progressive
high flvo and othor ontortainiug features
Tho Arlington Stock company has
boon blllod to appear at Marqnardts
hall on tho evenings of Docombor fi and
1 Tho first performance will bo Joshua
Slmpkins Tho company carriofi a band
nnd orchestra and comes highly roc
Tho following officers for tho coming
tetm woro elected last ovouing by Nor
folk lodgo No 40 I O O P P W
Kiosau N G A P OBanion V G H
L Spaulding secretary E 1 Schor
reggo treasurer M C Walltor trusteo
for throo years
Mr Ziomor tho Hoskins bridgo
builder had tho misfortune to have his
derrick fall with him recently whilo ho
was on top bruising him up aud break
ing one of his legs Ho was taken to
tho Carroll hotel Dr Murihoad of Win
side attended to his injuries
Police Judgo Hayos had a gentleman
of leisure bofore him this morning on
tho charge of being drunk and disor
derly Ho was notified to lenvo town
inside of 24 hours or tako the conso
quonces of a sentence to tho stone or
wood pile there to exercise his surplus
Tho Brotherhood of Railway Train
men who have customarily given an an
nual ball during the Christmas season
which has been highly enjoyed by their
guests havo decided not to give one at
that time this year but will probably
give it on Washingtons birthday Feb
ruary 22
The masquerade ball givon in Mar
qnardts hall last night by O A Riohey
was well attended by those who were
masked and also spectators and a very
pleasant time is reported Tho music
as well as all other features of the ball
was highly satisfactory Tho enlarged
hall was very completly occupied by tho
whirling devotees of the dancing art
Dallas Branson has purchased the liv
ery barn and business heretofore conduct
ed by 0 W Mihills and the former is now
in possession Mr Branson has for a
number of years conducted a baggage
transfer lino and is therefor well quali
fied to handle the livery business It
is expected by his friends that ho will
hold if not increase the business recent
conducted by Mr Mihills
Thaksgiving day ushered in tho first
snow of tho season yesterday morning
the storm being occompained by quite a
high wind from the northwest and con
siderable rain Tho temperature was so
warm however that tho snow disap
peared almost as soon as it had fallen
and along in tho afternoon the sky bo
came clear and bright betokening a con
tinuance of the delightful woathor with
which this seotion has so long been
Bert OBanion of tho Fair store and
Miss Eunice Buchanan were nnited in
marriage yesterday morning nt 9 oclock
at the homo of tho grooms sister Mrs
T S Richardson in Fullerton They
expect to return to Norfolk Monday
morning nnd will begin housekeeping in
rooms prepared by Mr OBanion Tho
contracting parties are both well known
in Norfolk whore they have many
friends who will join in extending
hearty congratulations
A D Collins commonly known as
King who was recently acquitted at
Madison of tho charge of burglary re
turned to Norfolk Weduesday and one
of his first actions was to vMt the resorts
across the creek aud acquire a jag I In
returned to town and was arrested for
being drunk and disorderly When he
was brought before Police Judgo Hayes
this morning ho was assessed a fine of
25 and costs and not having tho req
uisite umonnt to liquidate ho was com
mitted to jail If ho can be induced to
leave town aud Btay out tho sentence of
tho court will probably be suspended
Tho Rt Rev Arthur L Williams
bishop coadjutor of Nebraska will
D V oflioiato at Trinity Episcopal
church on Sunday morning at 1045
Morning prayer aud sermon also tho
holy communion This is Bishop Wil
liams first visit to Norfolk since his con
secration He is a very pleasant and
interesting speaker aud before his elec
tion as bishop coadjutor or Nebraska he
was rector of Christ church Chicago A
cordial invitation is extended to all to be
