The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, November 23, 1899, Page 9, Image 9

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Mrs II Ackornmn of Stanton is a
city visitor
0 II Willey is a risitor iu tho city
from Fremont
Ohas Cronoh of Blair is a visitor iu
tho Sugar City
Mrs A J Durlaud vent to Madison
this morning to viBit f reinds
Mrs W W Hiloy nnd mother xvero
Norfolk visitors from 1ierco
Survoyor W II Lowo wont to Buttlo
Creek tins morning on business
7 S OMallloy of Plaiuviow was a
visitor iu this metropolis this morning
Herman Spioring loft on tho noon
tiain for Springfield 111 to resume his
Miss Sullivan of Columbus is visiting
with MibS Keating at tho hospital for
the insane
N Slothower of Sioux City is visiting
his bister Mrs Lewis Johnson and
other frieuds
Diek Richards formerlv of this city
is reported to be sick with typhoid fever
at Crawford this state
Harvey Beobo of Stanton a former
member of company L passed through
tho city yesterday on his way home
Fred Sidlcr Iiub treated his drny to a
now coit of piint and ho bitched to it
for tho first timo siuce it was completed
this morning
Mrs Heukel and daughter Bertha left
Wedneday for Oshkosh Wis where
t hey will make their future homo with
Rev Win Heukel
B S Wyatt was in tho city yester
day from Grand Island attending to
Singer sowing machine business and
gieeting old acquaintances
The business men along maiu street
this morning had the rubbibh nnd litter
along tho street swept up and the city
marshal Widamau had itiuuledlaway
Miss Wiunio Gibson returned last
night from Quincy 111 where bhe has
been attending tho Gem City business
college She has been absent since last
The partit ons aro being removed from
tho third tloor of the Marquardt block
which will considerably enlarge the ca
pacity of the hall and make it more
suitable for the purpose for which it
w is iutonded
Chester A Fuller left on the morning
train for Chicago to give his evidenco
tomorrow before the industrial coninns
bion concerning the alleged discrimina
tion of freight rates against Norfolk by
tho C St P M O road
Tho new additiou to the Congrega
tional church will be completed by
next Thursday night and the ladies will
givo au opening sociable to which all
members of the church and congregation
and their f rinds are conlially invited
After settling nil expenses incurred by
reason of the entertainment for fellow
dealers who visited hero tw o days this
week tho locnl saloon men had tho
amount of 20 left which was contri
buted to the baud that furnished music
during the convention
A letter from Bishop A L Williams
says that in some way his date for the
visitation to Norfolk next Sunday was
mixed up and as a result he cannot be
here until December 3 Tho reception
to be tendered him will therefore be
postponed There will be lay services
iu Trinity church Sunday morning and
Sunday school at tho usual hours
W S Pardonnerand family arrived
at noon today from Ghiuo Calif ornin
and are now gueBts at the homo of Mr
and Mrs C H Reynolds Mr Pardon
uer comes to take tho management of
the sugar factory during the absence of
F Wieter who left today for southern
Colorado where the American Beet
Sugar company is erecting a new factory
By staying away from the building
yards women aid m makiug ships No
feminine visitors aro allowed to go
through the greatCramps ship yards in
Philadelphia because every time a wo
rn n passes through tho shops every
one of tho 7000 workmau raises his
eyes from his work and in one minuto
one mans work for a fortnight is lost
t j the employers
A new rule went into effect on tho
No Eye Like the
Masters Eye
You are master of your
health and if you do not
attend to duty the blame is
easily located If your blood
is out of order Hoods Sar
saparilla ivilt purify it
It is the specific remedy for troubles
of the blood kidnevs bowels or her
Kidneys - Mv kiims troubled mo
