The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, November 23, 1899, Page 8, Image 8

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llrtnnrlinlilK Victory Our SntiiKra
IMfly Yrnm Aro Tlio lrxliiKioii
I nml Yorkiimii of Tlirlr IIim oliUlim
j In 1NN1 Somo llrKlxti Dffriitn
ICopyrlKhJ 1MW by O I Kllinor
7 7 a roil
A X v and
x ah
ry fou lit Houth
Africa linn npiit
which aiiKTH
well for la t tor
tiny Htyliw of
IlKhtitiK Tlio
IUmth won their
Iioiiich anil won
iioneii anil ilo
fctitltil tlic in too
from tlio warlilco
hhviiiu trlliiH
ml tlinin
iIiim wuro not
mo wnriticu
thoy woro train
ml and ilincipluiiil warriors
All the world Ijiiowh how 111 It Iiiih
fnriilwith tho KiikHhIi apiln and iiKiiin
when n handful of Holdlurn not caught
in n tight iilucu by HwarniH of ZuIuh
Onr own koIiUith on tho plniiiH hnvii
met with illnnHtcrn of thu kind without
number In vliW of tlio fatiM of whito
Ixpidltiona ho ofton chronickil it in
innrvtlouH to riiul how Ichh than fiOO
IIoith not only riHlHtitl bnl ilufoated
nml routed 10000 or 12000 ZuIuh mi
ller tho griat chieftain Dingnim TIiIh
war in 18t8 liiKim with tho usual
Kood nromlnoH on tho part of tho HavagcH
followed by treachery and HliiuKhtur A
imry of loern who went into tho Zulu
cum to deliver tho price of a negotia
tion for territory in thoTrniiHViml wero
iniuwacriil and then tho ZuIuh raided
tho country they had hold
After HlnuKhteriiiK hundredH of lone
ly imminrantH thu ZuIuh attacked tho
wagon laager of tho Boers in which
wero 410 lighting men Ah mmal tho
Zulus wero without fear and dashed
up to tho wagonH trying to pierce tho
oxhido coveiH with their Hpeaiu With
rilliw loaded during tho battle by wom
en and children tho Boers Htood oil tho
navicert for hours Finally BOO Doers
on hsrsoback Hlipped out of the laager
mill circled around tho enomy some
what in tho Havago fashion but more
Hwiftly Tho result was a comiileto rout
of Dingaans hordes with a loss of
51000 dead on tho Held Then there was
peaco from the Zulus in the Transvaal
and Dingaans dang is tho Doer
It is true that tho British helped tho
Boors not a little by smashing thu Zulu
power but following that tho evil of
unjust taxation led tho liberty loving
Dutchmen to riso and start a republic
Tho Lexington of the lilliputian revolu
tion was fought Jan V8 at Laingsnok
Political preliminaries woro very brief
A mass meeting had been called to con
sider tho question in dispute but before
tho day arrived tho tax collector op
pressed a Boer in a matter of lt and
tho burghers in convention assembled
decided to lout diplomacy and take to
lighting An ultimatum was sent to tho
British secretary thu wires wero cut
and 7000 armed Bojurs stood ready to
defend their rights
Fate had touched tho button and an
impetuous British leader did tho rest
Sir George Uolley commander in Cape
Colony was in tho Held in person and
fearing that thu revolution would col
lapsu under tho stress of diplomacy
determined to light anyway Tho Doers
quickly out off all tho garrisons in the
Transvaal and prepared to dispute tho
passes from their coveted realm into
tho loyal domain of Natal Tho Doer
nrmy under liot Joubert tho present
commander was stretched across tho
highway running from Natal north
upon a series of hills forming an amphi
So certain of speedy victory was Gen
eral Colley that lie didnt tako the trou
ble to operate under cover of darkness
Ho had 000 infantry and ISO mounted
men A tableland J 000 feet in length
and known as Laingsnok connected the
thinks of tho Doer army which rented
itu right on Mn jubu Hill Geueral Colley
eent half tho infantry againbt tho ele
vated ground whereon tho Boer left
retod while tho mounted men attack
