The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, November 23, 1899, Page 7, Image 7

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DtHiND aaats pooc that maic next coob
I cnunot say that I looked fonvnrd to
tlio night with any vury cheerful antici
pations Thu locksmith having failed to
keep his appointment I was likuly to
havo no inoro protection against intru
sion than I had had tho night before
and whilo I cannot bay that I especially
feared any uuwulcouio entrauco into
my npartment I would havo gono to
my rest with a greater senso of satisfac
tion if a key had Leon in tlio lock and
that koy had been turned by my own
hand on my own sido of tho door
Tho atmosphere of gloom which sot
tied down over tho household after tho
evening meal roomed liko tho warning
uoto of something strange and ovil
awaiting us So marked was this that
many in my situation would havo fur
ther disturbed these girls by some allu
sion to tho fact But that was not tho
rolo I had set myself to play at this cri
sis I remembered what Mr Clijoo had
6aid about winning thoir confidence
and though the turmoil evident in Lu
cettas mind and tho distraction visible
oven in tho careful Miss Kuollys led mo
to expect n culmination of somo kind bo
foro tho night was over I not only hid
my recognition of this fact but succeed
ed in sufiieiontly impressing them with
thocoutentmentwhich myowu potty em
ployments efforded mo I am uovor idle
oven in other persons houses or them
to sparo mo tlio harassment of their al
ternate and forced visits which in their
present mood and mino promised little
in tho way of increased knowledge of
their purposes and much in tho way ot
distraction and tho loss of that nervo
upon which I calculated for a successful
issuo out of tho posiblo difficulties of
this night
Had I been liko most women I would
havo sounded three premonitory notes
upon my whistle before blowing out my
candle but whilo I am not lacking I
hopo in many of tho finer femiuino
qualities which link mo to my sex I
havo but few of its weaknesses and
none of its instinctive relianco upon
others which leads it so often to
neglect its own resources Till I saw
good reason to summon tho police 1
should not summon them iv premature
alarm being in their eyes as I knew
from my many talks with Mr Gryco
tho ono thing suggestive of a timid and
inexperienced mind
Hannah had brought mo a delicious
cup of tea at 10 tho influence of which
was to mako mo very drowsy at II but
I shook tho weakness off and began my
nights watch in a state of stern com
posuro which I verily beliovo would
havo awakened Mr Grycos admiration
had it been consonant with tho proprie
ties for him to havo seen it Indeed tho
very seriousness of tho occasion was
such that I could not havo trembled if
I would every nervo and faculty being
strained to its utmost to mako the
most of overy sound which might ariso
in tho now silent and discreetly dark
ened house
Tho precaution which I took tho night
beforo of pushing my bed agaiiibt tho
door of my room I omitted being anx
ious to find myself in a position to cros s
its threshold at the least alarm That
this would como I felt positive for Han
nah in leaving my room had taken pains
to say in unconscious imitation of what
Miss Kuollys had remarked tho night
Dont let any queer sounds you may
hear disturb you Mibs Butterworth
Theres nothing to hurt you in this
house nothing ut all An admonition
which I am sure that her young mis
trossos after all that had passed between
us this day would not havo allowed her
to utter if they had been made acquaint
ed with hor intention
But though in a stato of high expec
tation and listening as I supposed with
overy faculty alert tho sounds I appro
heuded delayed so long that I began aft
er an hour or two unaccountably to nod
in my chair and beforo I know it I was
asleep with tho whistle iu my hand
and my feet pressed against tho panels
of tho door I had set myself to guard
How doop thut sleop was or how long I
can only judgo from tho stato of emo
tion in which I found myself when I
suddenly woko I was sitting there f till
but my usually calm framo was in a vi
olent tremblo and I fouiid it difficult to
stir much moro to speak Somo ono or
something was at my door
An instant and my powerful nuturo
would havo asserted itself but beforo
this could happen Hannah having con
fessed to mo afterward that sho had put
a fow harmless grains of morphine- into
my tea tho btealthy step drew nearer
