The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, November 23, 1899, Page 6, Image 6

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    The Norfolk Neuas
Somo pooplo tire admired who arc
from adinhnblo
If yon wnnt td got abend keep n sharp
lookout on ho outlook
Tho trust Is bad enough hut tho rust
Is wild to lw oven worso
It Is not lieeossnry to Bonrch for n prec
Otlont whon your cause is just
It nmy sound quoor but It is u fact
Hint spoiled children ivro UKiinlly IroHli
Glasses used under the lioso tiro fur
more dnngerous than thoso used over
All tlio eoniiuorciul travolors nntl
tholr immo Is legion are against tho
Itifl trno thnt tho outoomo of n busi
ness venture depends largely upon tho
Duties which are flight tnilny nro Hiiro
to confront us nt n more inconvenient
At u rocont election in Negroes fiOOO
votoH woro cast and civil and military
governniont was ostnblishod on Novem
ber t
Somo people havo tho capacity to miiko
black appear white Iih ho with tho
devil Othorwiso ho would go out of
It is not Dewey the
Dowoy tho representative
manhood and civilization
highly honor
admiral but
of American
which wo so
The boy in Now York who recently
Btolo Homo money to educate himself for
tho ministry evidently holds to tho the
ory tlmt the end justifies tho moans
Ono raiely does his host at n timo of
great opportunity or otnoigoncy unless
it haH become tho habit of his llfo to do
liis best on every occasion which day by
day arises
Tho song Wo Havo Seon Hotter
Days was very popular u fow years
ago There is no longer any salo for it
These at e republican times in spito of
tho result in Nobrnricn
Edward Atkinsons vigorous protests
nguinst tho administrations Philippine
policy seoiu to have reacted to tho bono
lit of tho g o p Massachusetts wont
65000 for tho republicans
Tho priuco of Wales is now 58 years
old nnd ns his habits are suoli as not to
1x3 couducivo to long life it bogiiiH to
look as though his chances for a long
reign as king of England were rather
If Lincoln weio alive today what
would ho do in tho Philippines said
Mr Brynu in ono of his Ohio speeches
Judging by President Lincoln com so
in a proious rubollion ngainst tho au
thority of tho union ho would in all
probability crush tho present ono as
piickly as possible
Thanksgiving day is an Amorican in
stitution and tho brono roast turkoy on
that day is likowiso American Tho
custom of obsorving tho day is thorofore
like other things American expanding
and this year for tho first timo in his
tory the squawk of tho expiring bird
will bo hoard around tho world
Mark Hanua thinks tho British govorn
inout is as good as ours but in this wo can
not agreo with Mark It may possoss some
points which aro oven superior but on
tho whole every loyul Amoricau will
stand up for our own republican form of
govornmout whore if everything is not
to our liking wo can havo n voice in
changing it
Tho question What to do with our
ox presidoutB soonis to have boon
solved I3enjamiu Harrison koops him
self busy gathorlng in big law foes aud
traveliug ovor Europo while Grover
Cleveland soonis to bo gottiug on very
well nt homo The thing to do with
our ex presidents is to let thorn alono so
that they can mind their own affairs
Auyouo with a half oyo can see
whither doniocraoy is drifting or would
like to drift for a campaigu issuo next
year The sudden and simultaneous ap
pearance of taritl article in all tho party
uowspnpors indicates their evident yoaru
iug for tho dolightful Oloveland
times of OJOtl Who can toll but what
tho next trick turnod by tho doinoonitio
Hhufller will bo old Grover himself
The preliminary report of tho Philip
pino commission strongly oiulor es tho
courso which tho government has pur
sued and tho cnrryiug out of presont
plans in regard to tho Filipinos They
aro pronounced as utterly lncipablo of
self government at presout Tho experi
ment was tried nt Negros and failed
Tho natives woro glad to have tho Amer
icans assumo control again and aro uow
enjoying the most peaceful und prosper
ous times thoy have had for many years
having a largo sharo in managing their
own affairs under American control
Numerous oxplauutions have been
offered by the English to account for
tho disaster which overtook General
White nnd his forces nt Natal Tho