ed tlio ridge adjoining it The plan was
to divide tho Doer htrength yet keep
tho assailing parties in closo touch
Tho movo was made in broad daylight
Liko somo of tho bloodthirsty warriors
of 1801 tho British cavalry feared that
tho war would end before they got in a
blow and gave rein to their steeds far
outstripping their infantry supports
What should have been expected hap
pened Tho Doer riflemen stood off tho
cavnlry with eiifeo and in continuous
lino let themselves looso upon tho Brit
ish infantry Colonel Deano and his
taff rode at tho front of the infantry
and ruBhed uheml with tho column just
as though tho cavalry supports wero
intact on his flank In spite of the gall
ing firo from tho hill tho troops gained
the crest and it became a battle with
man against man Tho Britibh ubcd
their buyonots but tho Boers didnt
bhrink from cold steel They actually
rushed into tho British mass as did
Lord Scarletts heavies among tho Rus
sians nt Balaklava and 40 of tho stal
wart fellows thoy were all six footers
wero killed within tho lines A party
of them charged forward and captured
the Britibh flag killing every one of the
guard with their riilo bayonets
Colonel Deano was killed on tho crest
and several other oflicers with about
800 men fell This ended the battle of
Iaingsnek for tho British rotreated to
their old position
Twelve days after Laiugsnek the
British were again whipped in an en
counter of a kind likely to be repeated
in thiB war The British secondary baeo
is iu Natal a leng distance from tho
Transvaal border Being an alert Lardy
race of horpomon tho Doers enn bo as
troublesome In forayH as tho Cossacks
of the Husilan steppes and from tho
tlmo that tho enemy approached their
borders his column was harassed by
rough riding bands of armed Doers To
guard against this General Colloy sot
out with 100 soldiers to patrol the lino
back toward his base Tho column
started In broad daylight and was
Marcely in position at tlio crossing of
tho Ingogo river when tho Doers attack
ed vigorously on all sides Darkness
ended the battle and tho Drltlsh re
treated leaving dead and wounded be
hind to the number of 151 As at
LaiugHUfk tho killed in tho British
ranks numbered about as many as tho
wounded for tho Doer rifleman shoots
to kill
Kven tho British acknowledgo in this
war that thu Boer marksmanship is
deadly Tho casualties prove it
Even afler Laiugsnek and Ingogo
river there might have been peace in
tho Transvaal without Doer indepond
eiico but for the impetuosity and bad
faith of General Colley and the inevita
ble accident which turns tho tldo In
war General Colloy sent word to tho
Doers that Huglaiid would appoint it
commissioner to redress tho grievances
complained of giving 48 hours for thu
return of an acceptance to his head
quarters President Kruger was not in
camp to net upon the message but tho
spirit of the people was for peace and
tho chief men relaxed their vigilance
Now while the Boor right rested
theoretically npon Mujuhn Hill tho
height was not occupied in forco It
commanded the Boor position and Gen
eral Colloy took advantage of tho Htato
of Homitrueo to throw a column on tho
hill for in his IhiihIh it would prove
another Hound Top and decide tho mil
itary situation at Laingsnok A forco
of 000 men wero marched up the slopo
under cover of night and next morning
tho Boors saw tho royal ensign floating
above thoir heads They had been out
generaled while trusting to promises of
peace and entirely oil their guard
But no timo was lost in louberts
enmp in getting down to business At
n oclock in tho morning Doer skirmish
ers were at tho base of the hill making
the Britons hunt cover from shots pour
ing upon them at the rate of 51 per
