The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, November 23, 1899, Page 4, Image 4

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Up Won llir limine Wnr VnlotirH
lflHlilltiK tiltii In MimiMi Afrlrn
Knlvil Ior lcrxonnl nml Id
n HIkI 1 1 Inwrnl Too
CoprlRlit Isi i by 1 U Kilmer
IjMOST liivnrl
nhly thu llrnt
oiiiinmiilcr Mint
to copo with n
dinicult iitlltliiry
iiioblnin tan llliH
IU If ho if ii
HtrntcKiHt Hit
hour en I In for n
lininincrcr or if
Iw Ih a linnl hit
ter tho Hitnatioii
diinianilrt a hcIcii
t IhI in war In
lum riil Sir lltil
vTMUu11irV 11
Knuliiuil Iiiih II
ralilior born to thu kinil of warfaro now
on liniul -that in IhihIi lighting wmin
nml irregular fotH warfaro which tltllisi
juilitnry nilen anil thooriiH Tho V U
4ickitl to hta liiiino Htiuitta for thu Vic
toria front won JO ytnrn ao by valor
in tho South African Zulu war
General Duller Ih a man of niarvolouH
coolncHH anil high iornoiml courage
moreover ho nay IiIh lulmlrorH ono of
tho greatest HohliorH of hta tiinc Ilta
clianco him come to nhow that thin hint
tribute iu not nbovo tho mark Ho Ih 10
years of ajo and him had oxpurienco in
nvory conflict waned by England nincti
ho was a boy It wim 111 yearn ao that
ho took his bniittain of tiro iu the Chi
nono war of 18110 Ho marched and
fought with Lord Wolwley in tho Hod
river cninimiu of 1870 Ho next took
part in tho AHhanti war then went to
Bouth Africa to tight wivageH until the
wiping out of CetowayoH ZuIuh in
1870 It wan in tho Zulu campaign that
General Uullor then a colonel won tho
Victoria cronn
This decoration in given to nono but
those who in actual prenenco of tho
enemy perforin hoiuo Hignal net of de
votion to the army or tho country
In the Egyptian war of 188J andalHo
in tho expedition for tho relief of Chi
nese Gordon Uuller nerved with distinc
tion It in General lJullerH practical
knowledge of South Africa tho topog
raphy tho climate tho tmvagcs and
tho enoiu to bo met that gives the
Urittah people faith in the new military
htar All England as well im the war
ofllco and tho experts in South African
warfaro knows only too well the size of
tho task confronting Tommy Atkins to
day It is not a iiucstiou of a perfect
machine Biniply but of a war god with
hta hands on tho lever Tho price of
Boer defeat if defeat must come which
President Kruger hays will stagger hu
manity is tho bono and blood of the
British soldiery Thu general who pays
out tho price in too heavy doles or gets
too little return for the gory investment
will find liiimelf on a bud of thorns If
Uuller handles tho army of 18U1I as
skillfully as ho did his corps of irregu
lars in 1870 then England him made no
mistake This knight of tho Victoria
cross is tho man for the hour
General Duller is not of tho class
which essays to do all the work of his
command alone but his intimate ac
quaintance with every detail acts as a
check and stimulus to his subordinates
And ho is well and loyally served for
ho has thu knack of getting thu best out
of his men Though his manner seems
cold and even repellent his speech
Bharp and abrupt his brief pithy nieni
orandn caustic and occasionally cruel
yot ho freely forgives for what is bo
hind Intolerant of shams he is never
nnrcnsonnnly hnnl on any one
In 1878 0 General Uuller fought all
over that country which seems destined
to bo tho theater of tho present war
Ho won his Victoria cross lighting
Zulus within a few miles of Majnbu
Hill and Laiugsnukaud iu thuTrauivaal
region His command then was an ir
Ttgnlar body of lioruo made mp of local
companies and iu general character an
swering to tho ideal rough riders Uul
ler and his steed were both noted for
their toughness and endurance Eorbes
tho English correspondent says that
Bullcrs favorite mount was a liddle
headed brindled Hat sided ewe necked
cob named Punch Useless to add after
that description that he was tho ugliest
horse of his day and generation iu all
South Africa
Ho was as valuable ns ho was ugly
and his master often rode him a
ureu nines at a
stretch Tho com
mand which he
led chiefly on fo
rays against the
Zulu kraals and
was according to
Forbes the Btran
gest congeries
imaginable It
consisted he
says of broken
gentlemen o f
rnnagato sailors
oenkuai iiulixk 0f fugitives from
In 1870 justice if the
Benin of South African towns of stolid
Afrikanders of Boers whom the Zulus
had driven from their farms Almost
every nationality was represented