fucts seem to make it clear that he was
simply outgeneraled by tho Hoors nnd
allowed an important dotachmont to bo
como sopirntcd from tho mnln body
Tills dotachment was led into a trap
and by tholr indiscretion two fine regl
monts were lost to tho British army
Gonornl White with tho remainder of
his forco Is In a most proenrious posi
tion whore only prompt ro oiiforcomonts
cm snohitn
Tho reports from tho Philippines aro
more reassuring Tho fall campaign has
opened vigorously and Agulnaldos forces
are specially disconcerted by tho rapid
movements of the etnulry Many of
them aro deserting to the Americans and
Aguinaldo is said to bo having a hard
timo recruiting Ills aiiuy Secretary
Hoot lias prophesied that all the rein
forcements for Goneral Otis will eat
their Christmas dinuor in Manila
There will then be a forco of 15000 men
on tho island and it would sooni ns
though If thoir inovomouts woro wisely
directed they might soon reach a satis
factory end to this unhappy struggle
7 Adam Bodo discussing tho fuo
rllego of comparing Washington and
Aguinaldo plorcos tho Atklnsontan
marrow thus Incislvoly Washing
ton sorved in the army without pay
and sacrificed his fortune for tho lib
erty of his native land Aguinaldo
swapped oil a rebellion for a bank ac
count Washington fought against a
dospotio government aud unjust taxa
tion Aguinaldo is fighting against
a government that ollors his poo
plo liberty and has never taxed thorn a
cent but paid twenty millions for tho
light to make thorn free It makes
ono who has any real patriotism aud
love of liuinauity in his veins unutterably
tired at tho uduVion bestowed upon
Aguinaldo in certain quarters Not
only is It not good Ainoricunisni but it
isnt good senso The people havo taken
tho measure of these statesmen and thoy
will bo out of a job
Carl Sohurz ndvicos tho democracy
to drop every issuo but imperialism aud
go before tho country noxt year on that
issue alono It hardly soonis that ra
tional mou oould take tho viow ho doos
Ho charges Presidont MoKiuloy with
bin doning tho paoi lo w ithimporiulisin
If that word means anything it moans
that tho president bus usurped his con
stitutional powers and boconio a dictator
and a despot To mako such a charge
is to appear ridiculous No president
ovor consulted congress at every stop
more fully than has Mr MoKiuloy
There cannot bo brought to mind a singlo
iustnuco thus far In his presidential
career whon ho has not acted in accord
anco with tho powers givou him by tho
constitution of tho United States All
that ho has dono has beou dono with
tho approval of a majority of the pcoplo
All this talk on tho part of Mr Sehurz
about imperialism Is the veriest bosh
If tho doinocratio party is contont to
tako up this fictitious cry for an issuo in
1G0 tho republicans can ask nothing
hotter It will bo promptly overwhelm
ingly buried out of sight by n great
pooplo who are in lovo with liberty and
lopoits In yesterdays
papors stato that a rathor unique or
dinanco was passed by tho city council of
Dos Moines Iowa it providing that
JNO person snail oxpootoratn spit or
throw saliva on any sidowalk public
walk or crossing in tho city
What is more tho city board of healtli
insists upon tho rigid ouforcomout of
tho ordinance Its passage is a result of
tho gonoral discussion throughout tho
country of tho nlarmiug luoreaso of
tuberculosis It is extremely probable
that other citios will not bo fur behind
Des Moines iu legislation of this
character Tho habit of expectorating
wherever aud whonovor a porsou dis
ires is not only obnoxious especially to
ladies but modern scieuco has doin
onstratod boyoud question that diseaso
germs especially those of tuboroulosis
are distributed by tho habit Tho inroad
of consumption on the population is
apparent to all and each consumptive
has it within his powor to distributo
uncountable gorms of disease Tho
questiou of preventing this as much as
possiblo is n portiueut ono and will no
doubt bo supported by all thoso having
the wellboing of thoir follows at heart
Ueised Snjings
If tho fashion porvails of bowailing
our nations etlort to maintain tho dig
nity of it lag in tho faco of tho onomoy
says the Mobile Hogistor wo will havo
to revise tho saying of thoso who onco
woro national horoos aud ask our
children to study their uttorauces m