present at this service to welcome him to
his new work The bishop will probably
also preach in the evening announce
ment of which will bo mado at tho morn
ing service
What closely approached a disastrous
fire occured this morning in Booler Bros
store and a calamity was averted by the
prompt and energetic action of th
gentlemen F A Beeler wad thq first
tift ttWMs bmMil VkMnmlM
to arrivo at tho store and ho at onrd pro
ceeded to light tho flro UHing ngonerons
quantity of korosono Tho Rtovo had a
few llvo coals in it and they hooted tho
oil and produced o gas which on bo
coming ignited exploded with consider
able forco soattoring tho flro about
Mr Boolors clothes and overcoat were
badly burnod and tho flro caught lu n
pile oV blankots nonr tho stove which
woro badly damaged It is considered
by tho Mossrs Booler that thoir loss was
about 75 A flro nlann was not turnrd
In and tho danger was soon avortod
Wednesday afternoon aftor school
whilo a number of tho pupils woro play
ing foot ball on tho Qiuoy grounds
Spencor Buttorflold bocaino mixed up in
tho scrinunngo and suffered a sovero
fracture of tho bduo of his log which
will necessitate his confinement to tho
house for somo timo Tho scrimmage
is whon the opposing forces ondoavor to
crowd each othor toward n goal Tho
only way to block them is for ono of tho
playors to lay down in tho roar of the
moving mass nnd trip up tho approach
ing players thus stopping tho movemont
and perhaps gaiuiug an advantage
This was tho tactio employed in tho gatuo
of Wodnosday and tho boy was caught
undornoath with tho result above stated
As soon as tho accident was discovered a
hack was summoned nnd tho injured lad
wiib convoyed to his homo in tho western
part of tho city whoro a surgoou sot tho
bono and placed tho sufferer in as coui
fortaclo circunistancos a possible
There was a collision botwoon two
freight trains on tho Elkhorn nt Ben
nington Monday night Train No iu
ohargo of Conduotor Stoon was running
but a short distance ahead of No 4 1 in
chargo of Conductor Pollock A farmer
on tho head trnin had a permit to got off
at Bennington and it was stopped to
allow him to alight Tho roar train
dashed around n curve at good speed
and crashed into tho way car wrecking
it aud o box car next to it Tho ongiuo
of tho rear train was badly wrecked
Tho wreckage immediately took flro nud
tho way car aud throo boxes of mer
chandise were destroyod Tho train
men jumpod nnd oscaped uninjured and
immediately lent thoir assistance to tho
passengers in tho caboose Fortunately
no one was injured There was quite a
heavy fog which obscured tho vision of
the traiumon which was largely respon
sible for tho accident Tho wreckngo
was cleared away and tho track was
opened before morning
From Fridays Dolly
Mrs A M Guyer of Dakota City iB
hero visiting frionds
Ralph Miller took the train for Omaha
Harry Gibbs loft here Tuesday to visit
friends in Pine county Minn
Harry Becker returned to Warner
villo Wednesday having spont tho sum
mer in North Dakota
Tho masque ball given in tho hall
Friday evening was a social and finan
Fleeks Halo shipped in two carloads of
mules Tuesday and drove them over to
the ranch nenr Battle Creok
Goo Cupliu returned to his homo in
California Weduesday after a two
months visit horo with his parents
Harry Cunningham and Homer Tan
nohill will give a danco in tho hall Fri
day evening December 8
Fred Horst will tako a vacation of two
weeks commencing noxt Monday Dur
inghis absenco Maurice Oarberry will
have charge of tho Elevator companys
business at this point
A Happy Wedding
Among a company of admiring rela
tives and frionds who gathered flvo
miles northwest of Meadow Grove Mr
Jefferry Westorvolt and Miss Mildred
Terry were joined in marriage by Rev
E T Georgo on November 29th at ono
oclock p m Immediately following
tho ceremony the brides sister played