There were a fow Americans soniu
good boiuo bad a Greaser a Chilean
toveral Australians and a couplo of
Canadian voyagers from fcomowhero in
the arctic regions
There were Frenchmen who could
not speak a word of Englibh and Chan
nel islanders whoso patois neither Eng
lishmen nor Frenchmen could under
fctand One and all were volunteers ic
cruited for tho campaign at the pay of
0 shillings n day What added to tho
complication was that the force com-
prised a dozen or more Mibcoinmands
each originally and still to somo extent
u separate and distinct unit- Thoro
were Bakers Horse and DArcyi
stmemmmm rr
HorV mul neddingtons Horso and
Ferreiras Horse and ho on each lxdy
asNerting a certain distinctive inde
The volunteer officers nomo zealous
some cantaiikcious were as regarded
any knowledge of duty for tho most
part quite useless In effect the force
which was reckoned iu numerical
utrength as a brigade was run by two
men - Hedvers Uuller and Hill 13eres
ford Hallers chief of staff Duller was
a silent saturnine bloodthirsty man
as resolute it lighter as overdrew breath
a born leader of men who ruled his
heterogeneous command with n rod of
These droll irregulars Forbes con
tinues never took much pains about
parading Neither smartness nor uni
formity was a desideratum These fel
lows dressed how they liked or rather
perhaps how they could Their only
weapon besides tho levolver a Martini
Henri rllle each man carried as seemed
unto him best provided that he carried
it somehow somewhere about himself
and pony Tho only uniform accouter
uieut was tho bandolier iu which tho
cartridges were carried When they got
ready they mounted When ho found
him a reasonable number of mounted
men tho leader of tho corps Htarted
His fellows filed iu Hies and tho men
who were Into overtook thu detachment
at a canter No man skulked Tho ma
jority wero keen enough for fighting
and thu funkers if there wero any had
to pretend to bo as zealous as their com
The irregulars wero just tho fellows
for advance and rear guard work Tho
Zulus lurked among tho crags of thu
Transvaal hills or in thu ravines of tho
lowlands and were not disturbed by
shells when they had cover But a body
of fleet horsemen thoy knew could cut
them oft and tho moment a detachment
of irregulars appeared heading for
their lairs bands of them would spring
up from tho ground as it seemed and
makoolT to tho rear If a party of Znlus
was surrounded it always ended in a
hand to hand light
Whenever tho English appeared in
force largo enough to sweep the country
tho Zulus would retreat slowly regulat
ing their pace by tho enemys Often
the irregulars broke into a gallop and
Duller had a task to curb them Some
times tho Zulus would run wildly from
thu horsemen but their flight was only
a ruse to draw thu party into ambush
At the proper time the whole plain
would ho alive with armed savages who
had been lying prostrate in tho grass
At other times the Zulus would piac
tico their sinuous maneuvers in plain
11 V vVxf WW V
view of tho Eng
lish If buttlu
was offered they
waited with pa
tience until the
English formed
squares then
thoy attacked
across tho field
swept by artil
lery fire with the
ardor of t h e
stanchest veter
ans If tho Eng
lish had a river
to cross the Zn
lus would not
iwuViW disturb thu
okstuu iiullkii march but look
in ism with
t cyioai
coolness until their antagonists wero
ready for combat
Tho irregulars wero regular in one
Honso they were always on thu scout
It was on one of theso scouts which
really amounted to a raid that Colonel
Duller won his honors by deeds of per
sonal valor His force was sent in ad
vance of General Evelyn Woods column
to clear the Inhlobane mountains of tho
Swazi tribe headed by the noted chief
tain Umbelini Tho mountain was
stormed in true style tho savages rout
ed and their cattle driven oil
After a delay of somo hours to rest
tho troops as history records it but
moro likely to bring tho roaming raid
ers into shape Colonel Duller started to
rejoin tho main column On descending
tho slope an enormous force of Zulus
JO OOOsomo accounts declare were dis
covered across his pathway of retreat
There was nothing to do but to light
for tho right of way Tho tactics weru
those now systematized under the name
of rushes Colonel Duller was too
wise to throw his force headlong upon
tho enemy but by short spurts cleared
gap alter gap and eventually brought
off his force minus the battle casualties