tho following shape
io up tho ship Liwranco
Ho sure youre right then npologio
for it Davy Crockett
Wo havo mot the enemy and ouis
are theirs Oliver Hazard Porry
Wait until you see tho whites of thoir
oyoB boys thou run Andrew Jack
Dont hold the fort I am running
W T Sherman
Damn the torpedoos lets take a
sneak David Glasgow Furrugut
I propose to run it out on this lino if
it takes all summer U S Grant
There stands Jackson liko a stone
wall but he Is a fool to do it Gen
eral Leo
Whon you aro ready Gridoly you
may skedaddle Dowey
Irrigation In 1crsln
Tho groat subtorranoan rivers of tho
west which slowly wend tholr silont
wny hundreds of foot henoath tho
earths Biirfaco havo their counterparts
on tho othor faco of tho globo Tho
Caspian sea is fed by many subterranean
streams Thcso streams liko thoso of
our own arid region tako their sources
in tho mountains which are covered
with perpottml snow Tho water from
this molting snow percolates downward
to n deep lying impenetrable strata
where it begins its underground passago
to tho soa Nearly tho wholo of Persia
is naturally desert There is scant rain
fall and tho rivors aro so fow that irriga
tion from this source is very limited
and servos only a small portion of tho
country Coiituries ago tho Persians
stumbled upon the idea of tapping tho
underground Rtroanis or springs nt tho
bases of tho mountains ami tho transi
tion of tho Persian desort into n laud of
great fortuity is duo to this constant
sourco of water supply But tho water
has been obtained only through the
most itidofatlgablo labor
A well Is sunk in tho foothills to n
depth anywhere from 100 to t00 foot
Whon this taps tho velu of water an
othor Bhaft is sunk u couple of hundred
yards farther down tho slopo which is
iu reality n geutlo descont of tho table
land from tho mountains A canal or
snbtoranean aqueduct Is thou excavated
botweon tho two shafts Af a similar
distance fart hor down another shaft Is
sunk and likowiso connected with tho
second aud sojtho canal or conuoaugh
us It Is callod is carried for milos As
tho conneaugh Is givou just fall enough
to allow of a freo How of water it grad
ually appioachos tho surface until whon
it draws noar tho land to bo irrigated
tho stream comes forth a pearling bub
bling brook dancing in tho brilliant
sunshine as it rushes on its mission to
redeem tho storilo waste plnces of nature
For miles it goes through what was at
ono timo n desert but which undor tho
magic infinonco of this elixir of life be
comos a garden of tho gods It food
fountains around which in lancuorous
iudolouco leposo tho dirk oycd beauties
of tho harem It furnishos tho baths
thoso luxuries of tho Oriont it waters
wondorful guidons where in dazzling
piofiiBion bloom throughout tho year
tho roso chrysanthemum narcissus
tuborose dahlia white lily and aster
bosidos fantastic shrubs and rare exotics
heavy with rich pei fumes Hero grow
to perfection tho apple poach pear
nectarines pomogranito filbert melon
and grape aud many unknown tropical
fruits iu such nbuudauco as to bowilder
tho traveller
Where tho soil admits of porcolatiou
tho laud is Hooded In small squares from
lateral ditches On such laud barloy
wheat and other cereuls are grown to
great perfection Again irrigation is
accomplished by a networit of ditches
nnd furrows Tho mills which grind
the grnin nro run by tho curreut of tho
groat hrigatiou ditches
Tho cities of Persia secure tho water
necessary for domestic use from thefco
ditches Tho capital Teheran has no
less than twenty large artificial streams
lowing through it constituted iu tho
manner described from tho underground
Tho laud lying adjacent to these
canals is entitled to tho uso of tho water
tho amount boiug regulated by law
Each district is under on ovorseorjwhoso
duty it is to seo to tho proper application
of tho water and that there is no waste
Wealthy privato individuals have also
constructed ditchos for tliQir own use
furnishing tho wator to their tenants
but laud coutiguous to thoir canals is en
titled to certain water rights even if not
belonging to tho owuors of tho ditches
Titlo to tho uso of water isj inherontCin
tho land aud oach sectiou of laud is
ceitain of its water supply
When tho immense amount of labor
hnolved in sinking shafts and connect