minute Long rango lighting was kept
up nil tho forenoon tho British well
back from the brink and under tho
shelter of rocks and ridges having tho
best of it In the crisis General Colley
was very cool One of his impetuous
subordinates said that the men couldnt
stand tho fusillade much longer and tho
best thing for tho British would bo a
charge Wait till they come on said
tho general Wo will give them a vol
ley and then charge Tho Boers did
come on all right but their coming
had for its preludo a shower of bullets
no human lino conld stand before nor
hido from The British ranks wero
thrown into confusion and tho oflicers
had to threaten their men to keop them
from running away
Tho heroes of tho hour wero there in
tho shape of some highbinders and a
fowold soldiers of tho Eighty fifth regi
ment Willi thou the general and Ills
oflicers made a stand at the highest
ridgo But every man who showed him
self was punctured instantly and thoso
who tried to run wero dogged down tho
slopo by nimble Boers banging or
whacking with riflo barrel or breach
Filially the Britons gave it up General
Colley was shot dead in his tracks A
few redcoats wero captured and 228
fell in the slaughter With tho British
still on tho outside of thoir Transvaal
tho Doers iiibisted upon and secured
that independence they now strive to
maintain While in no sense a warring
people tho Boers aro tho best fightors
among civilized nations today They
resemble tho early borderers of America
in their traditions their simplicity and
Iovo of freedom At a call to arms they
strap on their cartridge belts shoulder
their rifles and hurry to the combat
Being bred to outdoor lifo in all weath
er thoy require no period of dibciplino
to tit them for tho hardships of the
In courage and celerity of movement
the Boers rival the Cossacks of Russia
and thu cowboys of the plains But un
like the cowboys and Cossacks they aro
serious minded devoted to homo and
family to btoEiiness of principles and
to ideal political liberty
Unless Doer valor has sadly degener
ated and there is no reason to supposo
that it has there is a grim significance
n Oom Pauls ultimatum to the civi
lized woi Id that wo must now make
South Africn free or the whito mans
grave and if tho republics must be
long to England tho prico will stagger
humanity Sinco tho Jameson raid
tho Transvaal government has been
preparing for battle Tho homo soil is
in a condition of defense lioth by pro
vision of nature and tho aid of science
While the Doers aro undisciplined in a
military sense they are of the stamp of
men who obey leaders recover quickly
from surprise and know no defeat
I Geokqb Kilmek
11 naiiun
Inrxtirtiajlvr AVnro In hf Style of
tin At iro tl Tlnt
cil IJIiihk llriititlftil Cnhinetn mill
Clip Hllekn
A sot of china ranges from 125 pieces
to 140 and more Tho extra pieces
however generally compriso individual
butter plates and other small wares
When tho china closot is to bo tilled
10 ffl 9
pr O
o q O
with inexpensive ware bluo and
whito is tlio usual resourco and a very
satisfactory ono it ia But thero aro
others as may bo learned from tho fol
lowing in Tho Household which also
illustrates a handsomo china closet
In higher priced chinas thero is tho
Cauldron ware which sells as high as
400 or 500 a set but It is beautiful
beyond coin para
A set of Wedgwood china may bo
had for about half tho prico of tho for
mer whilo tho real llaviland china can
ho bought for from 50 to 100 a sot
Less expensive china may bo had from
25 to 50 a sot and in porcelain ware
somo choice designs may bo purchased
at 15 and 20 per set
Tlio floral designs upon real china
aro moro in border effects than in all
ovor decoration Therefore if you aro