nuci oi udvlre luuk Hoods i urfciurilht
which gave prompt relief better sippttitc
My bleep Is refrcsliliiK It cured my wife
nlbo MiciiAM Built 3173 Ihnii fctriu
nttbliurt la
Scrofulous Humor- I was In terrible
condition from Hit Itching and burning of
nrrotuloug humor brew worse under
lrentineiitofsiiveril chxtors Took Hoods
hnrsupnrillu and Moods Tills These cured
me thoroughly J J Uttik J ultou N V
JlOGtJU daMapawfa
I yj if iWt Ti f mJ V JJJjl Ihjir
llooda 1111a cure llrr nu Hi 11011 rrltutlUK mid
only cathartic tu tkc with llmnln sjtmi iillla
C St P M ite O road yesterday it be
ing to tho effect that all passengers for
Sioux City from points between Nor
folk and Emorsou must chango oars at
tho latter placo It has herotoforo been
the custom for tho morning train to go
through to Sioux City without a chango
while tho afternoon train changed a
car or two at that place
Tho painters who have been putting
the largo signs for yeast foam on tho
various buildings of the city this morn
ing put a largo and noticeablo sign for
tho Star Clothing store on tho roof of
Davenports lhory barn They also
painted a sign for Hoyer on tho front of
his photograph gallery They handlo
tho bruhh with remarkable deftness and
attract considerable attention
A horse hitched to ono of tho hacks
caused considerable excitement on the
streots last evening his action being
quito out of tho ordinary Ho kicked
nnd rared and plunged in quito a soiibo
less fashion for a timo and endangered
tho safety of vehicle and harness but
was finally quieted without any gient
amount of damage being done What
caused tho minimis stiango action was
not dcfluitily ascertained
Two additional brick masons were
put to woik nu tho now opera house this
morning and tho increaso in force has
a noticeablo effect on tho movement of
tho work Tho two men who started
on tho work this morniug were E N
Messick of Wayne who has been work
ing on tho now conrt house of that place
and Ben Ayers of this city Another
mason is expected from Madison to be
gin work tomorrow morniug A portion
of tho walls of tho buildiug have now
reached a height within a few feet of
the top of Tin Niws office
Tho ladies of tho Heights participated
in a progressive party yesterday after
noon au evening which resulted in a
most enjoyable timo Tho fust meeting
placo was at tho homo of Mrs 1 B
Maylard where tho fiist couise of a
series of refreshments were served
Fiom there they went to the homo of
Mrs H L Snyder and were served
additional refreshments Later iu the
evening they weie joined by tho geutle
men and tho company was again served
with light refreshments tho ladies
acting out a charade during the serving
of the course
F H Beck has returned from Sioux
City where he made nrrangemeuts for a
oO hght dynamo which will be placed iu
the Sugar City Cereal mills to furnish
the light required lor night woik This
arrangement is not only expected to bo
more satisfactory than the old method
by producing moro and better light but
it will lessen the danger from fire con
siderably Tho mills nro rapidly assum
ing tho place of a leading industry not
ouly in Norfolk but in thiseutiie sectiou
of tho state and the people will uoto
with pleasure this new evidence of prog
ress on the part of tho management
The ringing of tho Congregational
church bell about 11 oclock last night
was the cause of many people appearing
on tho streets and at doors aud windows
inquiring the why and wherefore
Many thought it was the signal an
nouncing the appearance of tho met
eors in tho heavens but a searching
glance failed to reveal the expected dis
play About ir or 20 persons including
tho mayor appeared at the church but
could not ascertain the reason for tho
unusual occurrence It is supposed how
over that some hilarious youngsters
climbed iuto the belfry aud rang the
Yankton Press and Dakotau J M
Duus will ship a carload of beer to Ins
brother A M Duus in Lo Mars Iwa
