The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, December 07, 1899, Image 1

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    The Norfolk Weekly News
Nebraskas Newly Enrolled
Senator Yields to His Disease
In a Stnto or Coma Sunday Night llo Sinks
lUpltlly Thereafter Dies In III Ne
braska City Koine Surrounded by Ills
family Kxcept a Son In tlio Army
Neiiiiaska City Dec 0 Senator M
L Htiywanl died at 020 a m yoster
day Ho did uot rally from tlio coiuntoso
condition into which ho sunk Monday
but passod away as silently and pcaco
fully as if ho had fallen into a natural
dumber His last hours woro painless
His breathing gradually grow shorter
and his hoart weakor until tlio inoinunt
of final dissolution His last igu of
consciousness was at 5 p m Sunday
when ho indicatod by a slight nod of
the head that ho desired a drink of
About his deathbed wero his wifo
daughter Miss Mattio son William
brother Major E P Hayward and
wifo of Davenport la personal friends
Paul Jessen and John W Dixon Tlio
only ono absent was tho oldest sou Dr
Edward Hayward
No attempt will bo mado to arrange
for tho funeral until word is reoo ved
from tho of the senate
All flags are floating at half mast
Many tologr ins of sympathy and con
dolence from distinguished mou who
were friends of tho dead Bonatrr and
his family all over states
Jiavo been received
Ill Active ami Useful Life
Mouroo Lelund Hayward was born in
Willsboro N Y Dec 22j 1840 coming
of a family established in America bo
fore tho opening of tho present century
Up to tho opening of tho Civil war ho
attended tho common schools Enlist
ing in tho Twenty second Now York in
fantry and transferring later to tho
Fifth Now York cavalry ho servod two
years and was then discharged on ac
count of disability Ho then studied
for three years in tho Fort Edward col
legiate institute took a years courso in
law at tho samo school and thou joiuec1
his father at Whitewater Wis Here
he continued preparation for the law
and was admitted to the bar
Ho camo to Nebraska in 1807 and en
gaged in tho practioe of his profession
which he has sinco followed although
he has since been largely interested in
real estate and stock farming
He was appointed to a vacancy in
tho district judgeship in 1880 and served
out the unexpired term which ondod in
1887 Ho ws a merabor of tho stato
constitutional convention in 1875 Ho
has beon a delegate to frequent stato
conventions and upon throo occasions
has beou selected chairman first in
1878 9
Ho was married Juno 14 1870 to
Miss Jonnio Poltou of Putnam county
Now York Thoy have throo children
Edwin P a surgeon in tho United
States army now nt Manila William
H attoruoy at law and captain of Com
pany O Secoud Nebraska infantry and
Miss Mattio
Ho was president of tho Otoo County
National bank
Last year Judgo Hayward was nomi
nated for governor upon tlio Ropublicau
ticket but was defeated by W A Poyu
ter Judgo Hayward was choson sena
tor to succeed Sonator Allou at Lincoln
March 8 last after a contest in which
43 ballots had been taken in joint ses
fciou of tho legislature
Omaha Killtur Illcely to Succeed IIujivtnl
as Senator
Omaha Deo C It is tho general bo
liof among local Domocrats that Gilborc
M Hitchcock owner and proprietor o
tho World Herald will bo appointed
United States sonator to succeed tho
lato M L Hayward It is aunounced
that Governor Poyuter will mako the
appointment immediately after tho fu
ueral of tho lato senator as it is desir
able that Nobiaska should bo fully rep
resented at tho prosent sossion of cou
Km II U Mfo With Dynamite
Spuinwieid Doo 0 A novel suicido
occurred yesterday at tlio coal initio at
Assumption Amos Fiuloy entered an
unused room and blew his head off with
dynamite Tho right sido of tho head
was blown ontiroly away and ono arm
blown off Ho had placed a stick of
dynamite in his mouth Finloys only
daughtor was adopted fivo years ago by
Governor Lirraboo of Iowa on the
doath of Finloys wife at Des Moines
Fiuley was well educated but was uu
fortuate in soouriug work
Testliutny Hliowlnu Thtil He Win a Mltcr
laimny ot CnrnUh
Nnw Youk Doo 0 Tlio surpriso of
tho day in tho trial of Holand H Moll
nous for tho murder of Kathorino
Adams was tho snddon production by
tho prosoouti m of testimony that Moll
noux harbored bittur enmity toward
Harry Cornish and A A Harpstor a
former employe of tho Knickerbocker
Athlotio club and a friond of Cornish
further that Mollnoux sought in a
roundabout way by having an agont