After suveral Bailies tho Zulus wero
up to tho game and made tho pursuit
steady and hot Suddenly tho horso of
Captain DArcy of tho Frontier Light
horso was killed under him Colouel
Duller was a largo man then and quite
load enough for his brindled owe neck
ed cob Punch but ho promptly took tho
dismounted captain up behind him and
carried him forward until ho got an
other mount After a few more rushes
tho Zulus gained on tho fleeing English
and in a skirmish with the foremost
savages Lieutenant Everett of tho Light
horse lost his mount and Colonel Dul
ler took him up behind him as ho had
done Captain DArcy and literally
snatched him from tho assagais of the
The irregulars had been iu saddle all
day riding fighting and destroying
Men and horses alike wero worn out
and in almost the final spurt when the
Zulus wero within 60 yards of the rear
guard with whom tho fighting Duller
leniained the exhausted horreot a com
mon trooper fell and pitched his rider
in heap on the ground Promptly as
in the cases of tho officers Colonel Dul
ler btopped aud helped tho man up to a
place on tho back of his sturdy little
warhorse and saved him from thu uwfnl
fato of dtuth by tho Zulu spears For
thuo three rescues made in action and
with danger to himself Colonel Duller
now wears upon his left breast a little
bronze Maltose cross with tho crowned
lion of Britannia nbovu tho inscription
For Valour Guokqk L Kiumu
Porn Hrichl Mini to Herurn n Sternly Posi
tion tlin Vour Around In Norfolk
mill Vlrlnlly
Dear Editor Wo want a clothing
piilesnian to tnko orders for our mons
custom suits pants
overcoats nnd ulstors in Norfolk and ad
joining towns aud country Any good
bright man especially if lie has had ex
pertonco as a salesniiin iu a store agri
cultural implement house or where hu
has come in contact with people as so
licitor for tailoring insurance nursory
stock or other goods can mako big
money with our lino tho year around
but any good bright man even without
previous experience can mako lo000 n
mouth aud expenses with tho big outfit
wu furnish him nnd tho opportunity
wo glvo hint if hu will devoto his tinio
tt tliti work or if wo can got a good
man in Norfolk whoso tinio is partly
taken up with other work and who can
devoto his spare time to our lino oven if
only an hour or so a day ho will do ex
ceedingly well with our ngonoy Wo
hnvo men in real estate loan legal
lumber grain raihoad express mul
other business who givo thoir spare
time to our line with big results No
experience is absolutely necessary no
capital required Wo furnish a com
plete lino of cloth samples and station
ery have no commission plan no
canvass no catchy con
ditions but oflor a rare opportunity for
hoiuo man in vicinity to secure high
grado employment at big wages
We are tho largest tailors in America
Wo mako to nionmiro over ilOOOOO suits
annually Wo occupy entire ono of tho
largost business blocks in Chicago Wo
refer to thu Corn Exchango Natiounl
bank in Chicago any express or railroad
company in Chicago or any resident of
this city Wo buy our cloth direct from
tho largest European and American
mills we onorato tho most extensivo
and economic custom tailoring plant iu
existence and wo roduco tho prico of
suits and overcoats to
from 5 00 to 1800 mostly 5 00 to
1000 prices so low that nearly every
body will bo glad to have thoir garments
and will giyo our
agont their order
Wo will furnish a good agent a largo
and handsomely bound book containing
largo cloth samples of our entire lino of
suits pantaloons overcoats etc a book
which costs ns several dollars also fine
colored fashion plates tapo measure
business cards stationery advertising
matter and a rubber stamp with nnnio
aud address aud pad complete also an
instruction book which makes it easy
for anyone to take oi tiers and conduct
a profitable business Wo will also
furnish net confidential prico list
Agent can take orders aud send them to
us and wo -will make tho garments
within live days ami mini direct to
agents customer by express O O D
subject to examination aud approval
collect tho agents full selling piico and
every week wo will send the ngeut oui
check for ill his profit Tho ngent need
collect no money aud deliver no goods
simply go on taking orders at a liberal
profit Wo deliver tho goods collect nil
the money nnd every week promptly
send him in one round check his full
profit for tho week aud nearly all our