thereby paying au election bot Tho
car was on exhibition at the American
State bank It is 18 inches long flinches
high aud i3 inches wide and it will
hold just a doten pint bottles of beer
The car was made by John T Coxhend
and is a perfect model It is paiuted
yellow with black trucks and a red roof
and rests upon a section of railway track
in miniatuio It is marked Yankton
Norfolk Southwestern railway and
is tho first car bearing tho labol of that
road over constructed
J W Roso has been appointed travel
ing auditor for tho American Beet Sugar
company and will have his headquar
ters at Oxnard California Mr Rose
has been with the Sugar compauy for
four years first as bookkeeper at the
Norfolk factory and this year in tho
samo capacity at tho Ghiuo factory
He is au expert accountant careful
painstaking and exacting and is em
inently fitted to have supervision over tho
books of tho company at its various
plants being right in lino with Iiib
ability and training He will visit each
of the factories once or twice a year
Tin New joins his many Norfolk
fi lends in congratulating him upon his
promotion aud is glad that his duties
will bring hnn to Noifolk occasionally
where many w ill bo happy to greet him
At the adjourned meeting of the li o
department held last evening an execu
tive committee of US members consist
ing of tho chief preeidont secretary
iud treasuier of tho department and
foreman and secretary of each company
was named to havo charge ol the ar
rangements for tho annual meeting of
tho state association which meetb here
iu January The committte is to meet
ench Wednesday evening hereafter and
beeu members of the same will consti
tute a quorum It was also dieided to
givon danco on tho night of Docombor
Jit Messrs Pasowollc and Kern being
appointed a committee on procuring a
hall and music for tho danco and report
to tho executivo committed on Novem
ber 3 On motion exempt certificates
wero voted to W R Huffman and W
II Dexter Tho mooting also dtcided
that iu tho futuro fiiomaiis hall should
bo closed to all public and private meet
ings except to those of tho city council
and firemen and tho janitor was in
structed to havo tho doois connecting
with the city clerks and police judges
offices barricaded C Lehrman was
authorised to build a locker for tho file
mens unifoiins
Mrs Higby went to Cuighton
F A Hadinson of lleatrleo is a visitor
iu Norfolk
Miss Edith MrClary was ropoitod sick
this morniug
Judge Win V Allen was in the city
this morning
O A Williams of Nollgh was iu Nor
folk this moi mug
A J Durlaud has gouotoPhillpsbury
Kansas on business
G McBoth of Valentino was a Nor
folk visitor yesterday
Miss Ethel Fink of Madison is visit
ing Miss Irene Juuomau
E G Webber of Battle Creek was a
Sugar City visitor last evening
Mrs Leo has accepted a position as
clerk in tho store of Baum Bros
A W Hallam of Omaha is in tho
city to visit friends o er Sunday
Mibb Nina Walker has returned from
a visit with friouds iu Plaiuviow
Mrs Barshinger and children wont to
Emorsou this morning to visit friends
Mr and Mrs F Metscliko of Pieico
are visiting at tho homo of M B Singer
Mi s Edith Bachelor went to Wayuo
this morning to visit fnends oer Sun
Miss Giace Dunn and bistor of Pierco
aro in the city today doing som s bhop
Jesse H Neal of Omaha freight solici
tor of the M O was in the city yes
Architect J C Stitt returned this
morning from a business trip up tho
M As O
Tho J J E club met last night with
Misb Mae Durlaud at her homo in tho
II C Quick has returned fiom Omaha
whero ho has beeu employed for soino
time past
Henry Huebuer tho Hadar merchant
was attending to business in Norfolk
Geo Zeigler and wife II C Piatt
aud O B Clements of Faiifield Iowa
are in the city
It is reported that tho Baker livery
barn at Battle Creek was destroyed by
fire yesterday
Mrs Geo L lies left for Sioux Falls
S D this nioruing to spend Suidiy
with her husband