iug them by underground tunnels is
considered together with tho fact that
only tho most primitive methods aro yet
in voguo tho Anglo Saxon can but
marvol at tho patience and industry dis
played iu tho accomplishment of Jsuch
gigantic but uecessary tasks Some
sections of Persia ospooially those along
the uaturul rivers could add to their
irrigated area by the uso of storage reser
voirs but tho groator part of tho
country has nas no flood waters to store
tho moltiug snows but serviug to keep
alive tho underground streams Even
iu this despotic tyrant ridden country
it has been found best nay necessary to
maintain government supervision of
irrigation waters which is tho life blood
of tho nation With a loose systom of
water control tho land would again bo
Among tho noted names of the ay
paihaps uouo is more frequently men
tioned at tho present time than that
of Cecil Kbodes tho South Africau
iiiijeriali8t the dream of whrsilifo is
to establish under British rulo au empire
which shall embraco everything on the
African contiuout from Capo Colony to
Cairo Some incidouts of his life ate of
interest His father wub an English
minister He received a limited school
educution aud while still u young boy
went to South Africa to join an older
brother who lived there He took part
iu a gold seeking expedition and in n
fow years outorod Oxford college from
which ho graduated Returning to
South Africa he purchased a small in
torost In tho mines at Klmborly which
hae become bo famous and mado him
along with othors Imiiienoly wealthy
They nro diamond mines and practically
control tho limoud output of the world
Rhodes has not only proved himself a
groat financial manipulator but by his
Htntcsinnnshlp ho has added three-quarters
of a million square miles to tho
British omplro Ills charaotor is ono of
striking contradictions In public aud
business matters ho is cold calculating
unscrupulous a typlcnl monopolist In
privato llfo his quulitios aro lovnblo nnd
ho has many friends who nro strongly
attached to him
Admiral Dowoys announcement that
he will deed to his Ifndo tho haudsomo
homo recently purchased for him by tho
American people has brought upon tho
admiral tho first words of criticism
sluco ho has boon iu public life Pcoplo
contributed to tho fuud with which tho
Iioubo was purchasod because they nd
mired Dowoy aud wished to show thoir
appreciation of whut ho had dono for
tho country and they feel that It Is
very liko au insult to their efforts for
him to turn tho proporty ovor to boiuo
one olso ovon though it bo his wife
Tho Amoricau nation had oxpectod him
to retain tlio placo as n Homo so long as
ho llvos and then It should naturally bo
inherited by his sou aud continue to bo
tho Dowoy homo nnd a monument to
tho hero of Manila If ho had beon
married to tho woman who is now his
wife at tho timo ho performed lie
valiant deed for which no has been
rouiomboiod people would havo looked
upon It differently But there appears
no reason why tho homo givou to
Dowoy should bo transferred to a
woman ho has just married and
who has an income of 20 000 a year of
of hor own
Tliomas Biackot Reed is no longer In
public life Ho is just a plain Now
York lnwyor ntteudiug to his legal work
along witli other able men of his profes
sion Before ho retired altogether from
public viow ho issued n graceful vale
dictory to his old timo stato of Maine
constituency iu which ho said Dur
ing three and twenty years of political
life not always pencoful you havo
never questioned a single net of mine
Othor men had to lookjaftor their dis
tricts My district looked after mo
What a splendid compliment that was
to tlio people ho represented It ex
plains why the state of Maluo has at
tained such prominonco iu national af
fairs Down onst thoy do not elect n
man nnd nt onco begm to set up the pius
to undo him politically On the con
trary having selected n mnu in whom
thoy have confidence they keep him in
tho service as loug as ho will stay Tho
result is that long training makes them
ofiiciout aud strong Tho idea is tho cor
rect one When it is more closely fol
lowed by othor sections of tho couutry
thoy will be better served Good ser
vauts should bo looked after
Tho reason why n lnrgo number of
mon and women occupy such mediocre
positions in the world aud are never