selecting a cheaper bet look well about
boforo buying A net of delicately bor
dered lightweight ware closely resem
bling tho higher priced china can bo
purchased for 115 Whito and gold sots
aro again popular and for general nse
thoy aro to be commended as they har
monize with any floral decoration do
sircd and allow great latitude in table
Tho well appointed tnblo shows a
glit taring array of cut glass with its
every facet glistening liko that of a
diamond when thu light strikes it
Exquisitely tinted Bohemian glass is
shown in many shades of green a now
rose pink a rich red and a clear glass
with gold tracings the latter being tho
most popular for berry and ico cream
bets claret cups and jugs
Finger bowls havo grown smaller
Tho latest are made of tinted Bohemian
glass and havo a footed bowl which
rests on a plate to match
Tho handsomest china closets aro
thoso which are portable and havo glass
sides Thoy aro mado in all forms and
sizes and from a great variety of woods
though at present oak and mahegauy
are tho favored ones
Somo aro plain and straight looking
very mnch liko a library bookcase
while others are mado to tit into a cor
A novel modification of that pretty
idea the cup stick iB presented by
Tho Ladies World ns shown in the
second cut Three
cup sticks are
united at their
base and all are
pendent from a
square bracket
that serves as a
support for a
handsomo vnso or
other bit of dain
ty ware Tho
squorobasoof tho
bracket is sup
ported by two
triangular back
pieces thnt join at
right angles the
edges of both
back and shelf be
ing studded with
big round headed
black nails The
three round
A kovki cup stick sticks hnvo hooks
afkaik screwed into their
npper ends which go into bcrew eyes
beneath tho shelf the hooks being bent
down so as to be in no danger of blip
ping out
Little brass hooks are screwed into
the three sticks at intervals from top to
bottom on which thu cups are hung
Tho sticks are joined at their lower
ends by brads and glue and a hook la
placed at tho very top
Ill til I o S ii 11 p
Wash and peel ten large potatoes
cut them Into slices and put them In a
stewpau with one large onion sliced
four ounces of butter ami a little pep
per salt ami grated nutmeg Let this
stew for three minutes Then pour
over it two quarts of white stock or
liquid In which meat has been boiled
and let the whole simmer until the po
tatoes are soft Dress them with a
wooden spoou through a sieve return
the puree to the soup and stir over the
lire until It Is quite hot Add half a
plut of new milk or cream sprinkle a
little chopped parsley over the soup
uud serve
IiiaiirucnU AkiiIii SIiowIiib I rent Activity
Soutli of Manila
Manila Nov 21 Only fragmentary
rejMirts reach Manila of tho operations
north which when tho story is known
will provo to havo lieon tho most re
markable campaigning tho Philippine
war has known General Luwtons di
vision is spread thinly over tho territory
boyond San Jose whoro tho telegraph
end is Goneral Youngs two regiments
of cavalry aro continuing their rapid
sweep into tho now towns and the in
fantry is being shoved forward to hold
tho towns tho cavalry tako all iu a
country whoso natural difllcultios aro
Increased indescribably by tropical
rains making rivers of creeks and
fiwantps of Holds Wagon transporta
tion is supposed to havo been practically
abandoned tho American troops living
on captured supplies and tho little pro
duce tho insurgent levies havo loft
General MaoArthurs reconnaissnnco
entered Dagupnn this afternoon Tho
Americans found that no insurgents
had been thero for four days It is be
lieved that tho only armed forco of any
size is in thu mountains of tho provinco
of Zambles to tlio west
Thero has boon a revival of insurgent