and I heard tho quiet almost noibeless
insertion of a key into tho lock and tho
quick turn which nuido mo a prisoner
This with tho indignation it caused
brought mo quickly to myself So thu
door had a key after all and this was tho
uso it was reserved for Rising quickly
to my foot I shouted out tho names of
Loreen Luccttiv and William but re
ceived no other responso than tho rapid
withdrawal of feet down tho corridor
Then I felt for tho whistlo which had
somehow slipped irom my hand but
failed to find it in tho darkness nor
whon I went to bearch for tho matches
to relight tho candlo I had left standing
on a tablo noar by could I by any means
succeed in lighting ono so that I found
myself shut up in my room with no
ineaus of commuuicating with tho world
outside and with no light to render tho
situation tolerable This was having tho
taLles turned upon mo withivvengeauc
and In a way for which 1 could not ac
count I could understand why they
had locked mo iu tho room and why
they had not heeded my cry of indigna
tion and appeal but I could not com
prehend how my whistlo camo to bo
gono nor why tho matches which were
plentiful enough iu tho sufo refused ono
and all to perform thoir duty
On these points I must bo satisfied
before I proceeded to invent homo way
out of my difficulties So dropping on
my knees by tho chair in which I had
been sitting I began iv quiet search for
tho potty object upon which neverthe
less hung not my safety perhaps butnll
chances of success iu an undertaking
which was overy moment growing moro
serious 1 did not find it but I did find
where it had gone In the floor near tho
door my hand encountered after awhile
a hole which had been covered up by a
rug which I distinctly reniembeied
having pushed asidowith my feet when
I took my seat there It was not large
but it was deep so deep that my hand
failed to reach to tho bottom of it and
into this hole by homo freak of chance
I havo noticed in my short but event
ful life that chance or rather let mo
call it Providence for there can bo no
such thing as chance frequently seems
to lend itsolf to tho cause wo aro fight
ing against had slipped the small whis
tlo I had so indiscreetly taken into my
hand Tho mystery of tho matches was
less easy of solution so I let it go after
a moment of indecisivo thought and
bent my energies onco again to listen
when suddenly and without tho least
warning there roso from somowhero in
tho houso n cry so wild and unearthly
that I started up appalled and for a
moment could not tell whether this was
somo fearful dream I was laboring un
der or a still moro fearful reality
A rushing of feet in tho distance and
an involuntary murmur of voices boon
satisfied me however on this score and
drawing upon every energy I possessed
again I libtcned for a renewal of tho
cry which was yet curdling my blood
But nouo camo and presently all was
as still as if no souud had arisen to dis
turb tho midnight though every liber
in my body told mo that the event I
had feared tho event of which I hardly
daro mention tho character oven to my
self had taken place and that I who
was sent there to forestall it was not
only u prisoner in my room but a pris
oner through my own folly and my in
ordinate lovo of tea
Tho angor with which I contemplated
this and tho remorso I felt ut tho conso
quences which hud befallen tho iuno
ccnt made mo very wido awako indeed
and after an ineffectual elfort to make
my voico heard from tho window and
various other small attempts of which
I am not proud enough torcluto I called
my usual philosophy to my aid and said
that sinco all thin had happened and I
was shut up there and had to await
pvents liko any other weak and defense
less woman I might ns woll do it with
calmness and in a way to win my own
approval at least Tho dupe of William
and his sisters I would not bo tho dupe
of my own fears or even of my own re
Tho conscqucuco was renewed equa
nimity and a gentle brooding over tho
ono eveut of tho day which brought no
regret iu its train Tho rido with Mr
Trohm and tho acquaintanceship which
it had led to were topics upon which I
could rest with great soothing effect
through tho weary lvours stretching be
tween mo and daylight Then of Mr
Trohm let me think as far as modesty
would permit since bhamo troublo and
horror lay in other directions into which
my now vividly aroused thoughts might
Whether tho almost doutbly quiet
into which tho houso hud now fallen or