recognized as of any particular force is
duo uot so much to their environment
as to their porsonal indifference to their
own possibilities It is not so much
that thoy lack knowledge and capability
but that they fail to uso them Men
are prono to bo lazy nnd so hundreds
drift down tho tide of life unknown
nnd unheard of simply because they
havo not felt the impelllug force of
high personal responsibility to do nnd
daro As Bulwer has so clearly ex
pressed it The most useless creature
that ever yawned at a club or counted
tho vermin on his rags under the sun of
Calabria has no excuso for want of in
tellect What men want is uot talent
but purpose iu other words not the
ability to achiovo but the will to
Tho serious illness of Vice president
Hobart is attracting attention to tho
law of succession in the presidential
office Undor the present law if the
presidency were to become vacant and
there were no vice president to succeed
to tho office Secretary of Stato Hay
would becomo tho president for the
outire remainder of tho term Iu case
of his death tho secretary of the treas
ury would succeed him andJo on down
ombraciug tho whole cabinet It is a wise
provision and prevents any possibility
of a headless government
Railroad men nro generally keen and
good judges of busiuesB conditions The
president of tho Now York Ceutral rail
road said recently that ho looked for
three yeius of undiminished prosperity
for all freight carriers and urged the
tulargoniont of the roads equipment
Tho pooplo who were loudly criticiz
ing tho war with Spain are uot so vocif
erous since they see tho British losses iu
tho Trnnsvunl rench n far greater figure
iu n singlo month than tho total Ameri
can field losses during the entire Span
ish war
The development of mankind is the
important thing and real success is to
be measured not by increase of wealth
but by growth of character
Mr McLeuu who sacrificed himself
to tho causo of democracy iu Ohio has
uow returned to his WiHilugtou D O
houso as per schedule
And now wo aro
mobilo plow
promised an auto-
Tho politicaii may occasionally havo n
now bonnet but Inside of It will nlwnys
bo found tho Bnmo old bee
Tho men who do busiuosp not
mou who tnlk about doing business
tho kind of men who nro nlwnys in
Tho English nro finding tho Trans
vaal to bo what tho Boers assured them
it would bo A holl on enrth of shoot
ing and unrest
It is very plain that tho country was
uot much excited ovor tho outcoino of
tho recent elections Tho pooplo nro
satisfied with thoexistingconditlousand
nro confident that tho future will bo
propeily attended to
ForJ7yeais tho United States hns
claimed the harbor of Pago Pago in
tho Samoan islands nud for tho pnst
ton years sho has boon a member of tho
tri partito government undor protost
all tho timo wishing to got freo from the
ngrcomont and still rt tain tho harbor
Tho arrangements recently announced
by Germany and Great Britain gives tho
United States peaceful and undisputed
possession of Tutuila island where tho
harbor of Pago Pago lies and that Is all
this goveriimont wished If the United
States is to bo a Pacific powor wo need
all tlio harbors wo can got but wo are
not grasping for more territory Ger
many undor tho final arrangement hn
by far tho largest share of tho Samoan
group ns hor interests there were
greater thau thoso of any other nation
Since 1850 tho population of tho United
Spates has increased from 21187I to
77000000 which far exceeds that of any
European nation except Ilussi Amer
ica is uow far ahead of any other couu
try iu tho world iu tho variety and mag
nitude of its agricultural mineral nud
manufactured products Every man
engaged in agricultural pursuits in
America produces as much as four farm
hands in Europe According to Mulhall
tho eminent statistieinu this country
produces one third as much food as nil
Europe In 1850 wo imported nearly
all our iron aud steel from England
now America far surpasses Great
Britain or any other couutry in its out
put of pig irou and iron and steel manu
factures It owes its marvelous rail
road development to the cheapness of
its steel productions Iu 181 there
were but 5033 miles of railroad Tho
railway mileage uow overreaches 181
JOl miles which is -11 per cent of the
railroad mileago of the world No
othor nationality has tho earning power