agents got n check from ns of at least
f 1000 every week of tho year
Wo will mako no charge lor the book
ind coniplote outfit but as tho outfit
costs us several dollars it is necessary to
protect ourselves against anyone who
would imposo upon us by sending for
tho outfit with no intention of working
but merely out of idle curiosity there
fore wo will ask as a guarantee of
good faith on the part of tho reader who
decides to take up thiB work that ho
cut this artiole out and mail to us with
the uuderstandiim that the big book
and complete outfit will bo sent to him
by oxpress ho to pay the express ngeut
100 and express charges for tho outfit
with tho distinct understanding that wo
will refund the 100 as soon as his orders
have amounted to2f 00 which amount
of orders ho can take tho very first day
Dont compare this with any catchy
offers made to get your L00 The
genuinouess of our offer and our reli
ability aro proven by the bank reference
referred to above or you can easily find
out by writing to anyone in Chicago to
call on us
This is a rare chance for somo man in
Norfok or vicinity to take up a work at
once that with reasonable effort on his
part is sure to net him from i00 to
1000 a day from the startnnd we tmst
that from among your many readers we
will bo able to get a fow good representa
tives in Norfolk and adjoining towns
Cut this notice ont and mail to the
American Woolen Mills Co West Side
Enterprise Building Chicago 111 aud
tho book aud agents complete outfit
will bo sent to yon at once you to pay
100 and express charges when received
tho 100 to bo returned to yon when
your orders amount to 25 00
Choice celery at Glissmaus
ItKil Notice
H E Wood non resident defendant
will take uotico that on the 8th day of
November 1800 T C Cannon plaintiff
herein filed his petition iu tho district
court of Mndisou county Nebraska
against said defendant and Elkhorn
Volley bank a corporation Lillio A
Stuurt as executrix of the last will aud
testament of James Stuart deceased
Lillio A Stuart Anna Stuart Lena
Stuart Charles Stuart Mary Stuart
Van Dureu Lewis Addalino Lewis
William Leavittand S W Douol as
guardian of the estate and jierson of lack
sou E Chafe tho object and prayer of
which are to foreclose certain tux liens
against the southwest quarter of south
west quarter of section 1 1 1 in township
twentythree 21 north of rango four
I west of thodth p m in Madison
county Nebraska by virtue of tax sale
certificates tinted November 4th 180
and November 7th 1808 resjiectively
issued by the county treasurer of said
county for tho delinquent taxes levied
and asset Red against saul property for
tho years 1801 and 1807 respectively
and tor subsequent tuxes paid for the
years 1805 1811 and 1808 and a tux
deed tinted February 5 1898 and re
coi tied in tho ofllco of tho county clerk
of said county in Book 27 of Deeds at
pago 105 and plaiutitl prays for a do
ereo that defendants bo required to pay
tho same or t hut said premises muyj bo
sold to satisfy tho nmount found due
with costs interest nnd attorneys fees
and that each and all of the defendants
bo excluded from any and all title
cuum inn or imprest iu or to said pro-
jHjrty or any purt thereof claimed by
I You are required to answer said peti
tion on or boforo tho 1 8th day of Do
cenibor 1800
Dnted November 8 I8SI0
T O Cannon Plaintiff
Dy Mapes fc Haon His Attorneys
IcrhI Not leu
Maria L Avorill dofondont will tako
notice that on tho 1th day of Noveinlxir
1800 T O Cannon plaintiff herein
filed his petition in tho district court of
Madison county Nebraska against
said ilofeudent and D A Ommoruiau
tho objoct and prayer of which aro to
foreclose cortnintnx lions ngaiiiBt tho
northeast quarter of section twenty
three f2l in township twenty four 21
north of range two 2 west of tho 1th
p in in Madison county Nobraska
issued by tho treasurer of said county
tinted Novombor 7th 1802 November
Ith 1805 and November 7th 1808 re
spectively for tho delinquent taxes
luviod and nssosscd against said land for
tho years 1801 1801 and 1807 respective
ly and for subsequent taxes paid for
tho years 1802 1S0II 1805 18011 nnd 1803
autl a tax deed issued therefor dated
February Kith 180 and rocorded in tho
olllco of tho county clerk of said couuty
in Book 25 of Deeds nt pago 250 and
plaintiff prays for a docrco that defend
ants be required to pay tho sanio or
that said premises bo sold to satisfy tho
amount found duo with costs interest