tho wedding march and tho guests woro
invited to tho dining room where a
bountiful dinner which had boon pre
pared by tho brides motlior was await
ing thorn and which proved to bo a
splendid production of tho culinary de
Tho contracting parties were tho
recipients of many handsome and valu
ablo presents from their friends
Mr and Mrs Westervelt will reside
on the farm of tho groom west of
Meadow Grove
Attend College Thin Your
Never in tho history of our country
was thoro a grander opportunity than
tho preseut for educated young men and
women What an auspicious momont
for those who are just now on tho
threshold of lifo
Grand Island Business nnd Normal
college has for fonrteon years been the
leaduig institution of its kind iu the
western states and last year more than
twice as many calls wero received for
its graduates us could be supplied
Everything necessary for n successful
start in life is taught business normal
and shorthand courses Expenses low
Board only 150 per woek Ono years
time given on tuition if desired Col
lego record sent free or for six cents will
suud elegant catalogue
A M Hahkok President
Grand Island Neb
To Cure Colli In One luy
Toko Laxative Biomo Quinine Tablets
All druggists refund tho money if it fails
to euro E WJ Groves signature on
Qrcty box 25o
Best canned goods at the Norfolk
U08U store
Mlsa Gortmdo Watson returned todny
from n trip to Omaha
County Superintendent C W Crnm
is in tho ciiy today from Madison
Mrs J It Prlnco of Wlnsldo is visit
ing at tho homo of T J Morrow
G H Whaloy of Nollgh spont Thanks
giving with Mr nnd Mrs G 11 Spoar
Chester A Fuller mado ono of IiIh fro
quont business trips to Madison yester
Miss Mao Hates wont to Missouri
Valley tills morning for a fow days
MIrs Goonrla Harvey roturhnd last
night from Battle Creek where sho
enjoyed a ploaBant Thanksgiving
Miss Lois G Ohilds returned yoBtor
day from a visit to Parker S D accom
panied by a little nophow Mis Ohilds
loft on a professional visit to Omaha on
lbs first train out
Mrs W II Huchol ontortainod tho
Thiniblo club yostorday aftornoon in a
vory ploaBant nianuor
Tho Young Pooplos Whist club mot
last evening with Miss Klsio Astnus and
enjoyed a vory pleasant time
King Collins was released frmn
custody yostorday and acoompanlod o
friend to Kansas City where ho htm on
on engagement lu a varloty theatre
J II Conloy moved his bioyclo shop
into tho room west of tho Bon Ton
turnout yoBtordny and iB gettng
strightenod around aud ready fo
Tho J IE club and a number of
their young gentlemen frionds woro
vory pleasantly ontortainod by Muses
Edith and Nellie Morrow at thoir homo
in tho Heights last evening
Miss Edith Lovott who formerly lived
iu Norfolk and has many friends horo
was married at Mt Union Iowo Oc
tober 2 to O E Crowford Tho nowly
married couplo will rosidout Mt Union
Cards havo been recolvod by thoir
friends announcing tho marriugo of
Miss Eunice B Buchanan to Albert P
OBanion Tlioy will bo at homo to
hoir Norfolk frionds after Docoinqor 15
Alargo crowd from tho city enjoyed
tho wookly ontertainmont at tho hospit
al for tho insane last night tho amuBO
mout having boon postponed from Thurs
day evening on account of Thanksgiving-
Harry Hoyt who has been holding an
engagement at ono of tho Omaha variety
theaters favored tho crowd at tho mas
querade Thursday night with a cako
walk and somo buck dancing Ho left
yostorday for Kansas City whoro ho has
engagement nt tho Orpheum
The Gentlemens Whist club mot last
evening with A J Durland in tho
Heights aud enjoyed a pleasant timo
Tho next meeting will bo hold iu two
weeks at tho homo of J C Stitt It is
rumored that tho ladies of tho Heights
will in tho near future challenge tho
members of tho club to a tost gamo for
tho chnmpionfihip of tho city
Gilhooloys Reception drew a largo
crowd at Marqnardts hall last evening
