FLORSHEIM MENS SN CORRECT SHAPE GOOD MATERIAL AT RIGHT PRICE Davenport Bros Norfolk Nebraska NORFOLK LODGE NO 97 A 0 U W Moot a in Odd Follows Hall on tho flrpt and third Fridays of inch month Visiting broth ers cordially invitod to nttoinl all our mootiuirs W H Hoffman Financier L 0 llnreolt Be oordor C Uolan llnstnr Workman SIMPSONS CORNER Offico Hardys Coal Offlco Good storage room Two good rooms upstairs one largo sale room down stairs for rent Money to loan on real OEtnto Como and see mo when yon want in surance J E SIMPSON SHOWING Newest Furniture Foromost ideas in depondnblo homo furnish iiiKS thoso that lino up with jour uihlics HuyiiiK from a satisfactory block mm that con tains only most reliable and freshest idcns Bociirimr what ou dusiio anil at tint prico jnu cheerfully jiiy is a pleasure that awaitb jou in our splendid stock A low trend to prices al ways a feature horo -only emphasizes jour in terest Oar Lamps are Great Values W R HOFFMAN Prices for Cash 19 lbs Sugar 100 4 lbs Gold Dust ISo 10 oz Calumet Baking Powder 20o 2 lbs A B O Crackers loo lib Soda 00c Lily Starch 03o 5 gals Oil 70c Yeast 4c 8 for 10c Toilet Soap 8 bars 10c 1 gal Pail Syrup 85o German Coffee 09c Lamp Chimneys each 05c 14 Bars Laundry Soap 25o Wo eell the best Tea and Coffee in tho city Thompsons Cash Grocery FOR FIRST CLASS MERCHANT TAILORINQ SEE MY TAILOR Whore you will have suits well made and trimmed whioh is tho main part of merchant tai loring when they are made to order Call on fly Tailorand have Prices Quoted L J J l I I Tin Weiitliur Conditions of tho weather as recorded for the 24 hours ending at 8 a m to day Maximum temperature 51 Minimum temperature 41 Average 40 Precipitation 01 Total preoipitatiou for month 48 Barometer 2958 Forocast for Nebraska Partly cloudy tonight and Friday Cooler tonight Geo H Spear has sold a half interest in his bar at the Oxuard to Richard Kilmurry who will have charge in the future The Young Mens Christian leaguo has rented a room in the Mast block ami a permauent organization has been nmdo Tho room will bo used for tho comfort and convenience of mon both old and young who havo no place to spend thoir orouitigs and other leisure hours Gilhooloys Reception will bo pro sonted to tho thoatro going peoplo of Norfolk at Marquardts hall on tho oven ing of Decombor 1st Tho weather took a turn for tho bottor today to tho very grout satisfaction of bnildorsand othors whoso duties require them to bo out of doors Mr Wontworth tho elocutionist and impersonator at opera house next Mon day ovoning under tho auspices of tho ladies guild of Trinity church Tho First Nobrabka regiment is to bo reorganized and Captain O A Viekors has boon authorized to recruit company F at Madison Friends of tho Fighting First wish tho movement success and hopo that as many of tho old membors as possiblo will join Tho Gcntlomona Whist club met with Burt Mapos lost ovoning Among tho ploasuros of tho occasion were tho refreshments sorvod to which tho guests did justice Tho matter of perfecting and maintaining a pormanont organization was again doferred until tho next meeting Tho addition to tho Congregational church will bo oponcd this ovoning Tho lndios of tho church havo tho matter in charge aud havo prepared for sonio music and short speeches tho outor tainmout to closo with refreshments Thoso who attond tho church aud thoir friends arojordially invited to bo pres ent Tho Nobraska Tolophono company opened an oflico at Iladar yesterday and is now ready for business thcro Tho linemen will comploto their work to Pierce today and opou an olllco there If tho good weather continues telephonic communication will bo established with Creightou and all other towns along tho lino within tho next week or Fwo The Madison telephone exchange is a sure thing and tho work of putting it in will soon be commenced There was formerly an exchange operated there but on account of insufficient patronage it was abandoned a year or two ago and the instruments romoved Manager Sprecher of tho local oxchango has been at tho county seat soliciting subscribers for several days past and as a result of his work the exchange will be renewed Tho fish car for tho Nebraska fish commission arrived in the city on tho noon train from South B3ud in charge