of tho people of the United States This
powor Is twice as great as that of the
people of Great Britain and Ireland
Afiilnaldo a Boor
Tho Omaha Daily News of recent date
contains an interview with Rev Father
McKiunou formerly chaplain of the
First California regiment who spent
fifteen months in the Philippines being
iu chnrgo of the parochial schools after
his regiment was recalled Iu speaking
of Aguinaldo ho said
3Yes I saw Aguinaldo n great many
times Isiw him both ns nu enemy and
n friend When I was there ns superin
tendent of schools I saw him to feel him
out nud fiud where he stood As chap
lain I saw him uuder different circuin
staucos Tho people who regard him as
a patriot are mistaken Ho is merely a
tool He is without education Ho can
read aud write aud that is about all
His speeches and proclamations are
written by Abeuo a hunchback who
was educated iu Europe Abene is nn
educated man while Aguinaldo is
merely a leader of men
Tho real powers behind tho throue
are Paturba aud Scipot Luna was the
brainiest man of the natives nnd could
have led the peopleto an amicable un
derstanding mouths ago had ho beeu
living I do not think the insurrection
can last much longer Aguinaldo will
hold out ns loug ns possiblo He has
but the following of ono tribo now nud
in nnother two mouths they too will
have deserted him I would not bo
surprised if ho is killed by his own men
When I was looking ovor tho sohool
records I found a record which gave mo
an idea of his greatness or rather laok
of it It was what wo call au examina
tion paper uere Aguinaldo was n
teacher in a primary school and was ex
aminod iu a higher branch A common
school child li years old could havo
answered tho questions but he made a
total failure of it nud did not got the
proniotionlio aricjd
When asked about tho Spanish fraire
who hnvo been tho foir o of so much
toablo in tho islands FnthorMcKinuon
As n class thoy aro good men
Thoy do not have the samo ideas thnt we
Americnns do but compare favorably
with roligous bodies the world over
Th ro mny bo some bad men among
them but all of tho evidences of civili
zation now oxistiug in tho Philippines
are a direct result of their labors Tho
growiug of hemp cane coffee aud tea
was introduced by thorn as well as the
Bohool system They havo labored
among the natives with no hope but
spiritual reward aud too much credit
cannot be given them I expect to go
luck to Manila iu a fow weeks to resume
my work
i mm wilkins
Up Write of tlic llctilt of Itln Pn
Iltlrnl PIlKrlniiUccn nnd Wlnhen
IIIniftHf Ilnek Amnnir 1ie Clnm
Glnllrit Ulmlvrntlc Ircclnkn uv Moo
Buno uv IvrnnMABiiUN
Vashinoton D C
Tu tho Edltur
Doorln the Inst fu wcek9 I hev led a
hutterlll and hununlnblril existence lilt
tin friini stnlt to stnit nnd snmplln the
different kinds uv Dlmocrncy on tap
1 hev bin Huns fritm one end uv tho
kountry tu the utlier bl the komblncd
efforts u v steam nnd jackasses bosses
nnd mules until I am kuinpletely worn
out nnd hev wisht niisclf back upon the
old farm In the clam girdled Dlinlerntic
procinks uv Noo Horsey whare I cood
sip ml applejnck In peecc and bonk up
the politlkul w irdutn shed abroad hi mi
naber Grover Cleveland In spite uv nil
thct lit7 bin sed agin him sencc he wuz
consined tu the tomb I kin remember
with plenzurc thct hu nt lenst lied the
Lm ridge uv his convlcshuns and wnrut
a f rude tu sa whut he mennt und stick tu
It He didnt trim hiz sails tu ketch all
tlio tliiingeln hi cozes like sum uv our
unripe stnltsmcn hoo sooin tu bo nfrade
thet sum nu fniiglcd politlkul Idee will
git nwa fruiii em before tha ktu git n
chance tu copper It
The Diiuiciatic party jist nt present
seems tu be engaged In a series uv ex
pel hncnts tu see whut stalt kin tnlk the
fust pi io for foolishness at Dimieratic
comeiisliuns I hev nil eddy ritten in
sum in ml former lettets konsuinln the
sitnonshuii in Ohio and Kentucky nnd
how the fool killer lied neglected hiz
dooty in them - staits but the peifoiiu
mice In Mnssnchoosetts heat the hand I
wuz hurried down tu Boston in Septem
ber the da befonr the Dimiciatic stnit
eoineiisliun tu see whut piospeck thnre
wuz for hnriiiuiiy and how mutch help
we cood git fiuni the Fillipceu insur
gents u v Mnssachoosetts hoo hev bin
fiitcncd nwa fium the Uepublikin pnity
hi the nnticks uv Mr Aguinaldoo I felt