writo to Harpsters fornior employer over
a falso bignuturo to obtain information
reflecting on Harpsters character that
ho might uso the information to Harp
Btcrs injury This now testimony
which was oxtraoted from an unwilling
friond of Mollnoux is important not
only in showing a motivo for Molineux
in seeking tho death of Cornish but as
confirming tho thooryof tho prosecution
that Moliuoux wroto or caused to be
written several letters falsely signod
asking for drugs and modiciuos Tho
witness who tcHtillod concerning tho
letter writing methods of Molineux was
Itudolph Hollos of Newark former cash
ier of tho Knickerbocker Athletic club
Kentucky Hoard Finishes Kxatnlnation ot
Outrun In Unemitested District
FuANKroitT Ky Dec 0 Tho Btato
board of election commissioners sitting
as a canvassing board finished its work
yosterday ami today tho members will
sit in tho state sonato as a contesting
board to hear tho argumonts in tho
cases of 11 contested counties Tho
first great fight will come up on whothor
or not tho board has the right to go bo
hind tho certified returns filed with tho
secretary of stato by tho different coun
ties Upon tho issuo of tho argument
on this point will rest tho naino of tho
noxt governor of Kentucky On tho
face Of tho returns now on filo with tho
secretary of state Mr Taylor has a
plurality of 2383 his total voto being
193714 against 191331 for Goobel
The proceedings woro enlivened by
Governor Bradloy who mado an address
to tho board donying tho report that ho
brought soldiers into Frankfort to over
awe tho board
Crops Show an Inm eiite This Year of mil
lion oT Dollar
Toitka Dec 0 Tho crop bul1 tin
of tho Kansas board of agriculturo for
the present year issued yesterday shows
final returns of tho stato agricultural
products as follows Tho winter wheat
yield amounts to 42815471 bushels
Tie yield of corn is 22fi183432 Jv wis
Excepting that of 1889 273888321
bushels this is tho largest corn crop
the stato has yot produced and exceeds
in valuo any preceding crop by 1 134
G27 Tho combined homo valuo of tho
threo grains wheat corn and oats is
SS0888022 or a total increase over tho
18S valuo of tho samo crops of 13384-
Iltitrhery In Indian Territory
South McAlkstkh I T Dec 0
From a news courier Tho Times corre
spondent learns of a horrible butchery
at or near Bonnefield 50 miles north
west of South McAlester yesterday in
which two white men and one negro
wero killed and a negro wounded by
negroes Tho Bonnefield community
is one of tho toughest iu tho territory
Yesterday Davo Nicholson Enoch Wil
berly white and some uogroes wore
gambling A fight ensued between a
negro and the whites Other negroes
interfered and in tho affray shot anu
killed Nioholson Euoch Wilberly and
tho negro who began the fight The
white men wero unarmed and wero com
pletely at tho mercy of the negroes
Officers havo been sent to investigate
the killing
Ilobber Loot nn Illinois Hank
Stkkatok Ills Dec 0 Tho bank at
Cornell was visited by six men at an
early hour this morning who after
wrecking the safo vault with dynamite
made their escape carrying nearly 5000
iu cash with them A young man named
States who camo upon them while at
work was bound and gagged seated in
a chair and witnessed tho blowing open
of tho safo When thoy left ho man
aged to roleaso himself and give tho
alarm Threo of tho burglars went
toward Pontiao and officers thoro found
them After a lively fight two wore
captured and 700 found on thorn
Held For Violating Labor Coercion Law
Toledo O Deo fl Lemon t Bato
mont tho manager of tho Toledo Tube
works discharged Alonzo B Colo an
employe on Oct 13 because of his ac
tivity in organizing a labor union among
worKinen uoio urougnt criminal pro
ceedings under tho Ohio labor coercion
law In a hearing before a magistrate
today Batcmiui was held to tho grand
jury This is tho first test of tho Ohio
law tho penalty for violatiou of which
is 300 flue or six mouths imprison-
Tho torpedo boat destroyer Bailoy
was launched from tlio yard of diaries
L Soabury Co on tho Harlem river
Bobby Dobbs lasted only a few sec
onds more than five rounds in his bout
with Joo Walcott Tuesday night at the
Broadway Athlotio club
The movement to advanco wages in
cotton mill centers has becomo general
throughout the Now England states
Thus far nearly 100000 operatives have
been notified of a ten per cont increase
Tho explosion of a boiler iu the billet
mill plant of tho Illinois Steel company