activity south of Manila particularly
in Cavito province At Inius yesterday
tho Insurgents fired a smoothbore can
non but this was soon silunced by tho
American artillery
LIuutiMiunt Hull Muki n Hnrloua Charge
AKiiliiHt Colonel Mctviilf
Tor EiCA Nov 21 Lieutenant Hall
of Lawrence formerly of tho Twentieth
Kansas regiment in a letter to tho To
peka Journal makes tho chargo that
Colonel Mutcalf recently brovetted
brigadier general for gallantry in tho
Philippines shot an unarmed ami sup
plicating Filipino prisoner and in sup
port of it furnished tho iiflldavits of
Private Husky of tho Twentieth Kan
sas and First Lioutonunt Ferguson of
tho Thirty sixth infantry who wit
nessed the affair
Eiyiua O Nov 21 Colonel Wilder
Metcalf accused by Lieutenant Hall of
having shot a Filipino prisoner was in
this city last night visiting old friends
Tho Associated Press correspondent
found him at tho opera house
and informed him of tho na
turo of the accusation Ho said
ho did not know what Lieutenant Hull
referred to and hat ho could not com
prehend how he came to iniiko such a
statement unless it was due to tho fact
that tho lieutenant was not recom
mended for promotion Ho declared
the charge false
I dont understand what Hall means
by his story declared tho colonel
You may say for mo that I enter a
geueral denial
Gorman Jtulrr Srcetuil With Itoyul Su
littu ly Jortu anil urnlilis
Poktsmoutii Nov 21 Tho German
imperial yacht Hohenzollern entered
the harbor yesterday and was welcomed
with salutes of the guns of tho warships
and forts Tho emperor and empress
and their two sons landed and wero wel
comed by tho Duko of Connaught
It wus a typical November morning
chilly and foggy as tho Hohenzollern
loomed in sight escorted by tho Ger
man battleship Kaiser Friederich III
and a flotilla of eight British torpedo
boat destroyers which mot the German
ships outsido of Spithead As it en
tered tho harbor tho British admirals
flagship and eight other warships gaily
bedecked manned yards and thundered
tho royal salute which was returned
by tho Kaiser Friederich III
WiNDSOit Nov 21 Tho emperor and
empress of Germany and their party
arrived hero at 1 45 p m Thoy wero
received by tho Princo of Wales and
Duko of Cambridge and tho Duko of
York all wearing German uniforms
Thero was tremendous cheering iu the
streets as tho imperial party drovo to
the castle where thoy wero received by
Queon Victoria
IllmvRthe Top or IIIh Iteuil Oil- With a
SliolKiui WoiiihU Another
Oiiicamo Nov 21 A Swanberg
janitor of a 8 story flat at 1297 Waban
sia avenue early yesterday shot and
killed ono burglar and wounded an
other Ho was awakoned by a noiso on
tho back porch S 1 ng his shotgun
ho awaited developments In a fow
minutes thu window of his apartment
was raised A head appeared Swan
berg fired and tho burglar fell forward
into his room the top of his head hav
ing been blown iM by tho chargo of
ehot Tho burglars cdmpauion took to
his heels with Swanberg iu pursuit
As tho burglar was gaining Swanberg
fired and he says wounded tho man
iu tho leg before ho disappeared in au
alloy Swanberg has been arrested
Iiiillctvil by the lira nd Jury for the Mur
iler of Hi Father
Dexteij Mo Nov 21 Elijah Moore
aged 19 who had been hold under sus
picion tor tho assassination of his father
tho Rev Jesse Moore mado a full con
fession yesterday in which ho impli
cated his 15-year-old sister Mary
Lator ho amended his confession by ex
onerating tho girl Later in tho day
tho boy was indicted by tho grand jury
Young Moore says ho planned tho as
sassination two weeks previous to its
commission His father ho says was
cruel to his family and allowed his chil
dren no pleasure Tho boy got up at