of Adam J Stoup and will remain until this evening when it will proceed west as far as Harrison From hero two cans of fish were sent up the Creigh tou branch for distribution in the streams G W Schwonk secured 84 yearling channel cat fish for his pond also 42 black bass Captain Alfred Gerecko received a number of gold fish The Ladies of tho Maccabees gave a ory successful ball last evening at Mar quardts haH and tho occasion was very much enjoyed by all in attendance There was a largo crowd present and tho entertainment was opened bya drill given by the lodge team under tho efficient direction of Mrs Louise Schwartz captain Tho ball which followed was in every way a pleasant affair the music being furnished by an orchestra of four pieces During tho evening a fine oyster Bupper was served to those who wished it by Mrs Foxworthy at the Bon Ton restaurant Thomas Coyne ono of the pioneers of ONeill colony was found lying in tho road four miles north of ONeill Tues day morning in an unconscious condition An arm was broken tho side of his face considerably bruised and other injuries coupled with tho nights exposure re sulted in bis death shortly before noon Mr Coyne came in from his form about eight miles north of ONeill with a load of potatoes whioh he donated to tho committee having in charge the col lection of a carload of provisions for St James orphans home of Omaha Ho remained in tho city until midnight when ho started for home What bap ppne on tho road is not known as he did not regain consciousness after being found although it is tho general opinion that ho foil from his wagon Mr Coyne wob about 00 years of ago Ho leaves a widow and several children Buy Chase and Sanborns colleo and tea the best in tho laud at Fueslers Remember tho Thanksgiving ball at Marquardts hall Thursday evening November 80 This promises to be ono of the finest dances ever given in tho city and ovoryouo who attonds is as sured a good time O A Richly Manager A lino of fine sausages from Milwau kee at Freythulers Sweot cider at Fueslers Short order moals at tho Bon Ton Telephone No 112 will ring up Dr F Verges residence and offico Wanted Several persons for district office managers in this state to represent mo in their own aud burronudiug counties Willing to pay yearly 000 payble weekly Desirable employment with uuusual opportunities Rofereiices exchanged Enolosa self addressod stamped envelope S A Park 800 Cox ton Building Chicago THE NORFOLK NEWS THURSDAY NOVEMBER 13 1899 W HYMNS ALTAR Two Pleasant Wedding Parties Yesterday PARTIES WELL KNOWN IN N0UT0LK Mis MhsIo Vtfir It mill Swlnllmn ltnyiuitiln mid Mix 1lftilnir mid O M Iliirtiiiiiu IiiIhimI In tho llnlv llnniln of WeilloeU IUm oIwmI lliiliiliiuin fill In Tho homo of Mr and Mrs I 5 Won torvelton South Second street was tho scono of a very pretty wedding yester day when thoir youngest daughter Miss lessio was united in murriugo to Mr Swithen Roynolds Rev G II Main of tho M 15 church olllciated and spoko tho words which unllod tho two young heaits for lifo Tho eouplo woro tho recipients of lunuy valuable presents among whioh wob a chock for 30 presontod by tho parents of tho bride Aftor tho coromony tho guosts con sisting of relatives and friends woro sorvod with n very sumptlous wedding dinner to which duo justico was done Tho brido was very becomingly at tired iu a handsome gown aud was tho cynosure of all oyes Sho has a largo circlo of acquaintances iu Norfolk and nil who know her admire hor for hor becoming modesty and charming man ners Sho was bom on tho farm a mile east of Norfolk on which her parontB nud family resided until quito recently siuco an early day Sho attoudod tho Norfolk public Bchools sinco she became of school ago and graduated from the high school with tho class of i7 Her brother Jeffrey who was proBont at tho wedding is tho youngest and only remaining unmarried child of Mr aud Mrs Westervelt nud tho dato for his nuptinls nro set for next Wednes day with Miss Mildred Terry of Meadpw Grovo who was also present Thus will tho lost two membors of a happy and interesting family drift away from a kindly homo that has boon thoir sholtor Tho parents are valued citizens of Norfolk aud thoy nro responsible for a family of children who aro an honor to society and