at Joliet Tuesday cuusod frightful in
juries to nine men while another is
missing Patrick Sullivan and Heuiy
Asbestor will probably die
Turned Over to Tender Mercies
of Special Committee
lllah Moinher Kteot Debarred From
House lt Ivlleges Subilltutc Hesotullnn
Offered by ItldliKriUnu Minority Ienilor
ItccHvcs Only rifty SeVen Vote
Washington Doc 0 After an inter
esting debate of threo hours tho house
yesterday by a voto of UOJ to 30 adopted
tho resolution offered by Mr Taylor of
Ohio Monday for tho appoiutmotit of a
epcoial comniltteo to invest igo tho
charges against Brigham II Roberts
tho Mormon representative elect from
Utah Previously tho house had re
jected a substitute resolution ottered by
Mr Kichardson tho leader of tho minor
ity to allow Mr Iloborta to bo sworn iu
and to send tho wholo caso to tho judic
iary committee This substitute reso
lution however by no nieaus com
manded the full Democratic strength
Only 87 members voted for it Of tho
30 who voted ugalust tho Taylor resolu
tion all wero Democrats oxcept two
Mr Loud a California Republican and
Mr Nowlands a Silvorito from Nevada
By the terms of tho resolution Mr Rob
erts is not only excluded from all partic
ipation in the proceedings of tho liouso
until tho commit too roports and passes
on his ease but is denied a seat in tho
hall Whether this will bo in
terpreted to deny him admis
sion within tho chamber ponding
tho disposition of his case is yet to be
decided Tho reading of tho presidents
message was completely overshadowed
by tho dramatic proceedings which re
sulted in tho abovo action Tho galler
ies woro thronged with spectators
mostly won m who sat patiently
through tho ireo weary hours that pre
ceded tho debate and then waited three
hours more until it was concluded
Tho most remarkablo fcaturo of tho
debate was tlio fact that Mr Roberts
presentation of his sido of tho caso
which lasted almost an hour becamo
so absorbing that ho won tho sympathy
of muuy of those in tho galleries and
was several times showered with ap
plauso It was evident that ho realized
that tho liouso was overwhelmingly
against him and at times ho Bpoko
fiercely and defiantly
Mr Taylor conducted tho cao on his
side Mr Richardson championod his
resolution During the debate Mr
Grosvcuor ioso to indignantly ropol nil
insinuation of Mr Roberts that the
president had knowingly appointed mon
guilty of polygamy to federal offices in
Adopts Itesoltitlons of Itegret nt Senator
Hityvt arils Demise
Washington- Dec C Yesterdays
session of tho senate lasted two hours
and forty minutes practically tho on
tiro time being consumed in the read
ing of tho presidents message Tin
reading was largely porfunctory few
senators according it any attention
Tho announcement of tho death of Senator-elect
Mouroo L Hayward of Ne
braska was received by the senate with
sincere regret Although ho was uot
officially a member of tho body ho was
well known to many of tho senators
and by them was held in high regurd
At tho conclusion of the reading of tho
message tho senate adopted resolutions
of regret presonted by Sonator Thurs
ton of Nebraska and as a mark of re
spect adjourned immediately
Ravel for Speaker Henderson
Washington Deo 0 A caucus of
Republican mombers of tho houso of
representatives was hold last night to
consider plans for advancing tho houso
financial bill About 100 members in
cluding Speaker Henderson and all of
the prominent leaders on tho Republic
an side wero present A pleasing
preliminary occurred when Mr Dol
liver in behalf of tho Iowa delegation
presented Gonoral Hondorson a beauti
ful gavol mado of wood from ono of tho
Bhips sunk by Dowoy at Manila and
mounted with solid gold highly
wrought with representations of Iowas
industry and products
Municipal Election in Muisuehusetl
Boston Dec 0 Tho feature of tho
municipal elections in 15 of tho 32 cities
iu tho stato yosterday was added tri
umphs of tho Socialists Last year tho
Social Democrats captured Haverhill
and this year Brockton was added to
tho column Candidates in other cities
mado rospectablo showings and tho voto
wnicn tney carried materially affected
tho other contestants As a rulo the
Republicans were successful Quincy
being reclaimed from tho Democrats
and independents dofeatod in other
cities by substantial majorities
Darrncli Oris u New Trlul
Kansas City Deo 0 JO Damigh
former president of tho Kansas City
Safo Doposit and Savings bauk who
was convicted iu 1897 of wrecking that
institution and sontonced to two years