oclock in the morning shot his father
by moonlight hung tho gun upon a
nick on tho front porch and wont back
to bed
Crew of Chiirlritou Itearh Manila
Manila Nov 21 Tho gunboat
Helena arrived at Cavito today with th
crew of tho Charleston which was
wrecked early iu the mouth on a reef
on the northwest coast of Luzon All
the men are well
Results Fatally In Nina
Cases Out of Ten A
Cure Found at Last
i kmtt arm nrnin 1
s SKl3 flm
iliM lilWii
i g m
This fearful disease often first appears
as a mere scratch a pimplo or lump in
the breast too Small to attract any
notice until in many cases tho deadly
disease is fully developed
Cancer can not bo cured by a surgical
operation because tho disease is a virulent
poison in tho blood circulating throughout tho system and although
the sore or ulcer known ns the Cancer may be cut awaj tlio
poison remains in the blood and promptly breaks out afresh with
renewed violence
Tho wonderful success of S S S in curing obstinate deop neated
blood diseases which wore considered incurable induced a few de
spairing sufferers to try it for Cancer after exhausting the skill of
tlio physicians without a cure Much to their delight S S S proved
equal to tho disease and promptly effected a cure Tho glad news
spread rapidly and it was soon demonstrated
beyond doubt that a euro had at last been
found for deadly Cancer Evidence has accu
mulated which is incontrovertible of which
the following is a specimen
Cancer is hereditary in our family my fnlher a
Rister and an aunt having died from this dreadful
disease My feelings may ho imagined when the hor
rible diseaso mado its appearance on my side It was
a malignant Cancer eating inwardly in such a way as
to cause great alarm Tho diseaso seemed beyond tho
skill of the doctors for their treatment did no good
whatever tho Cancer growing worse all tho while
Numerous remedies wero used for it but the Cancer
grew steadily worse until it seemed that I was doomed
to follow the others of the family for I know how deadly Cancer is especially
when inherited I was advised to try Swifts Specific S S S which from tho
first day forced out the poison I continued its use until I had taken eighteen
bottle3 when I was cured sound and well and havo had no symptoms of the
dreadful allliction though many years have elapsed S S S is tho only cure
for Cancer Mas S M Idol Winston N C
Our book on Cancer containing other testimonials and valuable
information will bo sent free to any address by tho Swift Specific
Company Atlanta Georgia
Qriun no MniuPY zovz
Jf w wewUIsemlxmOURHIGH J
Uuu oucan uxumlne Hat our nearest freight depot arm If ODniljaBB
pmffliy MiitiifiurexiUiiy atrcprefumcu equw io mammr omrn urn
a mi n h vuuuf mm inn uitiuir31 imiuiaii iuu
KvniiiKAiiiioK special Offer Price 1550
inurrreieht mrrnt tilir r
ami frelKlit chat ire Machine uelchMJutioundsanilthcfrelahtttltl
avemBeTS cent fnr each fiW miles QVE IT THREE MONTHS TRIAL In
jiiuroun homo ami we will rut urn nurl5fiunny dn you are not
fuitiffletl Hf wll different milrn and pndmur Srwlnic JUrhlnm at 850
HUMt 1I OU 1 200 nJ uj nil fully ilecrlleil In our free Sewing
lirhlnrCaulfigur liutl5l for this DIUII PKK CAMMT lllItMlh U
thccrciitcnt uiuc ccr oucrcu j 1111 limine
i uii uiiy
mTriivii 1 hmi 1 i nr
fjSfc JfemWimMittAL
Mm mpiUHntririnif unknown raatlilnr under nrloiiH names with urioutln
UremonU rltr tunf friend In lit capo anil learn who are retUMe ami w ho are nnt
D lie DUriUlvBV ruin uim hum of mhi iikh
MIMIS Or OM Mudc by the
bent milk era In America
c bcatmutcrlul money
OKum yunim vnu jnn JlutrlUim 1UUS machine
closed heail itropplntf lrum tlht to tie uel an a center table tnml
lw AHnnnnun I Ii full lnnrl nln nwt linil n tllln tfl