anil attorneys fees
You aro required to answer said peti
tion on or before tho 18th day of Decem
ber 1800
Dated Novombor 1 1800
T O Cannon Plaintiff
By Mapes Hnzeu His Attorneys
HrKl Notice
Catharine Dicey dofendant will tako
notice that on the Ith day of November
1800 T O Cannon plaintiff herein
filed his potitiou iu tho district court of
Madison county Nobraska against said
dofendant tho object and prayer of
which are to foreclose certain tax liens
against thu northeast quarter of tho
northeast quarter of section ten 10 in
township twonty four 21 north of
rango four -1 west of tho ith p m iu
Madison county Nebraska by virtue of
tax sale certificates issued by tho treas
urer of said county dated Novombor 5
1801 and November 1 1807 respectively
for tho delinquent taxes levied and
assessed ngainst said described premises
for tho years ISO and 1805 respectively
and for subsequent taxes paid for tho
years 1801 1S05 1S07 and 10S and a
tax deed issued thorefor dated March ll
1807 and recorded in the ofllco of tho
county cleik of said county in Book 27
of Deeds nt pagu 225 nnd plaintiff
prays for a decree that defendant bo
required to piy tho sanio or that said
premises may bo sold to satisfy the
nmount found duo with costs interest
and attorneys fees
You nro required to answer said peti
tion on or betoro tho 18th day of Decem
ber 1800
Dated November 1 1S00
T O Cannon Plaintiff
By Mapes Huzen His Attorneys
Flowery AVenthcr 1i oillctlonn of th
lullrlIlIirlM of Ioiik Ako
In these lays of practical newspa
per writing in which bald facts are
ex pressed In the plainest and tersest
form the flowery language Indulged
in by some of tho journalists half n
century ago sounds peculiar Tho
following poetic convulsion was copied
by one of the local papers from the
New York Tribune In IS ID as worthy
of a high place iu the newspaper lit
erature of tho day
On Saturday evening at 17 minutes
past 11 oclock the sun rode calmly
anil mildly over tne autumnal equinox
and cast his golden anchor on the win
try coast of autumn Hut as yet tho
vast ocean of air through which he
sails is glowing and transparent with
tho memory of the long summer days
that have passed over it darting their
rich beams to Its very depths Even
as wo wrlto however the remem
brance fatles like the skys blanching
souvenirs of sunset and in the dis
tance the cold ghosts of winter glare
and wave their frozen wings which
creak on icy hinges while in the si
lence of midnight a prophetic voice of
walling autl desolation moans fitfully
nt the casement
Few people can contemplate this
specimen of literary architecture with
out experiencing a feeling of awe and
sadness with a few cold shivers on
the side It Is proof positive that tho
profession has In some things gnlned
by what It has lost Albany Argus
Charles E Olney Jeremiah Olney
and George II Nichols will take notice
that on the 21th day of October 1600
T C Cannon plaintiff herein filed his
petition in the district court of Madison
couuty Nebraska against said defend
ants and John E Olney and Charlotte
E Olney the object nnd prayerof which
are to foreclose certain tax liens against
the following described real estnto sit
uated in Madison county Nebraska to
wit Lot six 0 block one 1 and lots
fifteen 15 aud sixteen 10 block six
of tho town of Norfolk lots twolvo
and thirteen 12 nnd Hi and tho south
132 feet of lots fourteou 1 1 fifteen 15
and sixteeu 10block two 2 lot six I
block three 1 and lots three four
1 nine 0 ten 10 eleven 11
twelve 12 and fourteen 14 in block
four 1 all of Mnthewsons second addi
tion to the town of Norfolk by virtue of
tax sale certificates issued by tho treas
urer of Madison county Nobraska
dated November f 1801 for the taxes
of 1800 1801 1802 nnd lfM and sub
sequent taxes paid by tho plaintiff for
the years 1801 and 1805 nnd a tax deed
issued therefor tinted March lit 1807
and recorded in the ofllco of tho comity
clerk of Mndieon county Nebraska
March li 1807 in Hook 27 of Deeds
page 225 and certificates of tax sale for
taxes 1S00 dated November 1 1807 and
subsequent taxes paid for tho years 1807
and 1808 and plaintiff prnys for a de
cree that defentlants bo required to pay
tho same or thnt Fitid premises may bo
sold to mtisfy tho amount found due
with costs interest and uttornoys fees
and that defendants bo excluded from
any and all title claim lien or interest I
iu or to said property or any part there
of j