in tho penitentiary was today granted
a new trial by Judgo Bruco in tho state
bupremo court at Jefferson City tho de
cision turning on a technicality
Miakourl Ton ii Ilrn buept
Haiuusonviije Mo Deo fl Fire
which broke out at 1030 oclock last
night threatens to destroy the
whole north end of tho town The
lumber yard and several residences have
been destroyed At midnight it was
estimated that 50000 damago had beeii
Choline Onitfi I or the Nnt VerMot
Next at Del I oil
Omaha Doo I Tho annual nice ting
of the American Beet Sugar assoeiatloii
occurred yesterday at the Millard hotel
Mooting with the association were a
number of represent at ivos of tho Na
tional Cigar tjeaf Tobacco Growers as
sociation and tho National Truck Farm
ers association Those tcproMUitntives
had beou attracted to Omaha by an
understanding thatoncerttul slcps will
bo taken by a coalition of American
growers of sugar beets cigar leaf to
bacco rice fruits early garden truck
and other aoml tropieiil products to pro
test against the admission into this
country duty free of the produotN of
Cuba Porto Rico and tho Philippines
and to oppose any reductions of tho
revenues upon such products from those
insular dependencies Resolutions in
line with the above were adopted
The association elected officers for tho
year as follows Henry T Oxnnrd of
Now York president Julius Stroh of
Detroit treasurer R M Allen of Ames
Neb secretary
The next meeting was fixed to occur
at Detroit on tho first Monday in De
cember moo
II unhand In Due Faintly and Wife of An
other Man Dead
KrAltNFv Neb Dec I Odessa ten
miles west of ICenrnoy was the scene of
a double tragedy soon after midnight
Mrs V L Dinsmore and Fred Lino are
Dinsmore went to tho home of Frank
Tussing early in the morning and told
him that something terrible had hap
pened ovornt tho houso that Ijiuo had
killed Mrs Dinsmore and then com
mitted suicide When thoy reached
tho house they found the deatl body of
Mrs Dinsmore on tho kitchen floor and
near her a tincup which is supposed to
have contained poison
Liuo was found dead in bod upstairs
with a bullet hole in his head Only
ono shot had been fired Both families
occupied the same houso Mrs Lauo
says her husband woko up about mid
night kissed her goodbye and then shot
himself Dinsmore relates that his
wifo went to tlio kitchen to got a drink
and as she remained so long ho went to
ascertain tlio troublo and found her
Id II Ion for Compulsory ICdnentlon
DisMoits Dec i A petition will
bo presented to the Iowa legislature this
winter which is expected to bo tlio larg
est memnria1 ever laid before that body
asking tho enactment of a compulsory
education law for pupils from 1 to 14
years old Senator Hayward of Scott
county has prepared a compulsory edu
cation bill on which tho petitions are
based Blanks are being placed in the
hands of school men and women all
over tho state and thousands of signa
tures aro already reported
Court Ousts tieih Tonus
City Mo Dec fl The
supremo court en banc in an opinion bj
Justieo Marshall in tho case of tho state
against William Towns clerk of Harri
son county upheld tho validity of tho
corrupt practices act in part and declared
it void iu part Towns was accused of
bribing voters to sccuro his election by
offers of appointment to doputyships
Tho supreme court sustained tho charges
and declared tlio ofileo vacant
Wedding In a Smallpox Hospital
Coknino la Dec fl Charles Day
and Miss Anna Malt by woro married
in tho smallpox hospital opened hero
last week Miss Maltby was them
under quarantine tho diseaso having
appeared in her family Rev P II
Mason performed tho cei oniony
Noither of tho contracting parties wero
sick Thoy had fixed a dato for the
ceremony and declined to postpone
fearing tho traditional ill luck
The stockholders of tho Lowoll Man
ufacturing company and tho Bigolow
Carpet Tuesday voted for consolidation
All tho shovelers at tho Conneaut O
docks nro out on strike demanding an
increase of 1 cent per ton for loading
ore from tho docks into cars
Tho nude body of a headless male
corpse was taken out of tho river nt
Milwaukee Tuesday night by a bridge
tender The cause of deatli is a mystery
According to J G Johnson of the
Democratic executive committee Now
York wants tho Democratic national
convention and will make a strong ef
fort to bocurn it
At Bakersfiold Cal Tuosday E S
Milliken an employe of tho Kern
County Lund company murdered his
wife and his child and then
committed suicide