a credit to thomsolves Mr and Mrs Reynolds will mako thoir future homo in Denver Col for which city thoy will soon leave Tin News joins thoir many friends in hearty congratulations and extends its best wishes for thoir future wel fare Hurt until- Fischer Tho parlors of tho Pacific hotel were tho scene of a most delightful time last evening Tho occasion wns tho mar riage of Mr Clarence M Hartman of Sioux City and Miss Fischer of Norfolk Miss Fisohor belongs to an old and largo Norfolk family and has been identified with tho Pacific as housekeeper for tho paBt ten years Mr Hartman is no less honorably connected with Sioux City The parlors were beautifully decorated with roses carnations aud fern leaves There were about forty guests present including relatives and near friends Mr Frank Sheets of Sioux City acted as best man aud Miss Estolla Hartman as bridesmaid Tho bride was attired in a lovely gown of brocaded white satin and a vail The knot was tied at 9 oclock in Gordiou liko fashion by Rov J J Tof ferios of tho Socond Congregational church Mrs Caulfiold played Mendelsohns wedding march and Miss Nellie Morrow played the Flower Song while the guests were extending thoir congratulations Graham Humphrey acted as ring bearer which he accomplished very gracefully After tho service light refreshments wore served and a most happy time waa spent by all Mr aud Mrs Hartman were tho re cipients of many and valued presents Tho evening festivities woro concluded with an enjoyable dancing party They departed on tho noon train for their uow home in Sioux City where the groom has a homo already prepared for housekeeping Mr Hartman formerly made Norfolk his headquarters when ho held tho posi tion of brakeman on tho C St P M O with a run between hero and Sioux City Ho still holds a like position with tho same company with a run on tho main lino between Sioux City and Omaha Norfolk contains many friends of tho newly united eouplo who will join Thk News in wishing them happiuess Evory lady purchasing 1J0 worth in J tho dry goods dopartmont of tho Fair store next Wednesday will be presented with a beautiful souvenir ring PERSONAL 15 A Bullock had business iu Win side yesterday M J Oesterliug was a passonger for Omaha yesterduy Mr and Mrs Olias Rico went to Omaha this morning Mrs J II Bates and daughter went I fn Ottltlllll ni flin tir fii G F Sprecher went to Pierce this noon on telephone business E R Williams of Corn Lea is visiting his sister Mrs O G Dolon Chester A Fuller was in Madison yesterday on abstract business Mrs F M Hoyer and sou loft this morning for nvisit in Spring Groon Wis consin M I Tyler has gono to ICoarnoy to nttond n session of the district court nt that placo Mr and Mrs Frank Sheets came over from Sioux City to attond tho lliirhunu Fisuhor wodding V P Kvaiis who will hoon start a paper at Meadow Grovo wns a city visitor yesterday Mis Kstolln lliirtiuan came over from Sioux City yoslenlay to attond lie wed ding of her brother ludgol R Hirnes wont to Hurting ton to attend district court which is iu session nt that place Mrs 1 II Dingnitin of South Norfolk has returned from a islt of throe weeks to friends in Webster City Iowa Mrs Albert Dingmau aud daughter Mlnnio of Council Bluffs Iowa are visiting at tho homo of J 11 Dingmau D M Collins general agent of tho Union Pacific at Sioux City was in town this morning looking after rail road business Arthur I Wright of Newton Iowa Hpocial ngont of tho Northwestern National Insurance company is iu tho city on business Moses Mihills brother of O came in hiBt night from Argentine Kansas Ho has boon witli tho Walter Main circus all suinmor and traveled through the southern section of tho country as tar west as California MiBB Lucy Williams iH expected homo tomorrow from her trip through tho stato in tho interest of the Omaha Illus trated Boo during which sho has visited all tho leading public schools fur the purposo of writing them up She will bo accompanied by her niece Holon Sproohor who has boon visiting her grandmother iu Omaha for tho past six weoks Sturgoou is tho piano man Froythalor Iiiib recoived some oxtra fino oidor direct frpjn Sandusky Ohio Farm land and city property for salo by G R Soilor Dr Frank Saltor Diseases of children Box can suit you on colloo