You are required to answer said peti
tion on or before the lh day of Decem
ber 1800
Dutttl October 25 1800
T O Cannon Plaintiff
By Mapes Huzen His Attorneys
That one wortl sums up the catas
trophe which closes the active career
of ninny a business mnn Energetic
and ambitious he puts his life into
his business He can barely take
time to eat He cannot rest or take
n vacation And so he toils on
letting business cares encroach upon
his hours of rest nnd refreshment
Extra strain needs extra strength
When n man begins to ntltl to his
hours of labor nnd subtract from his
H 1
title A
g0UR 3850 gf
WSsBfcrSffiliyMvM iu
mm im
WW SflPiifMl pi
i Br fill
hours of rest lie is puttitjg an extra strain on brain nnd lody In such cases
many men make the serious mistake of using stimulating liquors or alcoholic
medicines These can only injure The spur forces on the horse but does
not strengthen him Stimulants arc only spurs The need of the body is
strength and theres only one thing that will make strength nnd that is food
Food is the bodys life Hut food must be digested before it can nourish the
body It is not what wc eat but whnt se digest thnt feeds us Dont neglect
the first warnings of stomach trouble The timely use of Dr Pierces Golden
Medical Discovery which is a medicine for the cure of diseases of the
stomach nnd organs of digestion and nutrition will in ninety eight cases out
of a hundred result in a permanent cure Golden Medical Discovery is
invaluable to overworked men nnd women It strengthens the stomach
increases the blood supply nourishes the nerves and gives vital power to
brain and body
There is no alcohol in Golden Medical Discover It contains no opium
cocaine or other narcotic is strictly a temperance medicine
I wish to express my thanks to you for your wonderful medicine writes Mr
ucorge lotran uogRCti oi netitnont ureenvuie Co 5 C
llox 167 I was almost past work suffering so much from
chronic catnrrh nnd indigestion Your Golden Medical
Discovery wns recommended by a friend I used it for
three months Inst fnll nnd was completely cured of indiges
tion nnd greatly relieved of catarrh for all of which I wish
to thnnk you
Mr IJdwnrd Jncobs of Marengo Crawford Co Indiana
writes After three years of suffering with liver trouble
nnd ninlarin I Rnve up all liopes of ever getting stout again
ntul the last chance was to try yotir medicine I had tried
nil the home doctors nnd received but little relief After
taking three bottles of Dr Pierces
Golden Mcdicnl Discovery and one
vinl of his Pleasant Pellets I am
stout and hearty It is due entirely
to your wonderful medicines
Dr Pierces Pleasant Pellets cure
constipation They do not make the
user dependent on them but can be
dispensed with as soon as the cure is
itt this An
10 ts with
eiiid you our
ii i iii i if inTTnrTwi
I IH r M i HHI II1H1
rUfilrTJ ft t M HI HH
i Ai4i4i
W7y7 w
- -
by rrcleht V O it ruliji vt to cxumlnullnn
ni rlvtlly MitMiiitor cxurtl lift reprvftititril
An Extra Fine High Crado Saddle
nnd the equal of Midillesgoltl ovprwOieie at from
liaytlierrcltrlitnirciit OUR PRICE 38O0
1c llic iMotldvpoilt or ifiTll mid freight
This Saddle is mado on a l55or
16 lnch Genuine Ladosma or
Nelson Heavy Steel Fork
rutrFciiv ceiictii kamhiiii cviimi
TliKi lound or loll cniillf terl lenthircinpiedpttrruiH
or 2I111I1 oxliow bniKS bound abdcblnd Will send touiu
ranllf uulfM othprilc orilrn d
limit 8 Inch ildo liuttliritip 1ut litis I virion tnbtra
extra loni on nenr side IMnch U ImcLlo on otIMdu lituvy
cotton tulstcd Mexican S Inch front cinch luity cnttmi
Letting Hunk clluli connecting ttrai Loop teat teat i111
Jockey all ono pit co
al illutlatril Weight Middle iiliniit HI pound-
imcled for bhtpment If pounds Ht 1 1111 T IS DMA AHUL1
fioo ton mil fcutiVniiiH
CATALOGUE showing a lull line of Cowboy and Rancher
Outfits at the lowest prices ever quoted Address
brkrfi Hocbuck A Co are thorough reliable Editor
I li mfeM84IM MMii
Ex I i wmM I
St ftiKaslsSwMlB If
iMfSmm Iff
A blindness comes to me now and then I have it
now It is queer I can sec your eyes but not your nose
I cant read because some of the letters are blurred dark
spots cover them it is very uncomfortable
I know all about it its DYSPEPSIA Take one
of these it will cure you in ten minutes
What is it
A Ripans Tabule
A ctP of bad health that niPA JJB will not benefit They liantih palp and prolong lira
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