Mrs Sol Van Praag tho wifo of a
well known Chicago politician was
found guilty of larenoy iu stealing with
tho aid of other women 1150 fion
William O Duncan of Portland Or
A verdict for 3fi00 was given James
Davis against tho Chicago Edison com
pany Tuesday for u biokon neck Davis
neck was broken from a fall while ho
was helping movo a boiler He now
wcara a solo leather collar aud can do
light work
J A Miller a New York photograph
or was sentenced by Mayor Jones of
Shawnee O to si mouths imprison
ment iu jail and lined 100 for violation
of tho slate law which prevents a mar
ned man masquerading as single Mil
lev was engaged to many Lena MeClau
naliaii lie lias a wile living in Juek
sou O
Thomas M German of Denver who
was terribly burned iu tho wreck on tho
Denver and Rio Grande inihoad at
English Colo Mondav died Tmuliiv
making tho total number of fatalities
seven No hojK is entertained for tho
recovery of A M lohnson of Oberliu
O whoso back is broken
Features of the Annual State
Paper of the President
resident Ilares the Matter In Hands of
Congress StiKKostlons its to level nnienl
of Porto ltlro lrlrst Steps Toward Free
Culm eliianrlnl Legislation
Waniiinoton Dee f -The presidents
tncisugo was read In congress today In
part it Is us follows
To the rVtiatn and House of KeireHtntatlvrH
At the threshold of jour ilellliiratlntm
you urn culled to mourn with imir coun
trymen the death of Vice President Iln
lrni t who paim il from this life tin tlio
morning of Nov IM IIIh great soul new
rests In eternal pence III private life
was punt mid etnwitctl while his puhlln
career was incr tllHtltigulHhcd by largo im
purity MulntcKN Integrity and exulted inn
tlvci He hits been removed from the
high office which he honored and tllgnl
lied hut IiIn lofty character Ids devotion
to duty his honesty of purpose ami nnlilo
virtues remain with us as a priceless leg
acy and example
The Klfty sixth congress convenes in Us
first regular session with thecounlry In a
condition of unusual prosperity of mil
versa good will among the people at
home and In rclatlonsof peace and friend
ship with every government of I he world
Our foreign cmuiunrco has shown great
Increase In volume and value The coin
blued Imports and exports for the year
are the largest ever shown by a single
J ear In all our history Our exports for
IStUt alone exceeded liy innro than a billion
dollars our ImpnrtH and exports combined
In IH70 The Imports per capita are 0 per
cent less than In 1870 while the exports
per capita are 5H per cent more than In
1H70 showing the enlarged capacity of tho
United States to satisfy the wants of Its
own Increasing population as well as to
contribute to thorn of the peoples of other
Kxports of agricultural products were
78477nHa Of manufactured products
we expelled In value KIIlWyMII being
larger than any picvlnils year It Is a
noteworthy fact that the only years In all
our history when the products of our
manufactories hold abroad exccctltsl those
bought abroad were UI8 and 1HIKI
Government receipts from all sources
for the fiscal year ended Juno 1 IHCI In
eluding 117HSII 11 1 part payment of the
Central Pacific railroad Indebtedness ag
gregated illIlihUKIIlfi Customs receipts
were 0fllLHIHI7ft and thosu from In
ternal revenue fJl 1117111 fit
Kor the fiscal year the expenditures
wero t 7tKlf KKIrui 1 IKJ leaving u dellultof
The secretary of the treasury estimates
that tho receipts for the current flt eal year
will aggregate fdlODIHllii and upon tho
basis of present appropriations tin ex
penditures will aggregate ftJOOjPMlia
leaving a surplus of f 10000000
For the fiscal ycur ended June 0 1SK
the Internal revenue receipts wero In
creased about f llKlOOOOOO
J lie present gratifying strength of the
treasury Is shown by the fact thaton Dee
1 18tK the available cash balance was
tji278OIhi7 of which fcWlTlllHiriiWI was
In gold coin and bullion The conditions
of confidence which pievail throughout
the country have brought gold Into more
general use and nustouis receipts aro now
almost entirely paid in that coin
Treasures iooil Mioulnj
Tlio strong condition of tho treasury
with respect to cash on hand and the
favorable showing made by the revenues
have made It possible fortho secretary of
the treasury to take act Ion under the pro
visions of section HH revised statutes
relating to the sinking fund Itcrclpts
exceeded expenditures for the first live
months of the current fiscal year by lfl
41BMU1 and as mentioned above the