biimwhut dishai tened won I found thet
the delegates tu the convenshun wuz
bincein up their oiitlioosiasm on Old Med
foid turn iustid uv applejack nud I
wuz in doubt ns til the geueral lesult uv
sich an oversight The next moruin
w en the coiivcnhun assembled mi
gloomy fnrcbodlns wuz realized The
different fucshuns uv the paity wuz fitoin
mad and it took twenty polcecemcu tu
keep thorn fruni fiioin each utlier out
tin ti the winders Bi hnotin nud how tin
and bi the joodishus loolins uv the chnir
inan uv the comcushun aided bi the
clubs u the polcccemcn the goldbugs
nnd the kuiisei vutiv men aiming the del
egates wuz kop in Mibjecbhun and the
program put thru without mutch uv n
hitch but the ones hoo got the hot end
uv the poker didut bcein tu relish sich
ticctiiient and sum uv em wuz hot euufT
under tho collai tu tlneeten tu go tu the
poles on clecshun da and vote the whole
Itcpublikiu ticket
In the icsoloosliuns we kimi out strong
in fnur uv our fiends hoo nir makin
sich a frantick struggle tu introdooeu
the Declarashun uv Independence intu
the Fillipceu Islands jest ez the Ameri
kin people air trjin tu let go uv it nnd
we huv cnushusly advised them tu stand
up agin the encroachments uv the ty
rants uv the Uepublikin party in this
kountiy hoo uir sendiu men and means
tu wallop em intu biibjecshun This w uz
dun in older tu gno the Massachoosetts
Fillipeenoe a chance tu ote the Dimi
eratic ticket and tu help Mr Edward
Atkinson iutiodooce his pamphlets and
cookin utensils intu a fun in territory
when it gits pccccful cuuff tu go tharo
without gittin hurt
The comonshuu did oue startlin thing
thet took nwn the bieth uv the oldest
politisliuns It elected thiity delegates
tu a asliunal convenshun thct haint
jet bin called aud pledged cm tu a man
boo ma not be n candidate iu fnvur uv
au idee thet ma uot be nu issoo in the
cumpnnc uv net jeer This hcz never
befoar bin dun bi enny poiitiknl ptuty in
this kountiy and wen 1 menshuned thet
fuct tu Mr George Fied Williams hoo
wuz ringmaster uv the performance he
sed Thet only shows thet we uir nn in
entlv paity and thet we du not hev tu
wnit for the konsent uv enuy other Dim
icrnts lie lied the whip iu hand and
he plied it with good eltcckt aud the thir
ty delegates wuz corralled iu n bunch
and tngged fer William J Bryan tu be
yoosed next ycer cz birkumstnuccs ma
This iz a nu wa uv dooin blzncss at
couvenshuns but it bnvors uv rather tu
mutch previousness nnd dont ldok well
wen we set up n howl ngin the ltepub
likltis for beiu bossed nt couvenshuns
The plan hez its ndvnntiges however
fer the condishuns next yecr ma be sich
thet the present bosses uv the party in
MassachooGctts might not be able tu
elect thedelegates or dictate the platform
It ma be necessary tu su notliiu on the
Isoos thet uow seem on top nud we ma
hev tu git up sum iutiiely nu ones In
any event a Massnehoosetts Dimicrut
kin be depended on tu change hiz opiu
yuns e offen oz required nnd tu du it
without jnriin hiz couricshuiis mutch
After the coiivcnshuu wu ndjurned I
shculated misclf niouiid aiming the in
tcllectooal bean enteis uv Boston tu
note the effeckt uv its delibeuibhims I
legiot tu leinnik thet it did not beein
tu hev created mutch hinoc iu publlek
opiuyun and thet the toomult in the hall
wuz mostly u local origin 1 found the
wind bknriu and the stioet cms iiiunin
jest the same oz if no Dimieratic con
veiishuu bed bin hold One obstiopeious
old Diuiiernt bod Whj didnt the duin
ed fools instiuct tho delegates tu vote
fer Atkinson and Aguinaldoo for our
Nnshunal ticket nuU jeer We cood
call em At and Ag fer shoit and wo
bhood btnnd full ez good n chaiioe uv
electin the ticket ez we bliull if rich con
buiniuit asses ez nbsemliled lieie tuday
nir allowed tu make the platform and
nominate the condidatos uv the Dimi
eratie paity Bi nil moons lot the ticket
be Atkiiibon nnd Aguinaldoo a oombi
nashuii uv benile extloobiwiebs and nim
ble eloosivnoss The langulgo uv a hi
toned Bobtonian iz geneinlly tu deep fer
n Noo Get buy Dimlciat tu ondcustand
hut oz nour ez I klu ketch until It hu
didnt moon no sich a thing I figger it
out thet lie wuz tnlkin sarkasni nnd
inakln fun uv me aud our conu nshun
rite tu ml face
Fruui Applejack Faun wich iz next tu
Grover Cle elands iu tho Btalt uv Noo