Tlioso who went to see a play with a
plot wefo disappointed but for an even
ing of fanny situations and a program of
speoialty vnrioty actB tho entertain
ment was complete nlthough some
of tho acts soomod quito silly ami some
of the jokes rather shell worn
A dispatch from Stanton states that
John Fuhrmnn a 14-year-old boy liv
ing in Stanton county northeast of this
city was arrested yesterday for attempt
ing to wreck tho passenger train on tho
C St P M O road flvo miles out of
town last Tuesday by placing obstruc
tions on tho track Ho acknowledges
his guilt saying he did it for fun Tho
fun might havo been vory oxpensivo had
he boon successful nud it may be rather
dear sport to him as it is
Mr and Mrs Fred Klontz jr wero
married in this city 10 years ago yester
day Last evening a largo company of
friends executed on tho conplo a com
ploto and happy surprise Tho firtt to
arrive wero tho Indies of tho party who
dropped iu on tho hostess unexpectedly
Later thoy wero joined by lmsbnnds
and gentlemen friends nnd a very pleas
aut evening resulted Choice refresh
ments woro served during the evening
and tbo guests loft many acceptablo tin
gifts behind them as reminders of tho
Chief of Police Widamnn and wife
ontertained or rather woro entertained
by a cougonial company of mombers of
tho G A R and W R Cat thoir homo
on North First street Thanksgiving ovon
ing thoy having received no iutimntiou
of the intonded visit which was ou tho
21st wedding anniversary of tho couple
Tho good comrades and tho Indies enrao
well supplied with materials for a foast
which was served during tho evening
Mr Widaman and his wife woro each
presented with comfortable arm chairs
by members of tho post and tho Relief
corps ladies remembered Mrs Widaman
with a china tea set Tho evening un
til 11 oclock wus passed in the pleas
ant manner that only tho old veterans
aud their wives know how to produce
Newcastle Times Whilo boring a
well ou tho farm of Doo Hoy this week
nonr Newcastle Davis McColligan
mado a peculiar fiud At a depth of
510 foot below the Burfaco thoy struck a
tree which was standing upright and
bored down inside the trunk a distauce
Examine the new oil cloth on the kitchen door its color and
gloss are being destroyed and you may see where a caUe of common
soap fresh from the hot water in the scrubbing bucket has been laid
on it for a moment the free alkali having eaten an impression of
the cake into the bright colors
A more careful examination will show small pin holes here
and there where the alkali has cut through the surface to soak into
and gradually weaken the whole lloor covering
This is what cheap soaps do Use Ivory Soap it will not injure
of 10 foot A piece of tho roots of tho
tree is on exhibition at tho high school
room which wuh brought up from a
doptli of to feet and tho groin leads to
tho theory that it was a cedar
The wood was soft aud partially deoayod
The most plausiblo theory in connection
with tho finding of the tree iu that
position and at that depth is that it
stood iu tho path of a glacial movoment
that may havo existed less than llvo
conturies ago Thoro is abundant
ovidenco of tho oxlbtouco of such gla
ciers in this vicinity at comparatively
rocout dates If tho treo had boon
covered by tho process of illuviol do
porits during ngos past it would havo
taken tho form of coal Tho finding of
tho treo is added proof of tho glacial
formation of n largo portion of tho land
nbout hero
Mrs D L Estabrook is on tho sick
Prof Whaloy returned to Neligh last
Mrs Bertha Pilgor visited frionds in
Stanton Saturday
W H Buttorfleld mado a business
trip to Pierco today
Fred Hollingsworlh at Sonth Norfolk
is reported quito sick
G A Luikart returned at noon from
a business trip to Fremont
Miss Wiunifrod Tofferies hos accepted
a iosition iu Utters book store
J C Stitt had businoss tliat called