secretary of tho treasury estimates that
there will be a surplus of approximately
40000000 utthe end of the year Under
such conditions It was deemed advisable
and proper to resume compliance with
the provisions of tho sinking fund law
which for eight years has not been done
because of deficiencies In tho revenues
The treasuiy department therefore offered
to purchase during November fcTi000000
of the 5 per cent loan of 1001 or the 4 per
cent funded loan of UW at the current
market price The amount offered and
purchased during November was 18108
C00 Tho premium paid by the govern
ment on such purchases was tVLflifiJl
and the net hiving In interest was about
Increased activity in Industry with Its
welcome attendant a larger employment
for labor at higher wages gives to the
body of tho people a larger power to ab
sorb the circulating medium It is fur
ther true that year by year with larger
areas of land under cultivation tho In
creasing volume of agricultural products
cotton corn and wheat calls for a larger
volume of money supply This is espec
ially notlceablo at tho crop harvesting
ami crop moving period
In its earlier history tho national bank
ing act seemed to prove a reasonable ave
nue through which nemlful additions to
the circulation could from time to time
be made Changing conditions have ap
parently rendered It now inoperative to
that end The high margin iu bond se
curities required resulting from largo
premiums which government bonds com
mand in tile market or the tax on note is
sues or both operating together appear
to be the inlluences which li palr its pub
lic utility
The attention of congress is respectfully
inltcd to this important matter with tho
view of ascertaining whether or not such
reasonable modifications can be made in
the national banking act as will render
its service in the iurtleularo hero referred
to more responsive to tho peoples needs
I again urge that national banks be au
thorized to organize with a capital of
Wants Cold Standard lrotettted
I urgently recommend that to support
the existing gold standard and to main
tain tho parity in laluo of tho coins of
tho two metals gold and slh or and the
equal power of overy dollar at all times in
the market and in the payment of debts
the secretary of the treasury bo given ad
ditional power and charged vlth the duty
to sell Unied Stated bonds and to employ
such ether effective me ms us may bo
fKsiiiy to I hone i nds I his anlhotlly
should let hide the power to nell bonds on
long ulid shnil time mh conditions may
ieiillrr anil should provide for a rate of
Inteiest lower than that llxed the act
of Inn II I Mli While then- Is now such
tlileHpniitl tonllilenie that gold seeks tho
IrcaMiiy demanding paper money In ox
rliiingo yet theieiy situation points to
the present as the innst lilting time to
make adequate pioilhlon In Insiite the
contliiuanieof I ho gold slnuilaiil and of
public conlldeiite Iu the abllltj and pur
pose of the government to meet
all Its obligations In lint money
which llio eh lllitl world lecog
nles as the liist The financial
transactions of Ihe government are con
dueled upon it gold basin We reecho
gold when wo sell Unilisl States IioiiiIh
mill use gold for their payment We urn
maintaining the parity of all tho money
Issued or coined hy authority of tho gov
eminent We am doing Ihcso things with
the mivtusiit hand Happily at tlio pros
cut lime we are not eoniiolled to resort
loans to supply gold II has been thine In
the past however ami may have to bo
done In the future It behooves us hero
font to provide at once the best means to
meet I he emergency when It arises and
Iebcsl means are tlnco which are Ihe
most certain and economical Those now
ivillhotled have the virtue neither of
directness or economy We have nlicndy
eliminated one of Ihe causes of our llnan
flnl plight and embarrassment luring
the years IWKI 1801 1815 and iHOd Our ro
celptsnovv equal our expenditures do
flclent revenues no longer create alarm
Let us remove Ihe only remaining catiso
by conferring the full and necessary
power on the secretary of the treasuryHid
Impose uiou him the duty to uphold tho
present gold standard and preserve tho
coins of the two metals on a partly with
each other which is Ihe icpcatcdly do
elated policy of tin United States
In thin connection I repeat my former
recommendations that a portion of tho
gold holdings shall be placed In a rust
fund from which greenbacks shall bo ro