rMV rtTfc hewinK 4 fancy draier latent ISJU hkeletnn frame caned paneled fin
liosBeu anuuecuraieticnnincinmen nnei nickel urawertmus resit uu iour
carters adJuMnMe treadle trend incbmth Iron htimd Hnest larije Utah Irni
hrad positive four iiiotliinfieilaelf threadlnir vibrntlnc xlinttle automatic
Imliliin winder adjustable nearine patent tension HIieratorlmiiroiidloOFO
ulieel adjustable pressure foot improved phut tie carrier patent needle bir
patent dreKUard iaI I hamlnmrtj ilrcorated and ornamented and beautifully
nickel Irlmmrd GUARANTEED Che IWilrit running niont durante anil nearest
nitUelem machine miile Kery knonn attachment U fumlptlied and our Prco In
struction Book tells Just lmwanymic can run Hand do either plain or any
kind nt tancy work AJOYeartIIIndlniiuaranteel8Fentwltheveryinachlne
IT PflCTC Vnil nlflTUIKin to aee and cxamlnethlit machine compare ItwItU
II lUaia 1UU
h Btorekeener sells at 10011 to
fdOOO and then If convinced thot jou are Bftvlnir tivu to tiooo pay your frelciit acent the S15SO
v Til HrTrilN YOTH ID 10 If at any timo within three months jou my ou are not tatlsllcd U1IDEII 10 DAT
DONT DELAY ISears Unebuck Co are thorouuhlv reliable Kditor
Address SEARS ROEBUCK CO Inc Chicago III
utlhU ad out aaiJ fct nd lu u Mlh 100 and we will nend jou Ibis KH
IJirUOTlI FAUUm Ch3I OIUAV hj freight C O I aubject toexamlna
Mon You run vxuinlne It utyuur nearest frilcht depot and II
jou II nd It fxuctl uk rcprvm tiled the greatest value jon ever taw
and far belter than nnrana adtertked hj other at more mo net par the freight
axrnt OUR PRICE S3550 less the 100depolt or M0 and
freight rhantre THE PARLOR CUM ne of tbe mot DLlumK
AM MifcrTLST lONrl Inoruments rurnidf From the Illustration
sho ii which IsenraieU direct from a photoirrnph jou can form
some Idea of its beautiful appearance 3ludu from olid quarter
iiurd 4itik or uulnnt nw desired perforatid key tllp full panel Irndt
beautiful martjuetrj rfeklpn panel and inane other handtorae decorations
and ornaments millnie It the WHY IATJVT SULK TIIKTAKLOU
VVA IriGfect hitfh 4 2 Inches lonp J Inched wide and weighs 350
puumld uontaliin oetaes n etop S as follows Iilllin Irloripai
imiflana neinuia teieate ireuvjna lUMLoapier ireine lousier
Irlainkon Jorle and vot llumanaf 1 delate tuuplem 1 Tone bwell
1 Grand Orpan Hell 4 Kola of Oreheatral Toned ICefconair 1lpe
jiialltr Itreda 1 httof 37 Pure heet Belodla ItirtN Ihtf37
harmlnclr Hnlllant Celrale Itetda 1 t etuftM Rich Melluw Smooth
Illapatoo Kerd 1 bet of 1leatlnr Soft Tlelodlou 1rlnelpal
Itrrdi THE PARLOR GEM action cmiblstsor tlio
Vlrliratrd Newell lteedf wlileliare only used In the liLu
nt tirade Instrumental fitted with Hammond Coupler and
Sax Humana also best lolrc felts Withers etc billows
of tho best rubber cloth 3 plv bellows Mock and Unet
leather in vaUos THE PALOR CEM Is furnished
withalOxli beeleU plate French mlrmr nickel plated
pedal fiaines and every modern lrnproement Ne
TurnUh free a handsome organ itotd and tbe beat organ In it rue
Jon book uuhllkiied
Uue a written bltiiUni i eur cuaiantee by the
terms and condition of which If any iart Klresout
repair it frre or fliarar Try It one month and e will
refund yourmoney If youarenot nerfcetly satisfied 6W
ir inee ortrana win ue miu ai baau uiiirrib
vt iijer imt iiiivy
iealt vi tth ua uk ourntlliborubout u vrlto
be tmhllsher of thlB naner or Metropolitan
National Hank or Corn Nut Hank- of Chicago
or Herman Ciehanuo Hank New York i or any
raitroaa or exptebg company in cnicapo ne
laiearapllalor oirr 101100000 oceupv entire
of the lareett buidnets blocks In C hlcaKO
ind employ nearly souo ienple In our own
tin I Ml Ml- ITK bHI OltClNS aT 2OU and uni