tho comforting nature of my medita
tions hold inexorably to the topic I had
chosen acted us a soporific upon mo I
cannot tell but greatly as I disliko to
admit it feeling sure that you will ex
pect to hear I kopt myself awako all
that night I gradually and insensibly
sank from great alertness to an easy lis
tening to my own heart beats and from
that to vaguo dreams in which beds of
lilies and trellises covered with roses
mingled strangely with narrow winding
staircases whoso tops ended in tho sway
ing branches of great trees and so into
quiet and a nothingness that were only
broken into by a rap ut my door and a
Eight oclock niaani Tho young
ladies aro waiting
I bounded literally bounded from
my chair Such a summons after such
a night 1 What did it mean I was hit
ting half dressed in my chair boforo my
door in a straightened and
able attitude and therefore hud not
dreamed that I had been upon tho watch
till night yet tho sunshine in tho room
tho cheery tones such as I had not
heard even from this woman beforo
seemed to arguo that my imagination
had played mo falso and that uo horrors
had como to disturb my rest or render
my wuking distressing
Stretching out my hand toward tho
door I was about to open it when I be
thought mo
Turn tho koy in tho lock said I
Somebody was careful enough of my
safety to fusteu mo iu lust night
Au exclamation of astonishment camo
from outsido tho door
There is no key hero uianiu The
door is not locked Shall 1 open it and
como in
I was about to say yes in my anxiety
to talk to tho woman but remembering
that nothing was to bo gained as yet by
letting them know to what an extent I
had carried my suspicions I hastily dis
robed and crept into tho bed I had not
pressed Inforo that night Pulling tho
coverings about mo I assumed iv com
fortable attitude and then cried
Como in
The door immediately opened
There maam What did I tell you
Locked this door Why tho key has
been lost for months
I cannot help it I mid but with
Utile if any asperity for it did not suit
mo that she should see I was moved by
any extraoidinary feeling A key was
put in that lock about midnight and I
was locked iu It was about the timo
that scream was given by somo ono in
your own part of tho house
Scream Her brows took iv fine
pucker of rploxlty Oh that must
have been Miss Ijiicetta
Yes maam sho had an attack I
beliovo Poor Miss Lucottal Sho often
has attacks liko that
Confounded for tho woman spoko so
naturally that nouo but a suspicious na
ture liko mine would think of suspect
ing her I raised myself on my olbow
and gave her an indignant look
Yet said I you said just now
that tho young ladies were expecting mo
to breakfast
Yes and why not Her look was
absolutely guileless JSJiss Lucetta
sometimes keeps us up half tho night
but she does not miss breakfast on that
account When tho turn is over sho is
as well as ever she was A lino young
lady Miss Lucetta Id lose my two
hands for her any day
She certainly is a remarkable girl
I baid not however as dryly as I felt
I can hardly beliovo 1 dreamed about
tho key Let mo feel of your pocket I
She without tho smallest hesitancy
pulled aside her npron
I am sorry you could think I would
deceive you maam but Lor mo
maam this is nothing to what some of
our guests havo cc lined of iu tho
days I mean whin wo did havo guests
I have known them to scream themselves
and vow they saw white figures creep
ing up and down tho halls all non
senso maam but believed in by somo
folks You dont look as if you believed
in ghosts
And I dont I said not a whit
It would bo a poor way to try to
frighten mo How is Mr William this
Oh hes woll and feeding tho dogs
maam Wht made you think of him
Politeness Hannah I found my
self forced to say Hes tho only man
in tho house Why shouldnt I think of
Sho fingered her npron a minuto and
I didnt know jou liked him Hos
so rough it isnt everybody who under
stands him she said
Must ono understand a person to
liko him I queried good humoredly I
was beginning to think I might havo
dreamed about that key
I dont know sho said I dont
always understand Miss Lucetta but I
liko her liko her through and through
maam as I like this little finger And
holding up this member to my inspec
tion sho crossed the room for my water
pitcher which bho proposed to fill with
hot water
I followed her closely with my eyes
When she camo back I saw her eyes
fall on tho break in tho flooring which
sho had not noticed in entering
Oh sho exclaimed what a