deemed upon presentation but when unco
redeemed shall not thetcafter bo paid out
except for gold
The value of an American mci chant
marine to the extension of our cummer
elal trade ami the strengthening of our
power upon the sea Invites the linuiedlato
action of congress
The Trust Irohliiu
Combinations oT capital organized Into
trusts to control the conditions of trado
among our cltlens toHtlflo competition
limit production and determine t he prices
of products used and consumed bvtho
people are justly provoking publii dis
cussion and should early claim tho atten
tion of the congress
Tho subject Is one giving rise to many
divergent views as to the nature and varl
cty or cause and extent of ho injuries to
the public which may result from largo
combinations concentrating more or lesn
nunieroiiseiiterpilsesaud establishments
which previously to tho formation of tho
combination were carried on separately
It In universally conceded that combine
tlons which engross or control the market
of any particular kind of merchandise or
commodity necessary to the general com
munity by suppressing natural and ordi
nary competition whereby prices are n if
duly enhanced to tho general consumer
are obnoxious not only to the common
law but also to the public welfare Thorn
must bo n remedy for the evils involved
In such organizations If tho present law
can be extended more certainly to control
or check these monopolies or trusts it
should be done without delay Whatever
power the congress jsissossos over this
most Important subject should bo prompt
ly ascertained and asserted
The slate legislation to which President
Cleveland looked for relief from tho evIN
of trusts has failed to accomplish fully
that object This is probably duo to a
great extent to tho fact that different
states take different views as to tho proper
way to discriminate between evil and In
jurious combinations and thosu associa
tions whlnh are Ivneflclal and necessary
to the business prosperity of tho country
The great diversity of treatment In tlllTor
ent states arising from this cause and tho
Intimate relations of all parts of tlio
country to each other without regarding
state lines in the conduct of business havo
made the enforcement of stato laws dlill
It is apparent that uniformity of legis
Intlon upon this subject In the several
states is much to bo desired It Is to bo
hoped that such uniformity founded In a
wise and just discrimination between
what Is Injurious and what is useful ami
necessary In business operations may bo
obtained and that means may be found
for the congress within the limitations of
its constitutional power to so supplement
an elfectlvu todo of stato legislation as to
makea complete system of laws through
out the United States adequate to compel
a general observance of the salutary rules
to which I have referred
Tho whole question is so important and
far rcuchiug that 1 am sure no part of it
will lo lightly considered but every pluuso
of it will have the studied deliberation of
tho congress resulting iu wise and judic
ious action
Nicaragua Canal
The Nicaragua Canal commission which
had been engaged upon tho work of ex
amination and survey fur a ship canal routu
across Nicaragua having competcd Its
labors and m nlo IM report was dissolved
on May 31 and on Juno 10 a new commis
sion known as the Isthmian Canal com
mission was organized under the terms
of tho act approved March U bW for tho
purpose of examining tho American Isth
mus with a low to determining the most
practicable aud feasible route for a ship
canal across that isthmus Good progress
has been made but under the law a com
prehensive anil complete investigation is
culled for which will loquiro much labor
and considerable time for Its accomplish
ment Tho great imjuirtuuco of this
work cannot be too often or too strongly
pressed upon tho attention of tho con
gress In my message of a year ago I op
pressed my vlovvs of the necessity of a ca
nal which would link tlio two groat
oceans to which I again Invite your con
sideration Tlio reasons then piv euted
for early action aro even stronger now
Alaskan Itoiiiuliiry Dlspue
In my last annual message I referred to
tho pending negotiations with Great Hrit
aiu in respect to tho Dominion of OwiaiLi
Hy means of an executive agreement j
joint high commission liud been created
for tho purpose of adjusting all uusuttlcU
questions between tho United States anil
Canada Much progress had been mado
by tho commission towards the