ii r i it
Via aro riant lb ten Doeal Trutiet made
at ralTOlU fKlUS teaa tlian one tblrtl
tbe price ebartted by oUiera and WE
nViaayTrr in IT vnu ProtrrTlY bar
1 rO
Sl7iiir vniiwlah our 63e freurb Truta or our lxi Hew
i lurk llifrlUI Uutle Tiuklllurtrated abnte cut tbla
ad out and aend to uwllbOlU blMUL fHICE aamed
tuteyour lllfht Welabl iae how Ionic you bave been
ruptured whether rupture if lareottmnlli alaoatate
number lucbea around tbe body on a line ita the
rupture any whether rupture 1 on rlitlit or lettable
and e will aend either truaa to you with tbe under
atandlnir If It I aota perfrel Bl and egult Iruur taal
retail at three llnua uur prlccyou can return it and wo
will return your money h
f imiN tnoludluir the Hew fltlOU Ua Trwu Q 7C
laaltar alaaoat ay caM aad wblbwtall
eKaTifflftiiWTT fW
wir t mvwi
IBIH aBaTa Tiff rSS CVrl B I riH
tRAinaso s i YJiTWMTfir Mt iSSJIB9 KB
organ WMlQKtmuS MWML aJ
w to5 It S vt 5 SHlS1
I UNOS 11 ioo anil upi also everytlittiK In tnulcat InstrumentB at lowest wholesale prices Write for free special
ran piano and muhleal Instrument catalogue Addrees iHtan Ucebuck Co are thoroughly reliable Editor
SEARS ROEBUCK CO Inc Fulton Oe jplaines and Wayman Sti CHICAGO ILL
cures 1FEVEB8 LuDB Peer Milk Feer
JEPRAIKB Lameneu IlboumMlMi
gj5 EPIZOOTIC DUlemper
Sn2gWOIlM8 rubfc
gj COUGHS Coldi inaaeosa
g COLIC Bellyaeho Dlkrrbea
tfrka j MANGE Skin Dlieue
60c each I Stable Case Ten Specifies Book ftc 7
Al aruKKiau ur tieui prruaiu uu rvoeipt oi price
lumlurey Medicine Co Cor William A John
to New York Vetebimiiiy Majtdai Beit Fuek
and Prostration from Over
work or other causes
Humphreys Homeopnthlo Spoclflo
No 88 in uso over 40 years tho only
euocessful remedy
Sold by praciUtc or atnt ioit i14 on receipt t price
BCaUUBBIHiU cqCcjrimUa Jaha Uu Saw lark
KklilLlll 500 0 7K
SEND NO MONEY cut tllU ouC
atatr jour urlgbt and wclvhl itate numbrruf
larara around Door at are ai taarn orrr
under mat clot up under arm and
we w 111 tend ou tliUcout by cxprerB
llDv aubjrcl lo eiaoiuiallAn Kx
amino and try It on at yournearet
exoresa ofllce and If fouod viarllr
7nlf I r f -
aa rcprr ttalcd and tb nio wonderful
falua you tier aaw or beard or and
tonal fo any roal you can buy fur
aOO rtav Ihe exDresa airent Ol u
BrictUl 61 IK ruiil S275 and
express ebarvea
TIIIH H AtKINTORll is latett 1900
etjle easy Attlng made from beary
waterproof Ian color teouloe UaiiloTeri
Clotbi full lenirtli double brcaeted
Fairer velvet collar fane plaid lining
waterproof sewedeeamf Uultable for
botli Hln or Uirreot and guaranteed
liHKaTiST iLIK eter ofrred by ua or
any other bnuee ror IreeClolk tjamplea
of Mena MacklntOBhea un to uoo
mats at f mm IK to 110 Kl write for
Mara lioteucn to are lioroujaly rtbabU kdllttr
auT out and bend to ut statu
your weiabi and iicltlil alio num
ber of Inches around budy at butt
aad seek and e will mud tbls
CLOTH CAPE loiuu byeiprebs
Cll 0 ulJect to examination
xoucai exaiuine and try It on
wi jwur ucnreai expreaa or
rite and If found frrfirllr
aturactory eittlj ai rep-
reseniru ana ine moat
wonderful falua you
eier taw or beard or
pay tho eipreaa
aent our apeelal
and eiprete rbirre
Kxpreaa cbarKes
will average 10 to
CO centa for each
luoo miles THIS
from au extra Ana and
braty all wuol black or blua
VnillM lluvllm llUa
rcr cloth 7 Incbfa long- very full awevp 1 VI neb upper
catie extra full Ipper tape and lira alarm collar beauti
fully trimmed with black Hal tic ical fun upper ca
trimmed with three rowa and collar wltb two rows of
a vokalr braUt cloth button omtmenU Tbla cap la
aa Inllor made Urouakaat and equal to cape that tell at
more than double tbe price Wrlta rr fraa Uoak Catalofwa
leeie tre Uareathl reli K alter