Mrs T J Morrow is entertaining a
party of ladies at au afternoon today at
her home on tho Heights
Tho post office at Newman Grovo has
been raised to the presidential class and
the salary of tho postninster increased
Mrs Geo D Butterfield came down
from Creightou today and Mr Butterfield
will also como in to spend Sunday with
The residences of Rov J J Parker
and L C Middelstadt aro being
improved in appearance by the applica
tion of paint
Miss Ada Butterfield gavo a 1 oclock
luncheou todny to a number of her lady
friends tho guest ot honorboing Mrs
W S Pardouuer
Mrs A K Shurtleff and tister Miss
Lake have departed for ther homo iu
Kansas City Mo after a pleasant visit
with Norfolk friends
A number of young people of tho city
have organized a whist club aud held
their first mooting last night at tho
home of Miss Garlinger
J H House has completed his dwel
ling at the cornerpf Eleventh street and
Nebraska avenuo and expects to move
into it tho first of next week
A club of ten young ladies styling
their organization tho M tj M visited
the bugar lactory labt evening and
viewed its workings by electric light
Miss Laura A Gregg ono of the or
ganizers of tho National Americau Wo
mails bullrago absocintiou will speak
at the Baptist church Sunday morning
and evening
D D Hall lepreseutiug the Omaha
World Herald ha- moved hero fiom
Cduncil Jihiflh aud will occupy tho
house owned by A J Darland north of
0 N Hayes
F Horschnw who is employed in tho
Dnveuport livery Inrn held ticket 4b
tho lucky number that drew W U
Hulls driving horn which was rallied
olT last e cuing
J B Barnes jr aud Guy Alexander
departed for Lincoln tins morning to
witness the football game which takes
place today between tho teams of tho
Nebraska aud Kansas universities
There being no cut of town arrivals to
nttlllf llifi tnnrnnninnt x mtu
day a match was made between Hiss
man and Notlmway for fit birds It re
sulted in GlisNinan killing in nnd Notlm
way 12
A few Intimuto friouds gnthered at
tho homo of Conductor Fo last evening
to meet Mr and Mrs Jonas Walsh of
Columbus who havo been visiting there
for a few days Mr and Mis Walsh
departed for thoir homo this morning
The Union Pacific pay car caiuo in
yesterday and distiibuted that which
gocH to make the heaits of the railroad
employes light and their pocket books
heavy Superintendent It W Baxter
nnd Assistant Superintendent W
Chapman were occupants ol the car
Ohm Mis Shelby a raihoad man who
Was confined in tho city jail on the
charge of lighting twisted the lode oil
tho outer door a few hours after he was
incaieeratid and regained his liberty
Tho police have not yet ascertained his
whereabouts aud arc of the opinion that
ho has left town
T B Kail who tiavels for the Rock
Island Shoe company of Rock Island
111 has leturucd from it trip in the in
terests of his house and will spend Sun
day in the city Mr Kail states that it
is probable that ho may again make
Noifolk his homo lie mid his wife
have many ft lends in the city who
would bo pleased to have them letuin
Bixby in tho State Journal has
these complimentary words to say of tho
people in this county Nebiaska re
publicans will always look with favor
upon tho people of Shell Gieek precinct
Madison county wheto a republican
gain of thirty throe over the vote of a
year ago gae evidence that tho public
conscience has not entirely surrcndeied
to tho unhallowed influence associated
With fusion for tho spoils of olllco
The annual convention of the Nt
braska Woman Sufhigo association will
bo held in Lincoln November JS and
Delegatt s to thih convention w ill be
entertained and those expecting to at
tend should wnto to Miss Helen Gull
Lincoln stating the time of their nriival
Mrs Carno Chapman Catt of New York
Mi s Mary G Hay of San Fianeisco
Rev Ida G llultiii of Illinois Mrs
Evelyn 11 Belden of Iowa and other
uationul speakers will bo prcseut
F Warrant supei visor of the now