shame her honest faco coloring as sho
drew tho rug back over tho small black
gap I am sure maam sho cried
you must think very poor of us But I
assure you maam its honest poverty
nothing but honest poverty as makes
them so neglectful and with an air as
far removed from mystery as her frank
good natured manner scorned to bo from
falsohood bho slid from tho room with
a kind
Dont hurry maam It is Miss
Kuollys turn in tho kitchen and sho
isnt as quick us Miss Lucetta
Humph thought I supposing I
had called in tho polico
But by tho timo sho had returned
with tho water my doubts had awaken
ed again Sho was not changed though
I havo no doubt sho hud told what I
had said below but I was for I remem
bored tho matches and thought I saw a
way of tripping her up in her self com
Just as sho was leaving mo for tho
second timo I called her buck
What is tho matter with your
matches I asked I couldnt mako
them light last night
With a wholly undisturbed counto
tuuico she turned toward tho bureau and
took up tho china trinket that held tho
fow remaining matches I had not scraped
on tho pieco of sandpaper I myself had
fastened up alongside tho door A shcop
ish cry of dismay at onco escaped her
Why theso aro old matches said
sho showing mo tho box iu which a
half dozen or so burned matches stood
with their burned topsail turned down
I thought theso were all right Im
afraid wouro a little short of matches
I did not liko to tell her what I
thought but it Hindu mo doubly anxious
to join tho young ladies at breakfast and
seo for myself from their conduct and
expression if I hud leeii deceived by my
own fears into taking for realities thj
phantasies cf a nightmare or whether I
was correct in ascribing to fact that op
isodo of tho koy with all tho possibilities
that lay behind it
I did not let my anxiety howovcr
stand iu tho way of a vory manifest
duty Mr Gryco had bid mo carry tlio
whiBtlo ho had sent mo coiibtantly about
my person and I felt that ho would havo
tho right to reprouch mo if I loft my
room without making somo endeavor to
recover this lost article How to do this
without aid or appliances of any kind
was tv problem I know where it was
lint 1 could not seo it much less reach
it Besides they weie waiting for in
and tlio whistle 1 must have ltoccuiied
to mo that 1 might lower into tho hole
a lighted caudle hung by u string
Nothing vnnetvcstiiio so much as the
conseiousnohS of being waited for but
tho whistlo 1 must have ami that too
by tho simplest device possible Look
ing ovt r my effects 1 i Uaso out a hnii
pin a candle two corset laces Paidon
ino 1 am as modest is most of my se
but 1 am not squeamish Cm set luces
are strings and us such I pieseut them
to your notice That ou will legun
them iu any other light is not to be
feaied after this explanation and a
buttonhook you will say but alas for
a buttonhook would have bet n veiy use
ful in this emergency 1 have not yet
forsaken tho neatly laced boot of my an
cestors and 1 could only pinducou small
article from my toilet service which
shall remain uiimeiitioned as 1 present
ly disciuded it and tinned my whole at
tention to tho other objects I have
named a poor array but out of them I
hoped to find tho means of fishing up
my lost whistle
My intention was to lower first a
lighted candle into tho holo by means of
a string tied about its middle then to
drop a lino on the whistle thus dlseov
ered and draw it up with ho point of a
bent hairpin which 1 fondly hoped I
could make do tho service of a hook To
think was to try The candle was soon
down in tho hole and by its light tho
whistlo was easily seen The string mid
bent hairpin went down next I was
successful in hooking the piio and pro
ceeded to pull it up with gieal euin
Kor an instant 1 icalied what a ridic
ulous figure I was cutting stooping
over a holo in tho floor on both knees
a string in each hand leading uppaicut
ly to nowhere and 1 at woik cautiously
steadying ono and as carefully pulling
on the other Having hooked the whis
tlo hand string over tho first linger of
tho hand holding the candle I may
have become too self conscious to notice
the slight release of weight on tho whis
tle hand Whatever the icasoii when
the end of the string camo iu sight
there was no whistle on it Tho charred
end showed mo that the caudle had
burned the coul Icting the whistlo fall
again out of reach Down went tho can
dle again It touched bottom but no
whistle was to be seen After a long and