Houses for sale T E Odiobnk Buy all your groconos of Box and got tho best Fresh lottuco at Fuoslors Woman SullriiglHt Hull NourOLK Nov 22 09 Tho Womans Suffragist convention closed nftor two days of faithful work Rov Ida Hilton gavo two lectures on Why Women Should Imvo Equal Rights with Mon which was forciblo aud convincing to ovory boliovor of tho golden rule An organization followed aftor tho lecture of a Womans Suffragist club A few of tho most important oHloors were chosen Prosidont Mrs Howard Rowo vico prosidont R A Stewart recording and corresponding secretary Mrs O A Alexander tresurer Mrs Sarah Snoll Tho first meeting is called at Mrs Howard Rowo sou Eighth Btroet All interested in tho movement aro cor dially invited to attend all meetings Mas O A Alexander Secy Board by day or weok at tho Bon Ton Fresh oysters iu any stylo at tho Bon Ton Fino homo honey at Freythalers Farm and city loans The Dukland Trust Co Fok Sale My residonce Inquire of Morris Mayer Special Cheap KxcuniloiiH to Hot MprinuM South Dakota On November 21 and Decomber fi and 19 excursion tickots will bo sold over tho F E M V railroad at ono fare plus 2 00 for tho round trip good to return within 10 days from dato of sule H O Matkai Agent Ho plays well that wins Hoods Sarsaparilla wins tb victory over disease bocuuso it possess gonuino curative power Hoods Pills Are prepared from Na tures mild laxatives and while gentle are reliable and efficient They Rouse the Liver Cure Sick Headadhe Bil iousness Sour Stomach and Constipation Sold everyythere 25c per box lrcjarcduyCInoodcoLowell1BIas9 m U HARDY always keeps iu stock all tho best grades of 0 HARD AND SOFT Coal in all sizes All coal screened aud delivered promptly Satisfaction guar A anteed Yards east of U P depot TELEPHONE NO 35 Uptown 0fflce4th St RoseBud Cream If Is a toilet requisite IndispeiiHiblo fcr chapped hands faoo or lips or any roughness of the slin For removing tan and rreekles It has no equal Hose Mud Cream con tains no Injurious chemicals but iu a pure preparation for toilet use Prescriptions I reset pi ions carefully compounded by competent plinrnm cislH All our drugs are absolutely pure and wo assure patrons who hiing prosciiptioiiH tn our Ht 01 e that prices are ory tiindointo CEO B CHRISTOPH A DAY OF OPPORTUNITIES May tdini inio ono of rojn is Thai won occur if you Initio with us Wo aro now showing Big Bargains in Capes and Jackets and you might as well have the very newest creations as not Kvery Gar ment is Now and wo nro offering as tempting values us we know how and that moans we can interest you nud make it pay you to seo what we nro showing Special Prices on all Dress Goods THE DRY GOODS PLACE 7k F A HUSTON Robertson Blk Norfolk Neb Prepare For Winter By Purchasing- a Radiant Homo Burner a Gorman Heator nIColosIOriginal Hot Blast or a New Riverside Oak For firo kooping qualities and for dura bility tho Rivorsido Oak is htrictly in it Riverside Cooks and Rauges aro tho best Seo our fino Quick Meal Steel Range an ornamont to to tho kitchen- aud a cure for indigestion and a promotor of happiness For salo at Degners Hardware Store BABIES WHEATLING FOR CRY AND BREAD MADE FROM BON TON FLOUR Have You Tried Them SUGAR CITY CEREAL MILLS The Norfolk Cash Store HAS A rOMPIETH MNKOF Gents Furnishing Goods Boots and Shoes Hats Caps Overcoats Quecnsware Glassware 1 1 Call and seo tho nice DINNER SETS offered at low prices Prices guaranteed tho lowest Groceries a specialty Best Brands of Flonr Highest prico paid for Butter and Eggs Come and leave your orders and they will bo well taken care of and delivered r1 A Q BOHNERT Proprietor PWWftlflMlMM S FUESLER Staple and Fancy Groceries Fruits and Vegetables in Season Fresh Bread Pies Cakes etc Constantly on hand- Norfolk I N A HA IN HOLT President ALKXANDKK HKAU Vice lreelcleot W 11 HUCIIOLZ Cftdhlor K WZUTZ AeiisUutCaahler National Bank OLDEST ESTABLISHED BANKING BUSINESS IN NORTHEAST NEBRASKA Capital 10000000 Surplus 2000000 Does a General Banking Business Buys and Soils Exohange Interest Paid on Tlrao Deposits Drafts and Money Orders Sold on any Point in Europe A General Steamship and Foreign Passage Business Transacted DIBHOTOBB A IHUH F P IUNLON F J IULK W H BDCHOJ Z WSC ZOT NA BA1NB01VT JOHN B HAYS F VKBHEa 8 8 COTTON