opera house has addrissed notices to
subscubeis for seats notifying them
t lint tho pledges are now duo and payable
to G A Luikart Ho n quests prompt i
attentioi to tho matter in older that
the building may bo completed Mr
Wananthas faithfully perfonned his
portion of tho contract nnd ho now re
lies upon tho assistance of those who
havo pledged themselves to take seats to
hurry tho work of completion Tho
wnlls aro now up to a level with tho
bnlcony and tho interior carpenter work
is being completed as far as possible i
That tho building is worth the price to
subscribers anyone who has examined
the work thus far done can testify to
P F Panabaker president of tho
Northeast Nebraska Teachers
tion bus issued the following notice to
members At a conference of north
east Nebrrska teachers at Norfolk last
April time of tho North Nebraska nsso
ciatiod meeting it was recommended
that there should be no meeting of the
association this November aud that all
should put forth tho bestollort to have a
strong meeting nt Wayuo next April
Accordingly no program lias uoeu ar
ranged aud it isrecommended that all
make an effort J to insure nu excellent
meeting at Wayno in April WOO A
business session of tho Northeast Ne
braska teachers will bo hold at Wayuo
in April to arrange for tho following
November meeting
Heal ICMnio 1 ruiiHlerM
The following transfers of real estate
aro reported by Chester A Fuller man
ager of tho Madison county abstract
oflico at Norfolk
Pairleo Arnold and husband to
Martin Thomson d lot W
Battle Creek 100 00
David A Halo and wife to C II
Reeves wd of nwj 11-
22 s 1200 00
Kate F Hurford to Martin L
Thomsen wd lot 7 block 10
Battle Creek 807 00
Norfolk National bank to P W
Hall wd uV ot se- and so
of so J4 of sei of neJ J L600 00
Jessie B Dorward and husbaud
to James M Michael wd wj
of BwJ i and w1 of uwjij
2rx 00
llnj untie
Bright active honest boys are wanted
at ouco by tho St Louis Sunday Star to
act as agents for this great pnpor which
sells readily wherever presonied Tho
ageuts obtaiu tho papers on most favor
able terms and hundreds of boys all
over tho country are makiug good money
handling it You can do the same and
have money for tho holiday season
The papnrs are bent to yon postpaid and
you run no risk as you get credit for
heads of unsold papers returned Write
at once to Manager Circulatiou St Louis
Star St Louis Mo
Waviki -several bright and honest
persoiib tu repreeeut us as managers in I
this and close by countus Salary f00
n year and e xpiiiBos Straight hoiin fide
no more no lesb salary Position perinn
neut Our references auy bauk iu any
town It is mainly office work con
ducted at homo Reference Enclose
self addressed Btamped onvelojio The
Dominion Comvany Dopt s Chicago
TTr se s yK s H
ft I SSS NJvTp
- I J I i 1 11 1 1
im l l
1 r
G M Thompson is nil the sick list
O R Vidl of Claiks was a city visitor
Mis M 15 Foster of Madison is eiy
seriously ill
Secur Wunner made his weekly visit
to Stanton Situiday
C E Doughty wont to Madison this
11101 mug on business
F 15 Alderman was 111 thocity yestei
day from West Point
Judge Ribeitsoii was a pa senger tins
morning for Lincoln
Ernest Hooker of Stanton was a Sun
day visitor iu Norfolk
Miss Lilian Luikart is visiting fnends
for a fow days at 1 looper
Miss Hiildu Neno went to Stanton
Sat ui day on a 1s1l tolnenils
BurtMapes was attending to legal
business 111 Madison Saturday
Lydia thelittlo daughter of Mr and
Mrs Richard Peters is quite biek
Mrs W J lleyl of Ilatte Center was
a visitor in Norfolk last evening
Dr A Bear was called to Winside
Saturday on professional busnies
Father McNamarn of Jackson was the
guest of Father Walsh Saturday
Mr and Mrs C H Bright of Winside
were visitors yesterday in tho city
Mr and Mrs C W Braasch wero
passengers for Omaha this moining
Bank Examiner Lnikart spent the
day yesterday with friends at Hooper
Ray Hull and 11 C Seubury were