fruitless search such us it was I con
cluded to abandon my whistlo fishing
excursion and rising irom my crumped
and undignified position I proceeded to
pull up the candle To my surprise and
delight I found the whistle firmly stuck
to tho lower side of it Some chops of
caudle grease had fallen upon tho whis
tlo where it lay Tho caudle coming in
contact with it they adhered to each
other and I became indebted to acci
dent and not acumen for the restoration
of tho precious article
To lio coiillimud imxt Snlurditj
Prunes cost 00 cents a dish in Daw
son City Lifo must be ono glad sweet
song for people who havo to livo in
boarding houses up there
Fears are entertained for the safety
of the British steamer Siltram which
left Philadelphia for Havana Oct 128
At the annual meeting of tho Cleve
land Terminal Railway company Thurs
day John K Cowen was elected presi
At Verona Italy there was a short
but very sharp earthquake Thursday
night It threw the inhabitants of tho
town into a panic
Rear Admiral Scliloy was given a din
ner Thursday night by the Clover club at
Philadelphia prior to his departure for
South American waters
The cardboard manufacturers of tho
United States havo decided on a 10 per
cent increase in tho price of all card
board taking elfect immediately
Tho discussion at Thursdays session
of tho postmasters convention was con
fined mostly to t chnial sections touch
ing tho internal works of tho postal
The dedication ceremonies for Rust
hall and an addition to tho momorial
hospital tho two important buildings of
tho Order of Deaconosses occurred
Thursday ut Washington
President Blickousderfor of tho Wheel
ing and Lako Erio railway has named
Nov 23 as tho timo for a conference
with tho employes regarding tho iu
creaso iu wages required by them
President and Mrs MoKinloy enter
tained the visiting MethodiHt bishops
and clergymon now holding their con
feronco at Washington at u reception
at tho White houso Thursday night
Tho mining engineers employed in the
Brazil Iud district wont out Thursday
to enforce a demand for au advance of
wages from 50 to 75 por month Three
thousand men aro out of employment
Tho American Institute of Architects
choso Washington lor tho next meeting
place and tho election of officers re
sulted President 11 S Peabody Bos
ton secretary and treasurer Glenn
Brown Philadelphia
Tho resignation of Henry Wolfer
warden of tho Minnesota statu prison
was accepted Thursday General 0
McC Reeve lato colonel of tho Thir
teenth Minnesota volunteers was
elected to succeed him
Secretary Wilson of tho agricultural
department is investigating tho com
plaint of the Nuw York cotton exchange
that tho special cotton crop report issued
on Tuesday was iu the hands of pnvato
firms before it reached the exchange
John R McLean lato unsucccoful
Democratic candidate for governor of
Ohio has decided to remain m Cincin
nati until ufter tho presidential election
and Thursday leased a houso near tlio
Queen City club which ho will occupy
Tho United States transport Thomas
with tho Forty seventh regiment aboard
bound tor Manila was roundly cheered
ut Gibraltar Thursday by tho British
channel squadron whoso bumU played
British and American pieces as tho
transport passed
At Fort Wayne Thursday J F Mel
linger confessed to having tired a bum
in which children were playing 18 years
ago Ono girl was burned to death
Mollinger charged Charles Sumiiibky
With thu crime and ho was convicted
kerving several years iiuprisomneut
Mini- Cliituui n In Slilrlx lluillrra
HIimin mill Trliimi Itiun
One of the distinguishing featuies of
the new fashions as delineated by the
New Yolk Sun Is the diversity In the
Hljles of rildits ami oveidiess ellecls
which uo doubt will be warmly wel
coined by those who have objected so
slrenuoiislv to the eelsltln viulely
However this stvle of skirl Is eonsple
Itouslv Iu evidence among the Impel t
ed models In spite of the fact that
theto uie later stvles with the collect
fullness at the hiiek This Is arranged
chiefly Iu box plaits about two lucheH
Wide eltner one or two as vou fancy
Another encouraging fcatme Is that
the skills of street gowns have less
tinln than those worn during the sum
mer They are not short Iu the sense
of clearing the ground but theie Is a
tendency In the right direr Ion Some
of the tailor made skills barely touch
the floor all around while the more
diessy cloth gowns have two tlueo or
four added Inches as you like Dressy
gowns and evening gowns In particu