him to Wakefield this morning
Judgo Barnes went to West Point on
professional business this morning
Tho M O train from Sioux City
was an hour nnd a half lato this morning
Mr and Mrs A P OBanion are ox
pected homo from Fullerton this even
Guy and Kim Barnes returned yester
day to their studies at tho state univer
Owen ONeill one of tho prominent
stockmon of Battle Creok is in tho city
Mrs E K McNair of Kansas City
Mo is visiting with her sister Mrs E
II Tracy
Mr and Mrs Aug Kohlmier went to
Omaha Saturday where thoy will spend
tho winter
Miss Irene Dexter returned to Omaha
ou tho noon train to resume her studies
nt Brownell hall
Miss Anna MoBrido entertained a fow
young frionds at hor homo in tho Heights
Saturday eveuiug
Miss Martha Kleutz has gone to Hum
phrey where she has accepted a position
in a millinery store
Miss Maggie Pryor has accepted a
position in tho store of tho Johnson
Dry Goods compauy
Postmastor O F Moutross editor of
tho Battlo Creek Republican was in tho
city today ou business
Miss May Durland has returned from
Plaiuviow where sho spent Thanksgiv
ing with relatives and friends
N A Rainbolt president of tho Nor
folk National bauk returned yostorday
from a business trip to Deadwood
Mrs Ohas Richardson of Battle
Creek was n Sunday vistitor at the
home of Mr and Mrs J W Gibson
J L Daniel leaves tomorrow for Nu
liu North Carolina iu tho neighborhood
of which ho will visit for three or four
Miss Louise Keyo of Columbus who
visited with her sister Mrs Goo Spear
over Suuday returned to her home this
Mrs W H Buttorfleld returned last
vening from an extended visit to rehv
tirimnud friends nt Madison Wisconsin
nud Chicago
MiiiB Batoholor returned lrom Fuller
ton Saturday evening iiccompiiinud by
Mrs J M Pile am son who spent Suu
day with hor
Miss Lizzie Somniler lias rosignod hor
position with tho Johnson Dry JoocIh
company and Juts accoptul ono witli
Haum Brothers
Miss Nina Wallior returned yestordoy
to hor school in District No 411 ton
miles out of tho city after a month a
vacation nt homo
Spencor Buttorfleld who recontly
suffered a broken log whilo playing foot
ball is getting along nicely and resting
very comfortably
Tho Madison Chronicle entered ujiou
its 27th year of existence last week and
boasts of tho fact that it has not dnriug
that time missed an issuo
Mrs 10 S Waldroii and daughtor
Myrtle of Lincoln mother and sister of
Mis D J Koonigstein aro expected
here Wednesday for a months visit
Mrs M D Tyler returned last ovou
ing from Mt Carroll 111 where sho has
been visiting hor mother for sovernl
weeks Mr Tyler mot hor in Omaha
W II Blukcmiiu is moving into tho
Miller building formerly occupied by
C E Hartford whoro ho is opening a
general nllluii of tho PJuno Manufactur
ing company
Having closed his Thanksgiving vaca
tion Geo L lies loft today to resume
his work as general agent in North and
South Dakota for tho Continental insur
ance company of Now Yoik
Owing to tho cold woather tho opero
houso working forco did not start in this
morning but tho carpenters wont to
work after dinner aud have been making
good progress this afternoon
Perce Call E M Ziescho moved
hiB cigar factory to Norfolk Wednesday
morning his brother accompanying him
Mr Ziesche is n first class cigar maker
and wo can conscientiously commend
him to tho business circles of Norfolk
Mrp S L Conger who was injured
nt South Norfolk by cutting hor foot ou
a piece of wire protruding from the
ground is in n procurious condition on
account of tho injuries blood poisoning
iiavigu set in aud sho is suffering great
M A Rutenber came in from Hill
City S D Saturday night aud will
visit with relatives until Wednesday
when Mrs Rutenber will accompany
him to Omaha Mr Rutenber has
I If its in the blood s
J Sarsaparilla j
1 will take it out
i Other kinds may i
I but probably will not