Plaiuviow visitors in tho city yesterday
Morris Mayer left yesterday on a busi
ness trip to tho southern part of tho state
Ned Edwards xvas in tho city today
enrouto from Carrol to his homo in
Judgo Barnes returned yesterday
from a professional trip to Omaha and
Mr Jackes of Hoskins passed through
the city today eurouto to Spokane Wash
Mrs C A Fuller has returned from
Madison whero sho visited friends over
Mrs M J Baumgardner of Box
Buttle is visiting her daughter Mrs W
E Spencer
Chas II Harding of tho creamery
company has gone to Denver on a
business trip
Eugene Mooro of Maploton Iowa is
in the city looking up farm lauds with
a view to purchasing
C E Finch of Boone Iowa spent
Sunday with IiIb wife aud child who
aro visiting in the city
Tho sugar factory will probably com
plete tho present campaign before tho
new year is usnereu in
Mrs L II Burch of Bell wood arrived
iu the city Saturday evening to visit
with Miss Nettie Lowe
John Winter of Ixonin Wis is visit
ing with his parents who reside two
miles north of the city
Dr P II Salter xvent to Madison last
evening to consult with Dr J B Long
oeruu important case
V M Hartman arrived this morning
from Sioux City preparatory to his ap
proaching wedding Wednesday
Miss Sullivan who had been visiting
Mi s Keating at the hospital returned
to her home iu Columbusyesteiday
Miss Agnes Carbery xvho ib teaching
bdiool near Warnerville was the guest
of Miss Wood Saturday nnd Sunday
Mr and Mrs A Hope were 111 tho
city between trains today Mrs Hope
xvas formerly Miss Lillian Gerccke
Mib J Ohebuutwood departed yes-
When the practice of economy is a necessity the
cost of the soap used in a year is an impoitant item
The grocer who has an eye to larger pi of its may not
suggest Ivoiy Soap but you insist on having it Ivory
Soap is pure soap through and through That makes
it the most economical and best
eorvniaiiT inou nr mi i much M UAumr co Cincinnati
tonlay foi utirt lieiu Texas whither sho
was called by the seiioim illness of her
L A Suns loimeily employed nt tho
Noifolk hospital loi tho insulin him
accepted the position ol clerk at UttorH
Mis AJ Duiland returned Inst even
ing fiom Madison whero she hail be 11
Msiting with Mis T F Meinininger
for 11 low days
W II Lowe 1 etui lied Sat 111
day evening fiom Battle deck where ho
has undeitaken tho task of laying out a
diainage ditch of sonio dimensions
M tster Mae Harding was he victim
ol usurpi isu party Situiday evening
which proved a very pleasant occasion
The evening was spent in games and
liilauty by the young boys and giilsi
who attendi d
A jolly party of little people bellied
Miss Bernice Mapes celebrate horeighth
bnthday Siturday afternoon at tho
home of her patents on South Eighth
street All present had a great iroho
and a happy time
It is now very pioper and tho correct
thing to huvo a cold and tho person who
is not sneeing or w hot zing or coughing
or grunting is decidedly in tho minority
Ifyouwiintto bo it get a cold at
your first opportunity
Rov Helel tho new pastor of the St
Paul Lutheran chinch preached his
first sermon to his congregation yester
day It lb said that bis remarks wero
I Babies and children need I
j proper food rarely ever
f cine If they do not thrive
1 on their food something is r
I wrong They need a little
I help to get their digestive
I macninery wonting propeny
I will generally correct this
I difficulty
J If you will put from one-
j fourth to half a teaspoonful
in babys bottle three or four I
I times a day you will soon see I
I a marked improvement For
larger children from half to f
a teaspoonful according to s
J age dissolved in their milk
j if you so desire will very
j soon show its great nourish- T
I ing power If the mothers
I milk does not nourish the
I baby she needs the
j sion It will show an effect j
at once both upon mother f
uuu v iuiu
j Sk anafico ill diugfists
t Si Oil UOWM Chemists New York i
L 1H H H J