lar are all provided with the graceful
tialu which Is their rightful preroga
tive and all skirts are full and lliirlug
at the bottom
Oilier salient points of winter modes
according to the authority mentioned
aro as follows The overdress or dou
ble skirt effect In various forms ami
modes of treatment Is a leading style
made very effective by using two ma
terlals or very elaborate decorallou
The new sleeves nio very elose lit
ting with very little fullness at the
top but they claim a goodly share of
the trimming all the same They are
tucked encircled with rims of lace In
sertion or enibioldeied according to the
kind of material used The entire
bleeve la decora fed Iu verv many cases
but again the trimming Is seen at the
top and wrist or set in bands with
plain spaces between The finish at
the wrist Is close with points scallops
or frills of luce fulling over the hand
As for the bodice It Is a varied work
of art with all Hie fancies of last sea
son supplemented by any number of
fresh ones The special novelty per
haps Is the new bolero made with two
box plaits In the bad and one on el
ther side of the front It is quite short
showing a wide draped belt of satin
below which is straight on the lower
edge The neck Is cut out round to dis
play a yoke of lace and a fitted collar
of velvet about three Inches wide
In detail of finish and decoration the
j new gowns have blossomed out beyond
description rucks and machine stitch
lug are well to the front again and
both are applied to almost every kind
of material except luce and that Is
sometimes decorated with narrow
stitches of colored silk when used for
n yoke and hems The craze for lace
has progressed with all the other ex
Wedgwood blue Is the tint for n
cloth gown trimmed with circular
bauds of white silk edged with roses
of blue stitching
Cloth In light colors and velvet ei
ther plain or closely covered with
white phi spots and a sort of wool ma
terial resembling serge with a llttlo
roughness on the surface ore the lead
ing fabrics for winter gowns with
chiffon lace and elegaut brocaded
silks for evening wear
Sure Cure
for Golds
When tho children got thoir foot
wet and tako cold givo them a hot
foot hath a bowl of hot drink a
doso of Ayers Chdry Pectoral and
put them to led They will bo all
right in tho morning
Cherry Pectoral will cure old coughs
also wo mean tho couchs of bron
chitis weak throats and irritable
lungs Kvon tho hard coughs of
consumption aro always mado easy
and frequently cured by using
Cherry Pectoral
TITO lUfll 0100 60c
The Best Medical Advice Freer
Write f reclr all tlio particulars In your
ie iiio aociur win repiv promptly
ddien Du J 0 AYKUXowoU Sim
there arc tliounnntls of wo
men who nearly suffer death
ftoin irregular menses Some
times the period conies too
often sometimes not often
enough soiiietiinon the flow in i
too scant and again it is too 4
ntnfllui Pnnlt uuiimliMii tliiu
I -- V ii IWI
that Nuturo needs help iitul
that thero is troublo in the or
gans concerned He careful
when in any of the above con
ditions Dont take any and
every nostrum advertised to
cure feiualu troubles
is the ono safe and sure
medicine for ii regular or pain
ful menstruation It cures all
the ailments thut are caused by
irregularity such as leucor
rlumu falling of the womb
nervousness pains in the head
hack breasts shoulders sides
hips and limbs By regulating
tho menses so that they occur
every twenty eighth day all
those aches disappear together
Just before your time comes
get a bottle and see how much
good it will do you Druggists
sell it at i
Send for our free tiook Perfect
llidltli for Women
Frazer Axle Grease
Not affected by Heat or Cold
Highest Awards at Centennial
Paris and Worlds Fair
Factories Chciaoo St Louli Now York
of Heat Varieties ut lluril Times Irlcen Kmnll
fruit in liint fiipply MillloiiH of Htriiwlicrry
IiIiiiiIh vory tlinfly nlnl unit rooted Juttlie
iiKhi nonr Iioiimi mill hiivii frolxlit or oxprnt
Bmnl for pricoliHt to
North Bend Nurseries
North llend ridge County Nth
Free Reclining Chair Gars on all Trains
Atchison Kansas City
and St Louis
With direct connections to all South
em and Kastern points
Uiioxcollotl timo and accommodations
to thu
Famous Hot Serines of Arkansas
for moro complnto Information descriptive
inniililutii tile address
AO FamllA T VX
Sotilhoabt Cor lltli and DoucldHSts
lroluotei lniurtAnk Kruwth
Never Fail to Uctore Oraj
Cluti Klp dimiii hilr iftlUw
0cndtlUJt DruHliU